AND LODyIJMt1:J ^pIEILLZI 'OUMM^ I ■ l I IVITHI ^i 111 II I l-J-3§" «•■ IfX tions from Mr W Baxter, who has sold the farm, COIH^IkI' aLXwoy^lol proMl-J S\ FJP"WP|« capital large OAK, ASH, ELM, and ALDER TIMBER, jSp^^ Ae evening. T KI".DS FARM, ^Ar-SB^ KIJs^EKLEY^ ^growing on laiids abou^t ^three Tyddyn it J ]\/|"ESSRS CHURTON, ELPHICK, and CD.' Jk S^Ei?cS^pr th!> bes^toff at qjpM f\ roTTONA\^D TIT STOCK Dumber. 1873 (ualess^eviousjf djs- W JZ nil, ^MbUift uJL^»~ 1V± J^kve been fav«*c*with instructions fpmTfc, •^v^CuP^or^CT 3 SBopsJ%id !-■ CUT1U* A^D^ILblUC*, posed of by Private Treaty, of which due ^otice ^ill be ^fesSU. 2ff.ftg<^ I^Sa'Si A N AMATEUR CONCERT win le given m «k<AS^j £ l^^»VWfifllMn Wft ^EjWflfelflE *W* I*tl" p"ishe„8 Shropshire. |gle rJ i(;k» ts,^5s. and 2s. Gd. each, remain after -A MAESBURY SCHOOLROOM, in aid of the Funds of CcP— For tVie be»t of ^F e°h o 29 t 0 ■* Iron Water Liquid I SHARE 0 wH^ T tIBH i 1 twld i^B^rufsels,61" Tlpestry^llfd Kiddermirister ^mmvo^fheJ^dlca:l PV^H 1 SUtil^H'occupi^Hja^^H^io ( (■■»» '8BSP1 11 -^BKgHBI )ji vij Carpets^Bh, bet of Five Block Tin Dish Covers, and » wn ^Aghow the „ PARK HOUSE, KEWTOWX, fefe&S&ffg other Effects. S. AIAJNU for Plans and Particulars apply to the AUCTIONEEK, >T BBMBBB, i TVL» A »IM*89Hioifllf^l^KRirCeived Jhey Catal^^H|^Hy be had one week prior to the sale from ^^celebrated Wera or to Messrs Owes and Cox, Solicitors, Wem, len%mtiteB walk from the Town or Kauwaj fetation. ^Hctokia KOOMS, taMBVa. Jgjl *n 19 UflJIA PAlJiL f — — — ——— r J JgXLFORD lias been, favoured with instruc- • E H. B O THIS DAY. =1 ^11 yv-.Ari /H o/tl|oc^Mfilslff^^iainWat^rewery VTTEM NEW FAIR and SMITHFIELD SALE Tf 4»rs irom ^xecutors of the l^e Mr David £ gr* OSWESTEfiTlTHFIELD. ljBtlWl^ OU X t51l^K*W^- J « .ill t»ke pl,ce on Mo^ay next, 2«hXov,ml,e,. j gv, DEIjIVER A^LECTURE^ g u^by^Auction, on li0^S^ef»Tlu^l 2 'ick in the aftei noon, in the following or'The and Landings are' handsomely fur^ CKET CLUB. SS BY ^A E V^R^TE^ ^CH^ 1^ LY N"INMS IT ESTABLISHED 1770. HODGES AND CROSS, M HA nce a. I b on t c, y8 ,lion. 0 PRICES i'- Jj^CY AND SON'S 'L|SLSS5: £ R: ^wMS€&^ W stop the WENtTxHOUSAHD ^Fo^CHEsM^ HH^ r g J. ■ I •• '1 W!!C A! S Uyevf^ on^ ^er°,t is7. LAFy™ Y^I!I5^L^F0K ^Y £ SIP^^?F^ OW^W;THAY,RI.,Y