gMBMMM—W> wwiiw l ——————W— GLl I EM ING CO. iest Terms of Payment EASY u^ds e.t Lowest Posslbli PAYMI- Pricea. «yp*i Quality of Goods ■ IK' guaranteed. OF No Objectionable FURNIC^MC CocJtr36nts tobe Signed Mr, Security Raquired. Af-iute Privacy In aG fOR DASH, Transactions. LftR T SELECTiON of Din Loom. 1 rawing Room, and Bedroom Suit's. and Furnishing Requis t f^f the G mplete Furnishing of Cot* ,e- VilK Vansious, or Hotel. BOARDING HOI; >ES specially ca+srosl for. W = guarantee sals All DelUery. Furnitliri) We guarantee WOStt IS satleToctton. Dfili V .-d Wa guarantee All Goods to t-»as rapraaentad. iarri^v* — „ fa f f*spara and Supply Pa islirr .tM Frso of Charffa irtb Per Month 10 i" 7 Q dUfi ;f 20 „ 15/- TERIN £ 30 „ 20 „e^i; £ 50 „ 27 6 be altei-•> srr.t j00 „ 55/- -:500„ £ 12 Noflteaas; Required ,JI., _4'" where r.-vitijia 20 miles of LtTerpt o: bwrood that stance a deposit; of not exc :c-i ng 2/n the il on amount oi order If a rsi pay Cash we allow a DISOrunt rf Ten por vnt., or 2/- ia the £ off our r Cat a. -g'. prices. SATISFACTION l UARAHTEED, or MiJney Returned in Full. Our System of Yr.diug is not only fonven i e-.t an regard.} Terms, but Customers ¡\1.n obtain advantages in Price? ti e great volume of our business necessity, l.s purchasing goods in vast quant t. ive linis c u&m considerable concessions in prices from Manufac- turers, enabling us to sell our goods at lower prices than th ie firms dealing exolasiviilv for "ash. Our b t >•* Payment System of Basines» has bi t" t.v;¡ra:<" ■?<v;merited upon and recoms' ^nd id by t!1-c: vhole of the Local Presa. Tho- of T.:?t: f:'Jr.ia]8 received from custoc :rs expressing satisfaction with wall us receive and .'1)' busi/i" methods. gpmgam jftm We • i: forw'.rd, poot fr*8, of jP" i"S f* j/rni Oi.. av;» on application, tim ~~am j-j.teg4) •• 1 moat complete book <j%" .fclist on —■——•- -t '• amt'stio furnishing," c -' ? hisadrads of yhoto- •• .phs a-«l colored illast«ti<>Ti« ■arid* Gent -pari mlars of our new ingtal ■■(» fAii I '•>' *.v' era- witii estimatisa for llli.ii.. ai l |(J jghing of cottage or Catalogi:e sant r.d iBio: together with estracta Prtftt f-,fl n cn 'r' n ta Pn"cii1'al ry»i ».■« u. s.i«, ,,]j. ayneadiiig OM appi?CuttBn. t oniiD?. CIcs i Furnishing Co. » '.K'- i.. -opristor. 12 to 18, P £ iie tOKE PLACE, XoX v]«u;r»ooi«. Bitiiap. !Inur? • S M. to 8 p.aa .SAiunlAja, IIlLt. to 6 p.m. Titor^gnti Te!ep«B»«i 1100. "Wardroba, L»v«rj»«ol.» }. t. -?r~m, B WUg| lV, ,)1"1 whilo go to t,OUt>è8 w,; i KEEH9RA'' C-»!te Floar tha L '31 n ,in.; t.. l. J:(.\1Ø aiid è.jt'» Cakp.c5 1 i»novE IT Bsfcns Ycy BUY IT. I A I \f y .i'! 6-oz. Sample ?S £ E. I GAi i;f NUINE CURE FOR /,v ECZEMA. AND ALL SKIN {rM'Y AND SCAI-P DISEASES, i/i j 'j Aft^r many jrears ef EX- JI V | ]}\ PERIENCE "and study as a fK I •'n < i .S f h^teist, I am offering an \\l\ s { OiiUintit for the cure of ^j!p | !F-czni):i, in al! its forms, 1 also i'or scarf wounds, scaly V hj erup'oas, ache, -salt rheum, V j> j ba.'i legs, old sores, elov. .2' b«>.iWig wounds, itching, &o. •f Ev-v.ffiraental treatment free to offerers sending their 4 addro. and penny stamp, to Jcnn A. 8mith, 403, Montague House, Stonecutter street. London, E.C. Regular price, 1.- I'd and 2 '!iI, direct, post paid, or through y i jr cisiui-t.

5000 ^OLID SILVER WATCHES FREE. FOR iV::r:>iT ANn~BRAINY PEOPLE. 12 • 4 4 15 14 7 m 1 1 ) 7 15 23 2 i2 6 1 19 20 Each i oi the u", ve three lines of figue-s spells it.; iamfc of a ;reat city in the United Kingd,i This is a brand new puzzle, and can bf- ved. witn a little study as fol- Iowa:- i:f ore t3nty-six letters in the alp hal and wt" i 've used figures in socllir nniTi". instead of letters. Letter nui-r 1, B number 2, C nu • 3 and w on throughout the entire • EEI i:\i-.rR Wi DO NOT ;W A:\T A OF (OUR MONEY when reply .> this advertisement. When liiv out the names of the three write 3n very plainly on a sheet '"<' arK' ^nd to us at once. WiLLl vour 1 d '< tamped addressed en, velopf f ay notify you by return of posi If your 510 -ion is con-f" t. We shall 5- r<! our iindsome PRESENTA- TION STfiVKR W VTCH to every Lady or Gentl v.a wht) sk- s a correct solution of this purrl- end co-.plies with our one con- dition. TRY WIN. We hope you will ivir, but anvh. it costs you nothing to try. Ad.i; N- REED, & Co.. 23, Pateni'J't^r, square. London. f26 '!III {

NORTH WALES SENIOR CUP. FINAL TIE. BANGOR COMBINATION v. LLAN- I DUDNO AMATEURS. A gate of about sixty, mostly supporters I; of the contesting team*, witnessed this tie at Pwllheli on Wednesday. Mr Nunnerley, ¡ Wrexham, was the referee. Throughout the game the teams adopted different style of play, Bangor relying upon showy tactics whereas Llandudno played cup tie football, vorking vigorously from start to finish. They secured th? tirst goal off Arridge. and at the interval were a goal ahead. They again scored in the aec-oiid half, and Phil Jones, the Bangor custodian, saved a penalty. In the concluding stages Bangor pressed vigorously, but they had to admit defeat. Final result: Llandudno Amateurs, 2: Bangor, 1. Mr R. W. Purry presented the cup. of which Bangor wer? cl:Q holders, to the successful team.

THE BUDGET. The Budget was introduced in the House of Commons on Tuesday by Mr Austin Chamberlain, the Chancellor of the Exche- quer. The right honourable gentleman, in the course of his speech, explained that the receipts during the year had fallen short of the estimated revenue bv £ 2,790.000, and that the estimated expenditure had been considerably exceeded. Consequently, the year had closed with a deficit of £ o,41;>.000. .1 ile estimated the revenue of the coming year at 139.060.000. and th" expenditure at £ 142, £ 80,000. lea-zing a deficit of £ 3.820.000. The Government proposed to add a penny to the income tax, which was expected to yield an additional £ 2,000.000; to increase fs^e duties on cigars, foreign cigarette. and tobacco, bv which £ 530,000 would be gained and to add 2c1 per lb to the tea duty from which ihey expeQted,i.o g"i. an additional £ 2,000,000.

WALES AND s.Axr-, OUARRY STRIKES. A PROFFERED SOLUTION OF THE TROrRLK. The British householder should (writes R. correspoudetit of the "PHlI etall Gazette ) recanl symp^hetically a IPTilarkLble move- ment now on foot to ooen Xorth Wales on | novel, but not untried, lines. There is no doubt that strikes—hitter, protracted, and rpcurr!c!?-hoTf proved tue curse of the quarry Tndustry. Tl ey hsve impoverished the men thev have alter.tted capital. the I movement of which I am writing seeks to I malce tbem impossible, or at lea-t- improb- j able. Its pr^ni' ter- h^ye studied the re- bellious quarrynian fit first band, and they think thev hav* m istered the secret of his discontent. The skilled qusrrymaii is paid once a month, w'nea tne quarry is set, and the men's "poundage," or rate of pt*y, ( determined. If the rock on which be is I working "eems soft, toen the 4$poundage I is low, and rice vers>i. But the rock may change altogether after tne "poundage-' change altogether after the poundag-e I has been fix<-d, and the man then thinks him- I I self hardly dealt Ly bitterness results, and j had feeling spreads from" pone to pone." I I One day the management are astonished by I' I a strike that, begun in five minntes. lasts ten years, and puts up the price of slate 11). percent. I j This movement seeks a more exeellent II way. Oi*»'??the men a share of the profits over and above their wages, make them co- partners in the industry, and they will not worry over poundage. Thus its pioneers reason. Certain it is that unfil some such I community of interest is established between employers and employed there will never be permanent peace in the slate industry. This is an honest effort to establish that peace. The plan has succeeded in fother industries, Its adopt ion on large ,scal^ in North Wales should mark a new era, for it will enormous- ly increase the supplv of roofing slates, as- I Burning always it achieves sncee^f- The capital required for the project will not come, all of it; from the ordinary in vpst- I iug puhl;e. The co-operative societies and trade 'unions, who^c resources are much greater than their undiscerning critics imagine, -will supply a paTt, and they will be reinforced by sympathetic capitalists who have iilreadj'" adopted co-partnership in their own concerns. The successful, if miniature, experiment of the Bethe.^fla Co-operative Quarries has borne fruit, and the aim is to follow that experiment wherever soimd^x- pert opinion points to an opportunity. The workmen are to hold shares through pu em- ployees' investment society, which will^ be r&preseuted ou the board. In a w<«rd, capital ployees' investment society, which will be r&preseuted ou the board. In a w(.rd, capital ¡ and labour are to be at hand-shakes, not at I grips. I The strongest reason for the remarka ue interest taken in this atcacV: on monopoly has still to come. Crown land* are, to all in- tents and purposes, the property of the I nation, and the royalties paynble on the minerals raised from them go in relief of taxation. Obviously the public have as pre at an interest in getting them worked as our builders have in being able to purchase slates at natural, and uot inflated, prices.

AT THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR. .At this sPi.scn of the year no one should be without Gwilym Evans' Qianine Bit- ters, the Best Remedy of the Age for various ailments. I

GWIL 1M EVANS* QUININE t,! rTERS, Gwilym Evans' Quintan Bitters recom- I mended for indigestion in it- afferent forms, such as sick headachas, b' 'tburn, cramp, flatulency, sense of fn'iv *■ and op- p.-ession af^r "eTitii'g, drowsii- -s. pains in the region of the hear" It is, without exception, the best rcn;ily for depression ot spirits and melanohoiy. I B-ing a vegetable "Pick-me-up," it is strongly tecomiaended for nervous di- seases, suclí as undue anxiety, despon- dency, faint'ng fits," neuralgia, and nerve pains generally..

STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Owilym Evans' Quinine Bitters has suc- cessfully tr?at^d (after all other known preparations had failed) severe cas5s of affections of the chest, filleh as common colds, bronchitis, asthmatic colds, shortness of breath, influenza, Ac. It purifies and enriches the blood. It is a healthy and safe tonic. Should be taksn by all who are delicate, as it strengthens the svs-rem and promotes good health. People suffering great weakness, either aft ir an illness. or through long confine- ment in ill-ventilated rooms, or any other cause, find G-wilym Evans Quinine Bit- ters most valuable as a great- strength reviver.

GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters is sold everywhere in bottles 2s 9d and 4s Gd each, or will be s?nt, on of stamps, carriage free, direct from the Sole Pro- prietors —Quinin? Bitters Manufactur- ing Companv, Limited. Llanelly, South Wales.

I BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. When you ask for Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters, that you get it, with the name ''Gwilym Evans" on the label, on the stamp, and, on the bottl?, without the name "Gwilym Evans" on the label, Ion the stamp, and, on the botth, without which none is genuine.

I BLOOD PURIFYING. Sulphur, Nature's Blcod Purifier.—Pepper's Sulphur, Skin Pearls are quite small, perfectly tasteless', Purify the Blood, cleajise from all Humours, cure Skin Disease?, improve the Health. Pepper's Sulphur Pearls in Shilling Bottles ererywhere.or 12 stamps from Bedford 1 Laboratory, London, S.E.

BANGOR ANftBEAUMARlS GUARDIANS. The final meeting of the present Board was held under the presidency of the Chair- man (Mr Hugh Thomas), at the Workhouse, Baugor, on Thursday. DR PRYTHEROH'S SUCCESSOR. It was decided to advertise the vacancy caused by the death of Dr Prytherch, medictl officer for the Menai Bridge district, and to make the appointment at the next meeting. the salary being reduced from £ l'i to £ 70 THE BANGOR BOROUGH HOSPITAL. The Bangor City Council wrote asking the Board to accept responsibility for any pauper patients sent to the Borough Infectious Hospital by their medical officer. A dis- cussion occured on the request, and it was decided to inform the Council that the Board would accept no surth responsibility, except so far as it already legally existed. The Board also instructed its medical officer not to send any pauper patients to the Hospital. THANKS TO THE CHAIRMAN. Mr Thomas Roberts, Aber, proposed, and the Rev W. Edwards, M.A., Bangor,; seconded a vote of thanks to the retirmg Chairman (Mr Hugh Thomas).—In acknow- ledging the compliment, the Chtiirman said he that day completed the twentieth year of his chairmanship of the Board (cheers). He would have beeu quite unable to fn.fil the duties appertaining to the post bid it not been for the constant and loyal assistance of every member of the Board. He moved a vote of thanks to the Vice-Chairman (Mr Robert Hughes, Llanfairfechan), who had served the Board well for thirty four years (applause).—Seconded by Mr J. E. Roberts, the motion was carried with acclamation. A HOME FOFND. Father RadclifEe wrote stating that he had found a home in Liverpool to which the children of Peter Williams, Bangor, could be .ant, and he asked the Board to allow half their fares to Liverpool. In granting the request, the Board thanked Father Radcliffe for interesting himself in the matter.

CARNARVON POLICE COMMITTEE. The annual meeting took place on Thurs- day, when Mr Robert Hughes (Llanfaii- fechan) was elected chairman in succession to Mr J. Allanson Picton. CHIEF CONSTABLE'S REPORT. In his quarterly report the Chief Constable (Colonel Kuck) stated that there had been a flight increase in the number of indictable offences and a. maricedij iecrease in the non- indictable offences. There was a great diminution in cas s of drunkenness. There was a greaL increase in vagrancy, the num- ber of tramps reliev.-d during the quarter being cousiderably in excess of that m any quarter during the last nine years, and a large proportion of them comprised able- bodied men from 20 to 40 years ui age. The Chief Constable applied for an increase of salary, adducing as reasons the length of his service, increased responsibility, the higher rate of pay and allowances drawn by chief constables of other forces similarly situated, aud tiie fact that as regards remuneration he was ill a worse position thau he was be- fo e tLe redrraugeuiCLt of his pay and allow- auces some four years ago. A lt;ng discussion arose on the question of contributing to the cost of the removal of the household furniture of a policeman re- tiring on su[ erammatiou. -Mi Issard Davit s proposed that a grant of £ 3 be made.—Mr Thoinns W. Griffith (Llandudno) moved that no grant, be made.—On a divisiou it was re- solved by a large majority to make no j grrnt. II POLICE AND POACHING. Mr Jones Morr s asked for information rpspecting a case reported in the papers in which the police searched and summoned t"A o men coming over the Meuai Suspension Bridge at .3.111) in the morning. Tho Chief Constable said the report was, so far as he remembered,.accurate. Mr Jones Morris pointed out that the men were coming in that case flom Anglesey, acd he could nd: understand how Carnar- vonshire police came to take cognisance of j poaching in Anglesey. He should like t> see the information laid in that case, aud he doubted whether the magistrates who heard the case had jurisdiction. The Chief Constable said the constables acted under the Poaching Prevention Act, which gave the po'iei power to search any person suspected of having come off land in search of game. Mr Jones Morris was not satisfied with this explanation. He could hardly conceive that the police were in the ordinary way on duty near the Suspension Bridge at haif- past tive in the morning. The Chief Constable sa-id it was possible the police had received Certain information- Mr Menzies In any case the police were acting in accordance with the law. Mr T. Lewis (chairman of the Bangor justices, where the case had been heard) Oh, certainly (Imghter), THE TRAMP QUESTION. Replying to Mr Allanson Picton, the Chief: I Constable said that no doubt a good many of the tramps in the county had seen service in South Africa or elsewhere. That was I clear from the fnct. that during the South Af rican war the number of vagrants appear- ing in tbe police reports was very much smaller than at any period before or after the war. Mr J. R. Pritchard moved that the Chief Constable should for the future tabulate the informatics which might be obtained by the police as to the antecedents of the tramps, whether they had seen service, and whether they were bona-fide seekers after work. Jt appeared tbat the English counties were suffering in the same way from the plague of tramps. Something ought clearly to b- done, for it was within his knowledge tbrit a large number of these were bona-fide working men, anxious to obtaiu work. Mr Jones Morris seconded, and the motion was agreed to. MISCELLANEOUS. An application for an increase of pay by the Chief Constable was referred to a sub- committee for report. A letter from the Chief Constable of Lan- cashire as to proposed amendments to the Police Act was referred to the same com- mittee. In the Chief Constable's estimate for the year, the amount which for some years past had figured in the annual estimate on account of extta police at Bethesda had now totally dis tppearede -¡; -ro-r-

No Breakfast Table complete without EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA The Most Nutritious and Economical. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS I The most sustaining Food on Earth. t Cc.mplrleiy removes Indi | fUWTIOll & Co»8TlPATIO!» i Unique for Anakmia, • (v Cld/11'(✓ /m r,R*' ^OI,T' Cosspmpt- [ ion, DIABETK8, Rhkdmat- ism. and Ivn.cRSZA. A full week's supply sent for P.O. Is, with "Lancet" Analysis and Report. Prideaux'a Food Oo., Motcombe, Dorset, or through Chemists, Stores, &c. FREE TO CYCLISTS. 80-Page Illustrated Cata- -'L: logue. Wholesale Prices, ,f~ /A^ 4500 new and second-hand (i machines actually in stock, Cycles, Motors, Accessories. CycT*« rrom 30s.. B.S.A. and Eadiea- machines. Never such bargains offered. Everv Accessory, Frames, Tvree, Wiieels, &c., Half-plice,, 50 per cent, less than other I Makers. Agents Wanted. Send for List.- I WARRILOW & CO.. WESTON-S-MARE. 7F—f £ 7 l9s 64- WORLD'S { ^WONDER 10s Monthly. Ball Free Wheel. Clincher Tyres, Very One-ap 2nd-hand Cycles, MOTOR BICYCLE, 38 Gunieas. Write for Free Price List. tHE BRITISH CYCLE MANFQ. CO. (1901), LTD., IH H. Dept.) 1 and 3, BERRRY STREET, LIVERPOOL. BROOME" I. m7" Catalogue free on receipt .r4 from Centaur C < Co., Ltd., ^— — Coventry. I LMnaaaMMP nt mmmmmmmmmmmmm Local Agent— B. POYNTON, Cycle Agent and Repairer. (M). Pool street. Carnarvon. A BICYCLE 4tribMtioff circulars and taking order* from sample machine furnished by m. Actlvft Atfenia wanted In each district. LArgeprofits easiiy made. HigJrcat gryie British Made Cycles MODTXis £ 2.IO to £ 6 SARN A BICYCLE New l>epartnre Co&Bfer Hubs, Best Makes Tyres, aud best British mode equipment, Oflfl Sccond-Hand Cycle* £ 1 to £ 2.10 Gre»t factory clearing sale at half factorg price. We semi on approval ftnd allow Etajra Ffoe THam onwry with earria^e charges rafanded without question it not perfectly talitfaciory. Write ftt onee for frss oat&logaea and our *p*cial offer. lyres, Sundries,SewingMariiines.Pboncxfrapbe.itc. athalj MEAD QYOLE 00. Dept. 258K. Po fkmlus Street, Lirerpooi. t 19. Ciurins Croø Road. LaadML A ;-01 PACKET FAAKES A ^P^sewif^sGUIDE j^CAKEMA^ volt No where ('an vou sii(-Ii value as offer. Onr old friends this B LAC K SAT E E N. Is lId. p;1\,h. 13 LAC K ALP A C A 35 6<1. Beüutifu!ly tne\>- ,.d' with a full and latest shaped cuff Buttoning down rrnllt made in all sizes. A garment fit tor a Queen. Our Cata- logue is full of bargains. Catalogue Free. BAKER BOOBY AND CO., Manufacturers, No 20., Warehouse, I VOLUNTARY PLACE. I WAN STEAD, ESSEX. YOU (:Os- SAVE 1. i OUR YC: BPY 1 SMART DURABLE } a We will -,ifidly send you our Illus- m ■ trnted Catalogue of Costumes and m I Skirts, together with patterns, on re- ■ I <je;pt oi j'our request. Then you can H ■ rn;ike your own selection an<l buy Direct H ■ irf.rn the Manufnctuicrs, thus saving aft H aii intermediate profits. Write eavlv. SB M P C. Iffurray & Co.. Deyt H. Kt 1. Carthusian street, LONDON, E.C TURN SUMMER PLENTY INTO WIN TER PROFIT "liggs-aetly." OVOSIL the perfect egg pr;rver. keeps to-day' eggs absolutely frenb till Christmas, thm realising winter prt- Roolet sent FREE (see "Lancet" report — W Ariel Co.. Stockport. Agents W :u»ted. SOLID SILVER WATCH PUZZLE. GREAT OFFER BY A RESPONSIBLE FIRM. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TC TRY IT. WE give below some of the letters in tht names of three well-known towns. To any person who can supply the missing letters and fulfils conditions below, we offer a SOLID SILVER GOVERNMENT STAMPED WATCH, fully jewelled, pricE 35s, as a FREE GIFT (either Lady's or Gent's 1. 1. L L — N D — — N O. :2. R H — L. 3. A B R S T T H. Send vou attempt on a sheet of paper, together with stamped addressed envelope for replv to FELLOWS & CO., 10. Gros- venor Buildings. Steelhcuse Lane, Birming ham. The winner is required to purchase a Chain from us to wear with Watch. The name of this paper must be mentioned. Prize-winners of last Competition were- Miss P. Morgan, Penegoes Mill, near Machynlleth, N.W.; Miss J. Davies, Gwydyr Hotel. Bettwsycoed Mr G. E. Wil Hants, Penvbont, Groeslon, near Carnarvon, 0"- PUBLICATIONS. f Thii Journal his a greater circulation BY MANY THOUSANDS per week than all other Agricultural or similar p¡).per in the United Kingdom. 1 arm, Field, and Fireside. 1 ESTABLISHED OVEn 100 YEARS. I AGRICULTURAL RURAL, and DOMESTIC JOURNAL. For the Country Cent'ev^m. Farmer, Rural And Suburban Resident, and all interested in the Farm, the Daily Live Stock, the Stable, Poultry, Garden, or tho Home. Que Year, 6s 6d. Half-year, 3s 3d. A JOURNAL FOR EVERYBODY. N.B.—"Firm, Fielu, alld Fireside" offers a grenter number of pages of well-printed fui information, in a handy, compact .orm, illustrated, stitched, and cut. for the tum of ONE PENNY. Specimen Copies can be obtained from News Agents. Booksellers, and Bookstalls, or direct f )ui the Publishing Office, ESSEX STREFT. STRAND LONDON. ESTABLISHED IN 1836, FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. STUBBS MERCANTILE OFFICES (STUBBS' Ltd.), 42, GRESHAM STREET, LOND )N, E.C. Subscribers, by obtaming timely inforrna tion through THE STATUS ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT may AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS. Every Trader should read STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, With which is issued a Supplement containing LIST OF CREDITORS under all the important failures. THE COMMERCIAL REGISTERS rontain moro than XINE MILLION ENTRIES. DEBT'S RECOVERED PROMPTLY AND REMITTED TO SUBSCRIBERS ON TUESDAY OR FRIDAY FOLLOWING RECEIPT. BRANCHES at Aberdeen, Birmingham, niacivburn. Bradford. Brighton, Bristol, Bel- fast, Cardiff, Cork, Croydon, Dublin, Dun- dee, Edinburgh, Exeter. Glasgow, Gloucester, Hartley, fluddersfield, Hull. Ipswich, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London (West End). M am-hester, Newcastle. Norwich, Notting- I ham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Shef- field, Southampton. Sunderland, Swansea, W olverhamp ton. SUB OFFieES. — Bath. Buxton. Cam- bridge. Carlisle. Derby, Dumfries. Greenock, J Grimsby, Halifax, Inverness, Limerick, Lin- coln Londondc; i\y. Middlesboro' Newport (Mon.). Northampton. Oxford, Paisley. Perth, Preston. Stockton-on-Tees, Torquay, Walsall, Waterford, Worcester, York. TERMS.—According to requirements. PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to any of the above offices. THE FARMER AND STOCK BREEDER. Enlarged to 28 PAGES WEEKLY. Price One Pemny. I MOST ENTERPRISING. fiich number contains many brilliant aud practical Articles on the FARM, DATRY, HORSES, CATTLE. SHEEP, PIGS. POULTRY, VETERINARY. POULTRY, VETERINARY. Also the Latent Telegrams from all the principal London and Provincial Markets. BEST UJ/USTRATED. Dlustrntioris are a speciality, each nn«nb»» containing vnany Illustrations of the Lend- ling Prize Winners, Ac., and printed in ■ Colours. MOST ENJOYABLE. I the many new features in ji Rome Department, which inell.,des first-class Short Stories, Useful Hints, Cookery, Fashions (Il- I lustrated), Fancy Work, Answers tn Cor- resr)ond«nts. Ac. I THE FARMER AND STOCKBREEDER IS THE BEST ADVERTISING I MEDrm Of 3.11 Newsagent* and Bookstalls, On? Penny Weekly. Post Free for Six Months 3s. 2d. Per annum. 6s. 6d FARMER AND STOCKBREEDER. 130, FLEET STREET. LONDON, E.C. mmmmmmmmmmmmammmmKmmmmBmtmmmmmmam HOTELS. JONES' HOTEL. 7 and 8, SUFFOLK STREET, i PALL MALL. LONDON. (Successors to Mr Roberts, Tltanet Place). Most Central Position in London. Adjoining. Trafalgar square. Within five minutes of Charing Cross and the Houses of Pariia- ment. 'Busses for all parts of Lo&dfcm pass j the end of the street. To meet the Increasing Business more Bed- rooms and Private Rooms have recently been added, and other IrnpHovements, made 6<) i! S to make Visitors as Conifortable as posable. All Ideal Hotel to stay at Home Comforts. Moderate Terms. Eloctric Light throughout. Telegraphic Addr^s: "Pleasant," Loutlcu Teleplsone: No. 8889 Central. PROPRIETOR -H. R. JONES. WILLIAM^7 TEMPERANCE HOTEL. MONTAGUE STREET. RUSSELL SQ.. LONDON. COMFORT THE FIRST CONSIDERATION. Bed and Attendant (inclusive), from 2s 3d Breakfast or Tea, from Is 3d. Centrallv situated. Telegrams :"FaithfuI," London. WILLIAMS' TEMPERANCE HOTEL. GWALIA HOTEL. 8 and 9. UPPER WOBURIN PLACE. TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON. W.C Telegraphic address: "Gwynfa, London." I. A very comfortable Hotel, spacious rooms, very central, 5 minutes' walk from Euston, St. Pancras, and King's Cross Stations, 20 minutes from Paddington by underground railway to Gower street. Electric light throughout. Terms very moderate. Night Porter. Proprietor: EDWARD JENKINS. Also GWALIA HOTEL, LLANDRINDOD. WELLS. 2330 -t- PRINCE OF WALES TEMPERANCE HOTEL. PENYGROES. (Close to the Railway Station). CCOMMODATIONS for CYCLISTS and > TRAVELLERS. Large Commercial Boom, Dinners, Teas, WToll-aired Bedi Pouting, Good Stabling. All orders punt tually attended to, and at strictly moderate cliarges.—ROBERT OWEN, Proprietor. f30 "LIVERPOOL SHAFTESBURY HOTEL. MOUNT PLEASANT. A few minutes' wa!k from Central an Lime Street Station Electric Trams from Landing Stage pa: the Hotel. FIRST CLASS TEMPERANCE HOUSE With moderate charges. Welsh spoken. Electric Light. 100 Rooms. Night Porter. Telephone 2244 Royal BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. THE GRFATEST SUCCESS OF MODERN TIMES (GEORGES ffPlLE^ GRAVELlj PILLS I'I,j, ¡ A MARVEI.LOUS STORY FROM THE h PUBLISHERS OF TYST A'R DYDD," I MERTHYR TYDVIL. Dear Str, One of my Sons wert out to Canada and settled down; in the neigh- bourhood of Oilsprings, Lambton, Ontario. Some three montlis ago he wrote home saying he had been on the sick list for several weeks, suffering painfully from Piles. Immediately after receiving 1113 letter I had a supply of your PilLs which I forwarded to him. Three weeks ago iie wrote home say;ng that your PilLs had done hum immense good. Before he had finisned one hex he was able to start work i- again. Last night I had another letter from him stating that to all appearances the disease had left him, and he was j 11 | his usual health again. Having accidentally heard that a man J living in the same neighbourhood had been a great sufferer from Piles for over twenty ] yoacs, my son sought him out, told him of the good he had received from your Pills, •* and gave him half of the box he had. Within four days the man was jumping with joy froin the good effects 0 your Pills. Having J received so much benefit personally, and M witnessing their good eliects on the man f '„ referred to, my son is very anxious that other sufferers may know and receive the | same benefit horn them as be did himself. | Yours truly | J 0 S E P H WILLIAMS. • | Publisher of -Tyst a'r Dydd.' & 'Cen::td Hedd. < Merthyr Tydvil. The above is only a sample of the letters .< the I'roprietors of this Remedy is daily receiving by post from all parts of the world. THESE WORLD RENOWNED PILI^S ARE SOLD EVERYWHERE. t In Boxes Is lid and 2s 9d each. By Post Is 2d1 and 2s KM. PROPRIETOR-J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.S. 1 HIRWAIN. ABERDARE. ■ IMPERIAL "Aut I & ROVER *utn,h" I 0 I w CYCLES. I ^9 All Information free for ■■ ■ ■ H the asking from s— ■ g ROVER CYCLE CO. Ld. w'o*°.' COVENTRY. J EVAN JONES, and SON, C}\ le Agents, Caruarvon WILLIAM EVANS, 5. and 6, High street, Bangor; DAVID JONES, Bulkeley House, Llangefni; T. DOBSON, High street, Nevin G. P. WILLIAMS. Eifion Stores Criceieth. RWnaMI WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. K ehcmms Puis 1 Str&ngtfvsn the Stomach. RogutatG tho Bowels, | |; Purify and Enrich tho Blood!, and p Tono tho who to Ajervous System. j; • • I-?' c rCPWflM'C 3?H_S_S contain no drug ot mineral or metallic origin, out j — are purely vegetable, nuld, beneficent, and sure. j|j f g They wi!l restore you to health if you give them a chance. g i w Dcrp/^u A M'C P!i_LS are s-peciallv suitable for FEMALES of all ages, j-5 Every woman who vnlu. s health should read the «! | j' instructions wrapped round each box. £ £ geld eTfirywiiero, In Boies, labelled 1a. containing 5G PiJU, and 2s 9d„ containing 1G8 Plils. g ) CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY, the several stacks of well-harvested MAY. of the growth of 1903, standing at the undermentioned Stations on the Cambrian Railways, and estimated to contain the re- sp?ctive quantities of tons, more or less, also undermcntionc?d, viz. — Fe-nn's Bank, 8. Beitisfield, 6. March- wicl, 8. Llanuantflraud, 7^. Welshpool, 7. Montgomery, 4. Ahermuie, 53. Kerry, 4. Nerwtown, 6. Boughtood, 8. Takanvau, 5. Portmadoc, 3j. Abererch, 4 £ For further particulars, and to treat apply to ENGLISH CUP FINAL, CRYSTAL PALACE, APIUL 23rd. BOLTON WAN- DERERS v. MANCHESTER CITY. SANDOWN AND EPSOM SPRING RACES, APRIL 19—23. j On Tuesdav, April 19th, and Friday. April 22nd, 1904, Cheap Excursions will I run to LONDON (Euston) Full particulars at the Stations or from Mr w/H. Gough, Traffic Suoerintendeut, J Oswestry. { LIST OF LODGINGS. i A new and revised edition of the "List of Hotels and Inns, Farmhouse and Coventry lodgings," in the District served by the Cambrian Railways, will be issued ready for the coming season. A Fee ot One SbiUing will be charged for the insertion of any name and address. Names and addressee of Farmers. Hotel Proprietors, Lodging House Keepers, having accommodation to I offer, sluould he sent to any of the Company s Station Masters, or to Mr W. H. Gough, Traffic Superintendent, Oswestiy, accompanied by a remittance, not later tisan March 6th next. The Company reserve the right of I accepting or rejecting any application. XT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 1.N and from July 1st, 1904, the Return Kedvea of Ordinary Tickets will be available j as under:— 0. For distances up to and including 33 miles, two days; and from Saturday to Monday. I For "distant es exceeding 20 miles, «ix months. Tourist Tickets to and from tu.s Com- panv's Stations will in futuro be available j for six months, instead of two months a» I formerly. 275 RATS FOUND DEAD. MR REID, Professional Rat Catcher, writer from Blair Ca-stle, N.B—"A Few Hours after Using Rodim-. Rat Poison I found 275 Rat a. I have been a Rat Catcher for 45 Years, and never saw anything so deadlv." RATS LIKE IT. EAT IT. AND DIE. Price—6ct. ls, 2s, 3s. 5s. Post.. 2d, HAR- LEY. Chemist. PERTH. Agent: T. WEBSTER, Chamist BANGOR. 035 SICK AND ACCIDENT BENIEFITS. AGENTS WANTEE, SPARE TIME, IN ALL PARTS OF NORTH WALES. GOOD PROMOTION TOR STEADY MEN. OVER TEN THOUSAlTD MEMBERS HAVB JOINED. MEN JOIN FOR 5s TO 30. WEEKLY PAY. WOMEN AND CHILDREN FROM Ie 6d TO 7. 6d WEEKlY PAY. CLAIMS PAID WEEKLY FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL 011 WRITE TO THB DISTRICT SECRETARY FOR NORTH WALES T. H. ROBERTS. 144. HIGH ST., BLAENAU FESTINIOO. DR. )(!NRS DANDELION ^ID QUININ GUARANTEED ^WITHOUT LIVER PILLS Bile, Wind, IndieeaHon, Furred Tonirae, HMtd. Sicknetih, Giddiness, Loss of Appetite, Shoulder Constipation, and all Liver Complninta. Soli bero, 111 ltd. 2s Sd, and 4-< 6d per box. [Kit. 1832.]