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LXM B E R T' s FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. :o: ■ — WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. ■ :o: POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. :0:- OMNIBTJS P, SIEET ALL TRAINS. • :o:—■ London and North-Western Railway Parcels Agent. BESTJ BEHS01'8 11 WATCH E8. Guaranteed for Accuracy, Durability, Strength, and Value. Thousands of Testimonials have been received. BENSON'S BBHSOH'S EngUsh Keyless English LeYer "LUDGATE" WATCH BANK WATCH. lN USE Free, OLD A'XD JEWELLEHY TAKEN I All Goods ot Approved will be Cheapest, Strongest and most Durable London A pood Knockabout Watch for rough wear at a made THREE-QUAIITER PLATE ever sold. low price. Best. London made, Three-Qnarter Plate An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Rubies, Chrono- Enylixh Lever, L;-tr;'e, Curommeter Balance, Jewelled meter Balance, Patent Large Barrel, and Damp and 1ll Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. Dust Proof Ring Band. Price £ 5 Gs, An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than any Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength Kevless "Watch sold for £ 10. and Value of, any £ 5 5s Wat- h made. In Sterling r*rfe £ 5 ia Estra strength, Sterling Silver, Crystal Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glass. G1<IS-J CAS„S Made in Four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 6s.No. 1, „ Gentlemen & Youths (as illustrated); No. 2, \Yorkiir: RLNSOIn j F.I'iOAGEiJENT RINGS, in Half- Men; No. 3, Railway Men and Minors :J La lu Hoop, Marquisa, Gipsev and all other designs, In massive 18-et. Gold Cases, with Or r d Glass set with Brilliants, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, Sap- Gentlemen's size, 4312 12s. Lady's size, 4510 IOs. iih'rcs, Opals. Tunjnaise, &■-•< &c.,or in plain gold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sont- p' si ii e. and at my risk, to a!l parts of the World on receipt of Draft. Cash, or P.O.O.. navable G.P.O. CBHD FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from C2 2?. to £ 500. CLOCKS, CHAINS, o ENGAGEMENT EtXGS, BROOCHES. PLAT. & •„ A- R ml fro on apnliearion to JW Hl^WTPiflFr > ^TC^KiKSa and JEWELLER TO • « yUSEN and ROYAL FAMILY. Steam Factory; 32 HILL, » i And 28, ROYAL E CHANTS. I ,(1., ond 25, OLD B S IRiSST, W., LONDON. WATCH, &c., CLUBS. Applications for agencies invited. Easy system, no risk. OURE FOB ALL III MuiuiudBiaiMitflaiii ?; I L Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. For Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, >•- And Sold by all Medicine Vendori throughout the World. S.D.-Advice Gratis, at the above addresB, daily, between the houn of 11 aad 4, or by letter. A. SCHWA-RZ, 1 CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOJ YWELL. o EGS to announce that after the ENLARGE Ð MEtfT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been eaabledto greatlyincrease hisStock. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLER KE Pl IN STOCK Clocks and Watch esofalllescription s: x hand HANDSOME-SELECTION OF BLIMOTRO-PLATED ARTICLES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPIIBNDID ASSORTMENT OF Guinea Gold Wedding and Keeper Rtngs. A present given with each ring bought. A privateroom to select in. DBALHB IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. STBIOTTT I AUYSOMFBOMIF5TO £ 1000 F~STBIOTLY PBIVATK ADVANOED ON EXOBP- ) PBIVATH ADVA^OBS. I TIONALLY EASY TERKS. ADVANCBS. MRs. D. BEHRMAN, 16, OITY ROAD, CHESTER, HAVING a Large Amount Uninvested Capital 18 wishful to Lend same in sums of £ 5 to £ 1000 to any Respectable PERAON {Maie OR Female) on their own NOTE OF HAND, without delay, law costs, or any ^mPertinentlnquiries at interest highly beneficial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, habttual borrowers arerequested notto apply. No good application is ever refused, and distance no object, a gentleman being sent direct from the office o carry out all advances. Apply in confidenoe to the Actual Lender. NMI P. BEHRHAtf, 16, vtii S;AB, SiiaW UNext. to "h'1tr, I *MAZZA T UPIRM Fm P P S'S OBATETTO—^JOMPORTnTQ. COCOA BOHIHO WATB. OR ZEMW E ADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS. SUFFERED AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS, TRADE'S "DILLS. 80, Randal Street, Bridge Road Battersea, S."W., TRADE'S "DILLS. January 27th, I8M. A Dear Sir,—I feel it my duty TRADE'S UILLS. to write and give you great praise for introducing auoh a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills. Having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 80 YEARS. I can truly say I have never had anything to relive my pain so quiokly"all your Pills. I used to lay in bed for tw rvrrerr! monthB at a time> *>ut now I not only got relie (4-° U X in a few hours but am able t work in than a week t U RHEUMATISM, comp'aint is the worst of a AV Gouts, called Chalk (tout.- OOUT Yours truly W. LITTLB/OHN: RHEUMATISM. "Mr. G.Eade." E ADE's DOUT & JjHEUMATIO pILLS Prepared only bv George Eade 72,Goswell-road London, E,C. Soldbv aIl Chemititisin Bottles, I s. lid. and 2s. 94. E ADE's GOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION. is E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS PILLS. They quickly remove the irritation and feverish state or the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIVER, relieve the system of allimpurities, which, by circulating in ?lood' injuriously affect the action of the KIDXSTS, a £ 1f "7 removing the cauaes of so much discomfort .restore he vital energies of bod y and mind. JADE'S ^NTIBILIOUS pILLS. ^.9^4 all Ch«m{at8, in Boxes, 18: lid. and iø. 9cl., ar mailed free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE EADE 72, GOSWBH. ROAD, LOSDOK, E.G. JSAVJS JjJADITf AfiTIBILIOUS pILLS. KING'S HEAD HOTEL, ROL YWELL. -:0. ■ ■■ T. H E LEA DIN G FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. :o:» ■ ■ HEADQUARTERS OF THE CYCLIST'S UNION. :0: THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAIN3 AT HOLYWELL STATION MB B ■■ ]HH HB H k ▼ j ■ — iR i i I Lay Preacher, of Bracebridge, Lincoln, writes :—" Awhile ago I was taken seriously H | ill and suffered most severely from pain in the stomach arising from Hg I iMmessTioM", i I I summoned my Doctor, bus no failsi fo give any rolief. A friend strongly advised me to try jggjl PAGE fliflOiiSIC'S If IMS FELLS. 1 I did so, and a mist remarkable change for the better took place. I thought Sfi| I was marked for dc:vih, but-^I have been brought from death to life. I have been |g|] All Suffersrs from INDIGESTION. LPfFR COMPLAINTS, m BILIOUSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, SPASMS, &c., should avail M themselves of this most excellent medicine. H All Medicine Vendors 1/1J & 2/9. Post free for Price from WOODCOQg, UBTOOIJg, BB gg, Uniform with the People's Edition of Cass ell's Illus- trated History of England A People's Edition, IN WEEKLY NUMBERS, price 6d., each containing 96 Quarto Pages, Old and New > London (INCLUDING "Greater London"), JRevised and brought up to date, TO BE COMPLETED IN 60 Weekly Parts at 6d. Part 1, price 6d., includes a Large COLOURED MAP OF LONDON, which alone is worth more than the price charged for the Number. THIS magnificent work, containing nearly 5,000 QUARTO PAGES and over 1,000 ILLUSTRATIONS, is now being placed within reach of the public for less than half the price for which it has hitherto been obtainable. The Map given away with Part 1 has been brought up to the present date as far as practic- able (scale, four inches to the mile), and shows clearly the Squares, and Gardens, Streets, Railway Stations, Tramways and Omnibus Routes, Parks, Public Buildings, Churches and Chapels, Board Schools, Theatres, County and Police Courts, Boundaries and Postal Districts, etc., of the Metro- polis. Important Notice. A POPULAR EDITION of the Celebrated Work, entitled Familiar Wild Flowers, BY F. E. HULME, F.LS., F.S.A., Will be published in Monthly Parts at 6d. Part 1 ready Feb. 25. (To be completed in 21 Parts.) t. This Work, hitherto issued in 100 Parts at 6d., will now be obtainable in 21 Parts, or one-fifth of its former cost. it. The Plates are being specially repro- duced for this Edition. 3. There will be 10 Beautiful Coloured Platesand40 Pages of Text in every Part IN VIEW Of THE IMMENSE DEMAND Vtt issue, orders should at once be registered for PART I at the Booksellers', to ensure securing a copy on the day of publication. Prospectuses, giving full particulars, may Be had at the Boo e e or post free from the Publishers. MANCHESTER FIRE ASbURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED, 1824 CAPITAL £ 2,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CHAIBKAN: 0. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., DBPUTY CQAIBXAR imair OB- 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGER AND SEORETAET. BBAJTCH OFFICB- MANOHHSTBB CHAMBKBS, 28, REGENT STBBBT, WBEXHA*. M. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SBOBBTABT THE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only and all Resources and Funds are available for Fire Claims. Surveys are made and 1 ates quoted for all descrip tions of risks free of charge. Application for Agencies are invited. L CasseU's Magazines* MONTHLY, 6iL The Quiver. 112 Pages, MONTHLY, 6d, Cassell's Magazine. MONTHLY, 6d. « Little Folks. c MONTHLY, s. 4d. The Magazine of Art. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. Cassell's Saturday Journal. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. CHUMS: The Paper for Boys. WEEKLY, d.; MONTHLY, 6d. WORK: for all Mechanics. WEEKLY, ld.; MONTHLY, 6d. Building World. JUST COMMENCED, Monthly, price 6d. BISHOP ELLICOTT'S Bible Commentary for English Readers. Embracing the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS. (To be completed in 36 Parts.) This work has been written by some of the most eminent Biblical scholars, under the supervision of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. New Serials. MONTHLY, 7d. The Church of England: A History for the People. By the Very Rev. H. D. M. SPENCE, D.D., Dean of Gloucester. Profusely Illustrated. MONTHLY, 6(l. Cassell's Dor6 Gallery. Containing 250 of the finest Drawings of GUSTAVE DORE, MONTHLY, SU. Cassell's Illustrated Bunyan. With 200 Original Illustrations. MONTHLY, Cassell's Family Lawyer. By A BAR- RISTER-AT-LAW. MONTHLY, OIL. Electricity in the Service of Man. With upwards of 950 Illustrations, WEFKXV, 6d. Cassell's Technical Educator. Each Part contains 96 Pages of Text and Illustrations. Cassell's Classified Catalogue, containing particulars of upwards of ONE TIIOtJSANDVdLUMBS published by Messrs. CASSELI. & COMPANY, ranging in price from 0 Threepence to Fifty Guineas, will be sent on request, toftfree, tv any uddress. f' CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, London, GARNER AND SON, HOLYWELL. ST. WINEFRIDE'S WELSH FLANNEL IN WHITE, CREAM, SCARLET, NATURAL AND CORAL. ""»ro: PRICES FROM 5tD. To 2s. PER YARD. —— :o: For Charitable and Household purposes. o: — PATTERNS POST FREE ON APPLICATION. RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT GEORGE RAGGETT AND SONS, LONDON. -:0:- "EnrfJSS iLrf,Srm'5 £ 4e'1 bsr msior"5' of the Medical Profession throughout the itl %r "S, °ntmental Physicians, at the finest procurable, and its supply te Her Majesty the Queen is in itself eminent testimony of its quality. :o: RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Its reputation has been maintained by a due regard to Quality, which is considered of greater beueat to the consumer than the use of inferior goods at a less cist -:0:- IMITATION OF TRADE TITLE. The Public are cautioned that the word NOURISHING » is being used on the Labels" of cheap Bottled Beers of very low quality. "POSTAGF^TA^fpi'fr&TA S i8J?ie £ -ded' ifcis absolutely necessary to see that the as the sfgnftufef ~TAMDE MARK, m red, appears upon every Label, as well -:0:- Extract from a letter from the Purveyors to Her Majesty the Queen, Balmoral. "Her Majesty the Queen wishes for RAGGETT'S NOURISHING Srour may we a k you to send us a Case by Steamer leaving London for Aberdeen on Wednesday next." -.0;- Sole Consignees and Bottling Agents for FLINTSHIRE AND DENBIGBSHIRE- BIRD AND SON, WiNE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PANTASAPH, Near HOLYWELL, N.W. :o:- Raggett's Nourishing Sout and Golden Hop Pale Ale. IJALF-RINTS 2S, tJd. PER DQZKN. :0:- t N.B.—Deliveries by Cart within 6 miles, an} Carriage of 6 dozen Case, paid by Rail 0, PREPARED BcLiE MANURES, PREPARED BO):'} MAl\1URES, FOR ROOTS, CORN AND GRASS; ALSO, SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. -.0"- OFFICES:—CARR'S LANE, BIRMINGHAM. WORKS SALTNEY, CHESTER -:(. Revised List, with particulars of Prize.- fcr Roots offered-in 1897, post free. AG.SNTB Mr Robert Richards, Pensara, Llanbedr. Mr MT. Griffiths CrossKevs Chirk Mr J. J Bancroft, Glasfyrn Ruthin. William P. Jones! Ironmonger? Mold. Mr Godfrey Parry, Carr0g, (j0rwea. Mr ThoS. Boff.y, Brereton, Sandbach. Mr Joseph liloyd, Miller, St, Asaph. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. I FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDER BUCH AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION. CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD' Beecham's Cough Pills, For COUGHS ASTHMA. and a CHEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes, 9jd., Is. lid., and 2s. 9d. each. Seecham's Tooth Paste, EFFIOAOIOUS, ECONOMIC AT., CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH In Collapsible Tubes, lB. each. Prepared only by the Propriett g-, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helenp, Lancashire OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND PATENT MEDICINB DBALEES EVEEIWHEEE. I a 0 N EY LENT PRIVATELY by the A CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered S BEDFORD-STREET, CHARIFG CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Aspfts £ 612,475 1S 2 Liabilities 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve. X303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note a f ,JIlows:- ld\ ance £ 25—12 month 13 repaymente of £ 2 6 11 50 '< 4 11 8 CI 100 9 3 4 Larger araounttthc same in proportioc. LOANS of L30 to Li,000 granted at a few hour's notict in town or country, male orfemale, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, croj-s, &-c., without removal, and to assist rersons into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 yf-ars. Distance no object. Eaiy repaymentt Strictly private. Cali or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knnwitg this Bank, and you will at ooce find out you arttreatiog with sn old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank Having larue capital do business cheapei than others. No good loan ever refused. TVVO-AND-A-HALF PER CET. INTEREST al'0 £ i? ^rpn,mv-Urr: D'( lr bl> balances of CUR- RENT ACCOUNT^ wheu iot drawn below £ 20 Depoxitt of £ i0 and upwards received at 3 per cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notire. oabjeetto 3 months' notiet of withdraw al i 4 per cenl 6 6 co "12 6 •• Interesl paid quarter!} free of IncomeTax. Depositors have no liability whatever, and are mply secured. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manage-,