PAPER HANGINGS. ,c. I F. B. M A SO N I Is now offering PAPER HANGINGS at Wholesale Prices. Pulps. 2td. to 6d.; Grounds, 6d. to 9d.; Satins, 8d. to Is.; Embossed 2 and Gold, Is. to 2s. 6d. SANITARY PAPERS—Highly recommended for their purity and choice designs, 9d. to Is. 6d. per piece. OAKS in great variety, plain or varnished, 6d to Is. 6d Sienna Marbles from lOd. upwards. Raised Pattern Flocks or Lincrusta, specially ordered. SEVERAL JOB LOTS A T COST PRICE. "OBSERVER" OFFICE, TENBY. "'ar! These Remedies have stood the test of upwards of F FIFTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE, j AW.gre pronounced the Best Medicines for Family use. J Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, | A AND SOLD BY ALL MEDICINE VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. || H Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. Pears Soa p FOR TOILET AND NURSERY. JL Specially Prepared for the delicate skin of Ladies and Children and others sensitive to the weather, winter or summer. Redness, Roughness, and Chapping prevented. 0 Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR.* J. COLLIS 0 BROWNE'S td fUT 14 WSESM CHLORODYNE g Bit p THE GREAT of Choleraitselt\we^have witnessed its II FOR this medicine than Collis Browne's, t;; CHOLERA. from a firm conviction that it IS deci. 1^ \U. J. COLLiaBRO^ flag T) duf/w'eowe We p?S/Sn and the whoA he coined the wordOHLOKO- CHAK^onedose ^eraUysuffioient; JmSsmAp' .5? LSHlin «rffta»ns'Psr^)MPIiFTE. on the part of the chemist to prescriber of^hiorodp'e cannot possibly be dis- LY c'URED MB of DIARRHtEA." wjered by Analysis (organic substances From 8T*BS CO.. Pharmaceutical theAarm.'Society of Oreat Britain, Hts defying elimination), and since the for- Chemists, 8tala. Jan. 5,1880. Excellency the Viceroy's Chemists. mula has is en- To 3.1. DAVEHPORT, London. :=r dent that any statement to the effect DSAR SIR.—We congratulate you upon I IK. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S that a compound is identical with Dr. the widespread reputation this justly- JU CHLORODYNE is a liquid me. Browneis GhlOttWyne must be false. esteemed medicine has earned for itself dicine which assuages PAIN of This Caution is necessary, as many all oyer the East. As a remedy of EVERY KINO, affords a calm, re- persons deceive purchasers by false general utility, we much question freshing? sleep WITHOUT HEAD- representations. whether a better is imported, and we ACHE, and INVIGORATES the ner- BR J COLLIS BROWNE'S shall be glad to hear of its finding a TOUS system when exhausted. OHLORODYNB.— Vice Chan- place inevery Anglo-Indian home. The TVj, j. OOLLI8 BROWNE'S oellor Sir "W. PAGE WOCfe stated other brands, we are happy to say, are | f CHLORODYNE rapidly cuts pobhcly in Court that Dr. J. COLLIS now relegated to the native bazaars, short all attacks of BROWNE was UNDOUBTEDLY the and, judging from their sale, we fancy -npn.CTgy SPASMS COLIO. INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE, that their sojourn there will be but evanes- £ "« £ «• tha whcjle story of the defendant Free- cent. We could multiply instances ad JLJk rA-UPXTAiJ.oh, HYSTERIA. Sm^Hherately untrue, and he 'V^ extra^im^^cacy T" JffPORTANT CAXTTION.—The regfettwlto say it had been sworn to.— StT+ntiA-SslSJ • b»owm.k A IMMENSE SALE of this REMEDY .SeeTk*July 13th,IWI hafftvenriseto manyUNSCRUPU- T\n. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S Se o?¥re^ncV a L0US IMITATIONS. Be careful to JJ j, CHLORODYNE ig the TRtJE ^neral sedative, thafhave* S5?u £ ed Chemists, K* ?^TIiIA5SSSin„.„^„ under our personal observation during *»-lid..2s. Sd.,and4s. 6d. EURALGIA, GO TIT, CANCER, many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, SOL* MANUFACTURER, TOCEHACHE. RHEUMATISM. and even in the more terrible forms J.T.DAVENPORT.g.'i.Gt.RussellSt.W.C. LYDNEY COALS. From Stores. Price 20s. per Ton. NEWPORT COALS. Sole Agent for the celebrated FFAIDAV COAL, ranch appreciated for its slow combustion »nd the small quantity of ash made, is offered it 21s. per Ton. Special quotation for large [ quantities. This Coal is more suitable for Close Ranges than any other Coal brought to Tenby. Large or small quantities of FIREWOOD at 2e. 6d. per Cwt. delivered. Order from F. B. MASON, COAL MKRAHANT, TI-.NKY. VAMTABI* DISCOTWT FOB THK HAIR.—If vou hair is turning grey or white, or fulling off, use '1 H MEXICAN HAIR RENEW ER," for it will poritil'l-l'ij restore in every ease Grey or White hair to it orig" colour, without leaving the disagreeable smeu or mo.v "Restorers." It makes the hair charmingly bf.< uti. J as. well as promoting the growth of thehiurou bai spots, where the gjands are not decayed. Prioe 3s. —For an Oil to make the Hair soft, ck>s-<v, and li.v. riant, askfor "CARTER':) COL< H»X S UJ 1. P; i .• Is. of all dealers. Wholesale depoi, iM, Fa.rriugd.tii Jioad. Loader. | DR. ROBERTS'S Have over 100 years' reputation for the cure of Scrofula, Scorbutic Ulcers, and every other disease arising from impurity of the blood. Price 1/14,. 2/9, 4/6, and 22/- per box. Order through any Chemist, or send remittance to BEACH and BAENICOTT, BRIDPOBT (executors of Dr, Roberts), who will send their Pamphlet on the SLiu, post, free, to those naming this paper. DR. ROBERTS'S I IOINTMENT OF MANY VIRTUES) ovet- 100 jvatV reputation for the cure of Burns, Cancer. Chilblains. Eruptions, Inflamed Eyes, Fistula, G:iugrvne, Pimples, Pili-s. Scorbutic Complaints, and all kinds of Skin Diseases, also Ulcerated Legs. Price 1/14, 2/9, 11/ and 22/- per pot. Ordel through any Chemist, or send remittance to BEACH and BARNICOTT. BRIDPORT. TYLER & Co. 's Prize Medal Flannels are the best. MR. P. B. MASON, HOUSE AGENT. Port free on application, a complete List of Fur- nished Houses and Apartments to Let. ESPLANADE—A handsomely appointed Private Residence, in this most fashionable part of Tenby, to Let for the coming season. Can be reserved for any date. Servants left, if required. Three Reception, 10 Bedrooms. 1, LEXDEN TERRACE—To Let, with possession, containing 3 Reception and 7 Bedrooms. Unsurpassed situation. Private steps to the South Sands. Plate and linen provided, but no servants. HIGHFIELD, NORTH CLIFF.—A well Furnished House, in this lovely situation, to Let, without ser vants—Drawing. Dining, 7 Bedrooms, Kitchen, Ser- vants' Hall, &c., &c. Private path to sea shore; ten minutes' walk from centre of town. OLD RECTORY.—To LET. with immediate entry, for a term of years, or by the year or month, this well-Furnished RESIDENCE, charmingly situated in the outskirts of Tenby, containing four reception rooms, seven bedrooms, bath-room, servants' hall and bedrooms, kitchens, and eveiy other convenience. A three-stalled stable, coach-house, and a large garden, all adjoining, can be had if required. Fishing and hunting to be had in the neighbourhood. T4e sanitary arrangements of this House are guaranteed to be in perfect condition. HEYWOOD.-This favourite Residence to Let, partly furnished, with possession at an early date. The House stands in about two acres of ornamental grounds, flower and kitchen gardens, and small grass paddock, and contains large dining-room, drawing-room opening into small conservatory, smoke-room, 5 bedrooms, 3 dressing-rooms, kitchen and usual offices. Stabling for two horses and comfortable coach-house. Perfect sanitary arrangements, 1 in-door and 2 out-door w.c.'s. Gas laid throughout the house. Beautiful views of sea and country, half-mile from Church and Railway Station. Rent £ 100. TENBY—To be Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, No. 6, High Street.-2 drawing-rooms, 11 bedrooms, 3 attic ditto, with ample offices. —GLEN7 PENALLY^TO Let, FurmshedTwith pos- session. Charming situation; lovely views of sea and country. Drawing, Dining, and Breakfast-rooms, 4 Bedrooms, Dressing-room, and Servants' Bedroom. Never-failing supply of pure water. Low rent. To Let, near G.W.R. Station, the front portion of a large and pleasant HOUSE, Furnished or otherwise, with or without attendance; most healthily situated suitable for a small family, or shooting-hox. Excellent stabling, &c., if required; shooting, fishing, and hunt- ing. Terms moderate. ROBESTON WATHEN, To Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, with possession, this capital Family I. Residence, together with about 25 acres of rich Meadow Land. The House contains Drawing, Dining, and Breakfrst-rooms, Conservatory, six Bedrooms, good Kitchens, Stables, Cowhouses, Dairy and other out- buildings, also large Kitchen Garden; and is situated within 200 yards of the Parish Church, Ii miles from Narberth, and 10 miles from Tenby. Moderate rent. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR THE SPRING. A number of well-appointed and pleasantly situated Houses to Let, with or without servants, from 20s. per week upwards. "FURNISHED APARTMENTS.—Handsome Draw- ing-room, Dining-room, with 3 Bedroom en suite, to let at two guineas per week. First class cooking and at- tendance. Good view of North Bay. LARGE well furnished Sitting-room and 4 Bed- rooms on the Esplanade to Let, at 3g guineas per week. PLEASANT Sitting-room, facing sea, with two Bed- rooms adjoining. Hmoe COMFORTS. TFVMS, I UNFURNISHED. 5, CROFT TERRACE—To Let, Unfurnished, with possession, this splendidly situated and very comfort- able Private Residence, containing Drawing, Dining, and Breakfast-rooms 7 Bedrooms, Butlers' Pantry, Kitchen, Servants' Hall, and other convenient offices. Hot and cold water upstairs. Perfect sanitary arrange- ments. SALOP HOUSE—To Let, Unfurnished, with pos- session. Sunny position, close to the sea shore. Drawing, Dining, and six Bedrooms, with very con- venient offices. Low rent. No. 1, ST7JULIAN TERRACE.—TO LETTUNFM- nished. with possession, this well situated House, now being thoroughly drained and re-decorated. SEMI-DETACHED COTTAGE to Let- 3 Bedrooms, large Sitting-room, Kitchen, Scullery, Larder, and a good Garden. Rent £ 10. TENBY RAILWAY SrATION,-The Temperance Refreshment Rooms at this Station to let. Very favourable terms to desirable tenant. Suit pensioner and wife. or persons with a small income. PENALLY ABBEY.-To Let, Unfurnished,"with possession, a Gentleman's handsome Residence,standing in its own grounds with beautiful Vineries, Hot- houses, splendid Fernery, Flower and Kitchen Gardens, Stabling and Coach-house, &c. The House contains 3 Reception, 10 Bedrooms, and usual offices. Good sea view. Close to Church and Railway Station. MORFA TERRACE MANORBERE.—Two semi- detached Villas to Let. each containing 3 large Sitting- rooms, 6 good Bedrooms. Kitchens, &c., with productive Gardens. Good bathing, ami magnificent views of sea and country; close to Church and Post Office; one mile from a Railway Station and five miles from Tenby. Both Houses have been recently occupied by one family on a long lease. MR. F. B. MASON'S List of UNFURNISHED HOUSES And RESIDENCES to Let in Tenby and County of Pembroke, POST FREE ON APPLICATION XTTS FURNISHED.—To be Let, No. 3, ST. JULIAN U PLACE. Tenby, or Furnished. Apply to Mrs GWYNNE, St. Julian Place. ^TX) be Let, from the 25th of March, 1889, THE X ROCK HOUSE NO. 3. Apply Mrs GwTNNE, 3, St. Julian Place, Tenby. HALLSVILLE HOUSE, Victoria Street (corner situation), to Let, containing two Drawing- rooms, one Dining-room, nine Bedrooms, Kitchen, Scu lery, Butler's Pantry, and usual offices. Furnished. Gas through house. Drains properly and well venti- lated, and not in any way connected with the interior of the house. Hot and Cold Water Baths. Apply Mr W. Davies, Builder, Culver P^rk, Tenby. EATON COTTAGE, Victoria Street, to Let, con- taining one Sitting-room, three Bedrooms^ Kit- chen, and usual offices. Furnished. Situation within easy access to South Sands, and standing in from street front. Apply Mr. W. Davies, Builder, Culver Park, Tenby. WORKS OF LOCAL INTEREST Published by F. B. MASON, and sold at the "Observer" Office, or by local Booksellers. "RECOLLECTIONS OF OLD TENBY." Oblong 8vo., boards. Price ls. An interesting collection of 15 Views of Tenby as it appeared in the latter part of the last century, with descriptive letter- press. Specially printed from copper-plates from etchings made by the well-known historian the late C. Norris of Waterwynch. "ST. DAVID'S AND ITS CATHEDRAL." Imperial 4to. Price 2s. A series of 15 Views of St. David's Cathedral, as published by Norris in his History of St. David's in the early part of this century. Very rare. "A PARSON'S HOLIDAY; being an Account of a. Tour in India, Burma, and Ceylon, in the Winter of 1882-83." By the Rev. Osborn B. Allen, Vicar of Shirburn, Oxon. Demy 8vo., 228 pages, with a Map. Price 4s. Now Ready, price 30s., LITTLE ENGLAND BEYOND WALES; a History of South Pembrokeshire. By Edward Laws, Esq. 478 pages demy 4to.; in handsome case and well illustrated. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS '1 Are universally admitted C H to be worth a Guinea a box for y5.V^ bilious and nervous disorders, f n. f A such as wind and pain in the /<b/ \t|l\ stomach, sick headache, giddi- /yy w\ ness> fulness and sweLling; after I/ — \i»r\meals, dizziness and drowsiness, | I PATKNTT lcold chills, flushings oi heat, |lO| | lUIloss of appetite, shortness of 11| I P| L I fiq I breath, costiveness, scurvy, and I 'A I** I blotches on the skin, disturbed V5\ sleep, frightful dreams, and all \vVS. /J?/ nervous and trembling sensa- vCwV tions, &c. The first dose will f giye relief in twenty minutes. /SEvery sufferer is earnestly in- vited to try one box oi these TftjjB Pills, and they will be acknow- ledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses U.1 Uieiu curry oll all liianvjius, tutu, urmg «i«/Out uii chat is required, rio xeuisue should uc v> .uLual There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of all ages to hound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who nave tried thein and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. "pov' a irvw oil the 'h-er, "thoy" n,-t lik^ MAGIC?' aiv\ n wi'n be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the lost complexion, brine bank the keen edge of appe- titcy aü. :JLl'_1 n.;lr; v.f whole physical energy of the human irame. These are Facts testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one ot the best guarantees to tpe Nervous and Debili- tated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS hare the Largest Sale- of any Patent Medicine in Ht-e world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchia Affec- tion, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppres- sion 01 the Chest, Wheezing, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled They are the best ever offered to the public and will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person pive KKKCIIAM S VJOCOU ni.i.S a tnul, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. r v :o: .M v.V:U' :■'? ■CAA ]:;y H- p-oprictor, Tb Is. lid. and 2s. 9<i jcli. Sold L, every- where. SUi.— 4 with hux. -u :et. ;1 ■; ") h, n, U 1- I1" rr *INK tli, BEST BLACK W t; i 71 K U INK KNOWN. t 1 "i' EA Y" f :EA "i iYa /"CHOICEST Indian n-'i Vcyhw. from Is 6d. to 3s; V,' per lb. Genu;«e as Dojioi ted. At HUliUELL'S, Family Grocer, "23, High Street, TENBY ST > J S rom the <4 cugnc RG HOTEL." •I B H ¡ ,( 11 q, P"')¡I..1d:,)r. ++ ONE BOX OF C L Ah 1(!i' S B 41 PILLS irt-wai runt- c to cure an discharges from the Urinary Organs, in eiriier >» x (!»-.quir. d or constitutional). Gravel, and pains in tlw bllek. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sdd in Boxes. 4s. 6d. each, by all Chetuists and Patent Medicine Venders throughout the World; or sent, tc any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES Dttua COMPANY, Lincoln. THROAT AFFKCTIONS AND HOARSENESS.—All out. fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate' relief afforded by the use of "Brown-s Bronchial Troches." These famous lozenges are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is. l^d. per box. People troubled with a haclnng cough," a "slight cold," or bronchial affections, cannot try them too soon, aa similar troubles, if allowed to pro- gress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatic affec- tions. See that the worda "Brown'a Bronchial Troches are on the Government Stamp around each box.—Prepared by JOHN I. B&OWN A SONS, Boston, U.S. European depot, 83, Furiugdon Bond, Loads* Asrum to MotMM *—Are you broken in your Mat by • pek oluld suffering with the pain of enttiag teeth? Go at OHM to a ohemist and get ft bottle « Has. WINSLOW" SOOTHINO Srscr. It will relieve the poor raffera jmiaediaUly. It )> peifeetly barmloss and pleasant to taste, it moduoee natual. toiet sleep by imriu the ofcild IFOOI pei». od the little eherub awakes as bright M abatton. It sootkesOe ohild, it soften the maw, allays all pain, relieve* wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dyseataqr and diarrhea, whethar arisnig fawa teeth- Its. w ing or otker eanses. Mm. Wmslow^s Sootktag Syrujp g or amom is sold by Medicine dealers everywhere at Is. lid. per bottle. FLoaiwini!—FOB Tm TMTH AND BBXATH.—X few drops of the liquid "Floriline" sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produces a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impuiifcie^, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops Jecay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, aud a. delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. The Fragrant Floriline," being com- posed in part of Honey and sweet herbs, is delicious to the taste, and the greatest toilet discovery of the age. Price 2s. 6d., of all Chemists and Perfumers. Whole- sale depot. 33. Farringdon Road. London.