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PEMBROKESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. -A At the last meeting of the Pembrokeshire County Council, held at the Shire Hall, Haver- fordwest, and presided over by Dr. George Griffith, a good deal of important business was transacted. Sir Owen Philipps, M.P., wrote that he was very pleased to see the Council had presented a peti- tion to the Lord Chancellor, asking that the Assizes should not be removed from Haverford- west. Sir Owen promised to support the Council in the matter. Mr Walter Roch, M.P., also wrote to. the same effect, and added that he presumed the Council would emphasize the fact that Haverfordwest was the most convenient centre for the Assize. Sir Charles Philipps presented the report of the Public Works Committee, in which it was stated that the question of offices and county buildings bad been referred to the Clerk and the Surveyor for consideration and a report thereon. A com- mittee had been appointed to consider the ques- tion of framing by-laws for prohibiting traction engines standing on county bridges for the pur- pose of taking water. The committee also re- ported that plans for the building of a new bridge at the foot of Windy Hall Hill had been approved, and towards the cost of which the local authori- ties asked for a grant of half the total cost. The new structure would be of ferro-concrdte. The committee further recommended the Council to negotiate a loan for JE3000 for the building of a lock-up and sessions-room at Goodwick, and that application be made to the Local Government Board for sanction for the same. Sir Charles Philipps said the present bridge at Goodwick was very dangerous, and he would move that half of the cost of the new structure, viz., JE180, be granted to the local authorities. Colonel Ivor Philipps, M.P., who supported, said the present bridge was a disgrace to the oounty. He was pleased they would set an example by the use of ferro-concrete. The motion to pay half was then agreed to. With regard to the Goodwick lock-up, Sir Charles moved that a. loan of JE3000 be applied for to the Local Government Board. They could not do with a penny less owing to the exceptional nature of the site, which was Bituated on the side of a hill. Mr S. B. Sketch seconded, and the motion was then agreed to. Dr. Style referred to the matter of the Pem- broke lock-up, etc., and several members having remarked that it was a matter for the Standing Joint Committee, Colonel Ivor Philipps rejoined that the County Council was the body to whom they came for money. Therefore every member was entitled to know what was going on. They did know there had been a hitch, and the matter ha.d therefore to be hung up. Pembroke had given notice that they did not intend to continue the present arrangements. Mr C. F. Egerton Allen contended that indi- vidual members had no right to report; it waa for the Standing Joint Committee to make reports. The Public Works Committee's report waa then passed. Colonel Ivor Philipps, who presented the report of the Main Roads Committee, moved that JE443 be paid to the Haverfordwest Rural District Coun- cil on account of grants in aid towards the im- provements of roads under the additional main roads scheme and that the road from Croesffordd to Blaenffos, six miles in length, in the Llanfyr- 9 nach R.D.C. be declared a main road under the above-named scheme, provided that it be placed iu proper repair, etc. Agreed to. Colonel Ivor Philipps also stated that under the Government's roads improvements scheme appli- cation had been made for a grant towards the improvement of the Fishguard Lower Town Hill, and the Tcnby-Penally-Perr,broke road the Hays- castle-Haverfordwest road having fallen through because the Haverfordwest Council had made no application with regard to it. The Committee, continued the speaker, had also forwarded an application for a grant towards the removal of dangerous corners on the main roads at Keeston Bridge, New Inn, Midway, Harp Inn, Tabor, Llystin, Temple Bar, Trefoel, Glanpwllafon Hill, Yerbeston Cross, and Little Carmeston a total of JE353. The Committee had also approved of the applications of the various local authorities. Mr Massy moved that a piece of land be pur- chased at Keeston Bridge, on the St. David's road, in order to improve the corner there, which was very dangerous, and, in fact, one of the most dangerous in the county. They had negotiated with the landlord, and he had offered to sell the bit for £20, then £10, and finally JE6, but the com- mittee refused the offer. They would either have — to pay for it or acquire it compulsorily, which latter method would take a long time, perhaps many years. If an accident happened in the meantime the Committee would have the respon- sibility for it at their door. Colonel Ivor Philipps said they were very anxious to settle the question, and no one had tried harder than Mr Massy himself. Landlords had in the past been very public-spirited, and given land for improvements, etc.—(hear, hear)- and the Committee found no occasion to go away from the well-established principles of the many, viz., that they would not give money for sites. Keestone Bridge, he might point out, was included in the application to the Road Board so they could see the Committee had the matter in view. The Chairman said no doubt if they paid for it it would be a very dangerous precedent. If one was paid, another had an equal right (hear, hear). Mr Allen remarked that it was a most dan- gerous practice to allow individual members to ask for money (laughter). Mr Robinson—Why not collect ? You would obtain sufficient then. It was remarked that the owner wanted at the rate of JE200 per acre. The amendment was lost, and the report was then agreed to. During the discussion of the Finance Com- mittee's report, Archdeacon Hilbers, Chairman of the Education Committee, asked that an addi- tional loan of JE400 be applied for. There had been a lot of additional work in connection with the Education Committee which required extra money. w Mr Allen claimed the Education Committee had no right to ask for additional loans. It was bad finance. The Committee applied for a cer- tain sum, and then asked for a few hundreds more. He protested against the way it was done. It should come through the Finance Committee. Colonel Ivor Philipps asked where would their finances be if it was done in that manner. Deferred. Mr Robinson, referring to the report of the Joint Counties Asylum, said the conference would, he hoped, meet soon and settle satisfactory the matters in dispute. Dr. Griffith, as Chairman of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Committee, remarked that the county was free from disease. With regard to the proposed memorial to the late King, the Chairman suggested a- committee should be appointed to consider the question. The Sanatorium should be easily accessible, so that Pembrokeshire people might go to it (hear, hear). The Chairman and Archdeacon Hilbers were appointed to represent the Council. Mr Allen said he could not approve of the ratepayers' money being spent for the purpose of raising a memorial to the late King, and especi- ally in the case of a memorial being in the form of a Sanatorium. A Sanatorium already existed in West Wales, and the Council had refused to subscribe to that. It was a very cheap kind of honour to put the expense of doing it on the backs of the ratepayers. Those who felt strongly in the matter should put their hands into their own pockets. The Chairman said there was no suggestion of making any contribation out of the rates. Archdeacon Hilbers—It is a compliment to ask us to assist. A communication waa received from the Hert- fordshire County Council asking the Council to protest against the new regulation of the Board of Education prescribing ten feet for each child in the elementary schools instead of eight feet. It was proposed to support the petition. A similar petition was then read from the Northamptonshire County Council. Alderman E. H. James—What are we going to build a Sanatorium for ? To enable patients to have fresh air, surely. Now yoa are voting against fresh air for the children. Mr Sketch (Chairman of the County Education Committee)—Arc we going to allow a lot of children to continue to exist with scarcely room enough to move ? I suggest that the communica- tion be referred to the Education Committee. It is a shameful piece of business to treat the schools in such a way. Mr W. P. Morgan said that the Council were considering the erection of an Isolation Hospital. I What was the use of such hospitals, he asked, while children were crammed into these schools ? « It was. useless to spend large sums for remedies s while neglecting to avoid disease. c Mr W. Lawrence said that what was wanted was ( to look after the health of the poor (hear, hear). I The letter was allowed to lie on the table. I






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H.M.S. "BLANCHE." -AI...-
