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A "REFLECTION. jiF I "How sweet it were, methinks, awhile To quit this wearv load of clay, To wa nton in the summer's smile. Tenants of air and boundless day. How sweet, how passing sweet, to rise Absve all grief, above all care, And sail at will the fleecy skies, Light as the cloud that hovers there. Vain wish would guilt, would passion fly, W hell the free spirit soar'd above, -Would grief melt in the sunny sky, Or winds disperse the vapour Love? No! no !—the soul its native place, Its own unrivalPd Lord, or Slave, No spot ciin elevate the base, No change depress the truly brave Fcirliamentary Papers.-The following are ex- tracts from a great ma.ss of Parliamentary Papers, ordered by the House of Commons to be printed at the close of the last session, and just published, A return in part has been made of the gross produce of the ordinary revenues of Great Britain during the last 20 years, together with the aggre- gate payments made out and into the Exchequer: we shall give in brief the sum,total of each year:— Year ending Jan. 1798 Total Revenue £ '26fi2Q,6c29 ditto 3799 ditto 33.632,337 ditto 180u ditto 38,805.024. ditto 1801 ditto 37,741,824 ditto 1802 ditto 39,673,220 ditto 1803 ditto 41,931.747 ditto 1804 ditto 42,760,895 ditto 180,5 ditto 50,164,413 ditto (BOG ditto 55,041-771 ditto 1807 ditto 58,761,859 ditto 1808 ditto 64,805,395 ditto 1809 ditto 67,050,618 ditto 18 ditto 70,240,226 ditto 1811 ditto 74,0-10,543 ditto 1812 ditto 71,113,588 ditto 1813 ditto 70,43.5 679 ditto 1814 ditto 79,448,111 ditto 181,5 ditto 81,334,292 ditto 1816 ditto 85,311,706 ditto.1817 ditto 73,022,675 Otir readers will be struck at the prodigious in- crease in so short a space of time. On the Irish Pension List (up to January, 1810) we observe the name of the eminent Count de Laliv Tollendal, who ha.s received 3001. a year since March, 1794. The Strangford and Ponsonby fa- milies are also considerable pensioners on this list: there being no less than tour Strangfords and five Ponsonbys. There are a great number of Lords aad Baronets, and three or four French pensioners, besides the one before-mentioned. A return to an order of the House of Commons, dated 20th March, 1817, states the total official ¡ value of British produce and manufactures ex- ported from Great Britain to lreland- In the year ending ath Jan. 1815, at ^4,265,831 2 8 Iu the year 1816, at 3.557,873 10 10 And in the year 1817 3,025,527 1 3 The same paper states the declared value of the Said Exports in the above interval as follows:- On the ,5th of January, 1815 ^4.412,035 11 1 Ditto 1816 3,55.5,563 18 8 Ditto 1817 "2,623,016 12 10 The number of Gallons of Spirits imported into England from Scotland, in the year ending the 5iu ui April, 1815, was 1,748,351 From Ireland 428,933 From other places 8,332,776 Exported from England 3,434,768 Pitto for the year ending 5th April, J816, From Scotland 1,360,380 From Irela d 283,621 From other places 7,986.052 Exported from England 3,280,028 Ditto for the year ending 5th April, 1817, From Scotland 1,262,532 From Ireland 20,000 From other places 5,240,430 Exported from England 2,733,017 The quantity 01 Irish linens imported into Eng- land in the year ending the oth January 1817, was 41,204,854 yards, of which 32,(303,03 2 were retained for home consumption. The Select Committee, on the Education of the lower orders in the Metropolis, have agreed upon the following report: Your Committee have been prevented, by accidental circumstances, from mating further progress in the inquiry referred to them but being impressed with a deep sense of the importance of the subject, they recommend that it should be taken up at an early period of the next Session. Your Committee having considered the information communicated to them during the last Session, from various parts of the country, touching the state of education, and more paiocularly the misapplication of funds destined, by gift, bequest, or devise, to that purpose, are of opinion that it would be expedient to extend the instructions under which they act, so as to embrace an inquiry into the education of the lower orders generally throughout England and \Vales," The Clergy.—The following is the substance of 0 the Diocesan returns for the year 1815, which have been just printed :— RESIDENT IKCUJIBESTS. In the Parsonage-ho use 3267 In or close to the Parish 25dl In or close to the Parish 25dl Alternately on one or other of his preferments 19 5847 Kon-resident Incumbents 3856 Sinecures, and Dignities, not requiring residence 52 Vacancies 161 Vacancies 161 Sequestrations 40 Hecent Institutions 87 ¡ Dilapidated Churchcs -32 lIeld bv Bishops 22 No rctum 2?9 Miscellaneous, including insane, confined for deb', prisoners abroad, donative refusing to make return, impropriations, appropriations, 122 798 Total number of Benefices » 10,501



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