
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MONEY MARKET. LOSDON, Saturday. Quite an average business has been passing in money for a Saturday, .and moderate supplies of capital were available. For loans the charge was 3! per cent. Discounts were firm, especially for short-dated paper, which was charged 4k per cent. The discount rate for t bree months' bank bills was h per cent. The inquiry for gold for Germany and South America steadied the market. Brazilian stocks were specially influenced by the reports of revolution, but in other respects the stock markets have been featureless and quiet. The general tendency was not unfavourable, many itocks closing at a further improvement from yes- terday. Consols closed a t 97 1-16 to 97 3 16 for delivery, and 97i to 97j for the Mccoun-t 2i per Cent. (Childers ), 991 to 100a '2 Per Cent., 94 to 95k; Local Loatid fcjtoe;k, 1012 to 102i, A small business has been done in Foreign Bonds. Brazilian issues were depressed by the reported outbreak, but not to a serious extent. Moat other South. Americans also were dull. Greeks were toleraWy firm, but most International issues receded. Greek 1881 and 1884- rose g; do. 4 per Cent. Rentes, Peruvian 5 per Cent., 1-16; Russian 1873, k; Costa. Rica. B, £ Brazilian 1886 fell 1^ do. 1883, 2; do. Gold .Loan 1879, i; Buenos Ayr<»,a Cedillas A, B, and J, -4L; Egyptian Unified, 1-16; Greek Monopoly, Italian, a; Mexican, £ Portuguese, Spanish, 5-16 Turkish Group 1, il, do. Group 2, g do. Group 3, and do. Gr,, up 4, 1-16. The English Railway M-uket li-ts again been strong, the demand ruuning chitfly on London and Brighton A's and the Scotch lines. There was an inquiry also for Easst London. Heavy lines wero neglected and occasionally weak, and South-Eastern A receded a little. Caledonian rose 1 Great Eastern, i; Hull and Barnsley, Brighton A, -7; Chatham Ordinary, 1; do. Preference, i; biieffieM Deferred, i; inletropolita North British, £ East London, 1. Gveat Northern fell North-Western, Midland, a South-Eastern A, J. Business in Indian Railways was quiet, and prices remain without any -particular change. East Indian Annuity B rose 1. Canadian Pacific Railways continue to com- mand a large share of attention, and have further improved. Grand Trunks were steady. First Preference ro-e g Second Preference, i Cana- dian Pacific, i. Grand Trauk Ordinary fell 1-16. The Foreign Railway Market was quiet. There was still a demand for Mexican Railways, which 4 further recovered; Nitrat;es were nnaltered. Buenos Ayres Great Southern rose 1; Central f Argentine, 2; Mexican Ordinary, (io. First fend Second Preference,$; Mexican Central:, bonds, Lombards fell 1-16. A quiet business has been passing in American (Railways, and there has been soxco irregularity in movements in prices. Chicago and Milwaukee, Louisville and'Nashville, Norfolk Preference, and Reading were in favour, but many ;hers were weaker. Chicago and Mil- waukee rose 2; Illinois Central, if; Louisville and Nashville. |; Erie Second, New York Ontario, Norfolk Preference, §- Reading Shares, i. Central Pacific fell g Denvers, do. Preference, g Lake SliorA, New York Central, 4 Erie, g; Atlantic First, i Northern Pacific Preference, i Ohio and Mississippi, £ Union PaciSc, 4 Wabash Pre- 4 ference, 5. Banks.— A £ =;ra rose i National Provincial of England, L12 paid, Standard of 3outh Africa, 2 Union of London, £ Insurance.—Alliance Assurance rose 3 Liver- pool, London, and Globe Fire and Life, g North British and Mercantile, £ Phceuix, 2k. Alliance Marine fell 9. Telegraphs.—Anglo-American fell 2 do. Pre- ference, 5; Brazilian Submarine, i- Tramways,—Cartiiagena and Herrerias 5 per Dent. Debenture rose 1. Waterwork,Clielsea Ordinary fell 2. Miscellaneous.—Lister and Co. rose i Aranco preference, -4; Primitiva Nitrate, g Crystal Palace 6 per Cent, Second Debenture Stock, 2; British Investment Trust, 2 Foreign and Colonial Gold Trust 5 per Cent. Preference, 1; Gas, Water, and General Investment Trust, 1; Cunard Steamship, General Steam Navigation ) per Cent. Preference feii i; Guinness Ordinary, 1 Crystal Palace 6 per Cent. Third Debenture, l; San Donato Nitrate, g. Mines.—Amador rose a, to lul Ballaghat 6J, to Ss 6d Mason and Barry 1-16, to 6; Mysore Sold 5 16, to 5i Rio Tinto k, to 14 15-16; Tharsis 1-16, to 4 11-16; Victory 2., to 6.; De Beers g, to 22 13-16; Bertram V, to 9s; De Villiers {Robinson) 1-16, to 57-16; Ferreira" i. to 14; 4 Sold Field g, to 2; Transvaal Land 3-16, to 1 £ Croesus 5, to 8; Southern L:\urj g, to it; Stanhope i. to 6; Wemtners g. to 7; E.C. Callao a, to 4i; Namaqua 5, to lâ; British Broken Hill g, u 6; Spitzkop 31, Lo 4; Devala Moyar foil AS, to 4, 3i Pahing 4, to 4 Fahing Kabaug 1-16, to 1 13-16; Panuioilio 1-16, to 1; Oceana Laud g, to 15i Jubilee §, to 6g; Jumpers g, to Ibi; Simmer and Jack, g, to 7; Sutherland Reef J, to 5; Swaziland Gold and Ex. Co. it to li Gold Fields of South Africa (new) 1-16, ;o 39-16; Modderfontein 1-16, to 1316; Moss Rose i, to 2< Durban Roodeport A, to 5; Heriot 2 j, to 5. At the Bank 250,000 German gold was sold, and 25,000 sovereigns withdrawn for South America. The rates telegraphed from the East weret:- Sombay Telegraphic Transfer?, Is 4|-j Calcutta do.. I5* 4 21-32d; Houg King iour Months' bills, Si 2* 1 Shanghai do., 4s 4-4 i. a Indian Exclianuea quoted-Bank bills, sixty days, l 4 11-16i thirty dryi", 10; 4id demand, Is 415 16, -1. Private Bills, sixty dayf, Is 4 7-161 thirty riays, Is 4 17 32d; demand. Is 4 21-32d. Rupee Paper, 4 per Cent., t8 to 682; do- 4g per Cent., 701 to 71. Silver is quiet. Bar, 43 11-16,1. The Shares of the Imperial Bank of Persia closed 2 to 2< premium hte founders' shares 1600 2000. The great and continuous increase in joint stock companies affords evidence not only of the prosperity of trade, but also indicates a tendency io spread profits over a larger area and among ft larger number of persons. The United Bacon-curing Company, Limited, of London And Holland, with a share capital of E110,000 in 11,000 shares of £10 each, has just presented itself before the public. It is proposed to take over several old-established Dutchfirms which have long enjoyed the monopoly of bacon-curing in the whole of Holland. Two of the firms supply the London market daily with fresh pork from Holland. The certified profits hitherto derived from these establishments have been very large, and there has always been an immense, steady tials in the London market. Th;) old-established firm of Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Company, Limited, needs no description or recommendation. It is one of the largest and most prosperous publishing establishments in this country. The public are now invited 10 become partners, the share capital to be £ 100,000, divided into seven per cent. cumulative preference sharea of 210 each, and 5,000 ordinary shares of £10 each. The prospectus, which is to be found in another part of our impreasiou to-day, contains full informa- tion as to the process by which it is proposed to be converted into a limited liability company. The business of Messrs Casisell and Company has gone on increasing since it became a company, and there is no reason to suppose that the long- established and really respectable firm of Kegan Paul and Company will not be all the better for he transformation. [RECTER'S TELEGRAMS. ) PARIS, Saturday.—The tendency of to-day's Bourse was very restricted. Tha news of a revolution having broken oui in Brazil had an unfavourable effect, particularly on new issues connected with thac country. French rentes de- clined from 7 to 10 cents. BERLIN, Saturday. Business on to-day's Bourse was vary qui^t, aud the'tendency was flat. VIENNA, Snucday. -BusIness on the Stock Market was almost :1t standstill. DAILY STOCK AND SHARE LIST. Supplied by Messrs THACKERAY & CO., Stock and Sliar Br kers, 3, ])Ock Chambers, Cardiff RAILWAYS. Paid. Prices. Stock Barry Dock anil Railways 100 ^136 140 !° Great Western 16^ 1674 • lt London and North Western 100 179* 180, Midland 100 143 144 Midland 100 143 144 10 Khondaa ana swans^a Bay 10 ..10 lit 10 do New 4 43 bt Stock Rbymney ..153 158 Severn and Wye 100.. i) 10 „ Taff Vale Divided Stock loo 81 82 10 do Now 6 15 loi PRKFERErmAU Stc),,k ,Barry Dock& Ity. First Pref. IGO ..129 131 1 Do 2nd do 10 124 ]23 Stock, Brecon dfMer liStPref.l8&l ..100 ..112 115 Do 2u(1 Pref. 1862 ..100 ..100 103 Cambrian, No 1, 4 j.c 100 62 53 „ Do No 2, 4 p.c 100 30J 31* „ Greit Weste.ii Colisol 5 P.C. 100 .-155 lb7 10 Pembroke & Tenby,5 p.c. 1864 10.. 7 7A 10 nlaond(l'.L. & Svvansea Bay 5 p.c 10 12 l2 30 do a p.c. 4 6i 6i StockRhymuey 4 per cent. Consold. 100 .116 118 Tatt Vale 4 pter cent. Consld.100 ..1^0 122 11)0 Taff No. 1 Preference 100 272 276 GUARANTEED AND LEASED. &0 Aber,).Iri, R&ilwa-Y to J33 141 .Stock Great Western, 5 p.c. guar. 100 156 158 t, Penarth Harbour,Dock, and RylOO -"151 153 S0111.&Dorset(BathExtension)100 ..109 111 RiULWAY AND OTHER DEBENTURES Bonds Bavry Dock & Rly 4 p. c.100 116 118 Do.. 4 p. c.100 ..115 117 tockBrecon<fc Ivlerthyr A4 p. c !W ..110 112 Do. 1; 4 p. c. 300 ..103 105 tock Bute Dock 4 p. c 1 JO ..113 115 „ Cumbrian A 4 p. c 100 ..118 119 Dli. B4p. c 1C0 ..114 115 „ Grea.c Western a do ..100 ..159 161 DIitflaud 4 per cent. ..1 134 „ Mid-Wales A 4^ per cent. 100 ..116 118 „ Milford Dock A 6 per cent luO ..101 104 „ Rhymney 4ditto.100 ..127 120 „ Somerset and Dorset, No. I ..100 ..151 152 „ Taff Vale 4 p.c 100 -.129 131 BANKS. 20 Bristol West ofEuglanùjLilll. 7.. 17 171 20 do New 7, 16 171 100 County of Gloucestpr, Lim 25 C66 30 Glamorganshire, Lim 2i.. 2> 2{ 5 Glamorganshire, Ld., Pref. 2i.. 3 3i 10 London and Provincial, Lim. 5 174 18 20 National Bank ofwtles, Lim 10 15; 16 20 do New 5 9 101 '/5 National Provincial, Lim 10.. 46 47 60 National Provincial, Lim. 12 544 554 40 North and South Wales, Lim 10 ó3,i 34.1: 20 South Wales Union. Limited 7 10 104 GAS. 10 Aberdare 10 13 14 Stock Cardiff A 10 per cent.100 ..200 205 Do. B 8 _>er cent 100 ..163 160 Do. C 7 per cent IX) ..140 14o II Do. Gas D 5 per cent 100 ..103 105 10 Llynvi Valley. 10 91 10 Stock Newport A 10 per cent 100 ..198 203 Do. B 7k per cent 100 ..148 153 II Do. C 7 per cent 100 .139 144 2a Swansea 74 per cent 25 37^ 384 25 do 7 per cent. 25 35 31 GAS AND WATER. 10 Barry and Cadoxton 7 82 9! 10 Bridgend. 10 10 lot ,12 Pontypool{Max. lOp. c.) 12 ..11 18 10 YstratlA 10 13 19 WATERWORKS. 25 Bristol 2b 55 to 20 Do 20 42 43 10 Neath A 10 16 17 10 Pontypridd 10 14 16 Stock Pontypridd 5 per cc. Pref .100 ..115 120 COAL AND IRON. 10 Cardiff and Swansea Colliery 10 1J, 2 23 Ebbw ValeSteel, Iron, <fcCoal 20 9 5 Great Western Collry. A Pref. 5 13 13i 5 Do. B Ord 5 Ili 12 0 Do. New B 4 10J 11 100 Do. 6 p.c. B Debs.100 99 102 10 H. H. Vivian & Co. A Pref. 8 6 74 5 International Coal 2i 2t 624 Nantyglo &, Blaiiil Iron Pref. 624.. 64 66x30sar 10 Newport-Abercam Colliery.. 10 9" 10 10 Do. Participating Pref. 10 102 H* 5 North's Navigation Colliery 0 6j 7 5 Rhymney lruii 0 2 2 5 Do. New 4.. id 1 100 Do. 7 p.c. Debs. 1890.. 100 ..98 102 100 Do. 5 p.c. More. Debts.100 b5 98 17 South Wales Colliery A 17 5J 6 3 Do. 10 per cent B.. 3 4± 4ixd 5 Do. New B 14 2 24 50 Tredegar Iron and Coal A 3t> 30.1: 301 2a Do. B25 j 23a AIISC.ELL AN ISO G'S. 20 Alexandra Dock & Railway.. 20 16 161 Stock Ditto 4; p.c. Pref 100 ..101 103 1 Bland & Co., Ltd 1 614 10 Bristol Brewery Ordinary 10 20 31 10 Do. 6, Preference 10 14$15 Ht Bl. and So Wales Waggon 3 u 50 Bute Dry Dock 50 32 34 d Stock Cardiff Corporation 3i p.c.100 ..110 1104 5 Cardiff & Penarth Tramways 5 34 31 50 Cardiff Junction Dry Dock 40 18 21 25 Cardiff Workmen Cottage 25 35 31 b0 Central Dry Dock 50 25 35 7 Glo'sterHy.Car.&Wag.L'l.A 7 84 9 10 W. Hancock & Co., Ltd 10 234 24 10 1)0 do New 10 23 234 10 Do 6 p.c. Pref 10 121 12t 10 Do New 10 12i 122 Stock Do 44 p.c. Deb. StocklOO ..105 ION 20 Hill's Dry Dock 18 8 84 1) Milford Dock 10 14 a 50 Mount Stuart Dry Dock 40 .„ 45 47 50 Do B 20 22 23 b Newport Tramways 5 bi- 6* Do Water £1 Annuities 2b 27 50 Penarth Shipbuilding 50 40 42 50 Do 35 30 32 10 Provincial Tramways 10 51 64 10 Do 6 per c?nt Preference.. 10 loi 11 10 ltoyal Hotel 64 per cent. 10 loj 101 bU Spiller & Co. Carditt, Ltd 45 74 76 50 Swansea Dry Dock 25 3 5 Stock D.) Corporation 32 p.c ..100 ..109 110 „ Do Harbour4 p.c. Stock 100 98 100 10 Do Tramway 10 2j 3 1 W'st'rnCounties Telephone Ord. 1 9s Od 10s 5 Do. do. o p.c. pref. b 52 5.1 50 Windsor Slipway 4a 17 20 Bank rate a per cent. tixed 2bth Sep.

THERE ARI5 SELLERS OF E500 Barry Dock & Railway Stock 1b Spiller & Co. Shares, at 75 60 Rhondda & Swansea Bay Ey- Pref. Shs. fully paid lCO Rbymney Iron Old Shares, at 49s 6d 50 do New Shares, at 29s 6d tO North's Coliiery Shares, at bet BsOt) Bute 4 p.c. Debenture Stock, at 1134 35 Milford Dock £ 10 Shares, at 31.s 3d 16 Barry Dock & Railway New, at ó RaOO Rhymney Ordinary, at 16 29 Newport Pitwood Shares 50 National Bank of Wales Oid Shares RaOd Brecon & Merthyr Railway 1st ?ref. Stock, at 114 5CO & £ 200 Barry 4 p.c. Debenture Stock, at 116.4 2a Newport Abercaru Colliery, at S3 183 9d 12 Gwerna Colliery Shares, at par 50 Carditf & Swansea Colliery, at 33s £ 105 Newport Gas A Stock, at 201 £ 320 Cardiff Gas C "at 1424 25 Royal Hotel 6% Preference Shares THERE ARE BUYERS OF 10 Hancock Ordinary Shares, at 23 7 Cardiff Junction Dry Dock Shares, at 2Q 50 North's Colliery Shares, at 61 Alexandra Dock Ordinary, Preference, & Debenture 10 National Bank of Wales Shares, at 15 Barry ist or nd Preference 12 Parker's Burslem Brewery Preference Shares 20 Hancock Ordinary Shares Hancock Preference shares, Old or New b Bute Dry Dock Shares, at 33 Rhymney Railway 4 p.c. Preference Stock, at 118 100 Cardiff & Swansea Shares, at 20s iftc.,iSc. THACKERAY AND CO., CARDIFF, STOCK-BUOKKRS. 1059 E. -LY-D-D-O-N&-COMPAN- STDCK & SHARE BROKERS, POWELL-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. ON SALE. 1010 S400 Wye Valley Debenture Stock, at 1274 20 llhondda & Swansea Bay Ordinary Shares 100 Rhymney Iron New Shares 25 Parker's Burslem Ordinary Shares R700 Barry Ordinary Stock 20 National iiank of Wales New Shares 10 Drake, Driver & Leaver Shares 10 National Bank of Wales Shares, at 15 Alexandra Dock Ordinary Stock & Shares 10 Barry Dry Dock Shares, at Hi 12 Hill's Dry Dock Shares B40 Cardiff GM C Stock, at 141 60 Rhymney Iron fully paid Shares S200 Barry 4 p.c. Debentures Talf Vale New Shares WANTED. North's Navigation Colliery Shares Pembroke & Tenby Preference Shares 30 Aberdare Gas Shares Neath Water Shares Rhondda & Swansea Bay Shares, at Sll Bland's Shares South Wales Engineering Shares, at 94 20 8 juth Wales Union Bank Shares Miller & Co.'s Debenture, at 106 20 Barry & Cadoxton Gas & Water Shares, at 91 ARTHUR STUCLEY T. L UCAb, STOCK & SHARE BROKER. SWANSEA, 1032 E. J. EVANS & SIMS, STOCK & SHARE BROKERS. 32, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 1057 GEO. THOMAS, STOCKBROKER, VIENNA CHAMBERS, BUTE DOCKS, JARDIFF. BUYERS. 1072 Barry New Shares and Stock 20 Hancock's Old Pref. Shares k National Bank of Wales New Shares and Old 15 Abercarn Preference, at 104 SELLERS. 20 Cardiff & Penarth Trams, at 34 Severn & Wye Ordinary Stock B500 Barry 1st Preference Stock, at 130 Western Counties Telephone Co. 6 p.c. Pref. Shares 10 Rhondda & Swansea Bay Ordinaries, S4 paid, and 10 Preference bO Cardiff & Swansea Collieries, at 3b:5 Newport Abercarn Ordinaries 20 Hancock Preference 30 Arrow Patent Fuel Shares FLEMING S. & J. G. THOMAS, STOCKBROKERS, EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. (Telegraphic Atldress, 11 Fleming, Cardiff.") ON SALE. 1033 £1000 Severn & Wye Bridge Debenture South Wales Union Banks, at IO4 10 Junction Dry Docks, at 20 10 Bristol & West of England Banks, at 17 ,'u „ Mountstuart A & B Shares 20 Frome Brewery Preference 20 Arrow Patent Fuel B2020 Midland Ordinary Stock 40 Sir John Bennett, Ld., 8 p.c Preference ».<. 40 Milford Dock Ordinary WANTED 50 North's Navigation, at 64 South Wales Colliery, at 5:1 London & Provincial Bank. at 171 Parker's Burslem Ordinary P,130 Rhymney Preference National Bank of Wales Shares 15 South Wales Union Bank., Great Western Coll ery Shares Barry & Cadoxton Gas & Water THOS. F. PEARSON, STOCKBROKER, 5, DOCK CHAMBERS, BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Telegraph Address, C edge, Cardiff, SELLERS—6 Wood Brothers' Shares 2 Spiller Shares 8 Taff New Shares Milford Dock Shares Cardiff & Swausea Colliery Shares S120 Rhymney Railway Ordinary BUYERS;—Barry Ordinary 5 Bute Dry Dock Shares South Wales Union Banks, at 1O Hancock & Co. Ordinary, at 23. Milford Dock Ordinary Shares Barry Allotments National Bank of Wales Shares Barry & Cadoxton Gas & Water Shares PARSONS AND ROBJENT, STOCKBROKERS, WESTGATE BUILDINGS, NEWPORT. ON SALE. 10 National Bank of Wales New Shares 100 South Wales Colliery A Shares, at 64 £205 Newport Gas B £100 do 5 p.c. Debenture UK) Milford Docks, at 32s 6d 50 Cardiff & Swansea Coal, at 33;; 6<1 30 Lloyd & Co., at 5k 50 Milford Docks B10 Preference, at 31 100 Rhymney Ircn New fit 30s £i10 Central Wales 1st Preference, at 80 t:50 Annuity Newport Corporation, to yield about 52% 120 Neath Tramway Shates 5 Great Western Colliery A, at 13.t 100 Rhymuey Iron Old 2J Barry Dry Dock Shares WANTED. 10 Lloyd & Co. S5 Shares 50 Newport Tramway Shares 100 Neath Trams FQ Rhymney Iron Old Shares 2tJ Newport Abercarn Preference & Ordinary 50 National Bank of Wales Cardiff & Swansea Colliery Shares 100 Rhymney Iron Old Shares 100 South Wales Colliery New B Shares bO South Wales Colliery B Shares I The best little English Liver Pill-Kernick's Vegetable Pills 7id, 13id, and 2s 9d boxes 3342 A BOON TO MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility, Lost Vigour, Exhausted Vitality, &e. A treatise explaining the renowned Marston treatment by local absorption, the only positive cure without j Stomach Medicines, will be sent in plain envelope, sealed, post free, upon application.—Address The • arston Remedy Compy., 249, High Holborn. London. I ) TREGERTHEN DUNN AND CO. I (Telegraphic Address, TREDUNN, CARDIFF), STEAMSHIP SHARE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS MERCHANTS- EXCHANGE, DOCKS, CARDIFF. ON SALE— 2:2265 Shares Racine s.s. Co., Ld. 32100 Blue Jacket s.s. Co., Ld. 1 F,103 Anne Thomas s.s. Co., Ld. 4-Mtl1 II s.s. Cameo,of Cardiff 1.64tli s.s. Speadwell, of Cardiff j BUYERS. Orientals, Abermaeds, Ferncliffes, Goldcliffes, Cory and Sons, Morels, Thomas Radcliffes, Hoy-beads. MONTHLY SALES BY AUCTION HELD. NEXT DEC. 12th. 1889. ENTRIES SOLICITED 3039 J. W. COURTIS, STOCK & SHARE BROJKER, ST. JOHN'S CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. 4341 Telegrams, STOCKS, CARDIFF." Telephone, No. 551.) BUYERS. bO Cardiff & Swansea Colliery Shares, at 303 25 Barry & Cadoxton Gas L Water Shares, at £ 94 National Bank of Wales Shares Barry Dock Ordinary Stock < Stevens & Son's Ordinary, at 21 prem SELLERS. Williams, Thomas & Co.'s Shares 10 Barry Dock New Shares 14 Hancock's Ordinary Shares 15 Uancock's Preference Shares. ;70 Hancock's 44% Debenture 2 Shares s. Cymuirodorion 5;Royal Hotel Co.'s Ordinary Shares

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I LATEST MARKETS. CORN. GLOUCESTER, Saturday.—Some of the English wheat offered was out of condition, but best qualities sold at prices not obtainable last week. Foreign was held for an advance, which chocked sales. Grinding barley and oat s 6el per qr dearer. Maize steady. CARDIFF, Saturday.—Best samples of English and foreip..i wheat were 61 per quarter dearer. Flour firm I at advancing rates. Flat maize and barley bd per quarter dearer. Oats and beans firm. Blue peas Is to 2s dearer. Other articles same as last. PRODUCE. LONDON, Saturday.—Sugar refined quiet; beet opened fiat, but close,1 firmer-November, sellers, lis 7id, less + per cent. buyers, lis 6d December, sellers, lis 74d, plus 4; buyers, less 4 January, sellers, lis lOAd buyers, net; cane steady. Coffee excited on the revolution in Brazil, On the spot Is and Rio futures Is to 2s dearer—December, 73s. Rice dull. Cotton quiet. Jute quiet. Turpentine, 34s 6d. American petroleum, 5|d PROVISIONS. MONMOUTH, Saturday. — The market to-day was but fairly attended, and the supply was moderate. Prices were as follow :-Hens' ej;g.s, "8 to 10 for Is. Fresh butter. Is 3d per lb. Dressed poultry-Fowls, 3s 6d to 4s 6d per couple, or 8d per Ib ducks from 5sto6sper couple; and geese, 9d per lb. Butchers' meat fprime joints) — Beef from 74d to 84d per lb veai, 9d per lb wether mutton, Sid to .?<! per lb lamb, lOd Der lb pork, 6d to 8d per lb. Game— Hares, 3s to 4s each pheasants, 5s 6d to 6s per brace partridges, 3s per brace grouse, 4s per brace woodcocks, 6s per brac" rabbits. Is each. Fruit—Eng- lish hothouse grapes, 3..1 per Ib foreign do., 6d per lb cooking apples, Is per gallon pears. Is per gallon dessert apples, Is per dozen. Ve;tetables-Pota.toes. 5d per gallon savoys, ld and 2d each turnips, 4d per gallon. Fish-Turbot, Is 4d per Ib soles, Is 8d per Ib lemon do., 8d per Ib halibut, lOd per Ib brill, 8d per lb whiting, 6d per lb nlaice, 5:1 per Ib fresh haddocks, 4d per lb dried do., 4d per Ib sand dabs, 4d per lb oysters. 16 for Is red herrings, 16 for is. kippers, 16 for Is bloaters, 16 for Is fresh herrings, 20 for Is. iiurrnR. CORK. Saturday.-First,, 110s; seconds, 903 thirds, 74s; fourths, 55s. Kegs—seconds, 80s thirds, 67z.. Miid-cured ti rk-iii-5-supor tine, 115s fine, 107s mild, Sib. Do. kegs-fine, 103. In market, 836 firkins 5 kegs, 95 mild. CARMARTHEN, Saturday.—(William Pugh's Report.)— There was a small supply of cask butter at our market to day, which sold at from Is to Is Od per lb. Inferior sorts at from lid to lUd per lb. Fresh market pound butter, Is 2d to Is 3d per lb. CHEESE. CARMARTHEN, Saturday.-(William Pugh's ilePort.)- A fair supply of cheese, which sold at previous quotations, viz., from 20s to 22s per cwt, according to quality. SUGAR. GLASGOW, Saturday.- Quiet market, and prices in- clining easier. The official report states :-I'he market closes with a moderate business at about steady prices. DEAD MEAT. LONDON. Saturday.—A farge quantity of meat is left unsold from yesterday, and trade is duil and depressed owincj to the unfavourable weather, the prices being almost nominal. Beef, 2s 4d to 0S 8d prime Scotch do., 3s 8d to 4s mutton, s 6rl to 5s 4d veal, .5s 4d to 5s large nork, 3s 4d to 4s 4d small do., 4s 4d to 4s 6d per 8 lbs. Fisrr. GRIMSDT, Saturday.—Fifteen vessels. Fair sunply, good quality, anil moderate demand. Pfaica. 24s to 28s Itivel, 20s to 24s lemon, 4bs to 50s ioles, JlOi to 160s haddock, 10< to 15s; whiting, 203 per box of cwt. turbor.. 6s to 18s; congers, 20* to 23s • brill. 2s 6d to 53 ling, 3s to 5s dead, 2s to 3s cod', 3s 6d to 7s 6d skate. 2s 6d to 5s dead,Is 9d to'2s 3d each hake, 50s to ICOs dead cod, 40s to 65s crabs, 5s to6s per score; dead ¡, II but, 5s to 6s per stone. HOPS. WORCESTER, Saturday.— <Piercy and Longbottom's Report.)—Our market continues very firm, and full prices are made where sales are effected of the few remaining lots unsold. Ten pockets have been weighed to-day, and 89 during the weak, making a total of 16,132 pockets. JUDE, SKIN, AND FAT. BRISTOL AND WESTERN COUNTIES, Saturtlay.-Prices paid as followsHides Spanish,—d to —d 931bs and upwards, Sict to 4LI 83lbs to 921 bs, 3(1 to 41d 73lbs to 821bs, 3id to 4d 631bs to 721bs, 2,1 to 341 541bs to62)bs, 2,d to 3id 531bs and under, ¿(£,1 to 3rl. Cows: 631bs and above, 2iirl to 3 £ d light, 2jjd to 3d. Bulls, 2|d to —d heavy cuts and warbled, 24d light cuts and warbled, 24d; irregular. 2id to Calf skins 171bs and upwards, 34d; 12Ibs to 161bs 5gd 91bs to lllbs, 54d under 9lbs, 3|d; cut and irregular, 3id. ilorse hides, lis 9d, 14;" 6d, 16s 3d. 13s 6d, 19s 3d; 1st kips, 2N 2nd do., lid. Fat Mutton, 2fd; beef, 24d; rough, lid sweet beef. 24(1. Wools: D, Is lid C, 3s 9d 13, os 2d A, 6-1 10,1 X. 8s 6d. Forward prices to Thursday Wools: D Is lid C. 3s lid B. 5s.2d; A, 6s 10d X., 83 bel. Fat, Ud, 2id, 2d; best beef, 24d,

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. *r«T CARDIFF* SWANSEA.t NEW PORT J !Mor Evn. Iigt. Mor. EVIl. Hgt. Mor. EYII. Hgt. 18 Ml 2 31 3 8 27 3 1 34 2 10 26 0 2 44 3 2127 8 19 T 3 38 4 4 29 6 2 40 3 9 27 7 3 5l! 4 17 29 11 20 W 4 30 4 55 32 0 3 34 3 59 29 3 4 43 5 8 32 5 21 T 5 18 5 4134 2 4 22 4 45 31 0 5 31 5 54134 7 22 1<" 6 4 6 28,35 4 5 9- 5 33 32 5 6 17 6 41 35 9 23 S 6 51 7 14 36 8 5 651 5 16;33 2 7 4 7 27 37 1 21 S 7 36 8 036 10 6 39 7 3 3i 4 7 49 8 13 37 3 25 M 8 22; 8 45|o6 1 7 25 7 48^32 8 8 35 8 58 36 6 ti.Ii tPrinren! W;»jes lAI.xaH:il;¡ j)i.

CARDIFF EXCHANGE, BUTE DOCKS, SATURDAY. 'Change was very well attended to-day, and the steam-coal market was again extremely buoyant. Prices were firmly cuoted, and owners in most instances were asking 3d per ton advance on the prices ruling a couple of days ago. Small steam was scarce, and sellers of this commodity were also demanding 31 per ton advance on last figures, A steady business was done in patent fuel and coke. Pitwood prices were well main- tained. In our local freight market to-day chartering for steam tonnage ruled somewhat inactive, more especially for the higher Mediter- ranean ports, and only a limited number of fixtures were negotiated. Rates for Port Said, Alexandria, Constantinople, Malta, Brindisi, and the Danube were well maintained, a similar remark applying to Gibraltar, Adriatic, Sicilian, Algerian, and West Indian freights. Baltic and coasting rates were steady. Eastern quiet. I Spanish and Freuch Bay port freights remain un- changed. The following comprise the latest I operations:— Cape Verds, lOj clean terms of charter (Advance). Gibraltar, 9 3d (Rhyl). Barcelona, 14s 3d (Campeador). St. Nazaire, 6fc. (Blaenavon). Gibraltar, 93 3d (Merthyr). J Nice, 121 61 (South Wales). Seville, 10s 6d (Eila). Genoa, lis 6d, 500 delivery (Charringtonj, Naples, lis 4id, f.f.c. (Catfir). oau.—mere was practically no alteration in the condition of tho market. For the West coast and Northern Brazilian ports there was a steady demand at last rates, and for the higher Plate ports and the West Indies rates underwent no quotable alteration. Ore.—Rates from Decido, Bilbao, and Povina continue firm, with a fair demand for banay ton- nage. There is also a good inquiry for steamers to load for Carthagenn, Huelva, and Porman for the East and West Coast ports of the United Kingdom,

WRECKS AND CASUALTIES. ISMfiOIAI. TELEGRAMS FROM LLOYD'S AGENTS. 1 The steamer Hydra, for Boulogne, grounded on Goole Beach on Saturday morning, but floated in the afternoon with assistance, after lightening part of cargo, and returned to Gooie. She is reported con- siderably strained, and will discbarge for survey and repair. The Swedish steamer Svea, from Sunderland for Stockholm, with coals, went ashore on Saturday, but floated unassisted and proceeded, Heudder is probably damaged. The Swedish schooner Betty, with pitprops, is ashore at Anholt. Assistance sent. The steamer Sam Weller, which was ashoti at Heli- goland, is afloat. The Mertola lias arrived at St Thomas Ion The steamer Robina, which wa.s ashore in the Dar- danelles, has floated unassisted and undamaged and proceeded on her voyage. The steamer Fairway, from Goole for London, is aground near Hull, but is expected to float bit Monday. The British barque Amanda, from New Ybtk for Val- paraiso, has arrived at Stanley, Falkland Islahds, with foreyaril sprung. The British barque Embleton. from Alfdrossati for Tocoma, has arrived at Stanley, Falkland felajads, with loss of foretopmast. The British steamer Merannio, from Cardiff for Copenhagen, with coal, is ashore neair Bjorring. Assistance sent. The British steamer Ayrshire, from Sulirilldor Dun- kerque, grounded at Gibraltar, but afterwards floated unassisted and undamaged with the exqpption of a steam pipe burst. A telegram from Stanley, Falkland Island, received via Monte Video, states that British barqild William Davies, from Fleetwood for Valparaiso, has been burnt at sea. Crew picked up by the Glencoyn. w The British ship Araov, from Paranafflii for Val- paraiso, has been totally wrecked at Pofn^ William. Crew saved. The German steamer Marie, previously, reported ashore near Grangemouth, floated on Friday night, after discharging part of cargo. She bas sinife reloaded and proceeded on her voyage undamaged. The steamer Jane Cory, from Calais. lias arrived at Burntisland slightly damaged through collision with an unknown steamer in South wold. The tire on board the steamer M«rchiiit, at New Orleans, has been extinguished. She mUst discharge cargo out of mainhold. f r,. The steamer Sam Weller, from Sulina fcir Hamburg, is ashore at Heligoland, but will probably' dkt at high water, the cargo being thrown overboard.1"-1 v The steamer Zanela, from Patras, and a-jffitt collided off Sandon Dock, Liverpool,oii Friday night the former is undamaged, but the latter sank. The British steamer Robina, from Venice for Galatz, is ashore near the Dardanelles; assistance has been sent. The steamer Atalanta, from Swansea for Copenhagen, with coals, has arrived at Falmouth with plates broken and badly bulge4 starboard bow, baviog col- > lided with the Cork Company's steamer Fulmar, on Fri- day, off Rundlestone. A telegram states that the steamer Newbottle, of Leith, with coals, went ashore outside the Channel, lying safely above Dunmore flit sandbank failed to goat with the assistance of a tug. but expected to float with the rising tides by Monday no damage is antici- pated. I FROM OUR OWN KEPOBTEK. I On Saturday morning the steamship Arrow, of Cardiff, coal laden, took the around eastward of the Low Water Pier, but was expected to get off without damage on the next tide.

I SWANSEA BAY SIGNAL STATION. MUMBLES LIGHTHOUSE, Saturday.—Wind WSW, light. Weather hazy. Sea smooth. Passed East- steamers Conquistador, of Valencia; Teesdale, of Middlesborough Calypso, of Bristol Galgorm Castle, of Belfast; brigantine Excel, of Whitehaven. Passed Flre-st-steatners Vril, of Liverpool; Industry, of Hull; P A Vagliano, of Cephalonia; Wergeland, of Bergen Argentino, of London. MUMBLES LIGHTHOUSE, Sun(lay.-Wind SE, light. Weather hazy. Sea smooth. Passed East-stea.mer Solway King, of Whitehaven. Passed West-steamers Rowan, of Glasgow; Shamrock, of Grangemouth.

LIZARD SIGNAL STATION. THE LIZARD, Saturday.-Wind .SW, light. Weather, dense fog, lifting slightly at intervals. Barometer, so-so Passed West-steamers Wm Banks; Ousel, of Cork. THS LIZARD, Sunday.—Dense fog during Saturday night, clearing at 7.30 a.m. Sunday. Passed East- steamers Lady Havelock, of Cardiff; Wyndcliffe, of Liverpool; Fastnet, of London Ambient, of Sunder, land; Cumbrae, of Glasgow Werra, of Bremen Lady Martyn; Georgette, of Dieppe; Findland, of Hull. Passed West—steamers Bromsgrove; B Granger, of Whitby Ernest, of London Trefusis, of Falmouth King Krmyn, of Southampton Indiana, of Hull; Wm Connal, of Glasgow. At dusk—Wind E, light. V/eather overcast, foggy. Barometer, ao-38, steady.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MOVEMENTS OJ? LOCAL VESSELS. Ruperra left Odessa for Rotterdam 15th Cbolmley left Barry for Port Said 15th I Eppleton left Plymouth for Cardiff 16tb Roseland left Biibao for Glasgow 15th Redruth left New Orleans for Rotterdam 17th Darent arvd Fityal from Blyth 14th Ross arvd lbrail from Galatz 15th St Helier arvd St Nazaire from Cardiff 15th Emma Lawson and Passages from the Tyne 13th G N Wilkinson arrd Nieuwe Diep from Cardiff 16th Redbrook arvd Libau from-Stettin ]6th Mercedes arvd Vera Cruz from Cardiff 14th

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF—ARRIVALS. ROATH DOCK, NOT 15—Germaniass, 1948, Rotterdam, light, Gordonia ss, 1555. JIIAST BUTE DOCK, NOV 15.—Lady Mostyn ss, 467 Happy Go Lucky, 49. Mary Jane, 400, Whitehaven, .ballast. Stagss, 670. Blythewoode ss, 770, Decido, iron ore. Levadia SiI, 784, Maryport. light. WEST BUTE DOCK, Nov. 15.—Shirley, 87, Falmouth, light. Strathspey ss, 106. Ccrk, light. SAILINGS. ROATH DOCK, Not 15.-Arrow as. Cousins, Ancona. Vectis ss, Taylor. London. Helmstedt ss, Evans, Leg- horn. Harriet ss, Byrne, Sheerness. Conquistador ss, Swansea. Evereste ss, Gough, Marseilles. Atalanta ss. Lusby, Bristol. EAST BUTE DOCK, Nov 15.-Edith, Everett, Bristol, BAST BUTE DOCK, Nov 16.—Acliille ss, Siking, Dieppe. Boucan ss, Priuivich, Boucan. Hampshire ss, Turpin, Southampton. Eva Lynch, Malioney, Rosario. WEST BUTE DOCK, NOV 15.—Hartside ss, Keith, Bremen. ENTERED OUTWARDS—Nov 16. Constantinople, Homer ss, B. 892, Watts, Ward & Co Port Said, Germania ss, B. 1947. Gray, Taylor & Co Genoa, Inflexible ss, B, 1489, Pym in, Watson & Co Havre, Lady Mostyn ss, B, 469, Richards, Earl & Co Paimas, Dolcoath ss, B, 1171, Osboru & Wallis Gibraltar, Admiral Rooke as, B, 880, Burness & Sons I Genoa, Crane ss, B, 1208. Hardy, Wilson & Co Gibraltar, Corennie as, B, 375, Stephen, Buriiess & Sons Bombay, Iran ss. B, 2316, Delargy, T Beynon & Co Buenos Ayres, Heurick Biorn, Nwy. 363, Nysteeu, C F I Hallseii & Co j Bermuda, Vilhem, Nwy, 693, Haag, C F Hansen & Cc CLEARED—Nov 16. ¡ Parana River Mfirie, Hal. 615 coal Constantinople, Geisirich as Ger, 2020 coal Copenhagen, Peter Iiraaft, Ger, bOO coal Rosario, Livingstone, Nwy, 605 coal, 20 coke Labia. Dictator, Nwy, 829 coal Rosario, Sigrid, Nwy, 871 p fuel Santos, Eos, Nwy, 51o coal I Constantinople, San Marco, Iy, 1450 coal Buenos Ayres, Salomone. Iy. 950 coal Jersey, Fairy Qiieeu, B, 164 coal Aden, Urania ss. B, 3500 coal Las Palmas, Kddystone ss, B. 2690 coal Hatra, Lady Mostyn ss, B, 1000 coal Port Said, Itiverinay as, B. 1600 coal Port Waid, Leo ss, B, 2400 coal Capa de Verds, Thomas Turn bull ss, B, 2400 coal I Las Palmas, Dolcoath ss, B, 2050 coal Gibraltar, Admiral Rooke as, B, 1500 coal Genoa, City of Newcastle ss, B. 2400 coal IMPORTS-Novi6 Dscldo, Blythwoode ss, iron ore, Dowlais Co

BARRY DOCK, ARIUVALS, Nov 15.—Carrie, 314, Sharpness, light. Minnie G Elkiu, 429, Bristol, ballast.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SWANSEA—ARRIVALS. NORTH HOCK, Nov 15 -Pelican ss, 363, Bayonne, zinc ore. John Dixon ss, 977, London, light. Franees 53, Southampton, pitch. Rosslyn ss, 545, Port Talbot' light. Ouachita, 137, Kinsale, ballast. Martin Luther 259, Belfast, ballast. Monkshaven ss, 962 Sharones^' light. SOUTH DOCK, NOV 15.—Rio Formoso ss, 99, Bristol general. Estelle, 95, Bordeaux, pitwood. Acacia ss' 269, Bristol, general. Hope, 275, Aberystwyth, ballast Marie Eugenie, 94, Granville, ballast. Valentine 83' Granville, ballast. PRINCE OP WALES DOCK, Nov 15.—Lough Fisher ss, 160, Barrow, steel plast. Horn Head ss, 1558, Belfast, light. Rowan s.<, 693, Cherbourg! light. Commerce, 35, Pembroke, stones. Schmidborn ss, 231, Marvport, pig iron. SAILINGS. NORTH DOCK, Nov 15.-Williain, Keavor, Glenarm. Swan, Bellenie, St Malo. Radiant, Cardno, St Valery. Copious. Poole, Bridgwater. Cristal, Mourant, Fort Bail. Jiliza, Williams, Wade bridge. Mary Ann, Smith, Portaferry. n!Si0UwIIt?0S}Ci,i N0v lb —Hero, Ramsen, Ilfracombe. Holy VVath, Williams. Duddon. PRINCE of WALES DOCK, Nov IS.-Annie Ainslie tiS, CorngaU, St Naz n-? Hart Fell so, Kendall, Newport, lalley-Abbey ss, Pndeaux, Seville. Amy K8, Wackan, Bangor. New Pelton as, Hutchinson, London. Marie Fic,it-ie ss, Young, Havre. ENTERED OUTWARDS-Nov 16. Treporfc, Acacia ss, B, 263, Norman, T T Pascoe Gnernsey, Cjmbri, B. 132, Allen, L G Jeffrey., St Valery SS, Orpheline, F, 78, Saillard, L G Jeffreys Bordeaux, Estelle, F, 96, Lementec, L G Jeffreys Granville, Valentine, F, 83, Mignard, L G Jeffreys Granville, Marie Eugenie, F, 74, Doguet, L G Jeffreys Borueaux, Grimsby ss, B. 455. Societe Commerciale Guernsey, English Giri, B, 123, Peacock, P Marrow Valencia. Conquitador ss, Spn, 906. Estopina. G Taylor Lisbon, Bernadotte ss, Nwy, 252, A Naerup &, Co CLEARED-Nov 16. St Nazaire, Rowan ss, B, 1300 coal Bordeaux, Grimsby ss, H. 380 p fuel, 400 coal Gr^nvil e, Marie Eugenie. F, 140 coal St Valery, Leauder, B, 120 coal Treport, Acacia ss, B, 260 general, 1bO fuel Algoa Bay, Sinrlbad, B, 950 coal Guernsey, English Girl. B, 235 coal Charente, Rosslyn ss, B, 1085 coal Gothenburg, Albert, B, 29b coal IMPORTS—Nov 16. Maryport, Schmidborn ss, 475 pig iron, order Bristol, Colher as, sundries Bristol, Rio Formoso ss, sundries EXPORTS COAST WISE- Nov 16. Ramsey, Nantes as, 365 coal, DynYnr Coal Co Highbridire. Caerleon, 70 coal, T P Richards & Co Dublin, Willie, 200 coal, J Wood & Co Guernsey, English Girl. 235 coal, Evans A Bevan Belfast, Lough Fisher ss, 490 coal. D Radford & Co Sea, Marie Joseph tug, 21 coal, Vivian & SOilS; 1 ice. Benson Bros Liverpool, Sunliglic ss, sundries W L Jenkins Bristol, Rio Formoso ss, sundries Bristol, Collier ss, sundries,

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NEWPORT—ARRIVALS. ALEXANDRA DOCK, NOT 16.-M,.trioii s. 1246, Liver- pool, light. CJytha s. 573. Ardrossan, light. MiJtieid RS, 1410, Liverpool, light, Henley at. 1446, Liverpool, light. Free Lanee 9S, 739, Carthagena, iron ore, etc. Eustace S", 1075, Dcrdt, light. Laguna, 375, Havre, ballast. OLD DOCK, NOV 16.—Arbutus, 312, Milford, ballast. Hilda, 473, Dublin, old rails. Stermcock tug, Milford" light. Inverdrine, 595, Sharpness, ballast. Hart Fell 99, 91, Swansea, ballast. Bay Fisher s, 177, Cork, light. Capt Parry ss, 297, Cork, light. Nanine 191, Auray, pitwood. Aigrette, 167, HeUllebont, pit- wood. 1 UIVER, Nov 16.-Corrwg ss, 570, Bilbao, iron ore. Flos ss. 1044, Dunkerque, light. X L, 6b, Barrow, steel scraps. Effort, 66, Xaleomfie. balla-t. Boconnoc, 36. Bude, ballast. Linda, 34. Barnstaple, light Cambria, 34, Barnstaple, light. Star of St Agnes, 60. St Agnes', ballast, Gazelle, Gw^ek, ballast. Elizabeth, 50, Bude, ballast. Peter James, 89, Swansea, ballast, SAILINGS. ALEXANDRA 'OCK, Nov IC,Springbok SR, Barrett, Portland. Clarence, Webb. Capetown. Thurston as, Douglas Las Palmas. Dania ss, Johnston. Lisbon. Bolivar, Rohellec, Martinique. Susan ss, Willis, Port Said. Benan ss, Anderson, Gibraltar. OLD DOCK, Nov 16.-Abiii Sutton ss. Sutton, Cork. Stockton ss, Edwards, London. Jas Shaw ss, Biltou, Ilennebont. Naja, Anderson, St Lucia. Hart Fell as, Kenuall, Dundalk. Star of Hops, Codd, New Ross. Dewi Wyn, Davies, Penzance. John Hedley, Cowlinsr, Kingsbridge. Bessie Gold, Chugg, Barnstaple. Dis- patch, Petherick, Barnstaple. Eliza, Harris, Barn. staple. Thomas Edwin, Marley, Cork. Elwood, Curran, Dungarvan. ENTERED OUTWARDS-Nov 16- Guadaloupe, Laguna, Rus, 375, Jones. Heard & Co Capetown, Gurli, Swe, 717, Jones, Heard & Co Genoa, Eustace SR, B. 1075, Pyman, Watson & Co t,LEARED-Nov 16. Genoa, Leven ss, B, 3100 coal Martinique, Ferdinand, Ger, 527 coal IMPORTS-Nov lo. Hennebont, Aigrette, 190 loads pitwood, order Auray, Naniue Aglae, 230 loads pitwood, order Carthaaena, Free Lance ss, 1520 manganiferons iron ore, Pyle Works Co; 65 chione, Wellington & Co Bilbao, Corrwg ss, 1100 iron ore, Blaenavon Co Dublin, Hilda ss, old rails Bristol, Welsh Prince, general, T Mitchell EXPORTS COASTWISE—Nov 16. Kingsbridge, John Hedley, 90 coal. Rennie, Wilkinson Bristol, Alma Bude, Hawk, 5o coal, 11 sundries, J M Akers Clevedon. Jane, 63 coal, J M Akers Bude, Elizabeth, 95 coal, J M Akers Bristol, Mystery, 90 coal, W Hockey Skibbereen. Problem. 90 coal, W E Williams Bristol, Ethel ss, 65 tinplates, Burton & Sons Bristol, Enid ss, 70 tinplates. Burton & Sons Bristol, Tel el Kebir ss, 170 coal, Patent Nut and Bolt Dublin, Capt Parry ss, 530 coal, 60 railway iron, J F Thomas & Co Dublin. Corsair ss, 440 coal, J F Thomas & Co Cork, ReTeil ss. 485 coal, J F Thomas & Co Waterford, Kirkless SiI, 1125 coal, J F Thomas & Co Mevagi-ssey. Albert, 83 coal. Tirpentwys Coal Co Cork. Sea Fisher SS, 330 coal, T Wilks <6. Co Bideford, Lady Ackland, 70 coal, 2 pipes, H Evans

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LLANELLY. CLEARED—Nov 16. Liverpool, Orpheus ss, B, general Wexford. Angharad, B, 125 coal CoweR, Progi-.s s.=-, B, 300 coal

PORTHCAWL. SAILINGS, Ncv 16.-Alma, Falmouth, 190 coal. Pil- grim, Penzance, 110 coal. Fenna Willemina, Penzance, 19C coal. Helena Tregenua, Devoran, 220 coal. Pleuvian, 100 coal. Edmund, Scflly, 100 coal. â– 

NEW LOCAL COMPANY. [FROM THE INVESTORS' GUARDIAN. "1 BARRY DOCK TOWN (CADOXTON) MARKET COM- PANY, LIMITED.—This company was registered on tha, with a capital of £ 10,000, in £ 5 sbarea, to erect a provision and general maiket and other build- ings at Barry Dock Town (Cadoxton). There are 17 subscribers, who take amongst them 200 shares. The solicitors are Messrs T. H, Parker and Co., of Barry Dock Town, who are to receive S10 pbr annum, their duties to consist In attending all board meetings and advising upon any points which may arise.

HAVK you tried Liverina ? 5463 HEADACHE A-;D BRAIN PROSTRATIO' -Iunday's Phospbated Elixir of Quinine produces good results in the relief ot headache and brain prostration, tranquil iizing the irritation and giving comfortable sleep; it is also unequalled in nervous debility and dyspepsia. In bottles, 2s 3d and 4s each.; by post, 2s 6d and 4s 6d, from J MUNDAY, Chemist, Cardiff, U12

.i 1' SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. i ANTICIPATIONS. The final week of the flat racing season of 1889 is entered upon to-morrow at Warwick, where i three days' sport has to be got through, followed by a programme of similar length at Manchester where the last great event of the year, the Man- I chester November Handicap, is down for deci- sion on Saturday. There will be plenty of time to deal with this event between now and then, and at the present moment I shall merely record my fancies for to-morrow at Warwick which are as -under:- Guy Welter-FonEsT DANCER or SNAPLOCK. Hunters' HUldie Racr-OLD SAM. Spa Nursery—MALAGA or MALEY. Stoneleigh Maiden—QUICKSIGHT or CHICHBLE. Kineton Two Year Old Plate-BEGGAR MY j NEIGHBOUR or ERICA. Strattord Welter-UHINES or ORTHODOX. Town Plate-BEILIBY or HABPAGON. Sunday Wight. VIGILANT.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
NORTHAMPTON AND PYTCHLEY HUNT MEETING. NOiixtiA.viPiON, SATURDAY. P f 1 0—The NENE WELTER HANDICAP of 5 sovs each for starters, with 100 added winners extra. Five furlongs. j Mr Miiner's Athol Lass, 3y 9st 41b TLoates 1 Mr Pecks Dulcie. 3y 7st lib .Allsopp 2 ,tllr T l,eader's,,sly 3y 8st 51b S Loates 3 Mr J Ryan's Taxus, 3y 8st 13lb Warne 0 i Mr Burton's Forbiuden Fruit, 6y 7st 21b..Bradbury 0 j Mr T, Cannon's Meriden, 3y 6st 9ib (all 51b) Brown 0 I Winner trained by Golding, Newmarket, I Bettitiz-7 to 4 ae:st Athol Lass, 4 to 1 agst Dulcie, ( 9 to 2 agst Sly Fellow, 7 to 1 agst Meriden, and 10 to 1 agst Forbidden Fruit. Forbidden Fruit, oil the outside, made play from Atliol Lass, on the inside, with Dulcie and Sly Fellow j lying next, until haif-way up the straight, when Athol 1 Lass drew to the front, and, stallirfg otf in turn reso- lute challenges from Dulcie and Sly Fellow in the last j hundred yards, won cleverly by half a length a neck between the second and third. Meriden was fourth and Forbidden Fruit last 1 30-The BOUGHTON SELLING WELTER BAN- DI'JAP of 100 guineas the winner to be sold tor 80 sovs. Six furloiigs. Mr Cochrane's Spate, 3y 8st 31b G Chaloner 1 j Capt »e Vere Smith's George, 3y 8st 10ib..S Loates 2 Mr Hibbert's Recluse, 6y 9st 51b G'Barrett 3 Mr Craven's Ellington, ased lost Watts 0 Mr Howard's Lucerne, aged 9st 51b ^.Rickaby 0 Mr Ball's Rosy Morn, aged 9st 41b White 0 Sir G Chetwynd's g by Sylvester—Annie, 3y 8st 111b F Barrett 0 Mr Batnbruige's Lang well, aged 8st 41b T Loates 0 Mr Dash's Seamer, 3y 7st 71b (all 51b) A Ellis 0 Winner trained by Chaloner, Newmarket, Betting-4 to 1 agst Georgr, b to 1 each agst Spate and Recluse1 100 to 14 agst Annie gelding, 10 to 1 agst Langwell, 103 to 8 each agst Edlington, .Lucerne, and Rosy Morn. and 100 to 1 agst Hearner. Atter u long delay at the post, principally caused by the fractiousness of Seainer, iAiigwell jumped off in front.but quickly gave way to Spate who settled down 111 advance of George, Recluse, and Edlington, with Seamer some distance in tho rear. Spate was followed into the straight by George aud Recluse, and in this order they finished, Spate winning by three lengths two lengths sepurateu the second and third Lancv.'U was fourth, the Annie gelding next, .nd EdlllJ"to!! last, '1he winner was bought in for 2o0 guinea4. 2 O-The CATESBY NURsEKY (handicap) of 5 sovs each for st ircers, with 100 added, for two year olds winners extra winner to be sold for bO sovs. Five furlongs. Mr T Cannon's Scion, 81b (car. 7stl0lb)M Cannon 1 Mr T Jennings's, jun, Victoire, 7st lib Peako 2 Mr Benholm s Cliygate, 7st (car. 7st 21b) T. Loates 3 Mr Merry's Coalheaver, 7st lib (all 51b) .Ibbett 0 Mr T Leader's Condicote 7st. Wall 0 I Mr A Taylor's Catharine Douglas II, 7st.Mullen U Mr Hyde's Antona, last 13ib Allsopp 0 Mr T itevetis's, juti, Sailor's Knot, 6st 111b G Chaloner 0 Mr Crest's Sharpshooter, 6st 101b Falloon 0 Winner trained by Olding, Stockbridge. Betting—11 to 2 agst Scion. 101 to 15 agst 7 to 1 each agst Sharpshooter, Sailor's Knot, and An- tona, 100 to 14 agst Coalheaver, and 8 to 1 each agst Victoire, Condicote, and Catherine Douglas II. Sailor's litiot cut out the work from Victoire, Cathe- rine Douglas U, and Scion, with Claygate ami Slurp- shooter lying next, until half-way up the straight, where Sailor's Knot was beaten, and tile three place i, taking clo.-ie order inside the distance, ran afliio race home, which resulted in favour of Scion by a short head; a head separated the second and third. Coal- heaver was fourth. Sharpshooter fifth, Sailor's Knot next, and Antona last. The winner was sold to Lord a Howe for 210 guinea?. Mr Perceval gave 85 guineas for Coalheaver and Mr Guvry purchased Sharpshooter for 40 guineas. 2 30—The GOMPTON WELTER HANDICAP of 5 sovs each for starters, with 150 sovs added win- ners extra. Six furlongs 120 yards. Mr Ber.hohn's Grecian Bend, 5y 7st 101b ..T Loates 1 Mr B Maple's Appenzell, 5y 7st 131b Morgan 2 Mr Bonsor's Aristos, 3y Vst 41b Allsopp 3 Duke of Westminster's Ben Strome, 3y 8st G Barrett 0 Mr Christopher's Charleston, 4y 7st 81b R Chaloner 0 Nlr Wilson's Syston, aged 7st 61b Wall 0 Mr Jousifte's Cardinal Mai, 4y 7st lib. Bradbury 0 Mr Taylor's Lancashire Ltd, 3y 6st 91b G Chaloner 0 Winner trained by J Dawson, sen, Newmarket. Betting—5 to 2 agst Grecian Bend, 4 to 1 agst Ben Strome, b to 1 agst Aristos, 100 to 14 agst Appenzell, and 10 to 1 agst Cardinal Mai. Charleston showed the wpy from Ben Strome. Grecian Bend, and Appenzell, with Aritos lying next, I until entering the straight, where Ben Strome slioped and nearly came on his head A quarter of a mile from home the favourite drew to the front and won in a canter by a length and a halt two lengths separated the second and third. Cardinal Mai was fourth, Ben Strome fifth, Chirlston next and Syston last. 3 0 lhe BLISWORTH PLATE of 100 guineas, for two year olds colts 9st, fiilios and geldings Bst llJb; I tho winner to be sold for 60 sovs. Five furlon°s Mr Marshall's Old Coin, 9st White 1 Mr Yorke's IVilit West, 9st Watts 2 Baron de Hirsch's Erica, 83. 111b G Barrett 3 Mr'W Burton's The Hunter, 9st Robinson 0 Mr Crest's Glendair, 9st T Loates 0 Winner trained by T Skelton, Newmarket. Bettiiig-16 to S asst Old Coin. 2 to 1 agst Erica, 11 to 2 agst Glendair, 6 to 1 agst Wild West, and 10 to I agst The Hunter. Wild West made play from Erica, with Old Coin lying last, to the half-distance, where Old Coin drew to the front and won easily by a length three-parts of a length separated the second and third. Glendair was last. The was bought in for 240 guineas. 3 30-The NA SEBY HANDICAP PLATE of 300 sovs winners extra. One mile. Mr E Williams's Miss Dollar, 3y 8st 71b..GBarrett 1 Mr Abington's Freeuasori, 3ylhc 101b ..Watts 2 Lord Howe's Greywell, 3y 7st Allsopp 3 Mr A Cockburn's Jezreel. by 8st 101b S Loates 0 Lord Hastings's Maiden Belle, 4y 8t 41b ..T Loates 0 Duke of Beaufort's Arquebus, 3y 7st 121b M Cannon 0 Mr Fulwell's Avice, 3y ,7st 51b (all 51b) ..Chadburii 0 Winner trained by Lowe, Ilsley. Bettin-2 to 1 agst Freemason, 4 to 1 agst Miss Dollar, 5 to 1 agst Maiden Belie, 100 to 15 agst Grey- well. 7 to 1 agst Arquebus, and 10 to 1 each agst Avice and Jezreel. Greywell settled down in front of Aiquebus and Jezreel, with Freemason and Miss Dollar in the rear. Entering the straight Maiden Belle took second place to Greywell, but they were both beaten at the distancs, from which point Miss Dollar and Freemason drew away and ran a fine race home, Miss Dollar winning by a head a bad third. Maiden Belle was fourth, Arquebus fifth, and Avice last. BETTING ON THE COURSE. MANCHESTER NOVEMBER HANDICAP. 70 J to 100 agst Lady Rosebery (t and ol 2000 to 200 Mercy (t) 10 to 1 Iledsand (t and o) 1100 to 100 — Ampbion (t) 100 to 8 Vasistas (t) 100 to 7 Fallow Chat (o) 100 to 6 Phil (e) loO to 6 — Ringmaster (t) 2000 to 190 — NetSeravon (t) 20 to 1 Kenilworth (t) 20 to 1 Nappa (t) 2'.l to 1 Grafton (t) 20 to 1 Goldseeker (t) 25 to 1 Litania (t) 2b to 1 Reve d'Ur (t and o) 3300 to 103 Crimea (t) 500 to 200 — Mercy (t) 700 to 100 Crimea (t)

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
HAMILTON PARK, MEETING. 11AMILTOV PATC.IC SiTiTRniv I 1 45 A QUALIFYING MAIDEN HUNTERS STEEPLECHASE of 40 sovs weight for age win- uers extra Two miles. MrT G Arthur's Larrikin, 4y iost 71b Williamson 1 Mr Aikman s Dandy Dick, aged list 71b Owner 2 Mr Johnstone's Look Out, 5y list 31b Allardyoe 0 Betting—7 to 4 on Larrikin, 3 to 1 agst Look Out, and 6 to 1 agst Dandy Dick. Look Out bolted when the flag fell, and Larrikin at once took a long lead of Daudy Dick, which was kept throughout, Larrikin winning in a cuiter by fifteen lengths. 2 lb-A HUNTERS' FLAT RACE PLATE of 4u sovs weigh for age penalties and allowances. Two mitet Mr Craig's Lammermoor, aged 12st 12lb Owner 1 Mr Gibbs's Ransom, aged 12st l2lb „Owner 2 Capt Middleton's Punjaub, aged 13-it 31b Owner 3 Mr R Dick's Durango, 6y 12st 1211> Owner 0 Betting—6 to 4 agst Lammermoor, 2 to 1 agst Pun- jaub, 4 to 1 agst Duraugo, and 6 to 1 a?st Ransom. Ransom and Durango made alternate ruuning for a mile and a half, when the last-named was beaten. Lammermoor and Punjaub then joined Ransom and went on together to the distance, where Punjaub was in trouble. Lammermoor shortly afterwirds drew to the front, and, coming on, won in a canter by a length a bad third. Durango was beaten off. 2 45-The CADZOW HUNTERS' STEEPLECHASE of 40 sovs winners extra. Two milfõ.1 and a half. 1 Mr Arthur's Old Malt, 5y 12st 41b Owner 2 Mr W Wilson's Nero, 5y list 81b Williamson 3 Mr Dundas's Lady Oswestry, aged 12st 2Jb ..Owner 0 Mr Fergusson's Lady Grizel, aged list 71b ..Owner 0 Mr Rutherford's Arline, by list 111b Clark 0 Mr Pedder's Barren Honour, aged list 111b..Owner Mr Aikman s Spec, aized 12sc 31b Owner 0 Bet,ting-2 to 1 agst Arlino, 5 to 2 agst Lady Oswes- try, 5 to 1 agst Old Malt, and 10 to 1 agst any other. Lady Oswestry made play, followed by Old Malt for two furlong, when Old Malt drew to the front. After going two miles Lady Oswestry was beaten, and Nero took second placs, but failed to get on terms with Old Malt, who won by six lengths a length separated the second and third. Arline was lourth. Ths others were beaten off. 3 15—The HAMILTON HUNTERS HURDLE RACK PLATE of 40 sovs weight for age winners extra. Two miles. over eight hurdles. Mr Gibbs's Northover. 6y 13st 31b Owner I Mr Cairn's Thornton, 3y lOst 71b MrFergusson 2 Duke of Montrose's Hagar, 3y lOst 71b Styer.1 3 Mr Watson's, jun, Manxman, 5y 12st 3lb Owner 0 Mr Gibbs's Devil's Dyke, 5y 12st 71b (car 12st 81b) G Steele, jun 0 Betting—Evens Hagar, 5 to 2 agst Northover. 4 to 1 agst Thornton, 6 to 1 agst Manxman, and 10 to 1 agst any other. a Northover made the running from Hagar, with Thornton lying next, until half a mile from home, when Hagar dropped buck last and Thornton took second place, but was never able to reach Northover, who won by a length and a half three lengths be- tween the second and third. 3 45—The CLUB STEEPLECHASE of 40 sovs weight for age; winners extra. Two miles. Mr Dick's Cranberry, 4y list (car list 21b) Owner 1 Mr Dormer s bweetbread, 5y I2st 121b R Clark 2 Mr Swinton's Palmbloom, 4y list FerauSsou 0 0()'n' Betting 5 to 4 agst Palmbloom, 0 to 4 agst .Sweet- bread, and 3 to 1 agst Cranberry. Sweetbread held a two lengths' lead of Cranberry, with Palm Bloom a similar distance in the rear,and they ran in this order for half a mile, when Palmbloom took no further part in the race. Sweetbread came on in front until jumping the third fence, where Cran- berry took up the running, and won by a length. 4 15—A SELLING HUNTERS' FLAT RACE of 40 sovs weight for age winnsr toibe sold for 50 sovs. Two miles. Mr Gibbs's Ransom, aged 12st 51b Owner 1 Mr Aikman's Lisburn, aged list 121b .Owner 2 Capt Middleton's Blue Sock, 6y list 121b (carried 12st llbj Owner 3 Betting—5 to 4 on Ransom, 2 to 1 agst Blue Sock, and 3 to 1 agst Lisburn. Ranson, followed by Lisburn, cut out the work until half a mile from hojne, when Lisburn dropped back beaten, and the favourite, holding his own to the end, won easily by two lengths a bad third.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
WARWICK AND LEAMINGTON MEETING. TO-DAY'S RACING. ORDER OF RUNNING.—Stoneleigh Maiden Plate, 1 Stratford Welter Plate, 1.30 Spa Nursery Handicap, 2 Town Plate, 2.25 Guy Welter Handicap, 2.5C Kineton Plate, 3.20; Hnnters' Tally-ho Hurdle. 3.50. F-V* I 'r- 11 11 ) ENTRIES. r TOWN PLATE.—Reclnse (6y), Laceman (aged), 13ailby I (aged), Harpagon (4y), Lady Edith (2y), Partisan (3't), I Portadown (2y), Heathen (2y), and Susie (2y), each to I be sold for 50 sovs. SCRATCHING. Guy Welter-Huiigariait. ARRIVALS.—The following horses have arrived: Osbornes, Heptarchy, Miloy, Jqdel, Four-poster, (jos filly, Erica. Lancashire Lad, John o' Gaunt, Catherine Douglas II, Ivanhoe, White Star, tsly Fellow, Belesys. Condicote. Recluse, Fra Diavolo, Sherwood, Sharp- shooter, Lymington, OLtprwootl, Mother Ida, Mutual Consent, Firewater, Deception, Labourer, Hop-pole, Raystone, Athol Lass, Wreath, Victoirf. Partition, Beilby, Harpason, Lady Edith. Emigrant. Recluse. Laceman, Bi^nabv, E'airest, Susie, Samari'* filly, Mayflower, Alba.Tinrprise colt. Plaintiff, Novelt Elopement, Portadown, Haarlem, and Partisau.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THE OFFICIAL STARTING PRICES. NORTHAMPTON MEETING. RACII. WINNER- PRICK Nene Welter Athol Lass 7to 4 agsd Bo ugh ton Handicap. Spate 5 to 1 agst Catesby Nursery Scion 11 to 2 agst Compton Welter. Grecian Bend. 5 to 2 agst Blisworth Plate Old Coin 15 to 8 agst Naseby Handicap Miss Dollar 4 to lags' HAMILTON PAlm: MEETING. Qualifying S'chase Larrikin 7 to 4 oil ltuiiters' Flat Race.. Lammermoor 6 to 4agsb Ca<lzow S'chase old Malt. 5to Iagst Hamilton Hurdle Northover 5 to 2agst Clab Steeplechase Cranberry 3 to 1 agst Sellill Flat Hace Hansom. 5to 4 oil The abore prices are identical with those, published in the Racing Calendar" by Messrs Weatherby.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
PROBABLE STARTERS AND JOCKEYS FOR THE MANCHESTER HANDICAP. Lord Howe's Claymore, 5y 8?t 12lb F. Webb Mr Ley bourne's Goldseeker, 4y 8s t 121'o Calder General Byrne's Ampliion, 3y Sst 10lb Watts Duke of Beaufort's Reve Ü'Or, 5y 3s 81b T. Cannoll, jun Mr Maple's Midstream, 6y 8st 7ib.. T. Loate/ Mr Gubbins's Ashplant, 6y 8st 4ib Lidriiarf Mr Savill's Ringmaster, aged 8,t Turner Mr Lawrence's WHiing Gate, 3y 7st 121b .S. Loates Baron de Hirsch's Vasistas, 3y 7st lllb G. Barrett Mr Foote's Grafton, 4y 7st 81b W. Warne Mr Astley's Netheravon, 4y 7st 61b Mullen Mr Vyner's Fallow Chat, 4y 7st 61b —— Mr Fen wick's Phil, 5y 7st lib Wal{ Mr Abinvtoil's Lady Rosebery, 4y 7st 21b W. VVood ilir Jennings's Father Confessor, 4y 7st 21b Peak* Mr Sandersons's Nappa.. 5y 7st Widdowfleld Mr Gladstone's Redsand, 3y 6st 131b PiercJ Mr Fen trick's Mercy, 3y ostlSlb C. Grey Mr I'Anson's Kenilworth, 4y 6st lllb Luke Mr Whipp's Tommy Tittlemousr, aged 6st 101b AilsopL Duke of Beaufort's Latania, 4y 6st 101h. Mr Hammond's Crimen, 3y 6st 91b Blak» Mr Houklsworth's Evergreen. 3y 6st 8lb ".Falloou Mr Fenwick's Silver Penny, 3y 6st 61b ..„ —_ Mr Houklsworth's Evergreen. 3y 6st Bib Fallooil Mr Fenwick's Silver Penny, 3y 6st 61b ..„ —_

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I SPORTING PROPHECIES. MANCHESTER. NOVEMBER HANDICAP. Sportsman Redsand; Sporting Life—Ashplant or Lady Rosebery; Field—Am' phion, Redsand, or Mercy Land and Water—Ash' plant or Amphion Licensed Victuallers' Gazette— plant or Amphion Licensed Victuallers' Gazette- Redsand or Fallow Chat Sporting Times—Marcy ot Redsand. LANCASTER NURSERY HANDICAP—Sportsman and Sporting Times—The Inlp importing Life-Galway ot Shall We Remember Land and Water—Dry Toast ot Sh*ll We Remember Licensed Victuallers' Gazette— St Gorman or Hats Otf. ROTHSCHILD PLATE.—Sportsman, Sporting Life, Land and Water, and Licensed Victuallers' Gazette- Queen Laura Field-Oxeye or Deborah Sporting i lines—Shillelagh or Strathpeffar. FLYING IVEL.Tr.R.-Sportsmai-Faiii-ton Sporting Life—Teviot or Sly Feilow Field -St Symphorien or Upstart Land and Water—Rose Window Sporting Times-Frapotel or Parga. COUNTY WELTER HANDICAP.—Sportsman—Hinning- ton Sporting Life-Lady Cashier Fieid—Crimea or Silver Suuc Land and %Vater-'vlortaigne Sporting James—Mortai^ne or Ilinnington. DH TRAFEOIID SELLING WELTER.—Sportsman-—De- borah Sporting Life—Rosine Field-Chichele or ltosine Land and Water—Chichele or Scorpion; Licensed VlCtua¡¡ers'Gazette-cGrpion or Estuary WILTON W ELTER.—Sportsman—Farington I"portiu¡( Life-St Hubert or Camberwell Beauty; Field- Brighton or Parga Licensed Victuallers' Gaze LLE-S. Hubert Sporting Timcs-St Hubert or Dillarist ELLESJIERE WELTER —Sportsman—Teviot Sport- ins: Life-Sir John or Albertus; Field—Morebattle ot Engaddi Land and NVater-LNIisere or Lord Iddes- leigli Sporting Times—Albertus or Domina Sylva. WORSLKY A uiixERY.—Sportsman—Quean Agnes; Sporting Life—Messiliua or Trail Fietd— or Enamel Land and Water—Stokesley or Caius • v' Licensed Victuallers' Gazette—Qu^fen Agues or Por- teous Sporting Tunes—Reflection or Life Guard. LANCASHIRE HANDICAP.— Sportsman— Belie Ma* hone Sporting Life—Shillelagh Field—Goldseeker or Deuc.i of Clubs; I,and and Water—Sbiilelagh ot Philomel Licensed Victuallers' Gazette—Philomel oi Shillelagh Sporting Times—Shillelagh or Claribelle. hone Sporting Life-Sliillelagii Field—Goldseeker or Deuc; of Clubs; Land and %Vater-Sljiiielagh ot Philomel Licensed Victuallers' Gazette—Philomel oi Shillelagh Sporting Times—Shillelagh or Claribelle.

NEWMARKET TRAINING NOTES. (lir OUR MKWMARKKr <K>ftUK$PONi>J £ r!T ) NICWMARKKT. Saturday. On the Racecours' side Archer's Lady Grace, Wild Berry, Ringlet, and Alec galloped nearly a mile. Tom Chaloner s AJastor and Barkham went a mile, Matthew Dawson's Braekiey and Meicy goin" two miles. T. Jennings's, sen. Father Confesso" uni Cochin China, with Rogers's Wishing Gate, r.alloptd two miles at a good nace Marsh's Sheibrooke. Scottish Fusilier, Promoter, Ardrossan, Drya! il. and Abeyance going a mile. Morton's Lady Hosebery galloped two miles, Snaplock accompanying her the last mile of the journey Henry George ar.U Juggler went a mile. vVaush's Forest Dancer galloped tht same distance Cigar Light and Beanfeast went seven furlongs. Sadler's Duuvegan, Iinogene, Kettle- bury, and Origeu went, six furlongs. JosepK Cannon's Bellona galloped three miles at a good pacd over the steeplechase country Cyril 11 and Fran- ciscan going two miles over hurdles Skipper and The Sharper went a mile and a half. On the -Bury side Enoch's Cheroot and King Mon- mouth galloped a mile John Dawson's, sen. Queeis Anne colt and Plato goinir a mile and a quarter; Pilgrim was sent a mile. Gurry's Dover was sent it mile and three-quarters. Jewitt's Shillelagh and Castlenock went six furlongs .Sherwood s Philomel and Mirror going a similar gallol) Percy Peck'! Hugo and Midstream going a mile and a half. Manser's Coronto and Eily went two miles.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LONDON BETTING. j „ SATURDAY NIGHT. lhe run on Lady Rosebery for the Manchester November Handicap continued to-day, and just before business closed 100 to 14 was taken. Mercy, Amphion and Redsand came in for a fair amount oi support late in the afternoon. There were frequent inquiries after Ringmaster, and 100 to 6 was taken. Silver Penny was backed at 33 to 1 whenever the odd* were offered. MANCHESTER HANDICAP. (One mile, six furlongs. Run Saturday, Nov. 23.) 8 to 1 agst Lady Rosebery (t, and w) 10 to 1 — Mercy (t and o) 100 to 9 Ampnion (t) 100 to 9 Hedsand (t) I 100 to 7 VilgistLs (t) 100 to ? — Ringmaster (t) < 20 to 1 — Nappa (t) i £ U.Ter Benny (t> 35 to 1 — Crimea (t) LATEST CHANGES. MANCHESTER HANDICAP. 100 to 14 agst Lady Rosebery (t) 100 to 6 Ringmaster (t and wl

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
PRINCIPAL WINNING JOCKEYS ON THE FLAT. (Compiled from March 25 to Nov. 15.) Mounts. Lost. Won. T Loates. 637 476 161 G Barrett 622 495 127 F Barrett,395 3t4 79 J Watts 337 259 78 J Fagan 266 198 68 'J'Weldon 276 r. 214 62 8 Chandley 228 172 66 S Loates 328 280 „ 48 A White. 217 170 47 T J Calder 292 248 44 F Riskaby 336 292 44 Robinson 298 257 41 J Woodburu 358 625 35 W Blake 247 214 35 Bruckshaw 146 116 ™ W Warne 188 158 30 Liddiard .193 ..168 25 GChaloner. 201 „ 180 S. 21 J Osborne 220 193 21 Allsopp 207 187 20 M Cannon 207 „ 187 20 F Webb 85 69 16 -Finlay 112 S3 14 J Wall 206 192 34 T Cannoit 83 70 u 13 Bradbury 147 135 12

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. LLANHARRAN AND YSTRAD HOUNDS. Tuesday, Nov. 19.-Bryncethin. Friday, Nov. 22,—Ynys Bridge. At 10.30. GLAMORGANSHIRE HOUNDS. Monday. Nov. IB.-Keeper's Lodge, Ewenny. Friday, Nov. 22. -Paiieross Bam. t. Each day at 10.45. > CARMARTHENSHIRE HOUNDS. Monday, Nov. 18.-Cothi Bridge Thursday, Nov, 21.-Molfie, Llangunnock. Each day at 10.30. CRICKHOWELL HARRIERS. Wednesday, Nov. 23.—Llangattock, Hill Gate. Saturday, Nov. 23.-0rickhowell, The Kennels. Each day at 11. BRIDGEND HARRIERS. Tuesday, Nov. 19.-Colwinston (by invitation) Friday, Nov, 22,-The Kennels. Ac 10.45.

THic MIDDLKHAM (MENTOR) OPINION SAYS Spa Nursery, Four-poster Brick. Reply-paid tele grams (48 words) promptly answered. Manchestel wires, 58. Address J. Mentor, Middlehaiu, Bedale.

CHESS. It will interest our chess-playing readers tc know that the annual match between the South Wales and the Bristol and Clifton Chess Associa- tions, with 25 players on each side, is fixed to be played at Newport on Saturday afternoon, December 14th. In the last encounter the South Walians were defeated by 24 Rames to 16, and we have no doubt they will do their utmost this year to wipe out this and previous defeats, especially as the team this year promises to be very much stronger than has ever represented South Wales.

THE PRINCE OF ORANGE. The unveiling of au equestrian statue of William IIL at Belfast to-uay was made the occasion of a great Orange demonstration in almost every respect similar to that held on the 11th of July. Tha ceremony, which was per- formed by the Hon. Mrs Saunderson, wife of the member for North Armagh, was attended by over 30,000 parsons. Speeches were delivered by Col. Saunderson, M.P., and Rev Dr Kane, and for considerable time the principal thoroughfare! were blocked with people.

FENNELL for Sndines.-Newport and Cardiff. 8731 Printed and Published by the Proprietors. DAVID DUNCAN & SONS at their Steam Print- nig Works, 105, 8t. blatv-street and Westgatc- street, in the town of Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan; also bv THOMAS FAWCETT, at the South Wales Daily News Office, Swansea, in tha county of Gltznorgati also at the premises of WIL- LIAM H. KEY, Bookseller and Chemist, Pontypridd, in the county of Glamorgan: also by EDWARD WILLIAMS, at the South Wales Daily News" Office, I, Tredegar-place, Newport, in the county of Monmouth; also at the promises of WILLIAM BEES, Bookseller, Carmarthen, in the county of Carmar. thou; also at the premises of R. C. TREWEEKS, Bookseller, Pembroke, in the County of Pembroke also at the premises of ANN WILLIAMS, Bookseller. Cardigan, in the county ol Cardigan alw at tha premises of ATTY HUGHES, Bookseller, Brecon, in the county of Brecon also at the premises of DAVID CHARLES DAVIES, Printer, Llandrindod Wells, in the county ,f ktadnor also at the premises of GEOROB 1. HARRIS. Stamp Office, Lydpey, in the county of Gloucester,