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Grand Theatre 4 ABERAMAN (Re-opened under the auspices of the Aberaman Workmen's Hall and Institute Committee). Star Programme of Variety and Pictures VARIETIES: MONDAY, AUG. 9 and during the week- AUSTEN TEMPLE Magical Experimentalist. The Man to make you laugh and wonder. Assisted by MISS IRENE VINCENT. HENRY D. ADAMS Eccentric Juggler. Special Engagement of BETTY BUTTERS AND THE BOOB. Drawing Room Entertainers in Songs and Stories. COME-SEE-ENJOY YOURSELVES. PICTURES: AUGUST 9, lO & 11 Exclusive Film- 'The Incorruptible Crown' A romantic story of Diplomatic Intrigue in the Balkan States, of topical interest at the present time. AUGUST 12, 13 & 14- "MABEL AT THE WHEEL" A Keystone Scream, featureing CHARLIE CHAPLIN (The King of Laughter Makers), and MABEL NORMAN, Everybody's Favourite. In addition to the above. Beautiful Coloured Scenics, Pathe's Gazette with the very Latest News in Pictures, and-time permit- ting-L-KD, Essannay and Keystone Comedies. Twice KTiglitly Commencing at 6-45 & 8-45. PRICES TO SUIT ALL- Boxes 5/ Orchestral Stalls 9d.; Grand Circle 6d.; Pit Stalls 4d.; Gallery 3d.; Pit 2d. Enjoy the Beauties of Travellin g in a luxurious FIVE SEATER CAR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. DISTANCE NO OBJECT When in need of a CAR ping up Phone 22, Hlrwain, where you can rely on prompt and efficient attention, combined with reason- able Charges by Reg. Bragg, CARDIFF ARMS' GARAGE, HIRWAIN. IMPORTANT NOTICE. CARMARTHEN DAIRY CREAMERY 22a VICTORIA SQUARE S £ 2r"! Devonshire and Raw Cream (Fresh Daily), New Laid Eggs, Welsh Dairy Butter and Poultry. A TRIAL SOLICITED. Tel. in. W. T. EVANS, Proprietor. OWING TO THE WAR Bailwav Excursions will be rare this Summer. Why not have— PICNICS and LEASURE ARTIES Near home P GO TO ABERDARE'S Pretty Hatl?!n^ icturesque [coating ublic II ean* ark Sports Tea provided for large numbers, such as Schools and Picnic Parties For Bltimates apply to F. C. Smith, 48 Lewis. Street, Aberaman. FOR HIRE Open & Closed Carriages Terms Moderate. JOHN THOMAS, s., Mount Pleasant Street, treoynon. S. WATSON Artistic Picture Frame Maker MHHBBE0BnaEMESECSH^^EHB9R9SBEB BEST VALUE AND GOOD FINISHED WORK. ——' PLEASE NOTE-S. WATSON has no inter- est in any Studio. Only Address— 13 Dean St., Aberdare GREY HAIR permanently and 6peedily restored to its original colour by using HARRISON'S HAIR COLOUR RESTORER. It is not a dye, but by natural means acte as a reatora- tive. Contains nothing injurious, and is beneficial to the growth and beauty of the Hair. In bottles, price 1b. M. (postage, 3d. extra). Manufacturer: G. W. Harrison, Hair Specialist, Read- ing. Sold by all Chemists. Agents: For Aberdare—Emrys Evans, Chemist, Victoria Square; Mountain Aøh-W. H. Jones, 9 Oxford Street; J. Reynolds, 78 Commercial Street; Penrhiwceiber— A. M. Jones, Chemist. HAVE you anything to sell, or do you want to buy an artiole mooond-handp Try an advertisement in this oolumn. 16 wtrda for fid. NOTICE. To All Whom it May Concern. MESSRS. JAY & CO., House .lyi. Furnishers, Aberdare, give notice that William Jones is not now in their employ, and is no longer authorized to receive monies on their behalf, nor to take orders for them. No receipt for monies will be recognized as valid un- less on their printed forms. Prepaid Small Advertisements. Inserted at the following specially low rates One week. 3 wks. 6 wks. s. d. a. d. s. d. 16 words 0 6 1 0 1 6 24 „ 0 9 1 6 2 3 32 „ 1 0 2 0 3 0 40 „ 1 3 2 6 3 9 48 „ 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply only to the follow- ing classes of advertisements :-Apart- ments, Situations (Vacant or Wanted), To Let, Lost or Found, &nd Miscellaneous Wants. Properties for Sale or Wanted at double above rate. Remittances may be made by Postal Orders or half-penny stamps. If not prepaid extra will be charged. Advertisement and Publishing Offices, Cardiff Street, Aberd&re. All replies to be called for at the Office. Advertisers who desire to have replies sent to them should forward stamps. LOST. BETWEEN Abercynon Bridge and Aberaman on Thursday, July 29th, Tool Roll and Set of Tools for Premier Motor Cycle.— Finder rewarded on returning same to 202 Cardiff Road, Aberaman, or nearest Police Station. MANTES. RESPECTABLE general, 18 to 20. Two in family.—Apply by letter, B.G., "Leader" Office. BOY, age 14, as an apprentice to the printing trade.—Apply "Leader" Office. YOUNG Lady to train as chau- -L ffeur. Apply, South Wales Express Co., Aberdare. HAIRDRESSING. Wanted smart lad as apprentice.—Ap- ply, J. Parfitt, Lewis Street, Aber- aman. A STRONG General Servant, 16—18. —Da vies, Grocer, Gadlys. BOOT TRADE.—Wanted smart, re- JD spectable youth, &ge 15 or 16.— Apply, Cash and Co., Victoria Square, Aberdare. SMART Boy as Apprentice to the Boot Trade.—Apply, Briggs and Co., Commercial St., Aberdare. SMART young ladv to take charge of fancy goods department.— Write F.A., "Leader" Office, Moun- tain Ash. A RESPECTABLE Day Girl. Must be able to cook.—Apply, M. Jacobs, 14 Cardiff Street. WANTED by the middle of August a good general servant for business house. Good wages, good outings.—Apply, stating age and salary required, Mrs. Norrish, c/o Valentine & Norrish, 339 Wandsworth Road, London, S.W. ENTISTRY.-D. Ernest Williams, D, 1 Canon Street, Aberdare, has a vacancy for an apprentice. Good op- portunity for smart youth.—Apply as above. GENCY.-Can be spare time at A first, but with energy would soon pay to devote whole time. Try it. Terms are good; costs nothing to try. Ladies preferred. G. Liversidge, Milnsbridge, Huddersfield. TO LET. COMFORTABLE furnished front J rooms. Sitting-room and one or two bedrooms. Bathroom, with every convenience.—Apply, Hill Side, Trevor Street. HOUSE and Shop to Let, 212 Cardiff Road, Aberaman. — Apply, Hawke, 1 Brynhyfryd, Cwmaman. LLANGAMMARCH WELLS.—Com- fortable Apartments. Public or Private Rooms. Opposite Station and Wells. H. and c. Bracing. Moderate. —Mrs. Joseph, Penygraig. TWO nice, comfortable furnished rooms. Bath, h. and c. Suit young couple or two friends.—Apply, J3, "Leader" Office. A 20 years' established general business in Penrhiwceiber Road. Good living for energetic people. Owners leaving owing to ill-health.- Apply, Coles, Merchant, Dean Street, Aberdare. TWO furnished rooms. Suit young married couple. Central posi- tion.—Apply, L.A., "Leader" Office, Aberdare. HOUSE and Shop in very best posi- tion in Aberaman.—Apply, Wat- kins, Dare Villas, Aberdare. SMALL building, suitable for motor cycle and sidecar garage.—Apply W. R. Jones, Accountant, Cardiff St., Aberdare. TWO Stall Stable and Coachhouse, Lewis Street, Aberaman. Most convenient position.—Apply, E. Lewis Jones and Co., Auctioneers, Cardiff St., Aberdare. ROOMS as Offices. Suit Solioitor, Insurance Company or Archi- tect, etc.-Apply, 2 Cardiff Street, Aberdare. FOR IALE. CI HICK, Chick, Chick.—Strong White J Leghorn Chicks, Worcester Poul- try Farm, 240 Eggs, strain, 5s. per dozen. Cross bred chicks, crossed for killing and laying, 4s. 6d. per dozen, carriage paid.—J. Williams, Primrose Villa, Saundersfoot, Pern. THREE Pekingese Puppies.—Apply, Cummings, 2 Wyndham Cres- cent, Aberaman. IAISCELLAMEOUS. ARE your eggs "tailing off"? If so, remember that nens moult quickly and continue laying on Kars- wood Poultry Spice containing ground insects. Packets 2d., 6d.—Anthony, Rexall Pharmacy, Abercynon. SUFFERERS from Corns and In- a growing Nails should call on D. James, 68 Ynyslwyd Street, Aberdare. His Porous Plaster for Lumbago never fails. OPENING BARGAINS VICTOR FREED THE GREAT HOUSE FURNISHER. Great Bargains for Cashl ALL PURCHASERS WILL BE TREATED LIBERALLY, Tremendous Reductions FOR CASH! LOOK OUT- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. 57 OXFORD ST., MOUNTAIN ASH. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. FIRST Class Villa, Abernant Road. JT Every convenience. Garage, out- houses, etc.—Apply, R, "Leader" Office, Aberdare. TWO Semi-detached Villas, contain- ing tvo reception rooms, kitchen, scullery, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and conveniences.—Apply, G.Bosher, Archi- tect and Surveyor, Aberdare. TO LET OR FOR SALE. A GOOD Business to be let or sold. Good fixtures. Main road.—Ap- ply, G.R., "Leader" Office. Just arrived from Rouen, France THE RENOWNED Madam LECLAIRE (Better known as Madam Clark) who has made a life-long study of Phrenology, Clairvoyancy, &c. She now holds Reoeptlone Daily from 10 a.m to 10 p.m. AT40 CURRE STREET ABERAMAN. FEE from 1/« upward. Best advice given on health and all matters vital to human happiness. French Language Taught Fees Moderate. Te Typewriting Bureau. FOR ARTISTIC TYPEWRITING AND COPYING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Miss M. GILBERT, 23 CANON STREET, ABERDARE. LESSONS GIVEN. TERMS MODERATE. PALMISTRY. Short Visit to Aberdare of GIPSY BRITANNIA. THE CIFTED AND CLEVER CIPSY. Acknowledged by Royalty. FEES—From Is. Note Address:— SEYMOUR STREET, Next Door Central Free Library, ABERDARE. TENDERS WANTED. Aberdare and Merthyr Red Cross Hospital. THE Committee invite Tenders for the supply to the above Hospital, Trecynon, of Meat, Fish, Groceries and Provisions, Bread, Milk, Beef and Mutton (best quality). Foreign meat must not be tendered for. The above Tenders to be for three months only, except Bread, which will be monthly. Payments quarterly, but Butchers, Milk Vendors, and Grocers may dray on account once in the middle of the quarter. Printed Forms of Tender, which alone can be received, and which contain the conditions of contract, may be obtained from the undersigned. The committee do rot bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserve to themselves the right of accepting the whole or any portion of any Tender as they may think fit to select; and to accept a Tender in respect only of a portion of the quantity required of any article. The Forms of Tender must be strictly adhered to. Tenders, unless received by Wednesday, 11th August, 1915, will not be opened. By Order, MRS. T. WALTER WILLIAMS, Joint Hospital Commandant, and Joint Hon. Sec. Glenview, Aberdare.

Family Notices

Aberdare Flower Show.

Open Classes.

Cottagers' Classes.

Section for School Children.

Bread and Potatoes.


Competitions, etc.

The War.

-------.------. Scraps.
