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WELSHPOOL TOWNS COUNCLL. A CONTINENTAL TRIP. The Town Council met on Thursday when there were present the Mayor (Dr R. D. Thomas), Aldermen Wvke and Harrison, Coun- cillors Maequeen. Stockton, Evans, Humph- revs, Hiles, Rogers, Pryce Jones, and A. E. Bond, with Mr C. Pryce Yearsley [town clerk), Dr Crump (medical officer). Messrs G. Snook (surveyor), and T. Elledge (collector). ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Lord Powis addressed to the Mayor the fol- lowing letter: "I have been asked by Mrs Herbert to express to you and the Corporation of Welshpool how much she and her family ap- preciated the attendance of the Corporation at the funeral of the late Geneml Herbert. This mark of respect to his memory will long be re- membered by them. I also desire to convev my thanks to you and to say how grateful I am to my neighbours for the sympathy shown on this occasion." CORRESPONDENCE A CONTINENTAL TOUR. A letter was received from the Local Govern- ment Board confirming the by-laws relating to the recreation ground. The Sanitary Inspectors' Association wrote inviting the Council to send a representative to their conference in July at Glasgow, but it was agreed to decline the request. A communica- tion from the Royal Institute of Public Health was referred to the Sanitary Committee. The National Housing Reform Council wrote informing the Corporation of a projected con- tinental tour under its auspices with the object of visiting examples of continental town plan- ning. The ci ties proposed to be visited tare) Dusseldorf, Cologne, Frankfort, and Wisbaden, each of wlreh have adopted comprehensive town planning schemes, and the cost of the tour will be lOgs. The Corporation were invited to ap- point not more than two representatives. Mr Pryce Jones I propose that Mr Evans should go. Mr Evans I would be very pleased to go if you appoint someone else. The Mayor said the tour would be most in- teresting and instructive. The subject of town planning was a very important one, and object lessons of much value were to be found in these continental cities. Mr Hiles Is this an invitation from a public body to join in an expedition clown the Rhine? (laughter;. The Mayor It is from a well-established Council who are reformers in town planning, They take their cue from what is being done on the continent. Mr Hiles Could we co-opt some of our slum property owners to go on the deputation? Z7 (laughter). The Mayor If you have any in your mind you can propose them (laughter). I am open to re- ceive narnes. It was agreed to delay appointing a. deputa- tion till a further letter on the subject which the Housing Reform Council promise is receiv- ed. S A NIT A R V AFFAIRS. The report of the Sanitary and Water Com- mittee stated that the sub-committee appointed to arrange with the Mayor as to burning waste paper in the field in his occupation had made arrangements on payment of 5s. a month. Mr 1.. R. Green, who attended the meeting, report- ed that he considered the Raven Square main should be renewed for about 200 yards with 3-ineh pipes, and on the motion of Councillor F. E. Marston, seconded by Alderman Wyke, it was recommended that this be done. v The question of water mains generally was also dis- cussed, and Mr Green was instructed to pre- sent a full report on the matter. Tenders were received for the supply of the urinal chosen at the last meeting, and on the motion of Council- lor Pryce Jones, seconded by Alderman E. Wyke. the tender of Mr William Thomas at jE17 12s. was accepted. The medical officer presented his report for the year 1908, and on tne motion of Councillor F. E. Marston, sec- onded by Co'ineiHor T. J. Evans, a vote of thanks was passed- to the medical officer for the report. The report was ordered to be printed, and copies sent to the Local Government Board, the Home Office, the County Council, and the members of the Council. The surveyor report- ed that during the month frost had blocked the water pipes, and some parts of the town were without water, which was supplied by the water cart. The inspector' of canal boats reported that during 1908 he had inspected 38 canal boats and found them all satisfactory, and that the number of persons working the boats was 35 men and three -women. The inspector men- tioned that he had received no salary for the duties of his office, and the same were not in- cluded in his appointment, as inspector of nuis- ances, and, on the motion of Alderman E. Wyke seconded by Councillor F. E. Marston, it was recommended that it sum of £ 2 2s. be paid to Mr Snook in respect of the past year. The Mayor, in moving approval of the re- port, asked the Council to defer consideration of the medical officer's report till next meeting. It was a very important document, and merited careful thought beforehand. He thought the Council should try to adopt, means for the pre- vention of the blocking of water pipes from fro,st. To be supplying water by a water cart was not conducive to health, and was most in- sanitary. They were given to understand from Mr Green's report that the blocking from frost was largely due to the calibre of the pipes.- Alderman Wyke seconded, and the report was approved of. On the motion of Mr Bond, it was agreed to put in another pipe to the sand washer at the filter beds. TOWN HALL IMPROVEMENTS. The Markets and Buildings Committee re- ported that the surveyor had been instructed to provide a place between the butter and poultry markets for the coal storage and to block up the approach to the County Council's strong room from the butchers' market, making an en- trance from the butter market in lieu thereof. Mr Green was instructed to attend to the water supply, etc., in the town hall which were de- fective, and the surveyor was instructed to put the roof of the hall in proper repair.—Ap- proved. TOLLS. The collector reported that the tolls for the month were—Markets £ 18 7s. 7d. Smith field, £ 14 7s. 4d. making a. total of £ 32 14s. lid., as against £34 4s. 3d. for the corresponding period of last year. The collector was requested to consider whether he could devise a scheme for checking the receipts a.t the Smithfield.




---------+-------.' MR DAVID…








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