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RAID ON A BARRY CLUB. INSTITUTION STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER. Another sitting of Barry Police-court was held on Tuesday to hear further evidence in the case, in which the police prose- cuted, of the Unionist Working Men's Club and Institute, Holton-road, Barry Dock, and the secretary (James Johnson), to show cause why the club should n<">t be struck off the register of clubs. The summons was based Upon the following groundsi- (1) That the club was not conducted in good faith ae a club. (2) That there 'was frequent drunkenness on the premises. (3) That illegal sales of intoxicating liquor have taken place on the promises, and (4) That the supply of intoxicating liquor to the club was not under the control of the committee appointed by the members. Mr. George David, solicitor, Cardiif, again appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. B. Francis-Williams, K.C. (instructed by Mr. F. P Jones-Lloyd, solicitor, Barry), was for the defence. The presiding magistrates again were Mr. T. R. Thompson and Mr. J. C. Meggitt. The cross-examination of Police-sergeant Thomas was resumed. Witness said he was of opinion that gaming was carried on on the club premises. Betting books and racing guides were found on the premises, and one 1)f the members had been fined for rtreet betting, and another cautioned •or gaming at the club. He also pro- laced a sporting telegram which had been tent to a person at the club, and he ..witness) had been offered racing tips by members of the club. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: I hope you won. tLaughter.)—I did not accept it. Witness, continuing, said the committee tpent more last year on matches than they did on the braes band of the club. The rules atated that proposal forms should be signed three days before election. In his opinion that meant three clear days. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: I see you have been reading Every Man Hie Own Lawyer." (Laughter.) Witness did not suggest that there had been embezzlement by the secretary in con- nection with the discrepancy between the amount received aa subscriptions of members and that paid to the bank. Police-constable H. Louth (452) gave evidence in corroboration of that of the previous wit- ness. At the time of the police raid on the 6th of March he saw three men drunk on the club premises. He had frequently noticed rowdyism and disturbance at the club. He had seen five men go from the club to a neighbouring field to drink, and when they left he found an empty bottle of John Dewar's on the ground. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: What do you mean? Had they been consuming Mr. Dewar himself? (Laughter.) Witness: No, whisky. He had on several occasions seen men leave the club under the influence of drink Mr. B. Francis-Williams: Why did you not arrest these men? The Bench: It is not usual to arrest men who are merely drunk. Mr. B. Franc is-Williams: Oh, isn't it? (Laughter.) Inspector D. Morris testified to cases in which men who had left the club under the influence of drink being fined for drunkenness at the court. When the club closed on Sun- days he had seen men carrying bottles away wholesale. Police-constables J. Clynch, R. Beedles, and James Fuller, and Folice-sergeant Poolman gave similar evidence as to the character of the club, which was supported by the opinion of Deputy-chief-constable J. F. Giddings. EVIDENCE FOR THE DEFENCE. For the defence, Mr. C. H. Kempthorne, architect and surveyor, gave evidence as to the structural capacity of the club premises. James Johnson, the secretary of the club, and one of the defendants, was called. He was appointed secretary in March, 1900, at a salary of £2a week and 6d. per day, for refreshments. He described the mode adopted for the election of members, and said no visi- tors were allowed on the premises of the ;lub. Those responsible for the management had done their utmost to carry on the estab- lishment in a proper manner. He denied the allegation which had been made that the club was run by brewers. He (witness) had never signed a proposal form without the authority of the candidate, proposer, or seconder. Mr. T. R. Thompson: According to tue rules the proposal form should be signed by the applicant himself. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: And an infringe- ment of that rule would not make the club other than bona-fide. It would only be an irregularity. Mr. T. R. Thompson: That would open the door to any amount of irregularities. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: But irregularity does not affect the club as a bona-fide insti- tution. Witness declared that all the money received by way of subscriptions had been paid into the bank. He denied that drunken- ness had been encouraged on the ciub pre- mises at all. Whenever a member was found to have had enough the steward would refuse to supply him with any more drink. In cross-examination, witness said that on the day of the raid the club was bombarded by men who were not members coming to the door seeking admission. The committee had appointed the chairman of the club at a salary of two guineas a week to look after the members. The average attendance at the club on Saturday and Sunday was 150 to 200. He could not give any explanation why the subscriptions of members from February 9 to March 6 had not been paid into the bank. Mr. T. R. Thompson said. according to the books, about £13 worth of beer and spirits was given away to members on the 1st of January last. This, he thought, was an Imnroper use of funds. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: That is one of the objects of the club—social intercourse. (Laughter.) Mr. T. R. Thompson: It says moral improve- ment in the rules; I should say immoral improvement. Mr. B. Francis-Williams: It is a species of elevation, sir. (Laughter.) Mr. David (to witness): Under what head would these free drinks come? Mr. B. Francis-Williams: Mutual helpful- ness. (Lrnsrhter.) Mr. T. R. Thompson asked whether the defence were prepared to meet the charges of drunkenness? Mr. B. Francis-Williams replied, in the face of the evidence, it would be helpless to struggle against tlut charge of drunkenness. In addressing the bench. Mr. B. Frond"- Williams said this was a working men's club, and one would rot expert a club of this kind to be conducted with the same scrupulous regard to rules as clubs of a superior class. He admitted irregularities, but still he con- tended that the club was yet a bona fide institution. The ideas of social recreation which the members peemed to have were those of our grandfathers, and not present- day ideas of propriety. (Laughter.) CLUB STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER. The Bench were of opinion that the case had been proved, and ordered that the club be struck off the register of clubs, and that the premises be not used for the purposes of a club requiring registration under the Act for a period of twelve calendar months. Mr. Thompson added-that great credit was due to the police for the very efficient manjler in which the case for the prosecution had been prepared. Mr. David applied for costs, and the Bench granted £15 153.. Mr. Thompson regretting that it was not* in the power of the justice? to grant special costs to the police.











