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li_U —L RUBBING EASES PAW. ACCIDENTS & AILMENTS. The Elliman «p Book. FIRST AID IN ACCIDENTS & AILMTNTS, HYGIENE OF THE ATHLETE, MASSAGE, && 256 pp., IU'.isiratod. Price 1/- post free throughout the World, stamps or postal order (Foreign stamps accepted), or upon receipt of booklet covers or sight of bills showing purchase of 3 bottles of LLU MAN'S Universal Kmbrocation, 1121: size, or one a/9 or 4/- bottle. Hi Ss?K !Hl 8S?K ELLIMAN SOflSXC?| ELLIMAN SONS&C* ^SI.OMGH/^NG^- /f>LOUC,H/ £ NS s,\ The ELLIMAN R.E.P. BOOK Presents in a concise and intelligible f^rm in- structions how to act in cases of emergency. {ending the arrival of tin? doctor, or where medical aSFistance (anrnt be obtained. Hence It is PARENTS, TEACHERS, NURSES, ATHLETES, TRAVELLERS, AMBULANCE MEN, Masters of Ships, Motorists, Explorers: &c. SUMMARY ui- CONTENTS. Pages. CIRCULATION, Diagram of li ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE TEXT—M Diagrams massage 3-20 RUBEFACIENT, EllimairB as a 24 tES OANT, Elliui;m's as a 25 MEIJ VES, Action of Elliman's upon 26-39 THE USES OF ELLTMAN'S 20 WOUNDS, EHiman's as an antiseptic 2" RUBBIN* i, Time and frequency of 28 SPRAINS, SEVERE, Treatment first day.. 41 second & followiug days 47-4:) It ILD, Trt'd.mellt 4R A DHESIONS, Prewnhon of 49 ■TOINTS, Injuries of 50 (/'jinmt.11 affections of 59 Ml-SCLES AND TENDONS, Injuries of 64 DISLOCATIONS •• 127 FRACTURES 12S DROWNIIVO l't ATHLETE; Hygiene of jhn 141) SCIATICA M RHEUMATISM 78-4 GOUTY SYNOVITIS 77 BLISTERS, How to apply and whrtt to 4PLie 85 COLDS. Treatmeut of IJ7 FOMENTATIONS, Uses of HIS BRONCHITIS 9a I'LEUKISY \){) QUINSY. 9t3 CRAMF 97 HAADS, Chanped CHILBLAINS 99 VATilCOSE V i' INS 1°'5 BURNS, SHOCK, AND COLLAPSE 109-11; BATHS 111-112 HAEMORRHAGE 112 SUNSTROKE, FKA P STROKE 198 SICK ROOM N 'JUSING 166-167 ISOLATION, DISINFECTION 170 FEVERS. MALARIA. 171-IJI HOW TO MAKE CERTAIN RE- QUISITES 161 ANTIDOTES FOR POISON 2:52 COMMOX AILA EN'I S — Constipation, Biikaisnewj, Diarrhwa, Colic, Convulsion*, in Children, Whorpir.j; Cough, Influenza. Eczema, &n, (tee Index). 2^7 The ELLIMAN R.E.P. BOOK MASSAGE. MASSAGE is an art which depends upon a knowledge of anafomy for it.s scientific application. Rut some message is Hotter than no'io, and good re- sults can he obtained by carefully following the mstruc ti. >11' given. The process of Massage combines various THOTR- inents," as they are called. These are utilised singly- or ic combination, In ruo"t cases anything but gently force is necessary. The movements may be called-I. StrcA" 11.?. Kneading. 3. Friction. 4 Tapping. iJ. Vibra- tion STROKING is the movement by which all wassag.; begins, and is called fit especially in the Course of ftccnte inflammations or paiiiful eonditious of the skins and nerves. KNEADING is the most useful of &11 m.wement." for dispersing chronic inflammations, and reducing thickening consequent upon such. FRICTION is m -xt useful in the treatment of chronic effusions iut,) joint", and after sprains, whcr" it correspond to and replace kneading ct muscles. It is really a deep, firm stroking movement, best performed with the tips of the Hurrer" or with- the thumps. It htips to produce absorption of inflam- matory products by breaking up the coagulated materials, and then driving them into tha lymphatics: also by stimulating the circulation it hrlps in the process of repuii. TAPPING is done either with— 1. The tips of the lingers. 2. The palm of the fingers (diagram IIi. •"V The palm of the hand either atraight or balf closed so as to contain a cushion of air. FOI-T FURTHER. INFORMATION SEE THE ELLIMAN R.E.P. BOOK. The ELLIMAN R.E.P. BOOK APPRECIATION. A valuable beok. 1 shall recommend it wherever possible/1—A. T. W. Sandakan. British North Borneo. 4 12 Oil "Our nearest medi-al n,an is seventeen to twenty- fcOr miles away. You will at once see that it will cone in very haady. R. A. W., Victoria. Aiistralii. 21 12 03 "Splendidly got 11 p, and contains a vast amount or nse.'ul information. B. S., Toronto, Canada. 28 12: 03 "The R.E.P. cont Lim information of the utmost ■*al*e to ,lhe membe -s of this Corps."—F. W. 3., South African Constabulary, Heidelberg, South Africa.. 13:11:03 I "I pPl i I I "I SbssK ip! I 1, I "I feasl F'RST AID IN ACCIDENTS & AILMENTS, MYetEME OF THE ATHLETE, MASSAGE, Ie. 356 pp., Illustrated. Prict. 1/- post free throughout the ^'orld, stamps or postal order (Foreign stamps accepted), or upon receipt of booklet covers or sight of bills showing Purchase of 3 bottles of ELLllHAN'$ Universal Hmbrocation, iji^ size, or one a/9 or 4;- bottle. ELLIMAN'S EMBROCATION For :hm, Chilblains bcJore liroken, Sprnius, Corns when Psinful, Cramp, £ rexl; Cuts, Stiiinesr., ^ore Throat hem ScreRcssnithsLimbs C044, after Cycling. the Chest, r<>oiuat<, kow^Hg. tj-caiCoW.i fee. R I'.J.. i/ii, 7'0. 4/ tilitu; S0R5 & CO., Slough, England



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