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PROSPECTUS. fPHE WELSH FLANNEL MANUFAC- JL TURING COMPANY. UMIT1-.D, Hmywil, Konh Wales. Incorporated un<!ei the Companies Acs, J.*(i2 HDd 1867, by which the Liability of •-harelmld'rs is limited t(. the auv>utit, of their ;~l>iues, Capital, ZiO,000, iu 3,OCO Shares of i lO e'ich, pa.) able 118 follows -21 Deposit per Share on Application. £ 1 per [Share on Allotment, aod such portion of the remainder as may be required by Calls not exceeding E2 per Share, and at intervals of not less than two mouths. DxREt-rona.-William Brown, Chester; Pryce Jones, Newtown, Montgomery! Robert Wright, Denbigh 1: bert Evans, Chester Councillor "William Brown* Man- •rufeier; Uriaa Bromley, Chester, UjLSSEEa.—National Provincial B*ck at Kii&latid, Manchester, and Braaehea London and 'STestmiaster Bank jJNorth and South Wales Stink, Holywell, aikI SouciTOna.—Sale, Shipmaa, Sbddon* and kle, Man- chester. AurjiT-oB&-Walki,- and Litchfield, St" JaE&efi's-efjttare, Manchester. Secbetaut.-—Mark Ogden. OFFICES.—29, Browa Street, Manchester. Thia Company haa been formed for the object stated iu the Meruotandum of Association and primarily to acquire the leases, Water Power, Machinery, and Plant of the well known Holywell Flannel Milk. A contract has been entered into by and on behalf of the Company, viz :—A Preliminary Agreement fur acquiring the Property, dated 14th May, 1874, and made between Murk Ogden, of 41, Brown Street, Manchester,- and David Lloyd WilliaHi2, of 22, New Brown Street, Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, the Yt ndors of the one part, and Jobu JoDee, "Westminster Buildiugs, Chester, for and on behalf of the Company on the other part, for the purchase' by the Company of the Propei ty a-fc toe price of .€6,000, payable as ia the Agreement stated. 'Prospectuses and Forms of Applica tion may be had of th6 BaukesB and .Solicitors toO the Coaipaoy, and at the Company's Offices. 29, Brown Ktreet, Manchester, where f-fct Agreement and Memorandum of Association may inspected by any intendiug Habscriber. THE WELSH FLANNEL MAN UFA OTC'FJ Nu COMPANY, LIMITED. The promoters of the "Welsh Flinzel Manufac- turing Comp&uy Limited, who are themselves intimately conuected either as Wool Buyers, Fiaunel Manufacture, s, or Funnel Dealers with that business iu Widen, have enteied into arrangements for the acquisition of the vlluable Machinery, Utensils, and Stock-iu-Trade i.f the two Mills known as the Holywell Flannel Mills, situated on the stream of St Winifred's V\ eli, and with a view of tixteiidim the advantages possessed by the Principality for the manofacturiog of Woollens, they solicit you to aid them by becoming a Share hole er iu the piop«t,ed Com- pany. '1 he prooaoteis believe the situation affords opportuni- ties for pui suing this business more economically than any other iit the kingdom, owing to the regular and even JLw of of the stream throughout the year, unaffected as it is by summer droughts or winterfloods or frost, whilst the large population of the district furnishes labour at a very cheap rate, 3he Premise* are held ntider 3ocg leases, namely, 21 and 91) years respectively, from September, 1872, at very low rentals, whilst the building* ;ne_gt>od and sufestuu- tinl, and most conveniently ai i ttoge(I for carrying on tho various opciations of preparing the woú!, spinning, weav- ing, and finishing the goods The Puichase uf the Piuut liavirg been effected on un- exoeptionubly favourable terms, the promoters, wtHbt asking for a Capital 'represented by Ihree Thousand fcLares of 1:10 each, believe that a moiety of that amount wi-I be sufficient to work the concern, ami it is not their pre;ent intention to more thau £,5 per h<11C. as they irnve litt.lo doubt that on shis Capital they will be wi ei in full mrk, t.) pay a regular dividend of froro 10 to 15 per ceut, -per aumun but, under any cir- catEBtances, they, as Directors, wimlu forego all claim tu remuneration unless the SLai&holdeis received a div.dend tif 7 A por c«nt. i>er annum. 3'he lower oi Crescent Mill contains sufficient Looms to produce 40 pieces (equul to 61U<) Ytmb) of Flannel per week, whilst the upper Mill is tilled with excellent Machinery of the latest and most modern construction, adapted to the preparation of Yarns equal to that pro- duction, all of which ia iu perfect woj king order, and ready to start at a day's notice. As the pioinoters know iioni their own experience that the di-mund fur Welsh Flannels and Home puns is yesirly increasing, whilst the production in the Pnncip&iity lemaius nearly siationaiy, they have no doubt <>± the Mills being always kept at full work* In hopes of receiving your early Application for Shares in the undertaking, we annex a Form. WILLIAM BROWN, Chester, UKlAS iiKOMLiEY. PPvVCE JONES. WILLIAM Bit OWN, SJaacijester. gOUEUT EYAN.-i ikiiiJMT WBIGHT. The followiug is the ojrinicn pf au experienced RoGh. dtile WHU ufa,,txirer I tik, i, i4to consideration the suviug effected by water-po* w iustsad of steam, and the difference in wages paid to the handa as compared with Kochdale, the Shareholders ought to receive tt. least 10 per cent, befwe the Kochdale luaaafaeturera realise any profit." IJ.S.—The Mills now open for the inspection of intending bJiareholders, and the Machinery may be seen in motion any d -v from tell until four. Holywell, May. 1874. The following is a statement of Cot ten Spinning Mill Companies, establ«he<i on the jrujciple ot hunted liability, showing the rate per cent. pr annum they ai6 "t prtsent 1 aying, according to the cuneot last halt-yearly dividei da. Tho sliarts of ail ti.ese Coin pan ios command high prliIiu!lJ": Albu t :Spinning Company, 'J4 per cent. Bacup and Wardle Company limited, 48 Bag- sltite Manufacturing Lonip.iuy Lnoiteil, 10; Bury and Eiton bpiuuitig Company L.uuted, 15 Bury and Hetp Company Limited, 10 J-iury Co- • wi Spinning Company Limited, 10; Central gpiumng Company Lm, 20; Cnrnble ^{itnuing Company limited, 20 Croft Bank Spinning Company Limited, '/■>; Orcen Lane Spiuniog Company, SO; Oreeuactes -Bpiuu'ssg Company limited, 15; Hftfwood .w|tiuning Ckropmiy Limised, 24; .Svianiifaetiiring Bpinriog Coninny Liijitt-til 22; Middtfi> a and Too ;« t^impany Limitini. So ivalb ni ne Mill Comjiany, iNfff tliatch .v]>it.i L-g < crapurv Limitec. 18; OlsVliara IV.t (>.r.npuiiy uimitoa, ti; Bawtenf*tall .uftnittNeiuripfc Compmy Limited, 17 Booh- thile tVopemtive Bpio«d»« ¡. [,,1 Wfinut'acturiiig Company Limited. J KosMeuW-e U!>fcti?n ^'piuuing ami Manur'c- iarinu Comp-oy JJmited, 42; Eoytou spinning Com- pany Limit«d, 40; Hun Mill C.»ir.pi.ny L.nuied, .id: Shawforth SpitmiE,/ Company I.uniied, 17; Weir aad (ned i ottoi) hpu.mug ¡11:d Manuiuo;ning Company Limited, 20; Windsor Svimong Company .Limited, 14; Whitwovth MaDnfactnriu^ nay 1-indted, i'.nd Mills Comj-aiy Limits 22.* *(A new comi »uy, flommenced iu April last, frolits to Christmas—ei^iic. jrontbjj—14| 1Jel cent.) The I>it.eet«rs ut the Vv'elsh Flannel Manafaciai-iny Coropany Limited 8(:() no reason why similar results may not ae< we from »\ <x>il .-n Ma: i.- fftcture, carried (>11 L-y* a Ompatiy e>tab!isheii ou tho me principle. FORM OF AFi-UOATION FOli SHAREa. » £ Poan' £ 1 rsa soAhE tPojf AT?uca.TW?, To the of the l-launel JJauufactarii g Company Limittd. paid to vonr Brukers to the credit of the Company, the. sum > f i h- robj request that you will idiot aue abates of £ 10 each i,, tnu above Couijkjj?}'. aod I hereby »gws t: accept «nch hharea, or any nuuda r that may h, allotted to me, and t<3 pay Jtl per rshaje ou alto;meat, and the balance in respect ot such Shares in terms of lh, Prospectus; and I request you to place my name on tht Register of the Jiembers in resja-ct of the which may be allotted to me. Name iu full Professionor Cccnpatiou Reeidence in full Date 18*t «f Shnrea etlc«s plaoo oq tho ilatmt,, I VX7ANTifD towards the end of August, a! T CvitificHted Master, for LL rfair P.G. Jsationa! School.—Salary £25 with Pence ami Grant, lens AM.0 ti> Pupil Teacher.—Apply to the Hector, P.G Angie.-ey. 275d- Sol 'I YS" E. b li 0 V\ KN Wl l L Id A; H, A BtKFFKAW. DYAiLNJli h\ sl>)bu y Lydd i'r Jjysteb ucbod gael ei chyflwyno i Mr. Owen Williams, j u y Bull Hotel, ant doau o'r glucb, Awet jr^!7eg, (diwriioii y fla-.r); a theimlir jn ara cioictigui oa bydd i'r boil jsi sydd wedi j urigyma>erj d A cl&-el ti i»<H'd t u r.jfisa i t\ vy trbyu bjny, W..JONEB, V'affriffmdd' EijisEsIlt (teNt, McLeiin I7eg, 1874,

Family Notices


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