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Sttsiiuss Jldftns9<9. X rjpUDOR ^yiLLIAMS* X JgALSAM OF JJONEY LARGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. ALL PARENTS SPEAK HIGHLY OF IT 20,000 TESTIMONIALS TO HAND. A Bag of Letters in every day. and wha. they say is sme slung matfelloui. Few speci- mens below MOTHEBS ALL OVER THE WORLD PRAISE IT Kotherlnm House. Blackpool, January 11th, 1897. j3ir,—I found your Tudor Williams's Balsam of ioaey a very soothing mixture for my little laughter'scough when all other preparations failed, Mns CHAPMAN. CaidicGU, Chepstow, January 21st, 1897 Dear 8ir,-A shore tttue o I had a. severe cough "J01d, and bronchitis. A friend advised me to try Tador Williams s Balsam o £ Houey. The first dose gave me ease. I 1111t smce recommended this /aluable medicine to a, yo:mg fellow who was suffer- alg froIn cold. His testimony is 8imil to mine, viz. chat Tudor Williams's Balsam ('{ Honey is one of the beat remedies for all chest nCeciiions. Yours v&ry truly HERBERT JONES. A gentleman remarks I feel it my dirty to aform yon that I have been using your Tudor Williams' Baksam of Honey in my family, which ia a. large one, for many years a»d have proyed its great salue, having used nothing else for Cough during Measles, Whooping Congh and Bxoachitls, and cau highly iseoinmead it to all Parents for such com plaints.— £ o ur s gr atief u Uy, WM. BAJIDING Agent Tredegar Vfharf Estate, Newport, Mon. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is, 23 9d, ancl 9 6d booties. Sample bottles sent (tiost paid) for Is 3d, 38-, and 5m rom the 1n.entor- D TUDOR WILLIAMS, E.D.SJD.. lie Madieai Ball, Aberdare. "RODERICK DHU" OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY. SHE LEADING SCOTCH BRAND. ftBCOMMITNDEB BY ANALYSTS AND PHYSICIANS. fHE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. I WRIGHT & G11ETG, LTD. GLASGOW. This fine old Scotch "Whisky can be had from most of the leading dealers in Cardiff. 48e Cardiff Agent :—Fred Donkley, Black Lion Brewery, Wnarton-sfcreet. t FURNITURE. YOU CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH A SI2TCHJ3 ARTICLE, OR rOUR HOUSE OR APARTMEMTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED WITH SOUND RELIABLE FURNITURE, On the following Bed-iced Easy Terms :— t3 WORTH. Is 5.D WEEKLY £6 WORTH, 2&6d., mo, 4s £20, 6s Larger amounts and special terms can be-:1.rra.r.ged to! sniB customers, SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO OUR SYSTEM OF BUSINESS. No security or la-rge deposit required. Payments can be made weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Strict privacy. All goods delivered free in town or country in privata vans. Liberal ilscotmts for cash and on all.aecmmts pahl; promptly. IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT PROM. NOTE AOBBESSKS LEWIS'S, ANDREWS' BUILDINGS, QUEEN- 1 STREET, AND WORKING STREET (Opposite St. :i John's Church). Send lor Catalogue and Prospectus,\free.71Se C R 0 S S jg ROT H-E B S WORKING-STREET, CABBIFF, BEST GALVANISED CORRUGATEDiSHEETS St. long la Id esch I 3ft, long — ls-9«ct- «ae Sft. „ Is 4d „ 9ft 2s 23 m. Is 7d „ i 10ft 2s ir6d „ BEST QUALITY ROOFING AND OTHER'FKMS 3s, 3s 3d, per Roll of 25 yards. GALVANISED WIRE NETTING INi 50 YABD ROLLS. 31n. meshby 2ft. wide 3s Od (2i a. mesh by2fj¡-.idet3!11d 5in. 4s7d | 2rn. 3ft. SarTd Sin. by4ft. „ 6s2d 2in. ,4ft. Tsli Terms—Net Cash iu Warehouses here. Galvanised Barb Wire, Open & Closed Tanks. Wrought Iron Hurdles, Gates and Railings. 63e N.B.—All remittances should be crossed aadtmade payable to tol. tinIl. DON'T FORGET THAT VTRIDINE is the CURE for CORNS.- -This errand -discovery ■ has led many to imit ate it, but without gn.inhw» fo: sueii preparation the satisfactory results Viridino has secured. In bottles, 1s by post, 19 3d. 3e J. MPNTtAY. PT11; Ca3«Tiff. -+-' Jlsks hu Àudinn. 57. Q UEE N ST 11EE T", "CARDIFF. IMPORTANT SALE OF NEW AND SaECOND- HAND LADIES' AND BICYCLES, TRICYCLES. 2 GENT'S TANDEMS, AND ACCESSORIES. MESSRS BAILEY and GILLER have received instructions from the Griffiths Cycle iration, Limited, and othen to SELL by AUCTION, upon the premise9 :J.S above, on SATUR- DAY NEXT, September 10th. commencing-at ^o'clock p.m., about 100 BICYCLES, including ladies' cycles, gent's roadsters and road racers, &c.; h1dies' and gent's tricycles, gent's Gran. ville tandem; also a few Jots of accessories. N.B.—These Machines are for the most pilort 1898 patterns, and are fitted ■with Dunlop, Palmer, Clincher, and other well-known tyres. On view two davs prior lo Sale. Auctioneers' Ofeces, 24, Duke-street, Cardiff. 41e ANGEL HOTEL YARD. WJSSTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF. JORTNIGHTLY SALE OF HORSES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, HARNESS, SADDLERY, AND STABLE REQUISITES. MESSRS BAILEY and GILLER will 9t_ hold thair next SALE, in the above Yard, on mber 22nd, 1898. Early Entries are solicited, and Entry Porosm !)e obtained froai tlie Auctioneers, at their Offices, 24, Duke-street, Cardiff. 77e Sale No, 5161. THE DUKE-STREET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF. On TUESDAY and THURSDAY NEXT, SEPT. 13th ana 15th, 1898, SALE OF EXCELLENT MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, From Plymouth-road, i'enarth and Richmond and Ninian-roads, Cardiff, Comprising Z pianos in w9¡.lnnt caaes, » walnut divan suite in saddlebags, ditto in leathers and plushes, rosewood cabinet* wIt11 overmantels to m.itc'n, walnut dining t-ablef, 2 noble 6ft. sideboards in walnut, nearly new lirusFels &00 velvet pile carets, a 6ft. wiascd wardrobe with pair of handsome toilets en snit. several heavy iron a;id bras Prench bedsteads complete. r,pri:i{i mattresses, 5 complete bedroom suites in walnut and ash and satin W1.]nnt, 4ft. wardrobes with washstands and dressing tables to match, chests of (}rawers, several v1.nable oil- paintings, and the conf-ents of the usual domestic oilkies. "jl/rESSES J. G. MADDOX and SON are if! instructed to remove and SELL by PUBLIC 11' instructed to remove a.nd SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above, without reserve. Goods on view days prior to and mornings of sales, which will Commence at 2 o'clock recisely. 82e TAFF VALE RAILWAY COMPANY'S GOODS STATION YAnD. QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF. On MONDAY, September 19th, 13C8, commencing at 2 o'clock precisely. On aeccmrit of whom it may concern. UNRESERVED SALE by order of the Ta2 Vale Railway Coiupfwiy. ESSRS J. G. MADDOX and SON are instructed to SELL by PUBLIC Aua. I N. as above, a large quantity of UNCLAIMED GOODS AND LUGGAGE. Comprising lead piping, iron fire stands, ink trapd, ventilators, 65 pairs of opera. and held glasses, crate of sanitary syphons, ovens, crates, bags of bolts, 18 boxes of Lifebuoy soap, 5 cases of Scotch whisky, weighin machine and weights, 1 staircasc, cases ói hairoil, do. mustard, 1 harrel of horse or cattle food, quantity of eastings, casks of vi nemr. paperbags, 1 box of baking powder, 35 yards of oilcloth, 1 forge: I walking-sticks, umbrellas, gloves, W63.rUlg appasel, etc., etc" etc. On View Morning of Sale. Terros-Caah. Further particulars of the Auctioneers, at the Offices and Salerooms, 25, Duke-street, Cardiff. 8le BY 0RDER~0 F THE TRUSTEES. IMPORTANT UNRESERVED SALE OF FURNITURE. SHEFFIELD PLATE, PICTURES, CARPETS, &c. FOWLER AND SON will SELL W by AUCTION ft their Salerooms, 59.. Queen- street, Cardiff, on THURSDAY NEXT, at 2 o'clock, FURNITURE AND PLATE, being the contents of 5 bedrooms, drawing and dining-rooms, viz., tearoom srntes, t., 1et ware, feather beds and bedding, drawing-room suite, trichord piano, music sfcool, 2 uimog-room. suites in morocco and saddlebag9, dinner wagon, vea. and breakfast and dinner sets, Sheifieid plase, &c-> 25 AXMINSER CARPETS, 83e Brussels and Aubrisson c:;irp».,ts. ■rtair SALE SALE I SALE GIVING UP BUSINESS. LAST FEW DAYS for BARGAINS in UNRE- DEEMED PLEDGES, large stock of DLAMOND lUNGS. WATCHEB, and CLOTHING, which wmà be sold. Note Address:—A. ISAACS, 38, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. On and after MONDAY NEXT, the 12th inst., Mli F. WALL will SELL at the above address the whole of the STOCK by PUBLIC AUCTION at 2..30 and 7 p.m. No reserve. 953c I -,R A. -SETCHFiELDh&seceived 13UL instructions to SELL by AUCTION on SATURDAY NEXT, at 7 p.m., about 300 PAIRS of BOOTC »na SHOES, for Casii.—Auction Rooms and office, 18, ChTireli-street, 391 itafeite CARDIFF. J fJlHEATRE ROYAL. li&mwatSB MAN-ASSB „R0BERT REDFORD, LAST TWO NIGHTS OF THE CIRCUS GIRL. Enthusiastic Reception of Mr GEORGE EDWARDES"S No. 1 COMPANY from the Gaiety Theatre, London. SPLENDID COMPANY OF OLD AND NEW FAVOURITES. SEPTEMBER 12TH, THE LITTLE MINISTER, From the Haymarket Theatre. New Box Office at Theatre (St. Mary-street Eutranee> open from 10 till 5. Seats can also be booked by letter, wirerand telephone (No. 362). 1041 i rjlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. FOR SIX NIGHTS AND A MATINEE. Mr FREDERICK HABRISON and Mr CYRIL MAUDE'S COMPANY, From theRAYMARKET THEATRE, London, under the direction of Mr ALFRED COUKTKJiAY, In the famous Romantic Comedy, f £ BE L ITTLE STER, By J. M. BAERIE. The production is the same as at present tunning at the Ha>-marfcet Theatre. sm ALEXANDER MACKENZIE'S SPECIAL MUSIC. Company Selected and Rehearsed by Mr Cyril Maude. On MONDAY EVENING the Performance will be under the Patrouae a.nd Presence of the President of the Cardiff Barns' Club (ARCHIBALD HOOD. Esq). Box Office now Open. 6923—75 MATINEE, SATURDAY, September 17th, at 2. "f is not in mortals to command a access, hat do more—tfeser»e it." THE EMPIBE. 1d,unliullJ UIKM3W0B OeWA&D SzaMj. TO-NIGHT. The elegant Parisienne, NIARGUERITE 0ORNILLE, -it-eL Artistic to the finger ips, Lovely of face, Shapely of form, Tna most captivating of songstresses fWffl the Palace :md the Tivoli, London, where visitors to the Metropolis ha.ve probably seen her and ¡ can therefore testify to the charm of her performance. MARK MILTON, a Comedian. THE THREE SISTERS SLATER, Trio Vocalists in Character. THE TWO BEES (The Blakes), Talkers and Singers who aim at langhter. LUCRETIA, A Dancer of Uncommon Flexibility. JAMES CURRAN, A Stolid Scotch Singer of Comic Atrocities of which he is the Perpetrator. ETHEL CAMBRIDGE, Songstress. THE FLAKEYS, Dnettisfce amd Dancen. "THE MUSICAL SMITHY," A Humorous and Mek>dion«t Pantomime by THE JEES. Net Week—Tom Costello, The Scibims, Edwin Boyùe, &c. Office-opeu daily fwith exception of Saturdays) II a-m. to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10-p.m. Saturdays, a.m.. to 2 p.m. Plan of Boxes. Fawfcerrils aud Grand Circle. No Rookiae Pees. Telephone No. 625. 1141 22e f RAND 1 H E A T R E~; \W Lessee and Manager—Mr CijAJtKNCK SouNF.p_t LAST TWO nIGHTS OP rjpHE jgELLE OF THE '^TEST' Time and popular l'rie as usual. MONDAY NEXT, Sept. 12th, THE SLEDGE HAMMER. B'WaksEA. rjl H E E M P I R 1 Manaoxko DERKC*OR—OSWAW) STOLTi. TO-NIGHT. '• LONDON LIFE," by the inimitable HORNF. BROS. TROUPE, in which their burlesque Pugilism is introduced and excites roars of laughter. TO-NIGHT. LONDON LIFE," by the inimitable HORNF. BROS. TROUPE, in which their burlesque Pugilism is introduced and excites roars of laughter. ATHAS AND COLLINS. The smart and funny duettists. F. W. MILLIS, The Famous Australian Ventriloqnisi. Varieties by other artists. NEXT WRKK—" The Masical Smithy." "NEWPORT" m H E E MP I R E 1 MA>IA«IH« DITIRCSOIV—OSWALD 8TOLT1. CLOSED FOR REBUILDING upon M enlarged scale in modern style. The Cardiff Empire firs* performance each evening is ^convenient 1143 for visitors from Newport. 25e f YCEUM, NEWPORT, 1,-i Pioprietor Sc Manager, Mr CuLBaaa30&SoxnjtB8. TO-NIGHT a.t 7.30, "DAVID GARRICK." TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), Last Performance of "THE SLEDGE HAMMER." Price. 6d to £1 lB. Box Office Opou, Daily 10. to 4. Telephone, No. 158 Nat. Nest Week—" No Man's Laad." sfcznirsimis. P AND A. CAMPBELL^ LIMITED. &€HJLAR SERYICE BETWEEN CARDIFF AND WESTON By the LADY MARGARET. fWeathcr and circumstances permitting^ SEPTEMBER. Leave CARBITT. ( Leaft WESTON. Fri., 9-9.30, ll. 1.15v3J5 p.m. I 2.0, 3.0 p.io. Sat., 10-9.45, 1130 a.m., | Sat.. 10—'lO^OajD., '12J5, 1..30, 3.15, 5.15 o.m. [ *2.15, *4.0, 9-30 p.m. Mon., 12-12.0, 2..30, 4.30 Mon., 12-1.15..3.15,6..30 Tues., 13—L20, 3^0, 5.30 Tues-, 13—, 7.30 Wed., H-7.20 a.m., 205, J TWed., 14—a-m., 3.0, 4.15..6.15 p.m. 5.0,8.0 p.m. Thors^I5—-7.45ajn^ 2.45, j flThurs., 158.30 a.m., 4.45, €.45 p.m. I 3.30. 5.30. 7.45 p.m. The Steamer leaves Penarth Pier Ten Minutes after leaving Cardiff, except trips marks* gPE C I A L A~riri7N^G~S~[ SATURDAY, Sept. 10. LYXMOUTE, WOODA BAY, 1LFRACOMBE, and CLOVELLY.—Leave Cardiff, 9.30 a.m. Penarth, 9:40; Clovelly, 5.45 p.m.: Ilfracombe, 7-30 p.m.; Wooda. Bay, 7.55 Lynmotxth, 8.10. HALF-HOLIDA Y TRIP to LYNMOUTH, WOODA BAY, and ILFBACOMBE.—Leave Cardiff, 3.0 p.m.; Penarth, 3.10 Ilfracombe, 7.15 p.m.; Wooda Bay, 7.40; Lynmouth, 7.55 Cardiff for Bristol, 9.46. MONDAY, SEPT. 12th. BRISTOL.—Leave Penarth 12.30 p.m., Cardiff SINGLE TRIP to LYNMOUTH. WOODA BAY, and ILFRACOMBE. — Leave Cardiff 6.15 pjn. Pena.rt_ rslT~OF HJtL SQUADRON TO WALTON BAY, KING ROAD. SPECIAL TRIPS FUOM CARDIFF AND PENARTH by the magnificent Saloon Steamers WESTWARD Hor and RAVENSWOOD (weather and circumstances permitting). FRIDAY, Hept. 9th. CLEVEDON and FLEET (Direct),—Leave Cardiff 2.0 p.m., Penarth 2.10 p.m., Clevedon 7^0 p.m. Also WESTON, CLE VEDON, and FLEET.—Leave Cardiff 3.15 p.m-, Penarth 3.25 pju.,Clevedon 7.15p.m., Weston 8.0 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th. CLEVEDON and FLEET (Direct).—Leave Cardiff 2.30 p.m.. Peuarth 2.40 p.m., Clevedon 9.0 p.m. Also WESTON. CLEVEDON, AND ROUND THE FLEET.—Leave Cardiff 5.15 p.m., Penarth 5.2Sp.m., Clevedon 8.JOp.m., Weston 9.30 p.m. Fares, this Trip only 2s (any part of Steamer). Fares—Weston and Clevedon as usual; to the Fleet, 3s. Notice.—Season Tickets, Period Tickets, and Passes not available beyond Clevedon. Fare from Clevedon to FIest. 2s. Note.—Passengers will have a splendid opportunity of Viewing the Warships, and will be put on board if practicable, but this is not guaranteed. Note.—Several of Company's Steamers are plying between Clevedon and Fleet. Passengers to Clevedon by taking through tickets can go and return by any of these Steamers. T> EGULAR SERVICErTO AND FROM ill CARDIFF AND PENARTH To LYNMOUTH, WOODA BAY, and ILFRACOMBE By the Magnificent Saloon Steamers BRITANNIA, WESTWARD HO. SEPTEMBER. Ist., 10.7.15 and 7.3Qp.m. Mon., 12 7.15 ajn. Mon., 12 „10.0 a-m. Wed., Wed., 14 2.0 p jn. Thur., 15 9J15 t-m. Thur., 15 2J0 p.m. Fri., 16 10.0 1"rL. 16.3.0 p.m. Sa.t.,17 .10.0 a.m. Sat"17 .3.JO p.m. SPECIAL CHEAP THROUGH FARES TO DEVON AND CORNWALL, In conjunction with the London and South Western Railway Company. For Farther Particulars, Fares, Ac., see BlUe. For further particulars and tickets see bills, or apply Mr WILLIAM GUY, Agent, 616e 70. Bute-street, Cardiff. ——————————— ——' ^rap^rty, to Utt. <EFN-RALLT FARM, LLANDOVERY. This Farm contains 182 acres of good pasture and arable land, joining; the Borough Boundary of Llan- dovery, and one mile from Town a.nd Railway n'ih«:v. 5 poaseSBÏon September. !ci(vJn8's are aU iu good condition. Rent, £ 100 per annum Apply— 6920—74n w. J. REES, Land Agent, Swansea. Q&ucatiaa. CHELTEKEEAM. EDUCATION.—18 girioeaa yeMiy for JL'J board, lanndrew, Enftteh, Preach, mute, singing, dancing, and drilL Inpancb COVONH. No eartrae. Tennia Cow kept. Referen««; pjrosrwcUigec, view of house and grounds.—Lady Principals, Beech Vina, St. Maik's, Cheltenham. Separate school for UtUii hoys, six 992a 58tcsritesa bbrdSt5. i L JJOCTORS AGREE THAT MAX 0.REGERS ,j^ £ AX ^j.REGER'S JJUNGARLUN H UNGARIAN -I"s w LNIE s ABE REJUVENATING AJrn INVIGORATING. BARON LEIBIG, in a letter which EXCITED mueb attention at the time, announced boldly the reason of his belief in the use of HUNGARIAN Wines. M AX QREGER'S M AX Q.REGER-S JJUNGARIAN JJ UNGARIAN WINES l.,E S "RICH IN FIrOSPHATES.Earo)i, LÙbig. RECOMMENDED, alike for the Anasmic and the Robust, by the highest Medical Authorities for over 35 years. See that every cork bears the brand MAX GREGER." Without it the Wine is not genuine. In Bottles and Screw-Stoppered Flagons. From 15s to 60s per doz. TO BE OBTAINED FKOjf :— F. L. CHURCHILL and CO., Ship-lane, West Bute-street. FULTON, DUNLOP and CO., 9, Duke-street, Cardiff, and Windsor-road, Penartli. R. P. CULLEY and CO., 92, Queen-street. CULLEY'S STORES, Queen-street. CULLEY'S STORES, Clifton-street. W. W. NELL, LTD., St. John's-street. J. WEAVER and CO., Queen-street, AND Masonic Buildings, Penarth. near Cardiff. 721b H- AVE you A BAD IjEG, With wounds that dischcurge or otherwise, perhaps surrounded with inflammation and ;swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it eaves the impression ? If so, undc- the skin you have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried which, if not extracted, yon never can recover, but go on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints beingulcerated; the same with the ankles, round which the skin may be (lis- coloured, or there may be wounds; the disease if allowed to continue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals and bad medical advice, and been told your case isliopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, for I CAN CTJSE you. I don't say perhaps; but I vn,i, Beca-aae others have failed is no reason for not now being cured. Numbers have consulted me arid been cured, after suffering from one to 20 years. lido-1; sible Call, or send a Postal Order for 2s 6d to yi. W. ALBERT, 73, Farriiigdon-street, London, and yoa will receive a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLS, which is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Leg Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Jcints, Carbuncle Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. Registered. 63e STONE BEOS., SoM-of the late Aid.Gains Augustus Stone COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Ercry^TequiS!te for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilli Thiers, & Coaches, superb Flenii sh Horses, et Please Note the Only Address :— 5, WORKING-ST RE ET. Telegrftohic Address:- STONE BROS,, CARDIFF." National Telephone—No.704 50 T G. STONE & CO., 1 u NDERTAKERS. 10, 11, A 12, WORKING-STREET, 0ARDIFF. Ee Telegraphic Address: STONS, 11, Working-meet, Cardiff. Na.t onal Telephone, No. 339. ill ■■■■Himma mil ni« nimiil

The Man About Town. I








[No title]

A Great Surprise,



' rDomestic Tragedy,












[ Liverpool Scandat.










.... r A Liverpool Tragedy.