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IR. OITS, 'nui1r1er and Contractor, I } r 7v, .11 I J, r O R I. H A V E JAMES VAUC-HAT{, RAKIN. MILFDHD-HAVEN. Auctioneer, Valuer, and General Commission Asrent The prompt Rf.ttlpmen of al claims, and the most PlTicturl nttention to the interest of those who mar J. V. with their support may he implioit'y rp- •'ed on. Sppond Hand FnmHnrp. &(1.. Bonaht and Sold; Onnntity always oti bpTJ. Strictest privfiov rcliifl(i 011. Gentlemen's IVRrdrobes, purchased in strict confidenc ;.R. IIUNT ER'S Speci-i Leisures to Youn? Men on HEALTH. ITS RESTORATION, AND MARRIAGES.—When marry, with Advice to those who contemplate miirriapp, pointing "Ilt certain impediments which render named life ^hnppv, and directions tor eir weedy removal, khould he read hy all whoval "tilth, strength, nnd ^nl'.ood, Mid wish to attain ppy old ape.—Post "'ree on reccipt of two stamp Address. Secretary, Stitute of Anatomy. Birmm am. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL PEPILITY— '<) Gentleman, bavinR tried in vain cverj •dvertised remedy, has discovered a simple means Of self-onie. He will be happy to forward the JJarticnlus to any enfferer on reeript of a stamped and directed envelope, — Address Mn J. T. Sbweli., Ihook Villa, Hammersmith, London. KSTA»LIS'I K.D 'SM SJTKKL'S GOUT & KFJKUMATIO 1-LS S* or.'y Cure. May oe obtn" H of Ne t:rv and Uarclay and Soss. arM Chrraisf-V n box=»>. lcU.. ■>* 9d.. 4s 6(! nud 11*- lr'Jr? ,0.r 0l,y !*TRA "SIVNIC. Precmscl JNLV Y !FW. Stkr/, ^•Ph.S 2S8, F "■"••pool Ko:id..option, N BILLOUS aud Liver Complains, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss <>f \pv»Mite, J.)row*iiu<ns ^idHiness, Spasmp, and ail Disorders of the. Stomac-h 413d Bowels, are quickly removed hy thai well known £ toedy FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. *hey unite the recommendation of a mild operation 'Ilb the moat successful ellect and where an Aperient is required nothing can be better adapted. Sold by all Medicine Vendors, price Is l £ d. and ^8> 9d. per box. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILLS warranted to cure »U di»chi.rpe« from the Urinary OrKanB, ^oiUior set (acquired or constitutional), ^thaEack Guaranteed frao from Mercury. 8olam Boxes, 5d.. oMh. by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendora ^ouRhont the World; or sent to any addresB for sixty Scraps by the Makers, Th» Likcolw ahd OouhtiM CompazTj, Lincoln. V-W"^INR IIINION BANh \USTRALIA Limited. Paid up Capital. Reserve Fund £ 816,oOO f 2,316,500 Reserve Liability of P ietors 3,000,000 t Total Capital and Reserve Funds^ fo.^lG nOO ^KTTERS OF CREDIT and BILLS on DEMAND °f at Thirty Days' sisjht, are granted on the Hank s J&r?nches throughout Australia and IVew Zealand. *BlLLS ON THE COLONIES are negotiated and 4"t for collection. ■, DEPOSITS are received for fixed periods, on 'ettns which may be ascertained on application. W R MEW BURN, Manager. Han Buildings Lotlihury, E.G.. MONEY LENThy a PRIVATE GENTLE3VTAN WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINE, *KOM £ 10 to £ 500 UPON NOTE OF HAND> To LADIES, Gentlemen. Farmers, and Traders generally. Also upon the security of Furniture, plant, farming *tock( shares, jewels, and plate in town or country, Without removal, and to assist persons into business *l»o on deeds and life policies at o per cent from 1 to 10 years, without delay or public inquires-Apply Personally, or write to the lender, HENRY MILNER, ESQ., Wellington Square, King's Road, London, S.W. N.B.—Strict secrecy observed. IV/TONEY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES by the CHARING CROSS DEPOSIT BANK (Rejrd.), T A 28, Bedford-Street, ritrand, London. Capital £ 150,000. Reserve fund £ 50,000 Loans of £20, to £2,000 granted at a few-hours Notice in town or country, male or female, on Personal security, mortgage of furniture, trade and arm stock plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to «St pe-onPs into business. Also on deeds, policies IInd reversions, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 Sears. Distance no object. Easy repayments | Strictly private. Call or write. Intendin-borrowers in London or country may rest él.í!i;ured if they cannot obtain an advance at this old- etfcblished (1870) Advance Bank they cannot obtain One anywhere. Responsible borrowers may rely Upon no publicity whatever. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at the following interest Subject to one month's notice of withdrawal, 6 Per cent. Subject to two months' notice withdrawal, ¡ Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 8 ^Dep^sits received for fixed periods according to ar- rangements. Interest paid monthly or quarterly, or yearly* A. WILLIAMS, Manager. At Home & Abroad ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS INSURED AGAINST BY THE ILAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY- 64, CORNHILL; LONDON. Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman Annual Incomc • • £ 248,000 COMPENSATION ALREADY PAID £ 2,600,000. Moderate PREMICMS—FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS-NF. W concessions. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims West-End Office:—B, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.C., HEAD Office 64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary I GRATIS.-Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES and Derangements of the Generative and Ner- vous System, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, the Result of Over-Taxed Energies is GIVEN IN THE THE BOOK Ojf "POSITIVE REMEDIES." This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY foi all DISEASES. The Names of all Medicines are given f in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means Used iiTeach case. It is a Guide to the Selftreatment of all Diseases, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. Notice.-— 'e Medicines given in the book of Positive Reme- dies are the Medicines used by DR. Smith for over Thirty Years. By the aid of this Book In- valids may form a correct knowledge of their mal- ady and find a Positive Remedy for the Cure. I he names are published in English, to enable Invalids to fiXrt the Remedy Cur., Thf™-elves without] consulting a Medical Man, iraking a Written State- ment of Case, or paying Consultation 1' ees. Send two Stamps for the Book of Positive Remedies, < which contains 241 pages, and gives a Cure for all Diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps, direct from. H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row. London. W.C. Marvellous Remedy ftr Coughs, Cold Coarseness, Aethma, Bronchltie, Conaumption Roarmene!;sl Asthitia7 Bronchitis, Consumption tnd all Chest Affections. I PECTORINE. Hold by an Chemists, in bullies, at 1( ljd, 2s 9" S iid, uvd l\t etich. Seut hv the proprietors upon receipt or stamp?. From Rsv'.J. STONKHOUSK, St. Saviours Vicarage loio'tlngllsm. AuKast 18/4. Dkah Sik,— i ««" strongly recommend your Pcct fine a* an iii*alu»l.lc CouKb Kernedy. 1 Uve given Mairtriol in my own iatnily, and hnvo alio uiipphe it toperson" suHsrinr. from Coiijrh in my pans!, anu m Kh.ii«'> !» '^incliato reliof. In some after pMBing sk-cpiess mghis, one or two dosee 0 I'ho Pcctorine bf.v 'ind s»«l» »» S«>0(l ellect that per- euns hare got a pon' night's rest hntlthO Cough has J1'Ann's Square, Manchester, g c' I'ectGrins 'v' te any .Medicine I nVtVcver tried 'or Coun«» or Co'cis. ECTOIUNE "1'8 tiio w(.,r.t tonus of Coughs and (.'olds •ECTOItlUE cures fioarsencss ^ECTORINE gives imuiciuiute rcltcl in Uroncuitis PECTOIiinE tx l,e>t (»etiio!r;e .'or Asibma PECTOUiNE cures \v uoopnij! Cough PECTOUINE will cure a tro-JOlcsiime tickling Coai; PJCCTOUIJnE IS iuvaluuble in the Early fctngesot C.m- gUUlpllOtl • ^ECTORINE relieves all AifecUofl t.he C.^cat Lunts, '1'liroal. rrtparodonly ? SMITH CLARKE Manwfactu ring CUeiiiists, Park Street, icoln. Vice ^iianeeilor Mr C. lial S tl j» uerpeiut. 0}unction, wills costs, an-.o# C!u:an* »otuer:um,!or usin« the woiu J^eot ie. Sola by i'. M. ^Uvkiipn> C beaMt,, CffctUfaq i H#yetIorawe8t, ¡ 1BRIGSTOGKE' 8 | BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC I AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, | :fo I 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. :o: For Pianofortes and IIarmoniums. Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos Go to ]3rigstoeke's For Aocordians and Concertinas Go to Brigstocke's For Yiulins, Banjos and Flutes Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Variety. Go to Brigstocke's Fcr Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in tlie County* Go to Brigstocke's jFor Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Go to Brigstocke's For Bookbindings Engraving and Die-sinking Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die Go to 13rigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with Name or Initials Go to Brigstocke's it—nt^—————————■——^ it—nt^—————————■——^ il^ ««««»»«>- AS SUPPLIED TO ROYAL NURSERIES, and containing | £ The HIGHEST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT la EfimCm The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. \kinnD^ IWjMtS Thv MOST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTH? MOTHER'S MILK. IN Tins Is., 2a., os. and 10s. EACH. liMill:>ilSAVQRY& ASTHMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING ■ arising from afiectiona of the Respiratory Organs promptly IV'VIIIV'h relieved and paroxysms averted by DATURA TATULA IHBPIvNPVHH INHALATIONS, preparer! as Cigars and Cigarettes, and in the form of Tobacco, also as pastilles and powder for burning. r?SflMuI3MD0RE'S 143» NEW ■B0NI) STREET' LONDON, HMBMBlBBl- I) AND OF CHEMISTS, &c., EVERYWHERE. J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, | St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. W est, Has always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges.. AGENT FOR THE BEAICH-Y-CYMMER COLLIERIES. j Marble & Monumental Works :0: J- | St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. '0:- HEADSTONES, T01VAI~ANB MONUMENTS,! IN GRANITE, MARBLE FOR KST OR PORTLAND. j -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NKV.'EST STYLES. Designs Furnished Free-on Applica n, ana all "Work Carefully and Punctually Excccuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. -:0: WILLIAM1 MORGAN I TIegs to announce that he has succeeded Mn HENRY EVANS in his business as N I M'XP2 I R C-'Il A COAL AND CULM N T At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the land patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Yà Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of axcJli-i.t quality, and suitable for all purposes, and ull orders can be executed on the shortest possible ruotice. W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own re sidence. Sole Agent for the BBYNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY, Pyli QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 25th, 18S5. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. j DR.-J. COLLIS BROWNE'S jMmBpfclil CHLOROMNE B HI I QE llQ l-dPi I 'v^ fc IS of Choloni ltseli we liave witnessed its IMQmi earprisinsly eo" trolliny y § CHOLERA, from "con notion that it 'Jeci- ,-fAR. J. COLLIS BROWNE flat,: | |IAREH(EA, DYSENTERY. 'mve lu" ^vrofo^ion :fn(l'he \\j Army Medical Staff) PIS- ±J GENERAL, HOARD »f HE A I.TH, «S we" > v opinion tluit tlw l**€OVEIlEi) a REMEDY to denote London REPORT that it ACTS a> » MftutioS of in? other than which he coined the word CIIIjORO- d°se ^en^ra!l> sut jjiro'wrc»s isa(]. ;hrrate breach of f;"th ■DYNE. Dr. Browne i* the SOLE Dr. WIUHON. Annv.te on thwart of ti' it-™m.^ toprcvcnlmr INVENTOR, and, as the composition rnt.ta states: 81?0SfcbCOMl LK 1K-] nU(, jlcnt nllV 0 _.Wo »r. S-.r l;utii- Of Chlorodyne cannot possibly be dis- L\ Cb lit,II JIK of D1AHUHU-A.. lullv voart SY" UiS CO.. Mnnhr.rs of covcredbyAnalysin (or»fanic substances From Symks & Co., Pharmaceutical? /*<• Harm. Snci>- tu of (J>■>•<>t nritiiu, tin defying elimination), anil since t.lie for- Chemists, Simla. Jan. 5,1«80. ExrsUnnw tkr I' xerou't rhrniim. mulahas never been published, it isevi- 7>, J. t. Davenport, London. T "„AT'J r RW WW « dent that any statement to the effect j}EAR Sin. —We congratulate yon. npon I IB. J. COL L[? BRO W A i. » that a compound is identical with Dr. the widespread rcputiition tbis justly-! JLJ' CHLOIv()l> i V. l.- ik vl'rv f Browne's Clilorodvne viusC be false.. esteemed meciicine liascaniadfor itself diciiie ^w.hck 1 A1 .N ■>' This Caution is necessary, as many RU over the East. As a remedy of EVEKY KI-> D1 a persons deceive purchasers by false general utility, we much question freshiiig- s eep .VI r.MOl; I' KA D- rpt.rpsentntions. whether a better is imported, uad wej ACJI1.. and 1> V;.(, jKA 1 KS ti e ntr- .fio BROWNE'S "hall '>0 irlftd to hear of its finding til vous system v.-li en e.cn«ivti»<l. 1 I rwi OUODYVK Vice Chan- P'.aceineveyyAnirlo-Indianliome. TUe TpvR. j. COLLIS SR.OWNK'S ^lWSirW PWR 'WOOD stated ouier brands, we are happf to say, tirt| JJP CKLO )1>T JV, rai».dlv cuts «n Sfolv?n Court that Dr. J. COLLIS now velputed to the native bazpar;.j >|U.rt, rl!nl. #Sss?-sOTra5sT.&2 the whole rtory of the defendant Fro cent. We OMDRT mnltit'lv -nstances «RFJ JLi__ .^ALP^-TaO N. FT x BL K AIA. man was deliberately untrue, and he "fA »<'»»» T M POB.TAKT 3A\rx;.r,N. -Thf rorretted to say it had been sworn to. of COLLI S »»O W M J. J J [M F. NrSK SALE of this Hii x" Spe The. Times, July lStli, CHLORODYNi m Duirrtin ,i ••"<! ha^ 'riven t'i nj .i''V i .N>; I,. tt — • —7T7. l>ysenterv,}»i>a!«ni.(..rniniH.J,euraicia.| rViT-n »\,w, X\». J. COLLIS BROWNE'S the Vomitinif of I»re-ancv, and us a Lr L n-U 1l .>1,. .to JJ CHLORODYNE is tiio TRUE uncial sedative, tha'. have ocrnrwl ? "ii,?'o ^.d 1< Od "1StC' PALLIATIVE in ander our personal ob ervation .inrins:, V •XPSURALGIA. GOUT, CANCEE. •manv vears. Tu Cl:oter::ic Diavrlvoi. ^AXijy '>crri:"i' TOOTHACHE. RHEUMATISM.! nlid even in the mor terri'ije t.ir.wl'.T.DAV KXP JV' T Xi. :i'. T' 11 f-' r. iJ 4 BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS, OLD SORES AND ULCERS. | B The healing properties of this extraordinary Ointment are marvellous, and it will cure any Old I H Wound, Sore or Ulcer, even if of twenty years standing, and when all other means have failed. B H The Tills should be taken in all such cases, as they purify the blood by expelling all noxious 1 H humours from the system. B | GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND STIFF JOINTS. I H This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over Gout and Rheumatism 1 B than any other medicine. No one need remain nncured, who will in good earnest make a i I vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according to the printed instructions affixed to B 0 each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment, including I P contracted and stiff joints. H 1 PILES AND EXCORIATIONS. I H These and similar diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured fl I by this wonderful remedy. Ulcerations and sores which had proved themselves incurable by any H J other known means have healed kindly under the purifying ?nd regenerating intluence of this H R Ointment. I i SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURVY. I The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointmunt are tiuly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, B Scurvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powe rs are adequate to the removal of the most H I inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame is subject. &? | DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL. | B In any of the abovij complaints mere benefit may be derived in twenty-four hours, by adopt- P H ing the following simple means, than could be brought about in six months by any other W fl treatment. In bad cases, if the ointment be diligently iub];ed into the small of the b :clc. over S ? the region of the kidney. it will quickly penetrate and give immediate relief. Six or c: ;lH of 16 j the Pills should be taken nightly according to circuinst.mces. M I The Ointment and Pills are sold at Thomas I Ioi.i.oway's Establishment, ■ 78, NEW OXR:R; t STREET, (lati: 533, OXFORD STREICT), LONDO:; 1 also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in l'ots run! Poxes, at is. I .V/ zs. ()< 4s. (id., Hi., 22; and 33?. each. The 2s. 9J. size contains tim e times the quantity ol' the smallest size 85 the 4-r. 6< size six the II/. size sixteen the 22s. size tliirtv-thr-e and the 33/. si;:c fifty-two times H the quantity of the smaller Pots arnl boxes. B Full printed directions are affixed to er.ch Pox and Pot, :md can be had in any language. ■ N.B Adviec Grati3, at tlic above address, daily, betwoon the hours of ) 1 and 4, or by letter. B —min inr IIHIM—1———J the 4-r. 6,1. size six the IIS. size sixteen the 22s. size tliirtv-thr-e and the 3Y- si;:c fifty-two times H the quantity of the smaller Pots arnl boxes. B Full printed directions are affixed to c.ch Box and Put, and can be had in any language. ■ z' N.B Adviec Grati3, at the above address, daily, betwoon the hours of ) 1 and 4, or by letter. B —min inr IIHIM—1———J I CHILL can KILL. j :0:- THOUSANDS OF THINKING PEOPLE HAVE ADOPTED DE- JASG-EB'S (Cool iii Summer) ALL WOOL (Warm in Winter) I CLOTHING AND BEDDING I Which allow tlw, Skin to Breathe freely and PROTECT FROM CHILL. rr The JAKGEPi PKICE LIST, sent free, is full of interesting matter. Dr. Jaeger's HEALTH CULTURE,' (Waterloo), Cloth, ;H V p.p. Is, sold throu-li all Booksellers. The Morning Post' says It is much to be desired, that its theories and precepts will soon become familiar in every family circle." CHARLES C. SAIES, Market Street, Sole Agent for Haverfordwest. CAUTION.—The Genuine Jaeger Goods bear Diamond shaped Trade Mark enclosing Dr. .Tacg!"i''s portrait. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! T WILLIAM"JOHNT I; (LATE GREEN & JOHN), I WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, < HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. < -:0: Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. -:0:- The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. zn :0: "W. T T Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 .MONTHS. Neiv Ladies' Geneva Watches from 1,5 s upwards. Also all kinds of Gents' from 15.9. to £.5. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. Gd. TO £2. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. 6d. to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM 6d. TO 3s. 6d. ALL ORDERS FROJl THE COUSTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. I THOMAS'S TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, Tipper Market Street, Haverfordwest. i I -:0:- ./0 ESTABLISHED OYER 50 YEARS. -:0:- *1 GOOD STRONG "TEA AT Is. 8d. PER LB.; VERY FINE TEA at 2s. NONE BETTER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. One tiial will prove the truth of this statement. -:0: SUGARS OF THE BEST Q"GAL:TY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh. Roasted, Flour, Bran, Sharps. Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoes, j WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISION TRADES. wiui HUNTLEY AND PALMER S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St St. Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. -r f-i A WILLIAM REYNOLDS, lp Cabinetmaker, Upholsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Builder, Under 4— taker, &(% W.R. invites inspection of his Stock of Dining-/oom. Dra\vui<ro!>;n, Bedroom, and other i urn it, lire Bedroom suites in mahogany, birch, pitch pine, nuiple oak, ,Ve. Cheap and jjood ironbedsteads in new designs, palliasses, woo,, h:nr, and sprmu' mattresses. Tapestry and other earpetin-rs,'matting, mats, kainptulieon, and oilier floor el'»tbs. Picture frames it reasonable prices in hl:t.ek and gold, Oxford, gi:t. &c. Yerv cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian vimiow bliuds, and Holland do, plain and striped' Paperliari^ing? at very low prices. Paints, oils, varnishes, <;la«s. he. Jobbing and repairs done with despatch and at low I rices DISCOUNT FOR CA:>.>. I ui vin immi miiii I TRY THE ALFINE Pure Natural Wool Underclothing For Ladies and Children's Wear. I i -:o:— ■ f I THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. -:0:- Made in Summer and Winter Qualities, suitable for all seasons of the year. :o:— -i Before trying any other make, ask to see fil "ALPIK 1" .0:- Most Moderate ill Price, Certain to WC r Well Agents for llav'crfordwcst: T GREENISH & DAWKINS MARKET STREET. JOHN LL. DAVIES A V OTI ONEER, Al 'BA1S ■■. J. ACCOVXTAZT, AND [GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET HAVERFORDWEST HAKIN MILFOnn HAVKN Valuations made on Moderate Terms. SALES GUARANTEED IF REQUIRED; Clients Promptly settled with. PIANOFORTES. HAVING commenced business as a Pianoforte Tunerand Repairer, I lies to solicit the favour of your esteemed Patronage. Having been for seven years in the employ of Messrs..John lJroadwood ;u d Sons, also, Collard aud Coilard, and Chajipeh, & Co., of London, you nl"tn, i-Iv,))i cellence of anv work entrusted to my care, coupled with moderation in charges. Orders received at Mr. Ellia «To#es, 15, High Street, Haverfordwest. Tcstimonial. froln the Lady Outherinc Allen, I Yuodfield, Avgvst 18th, 1 £ 84 Mr McKrnzie has thoroughly repaired a Pianofo-te for me, and has given complete satisfaction. He ha? tuned it well also.1; Catherinic Allen. P.S.-As I am often in the Town and Country round, thor-.e who rcquire my services, will oblige by writing to me. W. McKENZIE. 2 South Parade, Tenhy. NOTICE F. B. MASON, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, TENBY,; B, EGS to inform Owners of Property in Pembroke J eh ire and neighbouring Countiesthat he purpose issuing a 1 MONTHLY LIST. Of Estates, Land, Residences, and Houses to be Sold or Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, and will be glad to insert particulars of any large or small Properties present for Sale or to Let, free of charr/c. Printed forms for supplying particulars of Estates' &c., with Terms of Commission, post free on applicu- cionl 6 EFR,EELY. b Has Neverfalled ,ASTHMA*- lafes Instant Is .RVE LLOU.S F :71 0,.LL PATE 21' VVVIOLESALE' FROMi ON. 'to,a(IWCHUR 'CH. ,i. -1 1 1 OF TRE sr. G6AT 'STRF-ET, BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTYi OF HAVJiRFORDYVJEST. 7 FAIRS F oil 13 80. I riMIE FAIUS for 18S9 will be held as follows, un- JL less unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary;— [ JANUARY Tuesday 8th FEBRUARY „ P-^th MARCH „ 19th APRIL „ MAY 14th JUNE for Wool and Stock „ 11th JULY „ iith AUGUST „ loth SEPTEMBER Friday o-h Tuesday 17th OCTOBER (Hiring) Satniday f,th Tuesday 22nd NOVj;'MBF.R l^th DECEMl'.l-.Ii ]p0th THE PIG- FAIRS will be held on the dav after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cantioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Kir.le or other Instru- ment for the jiurpose of Marking anv Animal and NOTICE IS HEREP.Y GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 13 Victoria, cap. 92, all persons found Lacera- ting any animal will be liable to a Penalty of l'IY IM- POUNDS. P/I). EATON-EVANS, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November tlie ISSg. "7 w O N VE R ¥ U L MEDICI E Haverfordwest, November the 1 ;2th, 18S8. "7 w O N VE R ¥ U L MEDICI E A -gEEClIAM'S PILLS, B PILLS B EECILDf'S PILLS JD Are nniversally admitted to be worth a guinea, a, Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chill*, Flushing* of Heat, Loss of Appetite Shortness of Breath, Costiveness,^ Scurvy Appetite Shortness of Breath, Costiveness,^ Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep,^ Frightful I Dreams, and all nervous and Trembling Sensations, &y. The first dose will give relief ill twenty minute*. This is no fiction, for they have done it. in countless, cases.. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Jjox o tl, Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be "rOH.Til A GUIXEA A BOX. -^yORTH A GUINEA A BOX. -yyoRTtl A GmNKA A BOX For females of all ages they are invaluable. No I females should be without them. There is not medicine to bo found e.jnal to them fur lemoning any obstruction or irregularity of the .-y-teni. if taken according to the directions given wit.h each box. th«-y will soon restore females of all ages to .-ouiid and tobust health. Tiiis lias been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which &iv. ensured by their use. J>EECHAM'S PILLS. JJEECHAM'S PILLS. j^El'X ;HA MV :> 1 T'.LS. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digest <1 all Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, ami a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They (strengthen the wholo muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of an petite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of ,'vakh the u'ltole physical energy of the humae frame. Vbese are Facts testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantcs to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BhECHAMS' rii.J-S hare the Larjcst Sale of any PatcrA Medicine iiil, [11. Wurid. I .-J^E^CHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS, I JJEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. I J^EECHAy'S MA(,IC COUGH PILLS, v a* remedv for Coughs in general, Asthma,' Bronchial Affections, {Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression ot the Chest, &c., these pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and wiil speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathin-.r which ni'ditlv deprive the patient of rent. Let any p.r.-on I «ive JVEKCHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cougii will in short tune be re:r,o-. m. j Pri:'iared*onlv, and Sold V, hoVvde.ami 1»« ta-.l cy j tlie J'rnplietor, 1^1'. I. W11 A. St. lie.' f.s. Lancashire, and by & Druugints and pnei.t Medici :e I Dealers every where. ls. <id. r,CH. F'Ul.I, DlltKCTlOXS AV.K GIVKX WITH K.CH BOX. V '"T" BlJ.luAUJor j.» i i-.i.LES. yS All thoxe requiring New or t-ecei;< -i!iOKl |T| Tables, R, niiisitcs, or Billianl work W sl-.oulii, Wore croiiu: «-lsewliere, send for New i'rice I.isl, Cl'iii ami Cushion l:ul>l*r 4Tm *N »a'.i«ple«, to lIT'.NNICr BRO? ,J0, High Street, Bloom-sbnry, ).nii<|on^^v <'■ ls "■ MORPHTS" WALNUT POltAfiE A Triumph u Hair D«rk»nw "t, o!i »t once the former youtliful 'colour i,f Golden, Light Brow*, D„k ife ZawT" l\f ORPHY'S ORIENTAL DEPILATORY DER i*pino% m •pwdiiv, ensily Jind eT^rtiiAlVir oil IT a- » ing the lips, h\mU, aud cheek*. GtWivntewl f cvre, I/- i>er jacket. X.B.-Tell yunr ("hciafst or H*iir 7 i»nne other than Worthy's, or Orler ♦«. fL ^.M>Xc'c,ire HOKrilY. Hftir&mi Skiu Spwialist, to. Sonth AuUle,- St., Mnj'fiir L^uJoif UNION LINE—FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELD'? THE itn-iok s.s. co.-s kail PACKETS mji Vr-m St>T*THamprox r.ry »ir Kriliv r, w Portf, cnllinK nt Lisl'on *iul Mmleii-ii. Keturn Ticklf« nct/ Arr'Iy to Hit: fnion St-am Sliiji Ooii.pmy, urientiJ or l, LeincnliRll Sr eel, l.nudon. -1 i»oe. BmseLY SOLUBLÈ aÏid ÑOT F ARINACEÔUS. MELLIN'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. Price 1/G< £ 2/g \JCf Eich ta Blood and Bone Per Bottle. t WiniriiiMUg forming Elements. FOR THE HEALTHFUL REARINC OF HAND-FED CHILDREI. AND THE PRESERVATION OF INFANT UFE. ■ A sample sent post tree on application to 6. WELLIN. Marlboro' Works. Pecjcham, S.E. 'f OISETTE'S System of Memory Training la the ONLY L one by which the Natural Memory can bs improved until no Device is needed. JIr. PROCTOR, author of Old & New Astronomy," and of Astronomy" in the EftCl/rl,pœdicl Brit., says PROF. LOISETTE'S Method MrRflfini/nppears t0 me admirable." Prospectus, Mr mllnr n°«n«iininS "Pinions of pnpils who have ITli-HVIUIII PASSED EXAMINATIONS, and Ot rw.?™irs *o/ the Medical, Scl.olaetio, I Clcricftlj professions Dost frp^ fron* Professor LOISETTE, 87, NEW OXFORD STBXJI:T. LONDO" tfOTICB.—A NtW AND Pbrminently ElnARCIM Sbbjes OF The* Quiver, 18 commenced with the First Part of the New Volume (being the November Part), the price remimr the game as heretofore, viz., SIXPENCE Month] V The quantity of letterpress will be increased from 64 to 80 pages per month, and the Magazine will in addition be printed on paper of superior quality specially manufactured for the purpose, in New Type selected for its clear and legible character. 0.0 2U November Part contains a Beautiful Picture from an Original PaintingM. L GOW, haninomtlu reproduced tn Colours. Cassbll & Compawt, Limited; and all Booksellers. milK HOLIIOKS UUk jlArtt. SAMTJZX, LEWIS A CO~ Proprietors. 11, T, 8, ft 9, Holborn Ban, and i A 8, Filrniv&l Bt., London, 8 OL T|ARL0W'S MAGNETIC CURATIVlfi JLr APPUANCBS. iAdici' and Gent.'g Beltifor Rheu r .usm. Iinmboro, Weakneii, ana Ksrvoainess. Pamphlet po»t fr^. ÐAJLLOW & CO <43. Welt Strand, London. BgtabliahedSl :-t 2 NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE." Founded 1S35. Funds, E4,300000 Claims Paid, £7,000,000. Profits Declared, £ 4,000,0001 RNDOWJdKNT AssnlÀ!{CFS un very f&vourablttenna. Economical ManaKcment. Liberal Condition*. LgLrge Booain. 48, GRACECHURCH STREET, E.C., LONDON AGENTS WANTED WHERR NOT REPRESENTED. .Iullf BartbolomeWs Illustrated Guide to Kla Torklih and ottinr Baths. I'niT —— Bartbolomow's Medical Lecture on the Cnratln Action of the Turkish and other Baths. Deliren-d be. fore the Learned Societies*, Westminster Hall, London. Prid sd Sent [iiitt iree from Iii* t.nl>ii?!ni!eni s in Bristol Bath Bi'r. min.gbain, M«nrbe«ti?r. Wnrc«'rter, and I.oicpstpr Rquare, London HOW TO ENSURE, HEALTE." A medical work giving Prescriptions and Instructions for the Cure nf all Kinds of Pehility; post-free, two stainria. Addrftys Dr. IUunks A^. Lonsdntp KjUnrft. Barnshury, London. IRON BUILDINGS anc ROOFIN&. Kew and Second-h.kijd 3L Chal't'IF. and Rl'honJ L3.wn '¡II- Pa \,1!¡on8. t,'i' Farm Biti iling, Iron her" on HARBRoar's'WORKS, ^nth Bermondsev Rf\tin mixm MILL CO. LIMITED, LIVERPOOL, Manufacturers of Feeding Stuffs extensively used by the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. fi A T "P PHffiNIX Uiii-IR PPRE Pe,- ci 17/61M E AL | Delivered at any Station. LINSEHl CAKE 1C0TT0N CAKE Thames nautk'al tuainikg college, U.M.S. Worrcnor." ijr. "lie. Kent. trader tti/din<« rat-roaacc of >! k* Ma.ibtv.th Qj" >• For Trait..nu Young Gentlemen to■ ^^Piind'CHd^'u lfff*rin^ Tlir« '>11^011 IflVfi .inu'lC-lly JinU 0»UCI»»1U fnYt N th« Admi'mltr «•>.• o.iiHiii*»ion« in n.N.lt. Api'ointmcMk Jin f}?," Ho HJi*r PM.r. S,-rv„r. I'rir.es (r.ven by the G^o- Society^ j/ete.,ro!<.«ric*I nei*rtm«it Blder Brethren of Iwnitv Ho'»c. lVuinsul-.r ami orieni*r.r«l otlu-r Ixr^e Shipping iTinifc. *i* tp • t, An.' ft, tlwhich lncluott* school •>«'! Sorond I"n'iVnn.&r„ Kor I'rospi-ctu^ with full i*r- .ii7,„ \V M .r I, v AKT, n. Mart Lane. London, ticular^. h; if-'Vpr i:>N SNflTH.on ^4l^l^d. The Ship is [28 MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S GBATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. .lyvy » v., 1.11.UMti.'l J.'iirj ijio; U\* •' J"* 1.11 -i5it( ^xiiwo"n!N i'J-i- CAMint.u. Tn.uirat. Oiny roi*. THRESHING f.i Z1 AIM machines ii*t"n.lUv"lnau> UnhtK-r rnul CaiivusW iVet *i u>Hh^. en.llo^, -J 'Slitj, -lR_ with order. Carnaro l>a: I. M 11 l. t4: V-, nr wrll :ind l»e nf the best «|tiali.y. I■V('i.v l!er. ?iu:M n„l(| Mnniifnrttircrs DUIl.Sl.Er. ^T'tKKT.K.O. INriRKITIES of MAN1QW), an A l,\ »Oi> H j. civtn f«»r the rureof tb* various complaint* ot !• -i v .'m! Free two «Uiurk A<Wfcw. J>r. GKoOM, 44, Great CJiarifs St.. ir Mif in A i-eru-»al of t hi* >»« rk will UeuiouBtrate to thr uervou.* *u<S T how thi'.v n.'»y bi '-oni'' and liwilthy without, quackery. Jlf I ACT 111 Alter Experiment in?' foie ill I Un I III Jb«I, i perfect and dnrable miH • teiBW ■ ■ ■ ■ f0r (jrinain»f wheat. l)»rley, maize Ac. into fine nicnl by Hand, Horse, or other power. Triee from 67s. (id. Paten tori all over Die world. Pentl for lists of thrnr—ch sS Cntters. rate H-r.iVfrf. j r. o 1!. A. I.istbh jr Co., Dnraler. T iverpool Private Commercial Hotel, Uvrrtmol Street. t1''1 >'e^t eorvr.n.rnt1. ^uu-.ted for ct>untr» yiyitori=. IVnny tr.i-'s to nil lans. >'■■■ anrt lireatfnst. 8 H. 17i{l fTHTTl n ri I T1 1 '5 ;tat5i destroyed by using One Box OB H >\i H A *"ifor,l's IVilets. Is. 2d.,of sanford fi J •. 41 11 il 'J ij I ■So:S:iii'lv.Beil^. Soml stamps and tryitj ft il~ 4 4 I e-( aieiman > » (iajue for the (Jliesstio&rd. 1/-J t* I li S" -'n, r.orlos, Ttnrarr of Imitation*. Of all Fancy* II L. W I— 11y ■ Healers. Wliol"«sle Jxihos A.- Ron. LondOBw H'WAK)).S OIl' 200,000 MOllE l'AJtTS OF THE QUIVER have been sold during 1889* than last year. This Mnjrnzine for Sunday and General. IJeadinp, which is now :irkno\vle<U-ed to 1>0 unaJl})Toaehable," coniir.enees a New Volume with the November Tart, conUininK fllfc Tajfcs and ,:olovircl Plate, price Sixpence. (JAft.-KI,h & (OMl'ANY, Limited and all Booksellert. v NOW r.KAIlV. t'AKT I irice fid., of ^ASSELL'S NEW f POFULAB, EDUCATOR XKW TKXT. NKW ILLTTSTllATIOSR. NKW g|K. NI'.W MAI'S IN ("OKOTRH. •; KK'W rvi'i:. NKW ('OI.(M-IiKl) I'LATKS. With I'AitT is issued a Innre and striking PbhskktatIO*) 1M.atk, t';Itille(i A' Popular ElIl1e,¡-' of the Olden Ciirisiojihcr Colnnibus and the Council of Salamanca." CARSKH. & (JOMl'ANV. LnuTKH. Ludgate Hill. Lond^tt^ MOP PHY'S WALNUT POMADE. A Triumph a« a )Tftir Drtrk<»ner. Not a dye. Re*tor^ with rerfcainty and at once the foriiu-r 3-nitthful colour of URKY HAIR. Four Colours— Goltleii, Light lirown. Dark llrowii, and IMack. Per pot. 16 and 2i8. MOBPHY'S ORIENTAL DEPILATORY -1.T.JL PO>V|)I-:n jvinc.re? pprodilv, easily Aud efl>ct.uallv, all Hair diatljrur ing th* Jii's. h:u »<•. iunl rlie*k>. tlu.nmtcerl >'iv;»:»rr»l with if real care. X/-1* )»»rk<»t. N.ll.—Veil your Chemist or Uair 1 'n-nwr t<> v^oenre none otlu r t hmtf Monrnv's. or svnil Postal OrJ«r to tlu- Mnkcr Kl'tSKNB JfOKPHY. Hair H»I«? «kiu Sjvcialivt. Tn^ :V»uthAudleySt. Mayfatr, Loudoa UNION LIKE-FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELDS. rpira UNION S.S. Co.'s MAII, PACKETS eul from JL Snr in ami-. o\- e.-ery a|fe-ji»*c Krid*v i„: s.ntii African "orit, cnllii.f: at l.is'-on and Madeira, liotnni Tickeis Iwned Apnly to tiie 1"nioll Steam Ship (Vimpanv, Oriental Pince 80,nt>- Mr.l-ion or Jl, Leailentiall .street., LntlJon. REGISTERED Y==Y T AMERICAN LINSEED CAKE. This choice brand is uniform in shape, in quality, and in weight of package. Each bag contains 280 lbs. nett., so that eight bags weigh exactly 20 cwt. 1 HENRY COX & CO., 3, Rumford Street, I' LIVERPOOL, Sole Importing Agents. ga^. ■Ana ■ A n ■ A LAEGE PHOFITt O OT I Is hA O »re Often Quickly m«* M |si?V B Bel It9 m by these favourite Stocle R KB 1 H B H Bill. Exchange operetiona. K H" <*»" ■ V ■ ™ >-on-li*WIity system. 8»f?and reliable. — (-"S, v .■r A SW» celebralej e k Aii Whalohono Corset*. The Kajr» S //GTiCa~>Gf^ e AiM!r.on 111 tine White or Ecru CoutiT, S 7 V2 and the XrAne, in fine Black "l VsV'jpJ I 1 -.st DK i>rice 13s. sd- »» advertised in (ha 2 I VrifAO ].g v^sc,a toany Address on recen.t of Postal 2 JL I&'5l S order to No. 35,Percy (.treet, Ratlilione Plac«. J k T.ondon, W. These liigh-claes Corsets art le'rfi-rtlQTi of II r. OPE^S PLASTERS, a safe and sure cure JLv for con,ilis. Asthma, and Bronchitis. Of all Cl^mutg an4 Patent Medicine Di'alors. ("DILLINGHAM'S ARTIFICIAL LEGS, AEMS, ILLINGTT-klil'S AP-TIFICIAL LEGS, ARMS, ~W and IxsTiti'VKNTS. Illiistrations free. Chard, Somkrsict. S — nAnrrnn reaaj- for Scrappinir or use. a)a" j 4 FOLD SGREEHS, ES^^p^Aia^