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w; STTMMOFS; Builder and Contractor, > I if I L -0 0 R A H,4 VE JAMES VAUGHAN, HAKIN, MILFORD-HAVEN, Auctioneer, Valuer, and General Commission Agent The prompt settlemen of al claims, and the most punctual attention to the interest of those who may avour J. V. with their support may be implicitly re- 16Second Hand Fnrnitnre. &c., Bought and Sold; Large Qnantity always on hpnd. Strictest privacy reliprl on. Gentlemen's Wardrobes, purchased in strict confidenc A. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Youusr Men ) on HKALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY M ARRIAGES.- When marry, with sidvice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing ont certain impediments which render married life -1 Onhnppv, and directions for .lea. speeay reinuv.. Should be read by all who val nalth, strength, and manhood, And wish to attain IPPY old aSe" Pos" free on receipt of two stamp- Address. Secretary, stitute of Anatomy, Birmin am. ERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY— Gentleman, having tried in vain every advertised" remedy, has discovered a simple means of eelf-cnre. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a sUmpea and directed envelope,—Address MR J. T. SEWELL, BrookVilla, Hammersmith, London. ESTABLISHED 1835: STEEL'S GOUT & RH EUMATW■ r _LLS The S only Cure. May be obtau ed of NB V. KRT and SONS BARCLAY and SONS, and 11 Chemists.)n boxa-. ?. ldi, 9d., 4s 6d., and 11*. 'or one extra StamD. Prepared only I y FBP:TK W. Stum. M.PH.S ,188. r ,v.rpool IZOII(I. oitdt, S BILLOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness Giddiness, Spasm?, and all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, are quickly removed by that woll known remedy FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the moat successful effect; and where an ap,erient is required nothing can be better adapted. Sold by all Medioine Vendors, price Is lid. and 2s. 9d. per box. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILLS &" « tn »jj« Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxeii, fa «d.each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendor* throughout the World; or sent to any address ■tamps by the Makers, Th» MIPL>»P.COPTOM P»TO COKIUTT, Lincoln. <* ,<!<• ~S-i *• BUNION BANK \USTRALIA Limited. Paid up Capital. Reserve Fund. £ 816,500 £ 2,316,500 Reserve Liability of P ietors 3,000,000 Total Capital and Reserve Funds .£5.316500 LETTERS OF CREDIT and BILLS on DEMAND or at Thirty Dayf" sisht, are grantedLtm the Hank a Branches throughout Australia and New Zealand. "BILLS ON THE COLONIES are negotiated and ^DEPOSITS are received for fixed periods, on terms which may be Man,(r«. W R NIEWBITRN, Manager. Han Buildings Lothbury, E.C., MONEY LENT by a PRIVATE GENTLEMAN M WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINE, FROM £ 10 to £ 500 UPON NOTE OF HAND. To LADIES, GENTLEMEN. Farmers, and Traders generally. Also upon the security of Furniture, plant, farming stock shares, jewels, and plate in town or country, J without removal, and to assist persons into business also on deeds and life policies at 5 per cent from 1 to j 10 years, without delay or public inquiries-Apply personally, or write to the lender, HENRY MILNER, ESQ., 17, Wellington Square, King's Road, London, S.W. N.B.—Strict secrecy observed. MONiY LENT WITHOUT SURETIES by the CHARING-CROSS DEPOSIT BANK (Regd.), 213,Bedford-Street, dtrand, London. Capital £ 150,000. Reserve fund £50,000 Loans of £20, to £ 2,000 granted at a few-hours notice in town or country, male or female, on personal security, mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, ponies and reversions, at 5 per cent, for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. Intending borrowers in London or country may rest assured if they cannot obtain an advance at this old- etablished (1870) Advance Bank they cannot obtain one anywhere. Responsible borrowers may rely upon no publicity whatever. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at the following interest; Subject to one month's notice of withdrawal, 6 "subject to two months' notice withdrawal, "subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 8 PeDepnosits received for fixed periods according to ar- rangements. Interest paid monthly or quarterly, or yearly. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. At Home & Abroad ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS IKStJKED AGAINST BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY- 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. Bon. EVELYN ASHLEY. Chairman Annual Income • • £ 248,000 COMPENSATION ALREADY PAID £ 2,600,000. MODERATE PREMIVMS-FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS—NEW CONCESSIONS. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Cflaims WEST-END OFFICE b, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, k W.C., HEAD OFFICE :-64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.O J. VIAN, Secretary pmfcA*lh.iijI3l GRATIS.-Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES and Derangements of the Generative and Ner- vous System, Nervgus Debility and Exhaustion the Result of Over-Taxed Energies is GIVEN IN THE THE BOOK Ojf "POSITIVE REMEDIES." Ss Book gives f POSITIVE REMEDY fin all DISEASES. The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means in Guide to the Selftreatment £ £ 5$$- SS23S g-K the Wok of Whjtaj over Thirty6 ^Sri^By the aid of this Book In- mav form a correct knowledge of their mal- ady and find a Positive Remedy for the UretM Mines are published in English, to enable Invalids to Select the Remedy and Cure Themeelv_es without consisting a Medical Man, making a. Written State- ment of Case, or paying Consultation Fees. Send two Stamps for the Book of "Positive Remedies, which contains 244 pages, and gives a Cure for all Diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps, direct from. H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row, London. W.C. Marvellous Remedy fir Coughs, Cold HoaraeneBB, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption tnd all Chest Affections. PECTORINE. ul Sold by art Chemists, in boHlen, at Is ljd, 2* 9,/ I 8 6d, and 11s each. Sent, by the proprietors noon receipt of stamps. • Fmm Hev!j. STONEHOUSE, St. four's Vicarage jSoUinguam. August 1874. n«.AR SIR — I Ortfl mronply recommend your Pect rio.alu«t,le Cough Renwdy. 1 have Riven lair trial in inyown family, and have al*o siipphe it to persons suturing from 0o.)«?l> m my parish, and in ^utnce.t 1.H8 mven itnmed.a.e reliof. In some cn*cs. alter posing sleepiest} nights, one or two doate n rhe I'ectorine hav» 'iad such a Rood effect that per- B,;ns have H KOf night's rest hndthe Cough has • ueadilv disappeared. m- UOLFK, fli. Ann's bquare, Manchester, l'ectcr:e ?y »up'r:2r any Medicine I nsever tried for Coagtis or CoUls. ECTORINE 'ip's the. worst lorius of Coughs and Colds "ECTORINE cures rxovifsenosg PECTORINE "ivee Lmmedittte relief in UronCTiitis PECTORINE is the hest mediei'.ie !or Asthma PECTORINE cures iv iioopin^r Couch PECTORINE will « uro a irouOlesornc tie'.Jing Oougn, PUCTOr.T.NE is invaluable in the Karly tttiigesof Gon- aunipuoii ?ECTORINE relieves all Affeeiioi' -ti the Cheat Lungs, and 1 hroat. Preparailonly' 7 SMITH CLARKE Manufactu I. ring CUemists, l')a.:k: Street, icoln. Vict ;iani;eil»r MrC. Hal f d a perpeiu* njunction, witi) cost?, ap-.«»o •• tson, Ctieiuis iothcriiaui,for using the woiu Jp3C» ic., iSuld by '1'. M. i' JS C»t»tleSq"5' ] tler6itor.i ws'ii, BRICrSTOCKE'8 I BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. fo '0' For Pianofortes and Harmoniums. Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas.Go to Brigstocke's For Violins, Banj6s and Flutes. Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Variety.Go to Brigstocke's For Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents.Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County.Go to Brigstocke's For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Go to Brigstocke^s For Bookbinding, Engraving and Die-sinking Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with Name or Initials. Go to Brigstocke's I AS SUPPLIED TO SAV0RY«The ROYAL NURSERIES, and containing j I latltfll The higheST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT it /3||r IndlffUj The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. \iTnmCrV* Th^ M0ST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTH* IM U URE S MOTHER'S MILK. IN Tins Is., 2s., 5s. and 10s. EACH. lifiiiHtlil SAVORY& ASTHMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING ] W arising from afiectiom of the Respiratory Organs promptly ■ relieved and paroxysms averted by DATURA TATULA UAAjMmIgQ| INHALATIONS, prepared as Cigars and Cigarettes, and in the form of Tobacco, also as pastilleB and powder for burning. fvuiiSFjMOORE'S 143, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, HMSMBUMmmL AND OF CHEMISTS, &c., EVERYWHERE. J. A. REID, COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West, Elas always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and tn Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. AGENT FOR THE BRAICH-Y-CYMMER COLLIEETES. L Marble & Monumental Works :0:- J- St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. HEADSTONES, TOJ\XBS AND MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLANJ). -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Freemen Applica n, and all Work Carefully and Punctually Execcuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. :0: WILLIAM MORGAN Begs to announce that he has. succeeded MR HENRY EVANS in his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT, At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, and all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. Sole Agent for the BRYNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY, Pylo QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 25th, 1885. FOB COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S C H L OROD YNE -H tJ CHOLERA, .laofrom. sense of' ,T|R. J. COLLIS BROWNE (late "P| IARRH CE A, DYSENTERY. dutv\e owe to the profession and the I 1 Army Medical Staff) OIS-JL^ GENERAL BOARD of HEAIJIH, public, as we arc of opinion that the ^COVERED a REMEDY to denote London, REPORT that it At IS as & substitution of any other than tolh« ■which he coined the word CHXiORO- CHARM. 011c do^e penera^lly su fluiient. Browne's is a deliberate tKcachof DYNE. I)r. Browne is the SOLE Dr. RIBBOKAmy Stiff.W on the part of the chemist to rrei<cner ■•INVENTOR, and, an the composition cutta, states: 2DOStS COMPLJII.TE and patient al.ke.—^V e are, ^ir, faith if Chlorodyne caAnot possiblv be dis- LY CURED ME of DLARRHQ3A. fuUy TOUTS. SYMES ft CO covered by Analysis (orgnnic sufcstances From STMES & Co.. Pharmaceutical th* Harm. Society of (rrrntbntain, 1J\S defying elimination), and since the for- Chemists, Simla. Jan. 5, itfoU. Excellency the icrroy s Chemists^ mulahas never been published, it isevi- x0 J. T. DAVENPORT, London. T\n T rfirrrs BROWNE'S dent that any statement to the effect pEAR s,n,_We congratulate you upon I |R- J- f.. iinui(i me. e dent that any statement to the effect pEAR s,n,_We congratulate you upon I |R- J- f.. iinui(i me. A romnound is identical with Dr. the widespread reputation tlus justly- ^WIJOIIODYV* ft id a Q f Brc™ne"a°lZdyne m«.,( be false. ^emned Medicine hasearned for itself a'Sls a ca"n re- This Caution is necessary, as many over the East. As a remedy of £ VfcRY KIND .affords persons deceive purchasers by false peneml utility, we much question aC^K aTirl ?R'v7rOR?TFS the nt-r- whether a better is imported, and we Al.Hh, and IlrOKAl J..h tne litr Irepresejrt^ BROWNE> s shall be glad to hear of its Andinc a voussy.stem when exbnuited. l8, PUT fipnnYVE Vice Chan- place in every Anglo-Indian home. The J. COLLIS BROWNE'S >* ca^Vf pVOR WOOD stated other brands, we are har-py to say, are J[J> CHLOKODYXE rapidly cuts p, -^ph.EIsy. alSs! COLIC, tl^rlw^e^torv of^the^fen^nt'Free- SS? Ii« PALPITATION, HYSTERIA, man was deliberately untrue, and he T MPORT ANT CAUTION.-The Netted to say it had been sworn to.- X XMMKXSI5 SALE of tl, It K U f See The Times July 13th 1SG-1. CELORODIWil in J>i<.rriiaM, and }la^ triveu rise to mnuy 0NSiJRl! I'l Tia'i.wwvs Dyscntery>pa8ins\Cramps^euralgia, Ij0Ug IMITATIONS. Be carcfu! to BBB- TTW the A omiting' of Prepnancy, ana as a obscrve Tra,ie Jt„rk. Of all Chci.istc, 8 # CHLORODTNE IR the TRTJE general sedative, that have occurred la. lid 2s. 9rt., and4.s. 0d. PALLIATIVES in nnder our personal observation uurin? m .WIT*AF^tr»R»> T^JETJRALGIA, GOUT, CANCEE, •many years. In Chotnraic. D^rrhcra. „ n. r i^l TOOTHACHE.RHETTMATI6M.1 and even in the more terrible forms J.T.PAVENPOK]l^»ljirJl-?gy.• vi :1! | DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH, Q Liver and Stomach complaints readily yield to a f"w doses of these inestimable Pills—they act ■ directly on the Liver and Stomach. Their effects arc almost marvellous, as they quickly restore I a healthy action to these important organs in the most obstinate and distressing cases. I COMPLAINTS OF WOMEN, B These Pills have a most extraordinary effect in correcting all derangements of the system, H and are peculiarly adapted for young females entering into womanhood, and to others again at H the turn of life indeed, at all ages they are the woman's best friend. This fine medicine is I a reliable cure for all children's ailments. IMPAIRED DIGESTION. The wisest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing symptoms arising from enfeebled digestion all of which may be readily dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they restore the« stomach,'liver, and every other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables them to convert all food and drink to the nourishment of the body—hence, these Pills are the surest and safest restorative in all cases of weakness and dcb:lity. COUGHS, COL.3, .AND SORE THROATS. For curing diseases of the throat al1.-1, chest these Pills have established for themselves a pre- eminently world-wide fame. Coug\», coi^^ion colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, and pleurisy, are successfully cured with this i^k'' ..i.r;, particularly if 11 olio way s Ointment be well rubbed upon the chest and back night and morning. DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS. In cases of debility, langour, and nervousness, generated by excess of any kind, whether H mental or physical, the effect of thesf P'.rs is in the highest degree bracing, renovating, and Q restorative. They drive from the system the m >rbid can; of disease, re-establish the digestion, K regulate all the secretions, brace the nervous system, raise the patient's spirits, and bring back B to tie frame its pristine health and vigour. H The Pills nnd Ointment are sold ai THOMAS HOLIOWAY'S Establishment, B 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; H also by nearly every respectable Vendor (,f Medicine, in noxcs and Pots, at is. l^d., 2S. 9d., 4J. 6d., Gj 1 If., 225., and -Is. each. The 25. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size; H theV- 6d. si/«six; the iix. size sixteen; the 22. size thirty-three, and the 33s. size fifty-two times B the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. H Ful{ fa mted directions are affixed to each Pot and r.ox, and can be had in any language. Q N.B. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. 2 I CHILL can KILL. :0:- I THOUSANDS OF THINKING PEOPLE HAVE ADOPTED DR. J AEG-ER:1S (Cool in Summer) ALL WOOL (Warm in Winter) CLOTHING AND BEDDING Which allow thp Skin to Breathe freely and PROTECT FROM CHILL. <?* The JAEGER PRICE LIST, sent free, is full of interesting matter. Dr. Jaeger's HEALTH CULTURE,' (Waterloo), Cloth, 319 p.p. Is, sold through all Booksellers. The Morning Post' says It is much to be desired, that its theories and precepts will soon become familiar in every family circle." CHARLES C. SAIES, Market Street, Sole Agent for Haverfordwest. CAUTION.—The Genuine Jaeger Goods bear Diamond shaped Trade Mark enclosing Dr. Jaeger's portrait. [ BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! WILLIAM JOHN, (LATE GREEN & JOHN), WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER I CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. to: Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. :o: The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. -W-. NOOTT Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. 0 ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. New Ladies' Geneva Watches from 15s upwards. Also all kinds of Gents' from 15 s. to £ 5. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3s. 6d. TO JE2. Watches Cleaned and Repaired from Is. 6d. to 6s. Clocks from Is. to 5s. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM 6d. TO 3s. 6d. ALL ORDBRS FROM THE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. T H O M ASS TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. GOOD STRONG "TEA AT Is. 8d. PER LB.J VERY FINE TEA at 2s. NONE BETTER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. One trial will prove the truth of this statement. -:0: SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Cofiee, Fresh Roasted, Flour, Bran, Sharps, Indian Corn and Meal, Bacon, Butter, Cheese, Potatoesy WTTTT FVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISION TRADES. WITH EV gUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. Hill St. St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Cabinetmaker, Upholsterer, Paper, hanger, Painter, Builder, Under taker, &c. W.R. invites inspection of his Stock of Dining-room, Drawing-room, Bedroom, and other Furniture Bedroom suites in mahogany, birch, pitch pine, maple oak, &c.. Cheap and good ironbedsteads in new designs, palliasses, wool, hair, and spring mattresses. Tapestry and other carpetings, matting, mats, kamptulicon, and other floor cloths. Picture frames at reasonable prices in black and gold, Oxford, gilt, otc. Very cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian window blinds, and Holland do, plain and striped-, Paperhangings at very low prices. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, &c. Jobbing and repairs done with despatch and at low Prices DISCOUNT FOR CASH. TRY THE ALPINE Pure Natural Wool Underclothing For Ladies and Children's Wear. :o: THE BEST AND CHEAPEST. -:0:- Made in Summer and Winter Qualities, suitable for all seasons of the year. :0: Before trying* any other make, ask to see [' 'J r ,r r U, I, :r8,' "'11' L" f" P,- -i1' '¡ Ç..i :o:- Most Moderate in Price, Certain to W«nr Well, Agents for Haverfordwest: GREENISH & DAWK1N8 MARKET STREET. JOHN LL. JJAVLES A V CTi ONEER, AI PBAlSbh ACCOUNTANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGEXT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET HAVERFORDWEST HAKIN M1LFORD HAVRN Valuations made on Moderate Terms. SALES GUARANTEED IF RZQUIRED: Clients Promptly settled with. PIANOFORTES. HAVING commenced business as a Pianoforte -L-L. Tunerand Repairer, Ibeg tosolicitthe favour of your esteemed Patronage. Having been for seven years in the employ of Messrs. John Broadwood a; d Sons, also, Collard and Collard, and ChappeL, & Co., of London, you may confidently rely on tlJl: i x- cellence of any work entrusted to my care, couplt-<1 with moderation in charges. Orders received at Mr. Ellis Jones, 15, High Street, Haverfordwest. Testimonial from tke Lady Catherine Allen, Woodjield, August 18th, 188-i. Mr McKenzie has thoroughly repaired a Pianoforte for me, and has given complete satisfaction. He hn- tuned it well also.! CATHKRINE ALLEN. P.S.-As I am often in the Town and Cobi.ay round, those who require my services, will oblige by writing to me. W. McKENZIE. 2 South Parade, Tenby. NOTICE F. B. MASON, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, TENBY,: BEGS to inform Owners of Property in Pembroke P) shire and neighbouring Countiesthat he purpose issuing a MONTHLY LIST. Of Estates, Land, Residences, and Houses to be Sold or Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, and will be glad to insert particulars of any large or small Properties present for Sale or to Let, free of charye. Printed forms for supplying particulars of Estate. &c., with Terms of Commission, post free on applica- cionj BREATHE FREELY. SLEEP -ofARuvlv Has NeverfaileA^^tfill HITIS -STHMA CAT WHO'O PING ves lnstant,:Rleli,ef S'ee -TESTIMONIALS from Professi.'Oqal' Geritienierl a 'nd of4ers,w .h0.i7d"W LOUS,EFFECT of JIIYIld4d PATENT MEDICINE T 210 SUTTON &SON. :OR C)F 'rlif: PR O'PRIET(IR, COAT STREFT. HAVERFOR()WEST.: .i hit, in "mm- BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HA VERFORDWEST. FA IRS FOR 1889. rpHE FAIRS for 1889 will be held as follows, un- 1 less unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary JANUARY Tuesday 8th FEBRUARY „ 12th MARCH „: 19th APRIL „ 9th MAY 14th JUNE for Wool and Stock „ 11th JULY „ 8 th AUGUST „ 13th SEPTEMBER Friday 6 th Tuesday Iíth OCTOBER (Hiring) Saturday • 5th Tuesday 22nd NOVEMBER 12th DECEMBER 10 th THE PIG FAIRS will be held on the day after the Cattle Fairs. Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Inhtni- ment for the purpose of Marking any Animal am NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 13 Victoria, cap. 92, all persons found Lacera- ting any animal will be liable to a Penalty of 1(I\E POUNDS. ED. EATON-EVANS, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November the 12th, 1888. A WONDERFUL MEDICI E BEEC HAM'S PILLS, JJEKCHAM'S PILLS JJEECHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and pain in the stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite Shortness of Breath, Costivenes", Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box o these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be w OItTli A GUINEA A BOX. "TORTH A GUINEA A BOX. -yyORTK A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages they are invaluable. No females should be without them. There is not medicine to be fouud equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved hv thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. JJEECHAM'S PILLS. jgEEC'HAM'S rILLS. J^EECHAM'S PILLS. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders oil the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the wholo muscular system, lestore the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the huinae frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best, ynarantes to the Nervous and Debilitated is, ÜEEOILU ¡ S' I'lLLH iinrc the Largest Sale of any Paler,t Mcdicrne in the TFudel. JgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. TgEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. jjEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS, As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, {[Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c-> these pills stand unrivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily rt,itiove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which lli!!htly dt-'privc the pat,lellt of I't. Let any person ;'ive BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed. Prepared onlv, and Sold Wholesale and .Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. lie-lens, Lancashire, and by all Druggists and patent- Medich.e Dealers everywhere. IN BONKS Is. 13-(1. ANI> 2s 9d. EACH. Fut.i. DIRECTIONS AUK GIVEX WITH 1,ACH BOX. B1LLLUU>.> or jmua l. i -LES. All thn.se requiring Ni'w or Second-hand Tables, Bequisiti'.s, or UiUianl work done, should, before goins elsewhere, scrul for X.'W Price I.ist. Cloth and Cushion Bublior Samples, to HTCNNICT BROS High Street, Bloomslmry, LondoiyW.i ■. IV- Mi MORPHTS WALNUT POMADE* care, 1/- per packet. N.^T^ 7*th none other than MORPRY'S, or AEML Postal ORDPR*?+i HOKPHY, Hair and SlUn )[ORPHY, Hair and Skin SpeciaU.t, 70, South Audley St., Ma)'t..ir. LondQQ. UNION tINE—FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIELDS THE UNION S.S. CO.'S MAIL pacx-svpb J.7T JL SOTTTHAMPTO* "very morna- Frirtav ,„.?11.,from Ports, calling at Lishon and Madeira. Return TiVtit. "t 0"? Apply to the Union Steam Ship Company, Oriental ynpton or 11, Leadenhall Street, London. 1Uloo< 8onU>- iiftïBtv-SOLUBLÉ -aÏÏd NóTF.iRíÑ"ACEOU& MELLIN'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AID INVALIDS; Price 2/6 & 2/6 Rich in Blood and Bone. Per Bottle. tlaiUlaa forming Elements, FOB THE HEALTHFUL REARING OF HAND-FED CHILDREN; £ AMD THE PRESERVATION OF INFANT LIFE. A sample sent post free on application to aUELLIN. Marlboro' Works. Peckham, LOISETTE'S System of Memory Training ta the ONIiT one by which the Natural Memory can be improved until no Device j,¡; needecL Jttr. PROCTOR, author of Old & New Astronomy," and of Astronomy" in the Encyclopedia Brit., says PROF. LOISETTE'S Method MMF■ JMnil aPPears to me admirable." Prospectus, mtmUnr samA" ni^™be,rs ol the Medical, Soholaatio, Pmraun. ■■- T nTQPTTTnI0<?7 m*0" Profe8aions, post free from Professor LOISETTE, 37, NEW OXFORD STBXET, JJOTIOE,—L TSmw AIm PKHKAKEIOXT Eklaiom Rwtrna OP TllP# Onivpr for Sunday "L1At? Gtneral Reading,, h ^Th the Part of the New Volume (baiss the Noveinber Part), the price ramaininc the aame as heretofore, viz., SIXPENCB Monthly. The quantity of letterpress will be from 64 to 80 pages per month. and the Magazine will in addition be printed on paper of superior quality specially manufactured for the purpose, in New Type selected for its clear and legible character. n. November Part contains a Beautiful Picture Jtom an Original Painting .by VL L. GOW. %anitom*lv reproduciti <n Colours. CABSBLI COMPLY. Limited; and all Booksellers. mHE HOLBOBAT QIJLK MART. Jk t^gfiSSjPBST'torau!Mndg^^m^Vyrmg* *9S*&i £ £ £ i SAMniL XJCWXS CO.. Proprietors. 11, T, 8, Holborn Bara, and 2 S, FurniTal St., London. B a T\AB.LOW'S MAGNETIC CtJRATIVB mj API'IJJJXCBB. Indies' and Gent.'a Beltsfor Uheuiaatitm- EmmbBSOe Wesknese, and Keironsness. Pamphlet po«t fr^. Strand, London. jUtabllslied ai NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. Founded 1835. Funds, jB4,300000 Obums Paid, :£7,000,000. Profits Declared, £1,000,. on rery faronraMe terma. Economical Management. Liberal Conditlong. Larm Bobbin 48, GRACECHURCH STREET, E.C., LONDON. AGENTS- WANTED WHERE NOT REPRBSKSTKP. Just "~mmm Bartholomew's tUustrated Guide to Hli TmMak ■ad otber Baths. Price 6d. r— BartholomeWB Medical Lecture on tha Action of the Turlciaba-nd other Battbs. Delirired?!? tore the Learned Societies, Westminater Hall, London Sent post free from his establishments in Bristol' l&h SHV. minyham, Manchester, Worcester, aim Leicester Squar'fl.T^" "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH."—A r IV medical work giving Prescriptions and Instructions Cure of all kinds of Debility post-free two starnna. Address Dr. BAUXKS, <8. Lon.dale S |uKr'CPBarnT/rv r nn^"PK IE°N ^n<7n?°?FINQ' and Second-hand ignnM Churches, Chapels, Mission and • jfT*'School Rooms, Lawn Tennis, « —. Cricket Parilions, Cottages, jfiMnaJL Stables, Farm Buildings, &c. Iron Buildings hereon riew. SKrHH 100 tons ol Iron Roofing in jlQ^QWEIfB Stables, Farm Buildings, &c. Iron Buildings hereon riew. SKrHH 100 tons ol Iron Roofing in jlQ^QWEIfB Stock. IBiBroif'IT HARBROW'S WORKS. South Bermondsey StAtion. London, S.B. "PEiNKlIL IfILL CO. LIMITED, IITEEPOOI, Manufacturers of Feeding Stuffs extensively nsed by the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. I A A T p PH(ENIX Uiilji? PURE ::r 17/aI 1Y1EAL I Delivered at any Station. UNSEED CAKE 1 COTTON CAKE THAMES NAUTICAL TRAINING COLLEGE, H.M.S. "Worcester," Urftonhithe, Kent. XJ^der the direct Patronage of }1 KB M A J KSTY Til E Ocrs*. For Training' Young Gentleman to jfid«i Vnd r j/eUhl-" Marine. The Queen sires annually a <,old Medal ana C»t.etsnt In It.N.: th» AdmirsltT Commissions In R.f>.R. Api-1 -I .tinrlltfc Ifiren to the HoogMy Pilot Service. Pnwie are jrlvrn t>» the G«0- Sraphical Society, Meteorological Depnrtinent, Elder Brethren of Trinity House, rwninsulnr and Oriental, and other large Shipping Companies Terms. 55 and oo Kiiineas, which includes school Booka« ue*t anvl Second Uniform, <tr. For Prospectus, with full par- ticulars Bpply to W. M. (ULl.lVANT, <2, M&rl I.ane, London, r or to Capt. J. HKXDEItRON SMITH, on board. The Ship ia *tt^ with ,11 the rr.iuire.nent-. c." a flrM-cNs. College. Wj» MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. 'XtP^pvnh 111 i1 -'l*' I''1* N t*i. J"s•«-KOtffl:>-Ml 10 Vunrirtui<»snou"Ai«U J" .-O' -"U ■ a: 'JI'noVirr'in PUB 'aNiHNVK saixitgvisut •0 3 'laaius v ji o.i .ji A. -'fi v'> •'••'y XSTT^lTna I-'JV 1M;I:H o.) V '"J;"1'1, ,,3 iiivnli jsia otn 10 *«t pai: ii-'AV Juom <'1 3.- •B^'oipuo Vonjtn if X aooj (KJ 'skauti.t pin: ctpul vr-iunN saHYg -diziaiucl 'Ssvi°svfiii'ais.D^OD no MotJ 'a?t7 goTJj'pamjygnnT g^ronaCT rr FI AT LAST! 67B. eSVatfnteYa^flh^ri °Ln^or fl^SFS Cutters, Cake Breakers. i-c„ to Tt. A. LISTM r" ■rivorpool Private Commercial Hotel. 7' t mil iji»|r ga&tss^s^asni x UU11JL) iJill XJ-UiSoii.Sanrly.flpds. Sond st-ampeand trylWj nrilrnftl Waterman t A.w (iaiue for the (ii:cs«:.oard, V- 1< p II p |< S 2/6, 5/ or 10/6. Bnrarr of Imitation*. Of all Fancy HLf I I |V/1 m Bcnlers. W )i. >U-s^ !r Jariurs & Son, London. UPWARDS OF 200,000 MOKE PARTS OF nWHE QUIVER have bee^ sold during 1888 than last year. This Mapizine for Snrnjav ahd General xteAdinp. which is now acknowledged to be uimpiHoarha-ble#1* commences It l'ew Volume with the N.ovember Part, containing 80 Pages and Coloured Plate, price Sixpence. CASSKLL & COMPANY, LIMITKD; and all Booksellers. NOW READY. PAnT I, price &d., of riASSELL'S NEW — POPULAR EDUCATOR. ) NEW TEXT. KfiW TLLrSTRATlONS.. ) NEW RIZE. KKW MAPS IN COLOPM. NEW TYPJK. NEW COLOURED l'LATES. V With PART 1 if issned a larpe and striking I'R1\KNT4,TIO.' PLATE, entitled "A'Popular Educator' of the Olden TIm- ChrIEtopJler Columbus ond the COlln"il of Salamnnca." CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMLTSI>. Ludgate Hill. London. MORPHY'S WALNUT POMADE. A Triumph as A Hair Djirlcener. Not & dye. TIe.torr- .ith certainty nnd at once the /firmer yuuUifnl colour of n-REY HAIR. Fmir Colours- Golden, Light Brown, Dark Brown, and BJack. Per pot, 16 "lid 2 6. MORPHY'S ORIENTAL DEPILATORY POWDER removes speodily, eAsily nnd etfect\1&lIy.1t Hair di."R1Ir inp the lips, hand?, and cheek*. Guaranteed harmle* Pr'?pwre<l with preaf care. 1/- ]>er jacket. N.B.—Tell your Chemist or Hair Dresser t.n ]-rocur« none other than MOHPHT'S, or send J'ostnl Order to tiic Sinker. IJT'dEVf M OK PHY, Hair and Skin 8peciali?t, 70, South Audley St,, Jlaviair. London. UNION LINE-FOR SOUTH AFRICAN COLD FIEtDS. ¡ THE UNION S.S. Co.'s 3LAIL PACKETS sail from SOT-THAHrTON every Friday s .nl». African Port?, callinp nt. Lisbon and Madcirx lletrini Tickets Ipjued. Apply to the Union Stcaiu Ship Company, Oriental Place, Sou to- ainpton or II. Leaden hall Street, London. REGISTERED YY TRADE yufyy MARK. | AMERICAN LINSEED CAKE. This choice brand is uniform in shape, in quality, and in weight of package. Each bag contains 280 lbs. nett., so that eight bags weigh exactly 20 cwt. HENRY COX & CO., 3, Rumford Street, LIVERPOOL, Sole Importing Agents. ■■ MB 11 n ■ ■ m LAEGE PROriTI ■ ■ ■ V ■ B ■ ■ M are often quickly mai'« ■ ■ W/B ■ ■ B ■ H| by these favourite Stock ■ HI ■ H Exchange operation^ ■ ■■ >1 ■ M W Non-liability system, \M Safe and reliable gratis and post free. s%JVni7iui,ed imi.St0Ck Houye, r*<»- —x-—«-n>- ■ — WTteuU K'ng s celebrated A M AH wiiaJobone Corsets. Tlie Ma3ry n 68 Anderson^ i» fine White or Ecru <^utiTt Vi2 price 1S»-»d.; and the Ir6ne, in ttae Black Si £ Lasting, price UP. 9d., as advertised in the 5,1 TMKgffljO lig Queen. Sent to any Address on receipt of Postal S\\ J1L lifoflft H 5 order to No. 35,1'ercy Street, Rathbon'e Place, a \vC3at2oa London. "W. These high-class Corsets an m the perfection of fit. R" OPEL'S PLASTERS, a safo and sure cura for CooBhs, Afthina, and Bronchitis. Of all C^miete and Patent Medicine lXiali-rs. GILLINGHAM'S ARTIFICIAL LEGa, ARMS, and IXSTRVMRNTS. Illustratiougfree. CffARP, BOMBRSKT. F. — nnrirrim realty for Serap'pine "I use. 2ps- 4 FOLD SCREEDS, '■ ■ ■ ii" iin—