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.--.--EPITOME OF : , """-"'"'/oJ..........,.....,....,r.'-…


EPITOME OF "oJ.r. i TTia death is an' f)nro"d ot Mra. Howard Paul. Lord Nspir cf &'<n!daia arrived k Ljndon from t Gibraltar on Ppcp!oaTcrepo',edto bo of f<1ClW:J by hundreds in Ca.shc.re. Lord Derby haa Mceptod '.ae post of umpire in Ihe Durham ccal tl ,dt1 A pleasure N>3.t I)¡1I m Meaai Straita on Sunday laet, an J aae cf if" occupants drowned. pelfa\']"?d ofin'trjerat Glaegow ten y<-iifa ago, w&a liboraLed on Saturday. An octrifged gig c'-9iLad at the Hampton Court Weir on Sunday sftarnaou, aud .two of ita tecnpanta were drowned. The Duke and Ducbeaa c. Coanaught arrived at Windsor on jUuuday evening, on & vidit to Trinoe and Prince&a Cnriatian.. Dr. De Witt Tat mage, who it reported to be <ce of the moet popula.- of American preachers, Mfived ia England from New York on Friday. The Prince and Priaoeaa of Wales left London Mt Mocoay afterno<jn for Co varth Park. Banning. dale, where they will atay during the Aacot zacea. A thousand members cf a Liberal aasociation at lloobnale viaited H&w&fden Park on Saturday. Mr. GÙt.detoD6 waa absent, bat tha visitors were Teoeived by Mra. Glu.stone. Elizabeth ADD CLu'oh and Blen are the nureea eehctej from the Univoraity Boapital to receive St. Katherino'a order of merit frotnthe Queen. A number of men and boya in the lace trade at Chard returned to work on Tuesday morning, having expreeaed their willingneae to give up the trade CBiML The remains of Thomas Wheeler, who died eud. denly recently in Bfrkahiro. hava been exhumed by the Borne order, poisoning baiag Baspected. At the Oxford Convocation, on Tuesday, it WM Keolved to set aside ten ac-M of the university park for the um'eraity cricket ground, and to Meet a pavilion to cont JS2.000. I The Lord Mayor hM iavited the members of the Comedie to a Inncheon at the Maneion Houee, dulÍ1tg their stay ia London, on a day to bo hereafter aettiad. I A boy named WUaon. 17, waa kiHed on Friday night at Me.era. Gid'a shipyard, Bochaate: by falling againat the aywh-'ei of an eDgine while he waa paaaing through a workshop. A project haw been started at New York for ho)diDg in that city a Worlj Fair," cr matioBal exhibition of arts, mannfacturea, and prodncta of the soil and mine." The year lo83 hM beea auggeattd. A Lloyd'a telegram fro'n SydL?y announces the arrival at Noumea of the French eteamor Pioardie, from Marseillea, chartered by the French Govern- ment to bring back M Prance 650 pardoned tomvieta. The importa into the United Kingdom daring May amounted to .£27,600,Ü1JO againat je31,OJO,00 in the ccrreapoading month of laat year. The Mporta amounted to againat .ei6.1CO,000 last year. Mr. Charlea Wamer'a extraordinary ancaeaa in the character of \Jerupeau in "Drink," at the PhBoeaa'e, haa led to hia angagoment by Mr. Walter Goooh for three jeara, at a greatly in- WMMedaalary. LoTd Wtveaey baa intimated to hia SiSbIk teaanta that, in consequence of the depreeaioa in tnMie ihe payment ot ttieir h&lf.yearly rent due the Jat of April, will be postponed nntil the lac tf October next. The annual meeting of the Engliah Church Union waa hold in London on Tuesday. Aider. manBarnett, of Mancheater. preaided, and atated that the number of bona. fide membera waa over 18,000. The failure haa been announced in the London Bankruptcy Court of Messrs. Saundera and Co., morchanta, of London and B*hm, trading ae FraBoia Saundera and Co. Tho debta are atated )tt jelOO.COO. The ownera of the steamship Severn, which ran down the pilot cutter Edinburgh on Duagenedg, tave oonaented to pay .£.'>,200, to be divided &mongat the relativea of the deceased pilot and crew. The offer haa been accepted. At the Warwick borough Dolice-oourt, on Men. day MorBiEg, Mary Ann Bb.ckwell, wife of Wm. Blackwell, wag committed for trial, bail being re- fnaed, on a charge of attempting to murder her child by throwing it into the river. The International Literary Congresa was opened on Monday, in London. M. Edmund About pre- aided, supported by Mr. Btanohard Jerrold. A letter waa road from M. Jmea Simon, advocating extenjuon of copyright. The Stamdard correspondent at Alexandria I writea :—The creditora have seizad four more ttoamera belonging to che I';uptian Government. The resignation of the Miniater of Finance ia imminent in conaequence of age and inSrmity. I On Tueaday evening, during the big gun drill by the lat Hanta ArtiUery Volunteera at Ramble, a gunbuMt.aeverely u.j.iriEg two men. One of them, named Burch, waa taken in at Netley tal. with a broken leg, the othsr haa hia fase mjured. "That heathen Chinpe" continuea to assert himaeli in the United 8t%tea. Amon the apeakora at tte next Yale CommenCf)ment will be Chuu Lun, h Chineeo of tae ctaaa of 1879. who will deliver an oration on The Chineae in America." At Dartford, on Sd-turJay, two lads n'unad Brider "Dd Rueaell were with cn3viriu;.r to act the training ship Arethuaa on ere oK GreenLithe. The prisoners "tela aomo naphtha, "nd admitted that they tended uriug the ahip. They were committed for trial. The Co!o< reporta two saaea of Rns@;a.n artMIery enieera committing Bujioidc—a H.,uteant of the 15th Horae Artillery Brigade, at Kiahenan, a-vd a tubaltern of the 30cii 8rigaffe of Soraa ArtUIary in Bulgaria. The canae of the auicidoa na.a not yet transpired. The acrew steamship Lombard, tha pionae? xteaaterofapropoeed direct lina betvveen Neiv York aed Belfaat, arrived at the latter port on Monday with a general cargo, oonaiating pr!nci- ptdly ot breadatBEa and proviaioM. She laft New tork on May 31. The a<fent of the Trinity College Eatatea, aituato MM Carriok.on.Suir, went on Friday to collect the half .year'a rent. In every oaae the tenanta only proffered half the amount, declaring their mMility to pay more. The agent eventually left the dittnet without collecting a penny. The QtMn'a Bench decided on Tueaday. in the <Me ot CaptMn Franoia Roberta, late of the 94th Regiment, who waa diamiaeod by court-martial from hef Majetty'a aervice, that the cour!: h%d no juriediotion to interfere with the question of militMy ttttaa. The Italian reporta the outbreak of gra.ve riota at Calatabiaao in Sicily, owing to the high price of bread. The municipal archives were burnt to the cry of Dcwn with the Syndic Viva il Re." Three gendarmoa, one soldier, and aeveral «viliaDø were killed in the fray. It may not be generally known, saya the Eœaminer. that Sir Daniel Lyaona waa originally aeleetod for the chief command at the Cape, but he could not be apared at a moment when the re-organiaation of the army was about to take place. Sir Garnet Wolaeley waa, therefore, aent out in hia atead. The yoctha under 18 yeara of a<re employed in the Small Anna Factory, at Ennald Look, 120 in number, have all received notice of diaoharge dufing the present month. The reaaon for thia diamiaeal ia an objection made by the Inapeotor of Faotcriee to you tha under that age being allowed to work overtime. M- Got and the principal membera of the embarked on board the aaloon ateamer Alexandra on Saturday afternoon, on the invitation of Mr. HoUicgahead and Mr. Mayor, who tad engaged the veaael for the occasion, and went down the river to Graveaend. Dinner waa aerved on beard at Graveeend, and the party returned to London in the evening. A fatal accident haw occurred on board the Zouave, the yacht of the Lord Chief Justice, at Southampton. A eeaman belonging to the yacht Fox, which waa lying near the Zouave, wae attempting to get to hu own veaael at night when h< fell on to the deck of Sir A. Cockburu'a yacht. Be wax found aeon afterwarda on the deck with .hia neck broken. The court-martial upon the loaa of the Groaaer XurfuMt concluded ita proceedings at one o'clock on Saturday afternoon. The judgment haa now to be drawn up in writing, and will then be trana. mitted to the judicial thbMal of the Gal\rd, by whom it will be to the Emperor for hia jMmotion. Her Majeaty'a ahip Foxhound Bailed from Sin. on the 6th of May for Bangkok, in corn. pliance with a aummona from the Britiah Consul tt that place. It appeara that the King of Siam ha4 been acting with aome aoverity, and had nogged one of hia Minietera. who ia connected by marriage with an Engliah oniotal at Bangkok. Intelligence haa been received from Tomie, Siberia, of the discovery of aeveral aeoret gun. powder manufactoriea in houaea to the peManta deported there. An haa proved that tho diatriot local authoritiea were eocnifant of the manufacture, but had kept it aecret, having received amaUbribea. Durnf a recent romance of _'It'a Never Too Late to Mend," at the Theatre Royal, Brigh. Too Late to Mend," at the Theatre Royal, Brigh. ton, i& the scene where Mead.:)W8 endeavoura to acreen himself from the charge of robolDR George Fielding, a lad in the gallry, fearful that Meadow. wo-M eacape. cried out at the top of 1. VOI06, Yah. g.. along, J seed h¡rl.The audience wü ccEvuIaed with laughter over thia epiaodo. The who e of the cabmen in the town of Rydo. Itle cf Wight, with one exception, are on strike. The town council are determined to enforce th rule compelling the owner of each carnage to nx a atatemeBt of farea in a oonapiououa po3??a_ The iaen. however, almcat unanimously refuaM to use them, and rather than aubmit left the cao- atand on the taplanade in a body. Ou? American ooueina are determined to make the most of the electric for tholateat sche'ne ia to the FaHa of Niagara. The Niagara Falia Proapect Park Company ordtTe<! a large braeh machine and t6 lampa, by the aid of which, aaeiated by parabolic th<y intecd to throw the light on the falling W'&r and on the nuat. and thm preduoe rainbowa to oK'fT :n the darkest night. Thf dfath ia aMpoBcea, &t the early age of 42. of Frances Ricley Ha.vergal, the youngeat daughter of the 'ate Rev. William aenry Havtrctl. the wplLknown hymn writer and Church muaician. MiB9 Havergal, who died on Tuesday week Cafweii Bay, Swacaea, ttfter a abort iHMt". had inherited her father'a poetic gifta, and ha4; aw a writer of Mcrod verae, acquired much She had b"en a frequent coctrtbator to UI)()d and other aud had al-'o Wtitt<-u aome popular three of tur cpn.t0titicna having been pubuahed m the TuBe Bcci< to Chutch HymBH," by the for rrrn.ctiEg Chhatian Knowledge, under tditor¡bip ot Mr. Aythar Suilivan. At d T.e B'i&tol èivi-:i:)T'l pOllOi) a':a':ma, b: ar'j,iDÍ:1g c<'Us, 8"Licd,) M'cnd..y Qaick, who \Va"! ohJ,r.i vith ;Cfor;}t;g wfe. a":f.MT)') c. romd w<a h'i,c'< in 'lJ Wnh the a:d ot tveabe.'hTf.nre'ovcred. A fJll:n:err,Ui' attèlck hJ. bct:lu mat\ hy 1'm) at N(.rfoli. He stoh and'waal'<Uow6d. purer?ra with a kn;f?, ii.fi c'.tn? en one m?n a t.<;j'riulew<ni:d in the n?ck, a.r.d on n.??iYc,). ?? enuaUy on the Tfie I pot aw&y to ¿eCltHilli, whe'p he broke into th<) Vl;¡<le f!'&J nd destroyed evorythtng. Hj ia now in custody. The total into the Exchequer from th9 lat of April to the 7ch of Juno wara .611 897.6 J-<, againBt ?15,2t,3.7i? <n the oorreapondmg period pt last year. Tne Caatoais duties amounted to .t.3,?4,?0, a?ainot .81.C56.000 Exsiao, pt last year. Tne Caatoais duties amounted to £;j,i)8.,U()(), againet .81.C56.000 Exsiao, -e6,(.25.0C'0, against .65.593 000 Stamps, .62,046000. against Pjat-omod and Teiegrapha, both years .6220,000 and .£ôO.OOO respectively. Colcnpl Zowaki, Aide.de.Camp to the Queen and 'I Coionp! Cocr,maBdant of the Ctmadian Volunceers, has arrived in London. Twenty volunteera from CaEada are expected on the nrat day ot the Wim. b?'don mpeting. A deputation from the intubt. j tanta of Wimbtedon will be received on Tuesday I next by the Committee of the National Bine A,iocÍ<.tiçn, in reference to the protest agtinat admitting visiioia to the camp on Sunday. TheRegiatrar General'a return for the week ending Saturdny last ahowa the average ute of I mortality to have been 20 per taoMM'i. At Portemouth. 13; Plymouth, 15; Brighton, 16; Hull. Shcincld. and Wolverhamptan. 17; Edim. burgh, Su;de:-land. and Sal(ord !8; Londjn, I, 19 Nottingham, Norwich and Bristol, 20; ?iewcMtle.upon.Tyce, Liverpool, Leeds, Bu-m. ?mgham and GI?-fj-ow, 21; Leicester a?d M?n. oheBter, 22; Br?cfordand Oldham, 23; Dublin, 40. The Board o? T'ade inquiry into the atrand:a? ot the steamer Whitehaven, which occurred ia the Bnatol ChacBel on the Slat of May, wM con. cinded on Saturday, at Liverpool. Tha court fpMd thRt the maater, Captain tIodlfin, waa ia aef?cit for careless navigation, and auapenjod his certincate for aix Citlendar montha. The court deeired to call the attention of the Boird of Trade to tLe fact that the Whttehaven navi- gated withont a certi&cated mate. In rpfercncp to the Order of St. Katherme, Mr. H. J* atatea that the Lord I Bohemp, which haa Teceived the Qaeen's approval, coctemplatea the appointment of ten naraee bv her Majfaty aa patron. The Q'lQen St. nnraea at the Weatmmtt. )F School and Home for Naraea and tha Hoepitai tor Sick Children, and has offered i l1ildor appoittmenta in two other oae bi'ta? the Utiivcreity College Hospital. At the Warwick borough police-court, on Mon. day, Jane Hopkina. aHaa Crutchley, Livery-street, Birmingham, waa Bned in the mitigated paucity of .E25 for havicg' anrreptitionaly sold e.xci3ble liquore on the race course at the laat Warwick racee. Ptiaocer had been a publican, and was BeUing drink from a cart amoBgat her Birmingham e-cquaintancee withont any licencea of any deaorip. tion. Beijog noable to pay the .625, aha went to gaol for three montha. Newa of the death of Count Booaeohouart, the French Envoy to the Republic of Hayti, haa jaat reached the French Government in a startling and nnnenal form. The Moond secretary of the miMion at Hayti telegraphed aa followa :—" The French Envoy, M. de Boohechonart, ia dead. The yeHow fever carried him on in two honra. Hia private sectary haa alao fallen a victim to the aame diaeaae, the aeoretary to the miasion like- wiee; and I alao feel at thia moment the nrat aymptoma of the diaeaae." His Highneaa Prince Alexander of Battenberg, the now ruler of Balgaria, acaom. panied by hia brother. Prince Lonia of Ba.tenber- ¡' left Balmoral Caatle on Monday, whore they have been on a. vieit to the Qaeen ainoe Fnday laat. Hia Boyal Highneaa Prince Leopold and Lord John Mannera, the miniater in attendance, alao left the Castle at the aame time. The Greek community of London have decided to preaent the Pnnco of Bn!garia with an addreaa, expreaaive ot their goodwill for the welfare of the new &ta.ta. Amocg the Parliamentary papera on Monday ia a report from the Treaanry OSioore on the pur. chase of the United Kingdom Telegraph Cjm- pany'a wires by the Government. The report atatea that the inveatigation, with a view to aa- oertain the amount properly payable, waa very ably conducted, and they have no doubt the amount waa correctly ascertained. The amount paJd waa the reanit of an appeal by the company for arbitration, and they are aatiaSad that the payment waa not made upon any mMrepreaenta- tioDs, &nd that the arbitrator'a word waa atriotly legal. The latpat American papera atate that & fatal accident occurred at the Niagara Falta on the 24th ult., by wluch a noted smuggler and river pirate named Walker met with hia death. A party of exccraioniata from Buffalo wore on the ahore near Cataract Homo, when a cry waa raieed that a sm&U boat with a single occupant waa being borne down the rapida. The man waa rowing with aU hia might, but hia efforta were futile .againattho deacenoing current. The light akiN waa bome on like a feather until, auddenly, daah- ing ainilt a rack at the top of the praoipioe, it waa emaehed to pieces, and the ncfortunata occu- pant waa nucp Lnto the watera and killed. The 1:en ie8t raiEfall for some yeara o3cur:ed in South Shropshire on Saturday; rain fell inoea. aantly for 16 honra. The Teme roae to ita hiEChsf¡ point, and the river Corve, at Ludlow, haa over. Sowed and invaded the etreeta. There ate pToappntf) of a heavy &o<;d, the down rll>piJly from the hilta. The roaring of the Tome as it passes through the arches of the bridgaa resemblsa distant thunder. Should the w<loter contitue to riae the meadowa wiM ba inundated, fmd the depcait of mud brought down the stream v.i!l tctsL'y dtstroy the mowing grAsa reaervod for tlie hay cropa. At the Liverpool potiM-conrt, on Monday, Pdter Matthews, captain of tho ah'p Sea Foam, ws comm.tttd to the aeeizea for shooting one of the crew named Govna Boche, a coloured man, on the voyage from Rangoon to Rio de Janeiro. It waa urged that the crew were in a mutinoua atate, and that on the morning of April 18, when the coloured man waa ahot, the mate aaw the crew aharpening their knivea, and overheard one of them eay, Don't you thick thia will do the job ?" referrinft; to a- concerted attack upon the captain. On the aame day an altercation took place between Bothe and the captain, whereupon the former waa ahot by the latter. The ahot paeeed round hia rib, and was extracted from tho bttck. The Manchester Unity Annual Movable Com- mittee concluded ita labour on Saturday morning. The four peraona aelooted to have their portraita inaerted ia the quarterly magazine of the order next year were the Deputy Grand Maeter, and Meaera. Macincaakai, Bume, and Kelly. The proposal to abol'eh the poat of Parliamentary Agent waa abandoned, Mr. Curtia, of Brighton, being re-appointed. Mid 25 guineaa voted for hia services laat ye&r. The question of what remu- nenttion should be given to Mr. Wataon for acting aa Unity V<duer, was left to the directors. Mr. Collins was re-tppointed corresponding aeore' tary, and a camber of formal reaolutiona termi- nated the proceedings. At the Birkenhead police, coutt, on Monday, a ahookiBg caae of cruelty in the alaughter of piga wae oiacloaed. Out of a cona:gnment: of l,4u0 piga from America, 800 wore ordered to be imme- diately destroyed. They were placed in pena in a ehed which wax nearly dark, and a man named Landy got into the pen and pole axed them in a moat brutal manner, striking them indiacnmmately, and tallowing many of them to run about half killed aad bleeding from wounda, aquoaling dreadfully from pain. At length an omcer of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals jumped into the pen and put <t atop to the massacre. About 20 piga were struck with the pole-axe, and not killed outright. The Royal Society proaecuted Landy and two other men for the cruelty, but only the former answered to tho aummona. The magistrates, remarking that the mode of alaughter wa6 meet barbarous, remanded the case until the whole of the defendante should appear. The Berlin correspondent of the PoH MoH GtMette states that the German Government is once more considering the adviaableneaa of in- oreasiBv the army. The reason given for these new deliberations is that both the Russian army and the French have grown in numbera and per. fection since the preaent ngurea were determined npon, and that both are likely to become even more formidable atill in the future. In addition, it is expected that the growth of the revenue by taxa. tion will place larger meana at the Govornmont'a command when the estimates come to bo revised, the period of seven years for which the army estimates were voted expiring next year. Nob. withstanding the septennial estimates, some addi. ticns bar a been made to the army during that period aad it is now atated to be the intention of Government, when it has once more to apply to Parli&nient for funds for the military establish- ment, to ask that the present estimates, including the expenditure for the additions referred to, shall be voted as a nxed grant, once for all. with. out the necesMty of renewal; and that beyond this, allowance shall be made for a proposed iEcreaee of the netd artillery, the engineer force, the railway corps, and also of tha infantry force.
























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