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j SECOND COURT.—WEL'-N S--0AY | 'Before Mr. (IKANVI J.t, "ytw.mwt, Q C. E. ,J j PHILLIPS, and 0. A. A'JA.IT, I'Vjrs ] j Twrr" AT NEWTCKX.—Thomas Wa!kky, (ii'J), s.al i Wiil-iam MiUon (22), •rcrs, were indicted for steal- [ ini: a cash box, Conteinic^ £ i3, the property of Joseph I WilJiams, fishihrmsrer. Batic-pweil, Newport, op NO- j vembtsr ;3th, %\lr. M >.d-:ly prceoated Mr. Pntohar.i j defended. Waiktey nad hvea ^ix months m rbe em, I ploy ot prosecutor, and Mdsoa tbrefi ;aon-h«. lu the casft bo. ?n November 13th, then- wei." LI ?oyere!g&3 j and £ 2 in silver the bc-T waa kept ;c a desk in the ■ shop j Mrs. "WiifiMr. went -0 the kbout ten o'clock at night, and iuigstd th-3 box. lutovmation waa given to the police and prisoners were apprehended, bit n•> iconey was fouiid upou them tbey uoihuenied hating taken the box. S^rge-.nt Brooks imnd it an atapM the side door; it had been brokan open lanu'.jr so-^ftr.jcm and papers wore found in it an ice b)-eaker was fouu^.in the ceMur, and on c-xuminiug the poio: it fitted into is on the box. iftci' some consideration the jury found Ahem guilty. Walkley ha vino beeu previously '-onvict 'd v#?-* sent to {'t'i<'OLl 1 >r twelve rormtbs with hard i&bocr, 1\t,} \L !<t<)D to mx months h&rd labonr. ,NEWPOKT.—Mkhcl Pungent, (17), l:\bourer, and Jaw ibardon. tirenwn, were ia- dicofid for breiskmg and entering the saop of Joha Skuse. aad stealing three boxes of cigars, two tins of salmon, two tins of loiter, and other articles on No vember lSt-L. Mr. Lawrence prosecuted prisoner vscx" undefended. The facts of this case have been recently reported, Ke?.^on was touud guilty f steal- ing and Da^'jan of reccivicg. iief.rd-.n wat sesit to nrison for nii;e uaoHtlis, ai.l L'urg.ui f-^r thr^e months. WO'*KDI.N(; i.r ABEE%J,HAN.—Morgan Lewi*. {ik\ bail) w&3 indicted for maliciously wound^r-g .Ibrahani Jones with intcat to do him gnev--U3 bodily harm, on ISOVV l.sth. Mr. Maddy prosecuted Mr. Lawrence cle- fendocl.—Prosecutor who is a labovsr^r, was lO'iokii i in the Live afad 1/4 Livo public-house fr< !ti 6 to il p.rr. fV -v.^ ir question. Prisoner w.s there also, '• h-. di .'Di- .-H'v; u: vScc't; They .separated, bin again, met anil pros: -,r ielt shat he had been stabbed in tliv rii^u" _t» was discovered that the instrument. » knite, witn "è" ,'s he tad been stabbed, penetrated the cheat and wounded oue.of the lungs. Witness were- called W!i*> prisoner a very good character. He was f"ulld guilty, but the ju.-y recommerrded him to mercy, an he was sent to prisnnidr six months' with nard labour.—After the sentence, the prisouetfather and orocher threatened the prosecutor. By order of the Court they were taken into custody, and evidence was given by the prosecutor, that he was in bodily fear ui consequence of the threats used by the d'*fenda'ite. They told the Court they did not mejp any haM. Each was bound over it* the sati of £ ^0, and sureties in the sum of ;cili each, or in default 14 days' imprisonment. The Chairman considered it a very bad eaxe, and said the fullest protection would be givon to the prosecutor. WOUNOISG CASES. — Deuiii* X-thoncy, (39), labourer, wis scnteivjcd to six ir.vutha i nprispnineiit with bard labour for maliciously wounding John Mih.'Tiov. his son, in the head with a stone, thereby doing bio. grievous bodily harm, on 5th NovernbeHast. Sir Herb-' rt Croft prosecuted. Prisoner wr-s undefended — — Oeorge Kva:.t (22), labourer, was charged with wilfully »••;«[ ih-i'iciously wounding Hem v Rossiter, at Newj/Srt, on'Novei.iber ISth. tie was found guilty, as'il was sett to 1) .n for four moutha. TH fMlSD VY [Beiore Mr. GEA^vjti.-K Scmufjoet, aod MR. 0. A. Wl>Tf j THEFT AT CIHV MS r.r, yftQaihtrine Luiay 19, and Johanna Of. hay 34- tLtJll Si other, were indicted fyr stealing a ¡,¡¡,if ot toots, chi ,Ù3 fr-pek and other artld-o the prcW'ty o* Tobias Fine, on Dec. 18th. Cathenna Lefay ^aied guilty. — M r. Pritch#T'-i proscouted ,/pnibnef^j wsrr. 'a.idefended.— The daughtw* was'i-fte tin prosecutor, a pawnbroker in "fticjh'stroet. R«y\npey. a id stole the articles, l^he sMd'jod wholly tb bhir. an>' ot her mother. The :ng|b'-r -vaf fguud^uiliiy, and she was reofeinraeodeu. to^iiiv'Tcy. Iinoh hr$iz ao. t to prison for three taon.hsinatd SHRKf STE.\ £ I1|[;f*49, haulier, was indicted for iteitling.s vceu sheep. 'th«- property fif Th.omas Jot-es, Lir.rdoist, Dctobc,- iJfith, ',I r. Cleave, prosecuted Mo LV-vrerie^ defended. — The prosecntcr said'HeJ. ivid twelve ■?hse^> on Oitobcr 24th in a field a^TTi.'ilr g his f-rca. They were, between a RgiJhj'iV t^ie folirn,ajrniog he w&nt tu Ilia eigljt. Oae of his he found at Ltaneijib, Mad siMEina wet- showis hi o at Pontypool, ^v'hich he ll^SUae;, by fourd on •heDi. —An«ie Cojvl§Sjrfftb keeps the fjfcar I tin, bet we n %l^laneiii<i and 'rJontvf>°^ s-'dd she sav; the prisoner earljr-it the ^broinft, pe^o're brabkfast, driving seveu r#^k. islie asked KisA where ho got them from, and he^flear the She then aske.«! him if he )fft >K' said yes.hey were marfc-ecj v irh.be • uV»-iiPr the number which the p4secutor had n.nVon —Wilhara lico-y Penny- flRwv, grocer, ^wmhrafe, sa.id "nft bought j-ix she»p; fcey ^«r<; weth&^i. ThUT* -va? a sors ->l Radnor breed ao>c,at them. flfi them by weight, ',l1d agreed {('l:V: 'SVI. a lb for uie and Sd. for ethers. S,,Ii ■he'^kins to Mr. B.'evrd> Pontypool. Williavu Vaughan, of C^mbi-au, who iuled some sheep for Mr*. Penny- ajore, '/avj?evi<j-Willia>n Balhatchei, 1 'ontypool, stud 2\?. hid the %t"'c Skins from M> Peaaymore, f&ti ■ Be i::i\¿ afterwards to, tie police "owitagie. CoJ Charles Hughes, f Cwm- .said; t(^rehendod j*risjner at his house, < J wxpfcr^ He charged him with the theft. 3'Ali* riirht Huihe' T b-vj^at sheep Morgan, living near f.e prosecutor." "-ie said it Wl". !dicbael Morgan went to Pontypool ».-i got the skin3, and found them to correspond"aotly with ihe sheep the prosecutor lost. ^'ae r iiffieulty in connecting; thi.se skins with tW JatiHinSr, and the Chairman said be was sorry that 4^/10 much importsnoe had been brought before th- iyf-J-vft so imperbjctly; The Chairman said there AS BO eviocr.ce whate ver to convict, and the prisoner was discharged. The expenses were allo wed to the pmsecution vcy reluctantly by the Chairman. ■Sr SALT NO. A* ONBY. —CM6* J)tbf)h;$, on bail, was charged with stealing La Is. uid a jug belonging to John Ste>;ney, at Abergavenny, on December 17th lant..dr. Pnichn.-d prosecuted, Mr. Lawrence defen- ded. I'hi *ee months hard labour. Tbts concluded the business.

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RA.ILWa7 TKAh'h'iU ivhli URXS.…


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