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Dr. CijAS. FORSHAW'S Remarkable…


Dr. CijAS. FORSHAW'S Remarkable testimony to the strengthening power of DIf. CASSELL'S TABLETS. Dr. Chas. Forshaw, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.M.S., F.C.S., D.Sc., the eminent scientist and litterateur, of Baltimore House, Bradford, Yorks., Editor of York- shire Notes and Queries, etc., makes the following laudatory remarks about the safety, purity, and efficacy of Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Dr. Forshaw says :—" I have thorough- ly tested both scientifically and practic- ally the preparation known as Dr. Cassell's Tablets, and can conscientious- ly recommend it as an eminently safe and effective remedy for all forms of nerve and bodily weakness. My know- ledge of Dr Cassell's Tablets leads me to the opinion that the ingredients em- ployed in their composition form a unique synthesis, the whole combining to form what I consider to be a remark- ably potential medicine, quite safe for young and old, in cases of nervous prostration, debility, anaemia, loss of flesh, malnutrition, children's weakness, spinal and nerve paralysis, and many forms of stomach and kidney troubles. I read they can be taken by stout people as well as thin without fear of increase of adipose tissue, and from their com- position I should consider this to be the case. I have never before testified to a patent medicine, but now take pleasure in the interests of science and humanity; in making the above statements," Dr. Cassell's Tablets can be obtained for IOtd. 1/11 and 2/9 (containing nearly 4 times the 10-^cL size), of all chemists.

I A Volunteer Memento.

PaMiamentapy Petitions.

/The Church and Socialism

11 H.M.S. Pinafore."

---ASbercynon Widow's Claim.

Bronchial Catarrh

" London College of Music…

Cwmbach Railway Station Proposal.

Brake overturned in Aberaman.

[No title]

Baptists Cymanfa Ganu.

----------Letters to the Editor.

Trecynon Tit-bits.

Aberaman Cricket Club) Fixtures,…


Photographic Notes.

Mountain Ash Cottage Hospital…