BUSINESS ADDRESSES. Aberystwyth and Dolgelley. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS. LARGE STOCK of BOOTS of all Sorts and Sizes that will suit all Sorts and Sizes of People. LADIES' SAND BOOTS, GOOD QUALITY, 5s. Od. GENTLEMEN'S SEA SIDE SHOES, GOOD QUALITY, 5s. 9d. [ND THE ADDRESS- DICKS' U T T A-P E R C H A AND LEATHER BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, 16, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, AND AT ¡ VICTORIA BUILDINGS, DOLGELLEY. N.B.—Repairs neatly executed, and on the shortest notice. Aberystwyth. WILLIAM JULIAN, TEA WAREHOUSE, PROVISION AND GENERAL GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, No. 10, NORTH PARADE, CORNER OF MARY-STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. 1 TEA, COFFEE, And all other Articles of the BEST QUALITY, supplied on the most Reasonable Terms. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. NOTICE OF REIOVAL. WILLIAM EVANS, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, ABERYSTWYTH, tEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and his numerous Customers that he has REMOVED from his • old Establishment to the larger and more convenieat Premises below, No. 39, GREAT DARKGATE-STREET. ■ numerous Customers and Patron* for the support they have accorded iV. E. takes this opportum.y of thanking h contiQuance of the same, he assures them that it will be his great l during the last three years, and whilst soliciting leavoiir to give every satisfaction. _—————————-——————————————————————— ct ANNE HUGHES) (Late B. HUGHES,) GENERAL FURBISHING IRONMONGER, OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK, ABERYSTWYTH. S now on hand a large Stock of AMERICAN HORSE RAKES, SC\THES, &c., CHAFF CLTTERS, Iron Bedsteads, Mattresses, Palliasses, &c. Superior Sheffield Cutlery. Baths and Perambulators for Hire. AGENT FOR LIPSCOMBE AND CO.'S PATENT CHARCOAL FILTERS. IJlINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE WAREHOUSE, JAMES McILQUHAM, BRIDGE END HOUSE, FGS to inform the Inhabitants of Aberystwyth and the surrounding country, that he has just OPENED j RETAIlTPk^e in connection with his WHOLESALE Business, which 1 Cuf Gla" tZTe )\ea and Breakfast Sets, Dinner and Dessert Services m various designs, handsome Toile S ^v-prwthincr ^tity beautiful Lustres and Bohemian Glass, Fancy and Foreign Goods, &c., &c., and an endless vane 7 8 v.i.J.inb to the trade, down to the commonest Culinary Article, at extraordinary low prices. i J Orders taken for Services, &c., with Crest or Monogram. All kinds of articles matched. Hotels and large con- fers liberally treated. Parties furnishing in this department will find a large assortment to select from, and prices marked very low. GOODS LET OUT ON HIRE.—AN EXPERIENCED PACKER KEPT PHILIP WILLIAMS, Printer, BOOKSELLER, AND STATIONER, 12, BRIDGE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. T A -DPF Variety of English and Welsh Books always in Stock. Publications of the Religious Tract L £ 4 Wctvvvth and Aberdovey Guides, and Wel-h Interpreter. London Parcel every Saturday, and v 5 for English, French, Greek, Latin, and German Books up to Thursday. Agent for the Norwich Union Life and Fire Insurances. E W P O R T AND y^T I G A N COALS' TENBY AND KIDWELLY LIME, fJazed and Common Drain Pipes, Slates, Slabs, Ridge Tiles, Bricks, and Cement, &c., &c., at Wholesale Prices,—Apply to | WILLIAM THOMAS, I At the RAILWAY STATION, ABERYSTWYTH. ———— ————— » Pwllheli. SHOP CRUGAN, P"VLLHELI, HENRY OWEN, l' (Successor to Messrs Owen and Son), LINES AND WOOLLEN DRAPER, r SILK MERCER, GLOVER, HOSIER, AND HABERDASHER, ;TP EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FAMILY MOURNING ALWAYS KEPT. o„ SHOP CRUGAN, PWLLHELI. I FUNERALS COMPLETELY FURNISHED, L AG-RICULTURAL. BJW. MERIONETHSHIRE agricultural IMPLEMENT DEPOT. Bee" ) IL E, R. PUGIIE] & CO., FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY PC* AND ..a AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT DEPOT, 3 T 0 W Y N. r .t:\ 'VlNG and REAPING MACHINES by all the leading Makers, Haymakers, Horse Rakes, and all kinds, of arp^r^a Harrows; Chaff Cutters, Turnip Cutters, Eoot Pulpers, Churns TT n t> Horse Hoes, Washing Machines, Mangles, &c. Uma> Ho™eJ Powers, "Ig^sSckofSEvVlNG MACHINES always on hand, including the Willcox and Gibbs, Howe, BradburyJ < Little Wanzer, Thomas, &c. PRICE LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION. DIG AN S HI REA G R leU L T U R A L IMPLEMENT DEPOT. G- WILLIAMS and CO., GENERAL MERCHANTS, ABERYSTWYTH, ^Enow fa stock a large Selection of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, consisting lad MOWING MACHINES, Hay and Corn Collectors, Haymakers, Horse Garden Rollers, Horse Hoes, Sheep Racks, Threshing and Winnowing Machines, ,Iurnip Pulpers and Nidging Ploughs, Hariows, Turnip and Clover Seed Drills, Chaff Cutter, &c., «c. \\>. CHEESE PRESSES, CHURNS, WRINGING & MANGLING MACHINES. 10 t Co. beg to state th ,t they are Sole Agents for the sale of the "Victoria" Reaping .and Mowing Machines, 1 h,o pion" RlJugh, which of late years gained so much reputation. 1m All Ikinds of MINING and QUARRYING MATERIALS always in Stock. .-r PWCEJiLISTS ON APPLICATION. SALES BY AUCTION. Advertising is to business what steam is to mach ry grand propelling power.—jfacaway- MORBEN-MAWR FARM, NEAR MACHYNLLETH. 71 HEAD OF CATTLE and „ 9 CART HORSES AND COBS FOR SALE. MR DANIEL has received instructions from Mr Evan Jones to Sell by Auction, on FRIDAY, the 26th day of September, 1873, a very excellent HERD of CATTLE and HORSES, comprising Eleven superior in- calf Milch Cows, Twelve Calves, Nine Yearlings, Seventeen two-year-old Bullocks, Twenty prime and ripe three-year. old ditto, Two yearling Bulls (Hereford),; Four powerful Cart Horses, four and five years old; One aged ditto; Four very superior and well-bred Cobs and Filly, rising two and three years old Two store Pigs and One young Sow in litter; one Chest Waggon and One Iron Harrow. Morben-mawr is situate two miles from Machynlleth, on the Aberystwyth turnpike road, and one mile from the Glandovey Junction Station, on the Cambrian Railway. Luncheon at 10.30; the Sale to commence at 11.30 prompt. Catalogues, with conditions of Sale to be had of Mr LEWIS WILLIAMS, Machynlleth, and of the AUCTIONEER at Towyn. j TAL-Y-LLYN, MERIONETHSHIRE. A VERY DESIRABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE. MR DANIEL will offer for sale by Auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1873, at four o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the Lion Hotel, in the town of Machynlleth, and subject to conditions, all that FREE- HOLD FARM, known as Dolffanog Ucha, containinQ- 108a. 2r. Op., or thereabouts, situate in the parish of Tal-y- Llyn, adjoining the turnpike-road, midway between Machynlleth and Dolgelley, at both of which places there are stations on the Cambrian Railways. Four miles from the Abergynolwyn station on the Tal-y-Llyn Railway, and ten miles from Town, the celebrated watering place. This property borders on the far-famed Tal-y-Llyn Lake (well known to anglers), and is beautifully situated for a gentle- man's residence, the sceneries being majestically grand and picturesque. The tenant, Mr Richard Jones, will show the property. Particulars may be had at the place of sale, of Messrs WIMJAM GRIFFITH AND SON, Solicitors, Dolgelley and of the AUCTIONEER at Towyn. I Carnarvon and Pwllheli. [A CARD. ] E. HUGH OWEN AND SON, AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND LAND VALUERS, CARNARVON AND PWLLHELI. EDUCATION iTliE ACADEMY, TOWYN, NORTH WALES. RESIDENT MASTERS: English, &c.-Mr EDWIN JONES. Classics, &c.—The Rev. O. JONES, B.A. Mathematics, &c.-Mr W. E. DIMSDALE. Modern Languages, Music, Drawing—Herr G. SCHAUS. A few Vacancies for Boarders. PUPILS are carefully prepared for Professional JL and Commercial Pursuits, for Matriculation and other Examinations.—For Prospectus, &c., apply to Mr EDWIN JONES, The Academy, Towyn, North Wales. THE GALO P SCHOOL, OSWESTRY HEAD MASTER-MR. J. EVANS, M.A. (and Straton Gold Medallist). SECOND MASTER—MR. ALEXANDER URE GRAY (of the University of Aberdeen). January, 1872.—At the Civil Service Open Competitive Examination for Appointments at the India House in which, out of 132 candidates, 32 were successful E. Owen came in eleventh. April 30th, 1872.-J. L. Richards obtained a First-class Certificate for Mathematics at the Government Examination In Science and Art" I -D V ■ Oct 12 1872.—Owen Griffith passed the Medical Prelimi- nary Examination of the Andersonian University, Glasgow, In all Thirty-five of Mr Evans's Pupils have gained similar honours. THE REV. W. I. FRANCIS, B.A., AND OPEN EXHIBITIONER OF JESUS COLLEGE, OXFORD, IS desirous of meeting with PUPILS to prepare fnr the Public Schools and Universities; also Gentle- men preparing for Theological Colleges, &c. Llangorwen Vicarage, Aberystwyth, Junt, 197a. WANTED, TO LET, &c. The charge for the insertion of prepaid advertisements referring to SITUATIONS WANTED, I PERSONS WANTED, is sixpence for three lines (seven words each) three times, One Shilling. HOUSES WANTED, I MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, APARTMENTS WANTED, ABTICLES LOST AND FOUND, three lines for One Shilling prepaid; three times, Two Shillings. These charges apply only to prepaid advertisements. Pay- ment may be made in postage stamps. lio Credit Advertisement is charged leas than It. 6d. NOTICE TO MINE AND QUARRY PRO PRIETORS, &c. WANrED, Immediately, for cash, all kinds of TT Old Machinery and Scrap Iron. A high price given at any of the stations on the Cambrian, and Manchester and Milford Railway. Apply to JAMES MCILQUHAM, Machine Broker, &c., Abeiystwyth. N.B.—Mimng Plant he., bought and sold on commis- sion. Terms liberal. WANTED, for Michaelmas or Lady-day next, a small FARM, within a few miles of Aberystwyth. References given.—Address O. Z., Post-office, Aberyst- wyth. FESTINIOG SCHOOL BOARD. WANTED, a CERTIFICATED SCHOOL- MISTRESS, for the Tyddyngwyn New Board Schools. Salary f,70 per annum. Applications, with testimonials, to be sent to me, on or before the 19ch day of September, 1873. G. S. JONES, Clerk of the Board. Fourcrosses, Festiniog, August 25th, 1873. WANTED, a WELSH and ENGLISH COMPOSI- TOR.—Apply, Caxton Works, Oswestry. TO GROCERS' ASSISTANTS. WANTED, 'Two steady, active Young Men as TV COUTERMEN.- -Apply, by letter only, to Mr JOHN JAMBS, Railway Tea Warehouse, 51, North Parade, Aberystwyth.—State age, salary required, and length of time in last situation. WANTED, by a young man, aged twenty-nine, a Situation as FOREMAN OF* JOINERS,^ or CLERK OF WORKS, or any place of responsibility, with a Contractor. Can Estimate and Draw Plans. First- class reference. Wages moderate.—Apply by letter only, A. B., Cambrian Neia Office, Oswestry. TO DRAPERS. WANTED immediately, a good JUNIOR HAND, also a respectable Youth as an APPRENTICE. Apply to C. M. WILLIAMS, New Drapery Establishment, Aberystwyth. AGENTS WANTED.—An old-established .Life and Fire Insurance Company requires AGENTS in all the Towns of Cardiganshire.—Apply to Mr A. E. BATH, Castle Chambers, Swansea. in all the Towns of Cardiganshire.—Apply to Mr A. E. BATH, Castle Chambers, Swansea. A Lady, leaving Cheltenham for the Winter, desires to LET her Newly-Furnished HOUSE, situate in the best part of the Town. A family of Children objected to.—Apply to J. L., Westley's Library, Promenade, Cheltenham. TO BE LET immediately, the "WELSH HARP" Wine and Spirit Vaults, Terrace-road, Aberystwxth. Stock and Fixtures to be taken at valua- tion. Sitftate within fifty yards of the sea side, and in main street from station to Marine Terrace. Only reason for leaving is the proprietor having an engagement in North Wales.-Apply to JAMES CORBBTT, Welsh Harp, Aber- ystwyth. A HOUSE and £ HOP TO LET. Rent £ 12, and no taxes. Situated in a good positoin.—Apply at DICK'S Boot and Shoe Depot, Dolgelley. DOLGELLEY. DICK'S Boot and Shoe Depot, Dolgelley. DOLGELLEY. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A BAKER. TO BE LET, a HOUSE and SHOP, together with a BAKEHOUSE, situate in the leading thoroughfare in the town. Rent moderate. Apply to A. B., Post-office, Dolgelley. B 0 R T H TO BE LET, 12th of November next, the HOUSE and SHOP called Liverpool House, now in the occu- pation of Mr John Bishop.—For particulars apply to Mr RICHARD WATKIN, Henllys. BUSINESS ADDRESSI!HS. Machynlleth. NOTICE! NOTICE!! NOT ICE! *> DICKS -1J.Hi).. WILL „ '1 f 7 p. 1:I [' OPEN A SHOE SHOP AT I. MACHYNLLETH >» II » ¥,' IN A FEW DAYS. ';1 t ( ALL SORTS OF BOOTS AND SHOES f FOR RIDING, SHOOTING, ¡;. FISHING, WALKING, e MINING, I QUARRYING. 't ¡. B 0 Y 8 AND G I R L S 0 0 T S Of Every Description. x" •" "r —■ MAENGWYN STREET, MACHYNLLETH. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. Aberystwyth. JOHN JAMES, LONDON AND ABERYSTWYTH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RAILWAY TEA, WINE AND SPIRIT STORES NO. 51, NORTH PARADE, AND TERRACE ROAD. Agent for Bass and Co.'s Burton Ales. (Pale Ale, 4s. 6d. per dozen.) „ Ciuinness' s Extra Stout. (4s. 6d. per dozen.) „ „ Thomas Robinson's and Co., Burton-on-Trent, Brewers. (In 12 Gallon Casks, at 18s. Nett Cash.) „ „ Findlater and Co.'s Dublin Stout. (In 9 Q-aUon Casks, at 13s., strongly recommended for Family use.) 99 Mart ell's (Jld PbIo (4s. 6d. per Bottle, or 54s. per dozen.) „ „ Hennessy's Old Pale ditto. (4s. 6d. per Bottle, or 54s. per dozen.) „ „ Moet and Chandon's Champagne. „ Max Greger's Hungarian Wines. Crosse and Blackwell's Goods in great variety. Dolgelley. I REMOVED TO OLD PARLIAMENT HOUSE. J. B. MEE, I DEALER IN GAME, FISH, POULTRY, AND PROVISIONS, GREEN GROCERY, &c., DOLGELLEY, BEGS to thank his friends for past favours, and to announce that he has constantly on hand all kinds of fresh Fish, Game, &c., according to the seasons. Country orders promptly attended to, and anything not on hand procured at the shcrtest notice. BESTJCLEAR ICE SUPPLIED BY THE CWT. AND UPWARDS. [ ICHARD EVANS, Shop G chdolgelley, General n Bill Poster, Messenger, &c. 0 Contracts may be made with Auctioneers and Publishers. ROBEiiT LEWIS, MARKET HALL AND PUBLIC BOOMS DOLGELLEY, GENERAL BILL POSTER, &c. v. -_a R. MR SELLIS, SURGEON DENTIST, MOUNT PLEASANT, DOLGELLEY, t Fifteen Years Surgical and Mechanical Dentist in London, MAY be consulted upon all cases of DENTAL SURGERY, at his residence, as above. At Home on SATURDAYS. Other days, by appointment. Best Dental Materials only uged, and every Ease guaranteed and adapted to the mouth without pain. Sets from One to Twenty-five Guineas. No extra charge made the first twelvemonths for any case requiring repair. Two Shillings in the pound allowed to patients coming from a distance. BARMOUTH—Medical Hall. 2nd and 4th Friday in every month. PORTMADOC-J. R. JONES, 19, Bank-place, Terrace. 1st and 3rd Fridays in every month. TO VISITORS AT DOLGELLEY AND NORTH WALES THE GRAND NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD PRIZE MEDALS FOB GENUINE HAND. MADE WELSH TWEED CLOTH, OD I? k!d 1.3 AL CLOTH, FLANNELS, WEBS, AND ILNSEYS, At CHESTER in 1866, and ABERYSTWYTH in 1865, WERE AWARDED TO JOHN MEYRICK JONES, MEYRICK HOUSE, DOLGELLEY, WHOSE Mills have gained considerable celebrity tY for the manufacture of these articles, J. M. Jones has greatly extended his business, and is now able to supply Wholesale and Retail these unrivalled Welsh Fabrics, which are all MANUFACTURED BY HAND, UNDER HIS OWN PERSONAL SUPERINTENDENCE, and can be warranted made of the Pick of the Pure Mountain Wools, and free from any admixture, and at Prices far below those chaiged for inferior articles usually sold as Welsh" by English manufacturers. Clothing made from these Welsh Tweed Cloths are worn by the Nobility and Gentry for shooting, fishing, cricketing, travelling, &c., and are always found to be very durable. Wholesale and Retail Orders executed on the shortest notice. Cash or references expected with all new orders. Patronised by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, the Clergy, Nobility, and Gentry of England and Wales. LIST OF PRICES: Welsh Wynnstay Shooting Cloth 2s. Od. per yard. „ Cloth for Fishing Suits (very supe- rior 2s. 6d. „ „ Tweed Cloth (from Picked Wools) 4s. 3d. ,„ Five per cent. Discount for Cash. P.S.-SNOWDOWN WHITTLE SHAWLS, in every variety of colour. N.B.-Dolgelley being the termini of two branches of Railways, there is every convenience to send any articles ordered without delay to any part of the kingdom, and at very reasonable charges. CAUTION.- Mr J. Meyrick Jones regrets that he should have occasion to caution his friends against the practices of certain unprincipled persons, who have sent spurious pat- terns to several of his customers, professing to be of Welsh Tweeds and Flannels. Patterns of the genuine hand-loom Welsh Webs, Welsh Tweeds, Flannels, and Linseys can be ensured by application to Mr J. M. Jones, Manufacturer, Dolgelley. Patterns sent post free to any address ILLUMINATING. SCRIPTURE TEXTS & SELECTIONS FROM ks THE POETS, traced for illuminating, with full directions for colouring, from One Penny each, Boxes of Water Colours T,i,i (I-iA _.3 I Wrexham. GÅL V AKIZED IRON ROOFS AND BUILDINGS, CISTERNS, CABLE STPVAND FENCING, HURDLES, GATES, CONTINUOUS IRON BAR FENCING. ASPHALTE ROOFING FELT, I Less than ONE PENNY per Square Foot. Liberal Discount for Quantity. S. GOTHEKN, 24 and 25, HENBLAS-STREET. WREXHAM. Welshpool. fJlHOMAS SALT AND CO., BRE WEB S, BURTON ON-THEN T. These celebrated PALE and BURTON ALES can be had in Casks and Bottles from CHARLES MYTTON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, WELSHPOOL. LEA AND PERRINS' I Lr AI.PEFR(MIi II 1%. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, Pronounced by Connoisseurs, "THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE." TO guard against the numerous worthless imita- tions of this renowned Condiment, the Public should ASK FOR « LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, And see that their names are upon the wrapper, label, stopper, and bottle. Sold Wholesale and for Export, by the PROPRIETORS, Worcester; CROSSE and BLACKWELL, London; and by Druggists, Grocers, and Oilmen generally throughout the world. LEA AND PERRINS' Llandrindod Wells. LLANDRINDOD WELLS. LLANERCH HOTEL. MR AND MRS LEWIS EVANS (Late of Aberystwyth), AVING recently entered upon the above old .t t established Hotel, beg respectfully to announce to the public, and all who intend visiting this favourite summer ^esort, that it is now open fci- the season, replete with arrangements for their reception, combining home comforts, good attention, and modarate chaxges. Its situation is very central hpm^ i the Baths, Minemj oTToS, InTtfe nearest H0tel to the Railway Station, commanding charm, ing mountainous scenery, for which Llandrindod ia especially famous. u 18 tionUrther particulars will be gladly forwarded on applica. tIon. June, 1873. ASKEW ROBERTS, WOOD ALL, & VEXABLES. BIBLE AND PRAYER BOOK WAREHOUSE. CHOICE Assortment of the Best editions THE HOLY BIBLE Illustrated with Plain and Coloured Plates'and Maps, morocc<>, calf and ivory, with elegant Pocket Bibles, strongly bound, from One Shilling. BOOKS OF COMMON PRAYER in all sizes, bound in morocco, Russia, calf, ivory, and other bindings, with and without HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN, from ls. eacb, bound in French moroeco. A great variety to select from. The new edition of THE CHURCH SERVICE, Printed from new clear-faced type, and forming a much thinner and handier book than the old edition, and may be had with or without red rublic. A very choice stock in unique bindings and mountings, especially adapts f-T Birthday, Wedding, and Baptismal Gifts. Prices from 5s. each. Church services from Is. Gd. each, very neatly OJ, nd with clasp and rims. BAILEY HEAD, OSWESTRY. NEW PHOTOGRAPHS. tIARTES-DE-YISI TE (by McLardy, Oswestry, J price Is. each by post for thirteen penny postage tamps. J. R. Ormsby Gore, Esq., M P. T. L. Longueville, Esq., iViivhin. Large Cabinet Portraits, 2s. '3d. each by post. 2t1 ø-