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— ~y I; LIFE-BOAT SERVICES IN 1893. The past year has not been a stormy one, and h;d it not been for the furious gales of tho last few weeks, 1893 would have been r ecorded as one of the mildesi, finest and calmest years of the century. The services of the Life-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution, of which there are now 303 on the coast, have not been, however, unfrequently requisitioned. These boats, manned by their gallant crews, were called out as many as 314 times, resulting in the saving of 427 lives. In addition the Life-boats were sent out 192 times in response to what seemed to be signals of distress or when it was sup- posed that help was needed, but only to find either that all was well or that unthink- ing captains had made incorrect signals. Rewards were also granted by the Institu- tion for the saving of 170 lives by means of shore-boats during the year, bringing up the total number of lives for the saving of which the Society granted rewards in 1893 to 597, and to 37,854 since 1824. The cost of maintaining the Institution's fleet of Life-boats in thorough efficiency is increasingly heavy, and the amount received in annual subscriptions and accruing from assured income is insufficient for the purpose. Further help is therefore greatly needed, which will be gladly received by the Secretary, Charles Dibdin, Esq., 14 John-street, Adelphi, London, or by any of the Branch Honorary Secretar- ies.
