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%nghM8g brtIUI. X fJlUDOR ^yiLLIAMS' X jgALSAM OF HONEY. LARGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. ALL PARENTS SPEAK HIGHLY OF IT 30,000 TESTIMONIALS TO HAND. A Bag of Letters in every day, and what they say is smething marvellous. Few speci- men, below HOTHERS ALL OVER THE WORLD PlUISB IT Botherham Honse, Blackpool, January 11th, 1897. 8tr,-I found yonr Tudor Willlama's Balsam of Aoaey a very soothing mixture for my little daughter's cough when all other preparations tailed. MM CHAPMAN. Caldieot, Chepstow, January 21st, 1897. Daar Sir,—A short time ago I had a severe cough, gd, and bronchitis. A friend advised me to toy dor "Williams's Balsam of Honey. The first dose gave ma ease. 1 have since recommended this trainable medicine to a young fellow who was suffer- tag from cold. His testimony is similar to mine. vis., that Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey is one of the bert remedies for all chest affections. Yours very truly, HHRBERT JONES. A gentleman remarks" I feel it my duty to aform you that I have been nsing your Tudoa Williams' Balaam of Honey in my family, which is a large one, tor many years and have proved its great value, having used nothing else for Cough during If easing Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, and can Highly recommend it to all Parents for such com- plaints.—Yours gratefully, WM. HARDING, 1gen.. Tredegar Wharf Estate, Newport, Hon. Bold. by all Chemists and Stores in Is, 2s 3d, and 6d boltien. Sample bottles sent (pest paid) for IS 3d, Se, and Se tota the Inventor— D. VUDOK WILLIAMS, R.D.S.L.. tie Medical Hall, Aberdare. HAvi You A BAD LEG' With wounds that discharge or otherwise, perhaps lRIlTonuded with inflammation and swollen, that when you press your finger on the inflamed part it eaves the impression ? If so, underthe akin YOIl have poison that defies all the remedies you have tried. Which, if not extracted, you never can recover, but go on suffering till death releases you. Perhaps your knees are swollen, the joints being ulcerated; the same wtth the ankles, round which the skin may be dis- coloured. or there may be wounds; the disease U allowed to continue will deprive you of the power to walk. You may have attended various hospitals and bad medical advicc, and been told your case i3 hopeless, or advised to submit to amputation; but do not, for I CAN cuius you. I dont say perhaps; but I WILL, Because others have tailed is no reason for not now toatng oared. Numbers have consulted me and been cured, after suffering from one to 20 years. U pes rfWe Call, or nend a. Postal Order for 28 6d to ML W. ALBERT. 73, Faningdou-stmt, London, and yrnx will receive a box of GRASSHOPPER OINTMENT AND PILLB. •Web is a certain remedy for the cure of Bad Legs, Housemaid's Knee, Ulcerated Joints, Carbuncles, Poisoned Hands, and Bunions. Registered. 463w AGENTS FOR PHILLIPS & CO.'S PURE TEAS. M. MAGERISON, 20, POMEROY-STREET, CARDIFF. G. NEWMAN, 71A, CUVE-BOAD, CARDIFF. F. C. OAKEY, .t.S9, CYFAMTHPA-STREET, CARDIFF. names and addresses of THREE FRESH' AGENTS will appear hero every week- PHILLIPS & CO., TEA SPECIALISTS, 74, QUERN-STREET, CARDIFF. LAVERTONS, LIMITED, UPHOLSTERERS, CABINET MAKERS CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, BEDDING MANUFACTURERS COMPLETE HOOSE AND HOTEL FURNISHERS AND DECORATORS. Large Stocks ol well-made AUTISTIC FURNI. 9UKE on view at all Branches in the various Styles at present obtaining. FITMENTS OF ALL KINDS, SIDEBOARDS, RICHLY CARVED DINNER WAGONS DINING TABLES. DINING-ROOM SUITES, I BEDROOM SUITES, LIBRARY k STUDY FURNITURE, Ac., Ac FURNITURE and FITMENTS specially Designed and Manufactured to meet the requirements of Gentlemen or their Architects. LA VERTONS, IMITED CENTRAL WAREHOUSE. BIUSTOL-36 and 37. Maryleport-street, and oi Bridge-street BSUNCHXS :— and 58, Royal Promenade. BATH—10, Mils m-street, and it and 9, John-street. CARDIFF—23, Duke-street; and BEWPORT-l37 and 137A, Commercial-street, and -1 1!- "RODERICK DHC OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY. THE LEADING SCOTCH BRAND. RECOMMENDED BY ANALYSTS AND PHYSICIANS. TBS BEST VALUt: IN THE MARKET. WRIGHT A GREIG, TD., GLASGOW. This foe old Scotch Whisky est* be had from KOST of the leading dealers in Oardift. TIe TWO jpBNCE IN THE gHILLING OB OVKB TRRIIB gHILLINGS IN THE pOUND CAN BE gAVBD BY BUYING JOUR PROVISIONS YSO. TIlE irMBBCT HpRADING QOMPAJTC, flat. BUT! 3TRBBT (PRf ioon from Custom Rovutmtm/k). NO OTBBB BRANCH IN CARDIFF. • »S LAE, BUY THE CARDIFFTIMES t SOUTH W4bB& WBWBW? MBWS.-OSB PS5MWY. IlnhUt J\.mU5tmtnfs. CARDIFF. 3p H E A T R E TJOYAL. ssee and Manageress. Mrs EDWARD FLETCHER. Telephone, 362. Special Notice.—Cardiff is the only Town in Sonth Wales and Monmouthshire visited by this Company. TO-NIGHT AND DURING THE WEEK, Matinee SATURDAY, Nov. 27th, at 2 o'clock. Doors open at 1, MR WILLIAM GREET'S COMPANY, by arrange- ment with MR WILSON BARRETT, in the gIGN OF THE QROSS, By WILSON BARRETT. Early doors, 6.30. Doors open at 7; commence, 7.30. Prices as nsnal. Seats not guaranteed. Booking offices at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Ltd.. Queen-street. from 10 till 5. Telephone, 521. Monday Next, Nov, 29th, First Visit of Mr A. A. Barclay's No. 1 Company, in the New and Original | Musical Comedy, THE BALLET GIRL, by the Author of "TheCircus GirL" In Active Preparation, THE ROYAL ANNUAL PANTOMIME, ROBINSON CRUSOE (Up-to-Date.) Written by GEORGE THORNE {of D'Oyly Carte fame), and which will be produced in a style worthy of the Principality of Wales. R A N D THEATRE. Leasee and Manager.Mr CLARSNCE SOOTES. LAST TWO NIGHTS OF A GAIETY GIRL, Popular Prices :—4d to 10s 6d. Doors open 7.10 (early doors 6.45). Commence 7.30. MONDAY NEXT, NOVEMBER 29th. MAN TO MAN. 'Tie not in mortals to command success, but well do more—deserve it." THE EMPIRE. Uxiusixa DIRECTOR — OSWALD SZOLL TO-NIGHT I From the Palace Theatre, London, and all the chief Continental Establishments, the Parisians, LES GARDENIAS, In vocal, terpsichorean, and instrumental tit-bits. REZENE AND ROBINI, The funniest fellows to date. Look at him [ MARY LYNNE. Contralto Vocalist. THE 3 KEZIAHS, Three Ladies on the Silver Ladders. FLO. BURRIS, Songstress and Dancer. JOHNNY DWYER, Comedian. THE S.O. CINEMATOGRAPHE, With Panorama of Jerusalem Photographed from the back of a train. Also realistic representation of a SPANISH Bull Fight, which, owing to its popularity on Monday night, will be repeated. F. W. MILLIS, The Australian Ventriloquist. NEXT WEEJt- THE PEERLESS SANDOW IN "SAN DOW 8 OLYMPIA," Box Omce open daily from lOto 4 Saturdays, 10 to 1. Also from 7 to 10 each evening for bookings for subse- quent dates. Two Complete Performances Every Evening Between 7 and 9 and 9 and 11. A 60 YEARS' SUCCESS MUST HAVE MERIT. pHILHARMONIC HALL, CARDIFF. Enormous Success and Third Week of JOSEPH POOLE'S gIGHTS OF THE ^yORLD. THE RECORD BEATEN, AND WHY ? Because POOLE'S PICTORIAL PRODUCTION and POOLE'S VARIETY CONFEDERATION fa undoubtedly the Greatest AND Grandest Show in Cardiff. POOLE'S ORCHESTRAL BAND. Every Evening at 7.45; Doors Open at 7.15. Wed- nesdays and Saturdays Matinees at 3. Notice—Early doors at 7 o'clock, 3d each extra to all parts. Manager, J. W. Poole. Sole Proprietor, Joseph SWANSEA. THE EMPIRE", M MANAGING DmECTOB-OBW ALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! POLVERINTS CINEMATOGRAPHS, With views of THE GREEK AND TURK WAR. THE JONES-AMONDA TROUPE, JACKLEY and FRATELLI, ROBIE MAY. CHARLES DEANE, ADA LONSDALE, SISTERS SANTLBY. and VOLTI and RAY. NEWPORT. THE EMPIRE MANACIINQ DmECTOR-QSW ALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT! BARNARD'S WONDERFUL MARIONETTES The most perfect of their kind. MY FANCY." The incomparable Sand Dancer. The BROTHERS ETHARIEN, with the mechanical horse. J. H. MILBTJBN, the celebrated comedian. H. F. WILSON, Vocalist. The SCHALUBRS, Variety Entertainers; and The SISTERS PRESTON, iu their latest snccesses. YCTDM, N EWORT. Proprietor Manager. Mr CLAREHCB SOUNES. THIS EVENING. at) 7.30. TWO LITTLE yAGABONDS. Prices, 6d to jEl Is. Box Office Open Daily Ten to Four. Telephone, 158 Nat. 496e 1956 NROCR WEEK—THE SHOP GIRL. PONTYPRIDD. T>OYAL CLARENCE THEATRE. Xli PB0PBXBT0BS..Mesars TRENCHARD & JONES. FILSAQBB Mr TOM JONES. MONDA Y, November 22nd, and Every Evening during the Week, the original Hamilton's FAMOUS DIORAMIC EXCURSIONS TO THE CAPITALS OF EUROPE AND THE CAPE. Varieties by Hamilton's specially-selected company, including the Brothers Blair, in their refined society sketch, entitled "Complications." Late tramcars to Porth, and trains to the Valleys on Monday. Thursday, and Saturday. to Cil- fynydd every night after the performance from Theatre doors. Time and prices as usual. Afternoon Performance Saturday, November 27th, at 2.30. 517e l'IOUNTAIN ASH. aJ Tt/TR JOHN STUDT, the Pioneer Amuse- RIFJL ment Caterer, has arrived in South Wales withhisCelebrated Galloping Horses, Oriental Gon- dolas, Switchback Railway, and the Grand Orchestra- phone by three special trains, and is now exhibiting on the Cressilly Grounds for a few days, commencing Saturday, Nov. 27th. The great Autumn Flannel Fair on the same grounds on Monday. Nov. 29th. and fol- lowing days. These Gondolas and Galloping Horses are the same- that proved such an attraction at the Cardiff Exhibi- tion last Summer. Mr Studt was the first to introduce into this country the Gaviole Orchestraphone, which he purchased direct from the Antwerp Exhibition, 18%, at the enormous expense of JE800. The Orchestraphone will play from 7 to 10.30 each evening selections from the following" Rip Van Winkle," A Song that will Live for Ever," Erin," Irish seleotion, In Friendship's Name," Maritana," Selection, Scottish Selection, Hallelujah Chorns," Overture Zampa," II Bar- ber of Seville," Welsh Selections, etc. The Organ is worked by pneumatic machinery, and is a complete Brass and Reed Band. Worth coming miles to near. No teasers allowed by order of the lessee. 320 -_+- HEATH'S PIANOFORTES AND ORGANS By ALL TtlTAKERS. THE LATEST MODELS AND DESIGNS FROM 58, MONTHLY. 58. IN THE Jg IjQISCOUNT £ JASH. ALL INSTRUMENTS GUARANTEED FOR YBARS, AND TUNED One ybae FREE. 51, QUEEN.STREET, CARDIFF 70, TAFF> STREET, PONTYPRIDD 31, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. FACTORY—LONDON. ■ —»»■'— OG AGENTS WANTED IN ALL PARTS TVYBING1 DYEING J 1 JJYEING t J J EVERY DESCRIPTION of LADffiS' aaa GENTLEMEN'S DRESS CLOTHING Household Furnishings, Ac., < DYED OR CLEANED. CHEMICAL OR DRY CLEANING A SPECIALITY. BEST BLACK DYED DAILY. Taoosaaa Cleaned aod Tailor Clr. SUITS Cleaned and Tailor Pressed MOM LAoat'CoRuitu Cleaned and Pressed tww 4a. Carriage Paid one way on Country Etoew". Fenarth Daily ;Llani»hen,Llandaff, Whitchurohi St. llellon's, Ac., Twice weekly. Send Post Card to the CARDIFF OTEAM X AUNDBY DYEING, CARPET & WINDOW CLEANING 00. (LOOTED), MINNY-ST., OATH AYS, CARDIFF. NAFYB^ XEFEBTOAFTRTOL 1308 ftabtic ;Rotkts. VALE OF GLAMORGAN RAILWAY The Vale of Glamorgan line from Barry to Bridg- end Station. Great western Railway, and Coity Junction (near Tondn) will be OPENED for PASSENGER, GOODS, and MINERAL TRAFFIC on WEDNESDAY, the 1st of DECEMBER, 1S97, and on and from that date the Company will be prepared to deal with such traffic at the several stations on this line, viz., Rhoose, Aberthn.w, Gileston, Llantwit- Major, and Southerndown-road. They will also be prepared to deal with live stock traffic at Aberthaw. Gileston, Llantwit-Major, and Southerndown-road. Passengers for the Vale ol Glamorgan and Barry Line from the Llynvi, Garw, and Ogmore Valleys, and also from places on the Great western Oom- pany's Line below Bridgend should change at Bridgend Station. Traffic for the Vale of Glamorgan Line bom the Llynvi, Garw, and Ogmore Valleys should be con- signed and addressed via Coity Junction, and from places west of Bridgend via Bridgend For the Vale of Glamorgan line from places north of Treforeat traffic should be consigned and addressed via Treforeat Junction and Barry, and from places east of St. Fagan's via St. Fagan's and Barry. W. MEIN. Secretary. Barry Dock. Nov. 25th. 1897. 2940 STONE BROS., Sons of the late Aid. Gains Augustus Stone. COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shill biers, & Coaches, superb Flemish Horses, etc. Please Note the Only Address 5, WORKING-STREET. Telegraphic Address :— "STONE BROS,. CARDIFF." National Telepbone-No.704 IOe NO STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT For SPRAINS ELLIMAN'S w>SPISNTS' when forming. SPRUNG SINEWS, CAPPED HOCKS, OVER REACHES, BRUISES & CUTS, BROKEN KNEES SORE SHOULDERS ORE THROATS, SORE BACKS, SPRAINS, CUTS, BRUISES in DOGS, CRAMP IN BIRDS, &c. "Ithink it very useful." Rutland. ROYAL Master of Belvoir Hounds. Bottles, Is, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s Ed. Jars, 10s 6d, 20a. EMBROCATION. Prepared by ELLIMAN. SONS dfcCo.. SLOUGH,ENG TO ADVERTIStRS. The South Wales Echo is GUARANTEED to have a Larger Circulation 0 than that of ALL the other Evening Papers of South Wales and Monmouthshire added together. As regards Cardiff alone, it is almost unneces- sary for us to add that the circulation of the "SOUTH WALES ECHO' 'isIMMENSELY GREATER than that of any other Evening Paper. f1 TT-' Paten^LINKS^a^-STUDS \J\JLJL admit ofanv size or design being insertedand worn without injury to the linen. Are EASIEST of INSERTION YET PRODUCED. Per- fectly secure. 487 CARYL, 23, Clifton-street, Rostb, Caxffiff. G. STONE & CO., u NDERTAKERS. 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, 0ARDIFF. Se Telegraphic Addres3: STONE, 11, Working-street, Cardiff. National Telephone, No. 839.

The Man About Town. I




IPoor Young Queen! I


[No title]

The Edinburgh Tragedy.I







INorth Waies DivoreeCase







