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FENIANISM. Dublin, Tipperary, and Waterford Pro- claimed. The Irish Government have proclaimed the city and county of Dublin. Saunders's News Letter, referring to the proceeding, says Many were of opinion that this step would have been taken long ago, but the authorities doubtless deferred it as long as pos- sible, hoping that the prosecution and punishment of the Fenian leaders would produce the intended effect, I and that they might be spared the necessity, of inflict- i-ago such an indignity on the Irish metropolis. Whether the Government have received any secret information which has urged them to the adoption of this course, we are unable to say, but events that have recently happened-the continued manu- facture of pikes, and, more lately, the seizure of a number of persons .in the act of running Minnie rifle bullets afford. a sufficient justifi- cation for the measure. It is perfectly right that all the disloyal and disaffected persons should be disarmed, and that the police should have greater facilities than they possessed to search for the arms which there is but too much reason to believe are concealed throughout the city. By placing Dublin under the provisions of the Peace Preservation Act, the police will be enabled to carry on a systematic search for arms, and the penalty incurred by a viola. tion of the law is such that we do not anticipate they will meet with any resistance or difficulty in the dis- charge of their duty. The proclamation of the Lord- Lieutenant named the 16th inst., as the date from and after which the Act was to be in force in the county and the city of Dublin. Under it any person not duly authorised to carry arms will be liable to one year's imprisonment, if, after a day to be subsequently named, he, knowingly, has in his possession any gun, pistol, or other firearm, or any sword, pike, or bayonet, or bullets, gunpowder, or ammunition. All persons not licensed. will be required to deposit any arms they 'may possess at the nearest police- station or barrack. Persons will be appointed to issue licences, and we have no doubt they will be freely given to all respectable citizens. The Lord- Lieutenant has also proclaimed the whole of the county of Tipperary and the county and city of Waterford. The propriety of this act will be generally I conceded. We are glad, however, to learn from a correspondent that although around Clonmel, Mullir,&: hone, and Thurles there may be a good many enrolled Fenians, the numbers throughout the North Biding are not very considerable, and no greater hostility is entertained against them than by the Catholie clergy and the farmers of the district." The Freeman's Journal adds the following particu- lars:—"Soon after the proclamation had been pub- lished anxious groups were to be seen collected read- ing it on all the places where it was posted, and the police received information that pikes, pistols, swords, ammunition, drill-books, &c,, were being made away with as quickly as possibly by concealing them in most ingenious places, or by throwing them into the river and canals. Many who had not read the pro- clamation attentively, or who had been misinformed concerning it, thought that the search for arms, ammunition, &o., would commence at once, and for that reason the greatest vigilance was exercised by those who were afraid of the police visiting their houses, to make an overhaul' for pikes, re- volvers, &c. On Monday evening, some constables 'v"'O" of the E division proceeded to a field in the neigh- bourhood cf Harold's Cross, where in a haystack they found twenty pikes ready for immediate service. In the same locality on the road a bundle was found, which, on being opened, was discovered to consist of a military cloajc, of green cloth, with red facings* and secured at the collar with a solid gold chain and clasps; also two green tunics, with red facings, bearing the initials of 'The Irish Republic.' All this uniform was elegantly finished, and was evidently the property of some person who had recently returned from America, as the cloth and style of workmanship are foreign. In the Grand Canal uniform coats of a similar kind were found."


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