SWANSEA I MERCANTILE CO., Ltd., | Of 18, PPLKK STREET. SWANSEA, Hake Cash Aclvarces from zio to £ 1,000 To Commercial Gentlemen, Tradesmen, Farmers, and Respectable Householders 6n their own ote of Hand, at a low rate of Interest. STRICTLY PRIVATE. CONFIDENTIAL. For further particulars apply H. B. JONES, 18, Park Street, Swansea

I I IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. See the 22nd of our IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. See the 22nd of our new Series of Special Agricultural Articles by a Carmarthenshire Writer.

N OTICE TO A DVERTISERS. The scale of charges for prepaid advertisements in the CARMARTHLN JOURNAL under the DULSES of Situations Vacant, Sale by Private Contract, to be Let or Sold, Apartments, Lost and Found, and Miaoellaneoua, will m future be at TELEGRAM RATE. "1 No. of One Three Six. Words. insertion. insertions. insertions. 12 0 6 10 19 18 0 ) 16 2 6 M 10 2 0 3 30 1 3 2 6 4 i6 1 6 3 0 4 6 42 19 3 6 5 6 MEN-SERVANTS, HOUSEMAIDS, COOKS, ke., or any other persons SEEKING FOR SITUATIONS, 4nay advertise at 20 WORDS FOR SIXPENCE. All orders for advertisements must bear the name And address of the advertiser, and must be accom- panied by remittances to cover the cost, either in HALFPENNV ttainps or Money Order. The Publishers do not guarantee the insertion ot an advertisement in any specified issue, or at ,i. and will not be liable for any Joss occasioned by the failure of an advertisement to appear in any specified issue, or at all. They also reserve the right to refuse insertion of an advertisement. Whilst great pains are taken to secure accuracy, the Publishers would impress upon advertisers the oeed for legible writing. In any esse they mlv insert advertisements upon the condition that they do not accept responsibility for inaocuracies, nor for any consequence arising therefrom. g. King Street, London Offices, Carmarthen. 28. Shoe Lane, E.O. Mantel When replying: to advertisements please mention Carmarthen Journal." THERE is a vacancy in the JOURNAL Office for a well-educated Youth to learn Reporting and Journalism.—Applicants must have received a -thorough grounding in an Intermediate School.— Apply, Editor, CARMARTHEN JOURNAL. (2289p SMART Lady Shorthand Typist, with good all- round knowledge of office routine, seeks situa- tion.—Apply, Box 4, JOURNAL Office. (2,352p THE Manager of the CARMARTHEN JOURNAL will be pleased to make an offer for any volumes of the paper, bound or otherwise. The volume for 1810 is specially wanted. WANTED, a good plain Cook, age about 25 years.—Apply, in first instance bv letter, to Matron, Carmarthenshire Infirmary, S. Wales. (3477 SPINNER Wanted at once.—Apply, Ben. Aber-cerdin Mills, Llandyssul. (2370p THE Spirella Company of Great Britain, Limited, has vacancies in several districts in Carmar- thenshire for refined ladies to train as professional Corsefieres. Small temporary outlay as guarantee required. Only those desiring a, permanent, \1ih- class work need apply.—" Spirella," JOURNAL Office, Carmarthen. (2371p WANTED, Spinner or Weaver; one accustomed to country factory preferred.—Apply, stat- ing wages required, Roberts, Cambrian Factory, LlanwrtyJ Wells. (3488 WANTED, young Girl as General Servant: good references.—Mrs. Colby Evans, 3, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen. A Good General Servant wante d: good house and good money given.—Apply, Mrs. Evan .Tones, Cilfig, Llanelly. (8373p WANTED. £ 1.000 on mortgage on a Freehold Farm.—State lowest terms to "C. J. D." JOURNAL Office, Carmarthen. (2374p SPINNERS and Weavers required at once. State wages and experience.—Win. Thomas and Co.. Gelly Mills, Clynderwen. (3489 TAILORING, Ready-Made Clothing, and Gents' A Mercery. We want a good Traveller to work the districts of (and reside at either) Peneader, Llandyssul, and Llanybyther. One used to Tailor- ing and knowing the district.—E. Morris ond C o., Carmarthen. (2383p GROCERY & PROVISIONS.—Wanted at once, a G smart Young Man as Apprentice.—Apply, J. Thomas, Whitcliffc Stores, Llandilo. (2381p TAILORS.-Wanted at once, good Coat Hand: A one who has knowledge of Ladies' Coats pre- ferred; also Improver. Only steady men need apply.-Luthc,r Thomas, Cwmdu, near Llandilo. (2384p WANTED, Mole Catcher; state terms and when disengaged.—T. John, Park Estate Office, 'Llangennech. (2376p OATS OATS!! OATS! POTATOES! POTATOES!! CHARLES EVANS, LAMPETER Is a Buyer of any Quantity delivered on nearest Railway Station. Send Samples and prices. Zo Xet. TO LET, MAESYCOED HOUSE and GARDEN, Abergwili; kitchen, parlour, 3 bedrooms.— Apply, 13, Caxton Place, Abergwili, Carmarthen. CARMARTHEN.-To Let, OAK HOUSE, double- C fronted. large rooms; low rental; immediate oossesgion; with or without garlen. -Thomas. Road Bill. (2372p PUBLIC-HOUSE to Let March next (owner re- tiring) in a Carmarthenshire Village.—Particu- lars, Rex," JOURNAL Offioe, Carmarthen. (3378p for Sale. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS.—A few copies are still on hand of the Booklet—The Shire v. Strong-boned Cob or Roadster, and may be had from the JOURNAL Office. Price ld. each, by post lid. PIANO BARGAINS.—A very fine Collard and Collard Upright Piano, in handsome Walnot case, JBlO; Erard Upright in Walnut, £ 15; Sames Upright in Oak, £ 23; Stroud, upright in rosewood, L22; "Pianola," JE30 (when new 75 guineas). All Pianos fully gitar,-tRted. -Write for catalogue E," and full bargain list, to C. Milsom and Son, Ltd., The Gre-at West of England Piano House, Milsom Street, Bath. FOR SALE, or TO LET, the Leasehold Dwelling- house and Woollen Factory, called GLYN Llang-Ier, with water wheel and machinery -,)rnpicte. Possession immediately.—Apply, Mr. Jerries Jones, Solicitor, Newcastle-Emlvn. (3480 GOVNESS Cars. Ralli Traps, cosy. light, stylish, rubber tyres and without; also Dog Cart?- Cranks, Market Traps, about 30 new and secondhand to clear from ES 10s. All prices re- duced, khort time only. Extra allowances to dis- tance btt>ers. Established 50 years. Inspection invited. -Avery,s, Carriage Works, Dock Street, Newport, n. jfor Sale FOR SALE, Governess Trap, round corners; also Harness, both in splendid condition.—Apply, John, Station Road, Pencader. (2367p NEAT Correspondence brings GOOD RESULTS. TYPE WRITTEN LETTERS are always BEST. Before deciding upon your machine send for IH of bargains to D. L. EVANS, WOODLANDS HENLLAN, Cardiganshire, Agent for all standard makes. New or second-hand can be supplied at shortest notice at LOWEST PRICES. (2350p VIGOROUS Indian Game Cockerel, 18 months, T Frayn's strain; approval; LI.-Killick-, Gwer- nogle, Nantgaredig. (2379p EDISON'S latest Four-guinea Fireside Phono- graph. Horn, 22 inches; Bell. 100 Records, two and four minutes. New condition. Bargain, £ 3.—Apply, Bargain," JOURNAL Office, Carmar- then. (2380p LLANWRTYD WELLS end District. Freehold -LJ and Leasehold Farms and House Properties for Sale and To Let. Also Shooting and Salmon (Towy) Fishing to let.—Apply, stating requirements, to Morgans, Aucti-oneer. (2382p PRINTED Notices bearing the words, Apart- ments," "A House to Let," "This House to Let," may now be had at the JOURNAL Office. Price Id .each, by post ld. 2 FOR SALE, 4.-roomed Stone and Carnarvon- slated COTTAGE, with nice Garden, situate between Llanpllmpsaint and Rhydargaeau; immedi- ate possession.—Apply, John Francis and Son, Car- marthen. FOR SALE, Ensign Roll-film Hand Camera Sym- metrical Lens f8.; excellent condition; cheap. AI)plv, "Camera," JOURNAL Office, Carmarthen. (2385p VISITING CARDS.-Ladies' size-Plain, 1/6; Gilt-edged, 1/9 for 50. Gent's si*e—Plain or Gilt-edged, 1/6 for 60 post free. Cash with order.—JOUBNAL Offioe, Carmarthen. Orders must be for 60 or more. \\T EDDING GIFT.—Lady offers magnificent ▼ » 7-Guinea Service, A1 quality plate (stamped), six each Table, Dessert Spoons and Forks, Tea and Egg Spoons (36 pieces); unsoiled; accept 25s. Specimens. Approval willingly.— Write, "Gift," JOURNAL Office, Carmarthen. (2351p BASIC SLAG, all grades, also Kainit, Salt, &o., deiivered any station in England and Wales. —Charles Picken, Merchant, Wolrerhampton. PEAT MOSS LITTER, lowest prioee, delivered any station in Great Britain.—-Charles Pioken, Merohant, Wolverhampton. 1907p RHYBYDD 0 BWYS AT P.WYLLGORA U ARDDANGOSFEYDD, &c. —Gellir cael Roll Tickets at wasanaeth Arddan- go, iL evdd, etc., gyda throad v post o Swyddfa y CARMARTHEN JOURNAL. Gellir eu c.aeI wedi eu geirio: "Admission, 3d., 6d., 1/ ne 1/6." Prisiau 1/- y fil, neu drwy y post 1/1. Danfoner arian gyda'r archeb. LADIES READ THIS! Advioe free for stamp Mrs. E. Stewart's Famous Female Remedy, never fails.—Address. 9, Guinea Street, Bristol. WE can provide you with WEDDING INVITA- TV TION CARDS at 2/9 per dozen, 50 for 6/9, or 100 for 11/ Envelopes to match stamped with silver Initial are included in these prices. ROLL Tickets worded Admission—3d., 6d., 1 /• and 1/6" always in stock at the JOUBKAL Office. Price 1/- per 1,000, or by post 1/1. Supplied only in thousands Terms Caab with order.- JOURNAL Office, Carmarthen. WE offer you value in WEDDING CARDS. Prices "from 2/3 per dozen, 50 for 6/9, or 100 for 9/ including Envelopes to match. We invite you to inspect our latest Bamples.—JOURNAL, Car- marthen. RATS DIE QUICK with RODINE RAT POISON: rats like it, eat it greedily, die on the spot, leave no smell; sudden death and absolute extermination guaranteed; never a rat eats Rodine and lives, never a rat escapes', the record rat re- medy. 6d., Is., 2s., 3s., 5s., post 2d.-Harley, Chemist, Perth. Agents: W. Lloyd, Chemist, Car- marthen; D. M. Davies, Chemist, Llandilo; J. Nicholas, Drug Stores, Llandovery; J. J. Davies, Llanybyther; D. Rogers, Chemist, St. Clears; D. J. Lewis, Chemist, Llandebie. SHORTHORN CALVES. STRONG healthy Calves are sent carriage paid 8 upon lots of two or more to any station in your district. Bred from large-framed Shorthorn sires and dams. Full of hair and bone. Un- doubtedly the best obtainable. No fanoy prices. For price list and book of testimonials, apply Fred B. Gill, Wynngate, Whitchuroh, Salop. (2139p SHORTHORN Calves for Rearing, form Deep- k3 milking Cheshire Dairy Cows by Pure-bred Bulls; quotation to any Station; no fancy prioes; correspondence a pleasure.—Frank Dobie, Littleton, Chester. .musical instruments D. J. SNELL'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. PIANOS AND ORGANS.—New and Second- hand by all tho leading makers from £ 5 up- wards. Lists free.-D. J. Snell, High Street Arcade, Swansea. GRAMAPHONES, from 21/ New Double-sided records from Is. Id. each. Thousands of Re. oords in Stock to select from. Lists free.—D. J. Snell, High Street Arcade, Swansea. Xost ant) jfounfr FOUND, in Carmarthen, November Fair Day, Lady's Watch. Owner may have same on giving satisfactory identity proof. -Griffith s. Pont- vnvswen, Nantgaredig. (2377p jftnanctal LONDON & PROVINCES DISCOUNT CO., LTD. IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES. £ 10 to~ £ l,000 are privately completed at 24 hours' notioe on your simple promise to repay, without preliminary fees. CaU or write to the Manager, W. SHIRLEY, 48, Stokes Croft. Bristol. £10 to £10,000 To Lend by the Oldest West of England Firm, F. Lawrence Ltd., on written promise to repay Life Policies, Furniture. Farm Stock, or other security. Principal remains, or can be repaid by easy instalments Promptness and privacy. A gentleman will call and hand you cash at your house if desired, Distance no object. Do not expose your requirements locally. Write E. VICTOR HAMILTON, Don Chambers, Wine Street, Bristol SPECIAL and Important to responsible persons requiring immediate Cash Advances. £ 20 to £ 5,000 advanced on SHARES, LIFE POLICIES, JEWELLERY, INCOMES UNDER WILLS, or Security of any description. Advances a Iso made without security upon Note of Haod alone. Those ilesirine Cash should applv at once, stating requirements, vvhen, if approved, business completed in 24 hours. Special terms for farmers. NO IMPOSSIBILITIES ADVERTISED, but STRAIGHT DEALINGS GUARANTEED. NO I'l, ES. Call, write or 'phone (Cardiff 467). Actual Lenders, ( HARLES STEVENS, Ltd., Hayes Buildings, Cardiff. 1*356 Carmarthen EmPIRE THEATRE Blue Street, S Proprietors— Resident Manager— ^5 ■ MORRIS and BOLTON. HORACE W. BOLTON. H ■ Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, Dec. 14th, 15th & 16th. I ffl Special Engage- T A "p "C* Refined & Ori- H ment of JL xJt JLv iC# ginal Comedian, Splendid Exclusive Star Picture-By Special Arrangement with Pathe Freres- ■ A WOMAN of the PEOPLE | (In Four Parts). A parallel story of the loves and sorrows of two young women-one a noble- man s daughter, and the other a work girl. One of the most popular of Cinema plays. Magnifi- ■■ cently produced. flj Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Dec. 17th, 18th & 19th. B |H Magnificent Exclusive Star Picture—By Special Arrangement with Pathe Freres, will be shown HH for the first time in Carmarthen, the Great Thrte Part Coloured Film— I A QUEEN'S LOVE I j^H This highly romantic and thrilling drama of Modern Court Life it one of the finest picturesevcr produced. and includes in the powerful cast some of the most accomplished Actors and Actresses of of the present time. IH H The WARWICK CHRONICLE and other Highly Interesting Pictures. I H The FULL EMPIRE ORCHESTRA at every Performance. H M Twice Nightly 7 & 9. Matinee, Saturday at 2.30. H H Prices as usual. I MOST UP-TO-DATE AND COSY THEATRE IN WEST WALES. g ■D IGTUBEDBOM TH THE RINK, CARMARTHEN jLLi SATURDAYS—8.30, 6.20, and 8.10 p.m. THURSDAYS-6.30 and 8.38 pm. OTHER DAYS—8 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 14tli Pathe's Great Special Feature Drama, Tears of Repentance, A Drama with wonderful combination of power and pathos. The leading parts are sustained by players who are famous all the world over for their strength and delicacy of their work. And Hepworth's All-British Drama, A Bronze Idol, A Powerful Story of a Reformed Gentleman Cracksman." fHURSDA Y, DECEMBER 17th-By special arrangement with Pathe Freres' Cinema, Ltd., holders of the Exclusive Rights. The Greatest Film of the Year, Le Chevalier De Malson Rouge, from the World famous Novel by Alex- andre Dumas. (In Five Parts). A Magnificent Classic Exclusive, excelling the the Great Drama, Les Miserables," which took the Cinema World by storm. PATHE GAZETTE, containing Latest War Pictures. Pianist Mr. T. S. PUDDICOMBE. ADM.ISION-3d., 6d., 9d. Children-2d., 3d., 4c. Saturday Afternoons for Children—Id., Zd., 3d. I A SPECIAL SHOW I OF FANCY GOODS for XMAS AT HENRY THOMAS & SONS. A very complete stock of GOWNS for EVENING and DAY WEAR at MODER- ATE PRICES, is worth special mention. W* Please Note we are Ilgentsfor- The Royal Worcester Corsets, Burberry's and Kenneth Durward's Coats. Also Achille Serre, Dyers and Cleaners. 2, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen. | That Eye of Yours! The number of people who, without knowing it, go about with one eye blind or almost useless is really surprising. It is only when they play- n fully try each eye separately, or place themselves in the hands of an experienced Optician, that they suddenly become aware that they are the possessors of a highly defective organ. A greater majority still blame p t, the good eye, which does its best to make up for the poor eye, for aching and becoming sore. So we say advisedly—" That eye of yours because we know how often it is that one eye only is the cause of all the trouble. Let us test them both for you. We do it thoroughly, and Free of Charge-any time, day or night. A. 1. JONES, M. P. S. (Successor to S. T. REES), I Qualified Pharmacist, Optician & Seedsman, 16. LAMMAS STREET, CARMARTHEN. YN AWR YN BAROD, YR AIL RIFYN 0 Hanes y Rhyfel Ewropeaidd Pris 3c. Trwy'r post -1c., blaendal. Mae ychydig gopfau eto ar law o'r rhifyn cyntaf, ond gan na argreffir ychwaneg dylid danfon archebion ar unwaith cyn eu gwerthir allan. Gellir cael y ddau rifyn yn rhad trwy y post am 7c., blaendal. Bydd y rhifynau hyn, ynghyd a r rhifynau dilynol, yn grynhodeb cyflawn ac eglur o'r Rhyfel fwyaf a welwyd erioed. Brithir yr Hanes a darluniau ardderchog. 15 The Welsh Insurance Corporation, Lid. Head Office: 22, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Offer to Freeholders who own their Houses and Farms. Excellent Terms for Insurances against F'ire,Employers Liability, Live Stock, Ar.. Risks. ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE TRANSACTED. DIRECTORS. I SIR GARROD THOMAS, M.D., D.L., J.P., Newport (Chairman), Director South Wales Brattice Cloth and India Rubber Co., Ltd. COL. J. A. BRADNEY, C.B., D.L., Taly- coed Court, Monmcuth. DELME DAVIES-EVANS, J.P., Llandilo (Manager Lloyds Bank, Ltd.) ELLIS W. DAVIES, M.P., Carnarvon (Ellis Davies, Jones & Jones, Solicitors). W. H. EDWARDS, J.P.. Swansea (Pro- prietor Dyffryn Tinplate Works, Mor- riston). L. FORESTIER-WALKER, J.P., New- port, Director Alexandra (Newport and S. Wales) Docks and Railway Co., Ltd.) ALDERMAN W. N. JONES; J.P., Amman- ford, Chairman Rhos Colliery, Ltd W. iENEAS MACKAY, General Manager- c) London and Lancashire Life and General Assurance Association, Ltd., 66 and 67, Cornhill, London, E.C. CAPT. D. HUGHES MORGAN. J.P., Penally, R.S.O., Pem., Director "Western Mail," Cardiff. COL. E. PBYCE-JONES, M.P., J.P., D.L., Newtown, Managing Director Pryce- Jones, Ltd. CLAUDE D. THOMPSON, J.P., Wenvoe, Cardiff. The Local Directors will be glad to advise about all descriptions of insurance. Swansea Offlce-17, WIND STREET. Carmarthen Representative-Mr. LEONARD EVANS, Mansel Street, Carmarthen. SMOKES FOR OUR SOLDIERS "JOURNAL" SCHEME OF SUPPLY TOBACCO & CIGARETTES AT HALF- PRICE. IN order to assist our brave Welsh boys at the front, we have opened -L a subscription list to enable our subscribers to forward to the soldiers of any of the Welsh or other regiments at the front, the much desired Cigarette and Tobacco. Every report from the seat of war states the eagerness of our Tommies for a smoke, and the scarceness thereof. 6 We have arranged with Messrs. Rutter & Co., the oldest established house in the Tobacco Trade, in the British Isles, (they started business in 1767) for a supply to be sent forward for us to wherever our Welsh Regiments are at the following scale Every donor of 1/- sends 150 Cigarettes or 5 oz. Tobacco » | 500 „ or 1 lb. „ » 8/6 » 1000 „ AND 1 lb. „ Every P.O. 6d. would secure 75 Cigarettes for Tommy. The Cigarettes are" The British Lion," and the Tobacco the well- known Mitcham Shag," or Mitcham Cricket Green Mixture." We also guarantee to send to individual men in any regiments (if desired) at same prices, but postage extra. Rates of postage up to 3 Ibs., i/ from 3 lbs. to 7 lbs., 1/4 7 lbs. to 11 lbs., 1/7 in this case, with P.O., send name, name of soldier, regiment, regimental number if possible. Send along your money NOW. Tommy is doing everything for you ;-saving your home-your money-your business it is a very small thing to give him something to smoke in return. He risks his life for YOU. Isn't that worth a few smokes ? A Central News Telegram of October 25th says :— The German formula appears to have been so many hours' bombardment equals so much demoralisation of the enemy. Therefore so many battalions can clear the nerve-shattered wretches from their trenches. This is very scientific, but it doesn't square with the facts. On the contrary, the British Tommy complains about the shell fire only in so far as it gives him a headache apparently. One of the Welsh told me yesterday how for hours the heavy German guns had endeavoured to shift them from their trenches. Luckily every shell fell 30 to 50 yards behind. At about 5.20 one of his chums caught his eye and shouted, Duw, Dai! When are they going to stop for tea ?" Just fancy yourself in a trench as described above-waiting for hours to charge "-and nothing to smoke. Every contribution will be thankfully received by Editor, and duly acknowledged in our columns. Please address all contributions to TOBACCO," JOURNAL OFFICE, and state- CARMARTHEN. i. Name and address. 2. The soldier's name, regiment, and if possible regimental number 3. Exactly what you want sent. 4. Please write distinctly.