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PIIIOSI OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. (V LOND@N, MONDAY EvE*irnsrG. y „tiie Cabinet was engaged upon the ia rjrinf^ ? •tIle Education Bill. The draft bill aud is already in the hands of heads of P^ovici^811^ ^ie Cabinet is still keeping its does n °/1S seci!et- I understand, however, that it Ca*ad COntain proposals for the adoption of the to 6cilan, sys^eua of deducting subscriptions ^ed0tt, from the rates. The argument which ProP°sal is one which I give for *h0 o v,13 -T01^ *s P^ted out that thoss *h0 T>av tif116 to the voluntary schools and those ^ose vu larger portion of the rates are not tho-e the 1 dren are sent to Board schools, nor does efficj revenue always mean the greatest giv^n Subscriptions accordingly would be °f,Scho"ls w'c^ do not want more money. It *Uigljj. i jS happen that a large Board school e starved while a small voluntary one 4, funds than it required. The rates, con- w°uld have to be raised, and those who l^iSe 0ard taxes would bate Board schools, and the J* Cry aSainst their development. In fact, U would kill Board schools. That itr, j, the argument runs; and Liberals of ^sitiorTv!'61'8 protest against the whole pro- alg0 by demanding why poor's-rates should not *6fu»e SU Ject to a deduction for contribution to At any rate I hear, though, of course,not iUent .?een bill', I cannot vouch for the state- Ptocii'a i •>a^ ministers have abandoned the idea of Sfr r>" UP°U these line*. Xon!s bill, issued to-day, would have a ^he j}: °PP0site effect to the Canadian scheme. n>.riniu='iam measure has only three clauses, ^ds^086* universal establishment of School Q°vern and universal compulsion. In brief, the '¡)'ù8i Ment bill proposes universal com- The On without universal School Boards, fc^mour g0ea that it is a thorough §°*i& j.? hut it has not yet under- ty. AT revision the Marquis of Salis- 1^. IIlr. Dixon's bill is fixed for April 5th. j^ard Hunt is going ahead pretty consider- V6a -n^ does he ask for more money for quart r' has already spent irrevocably nearly Pastil 6r a nÜllion of money for the year that is ia- ¡¡;¡t ex<J?Ss of the estimates sanctioned by Parlia- ], he appropriation account shews an exclusive of the Ashantee war We of}, inclusive of that war, £ 336,000. On fej3fa er side Mr. Hunt writes down £ 253.000 fe^Pt/?^8' bufc' of course, these extra j^Unt ci ■ n°t justify extra expenditure. Mr. ^lue(j airas more money on the ground that there Provided f to be more men on shore than were f ^hat he had to sanction greater ex- reciu'tin ? than he anticipated that the 'S aye,l in Japan longer than was expected _Vas experimenting with a new system of an(^ at the clothing of men and boys e;sPeiisive than usual, and after being i e acCouWfBnot taken up. On the other side of decj- 13 .a curious item. Bread and butter ^40. eaSed in price, and we have thereby saved §* £ gives Mr. Ward Hant a leg up" th ln^' Taking some computations of Mr. a f Member for Pembroke, for granted, it i Ouif},!ri'ible Picl ure °f the state of the navy. to have forty good ironclads afloat, Se th Which we have twelve, and of jUlUber 6 astonishingly and alarmingly small j W <* six only can be depended upon. 0^ t these conputations. They usually it bliJj exaggerated. Mr. Reedhasa theory, ^&ht t0 i him often to circumstances which t^68uicle a taken into account. But if he be a f^iarnen'i- n the Timns is right in urging that! fj^tino, should not grudge the money for °*r navy on a better footing. fe^hethej.l0ri Reed puts before the country h 6 v°tes f shall have big ships or small oues. « °Ved un^ Srnalh Certainly the big ones have a.r« ni() aca3reable. Certainly, too, the small! Vit0l'y. '*r6f Ul Accordance with our national naval ^ich oixlv choice depends upon questions s rpor* eXpe^ts are ahle to discuss. !hfe the p l68 H°rsh:i.m have been trying to en-1 e Urn of the Solicitor-General by a trick. f0l. +ra!'ninS ^'he Horsham voters tliat .their l Liberal candidate, Mr. Bl*o\vii (a local the 1 thrown away, because hfe did something election which renders him incapable of j °t Parliament. The Liberals say that this i3 <<^iect' they have taken legal advice on the th,.h %ill,, find it to be a mistake. But the i^ies 0 is having some effect, and if it de- to 'Lv half a dozen votes it may give the elec-1 J::r: .l\rehd e 0 ii)6 j^ds th°U "^rti:i^son °hjects to be compensated. k a at compensation" means "convey- Hi5pei»saw ° for the phrase." He was tK ^d +V 3oms years ;igo for the loss he ^°Urt 1Jj.°uSh the docketting of his fees from Ij;„° ^r(,bate. Previously he had obtained *x,COlnpen^ation amounted to £ 7 10s. per 0vr proposed to deprive him of £ 76 11 this, Us ii/s, he v >»iil >>i o) 7. by it0'U^° remar^ that he gets very little of this Js his officers who will lose it—officers, !>1 Ci%1 e^VWll° h ave hardly a properlj^ recognised and whom he can dismiss if he ti0^and-vfr n° °ther Church but the Church of > 8 he r> the services they render at visita- > ft,nt]d or' seriouB inconvenience is arising1 4th e<iinv .l8a,l the judges to allow reports of o?jV» C-'anibers, There is now a vast .Ration carried on there, such as pro- «S:c ^Ull?tiona, interpleaders, signing judg- w' which used to be done in open court. aecisioant of P'l'j'icity the judges give diffe- *,Cf' 1!s» and no one knows what has been ^^n^venience oo counsel who have to s^MoJreaie,-a'nd clients, of course, sufferby this lip °^cUot 0U3 urtcertainty of tlie law. thai! very jealous of any infringement O.tot, jf'ght to run up heavy charges. Two are just now undergoing a eR "I the' law newspapers because their {, ar oh a poster announcing a sale of 250 land, and informing purchasers i ve no ^aw costs>" ar,d the buyers thi eir deeds without any charge." Why Uie Qtje 1 not be done 1 Surely it is better fcW»**tla should be employed to inspect <j0°^Ce for all than that 250 lawyers eV6 ^g th ^°r as many purchasers, each Cov*1' the r>6 for doing so. Possibly, how- will not be contented with a 8> out by the solicitors of the them'\require solicitors of their own to VOi had ) r^oht. In that case the pur- i better agree together to employ one 6 °Pt>0*° tbe 3°b °nce for all. t0 ^nts the Railway Passenger Duty do r>BV yet made up their minds as to tkS an/\T^e tax. Mr. Moon, at the recent ^at ^Vorfch- Western Railway meeting, de- Jt was a tax upon the poor, and in th^ •°n the same speech de- 6l>s. p it was, a tax upon railway share- is, of course, a V^Ptl latter, but do they or do they If tK186^63 y levyinS it upon their pas- f ei'ti(m key do not how can they disprove that 7k °k mA^e hy the supporters of h* ^t t]le he remission of it would in no way aUvvays Puhho, but only the investors! to the' • W^° bought their shares sub- ^.t),n° g!-iP.v.Upo,st' and wh° can therefore ^cP e ,,al1Ce If, however, the tax is addtd Ti°^ceri, res that would be a matter of pub- • Is in ,lr'de<i to raise a memorial to Robert lH i^y^chorvi ° his birth. The founder of he o,3 Was horn in Gloucester in 1735, and Km G/0Uco'CCeeded his father as editor of t>ltj e{J0*nial, which had been l.^a^;W » and is now one of the *it],bM vv'as"i8tr -^kly PaPers in the kingdom, UcJi m passing through the streets Qf t6 Lt yc "Iversatioti and disreputable con- ttren. and he sucrcrested to a woman I who had some talk with him on the subject that she should have a few of the children on the Sunday and teach them to read. Four women eventually undertook the dii,y, and to each of them Raikes paid a shilling a Sundav. He told the clergy what he had done and they, highly approved of it. Soon his scheme got noised abroad, paragraphs appeared in the newspapers, and the clergy generally took the matter up. So, too, did the Nonconformist ministers. Raikes died in, 1811, and the only memorials of him are a tombstone in a churchyard, a share of a tablet in the Cathedral, and the inscription of his name in the paper which he founded. It is now proposed by the Baptists in Gloucester to erect large schools, a hall capable of containing 450 persons, class-rooms, and a teachers' library, together with a bust of Raikes. The aid of the Baptists all over the kingdom is being asked, and Mr. Spurgeon has sent £ 5. The bestowa1 of the freedom o £ the City Ol London upon Sir Alexander Cockburn, which is tc take place shortly, will be made the occasion of a great demonstration and tXere is some talk of IVtr. Disraeli being present on the occasion to do honour to his brother freeman. New England gets most of the money which old England has paid under the Geneva arbitration but a considerable portion goes to New York and Philadelphia, and the Panama Company comes in for 920,000. The award, 15,500,000 dols. was paid in gold, in September, 1873, to the Secretary of State, who invested it in the new Five per cents, and he re-invested the quarterly interest in the same stock. The whole amount of the claims awarded and of 4 per cent. interest allowed on them is only 6,224,000 dolls, in currency, or about one-third of the first-mentioned amount. A farm in South Africa is worth a good deal more than a castle in Spain. Major Butler, in the inte- resting articles on the former country which he i" contributing to Good Words, declares, in the March number of that magazine-" It is not too much to say that land in the Orange Free State is worth to- day as many pounds as it was worth pence 25 years ago." As an ordinary farm is 6,000 acres in extent, some idea of the increase of wealth which has taken place may be formed. Diamond" have done it, but diamonds themselves must fal) in value. They have been discovered as yet in only one part of South Africa but there is not the smallest reason to believe that they do not abound elsewhere in that country. Stones up to 300 carats have been found, and those of 50 to 100 are be coming comparatively common. It is almost in- evitable that under these circumstances fashion will take fright, and instead of investing in diamonds will go in for the emerald of Central Asia, and the ruby of Upper Burmah.




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