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23 articles on this Page

—HUM—Mwiiiifiwf7TifTr man…

Assault on .Swansea Police.

Fochriw Curate's Home-Coming.

Judge and the Jury-box.

Swansea Gifts to the Queen.


Hot Weather at Porthcawl Camp.

Fforestfach Publican Sued.

Swansea Education Committee…



Riotious Outbreak at Aberavon.

[No title]


Welsh National Show.

Tinplate Tariffs IUseful Return






NEATH NOTES. "Observer" Chats of Bars, Prison and Otherwise. How Boniface makes his Profit. Mr. Trueman's Recent Trip to Swansea. The weather is scorching hot, and the people of this populous and important centre are draggling about mentally shaking their fists at the sun and ejaeulating, "Why in the name of goodness can t he be temperate, in his habits. It's either all or none with him whereas it he did but exercise a little modera- tion everyone would bless him, a.nd we should all be the happier." And there is a good deal in it. Why can't the Labour members of the Council do something? They represent the mighty masses. And why don't the Temperance party hold a demonstration and huri anathemas at the grand old orb in the heavens, which is the vitality of the universe? Perhaps they haven't thought. But maybe they have been cozening themselves with the idea that this heat is a fine thing for stone jars, lemonades, pop, a.nd kindred concoctions of physical expansion, and consequently a blow at the arch-fiend "Drink." But they are mistaken ay, wofully mis- taken. And if they w;Il honour me with a perusal of the following, they will gather to- gether their sweltering energy and make a terrific burst. I have made it my business to interview several loca' licensed victuallers on the effect of the hot weather on thirst, and this is one of the results — "Cood morning, Mr. —— "Dood morninV' "Verv hot." "It was scorchin' "Good for biz." "Dot is so mynheer." "Too hot to drink beer?" ".No, my boy. Dot is just vere you jnake de mistake. It is fine for peer." "Now, I should have thought there would be a big run on teapot drinks, such as pop, lemonade, cider, etc." "Veil, your t'ot is wrong. Of course, dere is a Jot of pop and lemomde drunk, but de increase in de consumption of pop is nud- dings compared with de increase on peer. It was lofely veather for de peer—such peer as I do sell; lofdy peer." "Well, surely people don't drink spirits this weather. It would be enough to kill them I should think." 'My dear poy, you knows nudding about it. They drink more viskey, more chin, more brandy, more cveryting. Have you tried vis key and soda. with a lump of ice?" 1 protested my innocence, whereupon he said ell have one with me, mv poy." And he straightway concocted one. With some trepidation, I must confess. I partook of the cooling beverage, mine host the while looking on critically. "VeIL how you like him?" I replied, "Splendid." "I sell a lot of him-dwcntv or tirty of a mornin'. Den again dere is stone char and chin. Dat is very coolin'. Well, you try one of him with a lump of ice." Reluctantly I consented. It was good. "Now," said mine host, "you have started, you vill vant viskey and soda and stone char and chin all day. Dat is vere I makes mine proieet. De best thing to do is not to drink at all, or as little as possible dis veather, for vonce you begin you get tirsty again, and so it goes on. No, don't blame de veather, Dis veather is grand for mine peshness." Before the day was out, I found that mine host's words were true. Now, my tempera.nce friends, for the sake of the great cause you represent, be up a.nd doing. Mr. T rueman says he doesn't mind tb<* heat a hit. "You see," he said, "I am so busy that I haven't time to think about it. I am working at high pressure two-thirds of the. day. The remaining third is occupied with feeding, reading, and sleeping. Yes, I am going to unset the Neath justices. You watch events. There will be some startling developments. They thought they were going to break my back, but there is a lot of vitality left in C. R. T. yet." I ventured to ask him how he enjoyed himself during his brief stay in the Ovster- mouth Palace of Varieties, and he consented to tell me something of his experiences. "It is singular," he began, "how a man can carry his individuality even into his Majesty's prison. Wheto I arrived in State I immediately asked to see the governor, and he came. I bid him good afternoon, and he courteously rejoined. I then asked him to kindly provide me with a copy of Stone's 'Justice Manual.' He said that was an un- usual request, and I proceeded to explain to him that I intended to appeal and wanted to prepare my notices. He left me, and I was conducted to my cell. I sat down in the easy chair, and buried my feet in the fluffy yielding rug. and for a time was buried in thought. I was roused for my reverie by the entrance of the chief warder, who her- alded his approach by a gentle tap at the door. I rose and bowed. He salaamed and spake thusly: 'The guv'nor says you can have Stone if you wish.' I wished, and Stone was brought, and I forthwith buried myself in the preparation of my notices of appeal. And thus I remained until the ar- rival of the evening meal, which being of the usual rich order I partook of with avidity. 1 was tired, and very soon wa.s comfortably reclining on my feather bed between sheets of"' snowy whiteness. To myself I said, 'This is alright.' And it was alright, too." "Early in the morning the bell rang cheer- fully, and I arose, and having bathed in crystal, clear, refreshing water, my atten- dant arrived with an invitation to church or chapel. 'What religion are you?' he askeo 'None,' I replied. 'But you must be some, he added. 'None: absolutely none, I re- plied. So I didn't go to service. Au hour's exercise a.nd then came break- fast. The food was excellent, and 1 ate heartily. After the meal my attendant came with some light work of the nature of rope, which he desired me to "refine." 1 said L could not see, for I had not my glatses with me. Ihen he. obligingly de- parted and returned with some mail bags and a needle a.nd thread, a-nd pointed out v.*lot was required of roe. "Can you sew? he asked. "1 have never threaded a needle in my life, leave a-lone sew. How du you do it?" And he showed me. I wished to do as desired, but I could no more sew than I could fly. You see, my education in this respect had been neglected. They should teach boys as well as girls how to sew. Any- how, I couldn't do it, and there was an end of it. And so things went on. I was well fed. The regulation diet was plain, but excellent), and I received every courtesy from the officials. The only thing that af- fected me was the monotony, which to an active, man like myself was a real punish- ment. Yet 1 had plenty to think about, and so 1 lay at night, and sat or stood by day, my brain was busy evolving plans, the Jesuits of which you will be able to see later on." & So much for Mr. Trueman's experiences. Some of them, a.s intended, must be taken j cum grano talis. Everyone in the district who has the pleasure, of knowing Mr. Edwards, the chief clerk at the Neath offices of the Glamorgan Constabulary, will be glad to hear of his promotion to an inspectorship hut at the same time they will be sorry toe learn that the promotion wiii necessitate his removal to Gowerton, where-, he will take over the control of the district of which the plaec named is the centre. Inspector Edwards has been an efficient' and faithful officer, an i has capably discharged the multifarious duties attaching to the important office he filled. He was invariably courteous and obliging, and although a strict discipiinar- ian, "was very popular among all the men of the "D" Division. May god^d Juck and prosperity attend him wherever he goes. He will be succeeded bv P.S. Canton, cf J aff's Well. f. Bank Holiday afternoon and he was idly sipping a lemon squash. "You see," ne Raid, hair of the head is spelt with an h; while, the air of tha atmosphere begins with an a." "How wonderful," rejoined a com- panion. "Everyone knows there's a differ- ence between the hair of the. head and fhe 't; ■ ii i- i hair of the atmosphere. y?hy ewacybody langfaed. i., t A Neath gentleman reoen&y kvente? 41 deadly powder for ejderminaitng rate. A'^0, Swansea, butcher bought some. A iwfc after he of Swansea came to Neath, where he met the inventor. "What'f -hat you sold me?" he asked, with just • *p»ee of anger in his tone. "Why, rat was the reply. "It is splendid IH I should think it is," sarcastically phed the Swanseaite. "There were sco» r? at my place before. Now there are thousamts." m m n m > They don't speak to one another now. j & II I know that this incident would go better in Welsh, but my education in Wr-.isL h&g l*-en neglected. So I most give n is Eng- lib1-- A poor collier 'happened to be k'1 t«*i by a fall from the roof, and his .:c.frorowmg nates debated among themsdves wTv. the best fitted person to convev ibe sad news to the widow. None of t,h,r¡¡ lilrnd the tjask, but they all felt,».wi4h '.)41' excep- tion, and that was Dai Williams uKf ft. was the best man to do it. "Dai wui t lKik it gently," they all agreed. "Vflit." Dai, "1 don't like the job, but III do it as you a11 wish it. So he went to dee-eased"^ resmeraec. and this is what took placr, TT1: "Do Widow Jones live b 'ene?** -j r rS j ^oncs: "No, she doew/t. Mrs* Jones does. But I'm no widow. My band is at work." Dai: Oh, he is, is her" Mrs. Jones; "Certainly." Dal: And you re no widow?" Mrs. Jones; "Cert.ainlv not." Dai: Well, you just wait til1 -ju4 comes home, and you'll see who's n \j ooci e vemng f •&> Breaking it gently, wasn't it? I notice that a Shakespearian treat 1.s Ml store for Neath people on the 19th .vid WL when Mr. Benson's Star Company wilt two performances at the Gwyn Ba^. "OBSEhLVix," -1 1 At Neath on Thursday Mary Ano finni. against whom there were previous coirvio. tions, was charged with assaulting Mary Dei a hay by throwing a stone at h. Both parties came from the hsstorwr T"i: and ,%orof^ainant' appeared 'i court with head bandaged up. She had woend on the forehead and another on the Kp- It appeared that defendant and her skster were qitarrciling, that the former Look up a stone and threw it at her. The nurail* missed its mark, crashed through the WMI- dow, and struck complainant, who was nuf- side. Defendant said she did not hit careen am. It was quite an acoRjeir. ie Chairman said defendant had .Helper be careful m future. She would "be fmtd »lQs. and costs. 10s. and costs. Defendant: I can't pay; I must 30 down. .r At Neath on Thursday Howell WiUi^s. an aged man, w..s charged with v. ;h'ui!v breaking thrae panes of glass in Th. itboP :ZtTS °f (r,°,incillor Hopkin Jones, iroa- f *chairman of Neath Gwawlwns Groen street., on Thursdav. Dam^- estimated a" £ 6. to1nff.?eaiConftafaI^said hooQiy to offer sufficient evidence to justify a (P. Mand, as Mr. Hopkin Jones was aW8\1, P.C. Thomas (8) said prisoner came te ¡ him and said, "I have been in th onion. ana they starved me there. It :0 a. art through the chairman of the guardiuns, v-feo keeps the ironmonger's shop over t ore kiid I am going to see him." Prison r weiu oyer and "bashed" in thnee panes o' l-W with a stick. Asked what he had *0 say prisoner said, "I am very bad. I aro nea-fv dropping off my fe;t. J want a docter £ examine me. Prisoner was then remanded in cosioJy.



[No title]