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-= WARM WINTER GOODS. BEN EVANS & Co. LTD. ARE NOW MAKING A SPECIAL SHOW OF FUR GARMENTS. 350 MARMOT FUR CIRCLETS (with 4 full Fox Tails), 2/m each. 620 CIRCLETS in Black and Sable Color Hare; also Black, Grey and White Thibet NECKLETS, 1/01, 1/6, to 6/11 each. 750 Real Sable, Baum Marten, and Kolinski CIRCLETS (with real Tails), 12/11 to 10 guineas. 295 MUFFS in Sable, Marten, Fox, Thibet and other Furs, 3/11 to 10 guineas. SPECIAL.-Immense Stock of Real SEAL JACKETS and CAPES (aU guaranteed Skins), from JE18 to 50 guineas. ALSO OF BLANKETS. QUILTS & FLANNELS. 370 pairs Heavy White BLANKETS, 10/11 per pair. 200 pairs Heavy Grey BLANKETS, 6/11 per pair. 5,000 pairs White and Colored BLANKETS, 2/11 to 60/ per pair. 140 Quilted QUILTS, 3/11 to 10/9 each. 500 Coloured QUILTS, 1/64 to 10/6 each. 150 pieces Real Welsh FLANNEL, 1/ to 1/6 per yard. 75 Eider Down QUILTS, 6ft. x 5ft., 19/11 each. 2iO Eider Down QUILTS covered Sateen, Silk, Satin, etc., at specially low prices. The above Goods will be found exceptionally cheap, the whole having been purchased for PROMPT CASH PAYMENT. TEMPLE STREET, SWANSEA. W. WTTITJTAMS. 29, CASTLE-ST., SWANSEA. LARGEST STOCK IN WALES OF GOLD AND SILVER ARTICLES Suitable for Wedding and other Presents. N GAGEMENT RINGS 22ct. GOLD WEDDING RINGS, 18ct. GOLD KEEPERS, ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES. BRAZILIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES. Foreian Money Exchange. NO HOUSE EQUALS DOWN & SON FOR RELIABLE FURNITURE. THEY ARE THE LARGEST MAKERS BY MACHINERY aIN WALES, AVE THE MOST EXTENSIVE STOCK TO SELECT FROM, AND GIVE THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE. CARPETS MADE AND LAID FREE. ESTABLISHED NBARLT HALF A CXNTO&T. HIGH-STREET & MORRIS-LANE. SWANSEA. W. C. ROBERTS. PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 & 17, CASTLE-STREET, SWANSEA. HIGH CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. The work needs only to be seen to be appreciated. THE VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN IN THE PRINCIPALITY BY HENRY A. CHAPMAN. ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER, Winner of several Medals and First Prizes for Photographs and Oil Paintings. The Best Stn lio in the Principality for Best Work at Moderate Prices. All the Latest Improvements and Additions. PRICES:—3 for 2a.; 6 for 3s. 12 for 5s. 6d. [20 235, HIGH-STREET, Swansea. THE SWANSEA CLOTHIERS. D. JONES & CO.. LTD.. 2 and 3, HIGH STREET, ARB NOW MAKING A LARGE SHOW OF NEW GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. LADIES' and GIRLS' TAILOR-MADE COSTUMES a SPECIALITY INSPECTION INVITED. D. JONES & COMPY.. LTD. SHIPPING. ALLAN LINE STEAMERS. To CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES. SAILINGS FROM LIVERPOOL ».§. Nnmldian, for Portland (direct) Dec. 30th •.s. California!], for Halifax and Portland Jan. 4th e.g. Laurentian, for Portland Jan. 13th .d. Buenos Ayrean, for Portland. Jan. 20th Cargo only. Saloon Fare from RIO, 2nd Cabin R7. Steerage £ b. Thronprh Tickets to all points at special rates. CAN ADA.-Halldboob, maps, rates, and full particulars free on application to ALLAN BROTHERS A Co., 19, James-street, Liverpool; or to T. W. R. MASOS Co., 2. Mount-street; W. M. VAUOHAN, Satubriom- place, Wirid-stieet, Swansea. IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. SWANSEA TO GELFAST AND GLASGOW. First-dugs Passenger STEAMERS are Intended to 8ail from SHED No. 1. SOUTH DOCK BASIN, SWANSEA, To Belfast every Wednesday p.m. tide. To Glasgow every Wednesday & Friday p.m. tide. FARM Belfast Cabin, 17/6 Steerage, 10/- Gla.s,?ow „ 20/- 12/6 Jleturn Tickets,Fare-and-s-half, available for Six Mouths. SPECIAL SUMMER UETURX FARKS Belfast 20/- available for 1 month. Glasgow 25/- 11 14 days. The Best Route to Portrush, Giants' Causeway, the Highlands and Islands of Scotland to the Isle of Man, via Belfast. Guide Book and all information from M. JONES k BRO.. Agents, Swansea. H. FREEDMAN & SON,' 14, COLLEGE STREET, SWANSEA. A LARGE SELE6TION OF SOLID SILVER GOODS. MATCH BOXES. HAIRPIN BOXES. CRUETS. CIGARETTE CASES. TEA SERVICES. CIGAR CASES. SILVER BACKED BRUSHES. ALL SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS PLBASE NOTE THE ADDRESS: H. FREEDMAN & SON,. 14, COLLEGE-STREET, SWANSEA. I BILLPOSTING. BLOOR & CO., ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS AND BILL POSTERS. CHIEF AGENCY FOR WALES. All descriptions of Advertising Circular Distribution, Ac., promptly attended Office :-20. CALVERT-STREET SWANSEA THE UNIVERSAL BILL POSTING CO. RENT THJB LARGEST POSTING STATIONS In Swansea and surrounding District. ADDRESS -28, LOWER UNION STREET. SWANSEA THE SWANSEA & DISTRICT BILLPOSTING AND ADVERTISING COMPANY OFFICES GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. •\T EATFL & DISTRICT BILL-POSTING JL.1 COMPANY.—Late T. WALL. OFFICES ASSEMBLY ROOMS, NEATH. MANAGER J. W. ROBINSON. Lessees and Proprietors of the Best Posting Stations in Neath and District. THE ABERAVON & PORT TALBOT A BILLPOSTING COMPANY UNDERTAKE BILLPOSTING AND ADVERTISING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. MANAGER P. R. JAMES. TO LOVERS OF MUSIC. TESTIMONIAL from ISALAW—the well- known musical celebrity—dated Nov. 1st, 1899:—"I am delighted with the binding; just the right thing." Sava the Expense of Buying New Pieces, and have your Music Bound by ET> rpiNSLAY, • X)« JL 52, OXFOKD-ST., SWANSEA. SPECIAL NOTB.-E. B. TINSLAY guarantees the return of all music within a week. USEFUL PRESENTS. F. C. EDDERSHAW & SON, HOUSE FURNISHERS. HA VB A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF USEFUL AND DECORATIVE ARTICLES, AT POPULAR PRICES, SUITABLE FOR XMAS. PRESENTS, NOW ON VIEW AT THEIR NEW SHOP, 21. HIGH STREET. ALLSOPP'S BURTON ALES & STOUTS IN CASK OR BOTTLE, LAGER BEER IN BOTTLE, CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ALL THE PRINCIPAL DEALERS IN SWANSEA AND DISTRICT. tALLSOPP'S T«ADC H* =====—_ Swansea Depot—305 WIND STREET. THOS. H. H. KIBBLER, District Manager. ) PUBLICATIONS. 13TH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. OVER 200 PAGES. VAUGHAN'S YEAR BOOK of SWANSEA, TIDE TABLES AND ALMANAC FOR 1900, Contains information respecting all Public Bodies, Swansea Harbour Trust. Vessels owned and trading to Swansea, &c. A new feature with this year's Guide is the addition of a MAGNIFICENT MAP, fully up-to-date of the Doks, measuring 36 INCHES by 21 INCHES. NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER ANNUAL. Of all Newsagents Price, ONE PENNY. BY POST 2D. EXTRA. Or of the PRINTER & PUBLISHER, W. MORRIS VAUGHAN, 1, SALUBRIOUS-PL. [13457 I WRIGHT'S SWANSEA ANNUAL REFERENCE BOOK, TIDU TABLE AND ALMANAC FOR 1900. Fifth Year; no connection with any similar book. Monster Penny worth. Crammed with useful local and other information for everybody. Numerous excellent Portraits (with biographical matter) of local prominent men, including the Mayor, new Magistrates. &c. Official informa- tion of all Local Public Bodies and Institutions, with a voluminous record of past events in Swansea. Includes Municipal and other Official Information of Neath and Briton Ferry. g- Ask for WRIGHT'S ANNUAL, the best and most up-to-date Local Year-book, and, to save disappointment, see that you get it. Of all Newsagents, or the PUBLISHER, A. C. WRIGHT, 131, St. Helen's-avenue. [13428 A neat little Volume" Tastefully printed on Antique Paper. Bound A Canvas. 23 Illustrations. PRICE, 18. NETT. By POST, Is. 2d. ST. ILLTYD7!? CHURCH, PEMBREY: Its History and Its Architecture. BY EDWARD ROBERTS (SWANSEA) AND H. A. PERTWEE (BURRYPORT), With Preface by the Editor of The Cambrian. The Book deals with the Foundation and History of the Parish Church of Pembrey, before and after the Norman Conqu and with its Architecture, Carvings in Stone, Ac. There are 23 valuable and interesting Illustrations. NOW SELLING. May be obtained at The Cambrian Office, Swansea; and from the principal booksellers in South Wales. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY "THE CAMBRIAN NEWSPAPER Co., LTD., SWANSEA. DARLINGTON'S HANDBOOKS. a jk Sir Henry Ponaonby Is commanded by tb« Queen to thank Mr. Darlington for a jpfigySX copy of big handbook." "Nothing better could be wished for. British Weekly. Far superior to ordinary gulde.Daily Chronicle. Edited by RALPH DARLINGTON, F.R.G.S. a. eacb. Illd. Mapa by JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, F.R.G.S THE ISLE OF WIGHT. r I THE CHANNEL ISLANDS. THE VALE OF LLANGOLLEN. BRECON AND ITS BEACONS. THE WYE VALLEY. ) THE SEVERN VALLEY. BRIGHTON, BABTBOURNE, HASTINGS k 8T. LEONARDS. BOURNEMOUTH AND THE NEW FOREST. BRISTOL, BATH, CHEPSTOW, t WESTON-SUPER-MARE. ABKRYSTWITH, TOWYN, MACHYNLLETH, k DOLGBLLY. MALVEBN, HEBEFOED. WORCESTER, & GLOUCESTER. LLANDRINDOD WELLS, k THB SPAS OF MID-WALES. BARMOUTH, HARLECH, CBICCIKTH, & PWLLHELL LLANDUDNO, RHYL BANGOB, & BETTWSYCOKD. A brilliant book"-nc Times. "Particularly good -Academy. 2nd Ed., enlarged, 5s. 60 Illustrations. 24.Maps LONDON AND ENVIRONS, JLJ BY E. C. COOK: A E. T. COOK, M.A. Llangollen: Darlington k Co. London Simpkin k Co. PHOTOGRAPHS.—Beantifnl Photographs of Scenery Ruinl, ifcc., in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt; also North Walea, Is., 18. 6d., and 2s. Complete List Post Free. DARLINGTON k CO., LLANGOLLEN NOW is the time to plant EVERGREEN SHRUBS, FRUIT TREES, ROSES, and other decidions trees from end of October. JAMES HARRIS INVITES PLANTERS to INSPECT his VERY LARGE STOCK of the above. Also all kinds of Greenhouse Plants, Dutch and other Bulbs, Wreaths, Bouquets, and other Floral Devices at Shortest Notice. BLACKPILL NURSERIES. [13274 Nature's Perfect Remedy for all kinds of Worms. WILLIAMS' (PONTARDAWE) WORM LOZENGES. For over 30 years this highly Valuable Remedy has I met with the greatest success. The effect upon Weak, DeUcate Children (often given up as Incurable) is like Magic. Getting rid of his tormenting pests by taking these Lozenges, the thin, pale-faced, inanimate Child becomes strong, healthy, and lively, the pride, instead of the anxiety of his guardians. Llangennech, near Llanelly, August 30th, 1872. DEAR SIR,-My youngest daughter, Emma Ann, 13 years of age, got rid of a great number of Norma by taking only three or four of Williams' (Vootardawe) Worm Lozenges. I am glad to say that she has much improved in health, being previously lingering and dblicate in health.—Yours very truly, MARTHA GRIFFITHS, late of Ynispenllwch. SYMPTOMS.—Any of the following Symptoms indicate Worm.Varlable appetite, foetid breath, acid eructa- tions. pains In the stomach and bead, sickness, grinding of the teeth during sleep, dreams and restlessness, paleness of the countenance, stitches in the side, short dry cough, and emaciation of the body. often mistaken for decline, nervousness, slow fever, and irregular pulse fa!ntness, sometimesconvulsive fits, often causing sudden death; dizziness, sore throat, and inflammation of the bowels. The above symptoms vary according to the kind of Worms. The Lozenges contain nothing detrimental to the Con- stitution, and are suitable for ,II ages. Wiiiiama* (Pontardawe) Worm Lozenges are prepared from the Original Receipt by JOHN DA VIES, M.B.P.8., Chemist, 30, High street, Swansea, and sold by most chemists, at 9Jd., 13$d., and 2s. 9d. per box; by post, 14 or 34 stamps. Protected by the Government stamp, on which are engraved the words Williams' Worm Lozenges." FOR BANQUETS, DANCES, AND PARTIES OF ALL KINDS, Go to the BIG ROOM at the GRAN D H OTEL. JNO. E. FITT, PROPRIETOR. WE can and do SELL CHEAPER than any other House in Wales. HAND-SEWN HARNESS, RIDING SAD- DLES, SOLID NICKEL BITS, STIRRUPS, etc., never rust. Waterproof Cart. Waggon and Van Covers, Horse Clothinsr; Carriage Lamps, with Patent Handles, 8S. 9d. pair. SADDLERY COMPANY, ALEXANDRA-ROAD, SWANSEA. D. C. JONES IS NOW MAKING A GRAND DISPLAY OF THE LATEST WINTER NOVELTIES IN DRESS MATERIALS, EVENING DRESSES, JACKETS, CAPES AND MILLINERY. He is also SHOWING a verv CHOICE SELECTION of FANCY ARTICLES for the SEASON. A Visit of Inspection is Respectfully Solicited. 7, CASTLE-SQUARE, SWANSEA. [13436 E. WILLIAMS AND CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, 16, HEATHFIELD-STREET. 1 A 180. HORTON-STREET, SWANSEA. Depota for FURNISHING IRONMONGERY. CUTLERY, AND RLECTRO.PLATE. GRATES. RANGES. CHIMNEY-PIECES, BATHS. AND SANITARY GOODS. Most Extensive Variety at Moderate Prices. SOUTH WALES STOCK AND SHARE MARKET. SUPPLIED BY MESSRS. THACKERAY AND CO.. STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS. CARDIFF. RAILWAYS. Paid Prices Stock Harry Undivided 100 245 249 „ Do. 4 p.c. Preferred Ord. 100 HOf 111 „ Do. Deferred Ordinary.. 100 135 137 „ Cardiff 4 p.c. Prefd, Ordy. 100 111 113 10 Port Talbot Rly. k Docks 10 7 7f 10 Rhondda and Swansea Bay 10 4 44 Stock Rhymney Undivided 100 250 260 „ Do Preferred 100 111 113 „ Do Deferred 100 143 145 „ Taff Vale Divided Stock 100 76 76 PREFERENTIAL. Stock Alex. Dock k Rly. 4} A Prf. 100 115 119 .1 Do 41 B Pref. 100 103 106 „ Barry Ry. S p.c. let Pref. 100 160 183 „ Do. Oonsold. 4 p.c. 100 128 130 „ Brecon 4 Mer. 1st Pref. 1861 100 80 90 Do. 2nd Pref. 1862 100 50 65 i, Cambrian, No. 1,4 p.c. 100 66 68 Do. No. 2,4 p.c. 100 29 81 10 Port Talhot 4 p.c. 10 9f 10 £ 10 Rhon. k Swan. Bay 6 p.c. 10 10 10$ Stock Rhvmney 4 p.c. Consold. 100 130 132 „ Taff Vale 4 p.c. Consold 100 129 131 RAILWAY AND OTHER DEBENTURES. Stock Alex. Dock & Ry. 4 p.c. 100 118 121 „ Barry Railway 3 p.c. 100 10.) 102 „ Brecon 4; Mertliyr A 4 p.c. 100 115 ng », Do B 4 p.c. 100 104 106 „ Cardiff Railways 3 p.c. 100 98 100 „ Cambrian A 4 p.c 100 125 127 I" Do B 4 p.c 100 117 120 Do C 4 p.c 100 111 H3 „ Do D 4 p.c. non cum 100 98 100 „ Great Western 4 P.C. do 100 135 137 „ Midland 2J per cent. 100 86 88 „ Mid-Wales A 4* per cent. 100 125 130 „ Neath and Brecon 1st 100 120 122 „ „ A1 100 lOci 110 „ A 2 100 60 63 „ Rhon. A Swan. Bay 4 p.c. 100 115 118 Rhymutiy 4 per cent. 100 latS 138 tt Taff Vale 3 per cent. 100 100 102 BANIU. 10 London and Provincial ft 214 22 to Netrop. (ol Eng. 4; Wales) • 14$16j GAS. Stock Swansea Consold. 5 p.c. 100 121 123 „ Do. 5 p.c. New Stock 100 121 193 COAL AND IRON. 10 Albion atexm Colliery 10 12 131 10 Cambrian Col'ry6p.c.Pref. 10 11 lu 100 „ 4t p.c. Deb. 100 102 104 10 D. Davis and Sens.Ltd. 10 11 MJ 10 Do. ti p.c. Cum. (red) Pref. 10 104- ii 100 Do. 5 p.c B Debs. (1006). 100 103 105 23 Ebbw Vale Stl., iron k Coal 20 1M Mi 6 Great Western Ordinary B 6 tt 61 6 Do Prefer'ce A t 10 lot 10 Insoles 6 p.c. Pref.10 91 ill 100 Do 5 p.c. Debs 100 100 102 S International Coal 6 4} 4} 10 Newport Abercarn 10 8| 8*xd 10 Do Participating Pref. 10 9 91 xd 5 North's Navigation Col'ry. 6 41 54 5 Do 10 p.c. Cum. Pref. 8 S| 9* 10 Penrikyber Collier; 10 gi 10 Do 5 to 7i p.c. Pref. 10 9S 100 Powell Duffryn 5 p.c. Deb. 100 104 105 ft Rhyinuey Iron 5 42s Od 44s 04 5 Do New fj 101. Cred. 2t 28a Od 3"104 100 Do 6 p.c. Alort. Debs, low 100 102 17 South Wales Colliery A 17 lOt lOt a Do 10 per cent. B Pref. 3 4| 11 Tredegar Iron and Coal A 7* at 8* Stock Do B 100 44 46 II: ISOBLLAli 1:0118. 10 Barry Graving Dock 10 19 £ 20|xd k a 1 Ben JSvans and Co. Ord'ry 1 19s 6d 20s 6d St ck Swansea Harb. 4 p.c. Stock 100 111 113 10 Weaver & Co. Ordinary 10 llj lli to Do. 6 p.c. Pref. 10 lOi 11 l,i Bristol k S. Wales Wgn. 8 5{ 6 10 Bute Dry Dock 10 16 16i 10 Cardiff Channel Dry Docks Ordy. 10 8t 81 5 Cardiff, Newport & Swan- sea Kin pi res Ordy.5 8$83 10 Hancock Preferred Ord. 10 12± 12#xd 10 Do. Deferred Ord. 10 13} 14|xd 10 Do. o per cent. Pref. 10 14$I4j xd Btock Do. 4 p.c Deo. atock 100 1(ks 110 xd lo Mordey Carney, Limited. 9 12j 1-1 xd 180 Do 44 per cent. Deb. (red. 1909, at lot,, 100 103 :e5 60 Mountstiiart Dry Dk A k B 40 82 84 10 provincial Tramways 10 6t 7 xd 10 Do 0 per cent. Preference 10 )2 13 10 Spilters & Bakers Ordinary 9 11J 12- 10 Do. IS p.c. Pref. 10 131 14 tOO Western Mail it Deb. 1920 100 104 106 lu do. 6 p.c. Pref. 10 9t 91 Pref. when printed in italics, indicates that the shares are preferential as to capital as well as dividend. Bank Kaie increased from 5 to 6 p.c., 30 Nov.. 1899. THERE ARE SKLLERS OF 10 Bristol Brewery (George's) Shares. 20 Spihers Ord.; 15 and 6 Pief. Shares. £ 60u tvhymaey 4 p.c. Preferred Stcrk. 7 Barry Graving Pref. Shares. 25 Pyle alll.1 Blaina Shares. 20 London and Prov,ncial Banki—b.w. J):500 Barry 4 p.c. Preferred 0 OCK. iC. 0 Bristol Corporation -Ii p.c. Stock at 85f. 11 Mordey Carney .1;;10 paid and 20 £ > paid—b.w. 100 Thumas and Evans and John Dyer Ord. jESOO Lockets 6 p.c. Debx. at 101. JE500 Harry Deferred Stock. ±1.000 Taff 4 p.c. Pref. -tock at 13Ot. £1,000 Festiniog Railway Stock. lt.0 Blacd and Co. Shares at 18. 6d. 100 Hell Evans Ord. Shares at 2Cs. 30 N rths Colliery 10 p c. fref.—Md wanted. 20 Rhondda 0: d. a d SO p, efs.-bid wanted. lONfcll Ord., o Prefs., and £.)0 Deba.-b.w. 10 Aberdare Gas Shares. 100 English Crown Spelters at 53s fd xd. 33 Great VI estein Collitry A at loj. 23 Great Western Colliery B at 6.. 12 Peuarth Shipbuilding jBSO Shares. 40 Cambrian Colliery 6 p.c. Pref*. at 101. jE-00 Channel 5 p.c. Debs, at 103. £600 Western Mail Debs. at 105. 15 Hancock 6 p.c. Preferred at 12f. tlOj Mordey Carney 4t p.c. Deb. at 104. 2J Western Mail 5 p.c. Pref. Shares, THERE ARE BUYERS OF jeSOOTaff Vale Stock. r 0 Ktiymrey Iron Old at 42s. 2.700 Powell Duffryn and Davis B Debs. 3-51b, 2-5th and J-5 h Barry Graving Frtnt. .ei.OOu B.rry 4 p.c. Pref Stock. 25 Barry Graving Old Ord. 20 Barry Graving New Allotments. 20 Cambrian Colliery Ord. Shares. JE500 Powell Duffryn Debs, at 104t. £ 1' 0 Cambrian Kailway D Deb. Stock at 99J. 30 Ben Evans Pref. Shares. 5 Cardiff Junction Dry Docks. 925 Newport Water Annuities at 26.. 30 Powell Duffryn Ord. and Pref. Shares. 30 South Wales Colliery Sbares-any issue. j Allotments of Barry Graving Dock New Shares negotiated. EXCURSIONS- j GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. EXCURSIONS will run &8 under THURSDAY, JANUARY 4th, Half-day Trip to CARDIFF and BRISTOL, from Swansea, Neath, Bridgend, &C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6th, Day Trip to GLOUCESTER (FOOTBALL: ENGLAND v. WALES) and CHELTENHAM, from Swansea, Neath, Bridgend, Ac. For time", booking.. from other stations, Week. end Excursions, &c.. see bills aad pamphlets. 13484] J. L. WILKINSON, General Manager. PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS. THE BRITISH ELECTRIC TRACTION JL COMPANY, LIMITED. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT FOR SOUTH WALES. Mr. SUGRUB having accepted a position in the service of the Company at Head Office, the Company are prepared to receive APPLICA- TIONS for the above APPOINTMENT. Applicants should apply in writing on a form which can be obtained from the Secretary, stating age, past experience and salary expected. Head. quarters to be in South Wales or Monmouthshire. Address, SECRETARY. Donitgton House, Nor. folk-street, Strand, London, W.C. [13483 TENDERS. (JJ-OWER UNION, Persons desirous of CONTRACTING with the Guardians of this Union for FUNERALS OF PAUPERS for the Twelve Months next ensuing are requested to send in SEPARATE SEALED TENDERS in writing, for each of the under. mentioned districts, to be delivered at the Clerk's Office on or before MONDAY, the 8th day of JANUARY, 1900; the parties tendering to reside in the respective districts:— District (No. 1). Bishopston, Ilston, Oystermouth, and Pennard. District (No. 2). Llanrhidian Higher. District (No. 3). Cberiton, KnelRtnn, Llandewy, Llangennith, Llan- madock, Llanrhidian Lower.Oxwich. Nicholaston. • Penmaen, Penrioe, Porteynon, Reynoldston, and Rhossilly. Each quotation to include Coffin of i inch elm, Shrond, Grave, Bearers, Burial Fees, and all other expenses; and separate quotations must be given for the following ages:— Above Twelve Years Twelve Years, and above Three Months. Three Months and under. The Persons whose Tenders may be accepted must undertake that all Funerals will be properly and regularly ccnduoted. The Tenders will be ooened by the Board of Guardians at the first meeting following the 8th proximo, at the Union Workhouse, Penmaen, Gower. Security will be required for the due per- formance of each Contract. H. J. IND, Clerk to the Guardians. Victoria Chambers, Oxford Street, Swansea. 28th Dec., 1899. INSURANCE. £4.000.000 Have now been paid in respect of RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ALL ACCIDENTS, WORKMEN'S ACCIDENTS, FIDELITY GUARANTEE, RBy the AILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY, 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. A. VIAN, Secretary. LOCAL AGENT: Mr. E. Post, 63, Gorse-lane, Swansea. Agents required in unrepresented Districts. PUBLIC NOTICES. rjHANGE OF BANK HALF-HOLIDAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on and after SATURDAY. the 6th JANUARY next. the undermentioned BANKS, carrying on Business in SWANSEA, WILL BE CLOSED at 1 P.M. ON SATURDAYS Instead of THURSDAY as hitherto:— CAPITAL AND COUNTIES BANK, LTD., FREDERIC EDWARDS, Manager. METROPOLITAN BANK (OF ENGLAND AND WALES), LTD., T. W. ISLAY YOUNG, Manager. LLOYDS' BANK, LTD., E. PALMER BOWEN, Manager. LONDON AND PROVINCIAL BANK, LTD., THOMAS BOSWELL, Manager. LONDON, CITY & MIDLAND BANK, LTD., 13414] C. C. VIVIAN, Manager. PATRONISED BY ROYALTY. TOM BARRON, ROYAL FLORIST AND BOUQUETIST, 7, OXFORD-STREET. WREATHS, CROSSES, &c., Unequalled in Arrangement. Composed of Choicest Flowers Fresh Cut from the Gardens at Blackpill. INSPECTION INVITED. PLEASE ORDER EARLY. Telegrams-" Barron. Swansea." ANSEA GAS WORKS. Price of COKE at the GAS WORKS, SWANSEA, TWELVE SHILLINGS PER TON. GAS WORKS, 13th December, 1899. f13466 pUGSLEY & gON 24, WATERLOO STREET FOR GLASS and pAPERHANGINGS OF ALL KINDS. Telephone No. 211. 8668 W. F. BULL & CO., WINE, SPIRIT & BEER MERCHANTS, AND BOTTLERS, TEA, TOBACCO, CIGAR, AND MINERAL WATER DEALERS, "THE STORES," 10, UNION-ST., SWANSEA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. [13487 H. STONE, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, NEATH. Detailed Price List on Application. Telegraphic Address: STONE, NEATH." PUBLIO NOTICES. QRAND THEATRE, SWANSEA Mr. H. H. Morell & Mr. F. Mouillot, Proprietors. Notice.—WAR TELEGRAMS received after 6 o'clock will be Posted in the Dress Circle Lobby. FRIDAY, DEC. 29th, and Seven following nights. SPECIAL MORNING PERFORMANCE, SATURDAY, Dec. 30th, at 2 o'clock. THE GREAT LONDON SUCCESS, THE BELLE OF NEW YORK, A Musical Comedy in Two Acts. Book by Husrh Morton Music by Gustave Kerker; with Magnificent Scenery and Costumes, from the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, where it reached its 600th Performance on Oct. 9th last. Dancers and fall Chorus of Fifty Performers. Box plan at Gwynne H. Brader's, 17, Heath- field-st. Telephone 291. Commence at 7.30. APOLOGY. MR. CHAS. W. POOLE Begs to apologise to the Thousands of People who were ut,able to gain admission to the ALBERT HALL, and respectfully intimates that his Entertain- ment will be continued Twice Daily—as per following advertisement. lLBERT HALL, SWANSEA. Every Afternoon at 3; open at 2.30. Every Evening at 7.45; open at 7.15. BIG POPULAR SHOW AT POPULAR PRICES, 2s., Is. 6d., la., and 6d. Early doors open at 2 and 6.45. POOLE'S GREAT UNITED AMUSEMENTS. BOER WAR MYRIORAMA UP-TO-DATE. Perfect Vaudeville Organization simply unique. Marvellous Pantomime Cinderella. Truly marvellous. This year greater, grander and better than ever. CHAS. W. POOLE, Peerless Pioneer of pre- meditated, perfectly pure, pleasant pastime. Particularly piquant, profitable, peregrinating perambulations. Phenomenal, powerful, para- mount, polyoramic performances. Prominent, popular, preponderant panorama. Perpetually presenting predominating panstcreoramas and performances par excellence. THE CHAS. W. pOOLE'S Latest and Greatest Production, GREATER BRITAIN The Cape-Natal-Rho- desia—Orange Free State-Savage South Africa -The Transvaal—and the BOER WAR, Johannesburg and the Gold Mines. The Great Trek. Scene on the Crocodile River. Arrival of GENERAL BULLER at the Cape! Arrival of our Transports at Durban, and De- parture for Ladysmith. H.M.S. Powerful" and the Naval Brigade. The Royal Irish,King's Royal Rifles, and Dublin Fusiliers at GLENCOE. ELANDSLAAGTE, where the Devons, the Manchester Regiment, and the Dargai Boys sweep all before them. A 14 year old Bugle Boy of the 5th Lancers shoots three Boers. Always something new at POOLE'S. CAIRO TO THE CAPE, via Khartoum and Fashoda Central Africa and Omdurman. Battle of Omdurman! and Charge of the 21st Lancers. Hispano-American War. Golden Klondyke. Poole's Vast Amusement Aggregation, the largest, best, and most costly that has ever toured. Special Engagement at enormous expense of CHARLES JUDGE'S PERFORMING COCKATOOS, PARROTS, and MACAWS. Miss LOUIE LOVE. The 3 CAMEOS, CORDELIA. CARL FREDERICKS, VIC- TOR RITTER, FKED MERRY, The 3 OGDENS, The 2 DANIELS, JOHN R. POOLE. The latest and best Animated Pbotosrraphs now before the Public, The EDISON-POOLE EVENTOGRAPHE! Poole's Quartette Party! Mandolin. Orchestral and Military Bands of Solo Performers. The whole forming the Greatest, Grandest, Best, and most Recherche ever conceived. Manager Mr. JAMES SCOTT. Originator and Owner CHAS. W. POOLE. SWANSEA MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL. THE SECOND ANNUAL CONVERSAZIONE Will be held at the TECHNICAL SCHOOL, MOUNT PLEASANT, On MONDAY, 15th JANUARY, 1900, at 7.30 p.m. Dr. W. HAMPSON, M.A. (Oxon.), will give experimental demonstrations with" Liquid Air" apparatus. Programme will also include a grand Promenade Concert and Exhibition of the Photo- projectoscope (an improvement on the Cinemato- graphe, including living pictures of Transvaal War, Spanish-American War, and humorous pictures. Hulley's Band. TICKETS.—Students of Technical School, 6d. each; Non-Students, 1,4. each. Tickets may be bad from any member of the Staff, or from the undersigned, L. COLLWYN LEWIS, Secretary. Municipal Technical School, Swansea. ——— GWANSE A HOSPITAL THE ANNUAL BALL Will take place at THE ALBERT HALL On THURSDAY, JAN. lltb, 1900. Tickets-Gentlemen, Ri is. Ladies, 10s. 6d. HULLEY'S BAND. DANCING, 9.30 P.M. THE JUVENILE CALICO BALL Will take place the following Evening, FRIDAY, JAN. 12th, 1900. Tickets—Juveniles under 17,3s 6d, Adults, 10s 6d. Adults who attended the previous evening, 5s. HULLEY'S BAND. DANCING, 7 TO 12. Balcony Tickets for 2nd night only, 2s. 6d. Tickets may be obtained of the Hon. Secretaries, The MAYORESS, Ashleigh; Mrs. BRADFORD, Lilleshall; Miss MABEL GRIFFITHS, Dryslwyn; Mrs. T. P. RICHARDS, Maes-yr-haf; Mrs. AERON THOMAS, West Cross, R.S.O and the Hospital Secretary, Mr. HUGHES, at the Hospital. [13493 CUPISS' CONSTITUTION BALLS Are an unfailing remedy (write for pamphlet) TESTIMONIAL. Russley Park. I have need Cnpiss' Constitution Balls for the last 10 years, and have much pleasure in testifying to the good effects they have had in improving the con- dition of Horses in training, particularly in the Spring and Autumn months. MAT. DAWSON. For HORSES, for Grease, Swelled Legs, Cracked Heels, Coughs, Colds, Staring Coat, Influenza, giving tone and vieour, and keep- lnlr high-fed Horses in Health. &c. For CATTLE & SHEEP in cases of Hove or Blown, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Dis- temper, Epidemic, &c. For Scouring in Calves they are almost infal- lible. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late PHANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C.V.S. Bold in Packets, Is. 9d. and 31. 6< each, 7 small 10s. 6d., or 7 large 211., by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, or from the Proprietor, The Wilder- ness, Dies. Norfolk. on receipt of amount. NEVER BE WITHOUT CAL VERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. Unequalled as a remedy for CHAFED SKIN, PILES, THROAT COLDS, CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS, SCALDS, BURNS, CUTS, EARACHE, NEURALGIC and RHEUMATIC PAINS, RINGWORM and SKIN AILMENTS generally. Large Pots, 1/1J each, at Chemists, or post free for value. Illustrated List of Calvert's Carbolic Preparations post free on application. F. C. JALVERT & Co., MANCHESTER. PONTARDULAIS.-The CAMBRIAN," may P be obtained of MRS. REES, Newsagent; MR. JENKYN THOMAS, Bookseller MR. WM. LEWIS, Golden Cottage; and Messrs. W. H. SMITH & SON. Items of news and advertisements may be sent direct to the CAMBRIAN Office, Wind-street, Swansea, PUBLIC NOTICES. e —— t ^WANSEA FOOTBALL FIELD, B FOOTBALL MATCH. J i SATURDAY,* DECEMBER 30TH, 1899. SWANSEA v. DUBLIN. 1 (OLD WESLEY) 1 Kick off at 3.0 p.m. ADMISSION — SIXPENCE. 1 GRAND STAND, SIXPENCE EXTRA. ( 4 fin E C HNICALINSTRUCTION JL COMMITTEE OF THE GLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. This Committee, at its next Meeting, will pro- ceed to award THREE FREE SCHOLARSHIPS at the SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTHSHIRE SCHOOL of COOKERY and the DOMESTIC ARTS, CARDIFF. Each Free Scholarship will be aceompanied by a Maintenance. Scholarship of JE30 per annum paid quarterly. Full particulars of the conditions under which the Scholarships are given may be obtained from the undersigned, WALTER HOGG. Poctypridd, Dec. 26th, 1899. [13488 QRCHIDS, ORCHIDS. A very Fine COLLECTION of ORCHIDS, of over 1,000 Plants, to be SOLD PRIVATELY (in one Lot, or Lots to suit Purchasers), in conse- quence of the Owner removing. There are a good number ot Specimen Plants, and all are clean and in good health. Among the Odont Crispums are a quantity of Spotted and Blotched Varieties; also Odontoglossums—Crispums Pescatori, Rossii Magus, Mulus, Uuttatums, Andersonians, Ruckerianum, &c. Lielias-Purpursta, Tenebrosa, Elegans, Anceps, Anceps Sanderiana and Schroderae, &c. Cattleyas-Aurea, Skinneri Alba, Trianaei, Men- delii, Labiata-Venosa, O'Brieniana, Bassetti, Mossise, &c. Dendrobiums, Cooksoni, Leechianum, Sanderiana Grandiflora, Phalanopsis Schroderiana Nobile and Wardianum. Also Oncidiums and Epidendrums, &c. To view and further particulars, apply A. H. MILTON, 105, Whiteladies'-road, Clifton; or to A. H. MURRELL, Raglan-road, Bristol. p OOR CHILDREN'S BREAKFASTS. DONATIONS will be gratefully received by his Worship the Mayor of Swansea (WM. WATKINS, Esq.), Guildhall. Hon. Treasurer or by Mr. W. NICHOLS, Y.M.C.A., Swansea, the Hon. Secretary. TELEPHONE — NUMBER 36. TELEGRAMS Cambrian Newspaper, Swansea.' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Delivered in Town lB. 3d. per quarter Post Free (United Kingdom) Is. 9d. 11 „ (Foreign). 2S. 6d. 91 Payable in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS received at the Offices. No. 58, Wind-street, Swansea, up to 11 o'clock on Thursday night. Those posted on Thursday night will be in time for publication on Friday morning. MMM WMM^[^^—^mmmmmm—m,———