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r_- ECZEMA And Every Form of Torturing Disfiguring Skin and Scalp Humours Cured by (pticura SPEEDY CURE TREATMENT.—Bathe the affected parts thoroughly with HOT WATER and CUTICCRA SOAP. Next apply CDTXCURA Ointment, the great skin cure, and lastly take a full dose of COTICURA RESOLVENT. This treatment will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent, and economical cure when all else fails. Sold eveiywhere. Price, THE SKT, &«.; or CTJTICCBA SOAP, 1«.; OINTITEHT, a*. «<i.; RESO l VENT,2*. tW.. poat- £ aid of F. NEWBEBY Jt SONS, London. K. C. POTTKB »BUO AND C'HEM. COBP., Sole Props., Boston, U. S. A. KEATING'S POWDER. EATING'S POWDER. KEATING'S POWDER. Kills Fle^s, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. Kills Fleas, Bujrs, Moths, Beetles. Kills Flees, uga, Moths, Beetles. Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, Beetles. UNRIVALLED KILLER OF 1JNRIVALLED KILLER OF UNRIV ALLED KILLER OF Kills Fleas, Bnqs, Moths, Beetles. (Harmless to everything but Insects.) I Sold only in tins, 3d., 6d. and Is. Only be sure yon do get Keating's: F LEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS, BUGS. F LEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS, BUGS. F LEAS, BEETLES, MOTHS, BUGS. _n TlfEND YOUR OWN HARNESS and BELTS That constantly need Repairs, with THOMSON'S SLOTTED RIVETS mi Saving time in sending and waiting. Yon can o the job yonrself. No hole required to be punched; simply drive Rivet as yon would a tack, fend clinch TRT 0 «« Price, Assorted Sizes, Is. 6d. per Gross, from all Ironmongers, or from BIFURCATED RIVET CO., LTD., 10, WOOL EXCHANGE. LONDON, E.C. Eature's Perfect Remedv for all kinds of worms. WILLIAMS' (PONTARDAWE) TTT OKM LOZENGES. FOY orer 30 years this highly Valuable K*™*5? met with the greatest success. The e Hect upon Weak, Delicate Children (often given up a» incurable) to like Magic Getting rid of his tormenting pesta by taking *h«Ie lozenges, the thin, Child becomes strong, healthy, and lively, t p • Instead of the anxiety of his guard'ans- BIR.-I have for some time used your Anthelmintic or Worm Lozenges in my family, and find TerJ •peedy and efficacion. care for A^Hf 'lCommeUda agreeable and convenient *orm f ijow(jen Hon for children.—W. HUTCHINSON. Vicar of Howden. Y8TkMProMS.-Any of the following Symptoms indicate «■> VnHnblft aDDetite. foetid breath, acid tions. pains in the stomach and head, sicj"2e"^ £ ^„^g,! of the teeth during sleep, dreams paleness ot the countenance, stitches in the "Me, »h<>rt dry cough, and emaciation of the body often mistaken for decline, nervousness, slow fever, and irregular pulse faintness. sometimes convulsive tits, often causing sndden death; dizziness, sore throat, and inflammation of the bowels. The above symptoms vary according to the ^Tbe°Loxenges contain nothing detrimental to the Con- stitution, and are suitable for .11 ages. -wmarad Williams'(Pontardawe) Worm Lozenges are prepared from the Original Receipt by „ v, JOHN DAVIRS, M.R.P.8 Chemist 30 Swansea, and sold by most chemists, at 9*d., 13id., ana 2s. Ski. per box; by post, 14 or 34 the Government stamp, on which are engraved the ,n worda" Williams' Worm Lozonges. ■TIADE'S GOUT PILLS. Jh All who suffer from Gont or immediatelv have recourse to BADE SPILLS. EADE'S GOUT PILLS.. Hundreds of Testimonials have been received from all sorts and conditions of men, testify- ing to the wonderful power these Pills have lu giving relief in the very worst cases. EADE'S GOUT PILLS. These Pills are purely vegetable, and per- fectly safe In their action. EADE'S GOUT PILLS D1T,TnTV INSTANTLY RELIEVE and RAPIDLY CURK the worst form of GOU^ RheumaMsm Rheumatic Gout, Pains in the Head, Face Limbs. TRADE'S GOUT PILLS have the largest recommendation eTer given anv Patent Medicine of ita class. E ADE'S GOUT PILLS | GOUT and RHEUMATISM. FOR THE LAST THREEJTtARSI iKVE NEVER HAD A RHEUMATIC PAIN. "37 Brvne-street, Willington, Durham, Jan. 12th, 1895. «• Dear Sir, -It affords me great pleasure in writing yon these few line about your valuable Pills. It is seven yparssince I had Rheumatic Fever, and the following three years I suffered with Rheumatic painl. Having tried so-called sure remed es, but getting no better, and hearing of your Pills, I got some, and received i^eatbe^ht from them, for the 1.A8T THREE YEARS I h*ve NEVER HAD A RHEUMAI1C PAIN. Many whom I recommended to take your Pills have obtained relief. You can use my name, and also publish to tbe wor1^. great Power your Pills have over Rheo. maticpains—1 remain, yonrs truly, >( *• .iOHN LONGSTAFF. »» P.Q.-I would have written you sooner, but gave them a good test. EADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC PILLS are sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is. Hd. and 2s 9d„ or sent post free for Postal Order by the Proprietor, GEORGE EADB, 232, Goswell- road, E.C. TRADE'S GOUT PILLS. Ask for and be sure you obtair, Hade's Gout and Rheumatic Pills. [118.">6 HAVE YOU A BAD LEG With Wounds that discharge er otherwise, perhaps surrounded with inflammation and swollen that when you press your finger on the inflamed part It leaves the impression P If so, under the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried, which if not extracted you never can recover, but go on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated; the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be discoloured, or there may be wounds; the disease, If allowed to continue, will deprive you ot the power to walk. You may have attended varions hospital and had medical advice, and been told your case is hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation but do not, for I can cure you. I don t say perhaps, but I will. Because others have failed is no reason for not now being enred. Send at once a Postal Order for 2s. 6d. to U. 8. ALBERT, 73, FARHINSDOH-STEEKT. LONDON, and yon will reoeive a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS, which is a certain remedy for the Cure of Bad Legs, Housemaid's Knees, Ulcerated Joints, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands. and Bunlens.-fXelllstered Copyright Fi WHY SUFFER? § THIERRY'S MARVELLOUS REMEDIES 0411 CURE y°Q where all else fails. HCH Pi em I ———————— PREVENT8 CONSUMPTION. THlhKKY O CURES Liver, Stomach. Tliroat, and Chest Affections, ■ l|AI|| ail Female Complaints, and KfllNflifl, Children's Ailments. ""L PURIFIES the Blood. D—V. I.»I Strengthens the Nerves, Forti- RRUT *• f,T s the System, and Produces >W BCTTU. RRARAOT HZAI.TR. CURES Cancer, Sore Breasts. TUICDDV C Chilblains. Pile], Fistula, Wounds, Burns. Scalds, and all kinds of Sores. niftlTMCMT EXTRACTS Splinters and all Foreign Substances from anX anjr part of the Body, thus Price 2 9 per Pvt. ng Painful Operations. Aikyonr Chetmistjar- these Remedies, or have them sent, past-free, for the same prices DIRECT from k. THIERRY, 89, Farrintfdon St., London. I*li-I on A- Ar THIERR I-S, ..d d-,r o £ with Substitutes






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