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ES FROM THE CLUBS. TEMPLE CLUB. Spefftion for latest intelligence from tthe has made itself apparent in the colnmna of a Dailies, threatens to introduce a new and (feature into the annals of our Press. Every ji.lt>ng string of telegrams, purporting to re- fullest details of Turkey's intentions, Rus- icta, and Lord Salisbury's instructions, adorns iral pages of the principal papers. At the best ire elaborated from a few words received from pondents, but in too many cases they consist of a rechaufft of any intelligence that can be ,ed at the Foreign Office. Out of this fortuitous ga of procuring telegrams, innumerable canards I sprung, whereof may be instanoed the rumour < Lord Salisbury had tendered an ultimatum to the fce. he Special Correspondents are bearing "their ishing honours thick upon them. Mr. Drew Gay, 3 representative of the Davy Telegraph, who, on ftral occasioap, was in the thick, of the fray in Ser- », ha? been by the Sultan. Mr. Forbes blicly received a similar honour from Prince Milan, ien he was about to return from Servia to the office the Daily News, in Fleet-street. It is stated that ) has recently addressed a very strong letter to the rinae, advocating a continuance of the struggle. His iatare, chiValiic to the pitch of a Don Quixote, would Ie more than likely to suggest such an epistle. While Commerce is clamouring for a war, under the (Mistaken impression that it would revive Trade, the priests and priestesses at the altar of Fashion are feeling sadly the bare rumours of hostilities that are current. The Czar, for instance, in view of certain qoitingencies, has curtailed his wonted grant to the Imperial Theatre, which will, in consequence, mourn t jijj** •b««nce of Patti this season. The Russians' loss, however, will ije our gain, inasmuch as Patti will jour- Say London wards. She receives in this city the respect- »umof 2Q0gomeas per night, with 100 guineas for •onoevtsfc Burthen every habitue of th# opera here does not rthia bon^den duty to fling th« fair Prima Donna •onwt^ng in the way of diamonds, whereas they of Moacow aad St. Petersburgh do. A «>-•"» pid^k to England fau bfl«a recently poblwhed bj P»riuan firm. Thecom- piler comments naively On the strange fondness of the English for the^nts of a Tub, and he recommends in a slightly half-hearted manner, that the French should bring up thsir children to love a bath likewise 1 eWlse. It seems as if his guide-book had been written in the I purlieus of Leicester-square, where French refugees do chiefly congregate. Evidently he regards the Briton chiefly congregate. Evidently he regards the Briton with astonishment, mingled with horror, the senti. I ments apparent in the writings of every Fretlch com- mentator upon England and the English save M. Taine, who really appreciated our nation and our habits. Mr. Laboucheres paper yclept Truth, which will make its appearance thk, week, will, it is promised, possess one curious novelty. Miss Henrietta Hodson, whose name is well known as that of a first-rate actress, will be the dramatic Censor of the paper, and will append her came to her criticisms. Now a lady's pen as a rule contains more than sufficient spleen, and L on the principle of the ironical aphorism that 41 Christians love one another." her strictures upon her sister crafts-women, should be venomous indeed. By-the-bye there is rather a neat paragraph in the advertisement of Truth. The propietor pronises that his journal shall be as kind to individuals as its name will permit, which, to say the least of it, is rathjr hard on individuals in general. An extraordinary circular ha; been recently dis- tributed in great namber by a clergman who must, most assuredly be JotMne. It prophesies that a series of startling events will shortly occur, and not •*& v Jrl. the Xeaft of tbaM "i "The translation d 144,000 Ouristians to heaven without dying." luis .8 a new outbreak of that form of religioos madness that has recently betrayed itself in the person of that ultra- Ritualist, the Rev. Mr. Tooth, incumbent of St. James', Hatcham. A curious exhibition has found its way to the London stage. Si Slocum, now performing at the Olympic, is a melodrama formerly produced in America for the purpose of exhibiting the wondrous accuracy of aim possessed by the Kentucky Bide Team. One of the number points his rifle over his shoulder and shoots an apple off his wife's head, gazing in a looking-glass the while. Now the problem that presents itself to the audience is, how this exhibition can be permitted by such a stern official as the Lord Chamberlain. There are not more than four murders and six free fights in the piece, which is naturally of a very quiet and subdued character. It seems that Mr. Yonge, of Turf Swindle" fame, has duped many in his time. Ele it was that induced Mr. Voysey to start the Langham Magazine, on the understanding that they were to share the profits. The venture never paid, and heavy losses had to be met in consequence. Need we add that the other man" was not to be found, and Mr. Voysey was com- pelled to pay the whole of the little bill. Strange rumours are afloat concerning a trick- for I can call it by no milder term -perpetrated by certain members of Lloyd's. These individuals bear- ing privately that the Windsor Castle bad been lost, insured that vessel at five per cent premium for a large sum. Their proceedings, however, awakened suspicion, and after an enquiry, they were expelled by the Committee, a punishment they richly merited.





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Family Notices