LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILORING. NEW SPRING GOODS. IN SCOTCH HOMESPUNS, SCOTCH TWEEDS, IRISH TWEEDS, WELSH TWEEDS, WEST OF ENGLAND AND FRENCH WORSTEDS, SERGES AND VECUNAS, IN VARIOUS SHADES, &C. Suitable for LADIES' JACKETS and ULSTERS, Boys' SCHOOL SUITS (strong wear), ETON SUITS, GENTLEMEN'S SHOOTING and FISHING SUITS, MORNING and DRESS SUITS. Cut and Fit guaranteed by a Cutter of 17 years' experience. Scotch and Welsh Hand-knit Knicker Hose and Half Hose; Boys' Welsh Knit Hose in all sizes and colours. Dent's Gloves. Morley's Hosiery. Lincoln and Bennett's and Christy's Hats. 'Varsity Caps and Helmets, Ties, Collars, Shirts. Cricket and Tennis Clothing, &c. STEPHEN DAVIES, 6, High Street and Frogmore Street, TENBY. Ftat Cta vtam, 1873.1 II |T n I (111 A W h n I 8 Iff A 11! 0 W"-187S>- Gold Medal Paris, 1878.j JHL 11 II ll U 0 fl ■ ll 11 I fl III JOLll JjUl |FirstPrlze' Meibourue' 188°- SUPPLIED TO THE CARLTON AND OTHER LONDON CLUBS. (VIENNA PRIZE ALES, 4s. per DOZEN.) SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR INVALIDS. The above Ales have been awarded the highest Prizes for BRITISH > Light quently result from drinking ordinary British Beers, and therefore may, like BEERS at the above Exhibitions. They possess the same relative propor- ADA DBF B 111 G T the superior Continental Brewings, be drunk with perfect impunity. They tion of Alcohol as Burton Pale Ales, and are therefore equally exhilarating; DillllGI* flftk r)0j> are al80 characterized by great purity, agreeable tonic properties, delicacy but being entirely free from Fusel Oil ana other deleterious constituents, they A18S m nnVcKT neither occasion the headiness nor the stomachic derangements which fre- B flavour, and freedom from acidity. ALES IN CASK:—Mild Ale (No. 2), Kilds., 24s.; Bitter, Kilds., 21s.; Mild (No. 4), Kilds., 18s.; Mild (No. 2), Fks., 12s. 6d.; Light Bitter, Fks., lis. Fks. STOUT, 12s. 6d. Sole Agents: JOHN MERRIAM & SON, W. & A. GILBEY'S Wine & Spirit Agency, High-st., TENBY FAR Nil AM HOUSE, TEN BY. School for the Daughters of Gentlemen. Head—Miss PEATFIELD. Certificated Teachers. The ordinary course of Instruction includes English in all its branches, Arithmetic, French (Grammatical and Conversational), Elementary Drawing, Calisthenics, Class Singing, and Needlework. Classes for Mathematics, Latin, and German. Special Classes for little Boys. References—Lord Bishop of Llandaff, Llandaff; Lady Milman, The Croft, Tenby; Mrs Rowe, St. Andrew's School, Tenby; and Parents of present Pupils. OVEBDALE SCHOOL. It High Class Select School for Young Ladies. Under the direct personal supervision of the Principal, Miss WILSON. French and English Governesses. Pupils prepared for any Exam. A French Class every Morning for Pupils over Sixteen, which Young Ladies not otherwise Pupils of the School can join. Highest References in Tenby, and to the Parents of former and present Pupils. For Terms and Prospectus apply to the Principal. FOR Sale, a large quantity of Bedding Out.PLANTS -t- from Caldy Island. Apply Caldy Vegetable Stores, Tenby Pier. Floor Cloth-Linoleum, Corticene. I Brussels, Tapestry, Kidder and Velvet Pile CARPETS. Kidder and Oriental Squares. Composite and all Brass Bedsteads. 1 Wire, Spring, Wool & Hair Mattresses in all sizes. SOLID WOOD and PAINTED FURNITURE of every description. MANCHESTER WAREHOUSE COMPANY, TUDOR SQUARE, TENBY. THE THIMBLE," TUDOR SQUARE, For all classes of GENERA L DRAPERY, MILLINERY, and FANCY GOODS at CASH PRICES. DRESSMAKING ON THE PREMISES. Fit and Style guaranteed. Cut on the Scientific principle by an experienced hand with first-class Diploma. Funeral and Mov/rning Orders at Lowest Pricks. Men's Fjats, Shirts, Scarfs, Ties, &c. Suits, Trousers, &c., to measure. F.. J. TRINGHAM, PROPRIETOR. For GROCERY and PROVISIONS, China, Glass and Earthenware Views and Arms of Tenby and Fancy Articles go to EVANS' SUPPLY STORES, TUDOR SQUARE, TENBY. Agent for BEACH'S JAMS, Finest WILTSHIRE BACON, CHEDDAR CHEESE, &C. BEST VALUE FOB CASH Imperial Union Accident Assurance Com- pany, Limited. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1868. REGISTERED OAPITAL, £ 500,000. Head Office—32, FINSBTJRY PAVEMENT, LONDON, B.C. PROVISION in case of Accidental Death. Com- pensation for Permanent Disablement. Allowance during Temporary Disablement. Assurances against Accidents of all kinds; against Railway Accidents; against Voyage Accidents; and against Employers' Liability. 6,000 Claims, amounting to j680,000, paid by the Com- pany in the last Seven years. ALFRED B. SHELLEY, Secretary. ,J'I. .r _,r- J" ¿-¿- Prospectus on application to Mr J. G. EVANS, Supply Stores, Tudor Square. MI JAMES BOWKN, Railway Station Tenby. MONTHLY SICK NURSE. Apply Mrs SIMMONS, 1, St. David's Cottages, Lower Frojr Street, Tenby. S. G. ROGERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT JASFERLEY HOUSE, TENBY. Wines and Spirits of all the best brands. Bottled Ports, Sherries and Madeiras, which have been in these Cellars for years. Balls and Parties supplied by contract. Bass and Allsopp's Ales supplied in Cask and Bottle at Trade prices. T. TUCKER, HAIR-DRESSER, FANCY DEALER AND TOBACCONIST, mo-TT STEEETI TENEY. 1/Q wiH be paid to any person, who I vvdi by using GOLDMAN'S TOOTH WATER, is again troubled with TOOTH ACHE. In Bottles at II! by all Chemists, Patent Medicine Vendors, and direct from the Chief Depot, 214, Harrow Road, London, W. COBOURG HOTEL, TENBY. mHIS well-known Establishment, commanding ex J. tensive Sea Views, situated in the centre of the Town, near the Church and Post Office, with spacious Coffee-lloom affords to Gentlemen and Funiliw visiting this delightful Watering-Place the very beat accommodation. Families boarded in the House. Wines, Spirits, &c., all of first-class quality. AN OMNIBUS Leaves the Cobourg Hotel, meeting each Train to and from the Pembroke and Tenby Railway. J. B. HPGHES, Proprietor "RUTZEN HOTEL," NARBERTH. GOOD FISHING AND HUNTING CENTRE. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MODERATE CHARGES. W. H. HODGES, Proprietor. MYRTLE HOUSE SCHOOL. Principal—MRS. C. H. TASKER. (Assisted by experienced and certificated Governesses.)- SOUND and superior Education at Moderate rl Terms. Preparation for Local and other Exams. Private Evening Lessons in Latin, French, German, Mathematics, and Music. Referen es to Parents of former Pupils from all parts of England and Wales.