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IN-DOOR ECONOMY. At this season all summer decorations should be forthwith discarded, and every thing be ready to meet the sudden change in the weather, which may be expected from day to day. Carpets should be taken up and well beaten, to prevent the accumu- latioti of the dust from flt-es itpon qllmrner dtiqt, and the rooms scoured muslin summer curtains should be removed, washed, and rough-dried, and be replaced by the winter set; and every ornament should be discarded from the g ate-, in which, after being nicely cleaned, a ifre should be laid ready to be lighted at a moment's notice. Any small chim- ney ornaments which would be injured by fire-dust stlollld either be removed or covered. In cleaning rooms and furniture, the housemaid should be directed 'o take out the hair or any moveable seats of chairs, and thoroughly beat out the summer's rlust and it is a good plun to wash with flannel and soap and water (not soda) all painted and wi,ker-bo',toined oti.,irs it is allowing itie diist to accumulate month after month which makes the furniture so very soon look shabby in some houses. Carpets should be occasionally wiped over a wet cloth, and then rubbed hard till dry; by this means the carpet is brightened, and the room, if miieh in tise, isgreally refreshed. It is very unwise to allow servants to do things ''any how," because there is no company: it is mistaken kindness to the servant, and causes much discomfort to the mistress when she happens to have her friends about her; for when servants are habitually per- mitted to spare themselves very much, they dislike the additional trouble of having things tidy, and their ill-humour and bustle produce the painful feeling to the friends that they are treated as strangers. Servanls should therefore be obliged to pay the same attention when the family is alone as when they are guests; they will get the advan- tacp in the end. It is very desirable for the mistress of a family to arrange her domestic affairs in the early part of the day, that she may be at liberty to receive a call from a friend, or to leave home unexpectedly if required, without throwing the house into confu- sion. There are, unfortunately for the comfort of the families, some ladies who think their importance is increased by appearing always in a bustle ,-it is, however, the surest indication of the absenceof order and regularity. In houses where dinner- parties are frequent, or the family is so large as to require a great deal of cooking, it is especially important that orders should be issued early in the morning, that the cook may arrange the disposal of her different ingredients; for example, if she ex- pects fhh to fry, she will save her white of egg, it not wanted in puddings, for the fish, which she might otherwise thronv away and the same with other trifling articles. It is foolish ever to throw away old keys they may unexpectedly prove very useful. The best material for key labels is white leather, which should he sewed on the keys with their proper title it is preferable to parchment or wood. There is a neat contrivance, or key-case, to supersede the usual key-basket, which has several advantages; the inside is furnished with divisions and brass hooks io receive the various keys; there is a handle on the top, for carrying it with ease from room to room, and a patent lock by which all the keys are secured, in case the mistress of a house is so unfor- tunate as not to have servants in whose honesty she can confide. To nervous persons there is yet another recommendation, the rattling or turning over a numher of keys in a basket is avoided; and, to the nervous, these trifling noises are often more annoying than those which are loud or really dis- turbing. Old newspapers should never be wantonly destroyed, as they are ueflll for many household piirposes it is convenient to keep a store of pieces of a proper size in the mould candle-box, that, when the servant applies for candles, they may be given to her in a paper, and be saved Iroin dirty finger marks, which are a great eye sore, aud the paper will be found useful for the kitchen candle- sticks. A little regular attention to trifles of neat- ness makes a wonderful difference in the aspect of a household. Old letters may be cut up for spills, and put in some very accessible place in the kitchen, to prevent the common wasteful and dirty habit of thrusting a candle between the bars to light it or cut in strips (fit for putting round candles when too small for the candlestick), and strung together ready to be pulled off when wanted. A cook should be supplied with pads, like an iron- holder, with which to take dishes out of the oven they should be furnished with a loop, and kept hung up in the kitchen. As winter approaches, it is itnpossib'e to be too careful in keeping spare beds and blankets properly aired. In damp weather, a bed which has been un- occupied for three successive nights is unfit for the use of a delicate per!ton, or, indeed, of any oiie it they cannot be put tinder the unoccupied beds of the house, a cleanly servant should sleep in them alternately. A stale bed, above all things, should be avoided, for it is only at the hazard of life or health that it can ever be used. A hospitable and juiciolis housewife will always keep a pair of sheets aired, in case a friend should unexpectedly drop in la!e i:l tile evel)itlffl %viieli there uould not be time to do it thoroughly. In damp houses a chafing-dish of coals should occasionally be pot into spare bed-rooms, leaving the doors open for the damp air to escape. 1 he winter store ot apples, filberts, walnuts, and hazel nil's sholdd be laid in during this month. Of the first, the H,!pstone pippin is, for many reasons, superior to anv other. It bakes, boils, and roasts, and is a <jood dessert fruit both in taste and appear- ance indeed, a better apple need not be desired Care should be taken in selecting those intended to be kept, and all bruised ones used for pre-pnt purposes. They are best preserved in a dry airy room, laid in wheat-straw, turned often, and any defective ones immediately removed. Kipstone pippins thus treated will keep, as the saying is, 11-1 apples cotne again Walnuts, nuts, or fil- berts, are best preserved in a dry airy soil, such.ps the floor of a shed or out-house, protected rom the wet. If the top of the pot is kept closely stopped, they will keep srood all the year round. The best means of closing the pot is to tie a bladder over it, and for the benefit of the consumption a number of small jars are better than large ones. The husks being removed, a large quantity may thus be pre. served in a small space. Some persons preserve nuts and filberts in the husks by suspending them to the roof of the kitchen in bags, but in that situa- tion they become dry and shrivelled, and lose their flavour. When the winter store of salt butter arrives, the first thing to be done is. to turn out the whole mass from the tub, or whatever it is sent in, and with a clean knife to scrape the outside; then wipe the tub with a clean cloth, and either sprinkle it all round with salt, or make a mild brine of salt and water boiled, allow it to get cold, and put it in the itib then replace the butler, and keep the lid on to exclude the air. From the want of a proper cleanliness in the dairymaid in the first instance, the outside of the butter which comes in contact with the vessel acquires a rancid taste, which gra- dually affects the whole mass, unless the above mentioned precautious are used. Store cheese should be kept in suspended racks (in make similar to plate lacks), to secure them from rats and mice, and from damp walls. If there is any fear of lard becoming rancid, melt it gently, with a little salt and a few whole allspice, and a little suet; then strain it, and it will keep tilllhe time arrives for procuring a fresh supply. Meat may be safely salted at this season; but it should always be examined as to its soundness previous to putting on any salt.—Magazine of Domestic Ecoitoi)iy.




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