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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. TIIE Fren-h papers of Thursday, contains a royal ordinance, commanding the Sanatory Cordon, which France has so long main- tained 011 her Spanish frontier, to he dissolved ¡Jut the troops of which the cordon was com- posed are ordered to continue in their respec- tive stations, under the new denomination of an Army of Observation. This change in the appella- tion of the Freoch forces which constituted the cordon, does not indicate any corresponding alter- ation in the views and policy of the French Cabinet. An article from Vienna, dated the 14th inst. states, that the opening of the Congress has been really delayed by the death of the Marquis of Lon- donderry and that the departure of the Emperors tor Verona, which was fixed for the middle of Sep- tember, is deferred to the end of the month. There have been some preliminary conferences, but the -grand deliberation, which is to fix the subjects to Ihe discmsed in Congress, will not take place until the Ministers of aM the fivo Powers have arrived at Vienna. It is said, that on the death of the Mar- quis of LondondeTy, the Austrian Cabinet requested that lie might be succeded in Congress by the Duke •if vyelhngton. It is expected that the Sovereigns of Russia, Austria, and Prussia, will stop at Venice where great fetes are in prepemion, previous to their going to Vemea. Boulogne, Sept. CO.—As the Dasher, post-office steam-boat, from Dover, was near the port, the-en- gineer was caught in some of the steam apparatus, and caine into the harbour with his arm dreadfully shatterred and his leg miserably torn, lying on the deck.—An accident happened to the Countess Vizy, daughter of Mrs. Charles Lock, the daughter tF the Duchess of Leinster, by her second husband, Mr. Ogilvie. As she was riding out on her donkey (fond-et; as rhey call it here), and coming down the Vtll towards bar own house, with her mother, and her sister. Mrs. Murray Greville, walking at her side, a cart ran-over and killed on the spot the boy in attendance, and ran over Comtesse de Vizy and her bondet, the wheel passing over the lower part cf her body. The Comtesse was carried home, and shortly after expired. The accounts of what is doing in Spain is still of a contradictory character. Advices from Ehyonne to the 18th inst. state that the whole of Navarre, with the exception of the fort of Irati, was aban- doned by the Royalists, who had concentrated their forces in Catalonio. It is also acknowledged that the march of Queseda and the Trappist to Urgel was not effected without considerable loss, especially at a place called Bolea, where the Con- stitutionalists took from them 4 pieces of cannon and many prisoners.—Accounts however from Catalonia, represent the Baron (fEroles as having !»een eminently successful against the Constitu- tionalists, and even state, that lie was making pre- parations to advance on Madrid.—A letter from Barcelona describes the situation of that once flou- rishing city in the following terms Terror is the ordpr of the day here:—we are overwhelmed with the contributions levied on us—commerce is completely. annihilated, and misery is at its summit. Of the affairs of Greece we can speak with still less certainty than those of Spain; and the newJ from that quarter contain nothing by which we can form a tolerably correct judgement with whom the superiority at present rests. The Hamburgh papers cootain an article on the subscriptions opened in the Russian Empire for the Greeks, who iiad taken refuge in it. The subscription amounts, it seems, to 9^5,000 roubles, of which his Majesty the Krnperor contributed 15,000 and the Empress Mother 10,000. Cut as the numberofthe indignant Greek fugitives is very great, further subscriptions are solicited for this laudible object. The" quarrel between Lord Cochrane and San Martin, the Protector, as he is called, of Chili, has proceeded to a dangerous extremity. His Lordship claims the Spanish frigate Prueba as his prize, which San Martin, acting upon the advice of his friends, has refused to give up. Lord Cochrane is, in consequence, reported to have taken possesion ti 11 of the Venganza at Guyaquil, where the Peruvian Admiral Blancho had gone to hoist his flag and it was feared he would make an attack on Callao, for the purpose of forcibly, possesing himself of the frigate in dispute. 0 A Lisbon Mail bringing papers to the 16th inst arrived on Saturday. The schism between the Prince Itayal and the cortes is approaching its crisis. The latter have decreed, that the delegated authority of the former shall immediately cease, and that he shall return to Portugat in the course of four months. This mandate he assuredly will not obey, and no alternative will then be left, but lor him to disclaim the authority of the Cortes, and c1-ccl.tre himself the Independent Sovereign of the llrazils.

..:r--I IRELAND.
