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THE PRIME MINISTER.—Mr. Gladstone (says the Church Herald) is reported to have intimated to one of his recently-created Roman Catholic peers, a warm supporter in the House of Lords, that when the Ecclesiastical Titles Bill is repealed, her Majesty will graciously receive the Roman Catholic prelates of Eng- land at Court, in the same manner as bishops of the Church of England. AN "INDIGNATION" MEETING.—On Tuesday night, one of the most moisy meetings held in London for many years occupied the area of St. James's-hall, Piccadilly, under the presidency of Mr. Thomas Chambers, M.P. It was called as an "indignation meeting," in the names of the chairman, Mr. Samuel Morley, M.P., and others, to protest against the unconstitutional policy of the House of Lords in rejecting Bills repeatedly passed by the representatives of the people in the House of Com- mons, and to demand the immediate removal of the Bishops from the House of Lords. Not one of the Parliamentary sponsors to the meeting was present beyond the chairman, who was supported by Mr. Whalley MP., and Mr. M Carthy Downing. The meeting w as one of great uproar and confusion, and the "resolutions" "moved" or "passed" are not worth re- C°FL<>GGING IN THE NAVY.—A Parliamentary re- turn moved for by Mr. Otway, shows that in the three year's 1867, 18G8, aud 18G9, 238 seamen and 6G marines suffered corporal punishment. Tnirty of the sentences were by court-martial; in 161 cases the punishment was ordered by a captain commanding, in 86 by a com- mander commanding, and in 27 by a lieutenant com- manding. In 45 cases the sentance was for theft; in 200 for "insubordination in nine for disgraceful con- duct; in 28 for desertion in 20 for drunkenness and smuggling liquor in two for fighting. Twenty-five of the summary punishments were in ships whose comple- ment was 25 to GO 38 of the summary and one of the court-martial sentences in ships of 60 to 120 84 sum- mary and seven court-martial sentences in ships of 120 to 250 and the remaining 157 summary and 32 court- martial sentences in ships of 250 to 850 complement.

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