EAGLE" LINE OF PACKETS FOR AUSTRALIA. To the consignment of BRIGHT BROTHERS, & Co., Landing their Passengers, Luggage, and Cargo immediately on the vessel's arrival in Hobson's Bay. X?OR Melbourne, Forwardiug Passen- JL gers to Sydney, Hobart Town, Geelong, SESSES Adelaide, Launceston, kc., the celebrated Clipper Ship, "ALBATROSS," 1,700 tons burthen, Captain W. GEVES, early in August. The sbips of this well known Line are famed for the supe- riority of their Provisioning, and excellent Passenger accommodation. ———— FREE PASSAGES TO VAN DIEMEN'S LAND. Passengers holding Bounty Certificates, issued by the Colonial Government of Van Diemen's Land, will be forwarded by the Packets of this Line. Apply to GIBBS, BRIGHT, & CO., Liverpool, or to HENRY EDWARDS & CO., Ship Brokers, Newport, Monmouthshire. AUSTRALIAN MAILS. PASSAGE MONEY £14: AND UPWARDS. BLACK BALL LINE OF BRITISH AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL PACKETS. UNDER contract with Government to carry Her Majesty's Mails regularly every month to and from Australia, AND MAKE THE PASSAGE IN 65 DAYS, UNDER PENALTY, -l Sailing from LIVERPOOL, on the 5th of each Month and from AUSTRALIA, on such days as the Colonial "■5anew Government mav appoint. FOR MELBOURNE, Forwardiug Passengers by Steam to all ports in AUSTRALIA, VAN DIEMAN'S LAND AND NEW ZEALAND, at Ship's Expense. Carriesfull Bands of Music, as well as Chess, Backgammon, and Draught Boards, for the amusement of the Passengers. A Cow will be provided, and Baths for all classes of Pas- sengers. Ship. Bur. Capt. Date. James Baines. 2515 McDonnell Aug. 5. Schomberg 2400 Forbes Sept. 5. Lightning 2090 Enwright Oct. 5. Boomerang 1824 Brown Nov. 5. Marco Polo. 1G25 Clarke Dec. 5. Oliver Lang. 1299 Crawford Jan. 5. Donald M-Kay 2500 Warner Feb. 5. Champion of the SjM 2470 Newlands Mar. 5. The above Liae is composed of THE LARGEST. THE FINEST, AND FASTEST MERCHANT SHIPS IN THE WORLD, and have been built by the most celebrated builders of the day, including M'Kay, of Boston, and Hall, of Aberdeen. They are commanded by men who have already rendered themselves famous; and their equipments and accommoda- tions are unequalled by any line of ships afloat. Shippers may rely upon ihe greatest attention to, and the most prompt delivery of their goods at Melbourne, the undersigned having established a fiLili (f their own at that port for the purpose. For Terms of Passage, Freight, &c., apply to the Owners, JAMES BAINES and Co., 6, Cook Street, Liverpool to CHARLES DENTON, Abergavenny to ROBERT TAY- LOR, Chepstow; to I\X APP, JENKINS, and Co., Cardiff; or to JAMES N. KNAPP and Co., Newport. RATES il4 AND UPWARDS. THE "LIVERPOOL" LINE OF AUSTRALIAN PACKETS. sAILTING from LIVERPOOL for IO MELBOURNE every month. Carry full Bands of Muic and other Amusements for the Passengers. S-aip. Burthen. Captain. To sail. Gipsy Bride (new).3500.Montgomery .13th Aug. Phoenix "2500 Moppett 1st Sep. Nabob 2300 Horner 1st Oct. Frederick 2000 Morton 1st Nov. Salem 2500 Flynn 1st Dec. British Trident (new) .3400 Cunningham 1st Jan. Merlin 2500 Borlase 1st Feb. Africa 3000 0 Ncill 1st Mar. AND OTHER flRST-CLASS CLIPPER SHIPS. These are some of the fastest ships aflont and ais fitted up for all classes of passengers in the most comfortable and commodious manner. The first Class saloon is unsurpassed for style and elegance. Passengers will be forwarded to any ports in Australia, Van Dieman's Land, or New Zealand, at extra rates. Money Orders granted free of charge. Apply to the Owners, Messrs. P. MAGEE & J. LEYING STON, and JAMES M. WALTHEW, 46, Chapel-street, Liverpool; or to THOMAS DRYDEN, Swansea; or to JOHN PUGH, Abergavenny. REDUCED FARES, 114 AND UPWARDS. HilrK WHITE STAR LINE OF LIVERPOOL AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL PACKETS. Under contract with the Post Master General to carry her Majesty's Mail regularly, on the 20th of every month, and make the passage to Australia in 68 days, under penalty. The sailing dates from Australia will be fixed by the Colonial Government. FOR MELBOURNE, Forwarding Passengers to Sydney, and all other Ports in t Australia, also to New Zealand and Van Dieman's Land, at a through rate and by first-class Steamers. Ships. Captains. j Tons. i Burd. Date. Red. Jacket. M.M.Milward 2460 4300 21st August. Emma E. Underwood 1150 2300 20th Sept. Fitzjames M.J.Hamilton 1350 3000 21st October. Mermaid. E. Devey 1320 3000 20th Nov. White Star J. R. Brown 2450 5000 20th Dec. Harries a Surgeon and Chaplain, also an extensive Library. B to the5Owners, PILKINGTON AND WILSON, I17 Water-street, Liverpool; or to J. and J. Grant and Co., fJardiff or to Grant, Brothers, and Co., Newport. In Melbourne, to Messrs. GEORGE F. TRAIN k Co. Passengers embark at the packet berth in Coburg Dock, on the 18th. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. *3- BRISTOL AN D NEWPORT. Bristol General Steam J- Navigation Company's splendid Paddle T Navigation Company's splendid Paddle STEAMER "DART," CAPTAIN JAMES PARFITT, Or other suitable Vessel, will ply during the ensuing Week as follows:— From Bristol. From Newport. JULY. JULY. Monday 23 11 morn Saturday 21 8 morn Wednesday 25 2 after Friday 27 4 after Tuesday 24 11 morn Thursday 26 • 1J after Saturday 28 3t after *To and Fro from Bristol. fTo and Fro from Newport A Waiting Room is provided opposite the Landing PI ice at Hotwells, where Passengers a,e taken on board free of charge, about fifteen afrer the time stated hill- for sailins trcm Batliurst Basin. A Packet from the Hotwells To and From POIUTSHEAD A daily- fSundays excepted). FAKE'-After Cabin. 3s.; Front Cabin Is. 6d. To an^ r ARE- After Cihin 4s • Fore Cabin, is.— Four- fcffowHiZV 183 • Tito'u-heel ditto, or li.sht 1'haelon, >,n.-P with Driver 12s.; Horse, os.; Horse aid Rider 6s. Dogs, Is.each. Refreshments may be had on board at "o^e^and^Carriages Shipped at Bathurst Basin one be obuineJ .1 the BristolGeneral Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay Bristol, where „ p.nii, Packaaes Parcels, &c., should be addressed. BUls an'd other informa'ion can be obtained of Mr. JOHN JONES, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. Agent at Newport, Mr. P.P. JONES, Rodney Wharf. •ry ami Deck, 6s. Children under From Bristol-—Swijt 12 years, 3s. Carriage, 42s. JULY. Pair-horse phaeton, 31s 6d.; „ JtLjY* 01 01 rvtnrn Small one-horse ait to, 25s.; Saturday 21.. 9| morn Hors6) 20g Monday 23 •• 11J morn ^QCT Tuesday 24 12 noon Return Tickets, (available W ednesday 25 aftpr for one week) Best CabiD, Saturday 28 5 morn For Milford, Pater, and From Crdif-Sm/t »<* Usk. Tuesday 24 12J after JULY. FARES—Same as Tenby. Saturday 21 8J morn KSSj 11 U morn MIMbrd to Jaterford, Wednesday 25 114 morn 7 miles from Haierfo)dicest Thursday 26.. 11 after i Railway Station. Friday 27.. 2 after Wednesday Evenings at Saturday 28.. 3J after 8 o'clcck. TT T Waterford to Bristol Fridays. From Bristol—Juno. waieriorau, JULY. From Bristol, calling at Wednesday 25 ii after Tenby—Juno. J *v™ Tenby-Jum. wJ,™d,y s5 ,iafter Friday 27 8 morn From Carmarthen, calling at FARES—Cabin, 12s. Chil- Tenby—Juno. dren under 12 yeais, 6s. 6d. JULY. Servants in the Cabin, 8s. Friday 27 3J morn (including Steward's Fees.) FARES—Same as Tenby N OTICE.- TJ:.e Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passengers' Luggage (ii lost or damaged) above the value of £ 2 nor for any Peck Passengers' Luggage (if lost or damaged) above the value ot 20s., unless in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of delivery nor will they be answerable for any other parcel, above the va ue of:40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight m proportion paid for the same at th# time of delivery! FREE PASSAGES TO HOBART TOWN AND LAUNCESTON, to PARTIES HOLDING I AND LAUNCESTON, to PARTIES HOLDING BOUNTY TICKETS.—The Government of Van Dieman's Land, having made arrangements with the Owners of the celebrated Black Ball Line of Australian Packets, for the conveyance of all their bounty passengers to that colony, Parties holding tickets are requested to apply immediately for passages, to JAMES BAINES & CO., 6, COOK STREET, Liverpool. Emigration to America, by First-class Packets. r~> TAPSCOTrS LINE FOR NEW YORK, Sailing Weekly. POPF.'S LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA, Sailing on the 12th of each Month. And first class Ships to other American ports occa- sionally. For terms of passage, and other particulars, apply to W. TAPSCOTT & CO., Old Hall, Old Hall-street, and St. George's Buildings, Regent-road, Liverpool, Agents in New York, TAPSCOTT & Co., 86, South-street. Money Orders and Passage Certificates issued by the above, either in New York or Liverpool. EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. BRIS10L LINE OF CLIPPER SHIPS. FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT, m^^nPHE fast-sailing Clyde-built clipper JL ship SERINGAPATAM, A 1, 13 years. Has splendid Poop accommodation far Cabin Passen- gers, and her Second and Third Cabins are unequalled. The Cabin table is provided on an unlimited scale, with Live Stock and every comfort, and Second and Third Cabins are bountifully supplied. For further particulars apply to MILESES & KINGTON, 61, Queen-square, Bristol. MESSRS. MILESES AND KINGTON Are open to receive and ship, by their own Vessels, from the PORT OF BRISTOL, ) or by those From LONDON, LIVERPOOL, or the CLYDE, To their Branch Houses at Melbourne, (Miles, Kington, and Co.), CONSIGNMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MANUFACTURED GOODS, FOR SALE ON COMMISSION. Messrs. MILESES & KINGTON beg to inform Shippers generally, that RATES OF FREIGHT by their Vessels, and also SHIPPING CHARGES, will be found AS LOW AS THOSE OF ANY PORT IN THE KINGDOM. • EMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES. rp rpo SAIL from the NJEWPORT JL DOCK for NEW YORK, on or about the Is' °f AUGUST, the first-class American Ship NEW ORLEANS," 1,500 TONS. CAPTAIN RICH. This splendid Ship has excellent accommodation for Cabin and Steerage Passengers, and presents an oppor- tunity seldom surpassed, to parties desirous of proceeding to the Cnited States. The vessel is quite new, sails fast, t and every attention will be paid by the captain to the comfort of the passengers. Apply to JAMES N. KNAPP and CO., Pillgwenlly. J July 16th, 1855. FOR NEW YORK, DIRECT FROM BRISTOL. To Sail on the 28th of AUGUST, 1855. /iPtL rpHE splendid Clipper-built, coppered, -JL and copper-fastened Ship OSPREY," S3wiWLl200 Tons burthen JOHN TOMLINSON, Com- mander (formerly chief officer of the Try.) No vessel in the Emigrant Trade is better qualified in every respect for carrying Passengers than the above fine Ship. She has remarkably lofty and spacious 'T ween Decks, an abundance of side ports fore and aft, for light and ven- tilation, sails very fast, and will be fitted up in the most comfortable and commodious style. All the arrangements will be under the inspection of the Government Emigration Officer. < The Osprey took out a large number of passengers in April last, who, on arrival at New York, presented Capt. Tomlinson with a handsome Testimonial, in proof of their gratitude for his kind and gentlemanly treatment during the voyage. j All Provisions supplied will be of the best quality. j For further particulars apply to ( MARK WIIITWILL & SON, j Ship Owners and Brokers, c Bristol, July 16th, 1855. Grove, Bristol. j ———————————————————— ——————————————— j PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. TO BE LET OR SOLD, now in the course of Erection, and to be completed in August next, a most T commodious HOUSE, situate in Dock-street, and on the corner of South Market-street, nearly adjoining the Dock, and almost opposite the Western Valleys Station. The house is intended foran Hotel, and from its position, will be likely to command a good business. Also, adjoining the same property, Six Good TENE. MENTS, which will at all times command ready tenants. For particulars, apply to Mr. CHARLES JORDAN, Royal Oak, Newport. DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY. A LARGE, respectable, and most convenient PREMISES, situate in the centre of Caerleon, and at present occupied as a Dwelling-House and Ladies Semi- nary, is now to be Let, on advantageous terms; the present occupant removing to another part of the county. A Lady, conducting a seminary, desirous of securing a residence in every way calculated for a Public Educational Establishment, (making up fifteen beds for boarders), would find this a most desirable opportunity. The Stable attached to the premises, is let to a good tenant. Apply by letter, post-paid, to Mr. CORNELIUS EVANS, House and Estate Agent, Newport. TO BE LET, a Commodious HOUSE, in CAMBRIA-PLACE, Newport, commanding a Sea ^iew.—Enquii'e at No. 8, Cambria-place; or at Mr. NEWMAN'S, Cabinet Maker, Commercial-street. ELIGIBLE BUSINESS PREMISES. rpO BE LET a commodious and well- Jt_ situated HOUSE, on the DOCK-ROAD, Newport.- The Premises are suitable for the business of a Baker, Grocer, Provision Merchant, or any similar trade. For particulars apply to Mr. PUGSLEY, Dock-road, Newport. TO BE LET, A CONVENIENT HOUSE, SHOP, and PRE- MISES, situated on the Canal-side, Newport, neat Mr. Batcbelor's Timber Yard. Apply to Mr. H. P. BOLT, Builder, Newport. DRAYTON VILLA, MAINDEE. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, the above Commodious Residence, in the occupation of Mr. Carr. For particulars, apply at the house or to Mr. W. Graham, Jun., No. 60, High-street, Newport. TINING ENGIiSTES TO BE LENT ON lTJ_ HIRE or for SALE. MINING ENGINES may be set to work, without fixing chimney or engine-house, and the value of the mine tried, at a small cost, by the Hire of MEDWIN, HALL, and CO.'S PATENT PORTABLE PUMPING and WINDING ENGINES are strong, simple, mounted on broad waggon wheels. Horse-shafts to remove at pleasure. These Engines have been successfully employed for years. Several are ready for immediate delivery, either to be let at rental or purchase, of 10.12,16, 25, to 40 horse-power, and will be delivered to any part of the United Kingdom. For terms and prospectuses, apply to Messrs. MED WIN, HALL, and Co., Engineers, SURREY IRON WORKS, 92, Black friars-road, London. FOR SALE. J^IFTY to SIXTY £ 10 SHARES in the MONMOUTHSHIRE RAILWAY AND CANAL COMPANY, guaranteed t-5 per cent., dividend to 1860. <> WANTED, some SHARES in the NEWPORT DOCK COMPANY. Apply to Mr. R. M. TOOGOOD, Stow-hill, Newport. FOR SALE, A FEW SHARES in the Paid-up Stock of the TAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY, with the Dividends due for the Half-Year ending JUNE 30th, 1855, which may be expected to exceed any previously paid. Also some JE10 Shares in the same Company. Apply to Mr. R. M. TOOGOOD, Stow Hill, Newport, Mon. RAILWAY WAGGONS. To Railway Companies, Contractors, Coalowners, be. FOR SALE, and immediate delivery, about 70 Narrow Guage Railway Waggons, suitable for Coal, Iron Ore, or Ballast. Having been in use but for a short time, they are in the best working condition. Also, a superior new BREAK VAN, fitted with Sliding Breaks, Spring Buffers, Screw Couplings, &c., in complete order and TEN COVERED GOODS WAGGONS, suit- able for Tin, Plates, &c., &c. Apply to Mr. JAMES MURPHY, Engineer, Dock- street, Railway Works, Newport, Mon. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, a FREEHOLD COTTAGE and GARDEN, well stocked with choice Fruit Trees, situated on Somerton Common, Maindee. Apply to Mr. JOHN JONES, on the Premises, the Proprietor or to Mr. HENRY WILLIAMS, Land Sur- veyor, Fair Oak, near Newport. July 18th, 1855. THE "MERLIN" TWICE A WEEK. THE MONMOUTHSHIRE MERLIN IS NOW PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK, VIZ.—ON WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. The Mid-week Paper, consisting of Four Page3, at 2d.; the Saturday's Paper, (Eight Pages), at 3d., Unstamped Stamped copies, a penny extra. Subscription, for both papers :—Unstamped, 5s. 6d. Stamped, 7s. 6d., per quarter. KINAHAN'S L.L WHISKEY. THIS Celebrated OLD IRISH WHISKEY is highly recommended as the most delicious and wholesome Spirit either for Mixing or for Medicinal purposes. It is perfectly pure, very mild, and being mellowed with age, is free from any fiery or heating qualities. Can be obtained from Mr. A. W. ARDAGH, Clarence Hotel, Wine Merchant, &c., appointed Agent for Ponty- pool, &c., at 21s. per gallon, or 3s. 6d. per sealed bottle. DAVID E. DAVIES'S LEATHER STORES, No. 26A, HIGH-STREET, NEWPORT. SMALL PROFITS SATISFY. — THE TERMS BEING CASH PAYMENT THE EXPENSE OF KEEPING AND OF COLLECTING, THE INCONVENIENCE OF WAITING FOR. AND THE DISAPPOINTMENTS AND LOSSES, UNAVOIDABLE IN ACCOUNTS, ARE SAVED. CLARENCE HOTEL, PONTYPOOL. MOST ELIGIBLE OPPORTUNITY. THE above Hotel to be LET, situate in the principal thoroughfare of the rapidly-increasing town of Pontypool, and opposite to the intended joint station of the Newport, Abergavenny, and Hereford— Coleford, Monmouth Usk, and Taff Vale Extension Railways; the proprietor being obliged to decline the Hotel business through a recent family bereavement, and ill-health. For further particulars, apply to Mr. A. W. ARDAGH, on the Premises; or to Mr. H. M. PARTRIDGE, Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, St. Woollos House, Stow-hill, Newport. PONTYPOOL. MESSRS. DAVIES and POTTER announce the return of their MILLINER from London, and respectfully invite the attention of purchasers to their large and unrivalled selection of MANTLES, MILLINERY, STRAW, TUSCAN, and FANCY BONNETS. All the new shapes in LADIES and CHILDREN'S WALKING HATS; an elegant assortment of RIBBONS, and an endless variety of new BONNET TRIMMINGS, INFANTS and CHILDREN'S MADE DRESSES, HOLLAND COATS, PINAFORES, &c. PROVINCIAL (WELSH) INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE—LIFE—ANNUITIES. A Considerable number of persons in the neighbourhood of Newport are now taking out POLICIES in this Company, and the SECRETARY HAVING BEEN DEPUTED BY THE DIRECTORS TO \ISIT THE DISTRICT he will be glad to see any persons desirous of obtaining information, or to reply to communications which may be made to him, at the WESTOATE HOTEL, NEWPORT, whore he will remain for a few days. It is of great importance to persons intending to assure their Lives, that they should do so IMMEDIATELY in the PROVINCIAL0(WELSH) INSURANCE COMPANY. Policies taken out before the 31sf of July will be entitled to participate in the FULL CURRENT YEAR'S BONUS. To ensure the completion of the Policies by the 31st of July, proposals should be sent in without delay, to the Secretary as above, or to the Chief Offices of the Company, Wrexham. Board-Room, Provincial (Welsh) Insurance Company, Wrexham, 13th July, 1855. N.B.-Solicitors, Land Agents, Insurance Agents, and others willing to co-operate with this truly successful native Institution, are cordially invited to communicate with the Secretary. -•••» SOUTH WALES AND VALE OF NEATH RAILWAYS. CHEAP EXCURSION TO LONDON. ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1855, A SPECIAL TRAIN will leave HAVERFORDWEST for LONDON, at 7.0 a.m., calling at A- the undermentioned Stations; and will return from Paddmston Station, on THURSDAY, ALGUST 9th, at 8.0 a.m., calling at same Stations as on Up Journey- A Train, in connection with the South }F('-Ies Train, will also leave Merthyr and Aberdare for heath. 8.0 a.m., calling at same Stations as on Up Journey- A Train, in connection with the South Wales Train, will also leave Merthyr and Aberdare for heath. On the Return Journey, Passengers will be forwarded up the Vale of Neath by the next succeeding Train after the arrrival of the Train from London. TIME AND FARE TABLE. First Covered l}.rst Covered A.M. Class. Carri'tgts. A.M. Class. Carriages. Haverfordwest 7. 0 33s. 23s. Neath 10.lo 27s. 18s. Narberth Road, for Tenby 7.30 32s. 22s. Port Talbot 10.30 2os. Ls. Carmarthen 8.15 31s. 2ls. Brulgend lO.oo 24s. 16s. Llanelly 9.15 30s. 20s. Cardiff.. 11-56 22a. los. Swansea 9.50 28s. 19s. Newport. 12.10 21s. 14s. Merthyr 9. 0 30s. 20s. Chepstow l.L> 20s. 14s. Aberdare 9. 5 30s. 20s. THE CRYSTAL PALACE AT SYDENHAM May by these arrangements, be visited on the One Shilling Admission Days. TICKETS will not be transferable, and only available for the Return Journey by the Special Train of the 9th. One single Package of Luggage will be allowed to each Passenger all other articles will be charged as parcels. ,,er Swansea, July 14th, 1855. BY ORDER. H E RE F OR I) MUSICAL hAt FESTIVAL. THE ONE nUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND MEETING OF THE THREE CHOIRS OF HEltEFORD, GLOIJCESTER, AND WORCESTER, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS OF CLERGYMEN IN THE THREE DIOCESES, WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, 1855, UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. PRESIDENT THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD BATEMAN, LORD LIEUT. OF THE COUNTY OF HEREFORD. VICE-PRESIDENTS THE RIGHT REYDS. THE LORDS BISHOPS OF HEREFORD, GLOUCESTER AND BRISTOL, AND WORCESTER. STEWARDS: THE EIGHT HON AND EEV. THE LOED SAYE F^OHADWIOK, SIE HAEFOED'J. JONES BETDSES, BART., Boulti- H. ESQ'' TBORP9 Labenbam Hall, T. W^BOOKEE, ESQ., M.P., The Ley8. EEY. V. P llOPTON; Bishop', Frome. W. T. KEVILL DAVIES, ESQ., Croft Castle. I MORNING PERFORMANCES IN THE 0 A T s E D R A L CHURCH: ON TUESDAY. FULL CATHEDRAL SERVICE. OVERTURE-LAST JUDGMENT.—SPOHR. GRAND DETTINGEN TE DEUM.-HANDEL. JUBILATE (composed for this Festival), G. TOWKSHEND SMITH^ PSALM 98TH.-MENDELSSOHN. "THE HEAVENS 0N WEDNESDAY. MENDELSSOHN'SJXRATORIQ, "ELIJAH." ON THURSDAY. MENDELSSOHN'S "HYMN OF PRAISE;" SPOHR s «CHRISTIANS PRAYER AND MOZART'S S E R V I C E." } 0 NFR I DAy. HANDEL'S SACRED ORATORIO, "THE MESSIAH." The Daily Collections at the Cathedral Poors are entirely devoted to the Charity. ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY EVENINGS, AT THE SHIREHALL, GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS. There will be a Ball after the Concert on Wednesday Evening. PRINCIPAL PEEFORMERS MADAME GRISI. CLARA. NOYELLO. MADAME WEISS. MKS MOSS. MISS DOLBY. MR. SIMS REEYES. S1GNOR ,MR. MONTEM SMITH. MR. H. BARNBY. MR WEISS. SOLO, PIANO FORTE-ARTHUR NAPOLEON. LEADER-MR. H. BLAGROYE. CONpUCTOR MI{. TOWNSHEND SMITH. ORGAN-MR. AMOTT. PIANO FORTE-MR. W. DONE. THE BAND TVHI be larger than on any previous occasion, inclusive of the first talent in the kingdom. The Chorus will also be increased. Tickets to be had only at Mr. PARKER'S, Bookseller, High Town, where Plans of the Cathedral and Shirehall may be seen. Persons residing at a distance can be supplied with Tickets, and have places selected and secured, by enclosing the amount for tickets and postage, by Post-office Order, or otherwise, prepaid to the Rev. EDWARD HOWELLS, Custos College, Hereford. The best of the seats will be scrupuloasly kept for the PPhcatits. The Doors of the Cathedral will be opened daily at half-pasl' ou 0 clock. The Service and Sacred Performances will commence at half-past Eleven o'clock. „ „ n The Doors of the Shirehall will be opened at half-past Sevea, tne Concerts will commence at Eight o clock. Rehearsal Tickets, One Guinea each. Tickets t8 all the performances (not transferable), £ 3 eac.h. luesday Morning—Nave, 5s.; Gallery, 3s. 6d.; Aisles, 2s.—Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Mornings, num&eieci seats, Nave, 12s. 6d. each numbered seats, GaUScert'Tickets' numbered seats, 10s. 6d. On Tuesday <^tLrgf0^"nUmbercd seats> 5s- A Register of Lodgings will be kept at Mr. HEAD'S, BOOK RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS. By the Hereford and Shrewsbury-Hereford, Newport, and Abergavenny-Hereford, Ross, and Gloucester-Day Tickets available from Monday, August 20th, to Saturday, August 2oth, inclusive—provided they be stamped at the 6ntrAdcUtionIieTSinslo Shrewsbury, Newport, and Cheltenham, will leave the Hereford Stations at 11-30, after each Concert, calling, if required, at all the intermediate Stations. GREAT WESTERN, AND HEREFORD, ROSS, AND GLOUCESTER. Special Trains will leave Cheltenham at 9.15 a.m. and Gloucester at 9.30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday opewax Mornins-s returning at ll.oU p.m. On Friday a Special Train will leave Swindon at 8.0 a.m.; Cheltenham 9.15 am. Gloucester 9.30 a.m., returning 7 40 p gin • Single Fares for the Double Journey every Day.' AU Return Tickets must be Stamped at the Entrance to the Festival. Programmes may be obtained of the Conductor, G. TOWNSHEND SMITH, Hon. Sec. V TF*\C\TY AND BAR PROPERLY USED, 'ty? Are the only really effective and safe remedies in Nervous Functional, and Rheumatic Disease. THE Pamphlet on MEINIG'S ELECTRO- J- GENERATOR and DAPHNE MARINA SAL1 for BATHS (2d. post-free, or gratis from all Depdts), con. o-wout 600 Cases of Cures for the last 18 months with full Names and Addresses. After experience so over whelming, it is the height of folly in persons suffering, tc postpone making use of a remedy which has Science, Ex. perience, and Reason in its favour, and is so easily appli- cable that a child may use it. Price, 5s. upwards, accord- ing to power, and with full directions for use the Salt, 6d. and Is. per packet. Retail Depôt, 213A, Piccadily, and 103, Leadenhall-street, London. N.B.-Particular Consultations in private or-other cases (fee 5s.), letters from medical men, &c., may be directed to Mr. CHARLES MEINIG, 44, Notting Hill Square, London. Agents for NEWPORT: Messrs. JENKIXS and CHERRY, Druggists, Commercial-street, where the Generators may be freely tested, and who have always a stock on hand of the Electro-Generators, and the Daphne Marine Bathing Salt. SCOTTISH EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament. THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of this SOCIETY was held at Edinburgh, on TUESDAY, the 1st May. The Report by the Directors, among other information, con- tained the following particulars :— During the year closed on 1st March I ist- 628 Policies have been issued. The Sums Assured thereby amounted to £ 284,670 And the Annual Premiums thereon to £ 9,041. The position of the Society at 1st March, was as follows Existing Assurances £ 4,392,733 Annual Revenue 163,394 Accumulated Fund. 910,845 Copies of the Report, and all other information, may be had on application at the Head Office, or Agencies. View of the Progress and Position of the Society. Amount Annuai Accumulated Assured. H cvenue. Fund. At 1st March, 1837' £ "740,462 £ 56,115 1843: 1,707,716 04,000 227,755 1849 3,067,376 114,106 496,555 1855 4,392,733 163,394 910,845 1855 j 4,392,733 163,394 910,845 ROBT. CHRISTIE, Manager. WILLIAM FINLEY, Secretary. HEAD OFFICE,—26, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDIN- BURGH. Office in London,—126, BISIIOPSGATE STREET. AGENTS. NEWPORT Wir. GRAHAM, Jun., Land Agent. Cardiff Page Ohlsen k Co., Merchants. Pembroke J. R. Bryant, Surgeon. Haverfordwest .Philip Ellis, Merchant. IMMEDIATE. IT is of great importance to persons intending to assure their Lives, that they should do so so IM- MEDIATELY in the PROVINCIAL (WELSH) INSURANCE COMPANY. Policies taken out before I he 3L( of July, will be entitled lo participate in the FULL CURRENT YEAR'S BONUS. To ensure the completion of the Policies by the 31st of July, the proposals should be sent in without (leiau. Further information may be obtained at the Chief Offices of the Company, High-street, Wroxham at the London Branch Offices, 49, Moorgate-street or of any of Com pany's Agents. June, 1855. DR. DE JQijTGKIi'S LIGHT BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prepared for Medicinal Use in the Loffoden Isles, Norway, and put to the test of Chemical Analysis. THIS pure and unadulterated transparent Light-Brown COD LI V[■'R OIL, long known and justly approciated on the Continent, has now acquired the general confidence of the Medical profession in this country, by whom it has been extensively and successfully pre- scribed, and with almost immediate and remarkably beneficial results—in many instances where ordinary Cod Liver Oil had been copiously, though ineffectually, ad- ministered. Being invariably and carefully submitted to chemical analysis-and supplied in bottles, to winch are affixed stamped Uupisules and Label', with the signature of DR. DE JONGH attached, so as to preclude anlj subsequent admixture or adulte- ration—the physician and the patient may alike rely upon a genuine medicine, and, so far as is possible, anticipate a uniform, regular, and certain result. EXTRACTS FROM MEDICAL TESTIMONIALS. The late JONATHAN PEREIRA, M.D., F.R.S.E., F.L S. Professor at the University of London, Author of "The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics," &c., &c. I know that no one can be better, and few so well acquainted with the physical and chemical properties of this medicine as yourself, whom I regard as the highest authority on the subject. The oil which you gave me was of the very finest quality, whether considered with reference to its colour, flavour, or chemical properties and I am satisfied that for medicinal purposes no finer oil can be produced." ARTHUR H. HASSALL, M.D., F.L.S., Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Physician to the Royal Free Hospital, Chief Analyst of the Sanatory Commission of the Lancet, Author of "Food and its Adulterations," &c., &c. I have more than once, at different times, subjected your Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil to chemical analysis-and this unknown to yourself-an(I I have always found it to be free from all impurity, and rich in the constituents of bile. So great is my confidence in the article, that I usually pre- scribe it in preference to any other, in order to make sure of obtaining the remedy in its purest and best condition." Sold in Bottles, labelled with Dr. DE JONGH'S Stamp and Signature, WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE, by ANSAR, HARFORD, and CO., 77, Strand, London, Dr. DE JONGH'S sole accredited Consignees and by most respectable Chemists. Half-pints (1>1 ounces), 2s. 6d.; Pints (20 ounces), 4g. 9d.; Quarts (40 ounces), 9s IMPERIAL MEASURE. SOLD IN NEWPORT by T. J. JONES, Chemist, High- street; J. C. GWILLIM, Chemist, 11, Commercial-street; J. PHILLIPS, Chemist, 92, Commercial-street; H. FAULKNER, Chemist, 153, Pillgwenlly; W. MORGAN, Chemist, Pillgwenlly. MONMOUTH, by W. SPENCER, Chemist, Agincourt Square. ABERGAVENNY, by J. WATKINS, Chemist, High-street. CHEPSTOW, by Mrs. WILLIAMS, Chemist, High-street. PONTYPOOL, by W. CONWAY, Chemist, 2, George-street. MARKET GARDENS.- A CHALLENGE. WILLIAM BAIJLCH, GARDENER, CAERLEON YILLAGE, CHALLENGES every Gardener attending Newport Market, that he will Show the best garden of fruit against them all.—Strawberries and other fruits carefully picked and supplied on reason- able terms. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. IT- EARSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FEMLLE PILLS, so long and justly celebrated for their peculiar virtues, are strongly recommended to the notice of every lady, having obtained the sanction and approbation of most gentlemen of the Medical Profession, as a safe and valuable medicine in eifectually removing obstructions, and relieving all other inconveniences to which the female frame is liable, especially those which, at an early period of life, frequently arise from want of exercise, and general debility of the system they cieate an appetite, correct indigestion, remove giddiness and ner- vous headache, and are eminently useful in windy disor- ders, pains in the stomach, shortness of breath, and pal- pitation of the heart: being perfectly innoceiiu, they may be used with safety ill all seasons aud climates. It is necessary, owing to the numerous imitations to inform the Public that Kearsley's is the only Original and Genuine Medicine of this description ever made, and has been prepared by them for more than SEVENTY YEARS Purchasers are particularly requested to remark, that as a testimony of authenticity, each bill of directions contains ail affidavit, and bears the signature of C. KEARSLEY," in writing, also engraved on the government stamp, and each box is wrapped in white paper. Sold, wholesale and retail, by J. Sanger, 150, Oxford- street, London in boxe-t, price 2s. 9d. each, or by post for 36 postage stamps and all respectable medicine vendors throughout the country. TTA L SUPPORTABLE GALVANIC JLL A< PARATUSES Price £ 5 5s. and jElO lO.s.—Para- lysis, Asthma, Indigestion. Spermatorrhoea.—Galvanism.— A Word to Invalids.— Health is the greatest worldly blessing we can enjoy; and yet many invalids, for the sake of saving a guinea, will purchase apparatuses which are entirely useless for medical purposes. Gal- vanism, they say, is galvanism, no matter whether the price of the apparatus be much or little. They may as well say that a fiddle is a fiddle, and that there is no difference in them. Surely no one of common sense, who feels desirous of testing the remedial powers of Galvanism, I will, for the sake of a guinea, throw his money away, by purchasing an imperfect instead of a perfect apparatus. He I may as well not try Galvanism at nil, aa try with an ineffi- cient apparatus. These latter remarks I address particularly to invalids but how much stronger do they apply to medical men who are applying galvanism They find it fail of pro- ducing those wonderful effects which I have found it to produce. And why is it ? Simply because they are using an imperfect apparatus. Scarcely a day passes but I receive an order for my.galvanic apparatus from medical men, who have been using the small machines, and found them useless. Iconclude by stating, that if medical men employ Galvanism at all in their practice, they are bound, both in duty to them- selves and to their patients, to use the apparatus in its perfect form. The prices are as above. The cash to accom- pany the order.—William Hooper Halse, Walpole Lodge (No. 51), Finchley-road, St. John's Wood, London. Mr. Halse recommends patients residing in the country to pur- chase one of his portable apparatuses, as with his instruc- tions, they will be enabled to apply the Galvanism themselves l without the least pain, and fully as effectively as he could at his own residence. Send two penny stamps for his pamphlet on Medical Galvanism. Terms-One Guinea per Week. DECAYED TEETH AND TOOTH ACHE. *1 Patronised by her Majesty the Queen and his Royal Highness Prince Albert. MR. HOWARD'S PATENT WHITE SUCCEDANLUM,for fillingdecayed teeth, however > large the cavity. It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the Tooth in a soft state, without any pres- sure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth for many years, rendering extraction unnecessary, and arrests all further progress of decay. All persons can use the Succedaneum THEMSELVES WITH EASE. > Prepared by Mr. Howard, Surgeon Dentist, 17, George- street, Hanover-square, London, who will send it free by Post to any part of the Kingdom, with full directions for use enclosed-Price 2s. 6d. in postage stamps. Sold by all respectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Caution-As many spurious imitations are now offered to the public, which are perfectly useless, please to observe that the signa- ture THOMAS HOWARD," in red ink, is on the wrapper, without which none is genuine. Price 2s. 6d. GEORGE ARTINGSTALL & CO., LATCHFORD WIRE WORKS, WARRINGTON MA NUFACTURERSof linprovedstron-r -1-VJ. RABBIT PROOF WIRE NETTING 0 12 inches high, 4d. per yard—Galvanised, 4.;d. 18 inches 6d. 7<1 24 inches 8d. 9d. All other widths at proportionate prices. Wire-work for Aviaries, Conservatories, &c., &c. Extra strong WOVEN WIRE for Miners' use, Riddles, Sieves, &c. Also, extra strong WIRE KILN FLOORS, for drying Malt and other Grain, woven by steam power, 3 feet to 3 bin. wido. These are of superior quality, and more durable than the nai-row widths usually made by hand looms. RUPTURE. TT VER TRUS S, requiring no steel spring round the body,is recommended tor the following peculiarities and advantages —1st, facility of application 2nd perfcct freedom from lIabIlity to chafe or excoriate; 3;d, it f"TT7"HITE'S MOC-MAIN PATENT LE- may be worn with equal comfort in any y position of the body by night or day 4th, t/ it admits of every kind of exercise without the slightest inconvenience to the wearer,and is perfectly nonce; led from observation. r We do not hesitate to give to this inven- tion our unqualified approbation and we strenuously advise the use of it to all those who stand in need of that protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort, obtain from any other apparatus or truss, as from that which we have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending." Church and State Gazette. ° Recommended by the following eminent surgeons — Win. Ferguson, !^q., F.R.S., Professor of Surgery'in King s College, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &c.; C. G. Guthrie Esq., Surgeon to the Royal Westminster Oph'halmic ilospitnl i" r. Bowman, Ksq., F.R.S., Assis- tant Surgeon to Kings College Hospital; T. Callaway, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon to Guy's Hospital; W. Coulson Esq., Surgeon to the Magdalen Hospital T. Iflizard Curling, H<q., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital; W.J. Fisher, Esq., Surgeon-in-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force; Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert Robert Liston, Esq., F.R.S. James Luke, Esq., Surgeon to the London Truss Society Eras- mus Wilson, Esq., F.R.S., and n.any others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and the Truss "hich cannot fail to fit) can be forwarded by post, by send- ing the circumference of the body, two inches below the hip3, to. the manufacturer. MR. WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 16s., 21s., 26s. 6d. and 31s. 6d. lostage Is. Double 31s. Cd 42s. and 52s. 6d. Postage s. 81—Post Office Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-office, Piccadilly. fTjlLASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, a A &c.—The material of which these are made is recommended by the Faculty, as being peculiarly elastic and compressible, and the best invention for giving efficient and perma- nent support in all cases ot weakness, and Swel- ling of the Legs, Varicose Veins, Sprains, &c. It is porous, light in texture, and inexpensive and is drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Price from 7s. 6d. to 16s. each. Postage 6d. MANUFACTORY 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. SPECIMENS MAY BE SEEN AT THE CRYSTAL PALACE LEA & PERRINSI, CELEBRATED PRONOUNCED BY e | EXTRACT of a LETTER CONNOISSEURS, flhf a MEDICAL Jjl ifi GENTLEMAN at Madras, TO BE THE to his Brother at "ONL Y GO OD SAUCE" WORCESTER, May, 1851. "Tetl LEA & PERRINS AND APPLICABLE TO that their SAUCE is highly esteemed in India, and is, SVERY VARIETY in my opinion, the most palatable as well as the OF DISH. most wholesome Sauce that WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. Sold univ-ersall, by the principal dealers in Saacea. IN THE HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY. TRIESEMAB. On the 29th of May, 1855, an Injunction was granted by the Hiyh Court of Chancery, and on the 11 th of Juns following was made perpetual, against Joseph Fraiiklin and others, to restrain them, under a penalty of £1,000, from imitating this Medicine which is protected by Royal Letters Patent of Eng- land and secured by the seals of tHe Ecole de Pharmacie do Paris, and the Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. T R IE S EM A H. N o. I is a Remedy for RELAXATION, T and Exhaustion of the System. TRIESEMAlt No. II. effectually, in the short space of Tlnee Days, completely and entirely eradicates alljtraces of those disorders which Capsules have so long been thought an antidote for, to the rum of the health of a vast portion of the population. TRIMS KM AII No. III. is the great Continental Remedy for thfkt class of disorders which unfortunately, the English Physician treats with Mercuiy, to the inevitable destruction of the patient's constitution, and which all the Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. THIESEMAR Nos. I., IT., III., are alike devoid of taste or smell, and of all nauseating qualities. Sold in tin cases, at lIs. each; free by post, 2s. extra; divided into separate doses, as administered by Valpeau, Lallemand, Roux, &c., &c. To be had wholesale and retaii in London, of Cornhiil Hannay and Co, 63, Oxford street; and Sanger, 150, Oxtoid street; R. H. Ingham, druggist, 46, Mark- street, Manchester; II. Bradbury, bookseller Dean"Sga!e, 13olton; i. Priestly, chemist, 5-2, Lord streef, Liverpool; Powell,bookseller 15, Westmorland street, Dublin Winuail. bookseller. Hij<h street Birmingham: Messrs. Garrett, Bros., Druggists, Newport,' Mon. BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS -LF Price Is. l^d and 2s. 9d. per box. Testimonial from Hull, to Mr. I'rout, 229, Strand, London. SIR,—I have great pleasure in forwarding to you the enclosed. The heartfelt gratitude of Mr Eity is beyond my power to desciibe. Yours respectfully, 13, Whitcfriargate, C. L. METCALFE. Hull, Jan. 31, 1835. 26th January, 1855. DEAR Stu,—I must acknowledge to you the very gjeat relief I have derived from the use of Ulair's Gout and Rheumaiic Pills the first two boxes of which I purchased at your establishment whilst suffering from a severe attack of Sciatica and Lumbago, for the cure of which I had visited Harrogate, Buxton. and a celebrated cold water cure establishment, without the desired benefit. Having been a resident for upwatds of twenty years in the East Indies, and being about to return, I cannot leave without expressing my gratitude for the benefit I have received from the use of this inestimable medicine. To Mr. C. L. Metcalfe. 1 beg to remain, dear Sir, Chemist, Hull. Yours truly, C. ETTY. Mr. \V.TAYLOR, Bookseller, Warminster, NVilts, writes —" Wm Penny, of Corton, Wilts, was afflicted with Rheumatism to such an extent that he could not move hand or foot; he was recommended by a gentlemr.n to try Blair's Pills, and accordingly procured a box at Mr. Tarlor's, from which he derived so much benefit, that he sent for another, which effected a complete cure." MR. WILLIAM COURTNEY, of Barton Stacey, Hant3, says Having suffered much from Gout, I had resort to Blair's Pills, and within two hours I was quite easy. The use of these Pills ought really to be known all over the world." These Pills require neither attention nor confinement, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part; and in consequence of the great and increasing demand for this useful Medicine, the Proprietor has ob- tained permission from Her Majesty's Commissioners of Stamps to have the name and address of "THOMAS PROUT, 229, Strand, London," impressed upon the Government Stamp affixed to each Box of the genuine Medicine.—Sold by all Vendors of Medicine. Newport, Saturday, July 21st, 1855. Printed and Published for the Proprietor, EDWARD DOWLING, of Mount Pleasant, Hill-street, in the Borough of Newport, in the MERLIN General Printing Office, situate in Commercial-street, at the Borough of Newport, by WILLIAM CHRISTOPHERS, of No 7, Commercial' street, in the said borough.