r NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ] No Notice can be taken of annonymous communioa-1 ( tions. Whatever is intended for insertion must be I authenticated by the name and address of the writer 1 not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee | of good faith. |

WE do not wonder that the Separatist Party should crow loud and shrill over the result of the election for the Govan Division of Lanark- shire. It afforded so capital an opportunity for boasting to those who did not know the facts, of a great change in the opinions of a Scottish constituency on the Home Rule question. Here it was said with all plausi- bility was a Division which less than three years ago elected a Unionist member by a majority of three hundred and sixty-two, now electing a Gladstonian by a majority of a thousand and seventy-one. What stronger proof could there be of a vast change in the 0 opinions of the electorate ? And so, as we have said, undoubtedly it looks on the face of nuL -1. o Tiffin mnro IT- rut Wilen we It::ACULUUU «- closely the matter bears a very different as- pect. The Govan Division was always known to be Gladstonian in its politics, and it was very well understood, that it was nothing but the personal popularity of Sir William Pierce that won the seat for the Unionists. He was not only an immense employer of labour but a great public benefactor inducing a great amount of ship-building to the district that would otherwise have gone to other locali- ties. There were social ties, too, that had a most powerful effect, Sir William and Lady Pierce taking a deep interest in the welfare of the working people that endeared them to the whole population. This had a two-fold effect at election timee-it induced many Separa- tists to sink their politics, and to vote on per- sonal grounds for their benefactor, and it in- fluenced a still greater number who were not prepared to go the length of voting against their party, to pursue the negative course of abstaining from the poll. The result affords confirmation to the opinion that this was actually what occurred. Sir John Pender, a staunch Liberal Unionist, but without local influence like Sir William Pierce, polled "Within '225 votes of the number given for the late member in 1886. If the Gladstonian Candidate polled on Friday twelve hundred Totes more than he polled in 1886, there was an increase of a thousand-votes in the total poll, showing that the number of the Glad- etonian candidate supporters were increased by men who, thoughjthey did not support, re- fused to oppose Sir William Pierce. It is thus plain that although the loss of the seat held by Sir William Pierce is greatly to be deplored, his absence from the House of Commons will be a serious loss—as indepen- dently of political considerations he was a most practical member and when any question con- cerning the navy or the interests of the iron manufacture was involved, his opinion was de- ferred to as of the highest value. PARLIAMENT will meet on the 21st of Febru- ary, and the legislative mill will then be set going after a cessation of work for little more than than two months-an experience almost, if not quite, without precedent in modem times. But short as this vacation is, we are most disagreeably reminded that we are not to have two months' respite from the irrita- tion of our embittered party conflicts. Al- ready indeed has the brief political holiday been closed-if it could be called a holiday at all with the excitement of the general County Council election — by the speech which Mr John Morley delivered on Tuesday night at Sheffield. This speech may be re- garded as the opening of the campaign for 1889, and we suppose may be accepted as the keynote of the coming contest. We are Sleased to notice a departure in this speech ■om the last year's addresses of the deputy- leader of the Separatist Party. He appears to have awaked to some sense of the iespon- sibility of governing an empire. He, for a moment at least, seemed to realise that other things were to be thought of by the Imperial Parliament and the Queen's Government, than Mr Parnell and the doings of the National League. He expressed a readiness on the part of the Gladstonian party to consider fairly the proposals the Government might make on the subject of the National defences. He affirmed that Itadicals had never denied the necessity of maintaining our absolute supremacy of the sea." This declaration is 10 far encouraging that we may not appre- hend any factious obstruction on the point 1 being sanctioned by the front Opposition bench, There is no reason why the Haval defences of the country should be made one of party, and the discussion should therefore be conducted on strictly non-party lines. The fullest inquiry may then be insti- tuted without arousing the sensibility of either. That there have been faults and errors on both sides in the past, may freely be admitted, and the object should be to remove any obstacles that would prevent prompt and vigorous action in raising the Navy to a force in some degree adequate to the necessities of the occasion. Mr Morley, M was natural, did not fail to refer to the Govan Election in a tone of excessive, we bad almost said, childish jubilation. He could not, with his calm judgment and power of discrimination, have believed half what he said as to the significance of that event, but he was unable to resist the pleasure of win- ning the. cheers of the gallery, who take de- light in being deceived in such a way. He spoke of the successes in three or four con- ttituencea in Scotland, but quite forgot to make any reference to Dundee, Stockton, Doncaster, Maidstone, and Colchester. More important and more significant to our think- ing was his reference to the result of the County Council Election in London, which he regarded as a decisive proof of the growing strength of Radicalism in the Metropolis. On the Irish qnestion Mr Morley took up the old monotoneof which the county is so weary. His speech was marked by the unfairness to- wards his opponents which forms such a sin- gular contrast between his political and liter. ary addresses, and appears to indicate that there is a moral virus in Parnellism that de- bauches the conscience and debases the taste of those that have been inoculated with it. But the ltsson we learn from the tactics which it is evident the Gladstonians intend to pur- sue, is the necessity of dwelling in season and out of season, on the vital fact that the maintenance of the Union as it now exists, is essential not only to the integrity of the United Kingdom, but to the very existence of the British Empire. There is a danger from very weariness of the subject of Englishmen forgetting its essential importance, and the duty of the leaders of the Unionist party is so to keep the magnitude of the issue before the minds of the loyal people of Great Britain and Ireland, that they will not sleep or grow weary ill their defence of the Union.

OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. — Mr J., Howard Deazeley, Sheriff of Oxford, has been returned unopposed to the Oxfordshire County Council. 1ST PEMBROKESHIRE VOLUNTEER BATTA- LION, WELSH REGIMENT.—Regimental orders by Major B. Eaton-Evans commanding head quartera.-No 1. It is published for general Information that the first parade for the season will take place on Monday, the 11th February j next. j HILL HOUSE COLLEGE.— The report of the Christmas Examination of the College of Pre- ceptors has just been issued. Ten pupils of Hill i House College sat at the examination, and the ten passed in the following order:—Misses | Bdith "Williams, and Beatrice Evans, Second Second Division; Miss Edith Davies, 1 Third Class, First Division; Misses Adela Varnam, May Lile, Constance Williams, and Olive Say, Third Class, Second Division; Misses Jessie Maurice, Minnie Lloyd, and Maggie Williams, Third Class, Third Division. These results are a satisfactory proof of the efficient work done in this establishment. THE HONOURABLE SOCIETY OF CYMMKODORION.— Rev T. Witton Davies, of the College, has been elected member of the above Society. THE COLLEGIL-MR Evan Watkin, of the College, has accepted a unanimous call to to the pastorate at Llangynag, Carmarthenshire. THE BOROUGH MEMBER.—We are informed that Admiral and Mrs Mayne have gone abroad till the end of February. FREEMASONRY.—The banquet in connection with the installation of Bro. B. M. Davies is W.M. of the local Lodge took place at the Brethren's Hall on the evening of the 17th inst. The menu was varied and at- tractive, and the catering excellent. The customary toasts were pledged, and the evening was spent in a very agreeable manner. AN HONEST FINDER.-Last week Mr Noott, jewel- ler, of Mariner's Square, lost a gold chain, with ap- pendages, amongst which were two half-guinea coins. The articles were luckily picked up by Mr Jno. Rees, the well-known driver of the railway parcel cart, who delivered them to Supt. Williams. The Superinten- dent restored the property to Mr Noot, who presented the finder with a reward. CHURCH OF ENGLAND WORKING MEN'S SOCIETY. -The members of the local branch of this Society held one of their free smoking concerts in the Club. rooms on Wednesday night last. Songs, recitations and readings, humorous and otherwise formed a good programme, rendered by Messrs A. J. Wright, Fred. J. Warren, C. E. Dillon, W. McKenzie, and S. Williams. PRESENTATION TO P. SERGT. SIMPSON.—On Monday evening, Sergt. Simpson, who has retired from the Haverfordwest Police Force, was presented with a purse containing £32, in recognition of the courtesy and efficiency with which he had performed his duties during his connection with the force. Sergt. Simpson was a member of the Haverfordwest Police for about 22 years, and was recently retired on account of partial deafness, and was granted a superannuation allowance. The purse was contributed by the in- habitants of the town, with whom he was always a popular officer. His employers, the Watch Commit- tee, held him in the highest esteem, for his^record of service shows "a clean page", no complaint of any kind having been made against him during his long connection with the force. SUPPOSED ATTEMPT AT HOUSBBBEAKING.-At mid- night on Monday last, an attempt was made by two men to enter the Priory Cottage, the residence of Mr F. J. Bendall, solicitor. Mrs Bendall heard a noise at one of the front windows, and alarmed the house- hold. Two men were seen in front of the house, and one of them was heard to say in reference to the dog which was barking on the inside of the front door, that if the animal was turned out he would rip him up. Lights were instantly placed in all the rooms, and the men took their departure, one of them placing against a tree a piece of timber which had been taken from near the entrance into the grounds in front of the house. Mr Bendall was from home, and the only oc- cupants of the house were Mrs Bendall, her sister, and female servants. The police were communicated with, and strong suspicion is entertained with regard to two tramps who had been seen in the neighbour- hood. PROVERBS OF THE PEOPLE The Rev. D. Oliver Edwards, of Bethlehem, near this town, delivered his popular lecture on the above sub' jeot in the following places January 14th al Walton Calvinistic Chapel. Chairman, Rev. J. Harries, Clarbeston Road. The choir sang three times under the leadership of Mr Edwir Vaughan. — January 16th at Llangyndeym Chairman, Rev. Thomas Francis. The vicar 01 the parish proposed a very hearty vote of thanki to the Lecturer. Three choirs rendered difierenl glees.-January 17th at Cwmderad, near Con wyl. The chair was occupied by Mr Charles Jones, Waterloo House, Carmarthen. Foui ministers of different denominations were pre sent. — January 18th at Talybont Cardigan shire. The chair was occupied by J. T. Morgan, Esq, J.P., Maesnewydd. There weie six mem1 bers present.—January 21st, at Talywern, Mont gomeryshire. — January 22nd, at Machyn- lleth. The audiences were very large. Ad' mission to all the lectures by tickets.-It is wel] known that Mr Edwards is one of the leading lecturers of the principality, as well as a very racy writer. PEMBROKESHIRE TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION.— On Saturday, the 12th inst., a committee meeting of the above was held at the Haver- fordwest National School. The chair was taken by Mr Cattanaoh. Messrs Morgan and Rees were appointed to audit the accounts ol 1888, which were declared to be correct. The following agenda was drawn up for the annual meeting which will be held at the same place on Saturday, February 9th, at 11.30 a.m. prompt: -1. Minutes of last meeting 2, Reports of Treasurer and Secretary; 3, Votes of thanks to retiring officers; 4, Election of officers and oom- mittee 6, President's address 6, Conference Business 7, fixing place of next meeting 8, Question time and general business. The poll for voting for the executive will be opened at I p.m. and will finally close at 2 p.m. Teachers are requested to bear in mind that the impor- tant petitions re I pensions and payment' by results will be on the table for signature. LocAL LAw CASE.—In the Court of Queen's Bench on Monday before Baron Huddleston and Mr Justice Wills, sitting as a Divisional Court, the case of Brace v. Owen and another, was decided. This was an appeal from a decision of His Honour Judge Beresford, sitting at Nar- berth, in favour of the Plaintiff George Brace, of Roch Farm, Begelly, granting him possession of certain property at Coldblow, near Narberth, which he claimed as heir at law of his uncle George Brace, who was killed by an accident at Wilkes Barije Lucerne Penn, U.S.A. in October, 1886. The defendants were the tenant and one Thomas Brace, another uncle of the Plaintiff, who had gone iato possession of the property on the death of the deceased. Mr Morton Daniel, instructed by Mr Gilbertson, of Pem- broke, was for the appellants. Mr Arthur Lewis, instructed by Mr John Roberts, of Narberth, appeared for the Plaintiff the respon- dent. For the appellant, it was sought to be shewn that the County Court Judge's notes were inaccurate and insufficient, but the learned judges held the note was perfectly intelligible, and refused to admit evidence to contradict them, holding that the Plaintiff had made out his case at the trial, and dismissed the appeal with costs. RBNT AUDIT.—The half-yearly audit of the Picton Castle Estate (Haverfordweat District) took place at the Salutation Hotel on Tuesday last. At its close a large number of the tenants sat down to a substan- tial dinner supplied by the hostess, Miss Reynolds. The chair was occupied by Mr T. Rule Owen. The toast of Sir Charles and Lady Philipps, proposed in a neat speech by Mr Reynolds, of Tierson, was drunk with enthusiasm, and was responded to by Mr Owen, who then proposed success and prosperity to the Town and Trade of Haverfordwest. Mr Thomas (Cashfield) and Mr Bland responded. The health of Mr Stephen Green was then proposed by Mr Owen, who referred in eulogistic terms to his (Mr Green's) farming enter- prise, skill and ability. Mr Green acknowledge the tcast in an interesting and practical speech, and gave some valuable advice as to butter-making, the use of machinery for that purpose, and the benefit that would accrue to farmers thereby in economy of labour and increased price. He warmly advocated the es- tablishment of centres for the use of the separator, and stated his belief that it only wanted a system of I producing even samples of butter to enable Pembroke- shire to compete in the markets with any country in the world. His speech was received with the utmost attention throughout. The Chairman's health was then drunk. Mr Owen, responding, referred in his usual interesting and amusing style to the current topics of the day. The party then broke up.

COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTIONS. Though the election of councillors for the Cardiganshire County Council took place on Tuesday, the great preponderance of counts did not take place until Wednesday. Forty eight councillors had to be elected, eleven taking their seats without a contest. The rasults show that the council will consist, exclusive of aldermen, of 11 Conservatives, 34 Radicals, and 3 Inde- pendents and Liberal Unionists. Amongst those elected are Colonel Evans (Lord Lieutenant of the county) for Llanwenog, Lord Lisburne for Strata Florida, and Col. Picton Evans for Cardi- gan Borough. Unfortunately, Sir Marteine Lloyd was defeated at Troedyraur by the narrow majority of 21.

Family Notices
BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. On the 19th inst., at Trafalgar House, Hill Street, in this town, the wife of Mr A. G. Williams, of a son. Oo the 26th inst., at Prendergast, in this town, the wife of Mr William James, mason, of a son, MARRIAGES. On the 24th instant., at Camrose, by the Rev. P. Phelps, Ernest Ince, youngest son of Charles Hugh Allen, of Robeston Hall, to Helene, youngest daugh- ter of the late Col. Lewis William Penn, C.B., A..D.C., R.A. DEATHS. On the 20th in-it., at Dark Street, in this town, the nfant child of Mr Thomas John, wheelwright. On the 12th inst., at Aberayron, Mary, relict of ;he Rev E. D. Evans, for many years Vicar of Vlathry, Pembrokeshire, in her seventy-fourth year. On Dec. 7th, 1888, at Shanghai, William Webb 3owen, aged 38 years. On the 22nd inst., at Sheffield House, Tenby, Mr James Morris, ironmonger. I On the 20th inst., at Langharne, Mary, eldest i daughter of John Howell Bevan, Pengay, Carmar- < thenshire, and widow of Augustus, third son of the late Abraham Leach, Corston, Pembrokeshire, in her ] 87th year.

REJOICINGS AT BURTON. The parish of Burton was eu fete' on Satur- day last, the day chosen by the inhabitants as the one most suitable to demonstrate their re? joicing over the return of Sir Owen Scourfielcf, Bart., to the County Council. Ever since it was known that a candidate was in the field against Sir Owen, a strong feeling has existed throughout the division that nothing short of the triumphant return of Sir Owen would satisfy them. This result was achieved on the polling day, as it was found that Sir Owen had polled three votes for each one recorded for his opponent. Although Sir Owen did belong to an aristocratic family,, and was 'the child of luxury,' as an opponent prettily put it, he was founcl to be the popular candidate-the working man's friend-even when compared with his opponent, Mr James, who was claimed by his supporters to be a man from the ranks.' An immense concourse of people met Sir Owen on Saturday evening at Sardis, the entrance to Burton Parish. The horses were at once taken from the carriage and ropes attached thereto, and a triumphant march of several miles at once commenced. The procession was headed by two bands, viz. the Pembroke-dock brass band under the able leadership of Mr Stephen James, and the Neyland drum and fife band under the leadership of Mr Robert Griffiths. These bands played alternately along the route many soul- stirring pieces of music, notably, of course, See the Conquering Hero.' Houses along the road were illuminated and decked off with much taste, and flags and bunting were the order of the day.' The cheering all along the route was deafening, and we feel satisfied that the lung power of Burton is super-excellent. On reach- ing the village of Houghton a picturesque sight presented itself: every window was illuminated and noble arches of evergreens, lit up with Chinese lanterns and bearing suitable mottoes, spanned the road. At this point the cheering was of the liveliest description. The ancient village of Burton was, like Houghton, grandly illuminated, and several arches were also erected across the road. Here also a grand reception was in store for Sir Owen, who repeatedly bowed his acknowledgments. Leaving Burton the procession returned to Houghton, and thence to Williamston House. On alighting from the carriage Sir Owen thanked the vast concourse of people for their kindness in electing him, and also for the kind way in which he had been received that night. He promised them that he would do his best to promote their interests. He hoped to be able to give them every satisfaction in what he did. When the ever popular Lady Scourfield made her appearance at the door of the mansion a round of applause greeted her, which must have at once proved to her in what estimation the people of Burton hold her. Sir Owen, having thanked the people for the reception accorded to Lady Scourfield, informed them that light refreshments would be served at once to those who desired to partake thereof. On passing through the crowd, which was an extremely orderly one, it was pleasant to see old and young thoroughly enjoying themselves — some dancing ,to the strains of music, while others contented them- selves with looking on at the lively scene. It reminded one of that lovely line from Gold- smith ( The young contending while the old surveyed.' When we left the scene of rejoicings and proceeded homewards in a contented frame of mind, ve thought there was something yet in the ancient homes of England, and that, at least in Burton, love was still to be found in the hearts of the people for those who used their wealth for the good of the district and county in which they lived, and, so late in the nineteenth century, the people still looked upon their squire' as theii best friend at all times, and especially so when distress visited their homes, or the cold hand of sickness laid hold of them or their children.

The Pembrokeshire Foxhounds will meet on Mon- day, the 28th of Jan., at Ramswood and on Tues, day', the 29th of Jan. at Orielton at 10.30; and on Friday the 1st of Feb. at Sadgeston and on Satur- day, the 2nd of Feb. at Rosemoor at 11. Mr Worthing ton's Hounds will meet on Monday, the 28th inst., at Llanychaer Bridge and on Friday, the 1st of Feb., at Trecoed each day at 11. Mr Powell's Heunds will meet on Tuesday, the 29th inst., at Lampeter House, and on Saturday, Feb. 2nd, at Caerleon each day at 10.30. The Tivyside Foxhounds will meet on Monday, the 28th inst., at Troedyraur Gate, and on Thursday, the 31st inst, at the Star each day at 10.45.

SIB,—With, no doubt, many others of your readers, I have been looking over the list of returns of the members of the county council as affecting party lines. In one case in Pembrokeshire (that of the Walwyn's Castle Division) the small number polled for the Conservative candidate requires some explanation-at any rate to those who know my brother, Capt. Goldwyer, as an active member of the Conservative Association in that county. His oppo nent, Mr Howell Walters, who is a son-in-law of Mr W. Davies, the Liberal member for the county, at first came forward posing as a Conservative, and it was, therefore, desired by some leading members of the Conservative Association, and generally accepted by kboth sides, when my brother came forward that the contest should be carried on on non-political lines; but subsequently, when it was very evident that Mr Walters's chance of success was becoming small, his name appeared in the ffaverfovdwext and Milford Haven Telegraph (the Liberal paper of the district) as the Liberal candidate, and lie came to the poll with an electioneering staff of the Liberal Association working for him, I suggest, therefore, that it will be a. mistake if your readers suppose that the number polled for Captain Goldwyer as compared with his opponent, who I see is now classed as an Indepen- dent,' is by any meatns a test of strength of the Con servative vote in that district, but merely shows my brother's personal supporters wL. happened to be Conservatives, my brother having, as arranged, con- ducted his canvass without any reference to politics. I ics jje of course, lost all his supporters not sufficiently independent to resist the very strong local Liberal in- terest brought to bear at the last moment, without any Conservative organisation to counteract it. I have no doubt that had the contest been fairly fought out on party lines from the beginning the result would have shown very differently. I am, &c., J. S. GOLDWRSR, SIR,—I never appear in print in an epistolary capacity, nor should I venture to do so now except very briefly to express my utter contempt for the das- tardly attempt made in the abusive column of your contemporary The Telegraph newspaper of last week, to disparage my reputation as a respectable trades- man in the estimation ot my fellow townsmen among whom I have lived all my life-time. The bead and front of my offence in the jaundiced eyes of The Inveterate Gossip (as he calls himself) is that I had the temerity and audacity to offer my- aelf as a County Council Candidate for one of the electoral divisions of my native town in opposition to my neighbour, Mr Samuel Thomas, who was the champion of the Liberal cause and, no doubt, a power- ful opponent. This unscrupulous "Gossip had the impertinence to state that "no respectable Conservatives like Mr Stephen Green, Mr John James, and Mr F. P. Green could be induced to contest the impregnable position of Mr Thomas," insinuating thereby, of course that I was not a respectable candidate. I quite concur in his estimation of the high re- spectability of my friends, the three gentlemen named but that fact affords no justifiable reason why my re- j spectabilitv should be impugned and questioned by a man of the calibre and in the position of this scurrilous scribbler under an assumed name, but whose identity is too well known. It would ill become me to boast of my own respectability, and I do not, but at the same time I am proud to be able to say that no other man has ever questioned it in any way, and to be thrown dirt at by such a man as the "Gossip" is Insulting and beyond endurance. I have carried on, & (I believe respectably) as I have endeavoured, a large business m the town for many years, and have contributed a much larger proportion to the public rates and taxes of the Borough than this anonymous writer. My rateable assessments for many years past have not been less than £200, whilst I find that the Gossip s gross value (including the barber's shop and the printers' type) only amounts to zClS I may not be able to boast of an ancestry of the pe- culiar breed of the Gossip," but my hide is perhaps more vulnerable than his to an attack. In daring to meet such an opponent as Mr Samuel Thomas, I may have been courageous, but I con- sidered I was perfectly within my rights as a citizen and a large ratepayer, and I am pleased to think, al- though I came late into the field, that 133 of the re- spectable electors who voted for me also thought so. I fancy the "Inveterate Gossip must have mea- sured my respectability by his own standard, as taking him anyhow he falls very far short in my es- timation of a man capable of forming an opinion upon qualifications of which he is so glaringly deficient himself. Let me remind him of the old adage- "People living in glass houses should not throw stones." Thanking you for the space occupied, I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, EDWARD WHITE. Cedar House. Uznaston, Haverfordwest, Jan. 23rd, #889.

PEMBROKE. 1 1 CONSERVATIVE CLUB.—The annual meeting of the Conservative Club was held in the club-room on Monday night. Colonel Saurin (Orielton), the presi- r' 1" dent or tne ciuo. was in the chair, and there was a good attendance of members. The treasurer's state- ment of accounts showed a balance in hand. Re- ports of the management and registration commit- tees were read and adopted, and the officers for the ensuing year were elected, Colonel Saurin being unanimously re-elected president. Various other business having been transacted, the meeting con- cluded with a vote of thanks to the president.

MILFORD HAVEN. THE PRIMROSE LEAGUE.—A letter, of which the fol- lowing is a copy, has been received by the Hon. Sec. of the Lord Nelson Habitation, Milford Haven To the Secretary of the Lord Nelson Habitation of the Primrose League. DEAR SIR,-I have come to the conclusion to sever my connexion with the Primrose League. You will, therefore, oblige me by withdrawing my name from your books. Not having attended your meetings for some years, I know not whether there are any dues unpaid. If there is, and yon will let me know, I will discharge same. Yours respectfully, (Signed) J. LLEWELLYN DAVIES. Cleddau Villa Milford Haven, Dec. 26th, 1888. FREEMASONRY.—St. David's Lodge, No. 366.-The brethren of this lodge met on Tuesday evening last, tor the purpose of installing Brother Jas. Williams, P.P.G.P., P.S.W., as W. M. for the ensuing year. Bro. Williams, having been installed by Bro. W. R. Roberts, P.M., assisted by Bros. A. E. Baldwin and Dd. Thomas, invested his officers for the year as fol- lows :-Bro. Jas. Perkin, I.P.M. Bro. Wm. Jones, S.W. Bro. Wm. Williams, J.W. Bro. The Rev. Jas. Boaden, P.M., Chaplain; Bro. A. Daysh, P.M., P.P.G.I.D, Treasurer; Bro. Jas. Eynon, Secretary Bro. W. H. Bamkin, S.D. Bro. J. B. Gaskell, J.D. Bro. R. Leonard, I.G.; Bro. T. H. Martin, S.S. Bro. D. L1. Davies, J.S.; Bro. Jno. Williams, Tyler. The Banquet will take place at the Lord Nelson Hotel on Thursday next, January 31st., when a large atten- dance is expected, Bro. Williams being held in high esteem by the brethren, t CONCERT.—A very successful entertainment wa given at the Rehoboth Chapel, Hakin, on Wednesday last in aid of the Chapel fund, the chair being ably filled by Mr J. LI. Davies. The following programme was rendered, and gave general satisfaction :-Part 1 -Pianoforte Bolo-Miss Flossie Davies duet- Little Crowns-Masters O. Harries and W, Dayies solo-The New Kingdom—Miss Francis solo— Jessie's Dream—Miss G. B. Bamkin; recitation- Selected-Mr James Thomas of London solo-Too Late—Miss Edith Phillips sob—The Toilers—Miss Olive Prosser solo-Dare to say No—Miss E. Davies recitation-Selected-Mhs G. R. Francis solo—Anchored—Miss R. Leonard solo—Selected — Miss Alice Lloyd Part 2.-Pianoforte solo—Miss F. Davies solo—The Standard of the Free-Mr J. Davies duet-Do they miss me at home-Misses Davies and Phillips; solo-Selected-Miss E. Davies; solo-Selected-Mr J, LI. Davies recitation-The Execution of Montrose-Mr R. Leonard sok-The East Milestone-Miss Olive Prosser duet-Summer Days-Masters O. Harries and W. Davies solo- The Star of Bethehem-Miss Francis solo-Selected -Mr James Thomas solo-List, 'tis music stealing Miss Bamkin. National Anthem.

WALTON WEST. SCHOOL TREAT.—The children attending the Church Sunday School held in Walton West Schools haft a first rate treat given them by Miss Evans, of Rittle Haven, on Friday, January 11th. The children met in the scjioolroom at 3.T5U., and in a very little time were busily engaged in diminishingthe ample supply of cake, bread and butter and jam, &c. Various games Were then indulged in, and after this, each child had a good and suitable present. The event of the evening, how- ever, was a competition for a silver watch, and two new half-crowns, presented by Miss Evans to the boy who most carefully recited several long pages of the "Faith and Duty," the book 80 familiar to many of us in our juvenile days, but now almost absolete as a school text-book. Master John James, of Little Haven, was the proud winner of the silver watch, and William Llewhellin came in for the second prize of five shillings. The Rector, Rev. J. O. Harris, was the adjudicator in the competition. After some singing by the children, the usual series of three cheers were given for Miss Evans and others present, each set of cheers being, as usual in such cases, multiplied by some such number as ten. God Save the Qaeen was then sung, and the children dismissed, the teachers, and elder scholars remaining till a later hour, and indulging in saltatory and other amuse- ments.

JOHNSTON. THE COCNTT COUNCIL ELECTION.—On Thursday afternoon last there was much rejoicing at Johnston on the publication of the news of the election of Mr R. Carro iV, Johnston Hall, as a county councillor. Men, women, and children wended their way to- wards the railway station, where they met Mr Carrow on his arrival by evening mail from Milford. Every preparation had been made for his reception. As soon as he alighted he was lifted by strong men sheulder high and carried off the platform to his vehicle out- side, which* was gaily decorated, and bore suitable mottoes. The horse having been taken out, Mr Carrow was drawn by a number of strong men to his residence, amid hearty cheering.

NEYLAND. RETURN OF MR CORAu.-On Wednesday evening last, when the public declaration of the poll was made at the above place, Mr Coram addressed the electors, and in the course of a capital speech expressed the hope that the 234 voters who went to the poll on his behalf would never have cause to regret the selection they had made. As soon as Mr Coram had concluded his remarks he was chaired and carried by stalwart shoulders in triumph through the various streets of Neyland, and, amid the cheers of hundreds of people, headed by a band of music, was set dowa at his own residence, wbere the cheering was kept up for some time.

TENBY. COTTAGE HOSPITAL.—The annual general meeting of the subscribers to the Tenbv Cottage Hospital was held at the hospital on Saturday, the Rev. John Lewis in the chair. The report presented by the honorary secretary, Captain Westby, showed the receipts during the year to have been X255 7s 1Qd the expenditure, X187 17s 2.\d leaving a balance in hand of X67 9s lid.; the amount to the credit of.the reserve fund was X345 10s 7d the Harris surgical appliance fund, f.28 14s 6d. The medical report showed that 35 cases had been treated during the year, 19 of which were females and 16 males. Of these 25 were cured, seven more or less relieved and improved, and three remained under treatment. The usual committees were re appointed, and votes of thanks passed to the medical staff, the honorary secretary and treasurer, the matron (Mrs Henry Andrews), and the chairman.

SOUTH PEMBROKESHIRE HUNT WEEK. The entertainments and festivals in connection with this annual reunion commenced at Tenby on Monday, under the stewardship of Mr A. P. Saunders Davies, high sheriff 5 Admiral Mayne, C.B., R.N., M.P. Mr F. Lort Phillips, M.F.H., Mr T. Brook, Colonel Gordon, R.A., Mr Robert Lock, hon. Secretary Mr Gharles Mathias, Mr S. H. Owen, Sir C. E. G. Philipps, Bart., Mr W. H. Richards, Mr N. A. Roch, Mr J. R. Rowlands, Colonel Saurin, Mr C. W. R. Stokes, Colonel Watson, Worcester Regiment; and Rfr J. W. Westby. The first entertainment was a dramatic performance in the Royal Assembly-rooms on Monday night. The spacious hall was filled with a gby and fashionable assembly. The piece first selected for representation was War to the Knife,' in which the characters were taken by Messrs. Custance, Richards, Wood, L. Booker, and Statham and the Misses Cooper Reade, E. M.Wood, Ethel Prust, and H. Prust. This was followed by Whitebait at Greenwich,' the characters being taken by Messrs. Wood, Richards, and Custance, and Miss Cooper Reade and Miss P. Cooper Reade. All the characters were ably sustained, and the curtain fell on each piece amidst enthusiastic applause. The Soafh Pembrokeshire Hounds met on Tuesday at Norchard Gate, upon the Ridgeway, about four miles from Tenby. The morning was beautifully fine, and a very large concourse of persons met, including a grand array of horsemen and a large number of car- riages. Reynard was found at Bubbleton Arms, but the scent was bad.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TEXJjY HUNT STEEPLE-CHASES AND HURDLE RACES, { Wednesday and Thursday, January 30 and 31, 1889. ] ] FIRST DAY. f The Maiden Banking Race Plate of 30 Sovs. Mr Edwin Morris's b g Holstein by Hydromel dam by Richmond, 5 years. 1 Mr W. G. Roch's br m Sibyl, late Flying Girl, 5 yrs. 8 Mr Isaac Thomas's bay g Empty Pockets by Free, f Trade dam Letty Hyde by Orest, 5 yrs. d — — — J.i ■— r. -1 ■ Mr John Shears's b m Fairy, by Happy Land, 5 yr3. The Town Plate of 40 Sovs. Mr Pryse Rice's Lady Glen, aged Mr J. Worthington's br g Hilarity by Hilarious dam Noisy by Young Trumpeter, 5 yrs. Mr Thos. Widger's br g Albert Victor by Massurissa dam by Victor out of Adela the Outlaw, 5 yrs. Mr Hope's Honeycomb, aged. Mr C. Halford's b h Bootmaker, 6 yrs. Mr Barker's br h Best Man, 5 yrs. Mr W. James's bay m Lady Mary II. by Hydromel dam by Priestcraft, 5 yrs. Mr G. Smith's br g Sailor Boy by Happy Land dam Amenia by the Earl, 5 yrs. Mr Jones's br g Freebooter by the Brigand, dam by Holstein, 6 yrs, The Knightston Huiiteis' Plate of 30 Sovs. Mr A. P. Saunders Davies's Taffina, aged. Mr F. Lort Phillips's ch m Witchcraft by Princecraft 5 yrs (not to be sold). Mr Thos. Widger's br m Beware 6 yrs. Mr O. H. Fisher's ch g Aimwell by Dalmacardoc f, dam by Clapham, aged (not to be sold.) Capt. C. M. Edwards's ch m Vanity by Zanzibar, 5 yrs (£50). Mr W. Lewis's br h Bruin, aged. Mr R. H. Harries's ch g Paraclete by York, 5 yrs. The Licensed Victuallers' Optional Sclliny Plate of 30 Sovs. Mr Gordon Canning's Beatrice Mary by Coeruleus— Polly Craven, 6 yrs, ( £ 50). I Mr Pryse Rice's Lady Glen, aged. Mr Baring Bingham's Romance, aged. I Mr Thos. Widger's bay g Sir Joseph by Delight dam iNoran, 0 yrs. Mr John Sheen's b m Lady Moor by the Brigand, 5 yrs. Mr C. Halford's b h Bootmaker, 6 yrs. Lord Tredegar's Miss Westbourne, 6 yrs ( £ 50). Mr G. Smith's b m Oyster Girl by King Harold dam by Castaway, 4 yrs. SECOND DAY. The Paigmm Maiden Farmers' Plate of 25 Sovs. Mrl Davies's b g Night-shirt by King Harold dam Bed-gown, 4 yrs. Mr Thomas Morris's Faraway, 5 yrs. Mr Henry Thomas's br g Prejudice by Hydromel dam's pedigree unknown, 5 yrs. Mr John Shears's b m Fairy by Happy Land, 5 yrs. The Stewards' Plate of SO Sovs. Mr Pryse Rice's Lady Glen, aged Mr J. Worthiugton's br g Hilarity by Hilarious dam Noisy by Young Trumpeter, 5 yrs. Mr Thos. Widger's br g Albert Victor by Massurissa dam by Victor out of Adela the Outlaw, 5 yrs. Mr Thos. Widger's br. m, Beware, 6 yrs. Mr W. James's bay m Lady Mary II by Hydromel dam by Priestcraft, 5 yrs. Mr Hope's Young Glasgow, aged. Mr G. Smith's b m Oyster Girl by King Harold dam by Castaway, 4 yrs. Tlte Visitors' Plate of 40 Sovs. Mr A. P. Saunders Davies's Taffina, aged. Mr F. Lort Phillips's ch m Whitchcraft by Prince- craft, 5 yrs. Me Thos. Widger's br m Beware, 6 yrs. Mr O. H. Fisher's Aimwell, aged. Mr Barker's br h Best Man, 5 yrs. Mr Isaac Thomas's bay g Empty Pockets by Free Trade dam Letty Hyde by Orest, 5 yrs. Mr W. Lewis's br h Bruin, aged. Mr R. H. Harries's ch g Paraclete by York, 5 yr*. TaUy-ho Plate of 25 Sovs. Mr Tudor Thomas's b m Favourite by Brigand, 4 yrs. Mr Thos. Widger's bay g Sir Joseph by Delight dam Norah, 6 yrs, ( £ 80.) Mr Hope's Honeycomb, aged, (XIOO.) Mr John Sheen's b m Lady Moor by the Brigand, 5 yrs. M r C. Halford's b h Bootmaker, 6 yrs. Mr R. H. Harries's b g, 6 yrs, (zeso.) Mr Jones's br g Freebooter by the Brigand dam by Holstein, 6 yrs. The Tenby Selling Hurdle Race Plate of 25 Sovs. Mr Gordon Canning's Beatrice Mary, 6 yrs, ( £ 50.)

SAD ACCIDENT. At Colchester, on Sunday night Miss Henni- ker, aged 50, a relative of Lord Henniker, got out of bed to light a candle. The match fired the muslin curtain of the dressing table, and the flames caught the lady's nightdress. She rushed from the room, and her maid tore off her night- dress, but DBss Henniker sustained serious in- juries, from the efffects of which she died on jffltonday. [fhe tfury on Tuesday returned a ver- dit of Aeccidental Death. The maid, Hannah Lucy Smith, was badly burned in her courage- ous efforts to save her mistress.

THE TROOPS AT SUAKIM. SUAKIM, WEDJTBSDAY NIGHT.-At the recon- naisanceS this morning the whole of the mounted troops under Colonel Barrow* accompanied by General Kitchener and Staff, rode out six miles beyond the$ort& in the direction of Handoub. Only five Dervishes were seen, one of whom was captured. The steamer Hodeidan has arrived, with the head-quarters of the Twelfth Soudan Battalion, two hundred and thirty-two men, and thirty women, under Besant Bey. The usual number of deserters continue coming in from Handoub, where, according to latest reports, Osman Digna has a force of a thousand fighting men. The whole of the British troops here will leave on Friday.

THE "JACK THE RIPPER" HORROR. The Daily Telegraph Paris correspondent, wiring on Tuesday morning, says that great excitement prevails at Corunna, where the sudden disappearance of two girls, the elder of whom is only seventeen, has been attributed to "Jack the Ripper." People affirm that the Whitechapel murderer reached the town on the 17th inst., and that he has been prowling about the place after dark ever since his arrival. Young women and girls no longer go out at night, and even have their doors barricaded, to keep out the mysterious assassin. It is also reported that the Whitechapel ruffian has written one of his customary cold-blooded epistles to the authorities, telling them that he is going his rounds, and that he means to dis- embowel several "ladies" before he leaves Corunna. The "Press Association" understands that the Metropolitan police authorities do not attach much importance to the arrest of the man Alfred Gray in Tunis. Full particulars of the arrest have been received and inquiries made, but they do not as yet show any conjunction between the man's actions and the Whitechapel murders.

COLLISION IN THE CHANNEL. A serious collision occurred on Saturday night off the South Foreland, a little to the west of Walmer, between the Denbighshire, a full-rigged iron ship, belonging to Liverpool, and a four- masted screw steamer Duke of Buckingham, be- longing to Barrow. The Denbighshire was a vessel of 1367 tons, in ballast, and bound from Dunkirk to Cardiff, in charge of the tug Racer, of Cork. The Duke of Buckingham was of 3123 tons register, and was bound up Chan- nel from America to Bremen. The collision oc- curred about four miles off the shore, in calm clear weather. The Denbighshire was struck amidships, and nearly cut in two. She sank within a few minutes after the occurrence. At the time of the collision it was moonlight, and the steamer could be seen three miles off. Two men, the steward and the sailmaker, lost their lives, and two others were rescued in an ex- hausted condition. The survivors numbering fifteen, was brought to Dover on Sunday morn- ing by the Steamer Duke of Buckingham, and were received at the Sailor's Home. Two men who had been injured was attended by a surgeon. TLe steamer Duke of Buckingham, sustained some damage to her bows, and had her fore- compartment full of water, and she was kept afloat by her watertight bulkhead. 0

ACCIDENTS ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD. In a match between the Leicester and Ketter- ing Rugby Teams at Leicester, on Saturday, a promising young player, named Beasley, one of the Leicester team, sustained very dangerous injuries. During a struggle Beasley fell on the ball. and he was accidentally kicked on the back of the head. He was carried unconscious from the field, and was on Sunday in a dangerous condition from concussion of the biain During the progress of a football match be- tween Brentwood and Chelmstord, at Chelms- ford, on Satnrday, MrG. H. Gray, the secretary of the home club, was charged by Mr. Crouch, a much bigger man Somehow their legs got locked, and one of Mr Gray's legs were broken. He was taken bozae on a hurdle, and a doctor discovered that he had sustained a compound fracture of the bone. Most of the players left the field, but a few kept on a desultory game. In the Rugby football match between New- port (Mon.) and Gloucester, at Gloucester, on Saturday, George Thomas, a three-quarter back in the Newport Team, sustained a fracture of the thigh. While running he was violently tackled a.nd thrown dovvK, a number of the other players falling on him. He was supposed to be one of the fastest sprinters in South Wales, and was a Welsh International player. The death has just taken place, at the ad- vanced age of 96, of the Rev. Charles Pratt, in- 3umbent of Stansted St. Margaret's, near Ware, Hertfordshire. The deceased was ordained in 1816 by the Bishop of Peterborough and was or 30 years vicar of Packingtori-cuin-Snibston, Leicestershire; for the last 35 years he had been noumbent of St. Margaret's, of which he was .Iso Lord of the Manor. Until the last three or our years the rev. gentleman regularly con* lucted the services at the church.

THE PARNELL COMMISSION. The Special Commission resumed its S1^in50j, Tuesday morning at the Royal Courts of JuS There was again a large attendance. j Mr Edward George Stoddard WM CIailed, deposed that he was a land agent in Coa i Clare. Good relations between landlord tenant existed up to 1879, after which tenants asked him to take proceedings ag them, otherwise they would be afraid to Pj their rents. He was boycotted and shot at- could not re-let evicted farms. Cross-examined by Sir Charles Russell. of the tenants got reductions of 22 per cen 0f the Land Court, and there had been increas 5 rent from time to time. 1879 was a very year, and he made his first allowance to ten*11 in 1881.. „0t Cross-examined by Mr Davitt: He col\ jn say that there were any agrarian murder, io Tipperary in 1879, 1880, and 1881. He did think that the Land League was very active Tipperary. Patrick J. Farrigher, examined by Sir James, said he originally came from Cou-^j Mayo, and held a farm there. He wa' for non-payment of rent in 1879. A was held at Aughermore, attended by Mr D» and Mr J. W. Walsh. The object of the ing was to holdout against payment of until the tenants got a reduction. Mr J• &1° the agent to the property, was denounced at j meeting, and resigned. After the meetl "Lj dinner was held, at which witness ha<^L.s(y), conversation with Mr Davitt and Mr Wa He was advised not to pay rent, and they see him properly looked after. In of this advice be refused to pay his rent, he had the means to do so, and he was to •victed. He afterwards saw Messrs { Brennan, and Walsh in Dublin and asked employment. He was without work eighty nine months and his allowance was afterwa increased to 25s. and then to 30s. He was 0 ployed in the "law department of the leag. Ig which had reference to writs and cheques sent to the country. Messrs M'Gough Dorris were in charge of the Messrs Egan and Brennan were secretary and treasurer. Dr. Kenny also an official. A Mr Harrison came there after Arthur O'Connor, M.P., left for London, O'Connor was for some time in charge of # law department. A man named Pearson clerk in the office also a person named who was the accountant; also Denis O'Donagb who was a clerk. Dr. Kenny was treasflj^ after Mr Patrick Egan. He saw Matthew Ha1^ at the meetings held in the Sackville-str rooms, and he knew Mr John Fergusson.. Glasgow, who was often at meetings held the Land League rooms. Mr Fergusson at the meetings of the executive committ^ which met for passing cheques, sending moo0'' and matters of that kind. Mr Parnell chairman of the executive committee, and tended meetings, as also did Messrs. Sexto > Davitt, Healy, and T. Harrington. continued in the office at Sackville-street up the suppression of the league, in 1881, when^ was acting as a clerk. He carried messa» and sent off telegrams for Mr Egan. He taken letters from the league rooms to Mullet ø public-house for Mr Egan. The letters were addressed in Mr Egan's hand writingi sometimes contained cheques. He had seen Egan at Mullett's public-house ten or times. He had also seen Messrs. Egan Mullett in the streets, and knew that they '<?e friendly. During his residence in Dublin lived in the house of a man named Weldon, was tried for shooting a man named Young Castlerea. Weldon was known to witness being a Fenian, and he had seen Weldon Messrs Egan and Mullett at the latter's publlC house. They met more than once. remembered Weldon coming to England in 18° It was just before Christmas in that yeat. Weldon was going to Manchester, and witness accompanied him to the boat. He saw a cheque in Weldon's possession. It was a cheque on the Hibernian Bank. Had seen Messrs. Fgttvl Mullett, and Weldon go into a room behind Mullett's bar in March of 1880. Before witneSJ went to the Land League offices, the Ladies Land League occupied a room at the leBgue offices. When Mr Forster's Act was passed tb Ladies' League catered for the suspects an paid moneys away from time to time. Parnell, Miss Maloney, Miss Nally, Miss Frytcb# and other ladies were in charge. There also a Miss Reynolds there, whom he did no know. He knew Pat Kearney and bad seeP him at the Land League rooms, as also NallY, but saw no money pass. Pat Nally, however made a statement to him on the matter. Sir C. Russell and Mr Reid raised a fdr&& objection to any statement of Nally's being I accepted as evidence, but the Court ruled that the evidence was admissible. Sir C. Russell submitted that the Court wa* under a misapprehension as to fact. The person referred to was not "Scrab" Nally, but Pftt Nally, and it had only been proved against tIlO latter that he bad taken part in a convention. The President ruled that if Pat Nally's cot" nection with the league was disputed it must W formally proved. Sir H. James promised to do this. Witness resuming, said he had known Michoel J. Kelly receive money from the league, but not a man named Butterfield. He knew also a mO named M'Hugh, who was tried with Weldon fot the murder of Young. Had seen M'Hugh witb Weldon, and had seen him at the Land Leagt16 offices. Witness remembered the Phoenix Park murders, and did not see Mr Egan at Mullett's house after those murders. Joseph Poole one of the men executed. He had seen poole come out of the Land League rooms in 1881 and 1882, and Poole showed him money and made statement about the money. After the sion of the league the members of Parliame*1^ mot at the Imperial Hotel. Meetings there, and witness was sent by one of the mefl1' bers. The M.P.'s were Mr Parnell and 31r Sexton. Had not seen Walsh pay any money at the league rooms. Books, letters, and doeo" ments were removed in the presence of man named Pierce. Had seen Mr Campbeh M.P., at the league rooms before the removaloi the books. He was secretary to Mr Parnell. Sir C. Russell: There is no dispute about that, He was an hon. secretary to Mr Parnell. Witness, continuing, said he had seen James Carey at Mullett's public-house several times. Carey was going under an assumed named. Had seen letters in Wm. Dorris's handwriting. Sir James Hannen read a letter, dated the 22nd of September, 1881, in which a clergymsf1 named Mullett was informed that the execU' tive would contribute £5 towards the expense of the prisoners at the quarter sessions at Gal- way. The letter was tp be praserved and pro- duced when the expenses were claimed. Another letter was dated the 28th of September, 1881, and was addressed to Mr D. O'Shea. It re" gretted that, owing to the shortness of time, they were unable to send counsel, but the writer hoped they would succeed in the case. A third letter enclosed £1 for the defence of a certain case, and stated that the advice to keep tbs tenants away from the Land Court until they received the results of test cases was quite right. The communication was initialled "A.P.C. On October 15, 1881, a letter was sent fro"1 John Cullen to Mr A. 0 Connor, enclosing X5, a first instalment for the new branch, and ask- ing that a day might be fixed for a meeting to be addressed by Mr A. O'Connor and Mr Sexton. Witness, resuming, said Maloney followed Dr Kenny a.s treasurer of the league in 1881. Ha identified letters in the handwriting of Maloney' Sir H. James put in a second batch of letter^ of similiar import to those already produceil, and these occupied a considerable time in read ing. At the conclusion of the reading Sir g. James referred to the reserved question regard- ing Pat Nally, and quoted frern a speech of H1" Parnell, in which Mr Parnell said that Nally bad performed great and important services to the cause of the Land League when it was founded. Mr Sexton also made an allusion to Mr Nally at the meeting at Castlebar. Aftor arguments by counsel, The President said he and his colleagues bad not quite made up their minds, and had not sufficient definite evidence as to what were the proceedings before the formation of the Therefore, until further evidence on that had been given they were not prepared to admit the evidence of the witness respecting y. W. Nally. Witness then identified letters dealing wita payments. One of these was dated July 24, 1881, enclosing a cheque for Y-3 to be paid to one Margaret Deevey, and signed by :MISS Parnell and Miss Frytch. The furniture wos removed from the Sackville-street rooms by Oil Burton. Sir C. Russell now asked that bis side ehould be furnished with copies of the entire documents which were removed from the Land League offices in some surreptitious manner. The Attorney-General objected to the remark of Sir Charles as to the letters having been re moved surreptitiously. The President said the court was of opim^11 that the time bad come for an inspection of t" documents, and without reservation. Witness, cross-examined by Sir Charles Russell, admitted that charges of immorally

PEMBROKESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. ELECTION OF ALDERMEN. The first meeting of this body was held yesterday in the Shire Hall. All the members, with the exception of Mr Jenkins, the repre- sentative of Henry's Moat Division, attended and qualified. On the proposition of Earl Cawdor, seconded by Mr Seccombe, Lord Kensington was unanimously requested to pre- side. Lord Kensington, having taken the chair, said:—I beg to thank you for the honour you have done me in putting me in the chair for to-day, because as you fully understand, I am in the chair only for to-day, as provisional chairman. The chairman of the county council will not be elected until the full council is elected, which will not take place for some little time after our present meeting. Our business to-day is to elect 16 aldermen, the proportion which is allowed us, to serve in this county council in addition to the 48 elected councillors. The mode of election will be'as follows:—every county councillor will have a form given him in ^.1.ViO urill ;4! n r»V»r\r\oaa fVio Tiomn» 1.11\.1.1..1. fTixx ffXXUCj .I..&. uu V/UUUCCU) tuw .uu,1,U1:/0 of the 16 gentlemen whom he wishes to be elected aldermen. He must not vote for more than that number, but he is at liberty to vote for a less number if he likes to do so. After filling up his paper he must deliver it per- sonally to me. It must be given to me with his own hand. Before proceeding to the election, I must ask, to avoid any chance of misconception, whether any member has omitted to carry out the requirements of the law, namely to make a declaration required of him on acceptance of office. It may be well perhaps that I should read over the names of the 48 councillors, and I will ask each one whether he has made the declaration. It may save any unpleasant consequences, because, speaking from memory, I believe there is a heavy penalty in the case of a person acting without having previously made a declara- tion. Lord Kensington also read a circular from the Local Government Board in reference to the authority to whomldedarations in relation to election expenses should be sent, and said that it would probably be sufficient if the returns were sent to the Clerk of the Peace of the Provisional Council. The Local Govern- ment Board were empowered to make an order in the matter, and he moved that the Deputy Clerk of the Peace should apply to the Local Government Board for an order authorizing returns to be made to the Deputy Clerk of the Peace, who was the provisional clerk of the council. Mr W. H. Walters seconded the motion, E which was carried. I Mr Lewis James: Ascertain councillor has k sent his returns to the Returning Officer • what is to be done in that case ? [ Lord Kensington: The Clerk will get that return from the Returning Officer. The names of all the elected councillors were then called out, and it was found that all pre- I sent had duly qualified. Mr H. G. Allen said that the Clerk of the Peace was Mr Jno. Owen, who would be the clerk of the County Council when fully ap- t pointed, and he would have power to act by r deputy. Mr George was the deputy clerk of the peace of the county, and they were all very glad to see him in his office there. But a doubt had arisen in his mind whether Mr George was properly in office at that moment, and in order to remove the possibility of any difficulty, he would propose that for the present Mr George should act as clerk of the Provisional Council. Mr Morgan Thomas seconded the motion, which was carried. The voting papers for the election of Alder' men were then given to the Councillors, who filled them up. The result of the voting was as follows ELECTED- Mr H. Allen 42 Iiord Remington 42 Mr Seccombe 32 Mr J. Bevan Bowen, Iilwyngwair 31 Mr Jno. Thomas, LI ether 30 Mr G. P. Brewer, Narberth. 29 Mr W. Gibbs, Hodgeston 29 Mr R. Thomas, Trsbover 29 Mr W.Evans,BIetherstoa. 28 Mr Ben. Rees, Granant 28 Mr H. Jno. Thomas, Lochturfin 28 Mr W. Watts Williams, St. David's 28 Mr W. Williams, Chemist, Haverford- west 27 Mr N. A. Roch, Tenby 24 Capt. Higgon 23 Sir Charles Philipps 22 NON-ELECTED, The numbers recorded for the non-elected were as follows Earl Cawdor 18 Mr G. L. Owen 17 Col. Leach, Corston 16 Col. Stokes, St. Botolphs 15 Mr C. Mathias 12 Mr Jno. Worthington 12 Mr W. Davies, M.P 10 Capt. Gower 9 Mr F. L. LI. Philipps 8 Sir Owen Sconrfield 7 Mr R. Carrow. 7 Mr H. S. Allen .(0. 6 Mr A.M. Evans 6 Mr Jeremiah Stephens 5 Mr Joseph ThomM. 4 Mr Griffiths, Penally Conrt 4 Col. F. P. Edwardea 3 Mr de Winton 2 Mr J. T. Fisher .h 2 Mr R. H. Buckby 2 Mr F. Lort Phillips 2 Mr J as Phillips, Honey borough House 2 Col, Saurin j Mr E. Vaughan, Fernhill 2 Mr J. V. Colby j Mr T. George, Henllys i Dr Havard 1 Dr Morison i Mr T. Llewellyn, Glanymor 1 Mr D. P. Williams, Penberry 1 MrR. T. P. Williams, Sol 1 Lord Kensington said the meeting had an- other duty to discharge, and that was to decide upon the eight elected aldermen who should re- tire in November, 1891. The decision would be taken by ballot. At the request of the Court, Mr Joseph Thomas and Mr R. T. p. Williams consented to act as scrutineers. Lord Kensington took charge of the ballot box while the votes were taken, and at the con- clusion of the voting handed the box to the scrutineers, who counted the votes. The Scrutineers made a written report of the results of the voting, stating that 41 members had voted, and gave the names of the aldermen who would go out of office in November, 1891. The following is the return of the names of the Aldermen who will retire in November 1891, with the number of votes recorded Mr W. Evans, Bletherston 37 Mr H. J. Thomas 29 Mr G. P. Brewer 27 Mr Ben. Rees 26 Mr W. E. Seccombe 24 Sir Charles Philipps 24 Mr Richard Thomaa 22 Mr W. Watts Williams 21 The following a.\dermen will hold office for six years Mr Williajja Williams 20 %Capt. Higgon 20 Mr Jno. Thomas, Llether 19 Mr W. Cribbs 18 Mr N. A. Roch 17 Mr J. Bevan Bowen 15 Mr H. G. Allen 3 Lord K ensington 1 .Lord Kensington said that the business of the meeting was cempleted. The members knew that they would have to meet again within a certain limited period. There was, however, great difficulty in fixing the day for the next meeting, as the Returning Officer would have to make arrangements for the elections in those electoral divisions whose representatives had that day been chosen aldermen. The elections would probably take place within three weeks, and he suggested that the meeting should em- power him to convene a meeting of the council at some date not morre than 14 days after the elections were completf }d. He moved that such authority be granted t< > him. Mr Walters seconde d the motion, which was adopted. To suit the convenie nee of members who re- sided in the upper pa rt of the county, it was arranged that the I tour of meeting should be 12 o'clock. The representatives i or the county divisions of Slebech and Martletwj r, Wiston, Carew, and St. [shmael's having beex i elected aldermen, elec- tions will take place) jn these districts. A vacancy also occurs in the representation of the aorough oi Pembroke through the election of the Mayor, Mr Seccombe, to the office of alder- man. [It is an open secret that the election of alder- men was conducted by the Liberal Organisation on party lines, and that a meeting preliminary to the assembly of the County Council was held at which the names of the gentlemen who should fill the office of aldermen were selected. We understand that the member for the County firmly refused to allow himself to be nomi- nated for an aldermanic seat, and for that reason none of the Liberal party placed his name on their lists. Ten votes were recorded for Mr Davies, and all these, with one exception, were from members of the Conservative party. The following is a list of those who polled for Mr Davies :-Mr Thomas James, Castle Square; Mr R. T. P. Williams, Solicitor; Sir Charles Philipps, Bart.; Dr. Stamper, Mr W. H. Wal- ters, Capt. Higgon, Mr Robert .George, Pem- broke; Mr J. T. Fisher, Sir Owen Scourfield, Bart., Mr Vickerman.—Mr Joseph Thomas, of Haverfordwest, also refused the application of the Liberal party to be run for the office of alderman. The division list shows that four I votes were given to Mr Thomas, and in his case also the votes were, with one exception, those of Conservatives. The names of the members who voted for him were :—Mr R. George, Pembroke; voted for him were :—Mr R. George, Pembroke; Capt. Higgon, Mr W. H. Walters, and Mr R. T. P. Williams.] oDBMMBBnanna