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IRON TRADE,. THE WELSH QUARTER-DAY will be held at NEWPORT,011 the 20th.of October, being the •Thursday, as usual, after the Stourbridge Meeting. WANTED immediately, an APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY, in a prin cioai Market-town in South-Wales. Enquire of the Printer-of thiS'Paperif by letter, posi- pa: J. "^A/'AiNTED, a to Like care of Two Horses, to wait, occasionallv at 1 able, and Tfiio will otherwise make himself usetui in the bvuse. Api,ly t, -Air. ter, post-paid. POSTING. REDUCED- IIorse and Groom, Inn, Cozobridge. vVILLIAIvlllICIIA RDS RETURNS his most unfeigned-thanks to hi3 JI-i Friends and the Public in general, tor the great en I couragement given him since he set up j'OST-CHAISES, and assures them, that he shall at all times think it:/us duty 1°1 charge no higher tlwn any other Inn in the Towh for POST* ino, &c. 6cc. he tl (""loic rn»s »_ CHAISE n»d PAIR oi able HORSES for ON ^HILLING per MILE< W: R. is determine I always to keep the: best Wines and Spirits, as wcji as the best Larder, the couvury affords. N. B. Whereas sortie malic-ions person or persons have circulated a'report that I intended .giving up t le POSTING BUSINESS, I beg leave to contradict such report, as 1 mean to continue the said busines. as usual. WM. RICHARDS. To DEBTORS and CREDITORS; A LL Persons indebted to the lat'e Reverend XJl OW EN 'TUDOR BRIGSTOCKEVoi J«ns'Co!!ege, Oxford, are requested to pay the same forthwith to Edward Williams, Solicitor, Carmarthen:—And all persons Who have any demand on the Es!;ntf of the deceased, are desired to [ransmit the particulars thereof to the said Ed.ward Wil- lianas, in order that the same may be discharged. Carmarthen, Sept. 14,1808. Swansea Humane Societ/. rjPHE ANNIVERSARY SERMON will be A Preached at St. Mars' Church, onSun:lay, the2d of October next,'by the Rev F. Gough after which a Col- lection will be, made at the Doors for the Benefit of the Charity. And the ANNIVERSARY MEETING Df the SUB- SCRIBEHS will be ..held at the Mack worth Arms-inn, on the following day.Dinner on Table at Four/'Clock. Tickets Ss. each. to be had at the Cambrian Prillting- Office; and Gentlemen intcndiîlg fo-hon mi the Society -With their Corupany are requested to apply for Tickets be- fore one o'clock on Saturday the 1st ol Oetobsr. -< T< JLan4 Revenue of- the CrowN. in South-Wales and the County of Monmouth. A PARLIAMENTARY" INQUIRY having been made into (he State of the Land Revenue oi: the Crown, Notice is hereby given, That unless all Rents, and Arrears of Rent, due from hi:) Majesty's Tenants in the .above-mentioned district, be paid and discharged at the -ensuing Audit, which will be held at the -Ivy-Bush-uin. Carmarthen, on Monday the 24th,. and Tuesday the..2.5th of October next, and at the Golden-Lion-inn, Brecon, on Thursday, the 27th of the same month, legal process will, I without further delay, be instituted for the recovery thereof; for which purpose, the Receiver-Genera! has been special) v required to make up his accounts, for declaration before ins Majesty's Chancellor of the Exchequer, iminedi- ttely after the termination of the Audit. The Tenants, and all other persons concerned, will like* Vise take Notice, that the practice Of paying Rents in London, subsequently to the Audit, cannot in future be permitted, under any circumstances whatever. RICHARD BARRY, London, Sept. 10, 1808. ,< Deputy Receiver-General. Carmarthenshire and County of the Borough of Carmarthen Turnpike Trust. -~iVTOTICE is, hereby given, ihat the TOLLS )T gi iN arising at the Toll Gates belonging to this Trust, will be LET by AUCTION to the best bidder, at the Taibot, in Carmart en, on Friday, the 7th day of October next, betweeti the hours of twelve and two, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike-roads, which Tolls produced the last year the following suras Llaiidovery-Gate ^179 Ystrad-Abermftriais and Gurrey-fach-Gate 2(32 LI and ilo-Walk and Broad-Oak-Gates 161 .-Abergwillv-Gate 282 'Roy a 1-Oak-Gate 340 St. Clear's and Maeswholarid-Gates 160 Above the expence of collecting them, and will be put up at those several sums. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties, for-payment of the rent quarterly. D. LEWtS, Carmarthen, Sept. 3, 1803. Clerk to the Trustees.. eagle Jnsttranee C, oiiipiiiill. Fire—Annuities—Life?. CORNHILL, LONDON. nPHE Advantages uf insuring with this Com- pany, in preterence to any other, consist in the PAY- •MENT of RENT to Sufferers by Fire, without additional Charge; and LARGE ABATEMENTS upon the Premium and Duty on Country Insurances. FARMING STOCK insured at the Reduced Rate of 2s. per Cent. without the Average Clause. W. BEETHAM, Secretary. AGENTS: Swansea, D.tVinjENmxs,LaW Stationer. Amlwch, Anglesea, THEOS. JONES, Surveyor. PIKENIX FIRE-OFFICE, LOMBARD-STREET, LONDON. 'TpHE DIRECTORS of the PIICENIX FIRE- A Insurance COMPANY return tlieir acknowledg- ments for the patronage they continue to experience, and they refer with confidence to the system which has been, pursued in the management of the concerns of the Office lor a period nf upwards of twenty-five years, and by which every possible accommodation and advantage has been af- forded to the public, as well in the arrangement of Rates as in the prompt and liberal adjustment of Losses. Stock on a Farm may be insured in one sum without the average clause. The Receipts for Policies falling due at Michaelmas, are now 111 thc himds of the several A'rents. £ 3" The important sums annually paid by this Cilice to Sufferers by Fire. strongly prove the benefits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and -Gentlemen to Secure the value of their Mansions and Effects, as to Fanners, Ma- nufacturers, and aH the Commercial Orders. Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or up- wards, will not be charged for the Policy. 4 By Order of the Directors,. II. A.HARDY, Sept. 21,1808. Sec. of Country Department. L. and J., MICHAEI,, Agentsfor Swansea, r|1iIE SALE of PA NT HO EVEN, in the pa- .•* T'sh of LANDYssit,-in the count v of Cardigan, fixed lor Monday, the 3d day of October next, is POSTPONED to MONDAY, the 10th of October, at the Iving's-Ifead-inn, in tlje village.of Laildyssil. -—I TO BE LET, AND MAY BE ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, A HOUSE,, situate in FISHEK-ST-REET, 1.-1. SWANSEA, late in the occupation of JVC. Collins, Esq consisting of two gdod kitchens, cell, r, pantry, &c. two parlours^ drawing-room and nursery, and four bed-cham- bers, with a Garden, and eyurv neces-m coin coiem j. ;En'qsiire of S. Hughfts, Pisher-sJi-ct<ui>" "TO BE DIS P O b VA) OF By PRIVATE CONTRACT?' ffHE LEASE of a. LINEN and WOOLLEnI DRAPER'S SHOP, situated in the most ccntral part of the^towt >i N.A-t'n, it: the county of Glamorgan. The Stock in Trade to he taken at a fair valuation, \fur further particulars apply totiie-Priuter of thispaper.1 TO BE SOLD, A GENTLEMAN'S POST-CHAISE and .tl HAJUiESS, as good, as new The Chaise 'was built by one o) the most capital builders in London. sold also, a PAIR of strung, handsome, useLd <3 ELDINGS, gentle and safe drawers. To be St'cn at Dump led ale, -near Langum- in'the county of Pembroke, till Wednesday, the bth October next, on which day they will be removed to .ttie i;astle-inn, at Ha- verfordwest, and disposed of there the following day.; CARIllA RTH ENSHnm TO BE SOU) BY PMVATE CONTRACT, A LL tlos-, MESSUAGES, 'TENEMENTS, and LANDS, called TYRY, ^WLL, situate in the parish of LLANG INNING, in the said county, in the occupation of Mr. Joint Lewis, ar the yearly rant oi .1.177. Those .tenements lie. within about half a mile of the g ei l turnpike-road leading from Carmarthen to Milford, and within three mikkof the. Sca-p«rt town oi St. Clear's, where lime and manure are procured, and wiicre the produce of the farms may he disposed of. For f urther particulars apply to Mr. Foss, Solicitor, Ess«x. street, Strand, London; or to Mr. Brown, Solicitor, Car, marthen. SOUTH-WALES. ■ T 0 B E S OLD, THE pleasant and veryva^u ROPERTY -& of STRADMORE-H i L.L, sisting of 60 Acres (lately Part of Stradmore Demesne). and a capital FARM- YARD, comprising every necessary Building, late also th'3 detached Otlices belonging to Stradinurp-House. Ahou* nine Acres are goO'u Arable, the remainder fine Pasture. This Estate is well watered; a healthy elevation upoj the famous Salmon river Tivy h.as deJiRhtfuj private rides ihroiigh adjoining grounds; is near Cardigan the post passes daily, and in a genteel neighbourhood; is in the possession of the owner, and at a trifling ex pence a part of the Build- ings may be converted into as regular and handsortc a resi- dence (in the cottage stylej as any in the kingdom. The purchaser may enter when he pleases, and retain great part of the purchase-money. Applications, by principals only, will be attended to,'ad- dressed to S. William, Esq. near Newcastle, Carmarthen, slure; and the priiprietor will shew the premises. Greal Roads from Milford-IIaven to London. CAPITAL IN N. TO BE LET, AND FPON JM.MEDl"ATEt.Y, THAT well-established and capital INN, The KlXG's-ARMS; annate in the populous town of CARMARTHEN, South- Wales comprising spacious Parlours, BaJJ-room, Bed-cham- bers, Cellars, Kitchens, Stlibles, Coach-Houses, and other requisite offices, all recently repaired,grid. improved. The town of Carmarthen is situated at the junction of the two great post roads from London to Miifordrllaven,through Bath, Bristol, and Swansea, and through Oxford, Gloeester, and Brecon, from whence mail-coaches arrive, and return every day arid form the great thoroughfare to Mjllofd- Haven, from whence a Cioveinment Packet saiis every evening for Waterf'ord, v I. This mn possesses the ad mhBe of being patronised by a numerous body of resptctaUe Gentlemen of the neigh- bourhood, besides a \vell estailAished preference of Gentle- men Travellers. A tenant properly qualified this line of business, and with an adequate capita), has c IN pi of the most complete success, and will meet with e^ery eneourai^ement. as the crowd of business constantly passing in and through Carmarthen affords a continual influx Of company. For particulars apply to Mr. Bro- s^olu itor,Carmarthen. The valuable Fixtures go with the house. WOOLLEN MANUFACIORY. To be Disposed of by Private> Contract, FOR THE ABSOLUTE TEEM OF M YEARS, A Capital extensive and complete WORSTED JMI'LL & WOOLL.-EN-YAHN MAN1 I'tClORY, with the lVIrLL-GEER,TACKLE, and MACHINERY therein, together, with the OUTHOUSES, BUILDINGS, ai.d \PI'(IE- TENANCES thereto belonging; with a neat modem-built DWELLING-HOUSE, a good GARDEN, and uboat Nine Acres of rich PASTURE LAND adjoining, situate at BRIDGEND, in the county of G lamorgan, within five miles of the harbour of Newton, well supplied with a plentiful stream of soft water jwmlberiver Ogwore. The Mill, Dwelling-House, Buildings, and Machinery, have all beeii erected within these lew years, at an ex pence of near ten thousand pounds, and are in excelle. t repair. The whole is held under lease from Thomas Wyndham, Esq. at the yearly rent of £ 13. Application may be made to Mr. Dare, at Bridgend aforesaid, if by Jetter, post-paid. j., N. B. The STOCK in.TRADE at tl* said Manttfactory, consisting of Wools,. Yarn, and various, articles of manu- factured goods, such as Blankets, Whitifeersev ifjaunefs, Kersey Half-cloths, Cloths, Plushes, andvwite arid^blbur'ed. Serges, ike. ike. is SELLING OFF at and tkider prliie cost. A Girl, aged 14, has had, for th& last'seven preceding years of her life, scrophnlous t*lce*fc on her arms, neck, side, and breasts, attended with great di.^piiargc, particularly at the periods of spring. The di easeaba'lled every means employed, AVIICII" she" fried "SPtLSml HY'S PATENT ANTL-CO'l I'U ITC DROPS, and at tls rime she has taken five in tf is, the smaller ulcers are all I aled, and the larger, ones i.ukn' lair advances tOithe sJue fa- vourable terwinalion, whicn we are justified in conflndiiig' from her mended state of health, probably arising t'mm the good'health of the secreting glands.—Mrs.Dancer,lY'ork, will give further information on ."pplication and tlipj origi- nal letters may be seen at the'Dispensary, No. 1al/Solfo- ■sqviare, London. f Mr. Sptlsbury is not accountable for any mixture sold, unless the words, By the King's Patent"are inserted on the bill of directions, bottle, and wrapper; the stamp also (the Kind's duty) is printed in black instead of red ink. Bottles, 5s. 6d.; double .bottles,. 10s* and larger 11. 2s, dutyillcluded. Sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper. TO m: sou), npwo JERSEY ] I LITERS .V ONE YOUNG -S- JERSLY BULL, just imported from that Island. Enqun-eoftherrinteroftnisPapcr. TO BE LET, ¡' AND ENTERED UfON IMMEDIATELy, ALL that MESSUAGE, with "the GARDENS, and OL 1-OI'I'TCLS thereja belonnins, called .TQB's W KLL, situate vvithui one ume ot the pleiuilul market- town of Carmarthen-, Consisting of two parlours, kitchen, pantry, dairy,wash-house, and 'cial ho'i- w tl. ».• od cel- I'-us; a fine spring of water within eight yards of rte utclum.door five good bed-chambers, besides servants' rooins stable, coach-house, aird farm-yard. lor particulars apply (it by letters, post-paid) to D. J. Luvvardes, Lsq, Rhyii-y-Gor>e, Carmarihen. Lie tenaut may be Accommodated with Land. I .HEREFORDSHIRE." '■ I TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. SQUIBB, AtGarmway's Cotfee-House, on Thursday, the-13th day wi OClober.1808,at twclve o'clock, A Very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, ia 1":1. the county of Hereford, comprising the MANOR and ROV1LTY of ilAMPTONCOURF, tlwancim Mansion-Hyiise (replete w irh ;iccomniodatiou for a large fa mily), wuh^the Offices, Gardens, PiOasure-Gruunds,. Park, toe Home i'arm, \v ater-Miii,Lal;e, and Fish-Ponds; pie-, tuii'csque Cottages, Groves, W oods, and Plantations, highly ornaznented with iiiiiber, chicffy Oak comprising upwards of l.'tCK) statute Acres of very rich Arable, Meadow, Pas- ture, Oicnard, Hop-uroiind, aiul VVood Land (Tytbe-free), ,defig.itlully situate in a,beautllul country, five miles dis- umt frum the borough of Leominster; uinc from the city 1^ Hereford and VSi from London. lo be viewed by tickets, only or on application to Mr. 1 amiLT, at the. Steward's House, in Hampton-Court Park, o.> wJww, prmled particulars may be had also at the New-inn. ,u Her ford Uie Hop-Pole-inn, Worcester at Garraway's uoHec-lfoiiseui. Edward Boodle, Esq. Lower Lrodk- -treet.; and of Mr. Claridge, No. 47, Pall Mali, London, where a j. jan oi Uie.Estate may be seen. COUNTY of the BOROUGH of CARMARTHEN. BUILDING AND GARDEN-GROUND, And COTTAGES. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At the Boar's-Head-mn, Carmarthen, on Tuesday, the 4th day of October. m*t.. between the hours of four and six °i MI \n afternoon, subject to such conditions as shatl be then produced, IN* ONE LOT, ALL those several FREEHOLD 1UES- •> JAG-'ES^or COTTAGES, situate in Spilman-street. 111 the county ol the borough of Carmarthen, in the occti- panon ol John Williams, John- oil.„r.= j yearly rents amounting to ^>0. Also, all that FREEHOLD PIECE or PARCEL of .LAND and GROUND, situate in Spilinan-street afore- said, near the entrance to the Parade measuring in front '-io feet 6 inches, and 111 depth 305 is-et. ° 1 lie situation or this ground, for building, is much the most desirable in Cdiuiarthen, asitcoaunandsextreineiy beautiful views of the ale and river Tow v. Part of the purchase-money uniy remai'n'secured on the prennses. For particulars apply ,to Mr. Popkin; Attorney, Car- marthen. • GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By .I. BRADLEY. On Saturday, the 15th day ot_Qo,ober mst. at the Wynd- luun-Arius-mn, ui towrs oi Undizciid, between ti,e hours oi twelve anu two ol the clock, subject "to such couduions ot 93 shau.iheii and there be pruducod, The j allowing Freehold V ran Lies, -Is I-OTS. ALL that capital Ai A ;s SION-HOUSE, with A VVALLTVO-IN- GARDEN, COACH-HOUSE, 5x Aiu.ES, DOVL-ilOUoL, BARN, and oiher convenient Buddings, a large and weii-friJlied ORCHARD, together 17^ of .rich ARABLE, MEA- DOW PAS'l-URib, and \V <>OD LAND, within a ring fence ot the said -mansion, and now m the several occupations of the Rev. Robert Sidney and I\[r. Richard Williams Also, all that rAR.vl-HoUsE, with a BARN, and other Buildings, together witn 83 Acres (or thereabouts) of rich ARABLE, MEAlAJYY.aml PASTURE LAND, and now in the'occupation ot James Wi iiams, Also, all that otiier FARM-HOUSE, with a BARN, and other Ruddntgs, togGthei- wid) 75 Acres (or thereabouts) of rich ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, and nowmthepccupa.tionoiJohnThonias. Also, all that other FARfv]-HOUSE, BARN, and other Buildings, and ORCHARD, together with ,27 Acres, or thereabouts, of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, and now it, theocenpation of Ann Griihth, widow. —There are TWO MEADO W annexed to this Farm. con- taining 53 Acres, with a COLLlEPvY oil them, now in full work. Also, all that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, together with 28 Acres (or thereabouts) of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, and now occupied by Richard Daniel. t Also, all that MESSUAGE, BAR N. and other Buildings, together with <24 Acres of ARABLE and PASTURE LAND, called GWAllII YH, HARN, in the occupation ot Mary Howell. I Also, all that MILL, with a COTTAGE and GARDEN annexed, called WILD MILL, in the occupation of Ann I hiilips, widow. I his Mitfi.i.cid by Lease for Lives, two ot which are now in being. Also, a COTPAG E,tugether with 8 Acres of LAND, now held by Lease upon the life of a woman aged 100years. The three first Farms are so situated, as to be conveniently occupted either together.or. separately. There is Water and Lime-Stone upon every Farm, and Coal within the dis- tance ot one mile and a half. 1 he above, premises are situated in the parish of Coyty, in the beautiful and much-admired Vale of Glamorgan, so much esteemed tor .sa'ubrity of air,and fertility of soil, and near, to the market, and post-town of Bridgend, a short distance from the great turnpikc-road leading from Bristol t; Milfor.d-Haven, over which the Bristoland Milford M ail- Coaeh passes daily, and a Post-Coach three times a week seven miles from the market-town of Cow bridge three from the Bristol. Channel; and five from the sea-port of Newton, from whence amarket-boatreguIarly trades to and droni Bristol1'. The situation of some of the Farms com-. niands a, beantifulalld extensive prospect of the Bristol Channel arid surrounding country, and are in a fine sport- ing country, abounding witii Game.—There are many tiler local advantages attached to these premises, which. cannot. be enumerated in the limits of an advertisement, which render them desirable for genteel residences or agricultural pm-suns. Printed. particulars may be had attheprihcipa.) 1nm in every market-town in the county; and on the roads through Giocester and Oxford, and through Bristol and Bath to London. For further particulars apply to Mr..Tohn Bradley, at the Angel-inn, Cardiff, who will shew a correct map oi the estafc"j to Mr. John Pricbard, Solicitor, B ridgeud, who wnl appoint a proper -person to shew the premises or to Messrs. Price and iiroyjrn, Solicitors, LiricoU.VLin .-mure, Londi.u. „ GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO HE LET, FOB A TERM OF YEARS,' FROM THE SECOND OP FERIULATTY NEXT, ALL that*MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with tiie Gardens, Barns, Beast-Houses, Stables, and Outhouses thereto belonging, called DYALLT; together ACM of ARABLE.' MEADOW, PASTURE, and OOD LALS DS, ana Acres of COEDC AE and MOUN- I A i v, situate in the parish oi i^aiiiwoano, in the said count v, for further particulars apply to Thomas Edniondes,'Es& the proprietor; or Mr icitor, Cowbridge. j CA r \illrir; TO BE •» I?Y AUCTION, he, said couuty, on Monday, ttie lOtfi rflay oi October,.1808, betivceii /ie Aqui\s oj wo aiui tonr o'clock in the-afternoon, siiSjject-to such Conaitions ot sale as shall be then and there produced, ALL that capital FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, < £ ■ LANDS, called PA NTH O L VE N, situate near tlie -said-village of IJandyssil, containing ;08 Acies^-or thereabouts, .ol good Arable, Pasture, and Mea- oow Ground, and now or late in the several possessions of James Lloyd, Gent. 1 homas Thomas, add John Morgan. For farther particulars apply to D. Davies, of Carmarthen, Attorney at Law. CARMARITi ENSIHRE! TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Tuesday, the 4th day of October, 1808, at the Boar's- Head-inn, in CaniiartlRTi, at the hour of t'uur o'clock in the evening, subject to conditions, ALL that capital MESSUAGE, TENE- MENT, an/| LANDS, called -COWIN GROVE, otherwise TY'R EGLWYS, situate in the parish of LLAN- OUN'NOCK, in the said county, containing about 145 Acres 01 most excellent LAN D, all" within a ring-fence the river Cowm runs the whole length of tiie Farm, and is the bound- ary there is Water in every Field. It is well sitauted tor Coat and Lime, and within a mile of the turnpike road lead- ing from Carmarthen to Milford, and six miles from Car- marthen.—A considerable share of Liangunnock Common will be allotted to this Tenement, under the Act lately ob- tained lor dividing it. for particulars apply to Mr. Brown, Solicitor, Carmar- then; or to tile Proprietor, on the premises, who has lately, laid out a considerable sum on the house, which is new a very comfortable residence. NOKfH OF DEVON. TO BE S O L D, On Monday, the 3d day of October inst. at Arlington- Court, near Barnstaple, THE following capital Si OCK, selected at a A considerable expence Three fat Oxen, tour -fat Cows, seven spayed Heifers lor'the plough, nine plough Oxen, four Cows and Calves, five two-year old Heilers, one two-year old Steer, one yearling Bufr, four yearling Hei- fers, and two Steer YearlHlgs.. N, B. The cows and were got by a son ot that cay Hal bull the property of SirL Paik." iwo liuudvcd unci 'I wooitsdeen.ed superior to the Ryland fleeces), that have been put lo^aiiall Spanish ram one hundred Ryland Ewes, put to a Merino ram; twenty-five half Ryland' half Spanish, put to a Spanish ram twenty Welsh Ewes and thirteen half Spanish, out of Welsh'ewVs: Milton, a brown geidnig, a go.-d charger; Miss Lee, by Merry Andrew, dam by Candidate and Miss Wright, by King Fergus. N. li. The above three have carried a lady. Magpie, by JVlagpie and Billy, a brown gelding. N. U. The above five are perfectly steady in harness. A cream-coloured Mare, lour years old a grey Mare, by Crabstock, with a Colt at her feet by Worthy; 'a brown Mate, by Delpini, covered b\ Czar Peter, with a Filly at her feet by Worthy; a Filiy 1" oal, .by Worthy; a brown { Mare, by Highflyer, covered by Worthy; a brown Gelding, sieadj lii harness; and a bav filly- Aobui 140 Stone oi FLY E"WOOL, ohe half Spanish, and abouf? Tons ot OAKBARK. /Thttsaleto comuience at eleven o'clock in the forenoon', and live months' credit will he given to the purchasers, of tiie sheep and. cattle, on suth security as shall heap. I)ru-.ed of. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. R. JERKINS, At the W yndham-Anus-inii, in the town of Bridgend, on Saturday, the l^th day of November, 1808. between the ho,urs oi two and lour o'clock in tiie afternoon, subject to such conditions oi sale as will be there and then produced, unless oispose^ of in the mean time by private contract, ol winch tlu<5-notice will be given, TilE FOLLOWING FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, hitht l-ot$hereinafter-mentioned: Lot L A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, GAR- .A DKI\S, ORCHARD, and CAPITAL FARM, with surtabie Uuibmldings, calledTRENOS YCI-I,,I, in tlie pai loll of Lanharran,, ni the county of Glamorgan, con- taining by adineasureuient 1HA. 1R. 3P. (more or less) of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now in the occupation oi Vv ilham 1 homas, under a iease thereof for the unexpired term of twelve years from s;d February next,, at the clear yearly, rent of ^80. T ins estate abounds with coal, is within tbree-j»jle§ of Lantiisseut, five of Cowbridge,' and five of Bridgend, all excellent market-towns. Lot y. A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, GARDENS, and rARM, with convenient Outbuildings, called KEVAN KARVAN, otherwise GRIFFITH THOMAS RHY- THERClPs LANDS, situate in the parish of St. Bride's- Minor, in the said county, containing by admeasurement 50A, SR. 9P. (more or less) of Arable, Meadow, and Pas- ture Land, now in the.tenure of Thomas Hopkin, as tenant at \yill, at the clear yearly rent of J: 4L2. This lot is distant from Bridgend about four, and from Lan- trissent about eight miles, and appendant to which is un- limited Right to Depasture Cattle on HirWan and Moneyth-v-Gare Commons. Lot S. A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, BLACKSMITH'S FORGE, and GARDEN, called PONT CLYN GWYN, situate in the parish" of Landyvodog, in the said county, an l now in the occupation ol Llewellyn Evan, as tenant at-will. Lot 4. A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE and GARDEN, called PEN Y CAE, situate in the parish of Ystrady vodock, in the said county, and now in the occupation ol Jenkin Kvtm, as tenant at will- Lot 5. A FREEHOLD Ml I \G L, or DWELLING- HOLSE and GARDEN, tamd i VIS Y BUTT, situate in the parish of Landy vwiogaforcsaid. and now in the oc- cupation of Daivkin King, llndçr alease thereof for three lives, two or whom are now in being of the respective ages of,40 and 35 years. Lot G. A MESSUAGE, GARDEN'S, and FARM, with suitable Outbuildings, called CANNER BACH, situate ..m t;ie .parish of .Coychurc ne said county, containing by,-estimation Acres « V It, Meadow, and Pasture Land; now in slit occupation o» Llewellyn David, under a leaie thereof for the t< rm of 20 years from the 2d February next, at t t > reut'lif J. 2Ô. Tjns estate w Cop> |u ,f L in nance, witiim the Manor- of Coity Wailia. is ciistant-irom Bridgend about four Tinles, and has an unlin 't R.ght.of Common on the .tidloniing v iH i vi ilains. I1)"! j> t t- the premises; and for 1 Im t r.t \i- Bassett, Solicitor, Bon- ">■ •» t i u or t» ■ lv. Williams, Solicitor, t i Pu « a-e.-j ii. ,v b- acr "imodared with part of the i pure! AB€ .t. u..<, of ..II. ics-peciiye purchases.' 4 Favourite English, Scotch, end Irish Sung Books,. zuth Music. PUBLrSnr D THIS DAY, f3y Crosby ano Co. Srationers'-eourt, Paternoster-row, T on- don.; sold also bv! J enkins, Pnnter of this Paper Bird Cardift Hgrri C.; .narthen Wi/rwot, Pembroke • Giif- .lit!is,'Tenby and Rogers, Chepstow, Niar 100 Favourite huh Songs, v-tthMisic. for 4s. CROSB-Y's IRISH .viUSICAL REPOSI- IORV. A (.hoKe S),,lef;Uo-n of esteemed IRTSHSONC-S, w„h ihe M ,slc tor i \^t4% Violn and' German Flute, eun,ei,isi,c: wnhr- ^i.ite ,.n<lV,gi^*tte,inttjhdidus « ¡ a Coiripa'' i t..e_ <Jhioteti "Musicai'H»p«.sitorv. Whu tatty beh-iJ j-nn'-a rntU'Snmt neat uuijom- t f i ih I ore. 1. CROSBY s ENG i,ish Musical REPostTOHY. being upwards of 100 ipuch esteemed Songs to Music; 3s. 6d. bds. Illc CALEDONIAN REPOSITORY. 12mo. bds. 3s, 6d. Tile CALEDUNIJ\N T.EA-T.tBLE lUIscEr.Lf\NY, it C'{)¡. lection oi Songs, P.^ems, &c. from Burns, Ramsev, ic. in a ne.i pocket volume. 2si 6rf. 4. CROSBY seiegant editii.n ot OVID'S PIECES LovE, complete, with s.x beautiful plates. 6s. 6d. or fine oaoer and proot plates 10s. öd. 5. EFFUSIONS ol LOVE from CHATEEAR to Mary QUEEN ot ScoiLANu, with Hisiori.-al Fragtuenls, Soijgsj Sonnets, Amours, Notes,&c. and a fine piate. 6s. 6. A second edition of LOItD BYRON'S I'OKMS, with an elegant piate. Cs. TO ALL CONCERNED IN COMMERCE. PUBLISHED THIS DAY. By B: Crosby and Co. Wholesale Booksellers, Stationers'- court, Paternoster-rpw, London and sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; Bird, C»idid Harris. Carmar- then; W ilmot, Pembroke; Lirlititi; fenby; and Rogers, Clw!1stow. The most liberal Allowances fothe Trade are made. I. Second edition, t7i new »p Duties 1S08, One Guinea in an clegMit royal, octavo volume, extra boards, TABLES of* SIMP e INTEREST, com*- A MISSION, BR /} I tl.AGK, or EXCH VNGE, at ail the usual Rates pirr Cent, on a n w dii1 accurate plan —— To which are auuexed. a NEW TABLE for Rf&nrtvfi iv. TEREST, a COMPLETE READY RECKON S R, and t mercial Tables. Dedicated to tne Govei n .rs ol 1-, and Ro_val Bank of Sc tland.— By Wm. S f F. A. S. E. Accountant at Edi:- urgh." II. 6s. Gd. extra boards, ■ CROSBY'S MERCHANT'S # I RAD F.SMAN's pnCKET DICTIONARY, adapted to every Brancii of Commerce, containing the.established Regulations, Methods, and Laws of Trade, aiphabeticahy arranged, in a neat, pocket volume. By a London Merchant, I fI- Is 6d. neatly prirte i and bound, COLLINS'* COMPEL kE .LlfiAOY RECKONER, and INTEREST TABLES in M INI A fERE, c- nsid -,mo!v iru- prove-i «nd extended. — NT. A- certain proot ot tl <t t y. of tins work, 15,000 annually have been sold tor several years. TV f Co!)urcd J"du'lIs. '?" 6d. f'J.:tJ'i! bO¡"It. C ROSBY's COM PL E'l i. G UE1 PEEK of FAG LAN D and WALES, or a Topi. graphical Description ol every Town and remarkable Place, both intended for Travellers on Business and Pleasure, embracing an accurate account • of the Extent and Manufactures: also Curiosities in and near, with Distances, Conveyances, ike. F°r a character of this work see the British Critic, June 1808, Aikin's Review for 1807, Critical Review, and others. V. 11. 1s. or 15s. on common prrpor, STOWER's PRINTER'S .GKAMM.ViU. including rII the Improvements withi., 50 years, .With many Wood Cujs. The P-oprietors assure the Frinterg, Voo'sellers, and Auth&rs, their object has been to impro e the Art ol Printing, not a view to profit. 1 be work is now ottered them at the cose price; but in order to repay the interest, &c. the few copies unsold will be advanced one-fourth. ■ vr. 3s, 6d. sewed, CROSBY's BUILDER'S NEW PRIPE BOOK, cor- rected to July 180'd, wit it >|t the h-;te mp. -tint a-fterations in both Materials and Labour, bemg ;:ie au.t correct [,1st of the Prices now allowed by the London Surveyors ever published. VII. _T.UCKCOCK's PRACTICAL ENGLISH BOOX- KEElTNG, ior genera; s.se, w-th copios-.s familiar illustra- KEElTNG, ior genera; s.se, w-th copios-.s familiar illustra- lions o'¡' the nature 01 P¡cíi¡s '73. YIIT. TURNER/sYOUNG EO K K.EEPER'sASS!ST.\NT, or the most plain Ltalian method of stainiK Debtor and Cre- ditor. A new edition, iuijT .'vel by Malham, Is. IX. EDE's 25.000 CALCULATIONS of the WORTH of GOLD and SILVER, at -ny price, from 1 to 10;)0 OUllCeo, with all the Duties, 5s. X. The UNIVERSAL GAZETTEER in MINIATURE, be in s the name and situation of every placc1, in the known World,-for the use of Geographers, News Readers, andiMeu of Business iu a very small neat volume,; i's. 6d. boards, or extra tuck, as. 6d. Extraordinary effects of Dr. SIBLY's PAT EXT SOLAR TINCTURE. srR, THE following account of the good effects of your RE-ANIMATING SOLAR i'lNClURE being within my own observation, I think it right to acquaint you with the particulars. An infant child of Mr. Matthew Wilson's, of this place, was cured of convulsions in a lew davs.—Mr. James Parker, of Holland Fen, falling Irom a hay-stack ,niched Ins back on a waggon, and was then precipitated to the ground nis life was despaired ft, when one bottle of your inestimable I incture restored hiiuio his wonted vigour.—Mr. Robert Creascr, of Wildmore Fen, fell from a bidder iviih a sack of corn, which fell upon him he was very much hurt, but three small bottles perfectly restored him.—My wife and daughter were very ili in (he winter, bul, by the b,e.sing of God, they b,,fb got be tier by the use of your Solar Tinc- ture. — Mr. Brand/of this place, had a child all spotted with the scurvy, but he was soun cured bv -A child of Air. John Scholey's, io whom the F be of no service, was also cured.-Mr. Thus. lL-dl, Kine, was very bad last winter, and \va I by ,s Solar Tincture: his child was LLcwise cured oi y, by the same means. The above circumstances are we.il known in this part of the country, and I hope you will have then inserted in your pamphlets, for the good of' (he public- in-general. Yours respectfully, PiV^ihjy, April 29, 1808. JOHN WELLS. N K. U. The original letter sent by Mr, Weils, may be seen at tin Doctor's house. Ine above medicine is sold in bottles,.at 6s. 7s. 6d. and 14s. at the Doctor's house, 40, New-Bricl^e-st-ree*, Ludgaie- lullj and retail by T. of this Paper; Ro- berts, Giocester; Poole, Hrioaewater; Carey, hnepUui- Ma|let; Pearse, Wells and ,W<eliingiou bl)epp«rd. and .RucCiall and Co. Bristol Hazard, aud-Keeiie, Bain;-and by i&ist venders in ihe united kmaciom. Also the LU N A It *1 I L RE, particularly adapted for com' I-j« .i* U- to t htt-Fe-male Sex, <U 10s. 6d. only and l)i. bIBi/i ME- DTC^toij MIRROR, with 15 plates, price?-, (wj .iiimr" •'1 he public are particularly requested to ob-.er^e, that evervl^Ule of the genuine medicines L*\t C. If. cU written Vi>ou- the outside wrapper.