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ADJOURNED LICENSING SESSIONS AT BARRY The adjourned licensing sessions for the Petty Sessional Division of Dinas Powis were held at the Police Court, Barry Docks, to-day (Thursday),when the justices were Major-General H. H. Lee (chair- man), Messrs J. B. Ferrier, J. JV. Pyman, Colonel F. W. G. Gore, J. C. Meggitt. Dr Howell Rees, W. Hallett, W. Thomas, Captain F. Murrell, and J. A. Manaton. LICENSE HOLDERS WARNED. The police objected to the renewal of the license of the Bassett Arms Hotel, Barry Docks, but the application was supported by Mr F. H. Gaskell, solicitor, Cardiff, on behalf of the licensee.— Deputy-chief-Constable J. F. Giddings stated that other than the occasion for which the house was convicted it was well conducted. Having warned the applicant the Bench granted the application. On the grounds of conviction the police opposed the renewal of the license of the Royal Hotel, Penarth, and the Red Lion Inn, Bonvilstone. Mr Harold M. Lloyd, solicitor, Cardiff, represented Mary Rose Bond, the licensee in the first case, and Mr F. P. Jones-Lloyd, solicitor, Barry Docks, represented Edwin Deere in the latter case.- Warnings were administered and the applications were renewed. CARPENTER'S ARMS, WHITEHALL. David Rees applied for a renewal of the license of the Carpenter's Arms Inn, Whitehall, Penmark. There was a magisterial objection that the house was not required.—Mr Harold M. Lloyd, solicitor, Cardiff, supported the application on behalf of the licensee, Mr F. P. Jones-Lloyd, solicitor, Barry, appearing for the owners of the premises, Messrs D. and T. Jenkins, Pontyclun. The objection was supported by Mr J. A. Hughes, solicitor, Barry.— The Rev H. H. Stewart, M.A., rector of Barry and Porthkerry, said he knew the district well, and did not think the license was required. P.C. Wingrove, formerly stationed at Rhoose, said the Sunday trade was more than that of the whole of the week. P.C. Osborne George said on the previous day he watched the Carpenter's Arms from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., during which time ten vehicles called, six of which were from the Barry district.— David Rees, the applicant, was called, and in support of the license said the house was of great value to picnic parties and others in the summer, and throughout the year a large number of trades- men's vehicles stopped ati, the Inn. On the previous Sunday over fifty dinners were supplied at the Carpenter's Arms.-John R. Chamings, brake proprietor, Barry, gave evidence as to the need of the license for picnic parties.—The appli- cation was further supported by Richard Powell, a Barry and Cardiff cyclist, and Thomas Jenkins, part owner of the premises, whilst at the consent of the Bench, Mr Jones Lloyd called P.C. Thompson, Rhoose, who said about mid-night recently two Penrhiwceiber cyclists broke down at Rhoose, and stayed at the Carpenter's Arms.- The license was granted, and the Bench thought that the licensee might consider whether he would be satisfied with a six days' license. THREE HORSE SHOES, DINAS POWIS. The renewal of the license of the Three Horse Shoes Inn, Dinas Powis, 'was also opposed on similar grounds. Mr J. A. Hughes, solicitor, also objected, whilst Mr F. H. Gaskell, solicitor, Cardiff, supported the application of Jesse Deere.—Mr W. E. Knapman, architect, was called, and stated that the premises were small, with little headroom, and was not well lighted.—P.C. Peacock, Dinas Powis. considered two licensed houses sufficient for the district.—Mr Gaskell intimated that the licensee was prepared to rebuild the premises if thought necessary.—The application was supported by Jane Deere, the licensee, Charles L. Ryder, engineer, George Baker, contractor, and Edmund Greatrex.— What are you ? asked Mr Hughes of the latter. -Witness I work for my living, Mr Hughes. (Laughter), -After a lengthy deliberation the Bench decided to refer the case to the County Compensation Committee. The Court then adjourned for luncheon.




Barry Urban District Council…

Barry Urban District Council…






Barry Urban District Council…
