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--______n__---IN AID OF THE…


-n_ IN AID OF THE ORPHAN HOME. PRETTY BAZAAR AT THE ALBERT HALL. OPENED BY THE MAYOR. The Albert Hall was the scene of a very pretty bazaar yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. The object was a most laudable one, comprising as it did the augmentation of the funds of the Swansea Home for Orphan and Friendless Girls. We can imagine no institution which is more likely to appeal successfully to the charitably-disposed in our midst than that -which has the poorest and most helpless of children for its special care. The home cer- tainly does obtain a fair measure of support in a general way but it seems that the work cannot be carried on without its coffers being annually replenished through the instrumen- tality of a bazaar. This year's function, we are pleased to re- cord, was, like its predecessors, a great all- round success. The numerous lady friends of the Home, ably assisted by Miss Wallaker (the matron), had for some time past worirea in the most zealous and indefatigable fashion, and the results of their "labour ûf love were to be seen yesterday in the abundance of ornamental and useful articles withwlnclithe stalls were laden. The Hall itself briI been tastefully decorated by Messrs. Ben Evans and Co.. and the beautifully tinted art muslins. Japanese fans, and flsgs which decked the balconies, &c., combined with the multi- coloured wares on the stalls produced a tout ensemble most pleasing to the eye Amongst those present on the platform when his Worship the Mayor (Mr. Griffith Thomas) performed the opening ceremony were Mrs. D. Arthur Davies, Mrs. Picton Turbervill, Miss Dillwyn, Mrs. H. A. Latimer, Mrs. J. Aeron Thomas, Mrs. T. D. Griffiths, Miss -Tames, the Rev. Seldun Morgan (St. James' Church), Rev. Evan Jenkins (Walter- road Congregational Chapel). Mr. E. Palmer Bowen, Mr. Richard Lewis, Mr. George Cook, and Mr Henry Macdonnell. The Rev. Seldon Morgan having opened the proceedings in a devotional manner, that errand old hymn, O God, our help in ages jjast" was sung, after which Mr. E. Palmer Bowen announced that letters of apology for unavoidable absence had been received, to- gether with substantial donations, from Mr. Gilbert''on (Pontardawe), Lady Llewelyn, Lady Newnes. Chancellor Smith, Rev. James Owen, Sir John Llewelyn. Mrs. Wm. Griffiths (Cheltenham), Colonel Morgan, and Mrs. Richardson (Pantygwydr). In the course of a brief speech, the Mayor expressed the great pleasure it afforded him to attend that afternoon's function in order to perform the opening ceremony. He felt certain that the ladies and gentlemen he saw before him would do their duty at the stalls which were so well appointed and so abundantly stocked with beautiful wares, just as those ladies and gentlemen mentioned by Mr. Bowen had done their duty by sending donations in their absence. Mr. Thomae proceeded to observe that when he Was made Mayor of Swansea, he had no idea that so many bazaars would have to opened, as it bad been his lot to open during his term of office. There was a gentleman in a neigh- bouring p*rt of this county who boasted that he had opened more bazaars than any other man in the county. He had sent him a challenge to the effect that unless he kept on opening them he would shortly dispute bis supremacy. Slaughter.) Touching upon the object of that y>8 sale of work, the Mayor said the pro- ceeds were in aid of a charity which appealed to them all. It was a well and economically managed charity, and consequently they could feel assured that the money taken that after- noon would be well spent. He wished the venture every success, and hoped that the ladies and gentlemen who had worked so hard in setting up and stocking the various stalls would be well recompensed by the amount of purchases made. The Rev. Evan Jenkins, in proposing a hearty vote of thanks to the Mayor, remarked that they all appreciated his kindness in com- ing there to open the bazaar, especially when they remembered what a busy man he was, and the large demands made upon his time I and attention. Mr Palmer Bowen seconded, and, in doing BO. said he should like at the same thm, tcr thank those ladies .hu Had so bountifully decked their stalls with pretty and useful articles. He also referred in grateful terms to the work done by Mrs. D. Arthur Davies and others in connection with the entertainments and side shows. The stallholders were as follows :— Refreshment Stall—Mrs. Latimer and Miss James. Basket Stall—Mrs. W. H. Essery. Cake and Sweet Stall—Mrs. Picton Turber- Tille and Miss Manley Dixon. Fancy Stall—Mrs. T. D. Griffiths and Miss Glascodine. Fancy Stall—Mrs. E. Austin Williams. Flower and Dairy Stall—Mrs. D. Arthur Davies and Mrs Philip Richards. Home-made Produce—Mrs. Geo. Allen. Fancy Stall-Mrs. Wm. Walters, Mrs. Geo. Shaddick, and Miss Nash. Fancy Stall—Mrs. Geo. Cook,'Mrs. Richard Lewis, Mrs. W. Edwards, Mrs. R. W. Jones, Mrs. J. R. Richards, Miss Montgomery Wil- liams, and Miss Stephens. Fancy Stall—Mrs. J. Aeron Thomas. Fancy Stall—Miss Macdonnell. Second-hand Books—Miss Winifred Davies. Bran Tub—The Misses Cunningham and Miss Corfield. Quilt—Miss Walliker. < The side shows included palmistry, charac- ter delineation, ping-pong, Punch and Judy, skittles, geometrical freehand drawing com- petition under the superintendence of Mr. H. Macdonnell, millinery competition, &c. During the evening a capital musical pro- gramme (arranged by Mrs. D. Arthur Davies) was gone through at the Minor Hall, the following taking partMessrs. Cavill and Davies and Mons. Goudman (instrumentalist), Mrs H. H. Watkins, J. p. Jones-Powell, Campbell Thomas (vocalists), and Mr. W. H. Jones (elocutionist).





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