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115111*55 ¡\.àÙttsslS. XSTOP ONE MOMENT "Ob, dear doctor, must my darling die? V. "There is very little hope, but TRY SE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THK AGE. TeDOR WILLIAMS PATENT JGALSAM OF HONEY. j Thousand? ot children have been saved from an untimely death by the prompt una of j TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. So Mother should ne<jlec: to keep this Infallible Stemedy in the house ready Mr any emergency. Remember that it is wiser co check a slight Cough at Ae commencement than to allow it to develop into a inhering complaint Ask distinctly tor Tudor Williams's Balaam of Soney, and see that you get the rill;ht article. Thousand* of Children Cured from Whooping Cough wd Bronchitis whep all other Remedies fail. persons suffering roni Difficulty of Breathing should jive it trial. LARGEST SALE OT" ANY COUGH MEDICINE IN THK WORLD OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES J KVERY BOTlL E. Proving thi [0 b the GREATEST MEDICINli EVkR DISCOVERED Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all parts of the GLOBE. CURES EXCEPTIONALLY BAD CASES READ ON FURTHER. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY WORTHY OF YOUR WU CONSIDERATION. 30, Ruthin-sardens, Cardiff, j 1894. < Jeat Sir,—I have great pleasure in recommending oarTndor Williams's Patent Balsam of Honey for ''oughs and Colds, whicli we give to our children with iSfovy result. The children are fond ot ,r. It merits the high reputation it enjoys. Yours respectiully. EVAN OWEN, Esq., J p, I See. for the South Wales Penaauenc fund. j &>ld by all Chemists and Stores all over the World Ttlsr-.„d. 2s ?d, and 4s 6d per bottle. Saiuple bottle sent iposc pa'cl) !or 3<1' ancl from the Inventor, D. rjlUDOR ^riLLIAMS,, MEDICAL HALL. ABERDARE. rflEETH —Complete Set, One Guinea. I Five years' warranty. -GOODMAN & Co 10 J>uke-streef, iivl 56, Queer.-itreit. Cardiff. THE ROATH I ¡ FURNISHING (O I ) ,'t Á .l: ":J" J 3TILL HObD ONE OF THE LARGEST j AND BEST-SELECT'ED STOCKS OF ( SfODERN AND ARTIbTIC FURNITURE IN WALES. HOUSES COMPLETELY FURNISHED, ? from » COTTAGE to a MANSION, in TOWN j or COUNTRY for CASH or on our DE i ERRED PAYMENT SYSTEM. Be-ir jotr. Suites from 30 Gunesu. DiniGg or Dramng-roon Suites fiom £3 ■» <:035 Guineas. J Oar Extensive Workshops are ». ways to itisotooon, where cusutfe.s are invited to inspect the luwtnw :n course j of manufacture. j Otk Speo'al Lir.es for Tins are Bamboo St on: Is; P.avnbco Fiower Stand*. Tlimbfo Bev^l-plate Over- j niauteis, l&s 6-i Bamboo C-Aee Tab! j Is 6d. Also a low B *wr Chws Bamboo Tables and OvencanteK ail very cheap j to clear. j VRTRNTSH YOUR HOUSE ON THE »>EW j YURLET^RRLD PAYMENT SYSTEM. £3 worth of goods for Is 6<1 week. I & -f °s £2 .00 » Larger Amounts at Special Term?. I An Goods Deliver id to ail yarts m our own Vans. Catalogues and Guiue to House-Furnish. ng Free on application at our Only Addres- THE ROATH FURNISHING COMPANY. 42, CASTLE-ROAD, AND VERE-STREET, ROATH, CARDIFF. g ^N DREWS AND SONS, FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS. Every Requisite for t-unerals of classes. OPEN CARS, HEARSES, BROUGHAMS SHF.LI.SBIKRS, BELGIAN HORSES Ac. Price Littt on Applicatioo. Chief otöce- 30 1\1\ 31, WORKING-STRKET (oppos,te the Monument), i.A.RDIFF. Branches—The Mews, Castle-road, Roath. and 'Bus Office, Glebe-street Psnarth Telegraphic Address-" Omnibus Cardiff. 7 mEETB rjlEETH rjlEETH 1 A COMPLETE SET.ONE GUINEA  ^>jOODMAN & C°" 10 DUKE-STREET, AND 56, QUEEN- 10. DLKSTRE!T, CARDIFF. imurTM VI TEK.TH PAIN1.HSS1-Y KITTED by ABTIFICIAl one-third the usual charges. Atmospheric suction, at n„vt-ecu permanent No Extractions necessa y • yyKT PALATES for lMe-like appearance P >IasticJltion ami Speech '^COuSv PATIKNTS supplied in One tfsjt, and railway farts *llo"etl/1 Hpna;rs Extractions,Stopping SpecUlattentiongiventoKep^ ,vlusoN (,ate R.N.) T««IMOSIALS.-DI *NDT Goodman as 1 can >»w« tl DeBti!j0 U,s rea. *~38 PLATKLK.SS V ALA 1 r.fe. amI PI.A'l'L¡' PALA'l'I'5. Before entering look for the ame GOODMAN & CO., OUEKN-ST A H'.VVKK-STRR5T, CARDIFF 2?wPORt1i2. BRIDGE-STREEI Opposite Cbarubern.) ,;hire Bank). 53e-1380 ,1) AT CASTLE.snU,:];T, SWAN8EA. STONE BROS., (Sons of the late Ald. Gaills AU/(üstu3 S co /ND FUNERAL DIHECL-ORS. Every ven«Uite K^C^rS^Jl^or^etc Price Lmt on Appii'-ation. Please Note the Only E 5 W0llK^l,'sl,vL1' ivi^ffrctDlnc A^l<lTfcs»s I « SWILF/ BROS CARDIFF. T& fl S^p^iNCE of COFFEE with Chicory is the Original and Best TP TT ^S^NCEof COFFER with "Chicory contains the fal arOlLA. T & H. S^E^ENCE of COFFEE with Chicory contains the full Caffein. T& TJ SMITH'S Jrl. O ESSENCE of COFFEE With Chicory contains no Burnt Sugar- T& T1 SMITH'S O. O ESSENCE of COFFEE with Chicory contains no Treacle T* TL SMITH'S fx. O ESSENCE of COFFEE with Chicory. Exhil ai-ating, De licious. TA PI SMITH'S XX. O ESSENCE of COFFEE with Chicory. The most econo- mical food beve age in the world. T& XT O.MITH'S ?! lO ESSENCE of COFFEE with Chicory Sold by all Grocers, 15445a -—— 8õe T. & H gMITH A CO., FHTNTirwiH LONDON, 12, WORSHIP-ST.E.C [ ^naiu^sa ^.tsDrgasgs. I JJ A M S 11 DAVID JONES ft no. (LIMITED), The People's Popular Food Providers, Are now Selling rpHEIR LITTLE jgEAUTIES; MILD CURED LEAN HAMS. 10!b. to 121b. Eich, at PER 0D. LB. NOTED £ ILD CURED JgACON I I PER 41D LB. 2 MILD LEAs gHOULDER jgACON, i 4 D. LB. NOTE-* OUR QNLY A DDRESS- '^yESTWINSTER STOES, \\T II A R T 0 N g T R E E T. I 4e i I A. "W S P V. NeE R (Successor to Hv. Thomas) I HAS OPENED HIS NEW PREMISES IN ¡ ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE (Immediately opposite the Church) WITH AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF SEWING MACHINES, KNITTING MACHINES. MANGLES WASHERS, PERAMBULATORS, MAIL CARTS, AND OTHER DOMESTIC ARTICLES All the latest designs a.nd improvements. Sole Agent for Cardiff for Bradbury's Celebrated 20e Sewing Machines. Tl55 iMAiuSil & COMPAJNV. ADULTS frUNEKAI-S IstClas with Best iJsarse i d Coach, on the mos modern principle, 'vith a pair of their wen-known .r¡etnih-breù lorses to each, one-inch Elm Polishes. Coffin, hes registered furniture, with elaborate name- plate engraved, t!ne satin-trimmed robe, and sell attendance „„ £ 5 5 fc Marsh cSt ditto. 4 4 0 Marsh & Co.'s 3rd, with improved carriage „ 3 3 f) Marsh & Co.'s 4th, ditto, ditto 2 19 0 CUIl-DREN'S FUNERAI^S. Including pair of Flemish-bred Horses, modern Coacl with all the latest improvements. Polished Coffin, lirjf■ t with fine flannel, and attendance- Under one year. £1 7 b Under two years 1 8 r One-horse Carriage, including coffin covered in Mack, blue, or polished, lined with flan- nel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 16 Under one year.4 0 18 U nd nwc years 1 0 And so on in proportion. Handsome Cr, Carved or Plain Plumed Hearde Mourning Coaches anil Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, Jtc ADDRESS: 34 eo. ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. PILLS. jgEECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAlvrS PILLS. JD Worth a Guinea a Box. DEECHAMS PILLS. JL) For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM SPILLS. For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL) For Indifrestion in aU its forme. EECHAM'S PILLS. _JL) For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. EECHAM'S PILU;, For Sick Headache. BEECHAM,g PILLS. JL) Have saved the lives of Thousands. B" EECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Giddinwa. EECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS. Are Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. JD A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all A 14 C. FOLLICKt PAWNBROKER AND JEWELLER 40 & 41 BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. SPECIAL RATES OF INTEREST ON 693e PLEDGES EXCEEDING 408. FORGET THAT "VIRIDINE" is the CURE fw CORNS.—This grand discovery has led many to imitate it, but without saining for such preparation tne satisfactory results Viridine has secured. In bottles. Is by post, Is 2d. J. MUNDAY, Chemist, 1, High-street, Cardiff. BURDOCK PILLS. X THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.— Purify the roulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach liver and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cur diseases which could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pain^ in the Back. cnrv. Bad IAS, Wounds or White Swelling, Scrofula. Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet. Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fever of all kinds. 1° boxes at Is lid and 'in 3d each.—Sold by all chemists, from the manufactory 4 Oxfcd !,rtt S win ?!••••■ iM REAT AMERICAN PRESC RIPTION GJASLIYEAREN3E^ARF»R ^NEFI'VOLFS* DEKSTTY W^o^TDimn^s of Sight, Bladder, Gravel, Kidaey a^ufer- CoSp^nte. 1'his Prescription in to the tends of I Minister, who will bemend anyone suffering irom these enervating diseases. It haa CUBED THOUSANDS. Merely send self-addressed stamped envelope to the Rev. David '<»e^Ifc*y YtfK. hen this Prescription will be sent F8 £ £ of CHARGE ame the paper.] IhtsitttlS 3Ut5naaea, FOR LOVERS OF A REALLY GOOD CUP, PHILLIPS & CO.'S 2S. TEA, A Wonderful Combination of Richness and Flavour. Possesses the Fragrance ot the Flowers* A Treat for Connoisseurs, FOR THE MASSES, PHILLIPS & IS- 8A TEA. Martrelions value, and a surprise even to the most experb Tea Blenders; FOR ECONOMY, PHILLIPS & CO.'S r-ea T E A-L\ Matchless for Point, Sn-ength, Quality. At the above prices we are offering Teas which c nnot be beaten in or oub of London. Put us to the tesfcj and see for yourself, PHILLIPS & CO., TEAMEN, 74, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Telegrams, "Souchonsr," Cardiff. National Telephone, No. 446. SEND POSTCARD FOR VAN TO CALL. FROM SONNY CEYLON. J^IPTON'S DELICIOUS rpEAS Have reached a pinnacle of success never before tained by any other Teas iti the world, a.nd their in. creasing popularity IN EVERY HOME is the surest test of their appreciation by the public. If you wish to enjoy a Cap of Tea that Excels all others DRINK ONLY JjIPTON'S TEAS. THE MOST POPULAR OF THE AGE. DIRECT FROM THE TEA GARDEN NO MIDDLEMEN'S PROFITS TO PAY. LIPTON'S TEAS Gained the HIGHEST and Only Awsrd in the British Section of the WORLD S FAIR, CHICAGO. NOTE THE PRICES. RICH. PURE, and FRAGRANT. t S. AND IS. 4 D. PER LB. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS. ENORMOUS DEMAND. The Finest Tea the world can produce. PER IS fjD LB. NO HIGHER FRICB, JJIPTON, TEA AND COFFEE PLANTER, CEYLON. THE LARGEST TEA, COFFEE, AND PRO VISION DEALER IN THE WORLD. Sole proprietor of the following celebrated Tea. and Coffoe Estates in Ceylon Dimoatsnne. Laymitsrette, Monerakaiule, Mahadainbat-n>.ne, MousaksHe, Poop- rassie, H'.nagalla, and Ogranellu, which-cover Thou- sands of Acres of the best TEA. CUFFEE in Ceylon. Ceylon Tea and Coffee Shipping Warehouses Maddema ilills, Cinnamon Gardens, (;010IDÙO. Ceylon Office: Upper <hithain-3treet, Colombo. Indian Tea Shipping Warehouses and Export Stores: Hare-street, Straiid, Calcutta. Indian Office Dalhousie-square, Calcutta Tea. and Coffee Salerooms: Mir.cing-l-ine, LONDON, E.C. Wholesale Tea Blending amI Hilty Paid Stores: Bath-street and Caytor:-street, LONDON, E.G. Bonded anri i xpoit Stores: Peerless-street, LONDON, E.C. Coftey Roast- ing, Blending Stores, and Essence Manufactory: Old- street, LONDON, E.O. Wholesale and Export Pro- vision Warehouses: Nelson-pace, LONDON, E.C., Fruit Preserve Factory: Spa-road, Bevmondsey, LONDON, S.E. 1 GENERA L OFS-TCKS BATH-STREET, CITY-ROAD, LONDON, E.C. LOCAL BRANCHES :— Cardiff-7, HIGH-STREET and ST. MARY. STREET. Swansea-ARCADE BUILDINGS, HIGH- STREET. Llanelly Branch-g, STEPNEY-STREET. Bristol—22, WINE-STREET. Newport—4, COMMERCIAL-STREET. Merthyr-4, MARKEI-SQUARE BUILD. INGS. LARGEST TEA SALE IN THE WORLD. BRANCHES EVERYWHERE. AGENTS. 92* THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.7803 jpiANOS! p I A N oTT FROM 10s MONTHIjT. QRGANS QRGANS FROM 5s MONTHtT THE BBST STOCK IN THE KINGDOM TO SELECT FROM. SOLE AGENTS for Bristol anif South Wales for the Celebrated NEUMEYKR PIANOS SOld AGENTS FOR THE KSTEY ORGANS. I rjlHOMPSON & gHACKELL, LD. PIANO AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF. ALSO AT NEWPORT, SWANSEA, MERTHYR PONTVPRIDD, PENARTH, CARMARTHEN, LLANELLY", Ac., A BeautifnLy Illustrated Catalogue free by post n 1iC3.t. e"t?isCOUl1t_for Cash. 46? D U {; K & SON, HIGH-CLASS STORE CHEMISTS, ST. JOHN'S -SQUARE (CORNER OF THE ARCADE), CARDIFF. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY PREPARED. QUALIFIED ASSISTANTS EMPLOYED. PUREST AND BEST DRUGS ALONE USED. CHARGES ABOUT HALF THOSE USUALLY MADE. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES, PHOTOGRAPHIC & DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES, 380* AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. TTUGHES'S BLOOD pILLS. YOUR BLOOD IS BAD. TAKE THE GREAT BLOOD RENEWER, HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS, which have the Shape of a Heart 08 each Box). BAD BLOOD IN YOUR SYSTEM Is the Cause of your Suffering from SKIN DLSEASE, HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, TORPID LIVER, NERVOUSNESS, DEPRESSION, RHEUMATISM. TAKE HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS Without delay, and YOII will soon get relief. THEY CURE WHEN EVERY- THING ELSE FAILS. Suitable for Men, Women, Boys, Md Girls. They cleanse the eysten from all impurities. Sold by Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers at Is l1hd, 2B 9d, 4s 6d Qr send direct to Maker, JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, Penarth. TTtJ OTTER'S JgLOOD jr>iLi& I'V ;V ,s*■ r ••• I ;V ,s*■ r ••• • Business J\bhrtssts. BEVAN & CO. IJIMITED, REGISTERED AS f "fJIHE QARDIFF FURNISHERS. JMPORTANT A NNOUNCEMENT. We intend during the coming season to DOUBLE OUR MUSICAL INsTRU. MENT TRADE, and, with that object in view, have made arrangements with an eminent Manufacturer for his entire supply, thus enabling us to sell instruments oheaper than we have ever done before. Q.OMMON pIANOS AT I s§12 10s- n EI I E R p 1 H O 8, AT i £17 17S. I But the PIANOFORTE OF ALL OTHERS to which Wf) would desire to I Draw Very Special Attention is a Marvel of Cheapness. It has Brass Pin Plate, Irou Frame, Compensating Action, very Handsome Walnut Case, Trusses, and Candelabra is Full Compass, Full Trichord, Warranted for Ten Years, and is without exception THE CHEAPEST PIANO EVER OFFERED. rpWENTY gUINEAS Fully Ten Guineas under what you would have to pay elsewhere, OUR MAGNIFICENT 40-GUINEA OVER- STRUNG PIANO STANDS UNRIVALLED As the Largest Furnishers in South Wales and Monmouthshire, you will 25 per cent. by giving us your orders for FURNITURE, CARPETS, BEDSTEADS, BEDDING, &c. See our Immense Stocks before purchasing else, where, and you will be convinced that no Firm on earth can do better for you the trade of nearly half a century having placed us in the first rank of Furnishing Firms. 1,500 LARGE-SIZED SKIN HEARTHRUGS weli worth 78 lid, now being given away at 33 lid each. 975 PAI t good LACE CURTAINS at Is per pair. DELIVERY FREE. CATALOGUES GRATIS FREE INSURANCE POLICIES Of £100 at Death by Accident Given Free to Every Purchaser. BEVAN AND COMPANY, LIMITED, DUKE-STREET and ST. MARY-STREET CARDIFF OPPOSITE THE TOWN-HALL, NEWPORT CLARENCE STREET and H ANBURY-ROAD, PONTYTOOL. 877* 154C3 592e A UTUlHN AND WINTER, 1894-95. REASONABLE AND SERVICEABLE CLOTHING. J. JJEPWORTH AND SON, LIMITED, THE WORLD S CLOTHIERS, Have successfully laboured to make their Clothing popular for all classes, and this winter's prepara- tions are good evidence of that being an accom. plished fact. THE EYE is called the window of the soul Come and look in Hepwoi tiis windows for some real eye-openers. Overcoats at prices that w make you wink. HEPWORTHS HIT HARD when striking at big prices. They are useless lumber, and cumber the working man's heritage. No one wants them rich or poor but everyone wants JJEPWORTHS' WINTER CLOTHING. NOTE THE ADDRESS— MARKET NTRANCE, ST. jYJARY STREET, CARDIFF. 672e gUBSTANTTAL AND ARTISTIC FURNITURE. 47' AND 49. QUEEN. STREET, CAR D IFF. J^ £ OORE AND QOMPANY Invite inspection of their entire NEW gTOOK IN BEDROOM SUITES (in all woods), DINING. ROOM and DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, OVERMANTELS, DINING TABLES, CABINETS, SIDEBOARDS, HALLSTANDS, PERSIAN and FRENOH BEDSTEADS. All are the very Newest Design*, Quality, and Workmanship, Reliable and Substantial. Our Magnificent Showrooms are now replete with the Season's Novelties in BAMBOO FURNITURE, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND TABLES OF CHOICE DESIGNS. A nice selection of BRONZES, MARBLE CLOCKS, VASES SCREENS, CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUMS, 4a, &0. See our Showrooms of Mail Carta and Peram. bulators. ——— 410e JYJOORE AND COMPANY, CABINET MAKERS A. UPHOLSTERERS, 47 AND 49, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. FOR ACHES AND PAINS. TrTtTT f 4 Rheumatism Sprsúna. Bnu8es, ELLIMAN'S^S: SPRAINS AND BRUISES. Sore Throata Mr Julian Girard, "The Gtrards," from Cold. Chest Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, writes Colds, Stiffness, I have used your Embrocation Cramp, with surprising effect, and never in- Bronchitis, Ac. tend being without it." UNIVERSAL SORE THROAT FROM COLD. ————————— From a Clereyman. "For many years I have used your Is Ilhd A 2a 9d. Embrocation, and found it ost. efti- Prepared only by eaciomt in preventing and caring sore ELUMAN, Sons, throat from cold." u & Co., Blongh, 506b England. EMBHO CATION. Ihtsimss AbDresses. G. A. STONE & CO., j UNDERTAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. AT THE 01.0 NO ONLY AODltlêSS- 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET,- CARDIFF. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Mias STONE, assisted by an Efficient Staff. Telegraphic Address:- II.Scoiie, Undertaker Cardiff.' lie—1108 SYMINGTON'S DANDELION COFFEE. Persona of Weak Bigestien and those Suffering irom LIVER COMPLAINTS and BILIOUSNES SOLD BY ALI, OHOCKKS 385E



The Man About I own.

I Echoes of the Week.

The Empire Theatre Licence.



I Wreck of the Wairarapa.





