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fBEPAID TARIFF FO& „ SHALL ADVERTISEMENTS. tSOBTH WALES DAILY KEWS.!8^ ln*er- tlOD3 in | (Daily News \TORD3. One Three Six & Or.CE in Insertion, Insertions. (Insertions Cardiff | Times. | | (Daily News WON>3. One Three Six | & Or.CE in Insertion, Insertions. (Insertions Cardiff | Times. I Z d. g. d. ) ». d. ) g. d. 18 Words 0 6 1 0 I 1 6 2 0 7 W 0rds I 0 9|1G|23|30 Words I 1 0 j 2 0~ I 3 0 | 4 0 45 Words I 1 3 I 2 G I 3 9 I 5 0 sTWords I 1 6 I 3 0 I 4: 6 I G Õ Eachextr*\ I ) line of 0 3 0 6 0 9 { 1 0 9 Wards) I 1 These charges apply only to the classes of adrertise- ment 8¡¡t¡ed below, and are strictly COJfiDed to thoSti which arc-ordered for COXSECUTIYE in;omžoD, aad. paotfob rnsvious TO if either of these conditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be charged b) the Business sea-Ie :— APA TMSNTS WANTED. ¡ ITCUSRS TO BE LIlT. APA RTMKNT3 TO LET. MOSEY WANT-TO. ARIICLBS LOST. MONEY TO LEXD. AJLTICI.K3 FOUND. MISCELLAKEOUS WANTS. BOSTNESSKS F-O-T DrarosAt. I MISCSLLAXEOUS SALES. BUSIXESSSS W\!{7I:D. PARTNERSHIPS W A. HOUSES TO LET. SITUATIONS WASTED. v- UUvran SrrU.4TION8 W ivrei* Persona answering Advertisements in the South TVales Daily News arc requested to attend to the following ex- p'.aaations: Address to an initial (or number) at the Office means that application must be by letter cniy, directed to the initial or number at the Daily Aetcs OtSce (as A, D. C., or No 123, Daily Seus Olfice). Apply at the Daily A iv:i Office means that personal appliClttinn must be made at the Daily Aews Oifice, where the aidre-8 of the Advertiser will ba given. Persons answering AuvntKemerits are strongly ad vised not to send original testimonials, but copies ONLY. Tvraon3 sending Ariv^tisernents iu Manuscript may istimate the snaco they wiil occupy by calculating r:i1;ht Wordoto a liue, and twelve 1il103 to an inch. While we use cur utmost endeavours to insert Adver- tisements on the dates ordered, we cannot guarantee that this will bo done. Great care is also taken to secure t' -e corred printing or Advertisements, 1m "e cannot be i ^sponsible for inaccuracies, 01' for tmy consequences arising therefrom. Cheques and IVit-oHJce Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN &SUNS, 75 7o, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. to whom an Bn.ÚleS5 Communications should bc ad. dressed. Letters containing NNVS or LITERARY COSTRI- ETMOHS should be addressed: "THE EDITOR, Scuth. Wales Daily A>ws,■ CARDIFF." -.———LJ.J..mm. Jt&eriisers are in formed TfiaZ tJtt postal azctnarv ties have recently instructed postmasters not to deliver any Utters addressed to initials, figures, or fictitious names At the Post-office, but to send the same at once to the Dead Letter Office. Advertisers are therefore recommended to give their proyir name, cr to select some other ad- dress for their letters. Letters WId be rccetved far advertisers at our chief and district offices at ktnUifore. PERSONAL. ——— WANTED, the Gentleman that wrote from London ahont Wagonežtc. Please write ajjain.—David Jones, West Cross, Swansea. 5653 MUSICAL. A SECOND-HAND COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, full compass, iii walnut to bo sold for £ 11 10a. —129, Severn-road, Canton. 31604 MR F. ATKINS, Mas. Bac., Oxon, Teacher'of the Fianotorte and Singing. 21 years' experience in the art of teaching. Terms, 30s per quarter. Post-eardLa addressed Femley House, Cardiff, attended to. 1367 EDUCATIONAL anted, for Janu ry 6th, 1879, an ASSISTANT ".UiTKESS. Salary, £ 40.—Apply, with referen- ces, to Serr^.ary, British School, Glynneath. 8691 OMESTIO SERVANTS. Bl'l'LER also Young Man under him, yT Good whores.—Apply, w.th enclosed envelope, M > wodfrej, Turk-street, London, W. 5645 4 rANTED, PARLOURMAID, £29; thorough > V HOUSEMAID, £18; PLAIN COOK, &20. Enclose envelope.—Mrs Godfrey, Park street, Grosvenor- 'qn.1'e, V/. £ C4o -=- CLERKS, ASSISTANTS, &c., -WANTED. W ANTED, an Office CW.RK.—Apply to the Bearis- trar, County Court OlTice, St Mary-street, Cardiff. 5631 .SITUATIONS VACANT. DRA I'EIVX-Lewis Lewi?, Swansea, has a Vacancy for an experienced youag man (Welsh). 5696 CHEMIST'S APPRENTICE.—Wanted, a well-educated, gentleroan'y YOUTH as such.—Apply Mr Ford, Pontypool. 58629 BASSRS.—Wanted, a good BREAD BAKER, 11 willing to tie useîè41. for aOC¡llt a fortnight. — Apply ;t^>nce, stating wages, &o., to W. Rees, Maesteg. 5890 WANTED, immediatrfy, L DY to manage easy VV business; experience not absolutely necessary alary E3 Clifton. 5071 WANTED, immediately, TAtLORS. Apply to J Thoma-jGibb in, B .nvllstOite, near Cardiff. 5672 TO PRINTEPvS.—w."anted immediately a good HAND at CASE ai! PR: S 5. Mi?t andergtmd English 'i Welsh, and be wall up in jobbing.—Apply to D. Troovky. 307^1 JBICHARD3, Chemist, Abcrdare, is in immediate want of a JUNIOR or 1MPKOVER. Must speak Welsh, tate ivfovenca'j, fto; 56C7 TO GROCERS' ASSISTANTS. — V/antod a good JUNIOR IT AND.—Apply personally to J. A. V«i!ton and Co., Shipping Groccrs, 58, James-street, ■) xks, Cardiff, 39733 WANTKD an experienced YOUNG MAN, also an APPRENTICE.—Apply, E. and J. Lloyd, Drane-s, ;ntre, l'ontyprii'd. 5637 ^T^TANTKD, a MiLLINEi;, who is willing to attend fy to the courier and C3n speak 'V cl:h.-App1y to V.'m. Harris, 172, High-street, Dowiais. 5641 A PPREXTTCn.—Waiited a respectable Boy as Ai'PUr'.N IICE at the "South Wales Daily XCWiI", 'Iftee. k N ENGINEER in the principal ae -port cf South -'å.. Wales eou1,1. take another sharp LAD, age about ■, a; pupil. lIe would receive sound meclamcal train- ig in marine, colliery, and genera1 engineering; (haw- ing. mathematics, aud mechanics; 3.Jso the commercial experience "f a large engineering, salary and commis- son, agency and eontractint; business. Arrangement3 tvould tie mads for the pupil to go through th shnp3 of a large firm of Engineers and Shipbuilders (whom he re- presents), and afterwards to sea.—Address, Engineer, Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 372 AGENCIES, TRAVELLERS, &c. j l.iiPLOYMENT a.t HOME, Male or Female. No 1:A previous knowIoJga full directions, 7 stamps.— Secretary, n, North-road, 11; de Park, Vi, F-CS4 TJT^NERGETIC AGENTS wanted everywhere. No ri. lt £ 2 to £ t weekly with ease grC:1.t success rue I ■hance. Sen l addressed envelope, S. Bed'ord and Wilson, Tooley gtreet, Lon lon. 5173 CENT VV VM'tljj to Soil Fiue LUiiRiC ATtNG OILS: Commission Liberal. J.B., 1, York Villas, Richmond, S.W. 5402 i 'J U AT ION SW ANTED^ rflo OROCKit>Wanted, a SITUATION as ASS7ST- J. ANT, w Vea l or retail. Good reference.—J. u., South WaL, l'a iv 5G37 ffTTTANTED, Situation under Cook as improTer. y Y JiWagei. low.0 19. —Address A.B., tLÐ Linrary, "arberth. 566., j ANTED a Situation as Pook-lroeper, Cashier, 7 Y Cterk, or Traveller, by fn active young man, .ad 32 year 0rui married. Knows South Wales well, ind Call sp?k Welsh, The highest refrence as tiJ character, energy, ,and experience.— Address, B.Z., Sooth Wales Daily News office, Cardiff., 30577 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. OLD IRON WANTED.- Old Wrollxht and Cast Pots and Stan Morsels, ReSnery Crusts, Iron Scale, hearings. Rails, Pipes, &c., wdiited.—Address J. L. I >wen and Co., L'anelly. 30396 I ITTantED, a SECOND-HAND PERFORATED CLAY ?' y PAN, :\bol1t 7 feet diam,t¡>1", in gnod working order.—Apply, stating price, &c., to Mr.rgan Brothers and Jones, Bnckmakers, Beau;ort, R.S.O. 56S5 IT ARC-E SHED, or ROOMY BUILDING o! 2 or 8 '-■Ljt floors Wanted, in or near Cardiff one with rail- uy convemellce preferred.—App'.y, giving particulars, Evans and Owen, Bath, 5658 1TANTED to PURCTiASE for Cash, 01" to EX- CHANGS, old lij.right PIANOFORTES, less in five feet 'n l.eight.—Aiipiy by letter to Dale, Forty md Co., Cheltenham. 5609 i TTANTED, pair of Young Carriage HORSES, not VY under K, hands, n.nd free from vice.- irticu'ars to Mr Mi'.nard, Norton Lo !^c, Swansea. 5- 51 ANTED, go ,d second-hsr.d WAGON*El°ri2, viitb romovsabie iie*d.—Particu ais to David J r.es, romovsabie iie*d.—Particu ais to David J r.es, !e3t Cross, Sivansea. 5C32 ANTED, SECOND-HAND Wi'.IGHING MACHINE, T to weigh cart loaded not 1333 than two tons. • nd price particulars to J. J. Charles, Ebbw Vale. 563G v,¥7" AJfTiED ><) PURCHASE. BOOKS in any quantity. TT —J. F. Meehan,second hand Bookseller, Postern, nøea. 39*200 LODGINGS, APAR. Ao. A BKtiROOM an i DRA '.v ING-ROOM'rTumished, nt ,-1. Ely-road, with attendance.—Address, D. P., "Daily TO lit:"—HOUSES7lani>» &c. 4 >LNARTH.—To LET, HOUSE, 1 furnished. Also suites of offices at No 4, Mount :'iart-S'-iaaare, Cardiff.—Apply to G. 8. Stowe. 39776 »RIDG £ «D.-ToL«T, a SEMI DETACHED VII«LAb iL) containing seven rooms, lawn, jfarden, &c. position south aspect, we!! 6he!tered.-Appl,r W. J. Levris, Cagderwen, Bridgend. 5689 M'ALL FARM of 4aeres t«> LBT! IIPIPfiliate po» f' "J session. Kent £80: Ingoing, inclndlsg, hay, Jot3, Ac., ^55.—Ful! particulars of li,. Panther Taylor, Auctioneer and Accountant, Monmouth-. PENARTH.—A we 1 furnished HOUSE TO LET, on Beneh-road, rent moderate.—Address, Mri WiiHaras, Gtreenhiir, Pcnarth. _S650 JIO ^9 VET, with immediate possession. SURREY M. VILLA, 50, Elm-street, Roath, Cardiff.—Apply at t. Elm street. 56:,7 "ro re-iecorated few Dbs ai'°-—*pply to lhos. Williams, Pembroke I (jur, Conway-road, Cauton. 39703 Oa Hn £ i^E ROOMED HOUSfJ, "VS. 5?^ ™ *,n3*ion, 15 irinutes walk from lf«b-Stre#t. -av^uon. Swansea.—Apply W. C. Amcry. 2, Col'6^-3t?e^t. RPD LET -W! ^?phire^trCljt] £ Roath.—Aj'ply at 11, Jwnea-gtreet, Cattle-road, ,oath. 6631) I J^O be LET, N t1, RT ANDREW'S CRESCENT Cardiff. Goo.i faliiny «5'd.e"c«t ^th a» juotwi conveniences.—Apply at No 14, £ >t Andrew s Crescent AA-I -T SIH14 TO BE rO be LET, HCH'SE and SHOP, S'.i tabje for a Grocer i. or Greengrocer, roner of Dudley-st eet and Velyn-stre >t, Docks, Cardiff.—Apply, R- Nasn, 8t. J.!m-Etreet.. f lAHDIFF. -"To ba LET, extensire PREMISES. No. \_j 30, Dlike-street, lately occupied by Mr ,1^7^ lorgan. eabitctraaier. Shop 00 feet long, with SHOW- ROOM of corresponding sise on first floor. Good collar- fe and store-njcEa. Apply to Mr John W. Vacheli, ;<i.rdi& IIAØOf TO LET. Fine 3-storey WAREHOUSE and Rooray [ CELLAR, situated in Mount Stusrt-square, Cardiff, close to the Docks, and admirably adapted for Whole3&le Provision or Ship Store Merehants.-Appll Palmer, Morgan & Co., Docks, Cardiff. 34624 BEYNMAWR.—To LET a Double-licensed PUBLIC- J[) HOUSE, in the best position in the Town. Rent and incoming low.-Apply to A. Bircham, and.Co. Rbymney. S9511 VALUABLE BUSINESS PREMISES.—To be LET, with p03Se,¡;it.n by the 21st Janu .ry next, the valuable PREMISES in St Mary-street, Cardiff, formerly occupied by the late Dr Wallace. These premises occupy one of the bast situatious for business purposes m Car- diff, being on the corncr of Wood-street, Westgate-street, and St Mary street, and having a frontage to all three streets of about 170 feet. The premises comprise a well appointed Dwelling-house and Surgery, with Stable and C('ach-'1°¡¡3é bat can he re:1.dil¡ convorted to suit almost any class of business. Will be let on a yearly tenancy, or for a term of years if desired-Apply to Messrs J. aTid M. Gunn, Mount Stuart Graving Dock. Cr.rdiiT. 39413 -=- BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. TO be LET, on a long all that desirrvble J[ COMMERCIAL and FAMILY TEMPERANCE IiOTl.L, known ai the "Wav*rloy Hotel," Charks- Btreet, Cardiff. M0St re.3pect:1.ble neighbourl1ood; doing a good tcadc. Furniture and effects at a valuation.— Apply on the Premises. T. S. Huntley, proprietor. 39763 /GENUINE full-licensed HOUSE to LET in Mon- mouth. Incoming about £ 100. Also old-established COUSTRY HOTEL; and POSTING IIOUE. Incoming about £ 400.—Apply, E. Panther Taylor, Accountant and Auctioneer, Monmouth. 5674 CARDIFF.—A first-class Commerc'al HOTEL, situ-.te in a very rising part of the town, and in dose proximity to a raiiway station. Incoming, with long1 Loaso, £ 2,100.—Messrs John Jeukim anfl Co., Philhar- monic Chambers, Cardiff. 5626 CARDIFF.—Full-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE in "a rising suburb. Good trade; rent and terms rea.s-nab1e:-Appèy to Mes John Jenkiu3 and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5625 CARDTFF.-Capital free Single-licensed PUBLIC HJUSE, in a popular :1ei,bboUIhood; recently improved. £ 253 cash; good lea.ae.-John Jenkins- lId Co., Auctioneers, 4c., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardlfi. 5679 CARDIFF.—Compact Double-licensed Public House, in a thriving neighbourhood, Skittle Al:ey and a good Club attached. Rent £ 35. Incoming £ 350, with immediate pC\31c8sion.-Apply to John Jenkins and Co., Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5680 CARDIFF.—Old-established Full-licensed HOUSE, in principal thoroughfare. Satisfactory raasol13 for leaving.—John Jenkins and Co., Cardiff. 5661 DINING-ROOMS. Centrally sitnato-J. Well fitted un, and with immediate posses3ion. John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5662 F~ ntST-ClIvSS DOljIiLE-IJCIiNSEDTlJBLIC-nOU3E in all important suburb of Cardiff; spacious and convenient; ingoing £2,000, wit I long lease and very large inventory; satisfactory reaso ns for leaving,—Apply John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5660 TO be LET, Mill Lane Foundry, Cardiff, with imme- diate possession, together with a qunntity of Machinery for carrying on the business.—Apply to Machinery for carrying on the business.—Apply to Messrs Stephenson, Alexander, and Co. 39708 T'O PAWNBROKERS AND OUTFITTERS.—TWO BUSINESSES for DISPOSAL, situate in two of the principal towns in South Wales; incoming made easy.—Apply F. J. Waif, Auctioneer, Pontypool. 5635 DRAPERY.—To l>e Disposed of, a genuine BUSI- NESS, doing a good medium trade, situated in the beat street. Fixture iilcluùed in the rent; no stock. S3Itiiclfa.ctory reason for disiilJg.-App]y J. U. Thomas, Cambrian House, Llanelly. 5081 DRAPERS. TO DRAPERS DISPOSING OF OR TAKING A BUSINESS. APPLY TO CHAS. SIDNEY BEECPvOFT ND SON, VALUERS OF Drapery, Ready-nmdes, and Fixtures, LUTON and LONDON. 14060 FOR SALR—HOU1E3, LAND, &c. ESTATE, SOUTH WALES.—On SALE, most desir- able ESTATE, with Raiidence, &c.—J, Marsdcn, 96, Dcansgate, Manchester. 5638 BROAD QUAY, BRISTOL.—A newly-erected BUSI- NESS PREMISES for SALE, suitable for Ship- chanplers, Brokers, and others.—For particulars, apply F. J. Wall, Auctioneer, Market-street, Tontypool. 5634 SWANSEA.—For SALE, two valuable well-built semi- detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as No 1 and 2, Mnckworth Villas, 11ackworth-st:-ect, St Thomas. Recently put bto thorough repair through- out. A bargain.—Apply to John F. Harvey and Co., Auctioneers, 1 i, Fisher-street, Swansea. 5042 FOR SALE, Nos. 40 and 41, Woodnlle-terrace, Cat- hays, with back ent.-enccs.— Apply 29, Bridge. street, Cardiff. C633 FOR SALE. —Mi&CELLANEO US. WANTED. Offers for about 5CO tons of Old Railway 't' Chairs, delivered at any railway station on the London and Korth We3tern R:1.iJway-Sout'l Wales. C ush on delivery.- Address Charles Maynard, Newport, Man. 56S7 MO BE ,3,)LD CHEAP, Twelve BarreP-Picce of Hard 1 W JO'—Apply at the Wheat Sheaf Hotel, Meithyr Tydfil, 56d6 BARK" CHILI," 14'5 tons register, carries 600 tons dead weight built at Liverpool in 1857 in a very expensive manner, end classed Al 13 years was con- tinued at Bristol in 1872 At nine years retreenailed bad new decks, &c. passed half time survey in 1875. She is an exceedingly strong, useful vessel, and well found and fitetl now due at Dundee with a cargo oi tnno from Peru.—Apply to Charles Hill and Sons, Cardiff, or Bristol. 5073 BARK "VENUS," 311 tens register, carries 460 tons dead weight built at Bristol in 1854 classed Al 14 years flanked principally with teak last year was scraped bright inside and out; specially surveyed aud cJasBed Be-ven years.>1 Red in English Lloyd. Is now at Cardiff, where she has just been caulked from gun- v.a'e to keel, and remetalled oyer felt, 22, 24, and 26 oz. mta1. mid supplied with new bowsprit and sone now spars.— Apply to Charles Hill and Sons, Cardiff, or Bristol. 5673 ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS, from Carriage free. Inscriptions accurate and beauti- ful. Plans and prices from Le^-ge, Sculptor, Aberdeen. 5670 mO BATCHERS and SAUSAGE MAKERS.—Always B on hlmd, a quantitj- of Cambride sausage skins, price Is per lb.; saveloy skins, price lOdper lb. poioney skins, ¡:rice 2d per 1b. German sausage skias, 2s per dozen.—Tiionias Harrison, Ea?t Water Laue, Bank, Lceda. 5606 PRIME Cooking and Dessert Keeping APPLES, 16:> Gd per cwt. — casks included.—Orders payable, L. Buckiand, Market Tavern, Hereford. 5507 WANTED, PURCHASERS for socond-hand V, Foreign and English SCHOOLBOOKS.—T. F. Meahan, Postern, Swansea. 30200 T JONES, Penarth-road for good Ground a MORTAR. 34035 I7URE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFEfiTobMf^and best. Apply to Cyrus Price & Co., Safe and Works, Wedne.-Sriekl Road, VYorveri/witpton..SlltK FOR SALE.—LIVE STOCK, CAR- RIAGES, TO BE SOLD, a good and useful CCB, goes weii in Jg_ harness, price £ 12.—Apply t) t'ae Superintendent, Citi.ton Market Stables, Canton. 39778iJ HANDSOME GRAY MARE, 14 hands, 4 years old; L good action heen riddal1 to hounds one season quiet in harness; aperieot lady's hack.—Apply. Splt- iandi Inn, Cardiff. ♦ SCSI FOR SALE, a handsome BTlOUGflAM, nearly new; very cheap.—Apply to F. Primavesi, King's Hill, Ncwpoit, Mon. 5/:32 PEA FOWLS for sale in one Lot. Two full-grown cocks 15s each one hen with four chickens, lus each. Hampers extra.—David Joncs, Glandare, Abcrdare. 5069 XT',OR SALE or Hire, 20 good sound Working HORSES -B? m —Apply stud Groom, Circus, Swansea. S9715 COAL WAGQHJS AND COLLIERY RWUISITES. GEORGE W. AKMSTRONO. 1, MOUNT bTUART-30TJARE, AND EAST-MOOR^ CAR! IFF, RAILWAY WAGON" AGENT, BROKER AND CONTRACTOR. CASH ADVANCES arranged on all kinds of Ro!!in» Stock. NEW and SECOND-HAND WAGONS let on simple hire, or redemption payments. 80379 .o!L_ FORSALE=:MACmNERY, 1:00,-&c. BOILERS ON SALE.-FOUR GALLOWAY'S PATENT BOILERS, SO ft by 7 n. sai to work at 70 Ib8 on the 3quare inch. TWO BOILERS, 28 a. by 7 ft, with two flues through, TWO BOILERS, 23 ft by 7 it, two flues through. ONE BOILER, 20 ft by 7 ft, two flues through. ONE BOILER, 18 ft by 6 ft. one flue through. Also several smaller sizes. Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street, BOLTON. ON SALE, ONE 10"horse power double cylinder POitTAE^ i. iiNGINT, for winding. UNE 12-horac power PORTABLE ENGINE, l«Mi<wse power PORTABLE ENGINE, Xvi- PoWer PORTABLE ENGINE. O.N b fc-horje power PORTABLE ENGINE. Lqual to new, acut -ArtH oo soli cheao BOLTON10 H £ NRY PAHKISfaoH; Foundry-strse ON SALE. ONE PAIR of 25-in h«rixontal WINDING ENGINES'. ONE PAIR of 18-S ^rizonW WINDING EN^INRS. uonzontai ONE PAIR of 16-iu horizontal V/INDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of lo in horiaontal WINDING ENGINES'. ONE PAIR of 12-in horiWllhl WINDING ESGINES. OSK PAW. of horizontal WINDING ENGINES. ONE PAIR of 7-in horizontal WINDING ENGINES. The abova engines are now ready for delivery, and fitted with winding drum and break gear te each pair at ongrines. Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street. BOLTOH. /^V-N SALE, ONE Pair of lain, horizontal WINDING V/ ENtiH<NESs fiUed wkb winding dram and brake eofoplete Apply, H PARKINSON, Foundry street, BOLTON. SALE, on Pair of 10-inch Horizontal WINDING 7 8NGFNES, with winding drum slid brake com- plete.—Apply, H. PARKINSON. Foundry-street, nOr,TON.. OK SALS, two Coroisft FOILERS, SSH bp lit ter two Oios through each gafeat (tOfbs l^csstrre- workinst.—Apply H. PARKINbON. Foandry -street, tOi/toN. d SALff, ONE Pair IS-lneh Eigh-preasure, HoriSon- vr tal ENGINK^, for win ling, fitted v/fth slot-link mot.o.i; first eiasa pair of engiiies.—Apply. H. PARKIN- SOJf,. I-'oenriry-street, BOLTON. oALK, ONE Pair of 2.Vinolr Horizontal WINDING ENGINES stroke 4ft, with, winding-drum and bjaue couplets; are now quite ready for d*lii)ery.—An- pfr, PAttfclN.-jQN, Foundry-'treat, BOLTON. ON SAItE, ONE SS-horse power Double-cylinder Portable ENGINE, fitted whh slot-link motion, for winding; One29-borse power Donble-cythuier Portable Engine wrn be sold chew, and are in ftrst-ciass ordet. —Appty, H; PARKINSON. Foundry-street. BOLTON. 11498 1-OUIi LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES for SALE or HIRE. 1 Also for Sale, portable engines, steam cranes, over- head steam traveller, steam pile engine, saw bench with saws, true irt, tip waggons, wheelbarrows, rails, sleepers gantries with jennius, baulk timber and planks, and a brge quantity of Contractors' Plant too nUJDermu to l¡}entioJ1.-For particulars apply ta Xr John Griffiths, e<mtraGt»r, AlexandraDock, Newport, Mon. 5088 DRILLING, SCREWING, SLOTTED, SHAPING and PLANING MACHINES of various sizes in stock and progress; also, LATHES 7 inches to 14 inches centres, with latest improvements.—JOHN SPENCER, Tool Maker, Keighley, Yorkshire. 34309 OH SALE, one strong, wsll-buHt Condensing Beatn by a ftrst-clasa maker, equal to new cylin- ai»i' wni -2? horet 5-feet stroke. Can be seen cWiJing, C«ifl«swl» cheap. One close-built, self-contained on six stands cnindopendent bed Ac- good as rS5rd"r' hore, 4-feet»troke. {Soltolt. ofI&r ?- TMISOEIALANEOUA"' ? |T EPPLE ft. CO. S L- urnishiiig (JHI^ A and GLASS 1\. DEPOT, 3, Clare-street, Bristol. Newelt Designs. Lowest Prices. \T EPPLE & CO.'S COTTAGE DINNER SETS, O.ie | Guinea. Cheapest and Best.—3, Clare-street, • I E'KPPLE & CO.'S EARTOENWARE^ for Kitchen T purposes.—3, Clare-street, Bristol. T purposes.—3, Clare-street, Bristol. TTT- EPPLE CO.'S OilN A.MENTAL GOODS for B\. WEDDING and OTHER PRESENTS, immense Variety.—S, Clare-street, Bristol. KEPPLE & CO.'S Crystal Cut TABLE GLASS. Best Stourbridgc and Dudley make.-3, Clare-street, Bristol 39001 Certain Cure for NERVOUS Debility. GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing sufferers how they may be cared and recover Health and Vitality, witiiout the aid of (Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affections, Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir:I1ÎIJghan:. 4805 FITS FIT3 FITS!!—The one Certain Wire.—Try _E' Pike's FitPowder. Obtain of any Chemist. Whole- sale from Allen, Pearce and Co., 10 and 11, Bath-stree^, Bristol. COFFEE DANDELION COFFEE !—Schweitzer's CD, Is ami Is ell Tins. Obtain of any Chemist, or whole- sale of Allen, Pearee and Co., 10 and 11, Bath-street, Bristol. IMMENSE SLAUGHTER OF BUGS AND FLEAS.— JL Use only tchweitzer'D Insect Killer Obtain of any Chemist, or whole-sale of Allen, PC-arce and Co., 10 and 11, Bath-street, Bristol. X UXURY "LUXURY !—Schweitzer's Sea Salt in H A great denir.nd for Summer bathing. Obtain of any Chemist, or wholesale of Allen, Pearee and Co., 10 and 11, Bat-LI-sireet, Brit.teL W" HAT IS YOUR MONOGRAH.—Send 13 staanps io GLASS and Co., Cardiff, who will forward you 12 5heetø of noter^aper raid 12 envelopes stamped in colour with any one, tvpo. or three letters, and any laay A name. AUo GLA.S'S COMIC PACKETS, CONTAINING 11 different designs, SENT post free for 13 stamps, 5 quires of paper and 100 envelopes stamped in any colour for Es 6d. YOUR CARD. SIR ?—Sertd 48 6J to GLASS ind Co., Cardiif, who will engrave your name and punt you 100 Irary Cards, r.r.D forward them post frec BJ any address. TO MERCHANT, TRADESMEN, and Oihera. GLASS'S Patent Endorsiag; Machines, engraved wuh your nanie, buaiusss, a<l»iie23? from LO3 W. iOTJR NAME SIR. '—Your r.ame eRgravci on a Brass or Zinc plate for your door from 5s. GLASS'S Stcncil Piates for Marking Linen, See. Initials and tame, 29 6d Initials only, Is Cd, Sent post free to any address on receipt of stamps to GLASS & Co., EKGU,&.1.S Bir.G:KK<- ESS, and OAJREBAI. PRUTTEBS, SICKNESS OLD AGE, AND DEATH. FIN £ Tt<r\ at DEATH, for ONE SHILLING per Week. E&JL^WO £ 65, =-T Detth, for FIT TEEN SHILLINGS per week in Sickness, ior SIXPKNCE £.10 at Death, or 2S 6d per week in Sickness, for ONE PENNY per week, paid Monthly, by any one cbout THE ages d 20 to 23, to the WESTERN PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. Es- tablishod 1848. Presridont: Earl Forteseue; Vice-Presi- dents Lord Afcerdare, Rev D. Howell (Wrexham), John Cory, Esq., J.P. (Cardiff;, &c. Other sums at different age. for proportionate rates. Upon examination, the Society will be found to be the best in existence. SAFE and Cheap. It HAS entered more than ELEVEN THOU- SAND MEMBERS, and has paid to tLem mere than SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS in Benefits. It has saved and now invested ever FORTY-ONE THOUSAND POUNDS. Members incur no expenses, and are liable to no duties, fins*, or loss of time. Females may join. Rules Is each. For furt.her information, send stamp to Mr W. C. AMERY, Swansea 2148 y- R MONEY. MONEY invested on every class of security, -at half usual charges. Bills discounts!.—3, Elden-place, Clifton, Bristol. 5633 TO FEES.—Cash Advanted from JEBO to £J,OOOon borrowers' own security.—J. M'C-;<ITBY, 44, Com- mercial-street, Newport, Mon. Prospectuses forwarded gratis on appJic.1tion. 31300 TJ BUSE supplies LOANS Oil shipping launched, A or building debentures ana shares in companies, life assurance policies, HOUSES, shops or offices, wharves or warehouses, collieries, railway trucks. Also small sums leut on personal security', furniture, or moveable propertyBuse, 7, Swallsea. 3S593 MESSRS. W. a»l:S..ILFORN, Estate Agents; 15, Work- king-street, Citrdiff. are prepared to ADVANCE from £50 to £5,000 on MORTGAGE of Freenoid or Lease- hold Property and from £50 to £500 on personal security. 3Gæ{; DFH JTKMoney to LEND, in eonnectioe ^XVIVVV*— with Life Assurance, for thre8 Y9ARS nd upwards, ctmo<!emte rates. No office routine. Address, or appiy. K&R.ager, Assuranoo Offiue, 74, Crock* herbtown, Cardiff. 30934 TO FARMERS AND OTHERS.—SUMS from £ 10 to £ 1,000 advanced, in strict confidence, without delay, or personal sureties. No fe!1s.-Apply, hy letter, r, personally, to William P.;>well. Implement an1 Manure Agent, 1, Pundise-place, Cardiff. 83773 MR J. FREEMAN, 67, Commercial-street, and Cross-street, Newport, the oldest-establislie* Money Lender, still continues to Advance cash from a to £30, repayable weekly or monthly, to &J2 CLASSES, oi all kinds of security (without removal) at three lour. notice. Distance no object. 8J22 :;1650 MIDLAND Loan and Discount Company are now ad- vancing sums from £.3 to 300, at a few NOT ice, for short or long psriods to suit borrowers, on furniture, &c., without removal, and, if required, witiiout publicity.—Apply to Mr L. Barnott, 49, Bute- street, Cardiff. 31050 FINILRI WE'OT of ENGLAND Loan aud Discount Company advance Loans, from £ T0 to £ 500, without ilelay, to nouse'nolders, gentleincn, farmers, bnilders apd othcrtj upon notes of hand, leases, shares, household furniture anÜ other ileculities i.. strict confidence. I1.ep3.ya.ble bj EATY instalments. Trade bills discounted.—Apply I letter, or personally, to S. Blaiberjf, Manager, 2, liuti terraee, Cardiff; or 44, Commercial-street, NS-N-POP^ Mon. No fees or law costs. 9i08 SOUTH WALEs LOAN COMPANY.—Advances from {"3 £ 3 to £1,000 to all eksses, at a. few hours' notice, on Furniture, Stock, Jewellery, &c., without removal; dis- tance no objeet; repahle by Ð1OnthJ;y, fortnightly, or weekly instclments, to suit borrowers.—Apply, personally or by letter, I. Serine, 30, High-street, Swansea. Attend- anclat th6 Branch office, Upper Market-street, lliver- fordwest, every Wednesday, from 11 ;1..m., to 4 MONEY.—Gentlemen, Farmers, Tradesmen, and Others, who require money at one day's noticc, from £ 10 to £ 1,000, in town or country, on personal security, should apply, stating amount required, to Westminster Deposit Ba.nk, 216, Westminster Bridge- road, London. R. Parne/1, Manager. N.B.—The Public are particularly cautioned against long and alluring- advertisements in London a.nd country pipers. S4C37 THE CARDIFF and COUNTY LOAN and FURNISH- ING COMPANY Advance at a DaYi notice, frem to £200, to Private HOUSEHOLDERS, Farmers, Trades- men, and others, on their own security and in strict confidence. No Loan Otiice rc-utir.E; terms moderate; easy re-payments; distance no objection.—Appiy to I Samuel, M-.nager, 103, Bute-rord, CN-rdiff. 34564 YIONTMORLAIS LOAN OFFICE, MBRTHYR.—Money B. immediatclyadvanced from and upwards, by Mr W. R. Cohen, to Tradesmen, Householders, Far- mers, and others on their Stock-in-trade, Furniture. &c., without removal or inconvenience in any way. Repay- able by easy instalments. Distance no object. AU ap- plications punctually attended to. Swictly private. None gecuine refused.—Apply personally, or by letter, to 20 and 21, Pontmorlais, flcrttryi- Tydfil. C* R» ■" f\ d\ THE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL DEPOSIT BANK make ADVANCES from £10 to £1,500 at a day's notice in any part of Eng. huid or Wales to Gentlemen, Farmers, Tradesmen, and others upon note of hand alone, furniture, farm stock, LEAFE deeds, or jewellery, from one month tc) tea years, without sureties, publicity, law cost3, or delay.—Apply, stating amount required, to Mr K. Viliars, 117, G-eat RusseLl-street, Bioouisbury, London, W.C. N.B.—No connection with ¡l1su:ùne companWs or agnts. Privacy guaranteed. Write tor information and prospectus, and h,_d]y say -here yo_u.a'ht3 advertisement. 39256 To Persons Requiring Money. MONEY LENT BY the NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, LiMrrap. S Great Charles-street, Bir- mingham, from £.10 to £1,XO, at a day's notice, for short or longperiods, in Town or Country, without pub- licity, upon note of band alone, or upon mortgage of fur- niture, oek, plant, crops, and farming implements, without removal. Also upon deeds and life policies at £5 per cnt interest. No sureties required. Distance no object; the Bank having a large amount of capital at command, no good application is refused. Apply per- sonalis, or state amount required. DAVID TURNER, Manage?, N.B.—The above Bank lends more money annually than any two or three (put together) of the lsrgest Advance Offices throughout England. 5303 IJ10 J> ARTIES JPLURNISEINA jglCK'S FURNITURE BIC'K'S FOR THE MANSION. FOR THE VILLA. FOR THE COTTAGE. 7 AND 8, ST. JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL. JJICK'S JPURNITURE BICK'S DRAWING-ROOM, -t) DINING-ROOM, PARLOUR, KITCHEN. 7 & 8, ST JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL. JJICK'S YURNLTURE BICK'S THE MOST EXTENSIVE FURNITURE SHOWROOMS 39477 IN BRISTOL. 7 & 8, ST JAMES'S BARTON, BRISTOL. REMARKABLE TES TIMON^ A ■»> IN RARCTNT or + LIFE PILLS. RT WSUWYN, Herts, September, 13, 1S70. ywnjMEM,'—I s' all feet obliged if yoa will forward to ME another SUPPLY of LIFE PIILS for which I en. Close amount in payment. I have a eood DEMAND FOR your Medicine, and fre- ^U^A?L^W 0I ITS CVIRAT'TE powers; «ne cace ia really re- ABOM. tell. yeMs ago a Tradesman In this Vfflage, of regTi*flT aca temperate habfts, suddenly lost appetite aod strength, was under medical treatment for MONTHS with- out relief, and APPEAR^ to bo grviu»H- breaking up. Having been induced to try PARR'S LIF* PIU° H0 W„ at once relieved, in a few weaks oompietely restored, R-nd at the present time is stronger and more VIGOROUS thaa at any PRWIOUS period of his lite. Yours respectfully, EDMUND LA WHENCE. Messrs T. ROBERTS & Co.. Sold by appointment by alljrespectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in Boxes, Is lid, 2s 9d. and in Family Pictets, lis each.. „ THTFFEEXES'AT 3&9D coBfcan nearly three small, and tnose at lis contain nearly fivoat 2s 0D. Directions in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and English, are folded round eaeh box when so ordered. 39129 TO ALL WHO SVPFER from Indigestion. TO ALL WHO SUFFER from Headache. TO ALL WHO SUFFER from Bile. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS will be found invaluable, giving speedy and durable relief. These Pills, the recipe of the late Dr Scott, of Bromley, have now been before the Publio for 70 years as a. CEUSRAL AperieAt Family Medicine 1rlthout Mercury, anù may be relied upon as a euro for BILIOUS and LIVER. COMPLAINTS, INDIOESIIOX, WIND, SPASMS, FOCL BKEATH, NBKVOUS DEPRt;88[Q, IRJIAH- BILITT, LASSITI D' Loss OF APPRIRRA, NYSPWERI, HEART- DURN, Sotra EBCCXATIONS, LOWKSRS or SeiaiTs with sensa- tion of fulness at the pit of the STOMACH, GIDDINESS, Dizzensa of the EYES, and all those other symptoms wbioh none but a sufferer can describe, "fbey aro invalu- able for HABHVAI CoarrvwfEfis, SLuacisiafieM OY" LIVKR, or for persons suffering from PILES, and can be taken at any time without restraint from business or pleasure, hence they are a most valuable domestic medi- cine, being mild in their opperatioa, and grateful to the tttMNMh, giving a liealthfnl tone aed vigour to the dif- ferent secretions, causing the necessary organs of the Stomach and Liver-to resume their activity, thus restor- ing the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the whole system. Prepared only by W. LAMBSRT, lA, Vere-street, London, W., in boxes Is lid, and three TIMES the quantity to one 2s 9d, or post tree 15 or 3» ^XSAPC, and SOLD by all RESECTABLE medicine vendor# THIDSB&NOOT rtie worid. The genuuie In a gquaroteen —We^Tak? £ 0 other, i ublitl\tiO'u, mHIT MUSICAL TIMES. Priee Three JL pence. The largest and best Musical Journal THE MUSICAL TIMES for NOVEM- JL BE& contains: Sir George Eowyer on Musical Eduction-The Literdure of National Music (con- tinned) The Graat Composers sketched by them- selves: Beethoven (continued)——Production of Gounod's "Polyeucte" Norwich Musical Festival (by our Special Correspondent)- Occasional Notes Her Majesty's Theatre-Cry3tal Pahce-Choir Benevolent Fund Church Choir Assé>ci.1tion Reviews: Gounod's "Polyeuote"- Foreign and Country Notes. Christmas Anthem, Sing, 0 heavens," by Berthold Tour. Postage-free, 4d. Amual Subscription, 4s., in- cluding postage. Dedicated by Special Permission to II.R.II. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G. SONGS FOR SAILORS. Written by LO W. C. BENNETT: Set to Music by J. L. HATTON. One volume, octavo, containing Forty Songs:— Trafalgar. Saturday night at sea. Would you be a sailor's Duncan at Campardown. A fisher-wife's song. Rum. Nay, never cry lass. Rodney and De Grasse. A kiss to tak'3 to St8. From sea. Homeward bound. A wüe's song. The Nile. The winds, inconstant ever. Th3 apparition. Old Benbow. The Dutchman's broom. There'snuthinglike'asmoke. Take me, Jass, for life. The seaboy's dream. The fine old English admiral. A song of the sea. Ring, happy bells. The wife of a British sailor. The forsaken. 'V.. roam anù rule the sea. The sailor's dream. The homeward watch. Tc sea. Off to sea. Rooke in the Bay of La: A mother's ong. Hogue. Here we sit by our Christ- A thousand leasrues away. mas fire. Strike, and strike hard. A Christmas song. Were I that guli. Outward bound. liawke in Quilieron Bay, Herrings in the bay. Strike, andstrike hard. A Christmu song. Were I that guli. Outward bound. liawke in Quilieron Bay. Herrings in the bay. With Illustrated Cover and engraved Portrait of H.R.H. the Duks of Edinburgh, K-G. Prioe Three Shillings and Sixpence. London: NOVELLO, EWER, and Co., 1, Berner's Street, W., and 30 and 31, Queen Street, E.C., and of all Music- sellers in the Town. 39475 ^rr INTER L O T H I NG> W. BOYLE AND CO., MERCHANT TAILOB3 AKD CLOTHIERS, CKUKCH-STREET, CARDIFF, Invite inspection to oür Dew Autumn ad Winter Novelties in iJoy-i', Youths' and Men's Overcoats, Ulsters, Suits, Reefers and Weterproof Coats. They t'efl the newest designs in both materials and cut, and the prices will b3 found extraordinary cheap. BOYS YOUTHS k MEN'S OVERCOATS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S OVERCOATS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'3 OVERCOATS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S ULSTERS. BOYS YOUTHS & IZENS TJLHTEllB. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S ULSTERS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN S YACHTING JACKETS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S YACHTING 'JACKETS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S YACHTING JACKETS, BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S SUITS. BOYS YOUTHS & SUITS. BOYS YOUTHS & SUITS. BOYS YOUTHS & MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS. BOYS YOUTHS K MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS. BOYS YOUTHS k MEN'S WATERPROOF COATS. 59275 HATTERS, HOSIERS, AND OUTFITTERS. W. BOYLE AND CO., CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. J. J^EWTON&Co., TAILORS, BREECHES MAKERS, AND GENTLEMEN'S MERCER, 13, C ROC K II E It T 0 V.. N, CARDIFF. call special nttentlaD to their very choice selection of NEW ATTUMN and WINTER GOODS. Splendid styles in SCOTCH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS, which they are now offering at great advantages to cash custo- mers. A new and large stok of SHIRTS. COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS &c., &c. NlCHOiL's REOH3TERBD OVERCOATS, NJOHOLL'S LADIES' ULSTRRS, NICHOLL'S BOYS' Strrrs, AND OrnER GARMENTS. J. NEWTON & Co., Sole Agents for Cardiff and District. 39488-7005 NEW ILLUSTRATED HOW. FURNISHING GUIDE. 1000 SPLENDIDLY EXECUTED ENGRA. VINGS. NOW READY POST FREE FOR 12 STAMPS. FOR THE USE OF PARTIES FURNISHING. C. TRAPNELT,, HOUSE FURNISHER, 39, COLLEGE GREEN, BRISTOL, Beg5 1;.) annotmca the publication ell tho 1st of May, of,an Slitirely new ILLUSTRATED FURNISHING GUIDE, sontaining 200 pagC3 and 1000 Engravings. This Book is by tar the la.rgeJt and most complete of the kind ever issued and will be found of service in every grade and Ityle of partial or entire HOUSE FURNISHING. As the whole of the illustrations have been specially 11rt.,wn f,, this work, t'ley my be absolutely relied ej tor accuincy, and no mistake can be made by customers irdering from r, distance. COTTAGE FURNITURE, MIDDLE-CLASS FURNITURE, VILLA FURNITURE, HOTEL FURNITURE, MANSION FURNITURE. NEW GUIDE Just Published, 1000 Engravings POST FREE FOR 12 STAMPS. C. TRAPNELL, UPHOLSTERER & HOUSE FURNISHER, 39, COLLEGE GImEN, BRISTOL. ONE OF THE LARGEST HOUSE FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENTS IN ENGLAND 33S62 AVID ANDREW, TAILOR, HATTER, HOSIER, ETC., 52, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. SCOTCH HOMESPUN SUITS, to measure— 60s, 55s, 60s, 65s, and 703. SCOTCH, SAXONY, and WEST OF ENGLAND TROUSERS, to measure— 12s 6d, 14s 6d, 16* Cd, 185 Cd, and 21s. FRENCH AND WEST OF ENGLAND COATS AND JL' V ESTS to measure- 52s 6d, 53s, CO, 65s, and 70s CHEVIOT, BEAVER, PILOT, &c. OVERCOATS to measure, at extremely moderate prices. FLANNEL SHIRTS, WARRANTED UNSHRINKABLE; WHITE AND OXFORD SHIRTS i II AT S, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ic, ALL AT PRICES COMPARISON OF WHICH IS INVITED. Patterns Post Free. 39739 "0EBENHAM & JJ1WETT HOUSE FURNISHERS, AND WAREHOUSEMEN, CAVENDLSH HOUSE. CHELTENHAM. Hive TrfSfdck duplicates of many of the CARPETS noir showiog in the PARIS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. they are excellent in Design, Colouring, and Make, an4 'loonld be seen by persons about buying Carpets. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE. Patterns submitted on appplicatlon. 14575 WHOLESOME BREAD USE BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER JPOR PASTRY AND PUDDINGS USE BAKING POWDER "A WARDED FOUR GOLD MEDALS. 600,000 PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY. IT IS INVALUABLE ON BOARD SHIP. 7049 39621 CARDIFF AND PBNAR13I OMFFLUUSEA. ~e 10 1^ 0 2 80 4 55 7 » >*40 10 10 12 46 3'iO I 30 8 0 11 1G -1 20 8 S« 6 10 8 40 11 35 1 60 4 90 660 0 16 CARDIFF. dep 10 10 12 46 3'iO I 30 8 0 11 1G -1 20 S 5i 6 10 8 40 1135 1 60 4 90 660 915 1 5 30 ll lO 145 4 10 6 io 9 0 PSNARTH, dflp. f 9 0 0 12 2 15 i 4S 7 10 W«eJi(&ysk f 10 Q 1230 8 0 S 20 760 • ) 10 85 1 0 8 30 6 0 8 30 Latec B«as«s on gafcnitiays. SUNStAYS. CART>TPF I10 20 "5 a? 3 60 m¥ rr CARDIFF, o^> f 12 60 2 60 4 50 7^9 9 SO PENAMH <ta»l#'alW|f10 70 9 Q SEE THE "CARDIFF TBIES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS" FOR THE OPENING CHAPTERS OF "COWARD CONSCIENCE." By F. W. ROBINSON. A GOOD STORY, BY A GOOD WRITER, FOR A GOOD PURPOSE. T THE CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTH. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The Proprietors of the CARDIFF Trass AIm SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEws" have the pleasure of announcing that they have made arrangements for the publication of a series of POPULAR HISTORICAL ARTICLES Upon the principal, CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTH, BY J. ROLAND PHILLIPS, Barrister-at-Lav.of the South Wales Circuity and Author of the "Memoir, of the Civil War of Wales and the Marehes." The Articles will appear weekly in the CARDIFF TIMES eX tOUTII WALES WEEKLY NEWS, and will inciudo CARDIFF CASTLE. SWANSEA CASTLE. CAJERPIHLLY CASTLE. TINTJEBN ASSET. CARMABTHES CASTLE. HAVEKI'OKDWEST CASTLE. KAP.GAil ASSET. CARDIGAN CASTLE. CHEPSTOW CASTLE, LANTHONF ABBEY. NEATH ABBEY. PE5IBEOKE CASTLE. And various other Local CasHes and Abbeys. THE THREE FIRST ARTICTYS WILL APPEAR AS vor.R.owr" CAERPHILLY CASTLE. FRIDAY, Nov. 29. CHEPSTOW CASTLE.FRIDAY, DEC. 6. TINS C CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS." THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER FOR WALES. 72 Long Colu-fils-Prico 2d—72 Long Columns. THE NEW SERIAL TALE ENTITLED COlVARD CONSCIENCE tJ. By the Kell-knoicn icriter F. TV. ROBIN SO N, Is now appearing Kcekly, in the CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS* A synopsis of the rbo,pfer^ el read u published appears each week, enaUing readers to com- mence the 3torti in the currcat issue. NOTICES TO CORiiESPONDENTS. Correspondents will take notice that to fcure inser- tion in the South Wales Daily Kcics, their L:"toc¡ must be :1.$ b;ic{ as pC3;l)le, :nd shouid avoid all circumlocution ncd word-shunning. All communications should be logibly written in ink —on one side of the paper only; length increases tbc difficulty of finding spftce for them. Whatever is in tended for publb:.t1011 must- be autlienii- catcd by the nJiJT.a and address of the wr-ter-not nacae- Earily for piublieaUon, but as a guwantse oi good faith. We cannot undertake to return communications of which wc do not n.vaii ourselves. X, attention ear. oe paid to communications which d' ,t comply wit.h these rules. The SOTTTH WA*BS DAILY L?N!ws''casi be olitainad in London daily, immediately after Cho arrival aLthc ro.¡¡ a.m. Train, frcm Masses <fc book", PafltSngton. and from SFE- W. H. EITSSBIT, 84, Bouverie-street, Fieetstroet. P.e«de«ts in Svrsmsjea and. Suburb- experiencing say difficulty in receiving their pajjsrs at #n oariy hour caSi morning are reques^Bd to ooamiumfiiitsj wiSi the ASarsger Of the Swansea Oftiee, 2, Coi/ege-etreet. T

Family Notices


[No title]

[No title]

j"''.'1 ■ !'''"' ANOTHER COLLISION…









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