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Telephon —No. 7. Telcgrama-SHEFFIELD, RHYL. A. SJ-IEFFIELDSON Ironmongers and Gunsmiths, 6 Wellington Road, RHYL WE ARE NOW SHOWING Double-barrel Breechloading Guns from £2 Single-barrel Breechloading Guns from 15/6 GUNS MADE TO ORDER AT THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE NOTICE. Rook Rifles, Air Guns and Revolvers. REPAIRS TO GI NS, Sfc., A SPECIALITY. CARTRIDGE S-F-ley's Cartridges loaded with (E.C.) Amberite SjlXIX ± jLfcj.As\TIlEk* or Schultze. Always in Stock, & other Powders. Cartridges for Pigeon Shooting or Special Purposes loaded on the premises to order. CLEANING liOVS, GAME AND CARTRIDGE BAGS -IN GBEAT VARIETY. EVERY SHOOTING REQUISITE SUPPLIED. A. SHEFFIELD and SON, RHYL BIDES AGENTS MUTED One in each district to ride and exhibit a sample J 905 Cycle. Write for special offer. Highest grade fully warranted British-made Cycles Latest iWodeis, £ 2. W to £ 6 WLYMMH MM NEW DEPARTURE COASTER HUBS, BEST MAKES TYRES AND ISLLLMS BEST BRITISH-MADE EQUIPMENT. HHil 200 second-HAND CYCLES all makes, good as new, f0 a JQ ^"r(-at factory clearing sale at halt factor >/ pricm. We send on WMMjEriyi approval and allow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL on MflffvW TOn* every cvclc. Money with carriage charges refunded without mmV 'iucstion if not vcrfccth/ satisfactory. «■! I fflr EI Taking orders from sample machine furnished W 'afonce'forTREE'eATALOGUES^ Tyres, Sundries. Sevring Machines, Phonographs. ,tc.. at Half Prices. MEAD CYOLE COMPANY Dept. '12 85 to 87 Farcdise Strasf, UVEilWDL, and 19 to 21 EJiariiifl Cross Road, LONDON. _—— I NO PRELIMINARY FEES CHARGED. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. In large or small sums (not less than £ 10), ON PROMISSORY NOTE ONLY. During the last 20 years the total amount lent by the Undersigned EXCEEDED JEl.250,000 He has received hundreds of unsolicited letters of anks, and has annually, for the past nine years, issued selections from these in pamphlets, of which blore than 300,000 copies have been printed Prospectut-es, terms for advances, or any information 15aired, will be supplied,free of charge, on application" ther personall) or by letter, to :— .1 I CEORCE PAYNE, Accountant ;lJ.'{' 3 CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL {Established 1870 !!t< j MONEY. B5 to £ 500. MONEY. IMPORTANT NOTICE. IN espouse to the request of NUMISROUSOLIKNIS, the well-known firm of D. WHITE have decided to re-open AN OFFICE IN THIS DISTRICT, where ADVANCES will be made on the samn REASONABLE rs hitherto TO ALL KKKPISCTABLKHOUKE- HOLDERS, FARMERS, TRADESPEOPLE ALL1 TRANSACTIONS STRICTLY PRIVATE TERMS LOWER THAN OTHER LOAN OFFICES DISTANCE NO OBJECT. Upon receipt of letter, I will wait upon you by appoint- ment AT "YOUR OWN HOUSE, and advance you the tnoney required thus saving you a journey and waste of time, repayable by easy instalments TO SUIT YOUR OWN CONVENIENCE. SPECIAL RATES for SHORT PERIODS. APPLY BY LETTER in confidcncc to D. WHITE, i 7, ABBEY STREET, RHYL. 1 (Can be seen perfonally Tuesdays from 4 to 8 p.m.) J Also 17, MAESGWYN ROAD, near the General Railway I Nation, WREXHAM. Journal Office. Agreement Forms for house letting, 4d. each. Notice to Quit (Landlord to Tenant and Tenant to Landlord), 2d each. Window Bills-Rouses to Let Fur- | nished, &c., 2d. each. Lodging house Keepers Visiting Cards—cheap and good. Printed in Rhyl, by ilhyl workmen. F. & H. PUGH, Cycle Agents and Repairers, 22 BEDFORD STREET, RHYL. Dealers in Second-hand Cycles, MailcarLs, A.O., Pneumatic Tyre Repairing. y 'n. Electro-plating and Stove Enamelling a speciality. Machines on the gradual payment system at 10s. a month. Mailcarts re-tyred and repaired. 252 I-or Printing GG TO The Journal Works,

ISi Asapb Board of Guardians


St, Asaph (Flint) Rural District…


Mr Ashfield's Retirement from…


Charity Organization for Rhyl.


The Failing Electric Light.


St, Asaph (Flint) Rural District…