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4' SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS SOTJTH WALES*DAILY NEWS cUHHRAL ANNOUN CEMMSI TS, SALES BY AUCTION BUSINESS ADDRESSES, &c., Ordersd lor two or three insertions are charged at the following rate perinsertion to Four Lmeo — 1#- °d. Eleven and Twelve Lines 8b. Od, Threwd Six Lines.™ Is. 0d. Thirteen.i-F. urteenLinesSs. 6d. Savan and Eight lines 2«. Od. Fifteeaand Sixteen Lines4s..Od. Nine and Ten T ines 2s. 6d Sevetiteen<SEifirhteenLines48. 6d. ADD THREEPENCE FOR EYJIRY ADDITIONAL LINK. A IJBIMAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED FOB A SERIES OF COHSICXJTITE INSERTIONS. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are charged at double the DOre rate. — TRADESMEN'S ADVERTISEMENTS and BUSINESS AN- NOUNCEMENTS of all kinds, when ordered f a month and npwaros, are subject to special terms, according to the number of Insertions and the space occupied PUBLIC NOTICES, LBQAL NOTICKH, NOTJCSS by COR ro RATIONS, Local BOARDS, POOR-LAW GUARDIANS, and SCHOOL BOARDS, and Eieotiok A duress* (Town Councils and Local Boards,) are charged at the rat of SIXPE.NCK per HUE for each in- jertion PROSPECTUSES of Pu^tc COMPANIES are charged at the rate of Nnnwwcw per Line for etifo insertion. PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION NOTICES, PARLIAMBTSTARY NOT <"ES and Government ADVISRTIBEMBKTB are charged at the Tate of On SHILLING per line ior each insertion. CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted in this Jourta »t the following tariff: No. of7" "ne Three Six Words. Insertion. Insertions.; Insertions. Two Lines 18 Os. 6d. Is. Od. Is. 6d. Three Lines 27 Os. 9d. ) Is. 6d. 2s. 3d. Four Lines .1 36 Is. Od. 2s. Od. 3s. Od. Five Line 45 Is. 3d. 2s. 6d. 3s. 9d. Six Lines 54 Is. 6d. 3s. Od. 4s. 6d. Baohadd itionall ine .1 9 Oa. 3:7. Os. 6d. Ca. 9d. nese etiar ;es apply only to the classes of afjtvertiscmeMS soeci- llsd below, ai d are strictly confined to hose which are PAID FOR itarFHJs TO insertion if not prepaid, they v iU be charged by the general scale:- APARTMNTa WABTTBED. MONEY WANTED. APARTMK.YTS TO Bz Lin. MlbCFALANEOCS WANTS. ARTICLM LOST. PARTNERSHIPS WANTBD. Ajwiclis FOUND. SITUATIONS WASTED. BUSEQUORS TO BB SOLD. SrPCATIO148 VACANT. HOUSJB TO JM SOLD. SALES BY PRIVATB CONTRACT. (P#rUe» answering Advertisements in cue South Wales Doily Vetos are requested to attend to the following explanations Address to an initiator number) at the Office raeaos tnat appli- cation must be by Utter-only, directed to he initial or number a the Daily Seios gittee (as A. B.C., or No. 123, Daily Sews Office). Applj at the Daily News Office" means that personal appli cation must be made at the Daily Ntitt Office, where the ad- dress of the Advertiser will be given. Pcatnt answering Advertisements are tfongly advised not to Bead original testimonials, but copies ONLY. The columns of the Daily News being of full newspaper width, persona sending Advertisements in manuscript may estimate the ■pafte they will occupy by 'calculating nine words to a line, and twelve lines to an inch. While we use our utmost endeavours to insert Advertisements oa the dates ordered, we cannot guarantee that this-will be done. Great care is also used to secure the correct printing of Advertise- ments, but we oaatnot be responsible for inaccuracies, or for any coasequences arising therefrom. Cheoues and Post-office Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SONS, 75 & 76, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF, to whom all Business Communications should be addressed. Letters containing News or Literary CONTRIBUTIONS should be iddrtssed TUB EDITOR. South. Walts Daiiu Hews. CARDIFF." DOMESTIC SERVANTS. ANTED, by the 17th of March, a thorough GENERAL SERVANT. Also a ycimg person, as HOUfcEMAID for I small fam ly.—Apply 22, Quen-stretit. 6011 WA»TED, G JI d General S RVANT, who can do Plain Cooking eld Clean active Young GIRL. as Nurse, a d Bousemain -Apply to Mrs Uoopock. A adie, Roath-road. 6C13 GENERAL. rtERVANX- Wanted, a Strong Active GIRL, good reference Apply No. 1, Windsor-place, v ardiil. o0.tj ANTED by 12th of March, a Second HOUSE STAID; also to assist in the Nursery. A good Needlewoman pre- ferred. Apply to Mrs. Yeo, Sketty Hall; ea. 5969 WAN'lED immediately, a good Geueial SERVANT. Apply, 7, Clytha square, Newport,^Mon 0.45 OOK —Wanted, a good COOK, not tindar 2*. y. are of age, in a small family.—Address, giving refofajices, to A. B, Daxdiffand County ClUb, Car, i itf. 5914 WANTED, GE.NBKAL SERVANT,'in small farr.i y, where housekeeper is in charge. None.need apply woos-; cha- racter will not bear striet. si, scrutiny. Wages not an object if fzi -ihful-eryiaqaanrendare(L Staid person preferred.—Address J. C.,4S, Lohdoun-square, Cardiff 591S NURSE.-wanted. midllf-aged PERSON, with good cha- N racter, fir Young Children. tn^ ish preferred. Apply, by letter only, Mr8 Winbr Lanelay, Lla.ntr8R!lt. ¡;Jô FRST-CLASS COOii. Wanted at tj^e Mercauti^e Club, Bute Docks. t>663 WANTED, a H< -USEMAID who underaiaoda her work. G< o l charic:er indi'rpersab'e.—Address Y., Post-office, Eirw, Pen ypridd. 5510 CLERKS, ASSISTANTS. &c., WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. 15AKEBS.-Wanted, at once, a steady YOUNG MAN, good II bread baktr. ln-doors. ApFI", to Lemuel Hiley, 10, < om- inercial-street, Aberdarc. 59 ,0 TO DRAPERS —Wanted immediately, Two steady Young Men (VVekh).—Apply to Thomas Lewi3, uxford-str- et, 3wansea. jygj nnO MIL I JICBS.—Waiited. »n exuer erxjed HAND.-Apply, 1 s ui ng a^iculars, to W.lilain WIlI:a.u:.s, jlarks>3nua.-e, fomyDf dd.° 5* 84 TO DRKS3 Av:D M'.NTLE MAKERS.—Wanted, a FIhST EANI). « ho mu t be taoroacriily exf.eri need tn>i a good 5t.—App y to Wuliam Williams, M.arl«t-sq^iare, Pontypridd. 5tj84 "WX7ANTU.O.—MANaGER for the Co op nvive Society, f f 1:1 !•«. Appli.a- ts mnst e te>t m-juiuls, security, and galaxy reqtt red. —Ad.lre s the Comtoittea 595t> immediately, » DR'S3 if AKER i; ust be a tood fir. Also', a respectable Yoiuh as APPRENTICE or 1M- PROVEK to the Dispery. Apply to £ G. Hodges, il, Charles street, Milford. 69:16 DEAPl' Y ani MILLINERY.—Wanted, immediat-ly, a Good MILLIKEK. for a M d um-ciass Trade, must, be ab e 'o lerve at counter, anti op, i6- l" bisn uso an II.Clive Y uoi KAM, must be a good salesman and wii-jow dresser. —App y, st iin< full particulars, to C M. W laras, Abe-.i a w th. pP'7 MILLINERY. Wanted immed .tcly, aa experienced liiliner, 1., win, has also' a knowledge of Dr 8-;m,t:ng.-Appi< staticg age, salary, expenence, reierence, 4c., &c., to David ,7 Lloyd, Doigwm Huuse, Lampeter. fi -7 WANTED, a BOY, to look after a Pony Must he able to drive. Apply *t 21, The Parade, Tredegarvili.e. 5917 WANrED immed'atety, a qualified Welnh-srpeakinsr AS ::IS- TANT unmarried.—Apply with reference from la.IT principal, to P. R. C ga-well, Esq., UOwlais. 59.0 BOOT TRADE.—W.»nted, a good Plain CLICKER; also a good tlaia MACHIMtT o gf.t up plain leather tops.—Anply- Thos Thomis, Ureen-Etrret, Yeath. 5912 WANTED, «nerge ic BOYS or unemployed MEN. Must be early risers. Ap< ly tcoc full particulars to Manager, Daily News Office, Swansea. WAREHOUSEMAN WANTED; good character; able to put u > parcels and packages withneitness and despatch. Apply to Mr kernick. Cardiff. m_ 6908 HOWELL & CO. have VACANCIES in their Millinery Work- room.—9 to It, 8t. Mary-street, Carriifi. 59^ WAN TED, iaimed lately, a good MECHAAICAL DRA-' GHTB- W M AN .—Apply to Henry itinsey, 5, Cast"- btretlt, Swan- I8L DSAPEBY Wanted a Respectable YOUTH as Apprentice, or an Improver. -Apply, J. M. Thomas, Cambrian House, Llanelly. 5881 WANTED, a Youns Mam to the PROVISIONS. Apply to J. Holmes, iDircle, Tredega,r, Mon. oif> ATTERN il AiiiNG.—Wanted an APPRSSTICE. Apply to JL Heary Rin«er, C.mbriin Enjj:aeer;n^' Depot-Offic.:f:I: 5, Caa>Io-sti eet, bwansea —— 5461 MATULUR Authors may Contribute o two London teaga- zines. Particulars, gtamped directed envelope, Editor, 12, London. E.C. 6177 4 MATr UR AUTHORS Wanted aa (,IONTRIBUT -OR& Parti- oalars, with Christmas umber as specimen, seven stamos. —Mdttor, 42, t-annitia-p ace, Liverpool. 447M AGENCIES, TRAVELLERS, &c., ptOAL TRAVELLER requires AGENCY for good Smokeless Kj Sttam Coals. References and security. tl. R., c re uf Haittpehire Baoking Co., Ryde. AGENTS WANTED everywhere, to solic t orders for Smith and .L2.. Tidmas* Improved Flexible Rubber Stamps, Registered. A Ia.l'e and vrollta^^e trade can be done in every eitv. tovii aiid v l,ago. A good gaLry ai,d commission given to pushing men.— For further pariitnliiS appit Smith and Tidma^, jlagifdlcn Works, THE Importers of a fine powerful LUBRICATING OIL, of ambei colour, commanding a large and rapid/y-mcrea;.ing ,ale, boing 'In vmuc co"idered equal, if n >t gupen./r. to pure Dlive, require -■ GENTS who can iuflui-nce liales with colliery ;on?uineis aid i.thers, at a eotnini-aion of 10 per ce.it. r.now- ledge oc nia.mnery desirable. First-class re erences i. pen»hlg-—" J- E., 13, Inner Temple. Liverpool. 5460 inoaoFir"LE OCCUPATION. AGENTS Wanted, treatast B opportunity for any one with .pare time ever known Full particulars free. Tte Blake Manufactuiii !? Company, 208 Graug* Road, Bermondsey, London. = 53U AGENTS WANTED to Sell JEWELLERY, WATCHES, and yiKMINGHAM GOODS. New feiiecja itiea! Wholesale Bock Fcst-free.—A; ply H-.nry M .y, Birminuham. 5455 I A4f]k|iiTS VANTEi.1, to Sell Jewellery, Watches, and Various Goods. Wholesale cataUxrucS sent post free. — Apply Bar- ridge and Co., Merchants, Birmingham. P!' 4833 WATCHES, CHAINS, CALUE WIrE ENGRAV- W Free. AGliATa WANIED.—JAIU& Snmoisb, 28, BiffDaston-^roet Jbintiingham. 2543 («a WEEKLY^anu'^UPWA-^DS may be EASILY and •L/O HONESTLY REALISED by per.-ons of tlTHERSEX, witiiAit buylranoe topre^sni <ccupation.— Enclose..for particu- lars and «*ffit>le, 12 stamps (resumed it desired), addressed, EVANci, WATTS, and COMPAiN Y, Mercnants. exchange Build- gfrr^irhnm Thiitiiii zenaina. 4006 AGENTS WANTED everywhere. Salary and Commission. 444 weekly easily realised.—Address D.N., Langstaffe and Co., York. 5107 AGE>J rs WANTED. Terms liberai. No previous knowledge required; no risk.Address J. F. Wells and Co., Renshaw- 8tre*t, Liverpool. TO jETTliER SEX—How to increase your Income.—= £ >3 to £ per week pleasantly and easily realised without outlay (isk, not interfering with present occupation. Sample and iculaxs, 9 stamps returned if no. approved. ITiomaa. Huaharia HId Co., 6, Princess Place, Commercial Road, London, E. 44tia T E WEL LEE Y, Watches, &c., Fancy Goods, Wholesale. (J Hi ustr^ted Catalogues Free. Agents wanted. c* rt.o Co.. 37, Lozells-road, Birmingham. SITUAIIONS WANTED. ARM ID.-SITLTKTION Wantedy a young erson of ex- perience. Good tebtioiouiais. Applyt A. M., PostOmee, Devizts, «ilts. A SHORTHAND WRITER, who converses in French wants a position as C<er<c. Can report verbatim. ^tign r;ierencjs.— Add ess Jones, 20, Hewell.trt;et, Graagetown, Cardifl. 5y92 ARsspectible youn,r mm, married, 26, requires a SI IL ATfON AS CLERK, Cashier, Traveller, or la, respecfcib e O'jcut aiion. Go d references, and security if required. Address, B., Daily News, swalsea. eooo ANTED, a SITUATION, as HOUSE or PARLOUR-MAIL>. Aged 10 Good references. Address B., Mrs Williams, Stsep-st.Ieet, Chepstow. 5993 BAILIFF WANTED, a Situation as FARM BAILIFrF, or to M .NAGE a FARM. Good references and security given, if required. Age 33.—A. B » Post-office, Highbridge, So < rn t. 69â8 WANTED a Situation as ThLKGKAPH CLERK. Five \e,us' testimonials. Afre 16. Address 2, uelvede'e- terrace, Barrack Hi 1, Newport Moa :QH) n MR'ifiH A?\Td and others.—Wanted, a RE-E>GAG(E- MENT as C ,iifldentiil CLERK and CASHIER; w ll up to ail Office Work. Flist-class teierences. Address A. B., South H ales Daily News. Swansea. 5839 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED TO hKNT, in Newport or Cirdiff, a LOFT or WAHEHOUt E. suitable for tarrying on tne business of Hay and ■ orn Meyel',aat.-Add ess, homAs Jonei, Railway House, Marshfleid, O st.letown, Cardifi. õ90 r*^o'iRON BROKERS" AND OTHEB8^-WaN 1ED, about 30 I Tons of Sound Second-hand RAILS, single T heads, ch ap, Weighing f! oni 60 to 6;i lb. per yard. A! so, luO 5 ards of 9 10 12- in Air Iron Tubing—Address U. R. Jones, Traorky Hote, Treor~y- ANTrD, a COACH-HOUSE and STABLE, near Crock- be; bto-in Apply, 21, Croc-ihe.bti wn. 5a9^ WAMED, a HOUSE, with seven bedrooms, three sitting rooms, and bathroom, in tho ne.ghb urhood f Crock- herbtown, within five minutes' walk of th" T. V.ii. S¡at on.— Adiress, with particulars, tJ REG., Wesie,n Mall Office, Card tIe bzii WANTiO, to PURCHASE A HOUSE, in or near Dumfries Place, Cardiff. -Address •' V," Oflice of this Paper. 3S27 LEFT OFF CLOTHING WAMTED.—EENRY FLINT, 17, Dudley-street, Birrningha Ives utmost cash value for every neacriftion of Ladies' and ftentietaen's Lef•' "m.p ing. LODGINGS, APARTMENTS, &0. OOD APARTMENTS Wanted, ardiff or noijihbonrhood, for a singlo gentleman.—Audress Desteillog, 30, ftl insel- sireet, Swansea. 5997 ARDiFP — Comf rtable APARTJlEPiTS ior one or two U G-ntiemen, if required, 'lerma uioderate. Apply at f>o. Wrrdsvrorth-; la^e, Koath Tardifl. 5938 TO BJii Liii'i'—MOCbisitt, LAND, &0. CN ARDEN to 1 e LET,near Ske ty, about 1J acre, and very productive.—Address G. B., care of Pe. rce and Brov nj Wind-s reet, swansea. 5649 WANSEA.-Two HOUSES to LET or for SALE, in GorSi'- bne. foeseabiou imileiiitely. Apply at 13, Glamorgan Terrace. 9 ,\I PENARTH.—TO LET, a VILLA, nine rooms, baths, and very convenience, and sea view.—Apply at Balcony- vi la, The Beach. 5536 fflO LET—Windsor Villa, No 2, St Andrew's-crescent. Apply I to Mr Thomas, No. 4, fc-t Andrew'a-cresc^nt, or Mr. Samuel^, Auctioneer, Church-street. 6504 PENARTH. To Let, the Dwelling Housa, nOSE MOUNT, Situate in Windsor-ro d, overlooking the Bristol Chan el. lha house is r-piete witi every convenience large garden well stocked with fruit trcee, two greenhouses, two-stall stable and coach-huuse.-Api)iy to N. B. Calder, bute Aock. Cardiif, bl3.L TO BE PREMISES, &c. OFllCES. TWO Si lTES TO LET. Most central position, with- every convenience.- Masters & Compatiy, Th# Car diff C othiers," St. M »ry-street, C udiff. 60:5 BUTE DOCICS.— 'O BE Lt.T, a very Lirge BUSIHFSS PRE- MISES and DWj-LT.ING-H<'USE, w:th backv>ay; large Celiars. Shop fiont, 21 Let. Suitable ior a sliipcbandler, butcher, or a.lmost a.ny business in a large way. Afply 10 Mr Thomas Beable, Houe and Mortgage Agent. 82, Beaford-ftreet, Cardiff. 5bbi RHOND A VALLEY.—The GOLDEN AGE ISN to SELL Pil or LE.r.-Apply to W. Roberts, Golden Age, Penygr.iig, Pontypridd. p919 TO LET, as a BRITISH WORKMAN, 27, Wharton-street, — Apply to G Sma t, 7, Brighton terracc, Cardiff. 5S8t (N LA5JOii GANSHIRE CANAL.—To Let, all that Commodious T Wharf, with exce.isive Warehouses, Otfioes, and Private Dick, known a THE PLYMOUTH IRoN WHARF.—Tenders for Kenliiig same 10 ba sent to N. B. Caider, Aberdare Irou Whaii, Uute DOCKS, Cardiff. 5096 tCARDIFF CANAL WHARF.-Otlice, Warehouse, &c.-Apply 1l..I to .àI..sr8 John Jeakiusand Co., High-stree', Cardiff. 6b97 TO BE LET. —! li .ble Bu->'n(S9 P«E WISES,-at the Dock*. k irst-class posii ion new doable piaie-^lass front; back entrance, a, (I space for erection < f large wa 6ibue. Suitable fur a> y business. A l.aie oc 15 years grunted, ii r quired. Rint moderate. Spieu. id opportuo ty. kp, ly to Mad ox 1% Emery, Estate and House agents, Auctioneers, &c., 18, High- streec, Cardiff. uO- ri^O SELi-T, t-,ute,DoLik«, OFFICSS, on the Second Floor, in X. th Best Situation Apply to F. S. Lock, BuiUUr, Wes gste- street, Cardiff. 5375 3 SPACIOUS HOOMA to be LET, suuabio for offices.-Applv at Price aud Hughes, 11, Church-sireet 52S5 ONVENIENT of aCES To LET. near Post-office First C floor. Immediate possession.—Appiy to K., south Wales Daily A ewx 0, 11 C, "anea.. TO LET.— MISCELLANEOUS. COAL WAGONS to LET, various siiies. Apply to W. Jones, Great Wes ern Colliery Company, Cardiff. 6950 BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. NEWPORT.—For mPt'S VI., With immed ate poss- s7:ion, the Lease, Goodwiil Mo-k, Furniture, &c., of th Brewery IDA. situate in Llan irth-street and aiso the Shipwiights' Arras, in Thomas-s reet.—Apply to -J. d, J Gaskelh Llnlar 11- streetj btores,^tewpor( or We-.t j^uie-dock Warehouses, Cardiff. 6009 'T'° ENGUE8:R" IRON FùU,OEP.S and HHIP It BUILDERS.-TO B SOLli. the MOUN i" STUAHT IRON WORKS. Card ff, comprising iron ad foun try, pattern shop, fitting, smiths' and boiler hops, ic.— Apply to Mr Williams, No. 10, We^t">ourne-pi>iCo, Cc.raiif. 6'il6 ABERDARE aerate^ WATER MANUFACTORY, Will A short'y be for sale, an excellent aerated water business; purtion of the purchase money imy rtom ineol a< charge on the property.—Apply to Mr David Evans, Accountant, Mcrthyr and Aber,; a, e. 6004 ARDIFF.IOBACCO BEANUFA(,ITORY for imrj,,ediate j DI-POSAL.-Arply to Messrs John Jenkins and Co., Puolic Accountants, Cardiff. 6S96 HIVrOL.—KRKE Se.Ull' VAljl/lS. £ 86; another, with Concert Hall, £ 200 another, midst Shipping (Furnished), £ £ 00. Beerliousei froul A:4a and upwards. Money Advanca.1. Apply W. Weeks Jfc Co., i) Bristoi-bridgv. 6780 rjfv) "E DISPOSED OF, the LEASES if seveial free d. uble- I licensed HOUhES in the priucipal paits of Swansea; i-ne for 40 years, CDe for 21 ieara, ono for 13 years, and others. For full particulars and as to terms, app y to T. J. Price and Co. (hte Ili-ice. J uk ns and Co.), College Chambers, Swansea. 10th Feb Itiitt. 5690 4 *1 IaDER AND BOILER WORKS — Old-established BUSINESS JT for SAL'S, io the Midland Connties, yield ng a nett profit of £ 2,0o0 to i3,000 per aib-um. About klo,(Ou required to purchase ana work business (inel ad in,- the freehold).—Address, for ) artioulars, Sharratt and Cree, 6 and 7, CoWnan-streot, London. E.O. 5341 -7- FOR SALE-HOUSES. LAND, &c. CANTOX.—TO BE -OLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Two Villas, 9 rooms each, with largo garden apd baokway; Ita-e years; rent, 35 a year price, £000 each. One 9-roomed Villa, witalarce garden and backway; price, ZW I, rent, ¡¡;.J5 per annum. One Freehold Villa, with 60 perches of card n. in Clive-road; price, 160k). Four Freehold Houses in dive-road prite, v■ ,000. One t-'reu -oid 14-rooiuod Vol a in Scvem-r.au.wi .n lp,rg.- garden price, £ 1,1)0. Piece of land in Severn-roaa, arid seVcr^i Pieces of Land in different streets iu Oaiiton. five Housa. including a t'orner-Stiop, with s.ab e, coach-house, and backway rc nt, Lill 16s. ;rice, A six-r join d Villa, with lar«e ga den and green-house, in Wyndhain-crescent. price £ oS0. w H aisss, let at £ 34 8s ground rent, RilM 6d each About 8 Acres of Land, with a nine-roomed House, let at £ 40 a ^ear. about 4 mi «s from Canton price £ 1,200. Eight douses, !e for £ 1148sp»rann_ra pre- £ 1,200. Two Houses with chop in main *tree^ rhr»e liousca 1 -■ for abou^ *.?0; juice, jt;500 KOATH.-— Four Houses, ;nc UDIC^ a corcer "'hop' rent, £ 65 a year price, £ 600. '1 hre« Housea; rent, jtSD a- year: pr ce» £ 400..fl'ght Honses, let at$g per w^ek: pi ice, £ -05 each* Etgh^-roorned Hou c, ii-'cludia^ a Shop, with gisfittings and counter, in Castle-road, iet at ^40 a yea: ground rent, 6d wirh back way ^nd st t.ble, suitabte fora, draper;! houses with iron rail*, let "t 61. per tK, Price \1\;10 each. l2 House-, let at 8s per week; prp £ 2ub e*c\u Two Hou^, let at lis per weelt; I ground rent £ 1 Ss eacii; price t300. Two 1 -roomed ViLas, let st £ 85; arouudrent £ & 5s each tefaiit pays the taxes p ice, £ 1,100, duv ral Houses on the Lower Grange and Upper Gr nge for sale. '10 BELT, a Corner ^hop in oa.h, ujtAb" f l' a. butcher or greengrocer; an eight-r omed Mouse, including a shop, with stabla and backway m t astle-foad, Roath, su tablef r a draper reat, £ 40 a yc ir, coue be had at once. A Bakehouse, with twoovens, at the Upper Grange ren 4s perwtek, in good order, and six-roamed house, lncluno'g a corner shop, at ao increased rent, if req ired. i-ine-'oomed ula, \vi;h large gar- den and h.ckwav in lilv-ru.id, Canton; rent, ,b.>5 a year Several pieces cf land for build.to to 1. Several Mousrs (.) rooo.s) at Ely to let, rent 4s 6d per week.-Apply to Air ihomas Davie-, house and land a^ent, 34, Co,voridzú-roa.tl, Oancon Cardill.-Foe raoly please enclose stamc. 2221 825 ABERDARE.—VILLA RESIDENCE for SALE. -Apply to Mr .1 David E,ans, Accountant, Merthyr ".nd Aberdare. 6005 PENYREG L YN, TREHERRE k T.-To be SOLD oy PRIVATE JL CONTRACT, three HOUSES situated in a popular plate, very cheap.-Apply to Mr Charles Jenkins, Timber Merchant, Trehe bert. 6s93 ^llobe LEI' or SOLD, 10-toomed VILLA, with bath-room, &a., i in the best locality of Roath. Apply to Mx J. Paj ne, 14, Cioakherbtown, Cardiff. 5b87 TO be LET or SOLD, 8-roomed HOUSE, in Monut Stua t- square, suitable for Who-ale Busine-s, with side en- trance, large back ware-room, whica could he enlarged. Early possession. A-ply to Mr Payne, 14, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 5883 TO be LET or SOLD, capital 8-roomed HOUSR, in Mount Stuart-square, P.easanily si uat- d as a dwelling house, or convenient for offices. Early possession. Apply t Mr Payne, 14, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 5889 "1 j FOR SALE-LIVE STOCK. CARRIAGES, &c. DARK BLIAHIIAS, pure and we 1-bred, Tt-ebay and Wright's i-.rain. Also, ave;y large White MUSCOVY DivAKE.— Mr Johii Wa t-, Llanoalf. 5914 FOR SALE.—H'lRSE, harness or saddle, bright bay, no whi e, four years old height 15.3, thorou!.h'y quiet, found, and can be well recomraeaded,—Address H., South Wales Daily News Office. 5"'Õ;i R<Sb F. TAYLOR, James-street, Doc'o, Cardiff, have seve-al lots of -econd-hand WAGONS, from six >iiont sold and upwards, on Sale and H.re. Particulars on appli;ation. 5942 WAGGONS FOR SiLE. Cash or Red. mption. TVdriy 8-ton C >til Waggons, two years'old.—Frank B. Chad- wick, Bute Doc-.s, Cardiff. 5707 FOR SALE—MACHINERY, TOOLS, &c. Foa SALE —A (RON SCRiiW STAM'ING PRESS also a WOODEN SHED, 15It. by 9ft.—Apply to J. F. Arno d, 2, Llwald place, or 181, But Road. 6018 I^isGlNES, MACHINE«Y, &c., Required ani for Sale.— 'J B fore purchasing, or any firms having above for *ale, the WE:JT OF EJnoLAND .,ND SOUTH WALES DISTRICT MC'N i HLY MACHINERY REGISTER should be sent for, which contains Dearly 60o entries for Side and Required. Cir- culatio i 3,,P,000 ariu, Lal"y. The Best Medium for Machinery Pur- chasers or eltrs Advertising terms, forms, anfi et, t. ies, &c on application to the Compiler, Charles D. Phidipj. Engineering v. pot, Newport, Mon. N.B.—Portable Engines and Steam Pumps on Sale or Hire. 3061 I^OOL STEEL.— The Double Dia mond" (Wiliaa's Patent) now considered fiTat in the Marke For prices, delivered doect from orks, applv Jones, Bale and Co., Swansea, ole Agents. A sample ior trial, gi 0.'1; 5999 FOR ^ALi'i and HIRE, 8 md 10 ton eecoud-huid Coai and other Mioeial WAtaO^S; al O Traction Engine WAt.Oo8; new coal, il' ii Ore, S one, Lime, and Contn ctO'S* WA 00\ new and 2nd-hand Locomotive, Portible, Pumping, Winding, and uractloo ENGINES, Mschiner.i, Rails, &c. Iron Ores, E-,jL:iish and Foreign, S-veral COLLIERIES an > IKON ORE MINES; w ekiy outputs 10J0 to v,QM t ns. Anthracite W'ei.sh Smokeless Steam avd other cOALS and cOKEat ooiLery prices.—R. avid F. TAYLOR, James-street, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 5<47 TO CONTRACTORS, ENG1NFERS, &c For Sale (ch-?ap), a cap cal Six-'viieel Coup'.ed-t.nk co:cotive Eng ne, Xij 4 fol guage, cojiper tire box, brass tubes, tanli 700 i allocs.—Address L., 24, Budge-iow, Caunon-street, Lon'oii, E.C. 5820 "S .'Ort SALE, 1 Beam Condensing Blowing ENGINE, with swata cylinder 36 Inches diamu^r, tdowing cyhndtr 78 luciie; diameter, both six feet stroUe flv- heel 1« feet di-tmeter, wei.hii'g 12 tons. ,ilso ihe InON WORK of i hot-b'ast Stoves, — about 80 tOiis.—slay be bee,, any day, and further intorma, ion 0 ts, ned, on application to the Publisher of South Wales Daily Sacs. 574b IT^OR SAL^, HIRE, or EXCHANGE.—One Six-wheel LOCOMO- T1VE TANK ENGI > E, cylinders 13^ inches diameter, new lire-fcox arid new tubes, and otherwise thoronghlyoverhauled; will be sold ei ,eap.-Aijply to J. Heathcock, 22, Canning-place, Liverpool. 5565 TO BUILDERS~aad—CONTRACTORS.—Portable STEAM ENGLNES, Mortar Milie. Steam PumDS. Vertical and Hori- zontal Engines, for immedia e delivery. Applv to Ruston, Proc- tor, & Co., Engineers, Lincoln. 2773 ON SALE, one nearly new 12-Horse ROAD STE4.MRR; India- liuober Tyres, Thomps n's parent., made by Roby and Co., 01 Lincoln. Also, one 8-ion Truction Wagon; all in first-class order. Will take 20 tons weight up an h cluie of 1 in 12. Price for the lot Address HENRY PARKINSON, VLJ;.CAN FOUNDRY, Foundry-street, Bolton. 5447 ON SALE, one first-class Pair o' New Horizontal Coupled Bright Winding ENGItffc.S. Cylinders 25 inches bo. e, and 48 inches stroke, 10 feet wi. dingdium for roind rope, with Blot link motion, reversing and break gear. Now ready for deliveiy. HF.NRY PARIGN-AN, VULCAN FOUNDRY, Eoundi ^street, Bo ton. 5448 rro COLUERY PROPRIETORS AND OTHERS—For SALE, a Pair of New First-clas* 26 inch WiNDIisG ENGINES, 4 ieet Stroke; made very strong and substantial; suitable for Coll eries. Appiy to Mr T. Thomas, Consul.ing Engineer, 34, West Bute-s reet,1 arditf fi'Ifig I E A Id P 0 W ELR A N D MACHINERY USERS, ENGINEERS, &c., before adding to their appliances should consult the "Chambers of Commerce Chronicle. The advertisements being confined to Steam Power and Machinery, it is now quite an Illustrated Catalogue of Boilers, Engmee, Tools, and Machtnesof all kinds, A copy sent gratis to any part of the world on receipt of Business Card. Publisher: W, T. EMMOTT, 138. Fleet-street. London. 8850 ON SALFC.. ONE of GALLOWAY'S BOILEKS, 20 feet by7 feet. 3 TWO-FLUED BOILERS, 30 feet by 7 feet. 2 Do. do. 26 feet by 7 feet. i. Da do. 22i feet hy 6 feet. 2 I'o. do. 17j feft by 6 feet. I 2 ONE-FLUED LIOI.-EIIS, J4 feet by 5 feet. 1 Do. do. 12 feet bv 5 f et. 2 NEW HORIZONTAL ENGINES. cylinder. 1 DJ. do. 6 in. eyhnctr. I 1 DONKEY PUMP, 4 in. ram. 1 Do. do. 2 in. ram. N. PEARSO Piercy-street, M d-strret, Manchester. 4161 f JIO BE SOLD Ciieap, sevei'al Second-hand Portao'e Emrines, X Ihraihing Machines, and Traction Engines in first-class condition. Ful: par iculars, and prices on application, to R'bey & Co., Engineers, Lincoln. 2645 J OICRKWIN3 and DRILLING MACHINES, also LAT ES Jo always ready cr in progress.—John Spencer, Tool-maker h bley. t;79 PORTABjle ENGINES, as under, In ezoeiient working order;— 12 h-p., by Clayton and Shutueworth. 10 „ „ „ „ with reversing: gear. 10 „ „ Cambridge ditto. 10 „ „ Cambridge ditto. 8 „ „ Clayton and Snuttleworth. J M m « » 5 M »_ ,« 6 „ „ Robey. WINDING DRUM and GEAR, suitable for the above. Magnificent pair of 16 h.p., HORIZONTAL WINDING ENGINES (new), W.th double conical drum, öt ft, mean dia. 3 h.p. HORIZONTAL ENGINE, equal to new. FAN (new), 3 ft. dia., for blowing or exhausting. SAW BENCHES, for CoHiery and general purposes. CORNISH BOILER (new), 25 ft by 6i ft. VERTICAL BOILERS (new), 2 to 8 h.p. 1 Lloyd's FAN 18 in. dia. (new). 1 „ „ 17 in. MORTAR or LOAM MILL, with pair of edge runners, 1 ft. 10in dia., and pan, 3ft dia. (new). THRASHING MACHINE. 1 IRON SAFE, 24 in. bv 18 in. FIELDING AND PLATT, Engineers and Boiler Makers. 91 Gloucester. fB^HOMAS MITCHELL, Old Hall-stre t. Bolton, has n stock I for Sale new and second hau l Locomotive. Pottab'e, semi- portable, traction, horizontal, and vcr, ieal Si'EAM ENGINES. Mortar Mills, Coiiti-acto, Is Plant, Medh.,Tj tea' Tools, Cornish and vertical Sldm. iioii rs from 2 to 50 h>rse-power Apply to 'Jhoma.i .YLtcheil, Old Hail-a.reet and Town Ha.l-square, LO ton, Lancashire. 501;.5 HENRY PAKKINSON, FOUNDRY-STREET, BOLTON JLTL FOR SALE.—ENGINES. One Pa:r of 25 in' h Horizontal WINDING ENGINES 4-feet Stroke, Winding Drum, and Break Gear. One Pair of 2-2-inca Uorizontal WINDING ENGINES, 4-feet stroi e, Winding Drum, and Break Gear. The above are une Engine-, wrought-i;o;. cranks and shaft. One Pair of 8-ineh U irzoot tl WINDING ENGINES, stroke 3 feet. Winding Urom, m d Break G, sr. Threellairsof 6-inch Horizont d W NDING ENGINES, stroke 3 feet, inding Drums, anti f.rt ak v ear. 0 e Pair o., 15-inch Hor.z mtal WINDING ENGINES, strokes feet, Win ins Oram, aud Break Gtar. Two Pairs of 12-inch H. rizo- tal WINDISG ENGIINES, 2-feet Stroke, WO ding Drum, and Brtah Gear. Two Pai sof o-inch Hvr zontal WI^DIMG ENGINES, Winding Drums, and Break Gear. K:■ GI"-ES FOR RUNNING. One 24-inch Hisrh-picsbure LEAM K.N GI A E, very strong and self-contairieci requires no en-in -house. One double-ctli l,r N-,EitTl CALE, GINE, with spur fly-wheel. 116-mch HOR'ZONTAL ENGINE. 212-inch y> I <0-i. cn s'nsle HORlZONT.iL ENGINE. 114Hnch VERTICAL ENGINE. 1 lo-inch „ •• 1 7-inch „ 2 54-loch VERTICAL ENGINES. 2 74-inch HORIZONTAL KNGIf ES. PORTABLE ENGINiiS. 1 25-horse f OaTA'iJ-E. with TJOL IIIJK- motion, by Clayton and Shuitlewoxth. mounted ou to; ir iron whcls.. I 2u-h r^, wit" slnllink mown f r winding", and mounted on four strong wheels, b Marshall a d Co. 1 Zv-hoise, with slot lilb motion tor winding, mounted on four iron wheeiS, by Roby and Co se, with slot huk motion for winding, by Marshall and Co. i 16-horse-power Engine, by Roby and Co. i4-Lorse Portable, by Clayton und Shuttieworth, 1 13-horse, by Clayson a d Shuttieworth. BOILE S. 4 CORNISH BOILERS, iO feet by 7 feet, safe at 601b on the square inch pressui e. „r™a 4 GALLOWAY'S PATENT BOILERS, 30 feet by 7 feet, Q.aUo- wny's i atent tuties.. 2 B ILEKS, 28 ffe t, by 7 feet, 2 flues through. 2 TWO FLU ED BOILERS, 26 feet by 7 ft et. 1 TWO-F L, F, U BOILER, 2; feat by 6 feet. 1 ONE-FLCED BOlLEK, 14 feet. 7 niches by 5 feet, 1 dit o, X < leet by 5 feet. 1 dl to 19feet by 5 ieet- ditto, IS feet 7 inches by 6 feet. STEAM HAMMEHS. 2,2i.cwc. STEAM HAMMERS, with anvd block. STEAM WINCHES. 2 STEAM WINCHES, t I iift 30 cw. each. 2 ST AM JIB CKANES, to lift 5 tons each, suitable for wharf or railway purposes. OCOMOTIVFè ENGINES. 2 10-inch TANK L( iCOMO TlVE ESGI.S'ES, Copper Box and Brass Tubes, in first-class order. l 14-borse Roby ROAD ^TEAMER, with Thompson's patent l india-rubber ren. HENRY PAilKIN 0 r VULCAN FOUNDRY, FOUNDRY-STREET. BOLTON. 6446 SECOND-HAND AND NEW IIACHINERY.-The "Standard" List and Specialities Advertiser is intended to be in the bands of eve, y Macuinery, St am User, and Shipper, &-c., in the world. Subscription, United Kingdom, 2s 6d; Abroad, 51 per annum (prepaid). Sample copy sent free for 5 Stamps. The cheapest a Ad most practice Advertising Medium in existence for machinery, and LOOIS, &e. Proprietors, JAMES WADHAM, !SENR., AND CO., DARUNGTON. 923 ON SALE, one strong, well-built Condensing Beam Engine, by a tot-class maiier, equal to new; cylinder, 36 inch bore 6 fee. stroke. Can be seen standing, and will be sold cheap. One olose-built, self-contained Condensing Beam Engine; stands on independent bed on six columns: cylinder, 28 inch bore, 4 test stroi e. As good as new. Can be seen standing, and will be sold cheap.—Apply to Henry Parkinson, Foundry-street, BoHon. 70 -q MISCELLANEOUS. CHANCE I, a :;d CHAMBER ORG-N, for Sale, CC to F, Open U DU| ason, Stop Clarioel, Duleunna, Stop F ute, Bourdon, Pedals, and Swell Easy instalment t"kin.-hi, :ersjey, 1< Raridolph-stree-, Camoen Town, Londop (1 te of Cardiff). 6010 Siit OXU-HAND iRoN SAFE, very sjong, 24 in. hiah. s Price, 45, duiivered.-Richarci M, Lord, Wolverhampton. —' 5955 TTARMONIUMS, from 75s. TTARMv;NIUMS, 6 Stops, 6 Guineas. 1 r ARMQNIUMS, 10 Stops, 10 Guineas. JL JL g iHURCH ORGANS, 40 Guineas. M MERICAN ORGANS, 12 Guineas. DANE & SON.. TRINITY WORKS, SWANSEA. 5805 ABOUT 60 doz. 4 and 5 BAR HURDLES, well made, for SALE, at 15s find 17s per doz on tiucks at Poutrilas Station. Apply to R. llook, Monmouib-n ad, Abergavenny. 51 u2 FOR SALE, BILLIARD TABLES and BAG \TELLE BOARDS at Frederick's Cabinet Woiks. apposite St Paul's Church, Newport, Mon. Billiard Tables and Bagaielle Boards made to order; any size, with Slate or Mahogany Beds. Prices on application. 5764 HARMONIUMS, from £ 4 10s, beautiful tone and finish. Price List on A p ication.—Address, J. Robinson, South Walts Harmonium Manufactory, 28, Oxford-street, Swause*. 5705 TO TANNERS.—W. and F. WALTERS, Swansea, have always a quantity f RAW HIDES and CALFSKINS for Sale, in lots to suit the convenience of buyers. 43S9 TO SMOKERS AND TOBACCONISTS. — The New lndia- Rubber Tobacco Poueh.— On receipt of 2s 8d in stamps, Anderson, Abbott, and Anderson wil send a large size extra strong Tooaceo Pouch, with your name, orany motto, embossed on the ironc in raised letters. A liberal discount to the trade.— Apply at 16 and 17, Castle-street. Swansefc. 583 CHOICE BLACK T1A, 2s 6d; highly recommended 2d less for 61b. parcels and upwards.—Cordey and Co., Stmrt Hall. Cardjff. 6236 riTUART HALL, CARDIFF. Splendid Black TEA, 2a 2d per lb. Teas in six pound parcels and upwards, cheap but not common. 5235 YOUR FUTURE.—Seven Years, Six Stamps; complete, 30. Love talisman, 16. State age.—U. Meihratton, 72, High- street, Daventry. 3290 TO CAPITALISTS. A splendid opportunity for lealising a Large Fortune.—The A iveriiser off rs for Sale, on equita- ble tClrms-a portion in cash, and balan, e dependent art resu ts— a Contract for the Purchase of Six Magnificent Properties in the heart of the richest portion of Virginia. These Properties, lying within a ring fence. rai ge in extent between 100 000 and 10,000 acres each, the ag.,revate being between four and five hundred thousand acres. The Props ties ure known to be the fine-t coal, iron, and timber 1 .ndsm the United butes, and are of enor rous value. Ti:e are specially worthy the attention of large capita is s understanding coa iron, Min timbtr int-iests, anrJ in view oi the lmsi-en-e rise in value which must necessarilv very soo,, take placm in such properties, so well locateel and to easily examined as those referred to, the present is an oppor- tunity which is unlike!y to occur again. Tne estates will be fold singly or tozetll,r-the latter preferred. Principals or their Solicitors only will be treated with.-Addr-so to E. R., care of C. H. Sadler, Esq Solicitor, 3), Finsbury Circus, Lon- don- 4039 UPTURE HEllA !-Pea.rCtfS India-rubber TRUSSES, recommended by the leading Surgeons. Every description of 1'ruse adapted to the most difficult cases. Abdominal ban- dages, spine supports, artificial legs, &c. Patients visited at their houses. Terms on application.-Pauce & Co, Peter-street, BristoL 24 "\XTHAT IS YOUR MONOGRAM ?—Send 13 stamps to GLASS W and CO., Cardiff, who will forward you 12 sheets of note- paper a-ad 12 envelopes, stamped in colour with say one, two, or three letters, or any lady's name. Also GLASS' COMIC PACKET'S, containing 12 different designs, sent post free for 18 stamps. 5 Quires of paper, and 100 Envelopes, stamped in and colour for 6B. 6d. YOUR CARD, SIR ?—Send 4k Cd. to GLASS & CO., Cardiff, wno will engrave your name, and print you 100 Ivory Qirds, and forward them, post free, to any address. TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, and Others.—GLASS'S Patent Endorsing Machines, engraved with your name, business, and address, from 18s. 6d.—YOUR NAME, SIR? Your Name engraved on a Brass or Zinc plate for your door, from 6e.—GLASS S Stencil Plates for Marking Linen, &c Initials and name, 2s. Oil. initials only, la. 6d. Sent post free to any address on receipt of stamps to GLASS lk CO., KKaBAVSRs, iTChnthui. Pummwi. CVARWTT. 14 BERDEEfr GRANITE MON UM NTS from £ 5, carriage free; Inscriptions accurate and beautiful.—Plans and prices from Legge, ScuJptcT. Aberdeen. 4572 WHAT is YOUR CRE&r and MOTTO 7—Send Name and County to CULLE'l'ON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, 3s 6d. Plain; sketched in Heraldic Colours, 7s; Crest engraved on Seals, Book Plates, and Steel Dies, 7s 6d; Manua. Heraldry, 3s 9d post free, by T. Culleton, 26, Cranbourn-etreet (corner of St. Martin's-lane). W.C., London. SAL ENGRAVING by CULLETON.—Crest Engraved on Seals, Rings, Book Plates, and Steel Dies foi stamping- paper, To 6d, Livery Button Dies, k2 2s. Crest engraved on silver spoons and family plate, D8 per dozen articles. A neat Desk Seal, with engraved Crest, 12s 6d. Registered Letter, 6d extra. T. Culleton, Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family, 25, Cran bourn-street (corner of St. MartinVlane), London. \TKIT1NG CARDS by CULLETON.—Fifty best quality, 2s. 8d„ T post free, including the engraving ot Copperplate. Wed- ding Cards, õO each, 50 Embossed Envelopes, with Maiden Name, 18e. bd.-T. Culleton, Seal Engraver, 86 Cranbourn-atreet corner of Sr. Maitin's- ane), W.C., Loudon. PULLK,TON'S PT,TES for MARKING LiNEN require no re paration, and are easily used. Initia, Plate, Is; Name pl « •is «d set of Moveable numbers, 2s 6d: Crest or Monogra-n Piates, 5s with Directions post free for casr or stamps by T. Culleton, 26, Cran bourn s treet (corner of St. Martlo's-lanj), W C., London. ("lULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STATIONERY contains a J ream of the very best Paper, and 600 En velopes, all I amped in the most elegant way with Crest and Motto, Mono- gram, or Address, and the engraving of Steel Pie, included. Sent to any part for P. 0. order.—T. Culleton, 26, Cran bourn-street (corner of St. Martin's-lane), London. 4683 MONOGRAMS by CULLETON, the most elegant in Loudon. Quarter-ream Paper, and 126 Envelopes stamped in Colours, with any Monogram, 6s. No charge for Die. Sent to any part on receipt 01 stamps.—T. Culleton, Engraver, to the Queen, and Die Sinker to the Board of Trade, 26, Oranbourn- street (corner of St. Mart.in's-l9.ue), Lonoon. tWnR ERVOUS DEBILITY.—Gratis, a MEDIC<vL WORK ihowing Sufferers.how they mav be cured without the aid of Quaoks; fieu on reoeiptof postage stamp.—Address, secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham- 6S76 STENTS in Stuffs,"Prints, Hollands, Damasks, Suck, Alpacas, pp 101b. bundles, cheap. Stamp for Prices. Black silk rem- aanto very cheap. W. Clarkson, Fent Merchant, Shipley, near Bradford. Illi SICKNESS, OLD AGE, Aim DEATH7 Q-j at DEATH, for ONE £ H LLING per Week. £ 65at C>wJLi4vF Death, or FIFTEEN SHILLINGS per week in Si .ii.ii ss, for SiXPf-NCE; £ 10 at Death, or 2s. 6i. per week in sickness, for ONE PENNY per Week, paid Monthly, bv any one about tne ages of 20 tc 26, to the WESTERN PROVIDENT ASSO- CIATION. Established 848. Prefcident; Earl Fonesc e; Vice- Presidents: Lord Ab rdare, Rev. D. Howell (Wrexham), John Coiy, tsq., J.P. (Card ft), &c. Other sums at diiterei.t ages for proportionate rates Upon examination, this Society will be found to be th* hest in existence. SAFE aud Ch-*p. It has entered more than ELEVEN THOUSAND MEMBER and has paid to them more than SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS in Bene- fits. It has -■ aved and hai now invested over FORTY THOU- SAND POU-v DS. Members incur no expenses, and are liable to no duties, tines, or loss of tune. Females may join For further information apply to Mr W. C. Amery, Distriet Secretary, 3, Guild ford-crescent, Cardiff. 2146 ESTINTY.-Is every human beinq destined to a certain jt_J' po ition in life? Can that poait on be foretold ? To settle this question consult Madame ITOFFKF- Four questions answered for 13 stamps and stamped directed envelope. Give age, ex, married or single, and place of birth. Correspondence to be piaced under cover, and addressed to Miss P. Knight, Dean- 8trelt., Dorking, Surrey. 40 5 LOST AND FOUND. ("1 LYN-NEATfl—FijUND, astray, a youn? black and white "ji" SHEEP DOG. Owner may have same y paying expenses at Jame Sy mmons, Rock Terrace, Glyn-ueath. MONEY. R, SOLOMON BLAIBERG, Pawnbroker and Money M Lender. 2, Bute-terrace, Cardiff, ADVANCES CASH io euius ufiL2 to £ 500 upon deposit of Jewellery, Diamonds. Plate, Leases, and uuseasou-ble Stock-in-Trade. Strong room for safe custody. 6:94 ESSKS. W. AND S. HERN, Estate Agents, Accountants, Sc., 8, Working-street, Cardiff, are prepared to Advance from il;;60 to 45,000 on mortgage of freehold or lease- hold property 204 LOANS not less than £ 100 granted at Five per Cent, per annum, repayable by Instalments upon approved Personal Security, in conjunction with Life Policies. -Apply, W and S. HERN, House and Land Agents, Working-street, eardifL 205 ONEY MONKYM AiONEY !M —"mONEY^^mediately ADVANCED, on Personal Security, aud reasonable interest charged. No Bills of Sale requxed, thus saving all exto tiouate charges. Apply to L. FLlGt.ESTONE, 122,_ t dw- brid-e-road, Ca^nton, near Cardiff.—Plate and Jewellery received. S- TRJC3LY PRIVATE AND "CONFIDENTIAL.—lnunediate CAin ADVANDEs ^o Homet olders, Tradesmen, Farmers, Cowkeepers and otheis. The above can obtain advances on their furniture, stocks, and effects from £ 10 to £ 300, without removal or inconvenience in any way. Cash also advanced on deposit of goods. Apply to Mr Phillips (private hou,e), Carlton House, no obi e- Charles-street. Cardiff. Town or count y ;distance no object. 1304 ^TRICtLY PRIVATE. — NO PRELIMINARY FEES. Sl'O THE NEEDY, including Clergymen, Gentry, Householderj, Trad SIDcn, Contractors, Farmers, Breeders, Lodging-house Kat pers, Working-men, &c., CAN oota.n a-v^nces from 46 to P-500 upon the r Furniture, Stock- n-T I'^re, Ptatit, &c., w tholit remova or publicity; dis- tance no object, and easy reps. ments, b applying to LOUl-S BAKCvETf, 11, dolts Vere-streat, Swansea. N.B.-Not being connected with any comr>any ail bona fide anohcations nromntlv attended to. 179 .u NO SURETIES REQUIRED.—MONEY ADVANCED from £ 5 to £ 200, to Tradesmen, Householders, ano others, on St^ck-in-Trade, Household Furniture, &c., without removal or inconvenience. Full pa. ticular on application to Glamorgan Loan Offices, Church-tree' (iaebaz the Market), Pontypridd. Also BKANCH uFFl IE at PENTRE, Rhondda Valley, open every Thursday,from 10 a.m. to3p.m fc!72 r j. 8 OWE NT. Manager. ADVANOED WITHOUT SURETIES.- j M'ney Lent Privately at a day's notice, to Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Farmers, and others residing in any part of Kngland and Wales, from 5 per cent., in sums of £ 10 to £ 500 on periion's note of hand. Term arranged from three months to five years. Apply personally, or by letter, to Mr. A. Bad bury (Private aouse), 161, Walworth Road, London, S.E. Surplus cash ahva.ys on hand. ,\io connexion w^ih Loan Offices. 6161 M- -0 N-Er-TO-:LE-N-D .-Tradesmen. -Farmer's, and m otners who require Money, can have any amount frott kryo to 45,000, upon good penionai security, from one to fivi years, repayable quarterly o j half-yearly. Money also advances on iiortgage unon Freenold, Leasehold, or Landed Property. Ap^y to Mr. C. Johns, Auctioneer and Valuer, 10ft, Stow-hiT, Newport, Mon 111 applications by Dost to contain four stamr a. 19 ONEY MONZY. IDONFY.-A Private Gent eman makes ITjL CASH ADVANCES (m btrict confiàeuce) tù Houaeholcte s, Tradesmen, Farmers, and others, from 46 to any am-unt, on their Furniture, and effects, witho. t removal, they retaining tree use of the same. No sureu srtquireil, and nochaive made unless the money is advanced Cash Advanced on Sur )us or Uns, asoa- ahle btocks >1 any desciption. Apply, per onaliy, or oy 1, tter, Mr Nathan, 15, Wellington-terrace, ^a- diff. 32:J1 MONEY WITHOUT INQUIRY FEES OR PRELIMINARY CHAKGES. To Gentlemen, Clergymen, Farmers, B-eeders, Dairymen, Tradesmen, Artifigi 8t njihe ff,rkin, Olass gen,r,llv. Mr LOUls UA NET' is open to len sums varying from 4.5 to £ 5l0 upon Life Policies, Furnituie without removal or public tv, if required, Live or Dead Stock, Plant, and any other available Becui itv. istance no object. Easy repa ments to suit convenience of borrowers. Arp'y (privat-j house) at 18, Chiirie-stieet, Cardiff. 3757 ITHHE MERTHYR AND DOWLLAIS~BUHIDING SOCIETi I are PREPARED to LKND, at the shortest notice Sums of 100 TO 210,000, RE-PAYABLE in MONTHLY or QUARVERLY INSTALMENTS BORROWERS in this Society have SPCIAL ADVANTAGES not obtained in other Societies, or from Private Individuals. The legal costs are paid by the Society, and the independence of the Borrower, so -ong as his stipulated re-payments are made, is cured by the Registrar under the Friendly Society's Acts-—Tbe utmost secrecy is maintained. 61 For particulars apply to Mr. E. ROBERTS, at the Office of the IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES from £ 5 to £ 300 withou Sure ies. Private Householde s, Farmers, di rk-1, Trades men, and Mecaari.cs of every des riition can receive Cash Advances on their Fmniture, Farming Stock or Crops, Trada Sto, ks, Sc., withoht removal off pr< msies—distance no object. Cash also advanced to Tradesman and o hers uoon deposit of une3sonable goods at a special rate. County Court executions paid.—Apply personally or by letter to Mr H. Freedman (Pri- vate House), Avon House, St. Helens-road, Swansea, and High- street, Aberavon. 4594 N08 U R E T I I, 8 REQUIRED. CASH AD7ASTCED DAILY, in sums of ICIO and upwards, to Householder3, Farmers, Victuallers, hauiers, and others on their Household Furniture and Stock-in-Traae, without removal. Distance no object. Aplyto S. BLAIBERG, 2, BTTTE-TERRACF:, CARDIFF. PRIVAIB P.ESIDESCB AVON H USE, CHAKLES-STREET. B KAN CUES. -44, Cofflmercial-str et, Newport, Mon. Dinas, Rhondda. Valley: Mr LEWIS FREKWIAN, Agent. N.B.—In the Strictest Confidence, and repayable by easy Instalments. 6096 T%ONEY Lent by the National Deposit Bank, 16 and 17, iJX Russell-street, Covent Garden, London, from £ 10 to al,ooo at a day's notice, for short or long periois, in own or country, without publicity, to made or female, on their note of hand alone, or upon deeds, life policies, furniture without removal, trade stock, plant, crops, or farming implements. No sureties required. Interest £5 per cent. Distance no object. The Bank having a large amount of capital at command, no good application is refused. Apply personally, Or if by letter state amount reauired, R. Parneli, Manager. 3123 IMPERIAL AUSTRIAN STATE LOANS JL MONTHLY DRAWINGS. Prizes, ao,wo 42.5,000 je22. 000, £ 20,000, £ 15,000, £ 10,000 £ 5,000; Lowest Premium, Prize, £ 18. Guaranteed by the Im perial Austrian Government. DRAWING in public under the superintendence of Government officials. Shares, which entitle the holder to a chance of winning any of tha above prizes, can be had at £ leach. Six shares, entitling to six c- ances, cost £ 6.—Apply to Mr Fritz SEVIV, agent for the sale and purchase of Government stock, Vienna. Remittances are to be sent direct to Vienna, either in bank notes, crossed chequ es or Post-cffice orders, payable at the General Post-sffice, to Mr Fritz Scvin, 1, Goldechmidgasae, Vienna, who will supply Pro- spectuses gratis, ahd answer any farther enquiries which mav be deemed aesdful. 1190 <i1'< 0HAINSI CHAINS! CHAINS r r CHARLES YARDLEY, CRADLEY HEATH, NEAR BRIERLEY RILL, SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE. ESTABLISHED, 1844. MANUFACTURER OF BEST, BEST BEST, & TREBLE BEST TESTED COLLIERY, INCLINE, AND CRANE CHAINS OF WARRANTED QUALITY. PLATE NAILS, SPIKES, TRAMWAY DOGS, RIVETS, &c. WESTON'S PATENT DIFFERENTIAL PUL'.KY BLOCKS, ENERAL TOOL AN7) ~CUTLERY GENERAL WAKfcHOUSS, OUTLERY 112, VICTORIA-STREET, BRISTOL. CHRISTIE, English and German Tool Factor; Wcrkinar Cutler; Gunsmith; Steel Stamp an I Brand Cutter; Die Smktr, &c., cite. Christie's wan anted Planes, fitt, d w th Howa., t 's best Irons, 22 Ti ying, 5s 17 inch Jack, 3, 6d; Sash Fillisteir, 16s 6d; Plough, lfo. Smoothing 2 in. 3-) 6d 2J, 3s 9d 2i, 4s 4s 4d; 2i, 4s TOd Beads, up to g, 2s 4d i, is 7d J, as tOd; 1 inch, aa Id each. Christie's i.naiav ng l'oola are the best and cheapest. Add s's Car ing Tools in great variety Butcher's Kn.ves, ro.ew ,ud hatidle,, best qual ty, per dozen; bin., 6a; 5J, 7s; ti, 8s; 6i, 9s; 7, 10s; 8, 12s; 9, 14s; 10, 16s; il, ISs; 12 inch, 22s. > Butcher' warranud Steels, 15s, 16s, 18s, 22g, aud 27s per dozen. Sporting A munition, utj,,¡ nUKeis, equal y cheap. Christie's Pr ees for beat Sheffield Table Cutlery and Electro- Plated Forks and Spoons are as fo I, .ws:- D, sselt Table Carvers Pou try All Ivory Balanced Handles, Knives Knives Per or Game Warranted. per doz. fei doz. Pair. Carvers. •(3097) & S. d. £ S.d. £ S. <L £ s. d- Laree oval bandies, through-pic, orna- mental bolsters 1 10 0 1 16 0 0 12 9 0 11 6 387 Do., do, edge pin 160 1116 Oil 6 0 10 3 653 large pl'i" handles 169 1 12 0 096 088 387 Do., do., 109 149 076 060 645 Medium do., 0 19 0 1 1 5 Fiddle pattern Forks and Spoons. 2nd. 1st. A. 1. & s. d. £ a. d. je e. c. 12 Electro Silver dessert forks 0 16 0 126 1 10 0 12 Do. do. teole do. 1 4 0 1 10 0 1 16 12 Lo. do. dci-sert spoons 1 0 0 1 6 0 1 H 2 £ >u. do. table do. — 1 12 6 1 18 ~W7 "E: YAUGHAN & CO., STEAM DYEING AND SOOUEINQ WORKS, LLANDAFF-ROAD CARDIFF, BRANCH SHTABLISIUIBNTS 77, OBOCKHERBTOWN, ) 248, BUTE-STREET, J-CARDIFF. 62, COMMERCIAL-STREET. NEWPORT. I 88, HIGH- STREET, MERTHYR. LOWER GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. Orders received, and Parceded to Works oarrlure tr e jy the following A G £ N T S* Aberavon G. H. Cotton, Ty-mawr-street. Aberuare M- E-chles, Cotuaiercial-plaee. Blaenavon Mr. J. rria, London House. Bridgend ril & as, trr,)oer, Nolton-,gtr,*et. o Brecon Mr, BodmiDe, Wellington House Bulwark. Bpnmawr Mrs. Hicna. Beaufort-street. S-lr,i tt. Mrs. Collins, High-street. Briton Ferry „ Mr. D. L. Jones, Bookseller. 2 Villien- street. Cowbridge hs Rogen, Fancy Reposito ry Chepstow Miss Rowe, Welsh-streot. unckhowell Mr. Beavis, High-street. Haverfordwest,. Mr. Harries, 3, High-street. Llanelly Messrs Ace, Me., lick-etreet. LUridiio. Mr Lockyer, County Pi ess. ^eatf Mr. Matthews, at Queen's Hotel, Pembroke Dock, Mr Naroerth, stationer, Dimond-street. Tenby Mr. Brice, 4, Julian-street. i'leherbert Mr Keeping, Monmouth ouse. Ueii Messrs. J ones & PowelL draper &c. WNTOHIIT CANT NICHOLAS G i^ELLAR'S CORN and BUNION PLASTERS J—' are guaranteed to cure Corns, Bunions, and Enlarged Toe joints in a few applications, without causing the leaat incon vemence. Boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9d., of all Chemists. By post 14 stamps, of J. Pepper, 237, Tottenham Court-road, London. HAIR RESTORER. -Large Bottles la. 6d each. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER (Pep per's preparation) will restore in a few days grey or prematurely f light hair to its original colour with perfect safety and complete ness. Sold by all chemists, and J. Pepper, 287, Tottenham-court road, London, whose name and address must be on the label, or 't is uine. PEPPER'S WHITE DOUGH MIXTURE ie the most reliable and agreeable cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Lung Diseases. It dways gives rest at night. Bottles, Is lid. and 2s. 9d. each, sold •>}' all Chemists. THE ENAMEL OF THE T^ETH.—By using CRACROFTS ARECA NUT 1'Ov. s.H PASTE ihis delicate coating becomes sound, white, and polished as the finest Ivory It is particularly fragrant. Sold in Pots, Is. and 2s. 6d. each. by all Chemists. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY.—PEP PERS QUININE and IRON TONIC strengthens tht nerves, increases the quantity of the blood, promotes appetite improves weak digestion, animates the spirits, and thoroughl recruits the health. Bottles, 4a. Od. next size, lla.; stone jam 9.!s.: of all Chemists. Have Pepper 8 Preparation. EAFNESS, Noises in the Earfi.-Dellafs Essence for Deafness is an Extraordinary Remedy. always, relieves, and generally Cures. It is quite harmless Bottles Is. lid. and 2i each. sold by all Chemists 155 cJhfppfu, QTEAM BETWEEN CARDS? BELFAST, GREENOCK, & GLAS*°W fif r SAILINGS WEEKLY. otmpBS* ALFXa^eam-shins SEVERN, Capt. Fry; Capc- MiUa; ANTONA, ap Feldtman; CLUT^J wiU>' Gooflu8,16!) t.'ant. Hudtman are intended W ^evemS h senKersfr0ln Bute Dock Basin, J,1 March • circumstances), as follows during the CARDIFF TO guojSGOW AUJ BEUS'AST. .6 Monday 2 i..m. | 20 Monday 13 Monday 7 p.m. 2/ Monuay „ 7 P' u. i'BOII BELr'AST TO OAKDIFP. 6 Monday „ p.m. 2) Monaa „ 5 13 Monday < p m •>. Moudav „ j yilAsoow TO CARDIFF, UELFAST. a ojB. 4 Saturday 2 p.m. 1- atu oay I Zm ll Saturday 2 p.m. i 25 Sa u dav 2P nun liberty to tow ana a>aist Vessels. ot *«s.-jt«ifast: Cabin, 17s. 6d.; Steerage, 10s.; Oree^aj«rt G!?W ^n' 2°8" J Ret"rn, 80s.; Steerage, 12s. 6d 5 >r Sailors, 10s. ,fer. 3oods to be alongside in time for shipment before !sed tm>e of sailing. r y, !sed tm>e of sailing. r to Apply in Glasgow to William aioan a Co. GreenocKi Wiliiam Lindsay & Co.; Swansea, to M. Joues & Belfast, to Robert Henderson St acc Bristol, to Mark j & Son; and in Cardiff, to G. F. WEBB & CO., Bute Dock Bonded War%§ Cardiff, March, 1876. STEAM PACK T COMMUNICATION BETWEEN wjrfjf ,(V NE WPORT, & 0AtcDlJJ. Fv-j FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER STB iSHHHBBiBfeoTlie City of Corl. Steam Packet Cos Stejjrjy (nil leave CORK for NEWPOKT and i;-iKDIFF, MONDAY, returning to CORK from NEWPORT WEDNESDAY, aod for CARDIFF, SVRRy THURSW* Through rates for Goo is an 1 Cattle can be arranged on tion to the Cornp my at ork. or to their Agents. Sep han^^j Fares—Caom, £ 1 Is. Cabin Return Ticket, available f°r fgf m nth (including Steward's fees), LI lis. ftl. Deck, 7S. further particulars see small bills. AOENTS. CARDIFF.—Mr E. C. DOWNING Shipbroker. J NEWPORT.-Mr JAMES MADDOCK. ORK.—City of Cork St -am Packet Co., Limited, Penrose Qø3 AMBR1 o7n liS*' UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS BJSTWBJIN LIVERPOOL AND PHILADELPHIA, Taking passengers, WITHOCT axiiiA CHAFTON, to— NEW YORK, OB BOSTON. i ftirst-class fuh-powered Iron Steamships, are appointed W ( From LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY. Next Sailings are ÜH!O u W ht. ¡¡, SsYLVAHU WKDNKSDAY, I'ar. 15 LORD CLIVia WJSOSESDAY. M r. INDIAN a WEDNESDAY, Mar. 29 ILtilNOIS. WBONBSDAY. Ap.il cIIY OF BRI>TOL. WBDNKBDAY, April '2^ Calling at Queenstown tne following day to emoarE This is th" only Trans-Atlantic Line sailing under the U Itd States Flag, and the accommodation for Passengers is equal40 in the European Steamship Lines. tfhsrf Passengers and Goods are landed at Philadelphia on the of the PaNNSYLVANiA RAILROAO COMPAKY, which is the and most direct route to all places in the Western State ,-alJ CABIN PASSAGE 12 to 21 guineas. Return tickets «.t red* rates. Sadist STEERAGE PASSAGE as 1 ow as any other fast line,in fTffi an imple supply of Provisions, cooked and served up Compiny's stewards. iS INTERMEDIATE PASSAGE, including oeas, Bedding, necessary utensils, and a separate table, £ 7 7a. For further tnfonnation, apply to RICHARDSON, -PENCE, & CO., 17 and 19, Water-Street, Uverpff^^ Or to JAICBS ATSE, 162, Bute-road, Cardiff Joan 24, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; DAVID DA visa, 2, Street, Aberdare. AILAN li»*' ^■r i MlTiiiii 8H0RTSST O0BAB PASSAftB 10 A M ERICA ot Twenty First-class Royal Mail SueMtt^f bAILIno DAYS—From Liverpool, every Tuesday and Canada, and every alternate Tuesday to jalifax and B*1 f/fi orwarding passengers on eaey terms to all parts of OI3*0* the United States. # burgeon and Stewardesses provided free for ail ota* Passenger;1 Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving A met at the Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed he Company, who takes charge of them an til they i° on the steamer. S t1f ilit Canadian Government grants ASSISTED PASSkG]go by the ALLAN LINE to Married Farm Labourers and Fenisl* mastic Servants. _.g Foi Kates of Freight or i assago, apply to Allan Brotne gtjd, Co., Alexandra Buiidings, James-street, Liverpool, or to j, 46, Bute-sfeet, CardUf; T. J. Buse, 29, Page-street, i). Oxford-etreet, Swansea; W. H. ioseley, Wind-street, S. Tloipas, British Schools, Llandovery J. R. Daniel, St. tree I, Cardigan, W. Miltrn Locke, Tredegar-place, Bridge-» Newport, Mon. SKATING RINKS. SKATIljG RINØ JLXI SKATING RINKS. C. BRADSH&W, SEN., AND CO., WEST OF ENuLAND ASPHALTE WORKS, CHAPEL-STREET, ST. PHILIP'S. BRISTOl* Manufacturer of the Celebrated LIMMER SKACING RINKS, AND ALL KlXiiS OF BASEMENT FLOORS AND ROOFS, WITH TUB PURE LIMMER ASPHALTE, As Imported by them, Direct from the Mines. 2625 For Price and Particulars apply as above. Post Free, Price 1" 6d.. fCjS LA YRAIE PRONONCtATION FRANCA^ By Professor A. CAUYET. ia Addr the Author 8, RUE CASTIGLIONE, PAR1>^ -— f VISITORS TO Will V Will Meet with Comfort and Moderate Charges, at the HOTEL DE LONDRIsS EL1 DE MiLAN, BEKETTA, PBOPBI1TOS,, Rue Saint Hyacinth? —Saint Honore, near the Tui,eIr"^j It- l-O'.ims from 2s. per day with board and wine included, _jirf Ar anuemeuts made with families. '«r Cook's Hotel CO r are rt enved iu this Hotel. UNMER'S ENGLISH AND AMiRxC^ T A'.J i' CT. 65, Rue Ncuve St-AUGUSTIN", P-sRIS. Furnished and Unfurnished Apartments, Hotels, Houses, Schools, Busimss-Establishrcents, (^ourieis, 1° ters, Professors, Governes>ei<, etc recomcnended. ALL INFORMATION GRATIS. r; i' Revised Annually. «rt ti* i^AJ XGNANI S PARIS QVlV™ With Coloured MAP Price 5&, or with Sixty Stee Engravin 1.. London: Simpkin. Marshall, and Co., and all boo ^Yj^LE^HERBES WINE SHAPES. ,øJ. Medal, 1873. H. LARGIES. & CO., Diplome d'SoIØ 32, Boulevaru Maiesherbes, PARI Houses in BORDEAUX, 49, Pave des Chartrons, LOND" • and MALAGA. Tjt, FORKISHBD ApARiMEirrs.—LISTS AND InpoiuiatiosGS^ I", DUCATION IN PAP-112, Joi BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLE FOUNDSD IN 1834. „ M. LOUBENS, Princijial, 48, KU DU ROCIIEF-00 TBRMS ON APPLICATION. A~ MERICA7—100,000 ACRES FALM1NG LAND in AMERICA for SALE, in 1,0 suit Purchasers, AT FROM £ 3 TO £ 4 PER ACRE. opeO. The Land is situated in S< uih-Western Minnesota, and roiling Prairie of unsui passed fertiliy, and nil ready »yg plough. The clima e is as h, althy as any known, so MUCII to have made the State a resort ior invalids.fltfttjW Very unusual opportunities are now presented for pl' £ >n Fa.rmill <lnd Investment in thi portion of the State. eft jØ Droughts, which are such a frequent cause of loss to forlue the West, have never been known in this regton. boljpi The is interspersed with beautiful Lakes, which* in Fish, and Wild Fowl are filentifuh The Land can be made to pay from £ 8 to £ 12 per certain crops recently introduced, or say a profit of from oJl. ONE HUNDRED TO TWO HUNDRED PER CENT- THE TO 1 AL OU "LAY, so THAT Wrrll £ 1,000 CAPITAL, PitOPERLY MANAGED, raVn FROM £ 1,000 TO £ 2,000 PER YEAR CaN BE Ra'ALl^^ And proporaonately for larger amount* of capital; a* full particulars, giving details of the farming, etc will be fufl wjtJ to applicants but, no one is ad-ised toauempt the less than £ 500 capital. JL Concerning the Land, &e applicants wiU be referred Excel eney the Governor of the state, and to prominent Merchants, and others, in Loud n, Liverpool, NewYori. Paul, aud elsewhere, and as +o the profitableness f *fo&' there, to parties who have purchased Land, and are now ing their Farms. For full particulars cail upon, or address, v TII b. AMERICAN LAND COMPAN* »o59 U S, FLEET-STRf.-T, ONDON. uTE PATENTS FOR INVENTIONS AT S° • AND AB oAD. HEGIS1 RATION OF DESIGNS, TRADE MAR* TRANSLATIONS, DRAWINGS, &c. MR. M. HENRY, ..r PATENT REGISTRATION AND COfYRIGHT AGE* Pamphlet of information sent free by po „^pO^' FLEET CHAMBERS, 63, FLEET-STREET, E C., L 31ö8 OW~to MAKE MONEY by By CHARLES BA vLOVV. Uhird Fd.iton. E- pages, avo. Ill stratod Cov- Contents .j.jj'r ti ns as to procuring pa'ents, value f pito -t- S3'^ ^ity CO*6' graiioing lice..c s, a aunni; nts, sa'e to .imiteu i jme»» panics, vxlue of f reign pat -n s sug .esti<>n8 ior tn-e^ t-rrtm to» of ihe law of patents, verbatim copy f lett rs p; u, of Crown, the A-1 (in full) re-'>tive to fraudulent m» chatidise, ai d the use of the words p a' <|ie y>ri,iC'P^| synopsis of pat»nt laws ot Great Britaia, a" j' B* foreign states. America &c. Free by jiost. 14 j^,udO"» ami Co., 23 SouthamDton Buildings, Chancer. gW W..