v ALLSOPP & SOtfS, BASS & cu., and other* of the finest BURTON PRICES ALES Per Per vr\ Kilderkin l^km XMi, ^>A 18s 9s J r £ 21s 10s 6d nJ> C'\ 24a 12a O\ And upwards IC30 alt5 by Junction. AUCTION ANOINTMENTS, Mr W. BRADLEY. Household Furniture, at Vvw^v"N°V' 18 Messrs VV. C. CLAHKL & DOVJ5Y. Farminw Stock ifcc. at Giiestone No?. 21 Farmin^tock, h. S. PA VIES and MORGAN. Properties, at Pontycridd.Nov. 20 Messrs GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING. Farming Stock, &c„ at St Mellons Nov. 19 lforeign Furs, at Rooms, Card.G.Nov. 21 Horses, &c., at Cardiff NoJv *Z PaintiDgs. Ac.. at-Cardiff .Pec. 4 -4 6 Fat Stock, at Cardiff Dec. 17 Messrs W. & S. HERN. Properties, afc Cardiff NoT- 29 Messrs UOWAltD & KING. Book Debts, atPoncypridll .Nov. 28 Mr LATTY- „ 0, Horses, Cobs, Ponies, &e.. at Cardiff -W0*. Bicycles and Tricycles, at Cardiff JNOV. n Mr HENRY LEWIS. Steamship Share?, Properties, <fec.,at Merthyr..Nov. 21 Mr ARTHUR S. T. LLCAS. Freehold Properties, at Llandilo ."A.\ 4 Messrs J. G. MADDOX and CO. Househoid Furniture, &c.. at R< oms Nov. 19 & 20 Mr A. NEWLAND. Coppicj Woods, at Newport.Nov. 23 Messrs PARSONS and ROBJENT. Restaurant, at Newport. -Nov. 20 Double-licensed Hotel, &c.t au Isewport.Dec. 4 Hotel and Premises, fit Newport ..Dec, 4 Messrs STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER Stock, Crops, &c., at Cardiff "?r0T' o? Plant and Machinery, at Maesteg. Nov. 2i Plant, Materials, &c., at Leckwith Common ..Nov. 2t> Collie'rv and Brickworks, at Cardiff „ Nov. 28 Leaseholds and Goodwill, at Cardiff .Nov. 28 Messrs STRA KER & SON. Residences, &c., at Abergavenny .Nov. 20 Mr J. H, TUCKER. Property, at Canton, Cardiff „„Nov. 19 Mr THOMAS WEBBER. t no Sale of Property, at Cardiff .Nov. £ a Messrs YORATH and GILL. Leasehold Property, at Barry. £ ov- 18 Hotel, at Cardiff Nov. 25 SALE THIS DAY. CELYN FARM, LLANISHEN, Ni' SALE OF STOCK, CROPS, IMPLEMENTS, &c. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ANDER are instructed by Mr William Ciode ANDER are instructed by Mr William Ciode (who is giving up the farm) to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, on MONDAY, 18th November, 18b9, it the above Farm, the whole of the VALUABLE STOCK, CROPS, IMPLE- MENTS, DAIR* UTENSILS, &c., which include STOCK.—Six excellent cart horses, 4 cart colts, 1 brougham horse, cob by "Lansdowiv' and two-year- old colt by ditto 12 milch cows with calves and to jalve five-year-old hesfers, 10 steers ill good condition, pedigree bull, about 30 fat pigs and porkers, ind two sows (cne with litter and the other in farrow). CROPS.—Over 100 tons of well-harvested clover and meadow hay in 4 ricks, ricks wheat, 3 ricks oats, 1 rick straw, together wlthH acres swedes and 4 acres mllngold8. IMPLEMENTS.—Five patent single and double ploughs, engine, boiler, and belting:, self-delivery reap- lug machine, mowing machine, coin and other drills, wagons, 3 carts, 5 spring carts, horse rake, tedding machine, 2 chaff ditto, winnowing machine, iron and Cambridge rollers, harrows, horse boes. pulpers and Blicers, threshing machine, iron and other troughs and picks, tanks, weighing machine, weights, 4c, IIlaughter.h.,use gear. water ca.sht. iron hurdles, eriud- itone die., together with stable, harvesting, garden, And other tools, and the dairy utensils. Luncheon at Tweive o'clock. Sale at 12.30 punctually. Three months' credit will be given on tbe usual terms. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneels,5, High-street, Cardiff. 8833 MAESTEG OLD WORKS AND UNNVI IRON- WORKS, MAESTEG, GLAMORGANSHIRE. SECOND SALE. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ANDER ate instructed by the Directors of North's Navigation Collieries Company, 1889 (Limited) to SELL by AUCTION, without re-eive, on THURS- DAY, 21..t day of November Next, at 10.30 2.m.. the Whole of the remaining VALUABLE PLANT AND MACHINERY, WROUGHT AND CAST SCRAP IRON, AND MATERIALS At these Works. Also the Valuable PLANT, MACHINERY, WROUGHT, AND CAST SCRAP IRON, &c., it the Old Maesteg Works, Maesteg, and which include powerful blast and other engines and boilers, the ittings of several blast furnaces, the fittings of three jets of stoves (never used), flooring plates, furnaces, ibout 100 tons of various rails, 27 SEVEN-TON RAILWAY WAGONS AND A FEW MUCK WAGONS, Hid the usual plant and machinery used in the con- traction of a large iron-works. Catalogues are in course of preparation an < may be obtained on application to the Auctioneers, 5, High. street, Cardin or of Messrs BLUNT and LAWFORD, 8b7o 95, Gresham-street, London. LECKWITHCOMMON, NEAR CARDIFF. SALE OF USEFUL BUILDING MATERIALS, TIMBER, Ac. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ANDER are instructed by Messrs D. Gash an( Co. to SELL by AUCTION, on their Premises, Leek- with Common, on MONDAV, November 25th, at S.m., the whole ot the PLANT, MATERIALS, &c., Used ill the construction and carrying on of Messrs Gash and Works. The Lots will be arranged conveniently, and will Include" large quantity of flooring boards, piauks, fcantling, Ac. several lonsoi corrugated iron, hat and founded • iron girders, cua.u pump, about 18ft. turnace boiler, to hold bOJ gallons sundry firewood, doc- Further particulars of the Auctioneers, 5, High. street Cardiff. BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. BALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES AND GOODWILL OF BUSINESS MESSRS STEPHENSON & ALEX- .l.'f..l.. ANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, It the Park Hotel, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, 28th of November, 1889, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, in One Lot, as a going concern ail those TWO MESSUAGES AND PREMISES. Situate and being No". I and 2, Alice-street, Bute Dock, Cardiff, togetlIer with a Pieco of Uround forming Yard, &c.. at the rear thereof, and known as the Bridgwater Steam Packet Wharf, with the Stables. Warehouses and Buildings thereon erected, and the Goodwill of the Business ot a Haulier Ware- houseman, and Carrier, which for the last 17 years has been carried on there by the Vendoi, Mr J. C. Wall. The Premises are held unuer two several Leases for > term of 98 years from 25th March, 18a3, at the low erouud rent of £10 per annum. The property laces Hannah-street, aud is in direct communication witu Bute-street. Further particulars, together with plans and con- ditions, may be had of the Auctioneers, 6, High-street, Cardiff or of Messrs Fussell and Co., Solicitors, Liverpool-chambers. Corn-street, Bristol. Nov., 1839. WITHOUT RESERVE. THE FFORCHNEOL OR CROWN COLLIERY AND HRICKWOHKS, CWWAMAN, NEAR AOEItDARE, GLAMORGAN- SHIRE, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MESSR STEPHENSON & ALEX- .L: ANDEIi, in on Jot, as a going concern, with. out reserve, at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, on THURS- DAY, the 28th day of November, 1889, at Threll o clock in the Afternoon, all that COLLIERY AND BRICKWORKS known as the Fforcbneol or Crown Colliery and Brick- works, situate at Cwoaman, near Aberdaie, in the couuty of Glamorgan, late in the occupatIOn of the Fforchneol Colliery and Brick Company (Limited), together with the Buildings, Kilns, Engines, Boilers, and other fixed Machinery and Plant in or about the colliery works and premises, and also the Four Leasehold Cottages, near the said works, known as Globe-row, and the full benefit of all water and other easemens lJelol1¡Öng to tbe said premises. The Minerals include the valuabie seams of coal, ironstone, aml tireclay unÜerJying '.he farms of Cwm- neol, Ffoichneol, and Horcbaman, all in the parish of Aberdare. Plans, particulars of leases, conditions of sale, and inventories of plant anl machinery, may be had on application to the Auctioneers, 5. Hi«h-street, Cardiff, or to Mr John Leigb, Solicitor, 30, brown-street, Man- chester. Nov.. 1889. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. LORD BUTE'S ANNUAL SALE of CHRISTMAS FAT STOCK has been fixed for THURSDAY, the 12th of December, 1889. Mrs CARTWRIGHTS ANNUAL SALE of FAT STOCK at Fairwntev has been fixed for MONDAY, the 'th of December,1889 STEPHENSON and ALCXANDER, Auctioneers, Cardiff. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. TE ROATH MARKET FAT STOCK 18a9. SALE is fixed for TUESDAY, the 17th December, STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER, Auctioneers, Cardiff. THE NEW HOTEL, BARRY. This fine Family and Commercial Hotel, in Bourse 0l. construction by Mr T. A. Walker, nearly opposite tne Barj-y Station on the Barry Railway, and in the immediate viCinity of the Docks, TO BE LET. Full Par"ia £ svr^b|3 obtained upon application to Messrs S'lEPHENSON and ALEXANDER, Cardiff. 8607 nnHEBLAENDXrE COMPANY, A LIMITED, PONTYjPoOL, MON. MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE BRICKS, BLOCKS, AND FINE GROUND FIRE CLAY, Equal in Quality to Stourbridge Goods. The Blaendare Company, Limited, make a speciality of the manufacture of Fire Bricks, &c., for use in Siemens' Steel and Glass Works, and hold testimonials from the principal Iron and Steel Works, &e,t in South Wales and Monmouthshire. 1124 GUI^INGR AT NEWPORT, MON. J.DK BEES, ISO COMMERCIAL-ROAD, NEWPORT Bl^L-POSTJSIi and DELIVERER for TOWN and COUNTRY- Bents all the principal Hoardings in oewpor;, Ac. Work execmed wisb desp&wbj, 1009 ftltS bll junction. SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSES IN CARDIFF AND PENARTH. MESSRS W. and S. HERN will SELL by AUCTION, at the Royal Hotel, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, November 29th, 1389, at Seven o'clock in the Evening, subject to conditions of Sale, the follow- ing valuable PROPERTIES, NAMELY LOT 1.—Detached FAMILY RESIDENCE, situate in Newport-road, Cardiff, and known as The Laurels," having a frontage oi 4b feet, or thereabouts, to the Newport-road. The house is well built, and contains drawing-room, dining-room,, large billiard-room (31ft. 6in. by 16ft. 8in.), eight bed- rooms, and good offices; term 99 years, from 25th March, 1280 ground rent, £1& 103. LOT 2.-AII that DWELLING-HOUSE on the corner of Cliff-street, and Earrs.street, Penarth rent, 12s lease for 99 years, frum 1st May, 1883 ground rent, LOT 3.-No. 15, Earl's-street, Penarth lease 99 years, from 1st May. 1853 ground rent, £25s. 1j0x II-No. 142, Craddock street let at 8s 6d per week; lease 99 years, from 25th March, 1884, at a yearly ground rent of £2 163. For further particulars, and to view the premises, apply to the Auctioneers. 72. St. Mary-street, Cardiff, Dated November 8th, 1889. SALE TO-MORROW. DUKE STREET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF. ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th and 2lst, 1889. TO PARTIES FURNISHING. Gi REAT TWO DAYS' SALE of well-made r NE W HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE & EFFECTS, the property of a local tradesman, and which will be sold much below original cost also a quantity of Second-hand Furniture, removed from various resi- dences, comprising dining and drawing-room suites, siJeyoards and cabinots, pier glasses, wardrobes tind toilets (to match), bedroom suites complete, iron and brass bedsteads and bedding complete, and all the usual household sundries, together with three splendid D'Almaine full-compass Pianofortes in walnut cases, as good as new, &c., &c. On view mornings of Sales, which will commence at two o'cloek precisely. All goods intended for these Sales must be entered at the offices not later than day prior to auctions. 1111 J. G. MADDOX & CO., Anctioneers. GILES IONIC, NICAR COVVBRIDGE. TO FARMERS, DEALERS AND OTHERS. IMPORTANT SALE OF FARMING STOCK, IMPLEMENTS OF HUSBANDRY, Ac MESSRS W. C. CLARKE and DOVEY have been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION on the farinas above, on THURSDAY, 21st November, and two tollowi:lg days, if necessary, the excellent F All MING STOCK, MACHINERY, IMPLE- MENTS, &c., belonging to Mr Spencer consisting of a Flock of 250 EWES and LAMBS of the much admired COTSWOLD breed, 24 head of SHORTHORN and HEREFORD CATTLE of pure breed, principally from the noted stock at Penlline 19 very useful HOttSES, and especially FINE COLTS, pigs, poultry, &c. 5 RICKS of HAY, quantity of wheat and barley, straw, pata. toes, Ac. The MACHINERY, IMPLEMENTS, and UTEN- SILS comprise 8 H. P. ENGINE and drum, by Hornsby, sheller, corn drill, ploughs, harrow, drags, WAGONS, CARTS, DOG-CART, chaff cutters corn mill, winnowing machines, 2 reapers, 2 HAY MO\^ xNG MACHINES, rakes, sheep troughs, saw bench, boiler, pit saw, Urge quantity of timber, including SPOKES, FELLOES, SHAFTS, unfinished wheel-barrows, 13 SETS HARNESS, and the usual assortment of small tools. The whole may be viewed on the day prior to and on the morning of sale, which, owiug to the number of lots, wili commence punctually at 12 o'clock. The stock bred on this farm has been noted for its capital quality. The auctioneers desire to call special attention to the sale, all the lots being in excellent condition. For further information, application may bo made to Messrs Spencer, Corbett, and Evans, Solicitors, 6, Working-street, Cardiff, or to the Auctioneers, 31, Queen-street, Cardiff, November 7th, 1839. 8988 November 7th, 1889. SALE THIS DAY. IMPORTANT SALE OF LONG LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, SITUATED IN BARRY DOCK TOWN. MESSRS T. V. YORATH AND GILL have been favoured with instructions to S1SLL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Wenvoe Arms Hotel, Barry Dock Town (subject to such conditions of sale as shall then and there be produced), on MONDAY, November lSth, 1889, at 7 o'clock p.m. sharp, all the undermentioned PROPERTIES, Viz.:— I.OT I.-All that LEASEHOLD SHOP and BAKE- HOUSE situated and known as No. 1. Daniel-street, held on lease for the unexpired term of 99 years from 2nd February, 1836. at the very low ground rent of B2 Ea, and at present let at the low rent of £30 per annum. I.OT 2.—All those Two DWELLING-HOUSES ad- joining Lot 1, and numbered respectively 3 and 5, and held on a similar lease to the above. No. 3 is let to Mr James at the weekly rental of 8s. No. 5 is also let at the weekly rental of 8s. LOT 3.—All those Two DWELLING. HOUSES s tuated in Forster-streel, and held on a lease of 999 years at the low ground rent of £2 10s per house. The above are all let to respectable tenants at 8s per week, aud are numbered respectively 5 and 6. IiOX HOUSES adjoining Lot 3, and held en a similar lease, and are also let at the rental Of 8s. Ground rent, S2 10s per houso. I.OT 5.—All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, situated and being the iirst house on the left in Courtenay-road. The above lot is let at the weekly rental of 9s (ld, and held on a lease for 993 years at the annual around rent of £ 3. LOT 6.—All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, situate and being the last house on the left in Courtenay-road The above lot is lec at the weekly rental of 9s 6d, and held on r. lease for 993 years at the annual ground rent of S3. For particulars as to Lots 1, 3, and 4, apply to John Cufaude, Esq., Solicitor, p Jntypridd; Lot 2, Messrs Morgan and Scotr, Solicitors, Hi«h-street, Cardiff; Lots 5 and 6, to the Auctk/neeis, Post-office Chambers, Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. 9068 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO BREWERS, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. AND LICENSED VICTUALLERS GENERALLY. MESSRS T. V. YORATH and GILL have been favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Cardiff, on UN DA Y. the 25th N ovel1lbor, 1889, ill one or two Lots, as may be then and there decided, all those com. modious and handsome full-licensed premises known as the BOOT HOTEL, and situated in Card1fl'-street, Aberdare, witb wine, beer, and spirit vaults attached, and fronting Market- !;treet. The above i; a large commercial hotel, with commercial-roam, dining, and smoke-rooms, large billiard and sitting-rooms, about 14 bedrooms, with the usual office*, kitchen, wine and beer cellars. The wine, beer, and spirit vaults fronting Market-street have a bar about 34 feet long. and are new sub-let on a monthly tenancy at B120 per annum. There is also a large amount "f stablinll accommo- dation adjoining the vaults in Market-street, and forming part of the above property. The above hotel and premises are held on a lease for 99 years, of which 52 are unexpired, at the remarkably low ground rent of S2 per annum. There are also two Cottages fronting Market-street, numbered respectively 1 anù 3, held on lease for the unexpired term of 57 years. Let at £50 per annum ground rent, £5 per annum. Sale to commence at 4 p.m. For particulars apply to the Auctioneers, Post- office Chambers, Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff, or E. R, Paine, Esquire, Solicitor, St. Mary-street, CardilF. The Auctioneers beg respectfully to call attention of those whom it may concern to the fact that the Boot is the chief hotel at Aberdare, within two minutes' walk of the railway station, and situated in the principal thoroughfare. 9080 SALE TO-MORROW. ROMILLY-CRKSCENT, CANTON, CARDIFF. ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE AND PREMISES FREE FJiOM GROUND RENT. MR C. H. TUCKER will SELL by AUCTION, at the Angel Hotel, Cardiff, ou TUESDAY, November 19th, 1889, at 6 o'clock in the evening precisely, the following Eligible PROPERTY, All that MESSUAGE and GARDEN, known as No. 17 (forilierly No. 14;, Romilly-crescent, opposite Con- way Wesleyan Chapel, Canton, Cardiff, now let to Mr Cnrps, at a rental or £ 15 12s per annum, payable weekly, the tenant paying the poor-rate, the landlord paying the other taxes. This house contains six rooms, long back garden, and offices, is eligibly situated, and has" the important advantage of being entirely free- hold, and free from Ground Rent. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 6 and 7. St. Stephen-street Bristol, or to MR Q. J. HOBBS, Solicitor. 21, Clare-street, Bristol. 9006 ON SATURDAY NEXT, NOV. 23rd, 1889, And EVERY SATURDAY until further notice. SALE of HORSES, COBS, PONIES, )0 etc., by AUCTION, at LATTY'S, Cardiff. Early entries are respectfully solicited. Entrance Fee, including Borough Toll, 3s 6d. N.B.—Dogs and Poultry may also be included. Particulars on Friday. On WEDNESDAY. NOV. 27TH, 1889. SALE OF BICYCLES & TRICYCLES. II —The Last Sale of the Season, of 100 BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES, by AUCTION, at LATTY'S, Cardiff. All entries should be made by Saturday next. Machines may be sent in at once. Entrance fee. Is 6d. SALE THIS DAY. The Model Auction Mart, North-road, Cardiff. MR W. BRADLEY will SELL by AUCTION, on MONDAY, Nov. 18th, a large quantity of Household Furniture. Sale at two o'clock. 5014 Hales f tl'batt teirsrt. STEAMSHIP SHARES FOR SALE, —— 4-64ill Shares in s.s. Canton, of Cardiff. 1.64:h Share in s.s. England, of Cardiff. 1. 64th Share in s.s. Penzance, of Cardin. I-64th Share in s.s. Cleddy. of Cardiff. 65 £10 Shares in United Kingdom SS, Co. Ltd. For further particulars apply to SHORT and DUNN, I AUCTIONEERS AND SHIPPING SALESMEN, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. CARDIFF. MONTHLY SALES OF SHARES HELD. Entries Solicited. 3552 r jlaiUs lin ij!;tn1l:tt. ENDERS WANTED for DRAPERY JL and BOOT STOCK, consisting of Dress Materials, Manchester Goods, Haberdashery, Hosiery, Fancy Outfitting, and Boots. Open for inspection at MM Wilkes, High-street, Cinderford, Glos", on Thursday and Friday, NoV. 21 and 22, 1889. I MESSRS W. H. SMITH and SON; deliver the SOUTJ3 WALES DAILY NEWS at an eariy hour each Morning in all parts follow^ 11 g towns CARDIFF SWANSEA NEWPORT ROATH MERTHYR PORTSKEWETT CANTON ABERDARE PONTYPOOL ROAD BV lE DOCKS HEREFORD PEMBROKE DOCK BRIDGEND NEW MILFORD HAVERFORDWEST NEATH BRISTOL GLOUCESTER LLANELLY TENBY ABERYSTWYTH LAMPETER CARMARTHEN ABERGAVENNY The CARDIFF TIllES also delivered every iii ay to any address in the above mentioned Towns. oBwaas to tw i. ookftoUaM alts iw Ruction. SALE TO-MORROW PWLLCOCH FARM, ST. MELLONS, NEAR CARDIFF UNRESERVED SALE OF STOCK, CROPS, &C. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BO WRING have received instructiuns from Mr W M. Gerrish, who is leaving the farm, to SELL by AUC. TION, at the above Farm, on TUESDAY, November J 19th, 1889, at 12 o'clock, the whole of the FARMING STOCK, CROPS, ETC., Comprising 20 FAT AND STORE CATTLE, Hereford and shorthorn breed, and three milking cows, 50 FAT SHEEP, 3 EXCELLENT CART-HORSES, suitable for town work. CROPS,—100 tons well-harvested meadow and clover hay in 4 ricks, 2 ricks of wheat off 10 acres, 20 tons mangolds, an-i 40 tons swedes. IMPLEMENTS, &c—Two wagons, tip cart, 2 dog carts, and market ditto, 2 ploughs, 2 horse hoes, 2 sets of drags, chain harrow, horse rake, Cambridge roller and reaper, Hornsby cake crusher, turnip pulper, winnow- ing machine, cattle and pig trou¡¡;hs, pikes. rakes, 2 sets of G.O. harness, 1 set breeching harness, set of trace ditto, &cc. Tl1ree months' credit will be given to purchasers of £ 10 anù upwarùs on approved security, or discount [or cash. Luncheon at the Blue Bell at 10.30 a.m. Sale at the Farm at 11.30 punctually. 8893 Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, Cardiff. ON THURSDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 21st, 1889. SALE ROOMS, 11, HIGH-STREET. CARDIFF. SALE OF A SECOND CONSIGNMENT OF FOREIGN FURS, from one of ihe Best Houses in London. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BO WRING are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at their are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at their Sale Rooms, 11. High-street, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, November 21st. 1889, at 12 o'clock punctually, a second consignment of FOREIGN FURS, all made up in the most fashionable and latest stylo, comprising sealskin dolmans and Battenbergs, TRAVELLING WRAPPERS and CAPES, muff bags, 10i) boas, RUSSIAN DOLMANS. covered in different cloths, trimmings, capes. Princesses, Victorines, ties, collars, HEARTH AND CARRIAGE RUGS, in bearskin, Cape fox, wolf, goat, opossum, sable, raccoon, and other skins. On View the Morning of Sale. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers, 11, High. street, Cardiff. 9013 ON SATURDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 23RD, 1889. CLEARANCE SALE OF FINE DUTCH BULBS, ALL WARRANTED TRUE TO NAME AND COLOUR, Consisting of EXTRA FINE DOUBLE and SINGLE HYACINTHS for glass, pots, or bedding choice mixed Narcissus, Crocus, finest named Tulips, Scilla, Siberica, choice Iris, Ranunculus. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING JUvJL will SELL by AUCTION, at their Sale-rooms. 11, High street, Cardiff, on the above date, at 3 o'clock. Catalogues may be had of the Auctionetrs. 9123 SECOND AUTUMN HUNTER SALE. SATURDAY NEXT, 23RD NOVEMBER. 1889. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING will SELL by AUCTION, at the Horse Ex. change, Cardiff, on the above uate, about 90 HUNTERS, HARNESS HORSES, COBS, AND PONIES, Including 4 Valuable HUNTERS, the property of T. Wall, Esq. 3 HUNTERS, the property of F. L. Phillips, Esq. 2 HUNTERS, the property of J. Thomas, Esq. Also, ENTIRES, from J. II Brain, Esq., Lady Jackson, R. Manning, Esq., J. W. A. Stevens, Esq., J. G. Thomas, Esq., F. Lane, Esq E. Jenkins, Esq,, R. Griffiths, Esq., and J. M. Atkin, Esq. 12 HORSES, the property of the Cardiff Tramway Company. Early applications for stalls should be made. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers. 8884 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1883. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF GLAMORGANSHIRE HOLDED AT PONTYPRIDD. MSSSRS HOWARD and KING are instructed by the Official Receiver in Bank- ruptcy to SELL by AUCTION, at their Offices. 6, High. street, Pontypridd, on THURSDAY, the 28th day of November, 1t89, sulJject to such coaditions as shall there and then be produced, in 21 lots, the undermen- tioned BOOK DEBTS, viz, Let. £ s. d. 1.—The book debts belonging to the estate of David Morris, ot Tylacelyn Shop, Penygraig, Grocer and tfookseller. 340 19 1 2.—Thomas Richard Lewis. 37, Bute-street, Treherberfc. Grocer 155 18 8 3.—John Morgan, 20, Dunraven-street, Treherbert, Grocer 229 11 6 4.—Michael Mierson, 14 and 15, Park-St., Treforest.Furniture Dealer and Watch. maker 386 2 2 5.—Richard Jenkins, High-street, Gilfach Gocb, Boot and Shoe Maker. 88 3 2 6.-William Owen, 238, High-street, Tre- orky, Tailor ana Draper 515 7 8 7.—John Perrott, Holborn House, High street, Ferndale, Grocer 361 0 1 8.—Evan George, 43, Church-road, Ton, Groctr 253 9 1 9.—Daniel Jones,Tylorstown, Pontypridd, Tailor and Draper 413 15 10 10.—William Phillips, Liverpool House, Penygraig, Grocer 149 10 10 11.—William Lewis, 61, Raglan-street, Treherbert, Tailor and Draper 306 0 2 12.—Charles James Love, 49,Hannah-street, Porth, Builder and Wheelwright. 18 5 10 13.-Rces Davies, 12, Hannah-street, Porth, Grocer 135 19 6 14.— Wra. Adolpbus Long, Anchor House, Mardy, G rocer and Ironmonger 225 13 9 15.—Andrew Powell de Winton, Shop, Tonypandy, Grocur b08 14 S 16.—Daniel James, 15, Pencae-terrace, 229, High-street,, Treorky, Grocer 619 8 10 17.—Dan Howell Davios, Tea Caddy, Bute- street, Treherbert, Grocer 695 16 1 18.—Peter Williams and Co., 12, Dunraven. street, Tonypandy, Grocers 99 3 1 19.—John Williams, Clive Town, Ynysybwl, Grocer 279 8 0 20.—Simon Lewis Miles, Baglan-place, Pen- tre, Grocer 1,318 18 11 21.—John S. B. Lush, 12, Market-street, Pontypridd, .Clothier 186 2 3 Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p.m. The books and schedules of each estate may be in- spected at our offices as above on and after the 21st day of Nov., 1289, between the hours of 10 and 6 p.m. For further particulars apply to the Brokers, at their Offices, 6, High-street, Pontypridd. STE A MS HIP AN D OTHER SHARES. LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES AT MERTHYR. 1'. B. MEREDITH, DECEASED. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Mr L HENRY LEWIS, at the Castle Hotel, Merthyr Tydfil, on TflUIJSDAY, 21st of November, 1889, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, and suhjct to conditions, the following valuable PROPERTIES LOTS 1 to 8.-Leasehold DWELLING-HOUSES at Merthyr and Twynrodyn. STEAMSHIP AND OTHER SHARES. LOT 9.—Two SHARES of £100 e,tCh,fully the Anne Thomas Meaniahin Company, I,imiteù. LOT 10.—Two SHARES of £100 each,tully paid up,in the W. J. Radcliffe Steamshin Compauy"Ltmited. LOT 11.-One SHARE ot £240, tully paid up, in the Merthyr Steamship Company, J.imited. LOT 12.—TWO SHARES of £100 each, fully paid up, in tue Kate Thomas Steamship Company, Limited. LOT 13.—Two SHARKS of £10:1 each, fully paid up, in the Wynnstay Steamship Company, Limited. LOT 14.—One SHARE of £240, fully paid up, in the Gardepeesteamship Company, Limited. LOT 15.—One SHARE of fully paid up, in the Aberdare Steamship Company, Limited. LOT 16.—One SHARE of £2óO, fully paid up, in the Longueil Steamship Company. Limited. LOT 17 —50 SHARES, upon which £1 each has been paid, in Oddfellows' Hall Company. Dowlais, Limited. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Castle-street, Merthyr or to Mr S. Ward, Solicitor, Dudley. 9054 CARMARTHENSHIRE. Salo of FREEHOLD FARMS and FIELDS, situate in the Village of DRYSLLWYN, Parish of LLAN- GATHEN! and in the County of the Borough of Carmarthen. MR ARTHUR S. T. LUCAS has been favoured with instructions to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Cawdor Arms Hotel, L!an- dilo.on WEDNESDAY, December 4th,lSS9, the follow- ingvaluabJe FREEHOLD PROPERTIES: VILLAGE OF DRYSLLWYN, PARISH OF LLANATHEN. LOT 1.—All that valuabie FREEHOLD FARM known as Tywyn, containing 4 acres, 1 rood, and 33 perches, or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Mr Thomas Jone3, at the annual rental of E13 5s. LOT 2.-AU that PIECE of FREEHOLD GARDEN LAND known as Tytconnel, containing 1 rood or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Mr William Thomas, at the low rental of B5. LOT 5.-All that important and valuable FREE- HOLD FARM known as Velindre, containing 20acres, 1 rood, 35 perches, or thereabouts, of good arable and pasture land, now in the occupation of Mr John Griffiths, at the annual rental of £32. The above three Lots are beautifully situated, being in the celebrated Vale of Towy, nearly equi-distant from Llandilo amI Carmarthen Towns. and the railway station of Drywlhvyn (Central Wales and Carmarthen Junction Railway) is about a mile from the farms. The! propet ty is bounded by main roads, thus affording every facility for carting material on to and from the land. COUNTY OF THE BOROU8H OF CARMARTHEN. LOT 4.—All thac liighlv important and valuable FREEHOLD PASTURE FIELD known as Parky- delinfach (situate near Penlan" and •'Greenhill'), contaullug 3a. lr. 16p. or thereabouts, 1IOW ill the occu- pation of Mr D. R, Lewis, at tLe annual rental of £12. This field is most suitable for building purposes, being in a first-rate situation, commanding extensive and magnificent views of the Vale of Towy, Town of Car- martl1en, amI the surrounding pictureque country. Sale to commence at o'clock in the afternoon precisely. For pians and particulars, or further information, apply to Mr Arthur S. T. Lucas, auctioneer and estate agent, Nos. 6 and 7, Salubrious-place, Wind-street, Swansea or to the Solicitors, Messrs Beor.-Fry. and Plant, 10, Temple-street, Swausea. 9117 rjnEETIi i TEETH TEETH I MR K E A L L, SURGEON DENTIST 199, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station), Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very best workman- ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the new Ansesthetic Cocaine. Partial Sets from 5s per Tooth; Upper or Lower Set from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, » Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is lid and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist ,Cardiff; Mr Munday, chemist, 1, Duke-street; Mr Robb, chemist, Roath. Newport: Messrs Garrett Bros., chemists, 171, Commercial-street. Neath: Mr J. G. Isaac (late Hayman), chemist. Llanelly; Mr Gwilym Evans. London Newberv and Son. 1038—14 Suffering from Nervous Debility, Decline, V FOB Exhausted Vitality, Brain and Kidney TVI WNT roubles, <fcc, Certain cure by the im- lVIJLiN proved French method. HOW TO ACT-ADVICE FREE. 66.70-13800 Sealed Book sent for three stamps. ;;( "tlmand Agency, 76, Chancery-lane, London fpnMtc Jiffiires. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF JL ENGLAND, WINDSOR-PLACE, CARDIFF. On MONDAY. November 18th, 1839, at 8 o'clock p.m., the Annual Sermon of the Young Men's Christian Guild will be preached by the Rev J. Thain Davidson, D.D. SubjectThe Perils of the Great City." Offertories will be taken at all these services. 9108 Å SERIES OF GRAND LITERARY ENTERTAIN MEN TS WILL BE GIVEN BY MR CHARLES JYCKENS In the Following Places MARKET-HALL, PONTYPRIDD. Nov. 19th. COLONIAL-HALL, CARDIFF. Nov. 20th. TEMPERANCE-HALL, MERTHYR. Nov. 21st. TEMPERANCE-HALL, ABERDARE, Nov. 22nd. For further particulars see Local Bills. 9121 ^GLAMORGANSHIRE AND MON- MOUTHSHIRE INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY, CARDIFF. INFIRMARY SATURDAY, 1889. The Hon. Treasurer (David Jones, Esq.) and Secre- taries WILL SIT at the TOWN-HALL NEXT SATUR- a. DAY EVKNING, Nov. 23rd, from Seven to Eight p.m. to RECEIVE FURTHER COLLECTIONS. Collecting Books can be had of the Secretary at the Intirmary. NEW ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. 8828 HE SOUTH WALES TONIC SOL-FA CONFERENCE. The ANNUAL MEETINGS will be held at TRE- DEGARVILLE BAPTIST CHAPEL, THE PARADE, CARDIFF, on MONDAY, November 18th. The Coun- cil meet at 10.30 a.m. General Meeting at 11.30. Mr Venables, of London, will give a Model Lesson on Choral Drill" at 2.30 p.m. At 7.30 p.m., the Village Children-" (by D. Jenizins) will be performed, and the Choir will sing choruses trom "The Fairy Tribe (D. Emlyn Evans). Programmes, &c., from the Secretary, W. T. Samuel, 26, Heurietta-street, Swan. sea. 9067 CARDIFF FAT CATTLE SHOW, PRESIDENT, THE RIGHT HON. LORD WINDSOR, Will be held at the ROATH MARKET, CARDIFF, ON DECEMBER 16th and 17th, 1889. Entries Close on December 5th to Mr I.. Gottwaltz, Hon. Sec., 11, High-street, Cardiff. 9044 0~ FISHERMEN, FISHMONGERS, DEALERS IN FISH, AND OTHERS. The FISHMONGERS' COMPANY, of London, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that all CONSIGNORS of UNSEASONABLE and UNCLEAN SALMON and MIGRATORY FISH of the GENUS SALMON, in- cluding Sea Trout, &c., to the LONDON and PRO- VINCIAL MARKETS, and all CONSIGNEES and RECEIVERS of such Fish, will be PROSECUTED with the utmost rigour of the Jaw. By Order, J. WRENCH XOWSE, Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, London. Fishmongers' Hall, E.C., September, 1889. 8879 ANTED, OFFERS of ENGLISH TT TIMBKK, Standing or felled. Send parttculars to PONSFORD BROS., T I M B E R MERCHANT S, NEWPOltT, MON. ETERSTON-SUPER ELY. — A JL "HEDGING AND DITCHING MATCH "will take place at the:above place bth DECEMBE it. 1889. For further particulars apply to W. RUES, Secretary, b25 Peterston-super-Ely. REGIMENTAL ORDERS BY COL. X\> E. S. HILL, C.B.. M.P., Commanding 1st Glamorgan Artillery Volunteers :— Cardiff, 16th November, 1889. Repository drill every evening at 7 p.m. No. 10 Battery will parade at 7.30 on Monday for repository drill. No. 8 Battery will parade at 7.30 on Tuesday for repository drill. All carbines and swords must be returned to the armoury at once: Officers wishing to join a signalling class to be formed t Cardiff are requested to send in their names by the 20th inst. There will be a meeting of sergeants in their mess- room after drill on Monday. For duty duting the week,-illajor Fisher, Lieut. Waldron, Surgeon Griffiths, Sergeant Lewis Corporal McConnell, Bombardier Smith, Trumpeter Elworthy. By order, (Signed) M. S. EYRE, Captain and Adjutant. Bfogal ilatxttz. E GEORGE JAMES ROBERTS, Senr., late of No. 35, The ROYAL ARCADE, PICTURE DEALER, Deceased. All PERSONS having any CLAIMS against this Estate are requested to send full particulars thereof to nie, the undersigned, forthwith, and all Debtors to the Estate are respectfully requested to pay the amounts of their respective debts to Mr LEMUEL WESLEY ROBERTS, at deceased's late place of business, or to me, the undersigned, without delay. Dated the 15th day of November, 1889. WILI JAM JONES, 29, St. Mary-streat, Cardiff, 9118 Solicitor to the Executors. E,HENRY ANTHONY, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having Claims on the Estate of the late Mr Henry Anthony, of Cardiff and the Henrhienr, near (Jsk, Brewer, deceased, are requested to send particulars of the same to Messrs WALDRON and SON, Solicitors. 74. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. ^publications. NOW READY, PRICE 6D. DICKENS'S CHRISTMAS NUMBER of "ALL THE YEAR ROUND." STORIES of "ALL THE YEAR ROUND." STORIES byB. L. FARJEON and other popular authors.-At all Railway Bookstalls, Booksellers, Ac. K. J. HEATH & S0HS' 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, Respectfully beg to inform their numinous patrons and the public generally that they have OPENED A BRANCH AT 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. The Entire New Stock of PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, &a., contain all the very latest patents and improvements. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT allowed for Cash, or may be had on the QNE, TWO, OR THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. Also a Stock -of VIOLINS, BANJOS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. AU the Newest Music, Tutors, &c. Illustrated Catalogues and terms for the Hire System may be had on application, post free. 9431—5-1066 W. E. V AUTGHAN AND CO., STEAM-POWER DYERS, FRENCH CLEANERS, &o., LLANDAFF-ROAD, CARDIFB. BRANCH ESTABLISHMENTS 32, QUEEN-STREET, I CARDIFF, 248, BUTE-STREET, 1 11, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. 53, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 83, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 27, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA Parcels Received and Forwarded Regularly to the Dye-works by the following District Agents:— Aberavon ..Miss Morgan, Tandfield-place Aberdare Mrs Eschle, Commercial-place Abefkenfig .Mr W. H. Hitchings, Grocer Abercarn Mr D. Jones, Anchor House Brecon „MrsWotton, Lion-street Bridgend .Mr Woodward, Grocer, Adare-street Blaei .ia*on Mr J. Harris, London House Briton Ferry.Mr D. L. Jones, Villiers-street Cowbridge. Miss Griffiths, Fancy Repository Grifiithstown ..Mr II. Peach, Post-office. Llandilo Mr J. Lockyer, County Press Maesteg Mr T. Davies, Grocer, Castle-street Mountain Ash..D. R. Davies, Temple of Fashion Nevljind Messrs Biddlecombe, London House Nantymoel Mr E. David, Cambrian House Pembroke Dock, M. S. Cole, 10, Dimond-street Porthcawl Mr R. Thomas, Great Western House Pontypridd Mr J. Roberts, Post-office Penrhixvceiber Mr D. R.. Davies. Draper Porth Mr J. H. Thomas, Cloth Hall Pentre. Mr J. Hitchings, 129, High-street v St. David's Mr W. Lewis, Tailor, Cross-square Treforest Mr J. Gibbon, Tailor, 88, Wood-road Treharris Mr Lewis, London House. Tenby Mr Tringham, The Thimble, Tudor-sq Usk Mr Jones, Grocer, Bridge-street Pajrcels amounting to live shillings sent direct to works ^ill be returned carriage paid one way. Trade books and price lists sent free on application. ,I W* JBJ VA-UGHAN AND CO" DYERS, ARE CELEBRATED FOR CLOTHES and DRESS CLEANING by FRENCH PROCESS, producing per. manent colours, a superior finish, moderate charges and promptness of dispatch 1000 TMPORTANT. -One Box of Horton'aI.X.L.v JL PiHsare guaranteed to cureailurivara casesand opm., ideations of the urinary organs, whether acquired or otherwise. Also Gravel and Pains in the Back. Free I from Mercury. Post free for 4s from G. D. Horton, M.PS. (from the General Hospital), Aston-roaa, Birmingham. Agents Cardiff-A. Hagon, Chemist, 39, Bjidge-st, Swamea-Lloyd.Cbamist, Oxfora-st, Newport-Yoww, Chemist, High-st. N.B.-Hals never beeu known to M. Leuem^uuffered.' free. nanapaper. 67s2 public Amusements. CARDIFF. FPHEATRE ROYAL LEssEE AND MANAGEIL- MR EDWARD FLETCHER ACTING MANAGER Mr JOHN SHERIDAN TO-NIGHT (MONDAY). NOV. 18, Mr Edward Compton's "Jane Shore" Company, and the celebrated Actress MISS ISABEL BATEMAN. MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18. 19, 20, The Original Princess's version. by special arrangement with Wilson Barrett, Esq., JANE s 11 0 R E By G. W. Wills, author of "Claudian," &c. JANE SHORE MISS ISABEL BATEMAN. THURSDAY-" EAST LYNNE." FRIDAY (Benefit of Miss Bateman) and SATURDAY, "MAlty WARNER." Box Plan ready at Thompson and Shackell's, Limited. GRAND THEATRE AND OPERA HOUSE, WESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. Sole Lessee and Manager .Mr JAMES ELPHINSTONE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, And Every Evening during the Week, the celel rated Farcical Comedy, by MARK MELFORD, entitled- rjYURNED UP, Act 1.Richmond Villa. Twickenham, a Breeze. Act 2. Lawn at Richmond Villa, a Storm. Act S. -Richmond Villa, Twickenham, a Hurricane. To conclude with ALADDIN UP TO DATE. THE BELTON BALLET TROUPE. Principal Dancers, Misses PHCEBE & NELLIE BELTON. MONDAY. November 25th, William Bourne and Full Company—MAN TO MAN. ^IMS REEVES' PHOTO to be SEEN KJ at Messrs THOMPSON and SHACKELL'S WINDOW. 79 ABERAVON. DYSON'S DIORAMAS AND GIPSY CHOIR. TOURING SOUTH WALES. ABERAVON THIS WEEK. LLANELLY NEXT. 111 SWANSEA. QHEYSANTHEMLIM SHOW. THURSDAY NEXT, 2 till 10. FRIDAY NEXT, 10 till 10. ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ST. HELEN S-ROAD. NEWPORT. HE LLANGIBBY AND TREDEGAR HUNT STEEPLECHASES 0 WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEW COURSE, AT CAERLEON. NEWPORT, MON., ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH, 1889, Under G.N. Hunt Rules, STEWARDS: Right Hon. LORD TREDEGAR, M.F.H. Sir GEORGE ELLIOT, Bart., M.P. Sir A, Mackworth, Bart. J. Lawrence, Esq., M.F.H. Lieut.-Col. H. G. Lindsay, w. u, p. Jenkins, Esq. G. W. Elliot, Esq.. M.P., j J. G. R. Homfray, Esq. M.F.H. I Capt. Sandemau. Reginald Herbert, Esq., I Edward Curre, Esq. M.F.H. 1 General Watson. T. Bassett, Esq., M.F.H. j Colonel Lyne. C. E. Lewis, Esq., M.F.H. I Arthur Evans, Esq. HON. SECS. Messrs J. ROWE and ll. D. YORATH. STARTER :-Mr F. It. NEVILL. JUDGE AND CLERK OF THE CALES :-Mr JOHN PRATT. CLERK OF THE COURSE :-Mr JAMES ROWE. STAKE HOLDER :—Colonel LYNE. 9061 QREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. NEW AND IMPROVED SERVICE TO THE CHANNEL ISLANDS VIA WEYMOUTH. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE, AND SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. WEYMOUTH to GUERNSEY in Ai hours. GUERNSEY to JERSEY in ii hour. POWERFUL FAST STEAMERS, specially con- structed for the Great Western Company for this Service, and fitted with electric light and all latest improvements, will, weather and circumstances permitting, run DAILY from WEY- MOUTH to GUERNSEY and JERSEY (Monday Mornings excepted), and from JERSEY and GUERN- SEY to WEYMOUTH (Sundays excepted) in connec- tion with Fast Trains from and to all parts of the Great Western System. Passengers leaving New Milford at 5.0 p.m., Swansea 7.25, Cardiff 9.20, and Weymouth 2.15 ".m.. reach Guernseyabout b.45 a.m. aud Jerseyabout9.0a.m and leaving Jersey at 8.0 a.m Guernsey 10.0, reach Wey. mouth about 2.30 p.m., Cardiff 9 26. Swansea 11.45 p.m., and New Milford at 1.45 a.m. Passengers (JtSS direct between the train and steamer at Weymouth. 8898 HY. LAMBERT. General .Manager. fettors rcitLJ Contracts. UILDERS desirous of TENDERING for the ERECTION of a. CHAP EL at CATHA Y8 for the ERECTION of a CHAPEL at CATHAYS for the WHITCHURCH-ROAD WESLEYAN CHAPEL TRUSTEES can see Plans and Specification, and obtain Quantities, at my Office on and after Mon- day, Nov. 18, 1889. The Tiustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. Estimates to be sent in on or before MONDAY, 25tll November, 1889, to Rev Mr Dodd, Wesley House. Charles-street, Cardiff, endorsed outside Tender. Whitchurch-road Chapel." JNO. P. JONES. Architect, 27, Park-street, Cardiff. November 14th, 1889. 9097 RJPO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION Of TWO HOUSES at Porthcawl. Plans and upecitications can be seen, and other information obtained, at the office of the Architect, on and after MONDAY, November 18th, 1889. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, E. A. LANSDOWNE, M.S.A. f6, High-street, Newport, Mon. 9109 XT* P P S S GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. (BREAKFAST) -——————————————————- MADE SIMPLY WITH O C O A C BOILING WATER OR MILK. 13857-1187-7742 | G. A. STONE & Co., COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers, superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broug hams, and every necessary equipment for Fuuerals. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. 1108 10 11, & 12. WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. INVALID MEN WHO AKB NERVOUS AND DEPRESSED without joy for the present or hope for the future, and whose past is a regret, should send 3 stamps for the MAGIC MMROR and address WILKINSON AND CO.. 4, iutz- TNVA.LID MEN. alan-square, Sheffield. _8_ 13712 5222 DR. TR COKE'S ORIENTAL pILLS AND SOLAR JgLIXIR 'V" :-p Have been used tor upwards of hall a century, an,1 are fully recognized as the most effectual remedies now in use for the cure of INDIGESTION, LIVER COMPLAINTS, And all nervous disorders S-—. Reader, if you suffer from any of the above complaints with all their attendant evils, try these remedies they are more to be desired for you than riches, and their worth to you is more than untold gold. D R; ROOKE'S SOLAR ELIXIR Is sold in Bottles at 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. 3 and lis. each. Dpv- ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS Are sold in boxes at 13 £ d. and 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, or direct from DR. -p O O KE, Xt 9024 SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND. ;I. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE. FOR STRENGTH, FLAVOUR, & AROMA IT STANDS UNEQUALLED SOLD IN OBLLNG TINS. BOWDEN STEAM MILLS, MARKET HARBOROUGH. GOLD MEDAL, NEW ZEALAND, 1882. 90K. business Ài)i)resses. T H I S D AY, JJOWELL AND COMPANY ARE SELLING A BANKRUPT MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF F URS, AT FULLY ONE-THIRD OFF RE. GULAR PRICES. B LANKETS, F LANNELS, AND gHEETINGS. —I.. ——i.i. II.- m ANTL-ES, JACKETS, PALETOTS In Sealette, Plush, and Cloth, at Manufacturers' Prices, JJRESS GOODS IN ALL THE Newest Materials, at prices to suit all classes. rjlABLE LINENS, CRETONNES,, Art Muslin, Curtains, &c. JJOWELL AND CO.. THE c ARDIFF D RAPER4 CARDIFF. 8520 UNSURPASSED FOR BEAUTY AND RICHN ESS.' —" UNEQUALLED FOR WEAR." H E If OUIS" VELVETEENL This exquisite fabric, which lias all the lightness anff bloom of Genoa-or Lyons pre-eminently suited for" Directoire" Coats, "Empire' Costumes, Tea: Gowns. Children's Dreses, awl all purposes for which Silk Velvet may be used. The New Collection oir Colours and Art Shades is unequalled for variety, brilliancy, and depth of tone, while the soft rich tex- ture of the Blue Black has altogether the appearance of a beautiful Silk Velvet. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. —livery yard of the genuine bears the name LOUIS (spelled L. O. U. I. S.), and the wear of eacli yard is guaranteed. A Full Range of Black and Colours at special prices 1, always kept in Stock at JOHN JAMES AND COS, 1 28, 29, AND 30, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. RENOWNED FOR FASHIONABLE GOODS. THE BEST ARTICLE AT THE LOWEST PRICE. 8477 SEWING MACHINES. JOHN JAMES AND CO. continue to offer FRIST1ER and ROSSMANN'S HIGH-ARM LOCKSTITCH SEWING MACHINES. HAND MACHINE, with Walnut Cover, and all appliances, S2 18s 6d. Usuall'y sold a. F,4 19s. HAND and TREADLE DITTO, £ 4s 4s. Usually sold at £ 6 9s. JOHN JAMES AND CO., 2P 29, and 30, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 901S J>lANOS J>IANOS piANOS ■ DUCK, SON AND PINKER'S LATEST MODELS. Write for Catalogue and Photographs of these Mag. nificent New Model Plancs, of Special Design and Construction, now ill slock at DUCK, SON & PINKER'S, and you will be quickly convinced they are infinitely superior ÍlI appearance and workmanship to many in. struments advertised at higher prices. DUCK, SON & PINKER'S New Models, for Tone and Durability, are unsurpassed at the price. You will say these instruments are the BEST VALUE you have ever see WHY? Because you are dealing with DUCK, SON & PINKElt, who are the Largest Buyers for Cash in the West of England, and are consequently able to Offer Better Tern s than any other house. WRITE FOR CATALOGUES, SENT POST FREE. INSPECTION INVITED. JJUCK, gON AND jpINKER^ BATH AND BRISTOL. ————————————————————— JJALSAM SUPERS ED E D. v MAT MILTON'S AMERICAN HERB PASTE. MAT Is warranted to cure ailt AMERICAN MILTON'S (discharges from the urinary[ HERB MAT organs in either sex.i PASTE. MILTON'S Thoroughly reliable con-l AMERICAN MAT venient to take. Iu tins,! HERB MILTON'S 2s 9d and 4s 6d each. Free PASTE. MAT by post 3d extra. (AMERICAI* MILTON'S —- HERB MAT HEWSON'S COMPOUND PASTE. MILTON'S PENNYROYAL {AMERICAN MAT PILLS FOR FEMALES. HERB MILTON'S in boxes. Is lid and 2s 9d) PASTE MAT each: free by post 2d extra. MAT MILTON'S Local Agents: Cardiff, Mr MILTON'S AMERICAN Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke- AMERICAN HERB street Newport, Mr J. HERB PASTE. Phillip:, 92, Commercial- PASTE. MAT street; Swansea, Mr Keaii, MAT MILTON'S Chemist, 199, High-street MILTON' AMERICAN F. II. Hewson, 8, Victoria- AMERICAN HERB avenue, Maindee, Newport, HERB PASTE..Mon. PASTE. HERB avenue, Maindee, Newport, HERB PASTE. Men. PASTE. 15e London Barclay & Sons 1042 ROSB YS r BALSAMIC J COUGH E L I XI R. c RUSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR, CURES BRONCHITIS c ROSBYS COUGH ELIXIR ? CURES ASTHMA CROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR WORKS WONDERS. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is sold in Bottles at Is. 1" Is. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. ea0h, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, or direct from DR ROOKE, SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND.1 { DR, ROOKE'S DICTIONARY OF J^ O M E STIC J EDICINE; All who wish to preserve health should read this work. It is a Handy Guide to Domestic Medicine, also a II all admirable Compendium of Medtcal Information, it contains 80 pages, and it is an incalculable boon to invalids. GRATIS of all Chemists and Patent Medi- cine Vendors, or POST FREE on receipt oil penny stamp, from DR. R O O K low SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND.