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HOLYWELL PARISH COUNCIL. The last meeting of the above Council for the year 1896-97 took place at the Bagillt Board Schools, on Tuesday evening, when there were {resent—Messrs Robert Foulkes (chairman), jeigh Howell, Edwin Roberts, Thomas Jones, Thos. 0. Griffiths, Walter Horrobin, Joseph Williams, William Dav es, Daniel Jones, Urias Bromley and J. LI. Williams clerk—Mr John Marsden. GENERAL UPSET OF ARRANGEMENTS. The Clerk explained in a formal manner why the arrangements made by the Council at the last meeting for the holding of the Ward meet- ings were not carried out, owing to the receipt of the order of the Local Government Board ro- arranging the rural parish of llolywell. The meeting thit evening was held for the purpose of closing the accounts of tha Council for the past year.- Mr Horrobin: Why have we been called ? Are we going to die ?—The Chair- man Yes. You are going to die and be resurrected in another Council under different I arrangements. BAGILLT LIGHTING BUSINESS. The minutes of the Bagillt Lighting Com- mittee of the 2nd ult, stated that the bill for the removing of the New Brighton and Gadlys Lane gas lams were passed for payment. Owing to the precept for 1120 being insufficient to meet the liabilities of the year, augmented by outstanding accounts of the late lighting authority it was decided to request the Overseers to advance the amount required £8 Is. lOd. It was decided to request Mr Chamberlain, mana- ?;er of the Gas Works, not to fix the incandescent ights as arranged until further directions were given. At a subsequent meeting of the com- mittee it was reported that the Overeeers had granted the amount required. It was resolved that the Lighting Committee ask fer EI30 for lighting, at the annual lighting meeting to be held on the 13th inst., at Bagillt Board Schools. THE BOOT FOOTPATH. A communication was received from the Clerk of the Rural District Council in reference to the above matter, to the effect that in the event of any obstruction being placed to prevent I the public right of way, that action would be taken by the Council, or that in the event of cause of action being created the Council would appear in such proceedings -Mr Edwin Roberts said the Rural District Council deserved the thanks of the public and the Council for their action in the matter. VICTORIA HALL. A letter was read from the Local Government Board stating in reply to an inquiry made at the request of the Council, that it was not obligatory to hold a parish meeting in a schoolroom. It may be held in some other room if convenient. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING. In reply to the Clerk as to the holding of the annual parish meeting, the Local Government Board wrote stating that it would not be necessary that there should be an annual assembly of the existing or either of the new parishes this year. THE COUNTY COUNCIL AND THE NEW ARRANGE- MENT OF THE PARISH. A letter was received from the County Council stating that if it was desired to re-establish wards application should be made by formal resolution of the Parish Council, embodying the proposals. -Mr J. Ll. Williams proposed that application be made for the re-establishment of wards Mr Thos. 0. Griffiths seconded the proposition. -Mr Bromley advocated delaying the passing of the resolution until after the election. If the election did not turn out consistent with common sense and decency on the part of the electors he should strongly support an application for Greenfield being formed into a separate parish. They were not fairly treated in Greenfield; the spirit of self was somewhat dominant in Bagillt. —The Chairman: You have not found it so until lately.—Mr Bromley: There are several incidents that couid be named. The Bagillt members are very like Welsh sheep—(laughter) —they flock and go together. He moved as an amendment that the matter be left in abeyance until after the new Council was elected. If the Greenfield district was not treated fairly then they would move inside or outside the Council for independence. Greenfield was nut much less in population and the rateable value was but slightly below Bagillt. Greenfield had eiftns of advancement and renewed prosperity he could not unfortunately speak so hopefully of Bagillt.—The Cleik pointed out that the meeting being special no notices of motion had been submitted. He suggesled that the recommendation to apply for wards be passed and not the resolution to apply.—Mr E. Roberts seconded the amendment.—Mr W. Davies supported the amendment and said he considered that Greenfield had been insulted by the action of transferring their representative to the new parish of Brynford. It was taking advantage of their representative's unfortunate absence through illness, He was sure that the proposer of the resolution was in harmony with the amendment.—Mr J, Ll. Williams: Exactly, and I withdraw the proposition. Mr Griffiths agreed, and the amendment being put as a substantive motion, was carried.—The Chairman said he did not think it fair or just that any Councillor should direct a charge of selfishness against the Bagillt members. If a particular few were the cause of an election, it should not be sufficient to condemn the whole.—Mr Bromley: I will withdraw the word I-, mblfish and only apply it to those who are selfish- whose heads fit "the cap of selfishness" (laughter). FINANCE. The statement of accounts for the past year was submitted by the Clerk. The Council started with a balance of 15s. 2d.; a precept was issued for £ 50, and £1 Is. Od. was received in respect of the diversion of the Strand Road, The Bagillt lighting precept was £128 9s. 7d., making a total receipt of £ 180 15s. 9d. The expenses for all purposes amounted to £ 170 5s. 9d leaving a balance in hand of 110 10s. Od. The balance was strictly Parish Council money, and had no connection with the lighting account. The expenditure of the Parish Council was between JE8 and S9 during the year. REGISTRATION. Mr Edwin Boberts called attention to the attendance of the Registrar of Births and Deaths at Bagillt, and suggested that a notification of the day and hour of attendance should be published.—The Clerk was directed to attend to the matter. THE ATTENDANCE OF COUNCILLORS. The list of attendances of the Councillors during the past year was submitted. There had been 18 meetings of the Council and the attendances were :—Messrs U. Bromley, 9; W. Davies, 12; Thos. C. Griffiths, 17: R. Foulkes, 18; Leigh Howell, 13; Thos. Hughes, 15; W. Horrobin, 17; T. Humphreys, 16; Daniel Jones, 14 Thos Jones, 18 P. Jones, 4 A. Langdon, 3 (elected in Nouember last); E. Roberrs, 18; A. Thomas (deceased) 8; J. Ll. Williams, 18 Joseph Williams, 15. THE PETITION FOR THE GREENFIELD BRIDGE. FANCIED SLIGHTED DIGNITY. Mr Wm. Davies at ths commencement of the meeting called attention to a meeting held on Monday evening at the Victoria Hall, Green- field, in roforeace to a peti'ion for a bridge over the railway to the Greenfield Wharf, which meeting he adeged should have been a parish meeting, and was a slight upon the Parish Council. The matter was deferred to the close of the meeting on the suggestion of Mr J. Ll. Williams, in the hope that Mr T. Hughes would attend.—The renewed debate was opened by the Chairman explaining that he received a circular, but feeling that he should be ignoring his rights for a parish meeting, he did not attend. —Mr W. Davies said the rights of the Parish Council had been taken in hand by one of the representatives of the Council. It was called a meeting of the Greenfield Lighting Inspectors, the owners of property, and all ratepayers, to discuss and sign a petition for a bridge across the railway. He could quite understand it to be a meeting of ratepayers if the notices had been issued by posters, but by circulars he could not. He believed the Council should stand up for its rights,—Mr Bromley said he was sorry if anything that had been done in con- nection with that petition for the bridge was in an irregular manner. He attended the meeting simply from the fact that he felt that it was im- portant, if possible, that a bridge of a certain character should be erected over the railway. Ho did think that it would have been better had that meeting been called by the Chairman of the Parish Counoil —it would have given it more force. How the meeting arose he was unable to form an opinion beyond the fact that there seemed to have been a good deal of hurry to get up the petition. The project was generally supported by gentlemen who in the course of their business uped the level crossing to a considerable extent, and they approved of a bridge with an ascent of one in thirty which was petitioned for. He would rather propose that they give the petition their countenance and support.— Mr Thos. C. Griffiths seconded the proposition.-It was also passed that in the event of evidence being required as to the necessity for the bridge that the Caairman be delegated to give such evidenoe. A BOUND OF COMPLIMENTS. V Mr J. Ll. William, proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman for the courteous and straightforward conduct he exercieed in carrying out the duties of the chair during the past year.—Mr Bromley seconded the proposition which was carried unanimously and responded to by the Chairman, who acknowledged the assistance given by the whole Council and by the Clerk. The Council had during the year been able to perform a certain amount of work which was to the interest of the parish. In Bagillt, much had been done, particularly in regard to the transfer of the lighting authority water supplies had been attended to and public rights had been maintained. The expenditure by the Council had bean very small ard they wers able to hand over a considerable balance to the next year. He hoped to see all the old members returned at the forthcoming election, his only regret was the absence of the Brynford Ward members. Mr J. LI. Williams had been a useful member and he trusted that he would beoefh by the training he received at the Parish Council and be able to put his experience and knowledge to good e in the performance of public duties (hear, hear).—Mr E. Roberta proposed a vote of thanks to the Vice-chairman (Mr Thomas Jones), who was also the Chairman of the Bagillt Lighting Committee.—Mr W. Horrobin seconded the proposition, which was carried.—Mr Jones briefly responded.—A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Clerk (Mr John Marsden), for the able performance of his duties, on the proposition of Mr Thos. 0. Griffiths seconded by Mr Horrobin, and carried unanimously.





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