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IioRittD MUHDEH IN JNEW HAMI'SHIUE —■- horrible tragedy was enacted, on Jan. Iiith, in this vicinity. Miss Jones, a young lady in New lioston, wlule on h r way to school on Friday morning, was mat by isarga-nt a re- jected lover, who fired a pistol at her, whi n she fell dead on the spot. Mr. Sargent then cooily loaded another pistol, and out his own brains. About; year since, he paid his addresse* to i^s Jones, and she, at the urgent request of her father, recrivcd them for a time. Sh rtlv after her father died, and since that time, she has in. timated to h m the desire that they shoulu he discontinued. Last Monday, lie called her out of the school which she was a tending, and asked her if sue aid not intend keeping com- pany w-fth him any longer. She told him. "No." Since I that time it is thought he has been contemplating the dia bolictl deed. A younger b) other and two or three little girls were in company with her at the time. He fired three s ots. 1 he fir-t taking no effect, she cried out, Oh, don't shoot me He seized her by the arm, and fired two more shots, when she imnieiii.itely tell dead. lhe affair occurred about nine o'clock, r Kaigent lived till "hout thne o'clock in the afternoon, but ail the time wholly uncon-cious. Wiss Jones is iuv«ri ;biy spoken of as a worthv girl, and of r.-spectabie connections. The families are neighbours, the pwreii'S widows. Upon Sarg'-tu's person were found papers giving directions regarding the luneial, &c. He wished the funerals to take place at the same tiioe, and that they miht bp. buried in tite 8ame grave, or as nrar each ottler as po,.ciùIe, I 0 this, or curse, thefanvl/of Miss Jones would consent. The funerals lock place at dif- ferent bou-es. EXECUTION.—John Charles Tapner suffered the last penalty of the law at Guernsey, o.i Friday last, ?rd Feb. Considerable interest has been exited by the case of the culprit, who was convicted by 11:0 royal court of Guern = iy for the murder of an aged female, whose house and some of whose remains were burned in order to conc»al if pos- sible, her violent death. The evidence was of a nature necessarily circumstantial, although strong, and very rc'ive exertions have been made to procure a reirmsio,; of "the capital sentence. After a most careful consideration how- ever, of the entire circumstances, and the perusal of the most voluminous documents, submitted to the Home Se- cretary, by the authorities of the island, and the f ie-ds of the accused, Lord Pdnerstan has decided that there is no rea-ou to reverse the decision of the royal cuUrt. I BOUCTIOM IN THE i'RICE OF BRKAD.—On Saturday, the bakers of the metropolis and suburbs reduced the price of the 4 lb. loaf a penny bread of the second qunhty lt)'d and to 9d. ald tive'y Country or housenoid breai (uuweighed) from 9d to 8L per loaf. Toe League Bakery sell their bread (un- iidu teratcd_) at 9c]. per -1 lb. (JHI'AT REDUCTION IN TIII: fRICE OF COALS.—On r^atur. av the retail coal-dealers of toe metropolis made a c nsid -i ab e reduction in the pn: eat t1,118 article, so essen- tial to the comfort of the poor at this inclement season. Coals which had been selling ill the eariy part, of last week ■:t 2s, 4rf. and '2s. 6d. per cwt. were reduced to is. lOci. and 2s per cwt. respectively, and gas coke trorn 9d. to 8d. per bushel. The diminution iu piice^is to be attributed to the immense fleet of coal-laden visse.s that arrived in the river on Friday a id .>a'urday, which it is anticipated w ill m'nt the n iin er of ships !"r sale at tuis day's market to nearly 700, wiih aggregate tonnage ot 17> Gúv. RAILWAY CCIDHNTS —My a Parliamentary return jnst issued, it appears that the total numoii of persons of every o'escri- (ion killed and injure;! on all tue passenger railways onen for the public tratfic in Great iji-it^ni and Ireland, ending 30th June, 18.53. amounted to US killed ind 191 injured, and may :.eclassed as follows: — !0 p :s-iengtrs killed and 114 injured, tro.u causes beyond iheir own con'rol 14 passengers klLeo. and 7 injured, owing to their own misconduct or want of caution lif) servants of comoinies or of coniractois killed and 43 in- jured, from causes beyond their own control 41 s rvants of companies or of contractus killed and ,20 injured, owing to tier own misconduct > r art o. caution 40 tres na; sers and other persons, neither passengers nor servants "f the company, killed and ,7 injured, by dossing or waik- {n„ the railway; 1 suicide. Total—148 killed and 191 injured. The number of passengers conveyed during the half year amounted to 316. 1 he le ngth of railway 0pen' on the 31st December, 1052, was 7,330 miles. The length of railway open on the 30th June, 18ju, was 7,5U miles. Increase of mileage during the half year, liG.