

ilxrttas. /CARDIFF AND BORDEAUX /E77w\rV The CARDIFF. STEAMSHIP M»HH«Lrif>MPANV'S FIRST-CLASS SCREW STEAMERS will«ailas follows, circuw- Wam-es permitting; — UORDOGNIS ..Cardiff for Bordeaux Apr. 2~ &ARONNE. Bordeaux for Cardiff Apr. 25 "With goods and passengers. for Rates of Freight, "ifec., apply to Mr A. G.Todd, "ent, 31, Quai des Chart-rons, Bordeaux and to W. R. COBFIELD, Telegraphic address, Facchange, Cardiff. Welcombe." CUNA1U) LINE. .FIVE <fc A TBIRW DAY PASSAGES. ifflfcnoyAL MAIL STEAMERS £ _%> FROM,' LIVERPOOL CALLING AT,' QUEEN8TOWN. FOU Nisw YORK. ion BOSTON. OMBKIA .Sat., Apr. 271 PAVONIA ..Th., Apr. 25 tTJCANIA ..Sat., May 4 SCYTHSA Tii, 2 ETRURIA ..Sat.. May II | CEPHA.LONIA ..May 9 SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATION/at moderate lares for FIRST and SECONJ) Class Passengers; alse through to CHINA, JAPAN, NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA. Steerage Passengers to all pai ls jo £ America and Canada at low rates; those by Boston Steamers ™>oked to New York without extra/charge. CUNARD STEAMSHIP OOMPAN Y, LIMITED 8, Water-street Liverpool. Ol TO THl"H AGKWTS, Qel John Davies, 9, Edward-place, Crockherbtown L'ardiff W. ,T. Trounce, But i Docks, Cardiff Messrs C. Howe and Co., Cardiff J>. S. Thomas, School- J^sker, I.landovery; D. 1'. l)avies, 52, IHigli-street, jjsrthyr W. 51. Locke, 3, Commercial-street, New- P>rfc J. Roberts, Pontypridd VV. Hancock, 1185 2^f>r A M R [CAN L IKE. Ip'f&rft, .SOUTHAMPTON-NKW YORK :ŒItVICK LJNITEH STATICS^MAIL STEAMERS: •SOU TH A M PTON TO NEW YORK DIRECT, Every SATURDAY. r, Highest Clrtss of accommodation for Saloon, Second "<\ll1n Passengers. teemge outfit flee. LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICE. Every WEDNESDAY. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA, Calling; at Qusenslown every Thursday. .Steerage outfit iree. Passengers and Goods are at Phiiadelt)hia on the Wharf of the Penn- Railroad, which has the .Shortest and most lrect Route to all places in the Western States. 1016 f Apply to Richaju.son, Syence & Co., Southampton or ™lTerpool or to S. J. Davies, 9, Edwards-pJ., Queen • T. C. lfoive <S) Co., 31, Mount Stuart-sq.; C. J. Cud- i'Pp, Castle-:d., Cardi'.f Mason and Co., 2, Mount-st., JL^usea Austii* and Hiicocks, Swansea T. H. Austin, j.^Ui-voad, Lan'-lore; J>. S. Thomas, British School,. « "J-'ldovery \V..Hancock, Dowiiing-st., & J. L. Bower), i?*6field, Uai-elly; H. Lewis, Bridge-st., Neath; t,' *'• Jones, 23,, Briton Fen y J. Roberts, J, ntypridd D. T. Davies, Merthyr Rees Bevan, 72. SS^ah-street, iPorth D..1' Evans, Merthyr M. D. Tyce, 54,Hsgh-r;t, Ferndale; A. Tilney,SteamSaw Mills, jj^Hillory A. 11. Thomas, Blaina: A. Davies, 1, Queeii- Pontlottyn W, Ii. Hitchings, Aberkenlig J. ii!2^>as, Trsdesar ;,1. D. Thomas,Seven.Sisters, Neath. J>AL(MiAVjC, MURPiiy & J,INE OF STUAMJSRS. SWANS1CA TO HAMBURG ^1'1'Y OF CADI/Oaptain Connor CITY OF DORTMUND .Captain Codd OF CADI/Oaptain Connor CITY OF DORTMUND .Captain Codd LIXY OF OPOR'l'O Captain Hc:ue V'i« of the above or oilier steamers of tlie same Line to leave Swauseii for ibunburg every Ten h. u.,25. Freights, ifcc., a]>ply to the owness, Palgmve, ».' P'ly & Co. IV, JCiton Quay, Dublin, or to the BURGESS & CO., .Swaiwi Iliuuburjr I). I' lilfliiilASK. £ 930 EJUGRATION; All Who desire information about CANADA, the NQRTH-WEST TERRITORIES, and BRITISH COLUMBIA, Should Write to ALLAN BROTHERS & CO., 19, JAMES-STREET, LIVERPOOL, For their I HANDBOOK OF INFORMATION, » WHICH IS SENT FREE. 1602 LONDON TO~CA3iDIFF & SWANSEA. f l'h^r '«VEEKLY SAILINGS. to Sail ni??Tr«5i0vbLl Wa'Cs Steamers are intended »SG SAASFISRJSSS *>IFF and SWANSEA, as follows femiain s.s.°nd°n t0 Ca"d Swansea. April 26 or MiVt!he'^ al'a *<»< v|S Mttsixvmxtz. I J^ATTONV t■ GCnwFiNSURANCE I 1 COMPANY, LlfiHTED. HEAD OFFICE :-22, ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. ——— I DIRECTORS: JOHN GUNN, Chairman, W. H. MATaiAS, SIR JOHN J. J UNIONS, WILLIAM lULEY, ROBERT FOltRKST, COL. CHAS. LYNE, W. SOUTHWELL JONES. SUBSCRIBED £ 10U,200 •' Q-dditioi t0 Accident Insurance /and Liability Insurance, ^^ITY GUARANTEES and BURGLARY INSURA NCE At Moderate Premiums. APPLICATIONSFOR AGENCIES INVITED. 1425 ,-1 ^onstws. P111NCIPA LITY" PERM^ijisrENT^ INVESTMENT "'I gUlLDING OOCIET^ a per cent, on DEPOSITS—-Shortt Notice.. •J. Percent, on LARGE DEPOSITSfer One Year. ■■ 4a Peroenfc, on PREFJ^RENTJ^AL SHARES. t) PeiIOcet. on PREPAID andt,SUBSCRIP- N SHARES. 1 P0R 34th ANNUAL^REPORT °»Pectus to W. SANDERS, -MAC.VGINL; SKC. 28, St. Mary-s(reet. Cardifl'. "'T 28, St. Mary-s(reet. Cardifl'. Newport: Mr J. M. WOOD, 24, High-street, I (IV, Penartli Mr D. H. EDMUNDS. High-st. ~25-7«r,o »arry :Mr D. H. EDMUfrt)s, Market-building3. r^-zt^bbw Vale Mr J. A. DAVIKS. Iit'plKce. W^ORGAN BUILDING SOCIETY, h' QUEEN-STREE'l', CARDIFF.—The terms fester? this old-established Society to Borrowers, ration an<l depositors are, as regaTds security and ^"equalled, and cannot be sairpassed.— For to T. A. Davies, Sec. A MONMO OTHSHIRE' AND SOUTH WALES 'ANElsJx BENEFIT BUILDING ^SOCIETY PARNALL, Esq., .LP., Chaivf.mii. & CONTINGENT .FUNDS:-£7.887 8s lid., AHVANCEH ts. Freehold or Leasehold Securities, /w oil PAID-UP SHARES (interest'5 perf cent, per annum aud bonus). A SHARES £ 50 each (interest 4% per cent. «*OSiW*yable half-yearly, and bonus). received at 4 per i;ont. interest payable half-yearly. F. J. HEYBYRNE,, Secretary 1V £ NE & BROWN, ^<98 '•'liar's Chambers, Newport; — And 21, West Bute-street Cardiff. flJ^THYR AND QOWXATS ^XJILDING gOCIETY Mr Alderman WILLIAMS, 3 .P. waelodygavth House, Merthyr'X'ydtSI. tOAs ADVANCED IN SUMS FROM £100 TO :£10,000- to^wj^P&ymeuts iu 3 to 17 Secrecy—Loans on ^B*Qt nartP^1*'0 Management Charges. t^t^t,c«Jars apply to Mr PETER WILLIAMS Aifi yebeland House, Merthyr Tydfil; or of ^brongliout South UGHB, COLDS, ASTHMA, ^NCHITIS, AND NEURALGIA. i)\;LCOLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- sir W. Woocl HMUhtedl„ V11 court that Dl- J- Collis Browne was storv«« ,e inventor of Chlorodyne, that the >J*and i, defendant Freeman v.'ius deliberately O^Xhe rp- regretted to say it had been sworn to.— Jujy 13> 1864. MOLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- Right Hon. Earl Russell com- ti? College of Physicians and J. T. x'w^Uh received information to the only remedy of any service in cholera J See "Lancet," Dec. 31, 1868.. MOLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORO- iTf^fcract from the Medical Times,' *s prescribed by scores of orthodox v/\Mu course it would not be be thus singu- j — xt n°t supply a want and till a place." J$Ng9LLlS BROWNE'S CHLORO- v^'isih c°lds, ^>es<' an<^ mosf- '••tain remedy in v^-O t"ma, consumption, neuralgia, I'lieu- S^vif^LLlS BROWNE'S CHLORO- ()r3E.IS BROWNE'S CHLORO- None genuine without I 8ta,nP. R13 -^wne's Clilorodyne on the b0w7erwhelming medical testimony flit' Sole tr"vuufacturer, J. P.. Bold Rusart terrace, Blooms-' ln bottles, r « iy„d, 2f ad, 4s 6d, 1649:U34a I' a:l£s lip bunion. "AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. ALEXANDER, DANIEL: SELFE, & CO. Machinery, Plant, &c., at Bristol April 25 & 26 Mr WATKIN BEVAN. Charming Residence, at Newton, Porthcawl ..April 27 Mr DAVID. „ Horses, Cattle, &c., Pendoyl ..April 2o Messrs J. J. DAVID and CO. Shop and Premises, at Cardiff • May 3 Messrs C. E. DOVEY and CHARLES CLARKE. Properties, at Cardiff Messrs GOTTWALTX, BOWRING, and PERRY. Furniture, at Cardff April 25 &; 2& Household Appointments, at Cardiff a?r. i- Freehold Ground Rents, at Cardiff • ■ ■ May lo Messrs S. HERN and PERTWEE. 20 Horses, at Cardiff t Shop and Villa Properties, at Barrv May I Messrs II. HILL and CO. 20 Horses, at Cardiff April 27 Shop and Villa Properties, at Barrv May I Messrs II. HILL and CO. Furniture, at Swansea April 26 Mr W. G. LATTY. Horses, at Cardiff VWw April 20 Messrs JOHN M. LEEDER and SON. I Hiali-class Household Furniture, at Swansea..April 25 ° Messrs J. G. MADDOX & SON. Household Furniture &c.. at Cardiff April 25 Wall Papers, &c., at Cardiff April 26 Furniture and Effects, at Cardiff A^pru -.a Cottage Property, at Cardiff April Mr MORGAN MORGAN. Valuable Properties, at Cardiff .May 10 Mr THOMAS PARRY. Freehold Residence, at Usk April 25 Messrs POWELL, LEWIS & CO. n. Furniture and Effects, at Cardiff Apiri!|o Office Furniture and Effects, at Cardiff April Properties, at Cardiff ^ay 21 Desirable Property, at Caerphilly lV1'l;y H Mr >V. HARRY REES. Freehold Property, at Aberavon 25 Messrs EDWARD ROBERTS and SON. Household Furniture, etc., at Swansea.Apfil co Messrs S'J'EPHKNSON and ALI'-XANDl.U Letting of Pasture Land, at St. Fagan s ^!Pn.* 00 Colliery Piant, &c., at Pwllmawr 1'H. 3} 77 Freehold Estate, at Cardiff ■•■■•••; rrl Leasehold Dwelling-house, Ac., at The Mart .May Messrs STRAKER and SONS. Freehold Property, at Abergavenny .April ou Mr ILLTYD THOMAS. Farming Stock, Ac., at Llantwit Farure ►April <29 Messrs WEBBER &■ WILKINSON. Linens, Curtains, &c., at Cardiff April 25 & ^6 Household Furniture, at Penavth April ou Mr WM. WILKINSON. Jeweller's Stock, <fce., at Cardiff .April ^5, <xc Mr HOWELL WILLIAMS. Freehold Country Residence, at Cardiff May 11 SALE THIS DAY. PARK COED MARCHAN. SAINT-Y-NIL, ST. FAGAN'S, NEAR CARDIFF. ANNUAL LETTING OF ABOUT 400 ACRES OF EXCELLENT PASTURE LAND. MESSRS STEPHIONSON AND ALEX- ANDER will LET by AUCTION, at this Farm, on THURSDAY, -April 25th, at One p.m., the foregoing PASTURE LAND, In convenient lotis, up to February, 1896. Luncheon at Twelve o'clock. Further particulars may be obtained upon applica- tion to the Auctioneers, 5, High-street, Cardiff or to Mr Abraham .'Laugdon, the Bailiff, at tlie Farm. SALE TO-MORROW. SPECIAL S"C.tjD SALE of HUNTERS, HARNESS HORSIOS, taigli-stepoing COBS. and PONIES; also CART HOICKS. MR Wi. G. LATTY begs to announce thaU'ne will hold a special SALE OF HORSES on FRIDAY, April 26th (at the spacious Sale Yard), Penarth-rctf id, two minutes from Great Western Rail- way Pa.1:wlml1;er Station, Cardiff, for which there are numerous entries booked, and early notice of further entries a 1 e solicited, which should be sent to-day. HORS/i, Property of F. A. MeCraith, Esq. Valuable CART HORSE from Thomas Morgan, Esq. IIA<JH.NJ<IY STALLION, property of Mr Ebenezer Phillipa, Christchiirch. IIORfiE, property oi Mr Jas. Baker, Castleton. (JOB, property of Mr Moses. COR, property of Mr Jeffs, Dinas Powis. CAF'T H«f>R.>E, property of Mr James Lewis. COB, prfftjerty of Mr William Lewis. Two HO B.SES, property of Mr John. 10 sets o: DOUBLE and SINGLE HARNESS. Stylish £ >OGCARTS, GIG, etc., etc. Bay HC/RSE. property of E. J. Gunn, Esa. Chestn at HORSF, property of Mr W. Hobbs. Grey 3 IARE. property of a Gentlen>ai<. Dark Bay COB, property of Mr E. Davies. Dark Bay PONY, property of Mr W. Rouswell. Toget iier with numerous othcr Horses, a fully. license"} Cab, without reserve, being sold in dispute. Auct ioneei's OfVices (adjoining Alexandra Hotel), Cardif t. Sale at 1 o'clock, p.m. 2775 "SALE THIS DAY. O THURSDAY NEXT. APRIL 25TH, 1895. IMP ORTANT SALE of EXCELLENT MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFJ fRCTS, comprising the COMPLETE APPOINT. SNTS of TWO DUA WING and THREE DiNiNG- RO tKMS, HALL, STAIRCASE, and the CONTENTS of 11 BEDROOMS. MESSRS J. G. MAODOX and SON will 1.L SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION at their Sale- roc ill", 25, Duke-street, Cardiff, on the above dates, the v) iolo of the CONTENTS OF TWO RESIDENCES. /removed to the Rooms for convenience of sale, from flaudaff ,&nd Newport-road, Cardiff (the contents of the latter nearly new), and which will contain in all 600 Lots. 11urther partculars of tle Auctioneers, o see posters. Goods on View Morning of Sale, which will com- mence precisely at 2 o'clock. 1111 I SALE TO MORROW DUKE-STREET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF. IMPORTANT TO PAINTERS, PAPER-HANGERS, PROPERTY OWNERS, AND THE PULLIC GENERALLY. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and SON are 1 instructed to SELL by AUCTION, as above, on FRIDAY, Afril 1895, a large and valuable Stock of high-class WALL PAPERS, comprising golds, satins, grounds, sanitaries, silk lustres, borders, dados, and a great variety of papers suitable for every class of property also 40 kegs oi White Lead and Paint in various colours. Sale to commence precisely at 12 o'clock. Goods on view morning of Sale. For further particulars apply to the .Auctioneers, 25, Duke-street, Cardiff. 2915 No. 22, GLYNRHONDDA-STREET, CATHAYS, CARDIFF. On MONDAY NEXT. April 29th, commencing at 2 o'clock precisely. IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE OF VAT U- ABLE WELL MADE HOUSEHOLD APPOINT- MKNTS. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and SON are favoured with instructions vroin the owner (who is giving up housekeeping), to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above, the whole of the superior and well preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS of the residence, including two maglllficent full compass upright grand pianofortes by H. A. Ivory and Co., London, aud Ham- kins, Berlin, a complete dining-room suite in massive solid mahogany, namely, a 5ft. sideboard with bevelled glass back, au 8ft. patent screw action dining table, a suite of 9 pieces covered iin Morocco leather and a 4ft. bookcase, a large marble clock, two nearly new Brussels carpets, oilcloth, an elegant inlaid rosewood suite upholstered in figured silk tapestry, an antique inlaid buffet, velvet pile table cover, brass and steel fenders and irons, oecltsional and worlc tobies, a mitl10gany pedestal desk, (J, Bradbury's sewing machine, a Raleigh Dunlop Bicycle ill excellent condition, iron and brass Italian and French bedsteads, spring aml hair mattresses, feather bed, a really noble 8-foot Spanish mahogany winged wardrobe, with a pair of handsome duchesso toilets en suite, double and single sets of chamber ware, bedside pedestals and commodes, mahogany and vaintd chests of drawers, do. washstands and tables, do. toilet, glasses and towel rails, mahogany poles, rings, aud pairs of curtains, etc., together with con- tents of the usual domestic offices. Goods on view Saturday, April 27th, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and mornIng of sale. There will be no reserve. Further" particulars of the Auctioneers, at their Offices and Salerooms, 25, Duke-street, Cardiff. 2965 SALE OF EXCELLENT COTTAGE PROPERTY, LOWER PLASSEY-STREET, PENARTH. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and SON are instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, April 30th, 1895, at 7 p.m., subject to conditions to be there produced, ar*d in such lots as may bo then determined, all those FOUR DWELLING-HOUSES AND PREMISSES, each containing 6 rooms, situate and being the first four houseS in Highland-terrace, Lower Plussey-street, Penarth (opposite new Cocan Church, and within five minutes' walk of Penarth Dock and Stations on the Taff Vale. and Barry Railways). The H-puses have been recently completed, and are papered and painted throughout. Ground Tent for the firsi two, B4, and the second two B5 15s per annum. Term 99 years from 1st May, 1892. The greater portion of the purchase money can be had ou mortgage at 5 per cent. per annum, repayable as convenient. Further particulars of the Vendor's Solicitor, Mr J. H. Westyr Evans, 17, Quay-street; or of the Auc- tioneers, at their Ofiiccs, 25. Duke-street, Cardiff. 2964 UNDER POWER OF SALÈ. MARY-STREET (LATE METROPOLITAN BANK PREMISES). CONTINUATION of SALE THIS and EACH DAY DURING THE WEEK at 11 3 and 7 p.m. The Stock of a Jeweller, Silversmith, and Fine Art Dealer must be cleared. Special Sale of OIL PAINTINGS on THURSDAY NEXT, April 25th, at 8 m.m. prompt. 485 WM. WILKINSON, Auctioneer. JOHN NORMAN, COACH-BUILDER, MARKET-ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF, will SELL by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, any of the following NEW VEHICLES, all of his own manufacture, and which can be seen at his extensive Show Rooms at the above address. NEW. 1 Landau. 1 Station Wagon. 1 Square-front Brougham. 2 Bakers' Vans. 1 Wagonette. 4 Bakers' Coburga. 1 Prince Dog Cart. 5 Crank-iixle Carts. 1 Manchester do. 2 do. Milk Carts. 1 Bent Side do. 4 Rave Carts. 1 Side Seat do. 13 Trollies. 1 Whitechapel do. 1 Large Spring Coal Cart. 1 Polo do. i 4 Contractors' Carts. 2 Rustic do. 13 Spring Builders' Carts. 2 Pony-size Rustic Carts. 4 Butchers' Carts. 2 do. Alexandras. 1 Hay Cart. 1 do. Bent Side. 2 Drapers' Carts. 1 Well Gig. l' 3 Grocers' Carts. 1 Governess Car. 6 Business Carts. 1 Farm Cart. 2 Spring Hand Carts. 1 Brake, to seat 12 insidB. 3 Garden Barrows. 1 do. do. 6 do. 24 Contractors' Barrows. SECOND-HAND 1 Brougham, 1 Miller's Wagon. 2 Wagonettes. 1 Large Crated Water 1 Parisian Phaeton. Van. 2 Park Phaetons. 1 Baker's Van. 2 4-Wheel Dog Carts. 1 Business Cart. 3 Malvern Dog Carts. 4 Crank-axle Carts. 1 Village Cart. 1 Milk Cart. 3 Pony Carts. 2 Hauliers Carts. 1 Whitechapel Cart- Canton Trams-pass Show Rooms and Works. I J. N. having the most Modem Machinery is prepared to execute cullers,4ncludins. repairs.-wW*. the vttnoat dispatch. V56S Saks for Àurlintt. SALE THIS DAY (THURSDAY) and TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), APRIL 25th and 26th, A MOST IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE OF THE APPOINTMENTS OF A LARGE RESIDENCE IN THE NEWPORT-ROAD, CARDIFF ( fly order of the Representatives of HENRY HEARD, ESQ., DECEASED. ALSO FURNITURE FROM PENDYRIS, BY ORDER OF MISS LYNCH-BLOSSE. Also the Contents of a House at Llanishen, supplied by noted house furnishers; seven-octave cottage pianofortes a variety of old decorative china, real bronzes 500 volumes of books elegant silver plate, the contents of china pantTie.> the greenhouse plants, and outdoor effects. "j\YF"ESSRS GOTTWALTZ, BOWRING, and PERRY received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at their Sa.le Rooms, 11, High- street, Cardiff, THIS DAY (THURSDAY) and TO- MORROW (FRIDAY), April 25th and 26th, 1895, at 11 o'clock each day, the above FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE OF THE ABOYE RESIDENCES, Comprising TH F. CONTENTS OF THE BEDCHAMBERS. THE DRAWING-ROOM FURNITURE. COTTAGE PIANOFORTES, By Blankenstein, Ralph Allison and Co., and Sames. THE DINING-ROOM AND RECEPTION-ROOM FURNIT'JRF. SPANISH MAHOGANY BREAKFAST-ROOM FURNITURE. The CONTENTS of CIJIXA PANTRIES—Dinner Services, Coalport China Dessert Set. cut table glass, tea and coffee services. Set of Sheffield Table Cutlery. Kitchen Furniture. GREENHOUSE PLANTS, and ontdour effects. 2769 Catalogues may bo had of the Auctioneers, Cardiff. 60 HORSES FOR SALE. "MESSRS S. HERN and PERTWEE -13JL have received instructions from the Cardiff Tramways Coinpanv, Limited, to SELL by AUCTION on SATURDAY, 27th April, 1895, at 12 Noon, 20 HORSES, suitable for Farmers and others, at the Company's Depot, Wood-street, Cardiff. 2836 SALE TO-MORROW. SHORT NOTICE OF SALE. No. 7, WHARTON-STREET, CARDIFF. MESSRS POWELL, LEWIS and CO. have received instructions from the Executors of the will of the late Lydia Davies Llewellyn to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, on the Premises, on FRIDAY Next, the 26th April, 18S5, at 12 o'clock noon, the whole of the well-preserved FURNITURifl and EFFECTS of the deceased, comprising part of suite in horsehair, mahogany cheffonier with piate-glass back and panels and marble top, occasional tables, large mahogany sideboard, large pier glass in gilt frame, pictures, lenders, fireirons, window pnles, cllrtain, card box, screen, mahogany loo table, linoleum, hearthrug. ornaments, kitchen utensils, dinner and tea ware, sofa, chairs, brass candlesticks, Cardiff model pilot boat in glass case, clocks, contents oi bedrooms, bedsteads, feather beds, mattresses, dressing tables, washhand stands, mahogany bidet, toilet glasses, marble top dressing table, ditto washhand stand, mahogany office cornmoue with flushing attachment, cane seatad chairs, cane seated arm chair, mahogany chest of drawers, bedroom ware, painted píUtj chest 11ft. 6iu. x ft., depth 2ft. 2in. mahogany ladder bidet, etc. For particulars apply to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Temple Chambers, 8, St. Cardiff. 2v57 SHORT NOTICE OF SALE. TO SOLICITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND OTHERS. NO. 12, DOWLAIS-CHAMBERS, DOCKS, CARDIFF. MESSRS POWELL, LEWIS and co. I have received instructions from W. Clode, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, at the office, on SATURDAY morning nexc, the 27th April, at 11 o'clock, the whole of the OFFICE FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, belonging to the late Robert Worthy Blake, deceased,- comprising Mahogany revolving desk, large cup, board with pigeon-holes, arm chair, chairs in leathed 5 deed boxes in stand, gloheofthe world on stand, smal, table, letterpress and suuul, fireproof safe withstand parchment rule, letter box with brass frontage, data indicator, stationery box, rubber stamps, ink bottles &c., several nautical maps, a quantity of lawyer's stationery, and a number of law and other books, a unique ottice case of pigeon holes, clerk's desk office stool, office lamp with gas tube. There will be no reserve. For further particular.; apply to the Auctioneers, i\/B*ESSRS~POWELL, LEWIS and CO. JJ-I are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at tho Royal Hotel, Cavdi'i, oil THURSDAY, the 2nd day of ¡ May next, at 7 o'clock in the evening (subject to con- I ditions of sale to be than and there read), the follow- ing most desirable PROPERTIES :— LEASEHOLD HOUSES, PEARL-STREET. LOT 1.—All thoric three Dwelling-houses and Pre- mises, being Nos 33, 35, and 37, Pearl-street, Cardiff, let at 7s 6d a week each (landlord paying taxes), held under lease from Lord Tredegar for 99 years from 25th March, 1370, at a total annual ground rent of. £ 7 IDs. This property will be offered in one lot, and in the event of no sale separately. COTTAGES, FISHGUARD-STREET (near Dowlais Works). LOT 2.—All those Six well-built Cottages in Fish- guard-street, East Moors, Cardiff, let as f> five at 7s per week each, and corner house, ripe for conversion into a shop, at 9s per week held for the residue of a teim of 99 years, subject to a total annual ground rent of £15 19s. COTTAGES, LILY-STREET. LOT 3.—All those Two Leasehold Dwelling-houses, 1'iiown as Nos. 24 aud 25, Liiy-street, Roath, Cardiff. Held under lease from C. H. Williams, Esq., for a term of 99 years from 1869, at an annual ground rent of £ 2 19s for the two houses. CLIVE-STREET, GRANGETOWN. LOT 4. — All those Two newly built Leasehold Dwelling-hcuses, being Nos. 10i and 103, Clive-street, Grangetown, Cardiff. Let to resuectable tenants at 13s each per week. Held for a term of 99 years at an annual ground rent of £ 5 each house. For further particulars as to Lot 1 apply to S. p. Evans, Esq., Solicitor, Cowbridge, or to D. T. Lewis, Esq., Solicitor, Narberth as to Lots 2, 3, and 4, to Messrs Jones, Macintosh, and Dixon, Solicitors, Temple Chambers, Cardiff and as to the whole to the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, 8, St. John's-square, Cardiff.^ &)07 IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY, AT CAERPHILLY, NEAR CARDIFF. Commodious VILLA, near Railway Station, Pentre- bane-street, Croft-terrace, Van-road 2 VILLAS, Station-terrace, and a PLOT of GROUND attached to tho last named property. MESSRS POWELL, LEWIS & CO. have been instructed to SELL by AUCTION' on SATURDAY, the 4th day of May, 1895, at the Market Hall, Caerphilly, at 5 o'clock p.m., the follow- ing most DESIRABLE PROPERTIES. DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in Pentrebane-street, in the respective occupations of Messrs Davies, Griffiths, and Hill, let at £1 a month each. Two are held on lease for an unexpired term of 99 years, from the hot of May, 1891, a t the low annual ground rent of £ 1 19s. LOT 2.—All that well-built DWELLING-HOUSE, situate and being No. 1, Croft-terrace, Van-road, in the occupation of Mr Alfred Jones. Held on lease for a term of 99 years (less 3 days), from 1st May, 1875, subject '(.0 the low annual giound rent of £ 2 8s 6d. LOT 5.-All that well-built and commodious VILLA, situate and known as Flowergate," near the Railway Station, and now in the occupation of Mr Duck, chemist. Held on lease for a term of 99 years from 1892, at a low annual ground rent. LOT 4.—All those Two VILLAS, situate and known as Nos. 1 and 2, Trehaine-villas, Station-terrace, in the respective occupations of Mr Joseph Howells and Mr Parry Edwards, eaclllet at £22i 8s per annum, tenants paying taxes. Held on lease for 99 years from 1st of March, 1893, at the respective annual ground rents of £1 905 6(1 and £1 6s 5d. LOT 5.—All that LEaSEHOJ D PLOT of GROUND adjoining Lot 4, containing 38ft. frontage. Held on lease for 99 years from 1893, with the right to build two Villas thereon, and together with the right to the use of the pine-end of No. 2, Treharne-villas aforesaid. For further detailed particulars apply David Lewis, Esq., Solicitor, Charles-street, Cardiff; or to the Auctioneers, Temple Chambers, 8, St. John-street, Cardiff. Dated this 18th day of April, 1895. 287o SALE THIS DAY. THE OLD VICARAGE, USK. MR THOMAB PARRY has received in- structions to offer for SALK by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Three Salmons Hotel, Usk, on THURSDAY, the 25th day of April, 1895, at 3 o clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale to be then and there produced, all that very desirable FREEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as "The Old Vicarage," situate in Old Market- street, Usk, containing fnllowing accommodation On Basement—spacious cellarage, including wine cellar on ground floor-entrance hall, handsome and commodious dining-room, drawing-room, with case- ment windows opening on to lawn, excellent kitchen, back kitchen, larder, and offices; on first floor, ap- proached by handsome staircase—large library, three large bedrooms, dressing-room, and w.c. on second floor-two large bedrooms aud storeroom. The house is well fitted throughout with shelves and cupboards. Adjoining the house are lawn and pleasure ground, large and productive garden and orchard, well stocked with choice fruit trees, washhouse, summer house, stabling for three horses, coach-house and other out- buildings. The house is within a few minutes' walk of the Railway Station and ot the River Usk, famed for its salmon and trout fishing, and was lately in the occupation of the owner, the late Mrs Alice Miller. The district is hunted by three packs of foxhounds. For further particulars and cards to view apply to the Auctioneer, a.t his Offices. Albany Chambers-, Newport, Mon., or to J. MAITLAND WATKINS, Solicitor, 2623 Usk. SALE THIS DAY. ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE AUCTION MART, CARDIFF. IMPORTANT TO LADIES, HOTEL PROPRIETORS, AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. t GREAT SALE OF HIGH-CLASS LINENS, OF IRISH MANUFACTURE, AND LACE CURTAINS. MESSRS WEBBER and WILKINSON (instructed by Mr John Robinson, Belfast Linen Warehouseman) will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, April 23rd, 24th, 25th, and 26th, 1895, at 2.30 and 7.0 p.m. each day, a large consignment of IRISH LINENS from the Belfast nm.uufacturers, consisting of table- cloths, dinner II<tQkins, tny, duchesse, centre, tea, amI glass cloths, doyleys, towels, quilts, sheets, etc. also a consignment of black silks, from Lyons. Finest collection of Irish linen goocjs ever shown in Wales. On View Mornings of SaJe. 2833 TVREATH AND DISTRICT BILL- POSTING COMPANY-Late 'f Wall. Offices :—ASSEMBLY-ROOMS, NEAXH Manager W. ROBINSON. Le^eea and Proprietors of the best Posting Stations ra .NeaJJi 1\I!d District l ^ales bti ^wctirnt. | BY AN ORDER OF THR HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. I TO BREWERS, MALTSTERS, CAPITALISTS, AND OTHERS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE of a VALUABLE BREWERY, HOTELS, PUBLIC-HOUSES. BUSI- NESS PREMISES, and OTHEI PROPERTY held therewith. MESSRS C. E. DOVEY AND CHARLES CLARKE have received instructions from the Trustee of the Debenture Holders of Messrs Pearce and Co. (Cardiff), Limited, of Cardiff, Brewers, and from the Liquidators of the said Company, which is in voluntary liquidation, to OFFER for SALE at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, :the 30tii day of April next, at 3 for 4 o'clock in the Afternoon pre- cisely, in one Lot, the following valuable PROPERTIES, Viz. The old-established BUSINESS of BREWERS, carried on by Pearce and Co. (Cardiff), Limited, at the Canton Cross Brewery and Vaults, Canton, Carailr, including the goodwill, rolling and other stock, stock- in-trade, plant, and trade utensils, book debts, and the benefit: of the existing orders and contracts of such Business, together with „T,,„ The CANTON CROSS BREWERY, with OUT- BUILDINGS and PREMISES. Also The DOUBLE-LICENSFD VAULTS, known as "The Canton Cross Vaults," in which a large and lucrative business is being done. And also .——. The two MESSUAGES or DWELLING-HOUSES adjoining. The whole of the above Brewery, Vaults, and Dwelling-houses are held for a term of 99 years from thft 9th September, 1851, at ^tho yearly rent of £ 12 12s, and possession thereof, or receipt of the rents of such parts thereof as are sublet, will be given on completion of the purchase. This Brewery is a well-known and old established Brewery, and has been carried on for upwards of 45 years. Also The CROSS KEYS BREWERY'S STABLES, Shed: Yard and Stores, with Cottage and Premises ad- joining, situate at the corner of llalket-street, Cardiff (possession whereof will be given on completion of tho purchase) held by underlease for a term of 91 years less two days from the 2nd February, 1865, a.t the yearly rent of B15 and The WENVOE ARMS HOTEL, at CADOXTON, I held by underlease lor a term of 10 years from the 11th | October. 1890, at the yearly rent of 10s, let to a tenant for the same term, wanting one day, at the same rent; and also The benefit under an Agreement providing for the Right to Supply tho Weavoe Arms Hotel aforesaid with Beer, Ales, Porter, and Stout, for the term of 10 years, wanting one day from the 11th October, 1890; and A MORTGAGE DKBT of £ 7,000 secured to Pearce and Co., Limited, by two several mortgages by demise of the Wenvoe Arms Hotel aforesaid, with the Picnic Hall, Outbuildings, Stables, Coach-lionse, and Premises adjoining, for two several terms of 99 years. wanting one day from the 1st May, 1885, and 10 years, wanting four days from the 11th October, 1390, such mortgaged property being held by the Mor tgagor under lease and underlease for the said full terms of 99 and 10 years, less one day, a; the several ytarly rents of and 10s and also A MORTGAGE DEBT of £300 secured to Pearce and Co., Limited, by a Mortgage of the Star Inn at Capel Lanilterne, with tho stable and garden adjoin- ing, for the term of 33 years (wanting three days) troiu the 1st November, 1890 (if the lessor so long lived), the mortgaged property being held by the mortgagor under an underlease for the said full term of 13 years determinable as aforesaid, at the yearly rents of £18, and £12, together with f,! I such right to supply the same Inn with spirits, wines, beer, ales, porter, and stout as is granted by such mortgage. Andihe benefit ..ndei an agreement providing for the right to supply the King's Castle Inn at Canton, in tho Parish of Llandaif, with ale, beer, stout, and maR liquors for the term of 21 years from the 2oth Decem- ber, 1831. Also A FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Know" « the "THREE HORSE SHOES" PUBLIC-HOUSE a„ DINAS POWIS. Let to one Rimron, under a. quarterly tenancy, at £ 25 per annum. Also The "CASTLE AND BALL" HOTEL.COW- BRIDGE-ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF. Held by underlease for a term of 99 years (wanting tnree days) from the 2nd February, 1257, at the yearly rent of £4. Let to a tenant for 14 years rom the 1st Octpber, 1882, at the yearly rent of £ 55. Also The CROSS KEYS INN, at Dinas Powis, with the Clubrooiu and Garden adjoining. Held by two separate leases for terms of which 19% years will be unexpired at Lady Day, 1895, at the yearly rents of S3 and £3. Let to one Barnett, under a, quarterly tenancy, a.t :£25 per annum. Also The RED COW INN at CROESFAIN, with the Cottage, Stable, and Outhouses, and another Cottage adjoining. Held for a term of 30 years from the 29th September, 1S90, at the yearly rent of £40. Let to a tenant, under a yearly tenancy, at £ 16 per annum. For further particulars and orders to new apply to the Auctioneers, Mr C. E. Dovcy (Messrs W. C. Clai-ke and Dovey), 31, Queen-street; or to Mr Charles Clarke (Messrs Jenkins, Clarke and Co.), Cambrian Cham- bers, Westgate-street, Cardiff; or to Messrs H. Heard and Son, Messrs Vachell and Co., or Messrs G. F. Hill and Son, Solicitors, all of Cardiff. March 28th, 1895. 2507 RE ESTATE OF GICORGE TAYLOR LETTON, DECEASED. SALE OF EXCEPTIONALLY VALUABLE PROPERTIES AT BUTE DOCKS, and FREEHOLD COTTAGES AT LLANDAFF YARD. MR MORGAN MORGAN 18 instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Royijl Hotel, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, May 10th, 1ô85, at Tbtf&a*. in the Afternoon (subject to conditions to be then and there produced), the following VALUABLE PROPERTIES :— LOT 1.—All that exceedingly valuable CORNER BUSINESS PREMISES, situate on the corner of James-street and JotliS8,.street, Docks. Cardiff, and known as No. bU, James-street, now in the occupation of Mr Jacob Michaelsou, as Clothier and Outfitter, on a lease, at £92 a year, tenant paying all rates and taxes. The Premises comprise very large and com- modious business premises, with usual offices on the ground floor dining-room, drawing-room, sitting- room on the first floor; and seven good r30ms above. Held under lease for 99 years. LOT 2.—All that Commodious and Valuable BUSI- NESS PREMISES, being No. 51, James-street Docks, adjoining Lot 1, now in the occupation of Messrs Goidsworthy and Son (Limited), as Provision Merchants and Ship Store Dealers, on a lease at JB83 a year, tenants paying rates and taxes. The premises are very commodious and well adapted for "such a. business, and comprise large and convenient business promises and usual offices on tlid ground tioor; drawing- room, dining-room, and sitting-room on the first floor and five good rooms over. Held under lease for S3 years. LOT 3.—All that Substantial and Commodious DWELLING-HOUSE, situate and being No. 50, Louisa-street, Docks, containing drawing-room, dining-room, kitchen, and usual offices on the ground floor three good rooms on the first floor, and three rooms above, and now let at a weekly rental of 15s. Held under lease for 39 years..These premises could easily be converted into very substantial business premises at a very small outlay. LOT 4 — All that convenient and well-situated SEMI-DETACHED FB-EEHOLD COTTAGE, known, as Exmouth Cottage, LIandaa, opposite Treseder's Gardens, and close to the Cow and Snuffers Inn, Llan- %5?5-All that similar FREEHOLD COTTAGE, kuown as Cardiff Cottage adjoining Lot 4. The Auctioneer respectfully draws the attention of intending purchasers to the foregoing investments, as it is seldom that properties situate in such districts are submitted to the public, andth.s affords a good oppor- tuoity of purchasing properties which will show ex- ceedingly lucrative returns For further particulars apply to Lewis Morgan, Esq., Solicitor, Cardiff or to the Auctioneer, Albett Cham. bers, High-street, Cardiff.. 2999 NEWTON NOTTAGE, PORTHCAWL. SALE OF HIGHLY VALUABLE AND ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD HOUSES, LAND, AND PREMISES. MR WATKIN BEVAN is favoured by the Executors of tho Will of the late Mrs Catherine Millar to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Wyndham Arms Hotel, Bridgend, at 2.30 p.m., on SATURDAY, the 27tli day of April, 1835, subject to such conditions as shall be there and then produced, the following „ VALUABLE PROPERTIES, all situate in the parish of Newton Nottage, viz. :— LOT 1.—That eligible and charming FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as the Clevis House, Newton, Porthcawl, containing seven bedrooms, drawing-room, dining-room, sitting-room, conservatory, kitchen, scullery, complete domestic offices, and a detached bake and wash house; stabling for four horses, coach- house, harness-room and loft, cow-house, and other outbuildings two good and well-kept gardens and an excellent pasture Held. The house, lawn, yard, and gardens contain by admeasurement la. Or. 36p., and the field con- tains 311., lr. 19p. Lor 2.—A FREEHOLD COTTAGE, Garden, Orchard, and Premises known as Orchard Cottage, Newton, and now let to, and occupied by, Mrs E. Watkins as tenant frolll year to year. LOT 3.—FREEHOLD PLOT BUILDING GROUND, facing and having a frontage of 200 feet to the road leading from Newton to the noted Newton Beach. ],OT <I,-A similar FREEHOLD PLOT to the fore- going, and having the same frontage leading to the above road. LOT 5.—A FREEHOLD PLOT of GROUND adjoin- ing foregoing Plots, and being a most eligible Building Site. LOT 6.—A FREEHOLD PIECE of LAND adjoining Lot 5, aud having a good southern aspect, being also a most eligible Building Site. LOT 7.—A valuable FREEHOLD GARDEN situate near the village of Newton, adjoining and fronting the main road leading from Newton to Porthcawl. LOT 8.-Two Parcels of FREEHOLD ARABLE LAND, situate and adjoining the road leading from Newton to Stormy. LOT 9.—Two COPYHOLD PASTURE FIELDS, formerly in one close and called "The Buttons," situate near the village of Newton, adjoining the road leading from Newton to Cornelly, and being most desirable sites for building suburban residences. For further particulars and lithographed plan of properties, &c., apply to T. T. Lewis, Esq., Solicitor, Bridgend or to the Auctioneer, Newton, Porthcawl, R.S.O. 2897 SALE THIS DAY. HBNSOL CASTLE, PENDOYLAN. SALE OF EWES AND LAMBS, YEARLING WETHERS, STORE CATTLE, MILCH COWS, CART HORSES, AND COBS. MR JOHN DAVID has been favoured with instructions from the executors of the late Mrs Talerton Fothergill, to SELL by AUCTION on THURSDAY, April 25th, 1895, 121 Shropshire down and cross-bred ewes and lambs, 160 yearling sheep, 3 milch cews, 2B two and three-year-old steers, 2 power- ful cart horses, six years old, 16.2 3 aged^cart mares, excellent cob mare, six years old, 15 hands, for saddle and harness aged carriage horse, aged pony. Rick of Tartarian oats, oat and barley straw, part mows of meadow and clovor hay. Three months' credit on the usual conditions. Luncheon (by ticket) at 12. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, at his offices, Cowbridge. 2334 CAIRA STUD FARM, CARDIFF. THE following very highly bred JL THOROUGHBRED SIRES are at the Service of the Public for the Season 1895, at the undermen- tioned Fees for Half-bred Mares :— OHAMMONT, brown, by St. Simon. Fee, S5 5s. SOMERTON, bay, by Hampton. Fee, B2 2s. BRUAR, chestnut, by Blair Atliol. Fee, B2 2s. Groom 2s 6d each Mare. Good Keep for Mares and Foals. Apply Mr L, J. Shirley, cr Stud Groom. 2990 HE DE REES BILL-POSTING AND JL ADVERTISING COMPANY, LIMITED, PROPRIETORS of 150 of the LABGEST STATIONS, NEWPORT, PONTYPOOL, IUSCA. EASTERN and WESTERN VALLEYS. TERMS ON APPLICATION, 144, COMMEJICIAL-STRELT, NEWPORT. 1009 alts bu Àudiott. SALE THIS DAY. SWANSEA AUCTION ROOMS, GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. IMPORTANT SALE of HIGH-CLASS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of SUPERIOR LONDON MAKE and DESIGN, in EXCELLENT ORDER and CONDITION, removed from a. residence in the neiftlibourhood for absolute Sale.. MESSRS JOHN M. LEEDER and SON. have received instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their Salerooms, on THURSDAY, April 25th, 1895, at 11 a.m., the above VALUABLE EFFECTS, including a finely-carved ash and walnut suite, a very fine inlaid satin walnut bedroom suite with large wardrobe and overmantel en suite, and several suites for smaller rooms, massive brass Parisian and French bedsteads, spring mattlesses and bedding, mahogany toilet tables, several wardrobes of various sizes, double aud single toilet services. In the reception rooms: A most aitistic drawing-room suite upholstered in richly figured tapestry, exquisitely curved overmantel, also tables of various designs, a few choice ornamen- tal items, rosewood drawing-room furniture, bccasional chairs in Genoo. velvet, inlaid and occasional tables, Wilton pile and Axminster carpets, bordered Brussels carpets, dining-room suite in leather, a large dining table, morning room and library sets of furniture, the chairs covered in morocco pair of grandfather's easy chairs, six massive oak chairs in Utrecht velvet, 100 table in walnut, hat and umbrella stand, very hand. some china cabinets, massive and heavily carved walnut sideboard, two small bookcases, large mahog- any wardrobe with plate-glass door and hanging cupboards, full compass pianoforte, together with a multiplicity of other articles too numerous to par- ticularise. Goods on view day prior to and morning of sale. Sale to commence at 11 a.m. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Goat-street Chambers, Swansea. 2854 SALE THIS DAY. ABERAVON, GLAMORGANSHIRE TO BREWERS, ALE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, LICENSKD VICTUALLERS, INVESTORS, AND OTHERS. SALE of a Valuable FREEHOLD INN or PUBLIC- HOUSE, free and well accustomed, with Five FREE- HOLD COTTAGES and LAND. MR W. HARRY RICES is instructed by Mi' Rees Powell to SELL by AUCTION, at the Walnut Tree Hoto' Aberavon, on THURSDAY, 25th April, 1895, at 6 o'clock in the Evening, the under- mentioned highly important and valuable FltEEtiOLD PROPERTY, which will be offered in One Lot, comprising the well- known old-established FREE DOUBLE-LICENSED INN OR PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the ANGEL INN. and 5 FREEHOLD COTTAGES AND LAND, occupying a central position in the town of Aberavon, wlieie important developments are taking place, The total frontage of the Inn and three Cottages adjoining thereto is 80 feet, or thereabouts. THE FREEHOLD LAND, now used as Garden Ground for the Inn and Cottages, is well adapted, and affords ample room for the erection of additional cottages in a convenient and healthful position, only a short distance from the centre of the town. The premises are Drained, and the Town Water Supply laid on. Full particulars, with Plans and Conditions of Sale, may be obtained of the Auctioneer, Charlesville-place, Neath; and of Messrs R. P. MORGAN & DAVID, 2817 Solicitors, Neath. SALETHISDAY. 24, PAGE STREET, SWANSEA. MESSRS EDWARD ROBERTS and SON have been instructed to SELL by AUCTION at the above address, on THURSDAY, April 25th, 1895, the substantial, well-preserved HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND OTHER EFFECTS, comprising mahogany loo table, mahogany couches, hair-stuffed, spring-seated arm chairs, mahogany chef- iioneers, pier glass, occasional table, mahogany card table, squate table, carpets, hoarthiugs, fenders and fire irons, engravings, curtains, passage and stair oilcloth, umbrella stand stair rods. Bedrooms .—Iron French bedstead with brass rails, feather beds, bolsters and pillows, dressing tables, washstands and ware, com- molle, swing glas¡<es, mahogany and other chests of drawers, towel rails, rush and cane seat chairs, cur- tains, carpets, fenders, square table, kitchen chairs, tea urn, salter's balance, copper kettle, dresser shelves, and the usual kitchen requisites. Goods on view moruing of Sale. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. N.B.—The house to be let with immediate posses- sion. Auctioneers' Offices, 45, Oxford-street-, Swansea. 2918 SALE TO-MORROW LONDON HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, 10, CASTLE- STREET, SWANSEA. MESSRS H. HILL and CO. have been instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above premises, on FRIDAY, April 26th, 1895, the following FURNITURE, removed for convenience of sale, comprising drawing and dining-room suites, sideboards, walnut cheffonier, dining-room suite in American leather, mahogany and valuut loo and occasional tables, mahogany dining blc, walnut pianoforte, walnut overmautels, book whatnots, music stool, rasa and iron French bedsteads, palliasses, feather aud millpuff beds, spring mattresses, wash-stands with marble tops, dressing tables, washstands and dressing tables, ware, dressing glasses, towel horses, commodes, cane-seat chairs, kitchen requisites, &c. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Auctioneers' Offices, I" Castle-street. Swansea. 2981 J 3ttgal Notices. J^E CHARLES BIRD (DECEASED). —— ALL PERSONS 'being indebted to, or having CLAIMS upon, the Estate of CHARLES lHRD, late of MARLBOROUGH HOUSE, NEWPORT-ROAD, CARDIFF. Gentleman, who died the 9th day of March, 1895, are requested to communicate, within 10 days from this date, with COttY and WHITE, of Castle Chambers, High-street, Cardiff, i-Solicitors for the Executors. Dated 24th April, 1895. 2992 ^^cursious. A I L Y S E R V I C E BETWEEN CARDIFF and WESTON the magnificent Saloon Steamer WAVERLEY, Weather and Circumstances Permitting. APRIL, 18S5. LEAVE CARDIFF. ) LEAVE WESTON Thurs. 25.—8.15 a.m., 3.45, 4 4.45, 6.0p,m. | 8.0 p.m. Fri.9.15 a.m., 4.15.\ Fri. a.m., 5.15, 6.20 p.m. 8.0 p.m. Satur. 27.—9.20 a.m., 4.45. | Satur. 27.-10.20 a.m., 8.15. Note.—Steamer will call at Penarth Pier Every Trip except trips marked thus Note.—Steamer will sail at 3.45 p.m. on Thursday, April 25th, not 3.15 p.m. as advertised on bills. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS' FROM K3 CARDIFF AND PENARTH By the WAVERLEY. s,.nt,, TO CLEVEDOX (VIA WESTON). Leave Cardiff 4.45 p.m., return- wiVi'Pi vv ing from Clevedon 7.30p.m., Wes- ton 8.15 p.m. For Fares see Bills, and for any further particulars apply to Mr WM. GUY, 70A, Bute-street, Cardiff, Or to P. and A. Campbell, Ltd., Bristol. 25/8 BRISTOL CHANNEL PASSENGER SERVICE, LIMITED. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN CARDIFF, PENARTH, AND WESTON, By the Saloon Steamers LADY MARGARET, Bonnie Doon, Scotia, &c. Weather and Circumstances permitting. APRIL. Leave CARDIFF for ) Leave WESTON for Penarth A Weston. I Penarth & Cardiff. Thurs. 25.-8.0 a.m., 3.35, | Thurs. 25.-9.0 a.m., 4.35, 5.45 p.m. I 3.15 p.m. Fri. 26.-9.30a.m.,5.15,p.m. ) Fri. 26. —10.30a.m.,6.15p.m. Sat. 27.—9.15, 1L5 5.45 p.m. I 4.45, 8.0 p.m. Mon. 29.-8.0, 10.30 a.m" Mon. 29.—9.0 (direct), 11.30 I _30.00,,8 p.m. VE NIN G C RU iTE TO JPJ LIGHTSHIP. FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH. Leave Cardiff 7.20 p.m. Fare, Is. The Steamers will call at Penarth about 10 minutes after leaving and before arriving at Cardiff, unless advertised to run direct. For further particulars see bills. or apply to EDWARDS, ROBERTSON, CO., Managers. 2637 105, Bute Docks, Cardiff. rjlHREE y EARS' gYSTJEM rglHBEE*-YEARS' SYSTEM jgJSTEY ORGANS. jpIANOFORTES BY COLLARD, jpIANOFORTES BY BRINSMEAD, piANOFORTES BY NEUMEYER, jpIANOFORTES BY KLRKMAN, jpIANOFORTES BY ERARD, AND ALL THE LEADING MAKERS, FROM 10s MONTHLY Until Paid for; after which, and Without any Further Charge whatever, the instrument.becomes the Property of the Hirer. Prioe Lisjs, with New Designs, free on application. rpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, LIMITED, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF. Also at Swansea, Bristol, Newport, Merthyr, Ponty pridd, Barry Dock, Llauelly, Bridgend, Gloucester, Penarth, Itc., dec. 1047 milE CARMARTHEN BILL-POSTING JL COMPANY. 13,. BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN, Rill -posting and Advertising in all its Branches throughout die Counties of CanaartAien Penbroke. and Cardigan. 1206 B, M JAMES M.Y> £ «?r tfettfara anil Conirarts. THE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL A. OF ABERTILLERY. TO IRONFOLTNDERS. TENDERS are invited bv the above Council for the SUPPLY and DELIVERY of about 265 TONS of 6-INCH CAST-IRON PIPES, and about 2 tons of j Special Pipes and also for the following Valves, &c. :— S 6" Sluice Valves, with four best gun-metal faces, and best gun-metal screw and nut 2 4" Sluice Valves, with four "best gun-metal faces, and best gun-metal screw and nut; 25 3" Sluice Valves, with four best gun-metal faces, and best gun-metal screw and nut; 6 2" Slut e Valves, with four best gun-metal faces, and best gun- metal screw and nut; 4 Air Valves 45 Surface Boxes for Valves. Specification may be seen, and Form of Tender obtained, from Mr J. McBean, Surveyor to the Council, at his office, No. 1, King-street, Absrtillery. A charge of £1 Is will be made for each form of Tender, which will be returned on receipt of a boua-fide Tender. Sealed Tenders, endorsed "Tender for Pipes, &c„ to be sent to the undersigned on or before Saturday, the 4th day of May, 1895. No Tender will be euter- tained unless sent in 11 the prescribed form. The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order of the Council, (Signed) JNO. ALEX. SHEPARD, Clerk. Town Hall, Tredegar, Mon., 23rd April, 1895. 2993 THE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF JL ABERTILLERY. TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS invited bv the above Council for the laying of a ó-inch WATER MAIN from Blaina Gwent to Royal Oak Inn, Llanhilleth. Plans and Specifications may be seen and Bills of Ouantities and Form of Tender obtained from Mr James McBean, Surveyor to the Council, at his Office, No. 1, King-street, Abertillery. A charge of Sl Is will be made for each copy of the Bill of Quantities, which will be returned on receipt of a bona-flde Tender. Sealed Tenders, endorsed" Pipe Vtying," to be senu to the undersigned on or before Saturday, the 4th day of May, 1295. No Tender will be entertained unless sent in on the precribed form. The Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. By order of the Council. (Signed) JNO ALKX. SHICPARD, Clerk. Town Hall, Tredegar, Mon., 23rtl April, 1S95. 2994 RD V7B7S OUTH WALES BORDERERS. ENCAMPMENT AT TENBY, AUGUST RD TO 10TH, 1895. I TENDERS are invited for SUPPLYING above Regiment during this season's Camp at above place, I viz., PROVISIONS, MEAT, BREAD, MILK, STRAW. POTATO KS, HAULING, CORDWOOD, I MARQUEES, CANTEEN, etc. Forms of Tender and all other particulars to be obtained of and returned to the undersigned not later than May 15th, marked "Tender for Camp." The Officer Commanding does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. (Signed) W. ll. POTTER, Quartermaster, 2948 Pontypool. BERSYCHIN" "URBAN DISTRICT ,ri_ CO UNCI TENDRRS are invited by the above Council for IRON GIRDEKS, MASONRY, &c., required in Widening a Bridge at Abersychasi. Plans and Specifications may be seen, by appoint- ment, at the Offices of the Council, High-street, Aber- sychan. „ lenders, endorsed Tender for linage, must be delivered to the undersigned not later than Saturday, the 11th day of May next. E. COOKE, Surveyor. Council Offices, Abersychan, 23rd April, 1895. 85 LANTRISANT AND LLANTW1T FARDRE RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. TO CONTRACTORS. The above-named Council is prepared to receive TENDERS for the following works :— CONTRACT No. 1.-GILFACH GOCH. For the CONSTRUCTION of a STORAGE TANK of 33,000 gallons capacity, one Settling Tank, one Valve Tank, and two Collecting Wells. For providing and laying about 2,846 yards of 5-inch, 1,80'2 yards of 4-inch, and 448 yards of 3-inch diameter cast iron spigot and socket jointed water pipes. For providing and fixing sluice valves, air valves, aud fire hydrants, and executing other minor works in connection with the above. CONTRACT No. 2. —LL A N THIS ANT and TONY- I REFAIL. For the CONSTRUCTION of a STORAGE TANK of 30,000 gallons capacity, one Settling Tank, one Collecting Well, and one Intake for Storage Tank. For providiug, laying, and jointing about 1,420 yards of 7-inch, 10,135 yards of 6-inch, 1,232 yards of 4-inch, and 1880 yards of 3-inch diameter cast iron spigot and socket jointed water pipes..For providing and fixing sluice valves, air valves, and fire hydrant. and executing I other minor works in connection with the above. Plans may be seeu at the office of the undersigned, and bills of quantities, specifications, forms of tender, and further information obtained on payment of a deposit of R5 3s, wiiicii will be returned if a bosa-fid^ Tender is delivered to the Cleric to the Council, K. C. Spickett, Kiq., Court House, Pontypridd, on or before Tuesday, the 7th day of May, 1895. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. By order. GOMER S. MORGAN, Parish Offices, Surveyor to the Council. Llantrisant, 18th April, 1895. 2864 THE LLANTRISANT AND LLAN- JL TWIT RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL is pre- pared to receive TENDERS for LEVELLING, FORMING, DRAINING, and METALLING a Piece of Road, about 29 chains long, on Hendroforgan Common, near Gilfach, in the Parish of Llantrisant. The Surveyor will meet intending contractors on the site at 12 o'clock on Thursday, the 25th instant, with plans, specification, and forms of tender (on which forms only will tenders be received). Tenders to be sent in not later than Tuesday, the 30th instant, addressed E. C. Spickett, Esq., Solicitor, Pontypridd, endorsed Tenders for Hendreforgan- road." The Council reserves to itself an uulimited power of selection, and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, J. GRIFFITHS, Surveyor. Porth House, Porth, April 18th, 1895. 2919 rjpfo co N TRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for ERECTING BAPTIST CHAPEL, VESTRIES, and CARETAKER'S HOUSE, Stanwell-road, Penarth. Plans and Specification can be seen, and Bills of Quantities obtained, on payment of B2 2s (which will be returned upon receipt of bona- fide tender) at the offices of the undersigned. Tenders to be sent to E. A. Hart, Esq., Hon. Sec., Westbourne-road, Penartb, on or before 1st May, 1895, the envelopes being eudorsed "Tenders for Baptist Chapel, Penarth." The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. J. P. JONES, RICHARDS, and BUDGEN, Architects, 2950 18, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. rgi o co N TRACTORS. BUILDERS desirous of 'TENDERING for the ERECTION of TEMPERANCE HALL, opposite BUILDERS desirous of TENDERING for the ERECTION of TEMPERANCE HALL, opposite I Queen-street Station. Cardiff, for the Cardiff Temper- I ance Hall Trust are requested to send in their names to the undersigned, with B2 2s, to be returned on receipt of bona fide tender. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. J. P. JONES, RICHARDS, and BUDGEN, Architects, 2229 18. St Mary-street, Cardiff. RY O B~ U I L D E R S. TENDERS are invited for ALTERING and RENO. VATING the TEMPARANCE HALL, ABERDARE, for the Aberdare Town Hall Company. Plans and specifications can be seen at Mr Kenshole's, Weatherall House, Aberdare. Endorsed tenders to be sent to the Secretary, Mr Islimael Harris, Dean-street, Aberdare. not later than Friday, May 3rd, 1895. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOMAS RODERICK, 2927 Architect, Aberdare. I TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. JiL —— TENDERS are invited for TAKING DOWN the existing WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODIST CHAPEL, &c., at Cwmaman, Aberdare, and BUILD- ING NEW CHAPEL and SCHOOLROOMS. Plans and Specifications to be seen with the Rev. W. D. Morris, Cwmaman, Aberdare, to whom sealed tenders should be sent n or before the 30th instant. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any other tender. W. JONES, Architect, ,{ 2834 Ton Pentre, Rhondda. BUILDERS desirous of TENDERING for the ERECTION of a Pair of SEMI- DETACHED COTTAGES at Peterstone-super-Ely. are requested to send their names to the undersigned on or before April 27th, where Plans and Specifications may be seen and Quantities obtained. E. JENKIN WILLIAMS, M.S.A., Architect and Surveyor, 2954 14, High-street, Cardiff. GAS COKE WANTED at CARDIFF ROLLING STOCK WORKS, CARDIFF. Ten- ders required for 6 or 12 months supply. 2892 ALL PERSONS desirous of having their Dwellings or Business Premises fitted with ELECTRIC LIGHT, BELLS, or TELEPHONES, should call and see our new showrooms, at 47, THE CASTLE ARCADE, where all the latest and best fittings can be seen. Best quality material only used, and all work guaranteed. Eleetrical apparatus of all descriptions supplied. Repairs well and promptly done. Insulation tests taken. T. MADDREN & CO., Electrical Engineers, Cardiff. National Telephone. 452" 77e 1367 E S S I O N S AND Q O N s, LIMITED, O Importers and Manufacturers of TIMBER, SLATES, CEMENT, BUILDING MATERIALS CHIMNEY PIECES. RANGES, GRATES, &C, &C. I 1360 Show Rooms— PENARTH-ROAD. CARDIFF. 75 JJEATING BY HOT WATER. HIGH PRESSURE (Small Pipe System) HEATING APPARATUS For Churches, Mansions, Hotels, &c. ALSO LOW PRESSURE HEATING. EDWIN HAMPTON, LIMITED, HEATING AND VENTILATING ENGINEERS, ABERG A VENNY. 1386 THE CADOXTON AND BARRY BILL-POSTING COMPANY (LIMITED), 5, VERE-STREET, CADOXTON-KA RRV Secretary, MICHAEL DAVIES. Best Positions and Largest Connecticn in the Dis. trict. 1297 public JUitttsimgnts. j CARDIFF. 1 THEATRE ROYAL. JL LESSEE & MANAGER, MR ED WARD FLETCHER. SCORING A GREAT SUCCESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1835, The great moral Play, JOHN-A-DREAMS. By Arrangement with Mr Beerbohm Tree, Mr H. H. M or ell's and Mr Fredk. Mouillot's No. 1 Company in the latest Havmarket. success, J 0 H N A D REAMS. Prices 6d to £228. Early Doors at 6.30 Doors open at 7 commence at 7.30. Half-price at nine o'clock. Booking Offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Limited. Queen-street, from 10 till 4. Telephone No.521. MONDAY NEXT, Dottridge and Longden's Co. in the Great Drama A LION'S HEART. IMPORTANT NOTICE. UNPRECEDENTED BOOKING FOR FRIDAY EVENING. Those wishing seats should secure them at the Booking Office at once. T H It; E M P I R E. MANAGER^ OSWALD STOLL TO-NIGHT! FLORRIE QALLIMORE, A lady liked well everywhere she .¡roes. Burlesque actress, charming songstress, and graceful dancer. CHAS. DEANE, The author and original singer of I STROLLING ROUND THE TOWN,' Of other songs of exteDive popularity, THE BRADY-JOHNSON FARCICAL FOUR I in LITTLE BULL PUP," A concentration of ingredients for laughter-making. Another high light in Serio. comedy- JENNY IIAYNES, A charmiug dispeller of dulness. HARRY WENBURN, Comedian. NAN TWIBELL, Serio-comedy Songstress. Miss R. VERA, Vocalist and Dancer. THE BELLE QUARTETTE of VocalisLs aud Dancing Experts. R A^TL) T H E A T R E. LESSEE & MANAGER. Mr CLARENCE SOUNES. Enormous Success and Enthusiastic Reception of the Grand Musical Extravaganza, K1N G K. ° D A K" From Terry's Theatre, London. POWERFUL COMPANY. FI LL CHORUS. AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA. SPECIAL MORNING PERFORMANCE, SATUR- DAY NEXT, 1 April 27th, at 2.30 doors open at 2 o'clock. Seats booked at Messrs Heath's Jusjc Warehouse, Queen-street, Cardiff. Prices, 6d to £11s. Doors open at 7.15, commence at 7.45. MONDAY NEXT,— "LI1TLE CHRISTOPHFR COLUMBUS," From the Lyric Theatre, London. TOLL S PANOPTICON, Now occupying the JL whole premises named PHILHARMONIC HALL & BUILDINGS, ST. MARY-STREET OPEN ALL DAY. STAGE PERFORMANCES AT 3.30, 7, and 9 (three daily), by APOLLO, ATHLETE, wh,) supports A ROUNDABOUT F ULL OF PEOPLE ON HIS CHEST. ERA PYNE'S MECHANICAL MANNTKINS. MILLER, COMEDIAN. TEL-EITKEBIR, An Irish Military Spectacular Sketch, stocked with comic situations and incidents, stirring dramatic episodes, and fine scenic effects. INCIDENTAL FEATURES OF INTEREST IN THE CURIO DEPARTMENTS. ROUGHLEY'S GLASS SPINNING & BLOWING, A fascinating ar-, in operation. I TATTOOING IN PROCESS I By an efficient artist, Prof. Riley. THE CRYSTAL MAZE. EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH. R. ALLABY, PHRENOLOGIST. MAGNETA. » THEATREPHONES. THE WITCH'S SWING. General Admission, 6d Stalls and Balcony, Is. I PAY ONE PRICE AT THE DOOR AND NO MORE. P A R KHALL CARDIFF. W iiDNESDAY, MAY IS9. 1895. MR E. T. ROBERTS' POPULAR CONCERT. VOCALISTS.—Soprano—Miss S. M. LEWIS, R.A.M., (Silver Medallist). Baritone—Mr DAVID HUGHKS. SOLO INSTRUMENTALISTS.—Piano—Miss REBECCA I MANDER (Silver Medallist), R.A.M. Violin-Mr THEO. CARRINGTON (late of the Crystal Palace). 'Cello—Mr J. E. R. TEAGUE (Cheltenham). Cornet and Post Horn—Mr ARTHUR SMITH (Covent I Garden and New York Concerts). Clarinet Quartet. ORCHESTRA OF SEVENTY PERFORMERS. CONDUCTOR—Mr E. T. ROBERTS. Prices—Balcony, 3s body of hall, 2s; admission, Is. Doors open at 7: commence at 8 p.m.; carriages at ¡ 10.15. Seats may be booked at Messrs Newman and Sons, Queen-street. 347 CARDIFF UNITED CYCLING CLUB. SEVENTH ANNUAL SPORTS, SATURDAY, MAY ilth, 189-5. S70 in Prizes. Entiy Forms may be had of the Hon. Sec., 250, Bute-street. 637 SWANSEA. rp H E E M F I R E JL MANAGKH OSvVALD STOLL. TO.NIGHT! Laughable Skit on WILL TELL," by FRED WILLIAMS & CO. EDGAR BROTHERS, Eccentrics to the Core. Flo Clarinder. Ziobe. Switz and Holstein. FARLEY TRIO. ERNEST TROWBRIDGE. And the Misses DE CASTRO & MAUD STONEHAM, In His Lordship." Next Week ;—Florrie Gallimore. Kate Chard, and Deaue, Brand, &c. NEWPORT. M H E EMPIRE „; JL MANAGER. OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT !—Gus Elen, the original '"E dunno wher' 'e are," Down the road," If it wasn't for the 'ouses in between," Never interdoos yer donah to a pal." Besides this great artiste, whose success with the last three years has been absolutely phenomenal, putting into the shade that of other popular singers of a similar class, there also is contained in the pro. gramme the Collinson" Actdemy." Sketch Co., so enormously popular on its previous visit. Varieties by other able artistes, including Kate Chard, of the Carl Rosa Opera. Co., and other leading features, lhis pro- gramme IS absolutely unique. NO advance in the admission prices. BRISTOL. JgRISTOL POST OFFICE SPORTS. SATURDAY, MAY 4TH, 1895. (Under N.C.U. and A.A.A. Rules.) PRIZES B150 IN VALUE. 1.-0ne Mile NOVICE BICYCLE HANDICAP. First prize value S5 3S second, S2 2.. third, Sl Is. 2.—One Lap (3 mile) BICYCLE HANDICAP. First prize value jE8 8s second, E5 3. third, £1 Is. 3.-One Mile BICYCLE HANDICAP. First prize value £553 second, E2 2s third, Sl Is. 4.-Five Miles BICYCLE SCRATCH RACE for the City of Bristol Challenge Vase, value 60 guineas. First prize, Gold Medal second. Gold Centre Medal third, Silver Medal. Lap prize, £228. 5.-120 Yards FLAT HANDICAP. First prize value B6 8s second, io:3 3s third, Bl Is. 6.—Quarter Mile FLAT HANDICAP. First prize value JS5 5s second. X2 2s third, Rl Is. 7.—One Mile FLAT HANDICAP. First prize value £6 6s second, B5 3s third, £1 Is. ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY, 27th April. 791 BLACKWOOD. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. BLACKWOOD PICNIC AND RACES, f WHIT-MQNDAY, 3RD JUNE. GET YOUR PONIES and GALLOWAYS READY. 785 R. KALLEND, Hon. Secretary. hotels, |jinnuj-ramus, kt. NEWPORT. \I7ESTGATE HOTEL.-The Hotel of v Monmouthshire. Family and Commercial. Table d'Hote Dinner from 6.30 to 8 p.m. 2758 jjjARLNE HOTEL, BARRY ISLAND. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, WITH EVERY ACCOMMODATION. BILLIARDS. GOOD STABLING. TEMPERANCE REFRESHMENT-ROOMS NEAR BEACH. OPEN ON SUNDAYS. LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES CATERED FOR. 2728 MANAGERESS, MISS S. J. HICKS. IVERPOOL.— COMPTON HOTEL," Unrivalled for its Comfort. Excellent Cuisine, and Moderate Fixed Charges. Adjacent to Best Shops. Shipping Offices, Stations, &c. Luggage conveyed free, rjjlEETH J^ENTISTRY rjlEETH Restore Mastication, Digestion, and Beauty I M R K E ALL, SURGEON DENTIST (38 Years' Experience, 28 Years in Swansea), 199. HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Rail way Station), Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectlyftttmg Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman- ship guaraiiteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the Anaesthetics, Cocaine and Ether SPIAY- Partial Sets from 5s per Tooth. Upper or Lower Sets from Two OruiQcas* ITTVTTTDC KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, TIC Doloreux, Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is lVod and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist. Cardiff • Mr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street Mr Robb Chemist, Roath. Newport Messrs Garrett and Atkins, Chemists, 33, Commercial-street. Neath: Mr J G (late Hayman), Chemist, Llanelly Mr Morgan W. James. Bridgend Messrs Pritchar d and Roberts, Caroline-street. 4e 1038 J¡UituS5 ).hbttSSt!í. SPRING, 189&. U-OiWEL.L Respectfully announca theit 1 Â. NNUAL JJISPLAY OP NEW G 0 0 D Suitable for tbt SPRING SEAS, .J.. NEW JACKETS, WW jy-ANTLES & C NEW CAPES, NEW MiLLINERY. NEW JQRESS j^jTATERIALS, IN ALL THE LATEST PRODUCTIONS. NEW rjlRIM MINGS, NEW T ACES. H U W E L. LAN D CO., THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, CARDIFF. 2261 ILLIAM TRESEDER, NURSERY- r MAN, SEEDSMAN, AND FLORIST, CARDIFF. FOREST TREES I Larch, Scotch, Spruce, Austrian, IN LARGE Birch, &c., &c. QUANTITIES. Samples and Price on Application. 100,000 | I have a fine Stock of transplanted THORNS. stuff at reasonable prices. APPLES,PEARS I Large quantities of fine, young, PLUMS, healthy Trees. Standards, pyra- CHERRIES, &e. mids, bush, trained, &c. Special &:c. price for large quantities PEONIES, I Now is the time to plant these PYREI'HRUMS | beautiful flowering plante. 1? A fine selection can be seer PT i w at the Nurseries, r- A EVr^xr i'vn COWBRIDGE-ROAD. FLOWER Catalogue on application, SEED'S. post free. WREATHS, CROSSES, CUT FLOWERS.—This isfrk special feature of my establisliement. All orden executed with promptitude and despatch. 1187 FOUNDED 1850. FOR T ARGEST gELECTlOB AND ? RESOLUTELY LOWEST jpRIOES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JJOUSEHOLD JpURNITURE, CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS* PIANOFORTES, tc., GO TO BEVAN AND 00 MP A NY* LIMITED, Registered as « rjpiHE CARDIFF JpURNLSHERS, whose uninterrupted trading for nearly Hall Century, and whose immense and ever- growing business throughout the Principality and West of England, affords the strongest possible proofs of highest satisfaction beiag given to the many thousands of customers they serve every year. jQINING, D RA WING, ANIl JJEDROOM SUITES FROM gl TO 50 GUINEAS PER SUITE. AN UNRIVALLED SELECTION. ^DELIVERY FREE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRAm AND POST FREFu YOU WILL SAVE AT LEAST 25 PER CENT. BY GIVING YOUR ORDERS TO JJEVAN AND QOMPAHY" Whose only Addresses are DUKE STREET AND ST. MARY STREET. CARDIFF. OPPOSITE TOWN-HALL, NEWPORT. CLARENCE-STREET AND HANBURY* ROAD, PONTYPOOL. 659 15*86 13tt IMPQRTANTtoTHOSE WHO S U FFER. to cu One Box of Horton's I.X.L. Pills are guaranteed hapfc16 &pll complications. Also gravel and pains in tM ,vPo„st free for 4s from G. D. Horton, M.P.S. A™ General Hospital). Aston-road, Birmingham. Cardiff—A. Hagon, Chemist, 39, Bridge-st* ri J ;J?ute"st- Merthyr—Wills, Chemist. Swansea ri-0 u CliemisL, Oxford-st Newport—Young, Chemist l^ N.B.—Has never been known to fail. Let- tors answered free. Please naroc paper. 1316 W w A N S E A 0 F V I C & o OP TH* "SOUTH WALKS DAILY NBWS^. No. 2. COLLEGE-STREET'