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The European War.


The European War. C HHISTADELPHIAN VIEWS. Kriin/JP ^diences assembled at the hear +« Ab«rdare, on Sunday last to h uSnif r'° 'x ,esses given "nder the dealin i, IoeaI chnstadelphians as v,l Ww the present war in Europe thA Q#+ ^rom a Bible standpoint. In M F J"n??n Alderman T. L. Da vies, Hi/ i°- A[)eriimani was the speaker. His subject Ua s Bible proof that the the <* fUr°Pea11 ^ar lead up to „v ,^reatest change that man has ever •M^neneed." The speaker at the vim !+ne meeting was Mr H. W. YVarre, WorldAVVT h'S s,lbiect> "0ur Mad „,i hat is the Remedy' Both attJe+-SeS were listened to with rapt ated °n' and were gieatlv appreci- Alderman Davies' Address. After o-iv" sofn^ extracts from reports fa mg foreign views of the present war, Alderman T. L. Davies said that three things went to show the gravity of the nation as it is to-dav. It was some- ing tremendous and beyond the cal- uiation of man as to what it was going 0 lead up to. This war came at a nne when the International Peace Con- was about to be held at ^nna, and above all, the Kaiser of ennany, of all men, wanted to rule £ world. The Apostle Paul, writing 0 the Thessalonians (Chapter 5 of the first Epistle) referred to the Dav of Lord coming as a thief. For "en men would say peace and safety then sudden destruction would come Pon them. The German Emperor had aid a lot about "The Day," and it was Just when Belgium and France had tbf11 mind on the Peace Conference fiat the Germans came with destruc- 10n. Dealing with the causes of the ai', the speaker, who quoted from the overnment White Paper, said that 'Qgland was fighting because Ger- many violated Belgian neutrality. Go- Ing further back however, they found that the real cause behind the great conflagration was we question as to "'ho was to become masters of the ^erritorv hitherto held by Turkey. Germany or Russia ? Teuton or Slav ? The forebodings which had haunted di- plomatists were being fulfilled. Alí act of aggression (wrote the "Times") by Austria had precipitated this great Ar- mageddon. Russia was bringing France in, and Austria Germany. Dr. Dillon in the "Daily Telegraph" had written that Turkey had now virtually been finished as a power. To trace the root cause of this they had to go back to 1908 and recall the doings of Abdul Hamid, the Sultan of Turkey, common- ly known as "Abdul the Damned who was removed from power, and the Government of Turkey was taken over by a Committee of Young Turks. Sub- sequent history had been a striking ful- filment of the Divine command "Pre- pare war. Sanctify war." A part of the possessions of Turkey was Pales- tlIle-Th Holy Land-the land of the (Laughter.) That thev are'+b Pe°P ?' o- the Lord, and that tW 6 P€°P •the enemies of t^ T ,le'r enemies are would Tefze tb 6 and that the-v tiquitv TIT inheritance of an- uei e the lost P c?a^med that they J- ,v Colonists and merchants. ,,w,. noteworthy that these powers Kiivi powers, and Turkey was a tl-' + SUs Christ told his disciples w'fi +u esoever carc&se is there m the eagles be gathered together." urkey was a desolater and made neither roads nor bridges, was nothing out a destroyer who since the year when the}' took Jerusalem had w'aVeiled over the Jew to keep him out his land. Prior to the Roman de- struction of Jerusalem Jesus said that the people would be led captive into all nations and that Jerusalem would be tiodden down bv the Gentiles until the Avike Gentiles be fulfilled. VV'here, he would ask, was there not a J (.? The disciples were anxious to know what would be the signs of the end or consummation of the age. The earth was not coming to an end, for it going to be filled with a population that would praise God whose name was almost forgotten now except as a swear-word. When Christ referred to the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, the coming or Mahomet, who was a false prophet, Was still future. The Mahomedan Abomination of Desolation was to pros- per until the indignation be accom- plished. The period of punishment of the Jews was given in Leviticus 26, 24- as seven times, which on the day a year principle which was the scale given to Ezekiel in prophecy, came to -■•">20 years. If they started the per- iod when the City of Jerusalem was taken by Babylon, B.C. 606, it expired H; 191.3. Then if they took the period of 19 years taken to subdue the Jew ish People from 587 to 606 B.C., they had tlie terminal period from 1915 to 1934 *or their restoration to power. This Period was pointed out by Grattan Gttmess in 1887 long before there was any sign of their fulfilment. The fall of Turkey was going to give Turkey to homebody else, and God was going to ^ay who was going to have it. The Rev. Campbell Morgan, to whom all honour was due for speaking out the truth in a denomination that did not an believe it, had written of the ap- proaching end of our age. He said teat we could "almost hear the foot- ball of the King as he comes." It was remarkable that at the end of the pro- phetic period of 1260 years from 637 ,I D.. when the Mahomedan power took Jerusalem, that is in the year 1897, Dr. Heryl gave shape to the Zionist move- ment among the Jews, and in fulfilment of the prophecy in Jeremiah (Chap. I 31, verse 5) wine was produced on the mountains of Samaria and sold in the markets of the world. Thirty or forty years ago there was scarcely a few in Palestine, but now there were a quarter of a million. There the red ticket limiting their stay in the land had been withdrawn and facilities (also in fulfil- ment of prophecy by Jeremiah (Chap. S2, 42-44) had been provided for the purchase of land in Palestine. The Jews were going back, and Jerusalem Was to be the throne of the Lord and the seat of Government for the whole earth. The Kingdom of God was go- ing to be under the whole Heaven and not in the skies. Before peace could eoine on earth there must be first Glory of God in the Highest, and then there ^ould be good-will among men. Jesus nrist was surely coming back to the eaith again and his feet would stand I!f ? more in Jerusalem, and the scene 1 x\1R humiliation for our sakes would i'ri Place where the world would ac- At owledge him as the Son of God. + (,en" the earth would be filled with t'- Glory of God as the water covered tile deep. (Loud applause.) Mr H. W. "r ane, speaking in the evening, said that some people might be shocked by the description, Our mad world." The met that the war in which England was now engaged was a just war—if ever England had taken part in a just war it was to-day—did not alter the description he had applied to the hydraheaded monster of militar- ism, the policy 01 blood and iron in- augurated by Bismarck, which meant the draining of the life-blood of the people. What was the cause of it all? It was mis-government. Patriotism, a* it was generally understood, meant sooner or later Him of possessions. Prior to the present war there was an international solidarity among Social- ists. Where was it to-day!' Lust of war had vanquished international soli- darity and the hope of peace through international brotherhood had been shattered. Socialist murdered Social- ist at the command of the Kaiser. Mr H. G. Wells had said that the present war was going to end war, but this was not to be expected. There was no hope from the human standpoint, that man would do better in the future than in the past. Their ideal was first and foremost that war cease to the ends of the earth, and universal justice and lasting peace and equity take its place. This was not merely a picture that might never be realised but a de- finite expectation revealed in the Bible. It would come, but not by man. God had appointed a day in which he would rule the world in righteousness by Jesus Christ. Nations would as the first part of the programme give up the art of war and study the arts of peace. The speaker fervently appealed to his hear- ers to respond to the divine invitation, extended in the Gospel, to become par- takers in the glory honour and power of the age to come. I

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