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,''.1 ... /EonBon^-';'''


1 EonBon^ • Thursday, Jan, 2. INTELLIGENCE has been received from Ame- rica Xoube 6th nit- Coi. Burr surrendered himself at Lexington, i i the state ut Kentucky, on the 9th of Nov. and was to be brotlght to trial in the District Court •w.hh aLl possible expedition. His surrender has much the appearance of conscious innocence. Considering the ferment which has been excited against him, he has evinced na small share of re- solution ia submittingiriimself to the judgment of his countrymen. It/must be confessed he has taken a most effectual mo ie of putting down all the calumny with which he has been so unmerci- fully assailed. ■ Tae ew York-GMPtte.of the 29 th ult. mentions, that the act -which prohibited the intcrcoarse of I:r C I-ivessels wl^-St.~I>onuug-d wsfcs about to be repealed, at the desire'of tile, under-\yhose 4ietation "it was enacted, iii conse- quence, of the trade haying fallen entirety iritOjIhe iiancfe of the "English. •; Congrces met bn the iS;t of December, but no; accpunt of the.proceediifgV had, reached .Boston on the 5th;„! Tlic neKt;arriva!s"'vvili.probab,ly ..bring the. President's, message. ;•> A-few s-eizures have beenmade under tlio Non- imjajortation Act. ^Ke-HwsfdV:fa^is.isMeHi^i^lahS«^hyiti'.whieh He declares, tFiatTh'e hfe ^iormatit)ix'fh;0.t some ,«vUi2^ua'of; the >Jnvte4d States are preparing ah ex- pedition again*' the Spanish upon all .(.ifficers to be vigilant in seeking and bring- ing to justice all pers'aiis concerned in preparing i't>r.->wch enterprise." The dispute between the Spaniards aqr|ej^mg- ricahs, Tespecting the baundariss o £ 'LouisiahA,?isas far frortf being definitively settled,-1'/The"retreat-of the foriner was cornpdisorv; the-e- sirice crossed- .the Sabine,; though; not in .considerable numbers;. Gen. Wilkinson, it is sawl, cotntinued his military preparations, and was about: to-fix his h'-?ad-quarters at guri-boats had also proceeded: up tbe);Ii}si'ssip.p:,i,at:the latter, end of tjf taber, from c .I Lettersfrom one of fice-Admiral LonrI Col ting- wood's fleet; dated as--late a* the 90th flsep. tfipo- tion that tnfi Atlas,;oft4 guns, Capt. Pvm, after watering^ut-'Gibwl^rV'^p'iri^d, his Lordship's ?qua- droti, which had,s?perienced several heavy gales of vvirrd, but IF.HJ:,w{tlt1}ered. them, all in ..safety, and was "still blijcksd.ii^thw*;l&au-iz; squad con.- The >if>*intiarcls .d it J not seeih its. if chej would attempt coin nig' out. r 4 te -Capt; BrentonJUvJVIinerve, who lately arrived frtf'.vv4'r jic»\ wase-XEha-nged tbr the FrenchCaptain; Thferner, who was -take a Ta th.- battlie' of,Trafalgar. 'Xhe absur l;afo;(l*'vipi £ n^ pioc^eiin^S Dr, hiag Louis against the comnierclal interests of Holland, iisujst haye the effect.to ruin the. rjutch completely. They "already -teel.the pressure of burdens which. they a.rc dnprived.of the means of bearing. It is ieVph said ti^.Lt 'theirdykes are fatliiig ■ t-o decay,for want of fuiidVto keep the'n up, so that it seein^ as if tyranny .were about to. give back .to the w,tvri -that in-witich industryatid liberty had wrested from them. -• — v; Yesterday the 9th, 14th', 60th and f)l*t regiments from Deal in transports for Ireland. Mr. PauU wasatthe Hotise of Coramq;->syester- day, and gave in the names of his sureties ibr pro- "'securing' his .-petition and -several Speaker's"War- rants were issued fqr the attendance.of witnesses. —A question,.will, be tried-before the Commi ttee-, of ca1isi;lerai>le interest, -viz. -:WhetlieF, iu .an elec- tion of Members to serve. rtv Parliajrieiit, subscrip- i.¡S obtained from Peers during an eiection, fo 'the express pnFpose ot a. Minister of the Crown, is or is ""tan allowable Vnu-injr&aCe. Mr. \» hitbread will oe a principal evidence. J ■

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* ^ ^ 7' "'III' ,.If.",