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¡¡¡tlintSS bbrl'StI. X J)EARH jyj[R! X I bad almost forgotten to jive TCDOB WILLIAMS 8 1Sx 07 Hosrt to my childteu for their Coughs and Colds before they retired to bed. This valuable Medicine now Suds a larger sale in Every Town and Vill&Ro. from Land's End to John O'Groat's, than auy other Coofh or Luoy OHM, Why. rjiUDOK WH,T.TAMS' BALSAM OF J £ £ ONEY Jbfttains the fun Welsh honey and aD eessne* III the purest and moat efficacious herbs, beiag red nt ITS proper seadon, vrlwn its virtues N* in foil perfection. A Swart,-wr, lady declares tbat this famous Balsam acts like magic on her abimm, and gives Immediate relief. BRONCHITIS. TkUiER m tttoanad) of children vthe die Maoally from bronchitis, whooping couIJ, and •tovi* This is a grand discovery for tige cove of took oexnplaints. It n IlfVALUABL8 for weak-chested men, I ilitliwH weraeit, and children. It cutw when all atfeec remedies fail. Is cures Coughs, Bronchi tin, Asthma, Tightness of the Cnwt. It com thousands of children of Bronchitis and WbeopiuK Coughs. It cure* for One Shilling when Founds have been spent in vain. TRY IT! If yon hate a Cough, try lb; if yoa have A Cold, I tty it; it you haTe Bronchitis, try ia. It loesens the phlegm and promotes expectoration, produces wtitttb and comfort to the cheat, and gives votmokiv-S sleep when you have lost nights of reet. .S.CTI3G ARMY SCHOOLMASTER. BIt.-Baclose cheque for a further apply of year FADER Williams' Balsaua of Honey. I have used it in nIMlY COA" Of Coughs and Colds. It htW never failed to eftet A COMPLETE oure.-Prof. GEO, H. ATKLFSON, Aklershot." „ .sold BY all Chemists and Stores, in Is, 2s 3d, ana 6d bottle! ^MY'R Settles sent (post paid) for IS 3J, 3s, and 5S, fcreoi tie IIIftmtOf- U. TUDOR WILLIAMS, B.D.S.L., Surgeon Dentist, Medical Had!. Aberdare. HEATH & SONS. INSTRUMENTS BY ALL MAKERS. pIANOFORTES By Broad wood, Collard, Kirkman, Brins- nteed, Krard, Pleyel, Schieilinayer, Bfotbner, Stein way, Bee lutein, N AUM-yer <kc.,Ac. ORGANS by Mason and Hamlin, Bell, Smith, Dominion, Sterling, Story AAD .M Clarke, Doherty, Karn, Ac., &C. HARMONIUMS Ity Alexandre. Itc. yp|L AHI> SMALL-SIZE ORA^JD PIANOFORTES (nsed at Madame Patti's Conceit) FOR HIRE, RECITALS, Ac. OFCANDS AND COTTAGES BY I KA.DING MAKERS FROM £10 TO £ 300 Aston FirdiMinf; do not fail to send tor our Price Lists and Verdict oi 900. 58 IN THE £ DISCOUNT FOR CASH. WCPBRIENCED TUNERS VISIT ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WALES PERIODICALLY. REPAIRS EXECUTED BY FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED LONDON WORKMEN. Apecial quotatieus for places of worship, Institutions and schools. flefcool Board Models, as supplied Cardiff, PesarUi, and Porth Board Schools. JJEATfcl & SOroiS' SHOW ROOMS 5J, QUKKNbTKEET, I 70, TAFF-STREKT, CARDIFF ) PONTYPKIUD AMD 31. WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. HA ICU FACTORY LONDON. Igwciu at AberaTOD, Cadoxton-Barry, Bridgeu f Maesteg, Ac., Ac., Canvassers wanted In all parts en good 1066 CommiKsien. 9431-2. glLAGS AND T IE N T S. 5PLFNDID ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS AND SIZES. %MT TO MASCTACIUREK fJHARLES D. PHILLIPS, TENT WORKS, y N EWPORT, WHKKE THEY CAN BE SEEN. 2B3 CROSS BROTHERS. WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. JWST GALVANISED CORRUGATED SHEETS— Oft. leu Is Id each. 8ft. long lsIOd each. Sit. „ Is 4d „ 9*t „ 2s 2d „ m. „ Is 7d „ lioit „ „ 2s M REST QUATrrY ROOFING AND OTHER FELTS 3s, 3.s lod, per Roll of 25 yards. VIKK NETTTNQ IN 50-YARD ROUS. Ha. weah by 2ft. wide, 3d Id 2ta.mexh by 2ft. wide,3»10d Ste. by 3ft. 4s 9d I 2m. „ by 3ft. „ 5s lOd Ha. „ by "WL „ 6s 3d 121 n. „ by 4/t. „ 7a lOd Terms, Net Cash in Warehouses here. 57e Oatvamied Part Wire, Open and Closed Tanfes Lawn Mowers, Rollers, Garden Seats and Arches. Ac. THE I I; SOUTH WALES [ FURNISHING CO., No. 31, OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, I CARDIFF, I 3<jME OF THE ADVANTAGES OF OUR SY;'J.EM OVER OTHER FIRMS All oar QOODB an of a RELIABLE and SUBSTANTIAL MANUFACTURE, can ^"have^'LARGER STOCK to SELECT FROM than any simitar Establishment outside All our Business in eoadoctM in a STRICTLY PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL MANNER. We do not require our Customers to sign objectionable Hire Agreement; No labels or tablets are s»fflxed to the faoods, sod no indication is given that tbe Goode are oa Hire, the hirer enjoying the use of them AS thoogh it were a Cash transaction. Be: a? booa-Stle Manufacturers of most of the Goode we sai, aad having a very iproce cstpiw at our ooonmand. we are enabled to SELL CON- SIDERABLY CHEAPER on our Hire-Purchase Systeui than the majority of those firnm who sell .their goods for ready money only, as a comparison by a visit to our establishment will conclusively ""There are no additional expenses or charges of say kind, and the Furniture becomes the absolute property of the customer as soon as the stipulated amount has been paid. TERMS We give our customers the privilege of arranging their own tecnae of payment, as they beall know tilo amou at they can afford to pay each week or month. All goods delivered iTRILE in PRIVATE VANS. The fair and equitable manner in which we transact our batinms and deal with our customers is so well known as to reader further comment unnecessary. CAUTION. Owing to the very gmat sweess of our node Of baa met*, and tha high commendation our aystem Has received, we deem ib advisable to notify (baft jttt only place eI business is Opposite tbe Caatlsk gOfJTH w ALF's JPURNISHIKG COMPANY, V1 NQ. Jjj[ OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF. 713s Á. \ND G. T AYLOtt. PAZMOMILNAL AND CONTINUED SUCCESS OF otJB HIGHLY FINISHED ARTISTIC PORTRAITS Kntesatoas of eotir. satisfactSou a daily occurrence. Proofs submitted. Satisfaction guaranwed. Cabinets, 15a nsr doz. CarUts-de-Visite, 6s per doz.. Midaets. 4s 6d per doa. DUKE^TREEl, «V WW PORT CARDIFF. ^EWPORT. A. AND G. TAYLOR. 126e AH Miepke^ers vtsitiB* Cardiff will be weU repaid for a Visit to the Warehouses of J. E. CUHLBY AND SON, Me 1NIJ tMW8 IMPORTERS OF FANCY aooDS AND TOYS, WHOLESALE MANCHESTER WARW HOUSEMEN, AC. Bit fai|M> and Best Selected Stock outside I<on^.on Oldest Established Wholesale Dealers in Cwdifl Jos" Addsom & 23, MOIRA-TEKRACE, CARDIFF, 01* Oeseto New Inftrmary. 689ft fc* f alilic tmt!ítUUnt5. CARDIFF. rp H E A T R E J) OYAL. Lessee and Ilanageress.. Mrs EDWARD FLETCHER TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), JUNE 1th, 11-t 0 b E M A R Y, DIRECT FROM THE CRITERION THEATRE, LONDON. And by Special Arrangement with MR CHARLES WYNDHAM Under the directioa of Mr PERCY HUTCHISON. Time and Prices as usual Booking offices Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Ld„ Queen street. Telephone No. 52L MONDAY, JUNE 7TH (WHIT-MONDAY), THE GREAT ADELPHI DRAMA, IN THE RANKS. MATINEE WHIT MONDAY AT 2. LOOK OUT FOR THE SORROWS OF SATAN. "Wednesday, Jnne 23,^1897, Special Performance in Aid of the Seamen's Hospital, under the Patronage of his Worship the Mayor of Cardiff aad Corporation. 14 A N JL> rjjl H E A T R E. A MANAOWR Mr CLARENCF SOUNES LAST TWO NIGHTS of the celebrated Drama, JlJOODMAN JgLIND, Doors open 7 commence 7.30. Box Office open daily at Theatre from 10 to 4 (Saturdays, 10 to 1). Telephone 7'5. Revised and Popular Pricee for the Summer Season. MONDAY NEXT, June 7th, Grand Whitsun Attrac- tion. The Soccesrffnl Military Drama. THE JNDlAd J^JUTINY. Grand Matmes WHIT-MONDAY, at 2. » lb not in mortals to command sacceaa, bat we'll do Ølore-óuene it." THE EMPIRE. Ma^A«iN«a UMUCTO* u»w*i.»> STOM. TO-NIGHT! A Musical and Spectacular Lallet Sketch, SAUCY SUSAN, OR SIMPLE SIMON AND THE SERGEANT, JOHN TILLER'S FAMOUS COMPANY. FORTY-THREE ARTISTES FORTT-T ARTISTES SCEJSE- THE VILLAGE OF PLEAStNOTON, IN SUNNY VALE. E. C. MATTHEWS. WALTER WATSON, GEORGE FRENCH, LI'lTLK BARNEY, ANNIE COHEN, MAGGIE RlMMElt, And a boeit of Terpsichoreaii Talent. MIS9 KATIE JAMES, Late of the Gaiety Theatre London. VIRTO, The Musical Momus. THE PHASEY TROUPE OF EIGHT LADIES, Vocalists and Dancers. ARTHUR ROSEDON, | FRANK HALTER, Comic. I Coiae<li«wi. MARIE RAY. "LEG BAIL," A farcical Laugh Producer, depicted by WAL PINK AND COMPANY. Next Week II THE FANCY BALL." Also the Lumiere Cinematographe. (Farewell visit with Pick- of the Pictures.) Notice to Cyclists— visitors from a distance on bicycles may store their machines free of charye during their stay in the Empire. For particulars apply to doorman. Booking Office to Reserve Seats and Boxes, 10 A.m. I to 4 p.m. Saturdays, 10 to 1. Two Performances Every Evening. „ fiarly Performance between 7 o'dock a.nù 9 o c»ock. Late Perionaance between 9 and 11 o'clock. .SWANSEA. THE E M P I R N JL MANAGING Dinscrg)R..OSWAI,D STOLL. TU-NIGHT: MISS ALEXANDRA DAGMAR and MR E. DE CELf/E, who were nine consecutive months at the Alhainbra, London. HARRY CHAMPION, the fnnny singer of (unny songs. MISS FLORRIE GALLIMORE, the always popular, with several new songs. Varieiie-i by other artistes. NEWPORT. rjl H K E M P I R E JL MANASIKO DIRECTOR— OSW AIJ) STSLL. TO NtGHT 'Hie Lniniere CINEMATOGRAPHE, From the London Empire, umicr M. Trewey. Farewell yisit with the pick of the Pictures. THE El.TONS in their Comical Cab Act. PAUL LANGTRY, the illimitable Black. Varieties by other able artistes. PONTYPRIDD. OYAL CLARENCE THEATRE, PONTYPRIDD. PaoMtrKTOns MessrsTRENCHARDandJONES MANAUKU. Mr TOxa JONKa I MONDAY, May 31st, and Kvevy Evening during the Week. The CharmiBg Actress, MISS ELLEN CRANSTON, Supported by her full No. 1 Company in the new and succt>3«ful Drama, OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL, By Clarence Burnette. The Cornfield Scene and the Steam Reaper at Work. Marvels of Stage Realism. Time and Prices as usual. Booking Office, Messrs Thompson and Shackell's Taff-street. 74.1 nhlít Hoiirts. mHE FALLING AWAY and the APOS- JL TACY. Subject at LESSER PARK HAL.1-, SUN- DAY, June 6, at 6.30 and 8. You are iuvited. ^19 A It r, Y R A I L W A Y. THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF AND PONTYPRIDD, VIA ST. FAGAN'S. The Commencement of this Service of Trains bas unavoidably been POSTPONED UNTIL WHIT-MONDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1897. R. EVANS, General Manager. Barry Dock, June 3rd, 1397. B A R R Y R A I L W A Y. THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PONTY- PRIDD AND CARDIFF (G.W.R.) AND CAUDIFVI DOCKS (CLARKNCE-ROAD) STATIONS VIA BARRY RAILWAY, FAGAN'S, AND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. COMMENCING on MONDAY, JUNE 7th, the Barry Company's PASSENGER TRAINS WILL RUN BETWEEN PONTYPRIDD AND CARDIFF (C.. W.R.) and CARDIFF DOCKS (Clarence-road) STATIONS via St. Fagan's and Great Western Railway, in connec- tion with the Main Line Trains of the Great Western Compauy. HALF-HOLIDAY TICKETS will be issued on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS from Cardiff to Pontypridd, Efail Isaf and Creigiau, and on THURS- DA S and SATURDAYS from Pontypridd to Creigiau, Efail Isaf, Ely (for Llandaff), aud Cardiff by Afternoon Trains. Through Fares and Parcels Rates will be put into operation at onc-e.. „ „ For particulars of the Train Times see Barry Com- pany's lime Bills. R. EVANS, General Manager. Barry Dock. May, 1897. 87Pl- £ 93e pONTYPOOL JJIAMOND JUBILEE ]fETE. J30NTYP00L pARK. I WHIT-MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1897. ATHLETIC SPORTS! HORSE JUMPING BRASS BAND CONTEST 1st Prize = 2nd Pr;ze;C12, 3'd Prize £ 4. i xm F, N 0 T T I | Premier High-Wire Cyclist and WaJVsr of the > I World. I DANCING UNDER COVER, ( GREAT JUBILEE FIREWORKS | DISPLAY, &c., Ac. ¡ I J. WALTER HUGHES, Secretary, j Albion House, Poutypool 30e NO STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT For SPRAINS' and ELLTM AN'S SPRUNG SINEWS CAPPED RoexS. OVZR. REACHES BRUISES and CUTS, BROKSN KNEES, SORB SHOULDERS, SORE THROATS, SORK BACKS, SPRAINS CUTS, BRUISES IN DOOS Ac. Mr Izak I. Vanbel yon. Dor- ROYAL :r«oVwntori»7yo^Sti, have now qllit. recovered."—Sept. 14, 1896. are(. Bottles, ls, :7. ;}, 6<t. :h H..]<¡.rs, 1 6<1,2!Js. EMBROCATTON. Prepared only by Rlhman. Son*. Co., ,°, 3insintss MtMSMS. "RODERICK DHU" OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY. THE LEADING SCOTCH BRAND. RECOMMENDED BY ANALYSTS AND I PHYSICIANS. THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET. WRIGHT & GREIG, TD., GLASGOW. This fine old Scotch Whisky can be bad from mott of the leading dealers in Cardiff. 47e STONE BROS.. Sons of the late Aid. Gains Augustus Stone, COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilli- biers, and Coaches, upeTb Flemish Ilorses, etc. Price List on Application. Please Note the Only Addresi.- 5, WORKINti-STR K ET Telegraphic Address "STONE BROS., CARDIFF." National Telephone—No. 704. 266e TO ADVERTISERS. The South Wales Echo i» GUARANTEED to have « Larger Circulation than that of ALL tLe other Evening Papers of South Wales and Mouraonth-tliiro added together. As regards Cardiff alone, it is almost uu. necessary for us to add that the circulation of the South Walts Echo is IMMENSELY GREATER than that of any othec Evening Paper. I G. STONE & CO.. UNDERTAKERS. 10, 11, *• 19., W(.)RKING-STBI?,F.-r. £ JARI>TFF. 6e LMegraphic Address STONB, 11, Worlcitig-abrooh. Cardiff. National Telephone, No. 339.

The Man About Town.


TO-OA Y':C; WKATHEK. 4.30…


Racing Tipster's End. I







Flotsam and Jetsam.


Bad Boy Birched.








Lambeth .Tragedy.I

:New Bisliop oI St. David's…




-----._-_-.-I BOMB IN A SYNAGOGUE.



I I The Coalowners' Reply…




