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Unsiiuss Abbrtsstr.. XSTOP ONE MOMENT J?. Oh. dear doctor, must my darling x die?' ?\, ?r\, "There is very little hope, but TRY ARE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE. TUWR -WILLIAM, patent JgALSAM OF pTONEY. bpusands of children have bean saved from an untimely death by the prompt use of TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. No Mother should neglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember that It is wiser to eheclc a slight Cough at the commencement than to allow it to dtlvelop into a. ipgering complaint AAk distinctly for Tudor Williams's Balaam el BoMy, and me that you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Cough d Bronchitis when all other Remedies fail. Persons suffering from Difficulty of Breathing should give it a trial. LARGEST BALE OF ANY COUGH MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE. I ( Proving this to be the 0reate3J. MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED Thousands of Testimonials to hand from all parts of the GLOBE. CURES EXCEPTIONALLY BAD CASES READ ON FURTHER. [ SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. 30, Ruthin-siardens, Cardiff, Feb: 9. 1394. Dear Sir,—I have great pleasure in recommending four Tudor Wi'lmir.s'x Patent Balsam of Hoaey for Cenglis and Colds, which we give to our children with satisfactory result. The children are fond of it. It Oierita the high reputation it enjoys. Yours respectfully, EVAN OWEN, Sec. for the South Wales Permanent Fund. Sold by aU Chemists and Stores all over he World a Is 1, ids 9d, and 4s 6d per bottie. Sample bottle sent (post paid) for Is 3d, 3s, and 5s from the Inventor. D. T UDOR w ILLTAMS, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. 23e-1177 QREAT ^NNUAL 0LEARING ? REAT A NNUAL ?LEAPING SALE. gCOTCH ^ROOL AND JJ OSIERY ^TORE8, 26, HIGH-STREET ARCADE. JMTIRE STOCK OFFERED AT I ENORMOUS REDUCTIONS SOM 20 TO 50 PER CENT. UNDER USUAL PRICES. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR SECURING UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS. 471e TEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea. JL Five years warranty.—GOOOMAN AND CO. 10 I Poke-street, and 50, Qaean-stieeiardilT. THE GLOBE 'I FURNISHERS, 19 ^jUSTOM CARDIFF. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST BOliSE FURNISHING ON EASY PAYMENTS. FAIR PRICES. HONEST VALUE ¡ 140TE THE ADIJRESS- I THF, G LOBE JJKJRNISHEBS USTOM fIOUSE STREET, Ci ARDI FF. J A R D I F F. 101* DRUNKENNESS or the Liquor Hamt JLv positively CURED by administering Dr. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It is a powder, which can be firm in beer coffee, or tea, or in food, without the V:Wle4ge of the patient. It is harmless, and will effeet a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, i t becomes an utter Impossibility for liquor appetite to exist. 48-page book of particulars on receipt of postage stamp. Can t)e had of HICKS ?nd CO., 2(3, Duke-street, Queen-street, and Paradise-row,Ctrdit,v. Trade supplied by LYNCH and Co., LTD., London. 2027-5,3 J £ ITTS Q.OLDEN SKIN OINTMENT FOR BAD LEGS. ABSCESSES, TUMOURS, PIMPLES, BURNS, SCALDS, SJKIN ERUP- TIONS, SCURVY, and SORE THROAT. POST FREE, Is 3d. 824 39, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE SCOTIA RESTAURANT, 15. Duke- street, now Open, under new management. Lun- cheons, Dinners, Teas, French and English Pastries of the latest style.—GEO. SCOTT, Manager. 169 L. BLENKINSQPP. FRENCH STAY AND CORSET MAKER, 5, WHARTON-STREET, £ JAHDIFF. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. No connection with any other Fir 36e ASK YOUR GROCER FOR B LACKMORE'S PATENT MALTED COFFEE. For Samples and Particulars see Stand No 112, Bristol Exhibition. iOLE PROPRIETORS: THE LONDON* AND WEST OF ENGLAND YEAST COMPAN Y, Bristc. London, and Birmingham. 503 r WA:) LIKE THIS :— "I had been ill very ill, with pains in the head and face, and all over the body, and everything I tried in order to get relief only seemed to make me worse. One dav a friend called and said: 'Yon should try Sanders' Nerve Pills.' Weil, I did, and in 24 hours I was a new man. I had looked forward to a gloomy New Year, but) thanks to SANDERS' NERVE PILLS I aiii alright again now, and hope I shall be as bright during the whole of the year as I am now." "Did you say you knew some on* who suffers like I did ? Just you tell them of these Pills. They are a marvel, and I'm aofe the only one who says so. It would be worth yourwhile to keep some by you. E;A.NDF.R& NERVE PILLS. Of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, is Boxes, Is l%d and Trebie size, 2s 9d, or of SANDERS, RIVERSIDE PHARMACY, CARDIFF. IN PLACE of DAILY ADVERTISE MENTS, which cost us a lot of time and money we intend pvin? One Guinea every week to the C-?di? Infirmary,so that our customers may have the privilege of granting the Half-dozeu Tickets to any Deserving Cases they may hear of. Blaiberjt's Arcade, Bute. street to Bute-terrace. Jewellery, Clothing, Bedding. Moaieai Instruments, Optical Glasses. Write or a for price hIt. Regular customers state they save 58 to 101 weekly. System of business Approval first, so that you can compare with other advertisers. 158:; F O L L I 0 K, PAWNBROKER AND JEWELLER. 40 41, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. —— 766 Hghaat VatM given on Gold and Stiver Valuable*. 44 fa the ;C interest on amount Exceeding 405. M in the S interest on amount Exceeding 40s. Knsiiuss Abbrtssts. KARDOMAH TEAS Pure, Wholesome, and Delicious. KARDOMAH TEAS Pure, Wholesome, and Delicious. KARDOMAH TEAS Pure, Wholesomp, and Delicious. "KARDOMAH" TEAS Pure, Wholesome, and Delicious. Is id, Is 8d, 29, 2s 4d, 2a 8d. Thousands of people throughout TBE country, including doctors, connoisseurs, and all classes drink "KARDOMAH TEAS, and numberless testimonials, by post and otherwise, bearing wit- ness to its delicious quality, are received daily. Wholesale and Retail Depots for South Wales CARDIFF: 14, QUEEN-STREET, SWANSEA 232. HIGH-STREET, ALSO LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND PARIS. PROPRIETORS— THE LIVERPOOL CHINA AND INDIA TEA CO. (LIMITED). GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS. Applications from energetic Tradesmen wishing to Sell this Tea will receive prompt attentiou. 4524 916 FURNITURE JpURNITURE JjlURNITURE t HIRE PURCHASE SYSTEM. P. jpiREEDMAN & CO.)S TERMS £ 3 Worth —— Is 6d Weekly E5 2s B10 3s 6d 220 6s 1:30 7s 6d „ S50 „ 12s fed „ ONLY A SMALL DEPOSIT REQUIRED. A SPECIALITE IN SUITKS AT S3 5s. SOUTH W-U.ES BRANCHES NEWPORT (MON.) .1,2, 3, & 4, Market Buildings. SWANSEA ..34, High-street. NEW TREDEGAR Elliotstown. 5790 586 rjlRUSSES. rjlRUSSES. rpRUSSES j TRUSSES TRUSSES TP.USSKS TRUSSES TilC.^ivS TRUSSES TRUSSK3 TRUSSES TRUSSES TUT7SSK.S TRUSS RS TKC-^ES TRUSSES TRUNSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSitS TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSKS TRUSSES TRUSS KS TRUSSES TRUSSKS TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSED TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUTHS TRU»SiiS TRUSSES TRUSSES A LAltG E ASSORTMENT KEPT IN STOCK. SINGLE TRUSSES, 2s 6d EACH. RIGHT OR LEFT. DOUBLE TRUSSES, 3s 6d EACH. SUPERIOR QUALITY, SINGLE, 3s 6fl, 5s 6d, & 10s 6d EACH. DOUBLE 5s, 10s 6d, & 21s EAcn. TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSKS TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES 1BUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSKS TRUSSES TRUSSES I TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSS ES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSES TRUSSKS TRUSSES rjlRUSSES. T RUSESS TRussLi S. PERSONS FITTED FREE OF CHARGE. I ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE CAPS, AND ANKLETS, All Sizes Kept in Stock. CLINTCAL THERMOMETERS, INDIA RUBRER AND OTHER BANDAGES. FEEDING CUPS AND ALL INVALID REQUISITES. WATER BEDS. WATER PILLOWS, CUSHIONS. AND CRUTCHES, ON SALE OR HIRE. BACK RESTS. J. m UNDAY, UIKMIST, J GIGH-STREET, C A R D I F F. 462e rpEETH rrEETH RPEKTH LT! A COMPLETE SET.ONE GUINEA SINGLE TOOTH ~2/6 Five Years' Warranty Prize M dal GOODMAN & CO., IP, DUKE STREET, A 56, QUEEN-ST., CARDIFF ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third the usual charges. No J<x¡'mdi()ns necessary per feci, amI permanent life-like fippeaj*nee; special OFr PALATES for Tender Gums perfect for Mastication and Speech COUNTRY PATIENTS supplied in One Visit, and railway fine allowed. Special acten tiongi ven to Repair- Extractions,Stopping TESTIMONIALS.—Dr ANDREW WILSON (late R.N.) aayx —" I can recommend Mr Go<«lman as a Tory skilful and humane Dentist His rea- sonable cl"rJl(8s should attract to him all classes.' Colisu ,ions b,ree.peciaiityii, WHITE ENAMEL anUGOLD FJHHNGS. AMERICAN DENTISTRY and PLATE LESS PALATES. Before entering look for the Name- GOODMAN <& CO., 56, QUEEN-ST.. IiHK E-STRKUT, CARDIFF. 56, NEWPORT-12, BRIDGE-STREET Opposite Tredegar Chambers.) 11 .??.??. < 118e—1380 PONTYPRIDD AND BARRY DOCK. CAUT'ON.—To prevent disappointment Messrs Good- man and Co. warn the public against giving orders to late a.si"tant3 who fraudulently use the Firm's name. Messrs Goodman and Co. cannot be responsible for any work except that made at their establishment JJPPS'S-' COCOA 9989 GRATEFUL* COMFORTING BREAKFAST OR SUPPER. BOILING WATER OR MILK. T EETH DENTISTRY !T EETH! Prize Medal, London, 1862. Gold Medal, Paris, 1867. M R K E A L L, SURGEON DENTIST (38 Years'Experience, 23 Years in Swansea), 199, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Station), Be is to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in ond clear day. The very best work- manship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the Anaesthetics, Cocaine, and Ether Spray. Partial Seta from 5s per Tooth. Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KRALLS TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE. Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Doloreux, Rheunas, I oothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is l%d and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist. Cardiff Mr Munday, Chemist, 1, Duke-street; Mr Robb, Chemist, Roath. Newport: Messrs Garrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Commercial-street. Neath Mr J. G. Isaac (late Hayman), Chemist. Llaneily Mr Morgan W. James. London Newberry and SOJ. 1008  -ION, J E. ?OMLEY AND g0N> WHOLESALE WAREHOUSEMEN, IMPORTERS k FACTORS OF BIRMING. HAM, LONDON, SHEFFIELD, AND FANCY GOGDS, 23, MOIRA-TERRACE, CARDIFF I (Close to New Inflnnary, two minutes' walk from Tall or Rhymney Stations, ten minutes from G.W.R.), Is the CHEAPEST and BEST PLACE for all kinds of HARDWARE, HOLLO WAR K, TIN GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, STATIONERY, HABERDASHERY, WARE, GLASS, CHINA, AND GENERAL SUNDRIES. J. E. C. & SON are the Largest and Oldest whole. sale General Dealers in South Wales or Monmouth. shire. All persons about starting Business come and pay us a visit, and see for yourselves our Immense Stock. Wholesale only. List on application. 788a STONE BROS., (Sons of the late Ald. Gaiui Augustus Stone), COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilll. biers, and Coaches. Superb Flemish Horses, etc Price List on Application. Please Note the Only Address. 5, WORKING-STREET. Telegraphic Address :— «• STONE BROS., CARDIFF." ——————————————————————— 243 IN PLACE of DAILY ADVERTISE- JL MENTS, which cost us a lot of time and money, we intend giving One Guinea every week to the Cardiff Infirmary, so that our customers may have the privilege of granting the Half-dozen Tickets to any deserving Cases they may hear of. Blaiberg's Arcade, Bute- si reet to Bute-terrace. Jewellery, Clothing, Bedding, Musical Instruments, Optical Glasses. Wri or caD for Price Hat. Regular customers state they save 6i to 10s weekly. System of businew Approval first, ao that you can compare with other adftraaers UK GASINGSS 3U>FTRess$%» RUSTIC JJOUSE JJlURNISHING CONSULT JjEWIS AND L E w 1 s FOR COSILY FURNISHED HOMES AT MODERATE COST. 23, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 137 COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. 3823 605c IN PLACE of DAILY ADVERTISE. JL MENT8, which cost us a lot of time and money, we intend giving One Guinea every week to the CMdt? Infirmary, so that out- customers may have the privilege of granting the Half-dozen Tickets to any Deserving Cases they may hear of. Blaiberg's Arcade, Bute- FAreet to Bute-terrace. Jellery. Clotbin Bedding, Musical Instruments, Optical Glasses NN #, BedcU for price list. Regular customers state they save 5s to 10s weekly. System of business Approval ftst, so that you can compare with other advertisers. 154e DR IIAM/3 DR. HALL'S D]R- ]RALLS w ONDIMFUL DISCOVERY. ONDERFUL JJISCOVEBY* WONDERFUL JJUSCOVERY. MARVELLOUS TRIUMPH OVER DISEASE WITHOUT MEDICIN E SICKNESS CURED HEALTH PRESERVED! LIFE PROLONGED N OTICE OF JJEMOVAL. GREAT SDCCBSS has attended the REMOVAL of our Chief Depot from NEWPORT and our Consulting Rooms from ROATH and CATHAYS to the Centre of CARDIFF, 10 ST. ANDREW'S-CRESCENT, Off Queen-street. Two minutes' walk from Taff Vale and Rhymney Stations. Cathays 'Bus passes the door. PRINCIPAL IN ATTENDANCE FOR FREE CONSULTATIONS, MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS, and SATUR- DAYS, 9 to 1, and 2 till 9 p.m. TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS, 9 to 12, and 4 till 9 p.m. DR. HALL'S TREATMENT SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. SPECIAL DAY FOR FEMALES, WEDNESDAYS. FURTHER VICTORIES. REMARKABLE CURES IN CARDIFF AND DISTRICT. ASTHMA.—Hermon Miller. 3, Sandown-place, Cardiff, ill for four yetrs; etired in one week. Says I can eat well, sleep well, and work well." PILES.—J. Webb, 9, Glyn-terrace, Tredegar, writes:—"I suffered from Piles for 26 years; cured in one week." CONSUMPTION.—John Elias, Imperial Hotel, Betiiesda, North Wales, writes :—" After suffer- ing for years from consumption I am, by the use of your treatment for five months, in better health than I have been for years past." IT SAVED My LiirE.-Henry Morgan, Butcher 1S9, Cowbridge-road, Canton, says :—" lb saved my life." 250 SAVED.—Mr B. Griffiths. York Hotel, off Custom House-street, Cardiff, writes :— Was ill for six years, and had arrange# „o undergo ,.n operation at a cost of £ bU, but was induced first to try Dr. HALL'S Treatmea Was cured thereby within one month. The following Ministers have allowed us to insert their names in proof of Dr. ball's Wonder- ful Dtscovery Rwv. Principal Edwards, B.A., D.D., of Cardiff Rev. J. Davies, 24, John-street, Aber. cwmboy, Alvrdare Rev H. S. Target (Primi- tive), Cross Keys, Mon. Rev. John Pugh, Evan- gelisfc, Cardiff. SPECIAL NOTICE. Correspondence invited, enclosing stamp, stating age complaint, and how long ill, &e. Hundreds cured through correspondence alone. Qualified Assistants will attend at- NEWPORT—68A, High-street, Wednesdays and Saturdays, and Mabon's Day. PONTYPItIDD-Coff-e avern, opposite entrance, to the station, Wednesdays and Saturdays. PORTH-Central Coffee Tavern, Hannah-street, on Mondays. ABERDARK—Coffee Tavern, Canon-street, Tues- days and Wednesdays. TREHARRIS- W elcome Coffee Tavern, Thursday. ABERAMAN- ,.y elcome Coffee Tavern, Thursday. Consultation free. Hours, 9 to 1 and 3 to 8 p.m. NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS IN i-1 CARDIFF IS AT 10 ST- ^NDREWS CRESCENT, OFF QUEEN-STREET. P.S.—Persons suffering from Deafness, Asthma, Piles, Rheumatism, or bad legs should come Monday, Thursday, or Saturday. Deaf Cure, post free, 2s 9d Rheumatic Oils, 2s,3d, post free. 68 S. A NDREWS AND SONS, FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS. Every Requisite for Funerals of all classes. OPEN CARS. HEARSES, BROUGHAMS SHELLIBIERS, BELGIAN HORSES &e. Price List on Application. Chief Office- 38 and 31, WORKING-STREET (opposite the Monument), CARDIFF. Branches—The Mews, Castle-road, Roath, and 'Bus Office, Glebe-street, Penarth. Telegraphic Address—" Omnibus, Cardiff." 50e, 150e SOUTH WALES I FURNISHING CO. 31, CASTLE-STREET, OPPOSITE THE CASTLE, CARDIFF. SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COM. k3 PANY, QPPOSITETHE CASTLE, CARDIFF, JJNDERTAKES TO SUPPLY THE BEST QUALITY IN FURNITURE ON HIRE SYSTEM OR FOR CASH, w ITHOUT BILL OF SALE. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE ?N -?L PRIVATE VAN. L OWEST PRICES CHARGED. EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM SOLELY ADOPTED BY US. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIP. JL' TION. TTNAPPROACRIABTE VALUE GIVEN. EALLY HANDSOME SUITE FROM XV £4 10s. EWEST DESIGNS IN FLOOR- CLOTHS AND LINOLEUMS. INSPECTION INVITED. SIDEBOARDS IN MAHOGANY, OAK, K-5 AND WALNUT. HOUSES FURNISHED FROM TOP JLtL TO BOTTOM, JNDEPENDENT OF DISTANCE. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. GRAND DRAWING-ROOM SUITES COVERED IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL. OX RDERS BY POST PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. m IND, DON'T FORGET OUR L ADDRESS. pARTIES ABOUT TO MARRY A RE RECOMMENDED NOT TO GO ELSEWHERB, BUT TO CALL ON Us. YOUR ATTENTION IS OALLED TO JL OUR TERMS S3 worth for Is bd Weekly &* worth for 2a   ?v"kl :el6 worth for 6a.k-ly FAO worth for 4; wor tg for 6s wow, OUR ADDRESS SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY 31, CASTLE-STREET. OPPOSITE THE CASTLE. CARDIFF ks W A N SEA U V F I OE 07 TBI "-SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS:, lio. 2, COLLEGE-STREET, IBttgtttggg &&&r<»gas. ESTABLISHED 1850, STOOK-TAIKINO, te94. TBB FORTY-FOURTH CIP-EAT ANNUAL gALE. It BEVAN & CO., LIMITED, N THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," G F, A T N N U A L GTOCK-TAKING SALE, Will Commence ON SATURDAY, MARCH 10th, 1894, And will continue for ONE MONTH ONLY, During which period the whole of their Immense Stocks of F URNITUR E, B EDDrNex, CARPETS, m USICAL INSTRUMENTS. Etc., AT their various Branches, will be offered AT such prieea as will effect a clearance, GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER. JQOZENS OF PIANOFORTES SCORES OF ORGANS t I JJUNDREDS OF SUITES 1 11 rjlHOUSANDS of IRON BEDSTEADS! MILLIONS OF PURCHASERS REQUIRED I I CARDIFF, N P. W P 0 B T, ANP JpONTX-POOL. I 2371 15202 762* PREVALENT SPRING AILMENTS. Each season of the year carries with it its ailments and dangers. No observant person can have failed to notice this, or that some diseases incident to the different seasons are much more prevalent during some seasons than at corresponding periods of other years. The great prevalence of Influenza during the past winter is an instance. A GOOD TONIC. A GOOD TONIC. All patients who have suffered from Influenza agree In stating that the after effects are more disagreeable than the malady itself. The feelings of depression, low spirits, helplessness, and want of gn are almost unbearable. The besb treatment for this Is generous diet and pleasant tonics. The best tonic yet prepared, and one peculiarly suitable for this malady, ill- GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BJTTERS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTKRS These Bitters are also specially recommended to aU patients who are slow in recovering their usual health and spirits after suffering from several other common complaints during the winter and spring months, which are followed by great prostration, weakness, and despondency of the patients, when the violence of the attack has passed away. To strengthen and renovate the system when in this condition a safe and reliable tonic medicine is required. It is unanimously admitted by all who have given it a fair trial that there is no tonic preparation yet discovered so efficacious and unfailing as GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE PERFECTION OF MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS. OWILYM EVANS' GWILYM EVANS' Winter ailments often leave behind them impurities of the blood, which nervade the system and cause numerous other diseases. In order to rid the system of these im- purities our forefathers used, at this season of the year, to have re- course to phlebotomy, or blood-let- ting. Others took ft squent doses of sulphur to QUININE IUTTERS QUININE BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. I PURIFY THE BLOOD. QUININE QUININE QUININE QUISTRE Medical and scientific researches of fate years have revealed the fact that vegetable preparations are the natural remedies, and, therefore, the best for the purpose of attaining this object. It is well known that several of the plants whose active principles are contained in BITTERS BITTERS BITTERS BITTERS GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS I GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS QUININE QUININE QUINIEE QUININE are among the best purifiers of the blood which bave been yet discovered; and though several vegetable preparations are offered to the public as Blood Purifiers, none can compare with these Bitters in their efficacy to attain the desired result. BITTERS BITTERS BITTERS BITTERS THE EAST WINDS I THE EAST WINDS QUININE QUININE QUININE OUININE are trying and positively dangerous to many constitutions. Fortify your constitution and brace up your nerves, not by taking stimulants, such as brandy and other alcoholic liquors, with the mistaken notion of keeping out colds, &c., hut take a good, reliable Tonic Medicine, pre. pared with care, and in happy propor- tions. such as- BITTERS BITTERS BITTESS BITTSRS GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. They are also especially recom- I mended in all casell of GWILYM EVANS' GWILYM EVANS' INDIGESTION, LOSS OF APPETITE LIVER DISORDERS. NERVOUSNESS, LOW SPIRITS, And all kinds of WEAKNESS. QUININK BITTKR9 QUININE BITTKBJI From whatever cause arising. GWILYH ?EVANS' GWILYM EVANS' Hundreds of testimonials certifying to their virtues and efficacy are yearly received from all parte of the world. QUININE I BITTKRS QUININE BITTERS I GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. Send for Pamphlet of Testimonials. Aar CAUTION I The great success of these Bitters has indaced Qft- principlad and designing persons in various parte oi the country to imitate a.nd copy them, hoping thus to iihare the profits which must accrue from the ttter- increasing demand. BEWARE OF THESE PERSONS. AW A VOID IMITATIONS. 1% See the name "Gwilym Evans" on Stamp. Label, and Bottle. Do not be persuaded to try any other. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists in 2a 9d and 4s 6d Bottles, or direct from the Proprietors, carriage free by Parcel Post for the above prices. PROPRIETORS ;— QUININE BITTERS MANUFAC- TUBING COMPANY, LIMITED, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. American Depot-Mr R. D. WILLIAMS, Plymouth, Penn 1122 CJOMNUS PILLS ensure Refreshing Sleep. Is 3d, as 9d free. Nurse Parker's Pink PDJ, are Invaluable americe6 All free from in- jurious dross.—Gamjee, 13, Wind-street, Swansea, 6050 IBitsmess AbortgStg. ENNOAN EUiman Elliman Elliraan Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elliman Elfuc E114-M ? Elli-n ? Elliman Elliman Elliman EUIMAN EUimau peR ACRES AND PAINS. L I I JTT A NNS |JNIVERSAI, J E M B R 0-8 A T ION For RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, LUMBAGO, CUTS. BRUISES, CHEST COLDS. SORE THReAT fnm- COLDS, STIFFNESS. ■Prepared may -by ELLIMAN, SONS &-CO. J-Y SLOUIOU. 32E Is im AND 2s fd, Of An ftembs. G. A. STONE & CO., UNDERTAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. AT THE OLD AND ONLY ADDRBSS— 10, 11, & 12, WORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Mies STONE, assisted by an Efficient StaS. Telegt*pMe Addrem "Stone, Undertaker, Cardt?." lie—1108 SYMINGTON'S ARAB'S COFFEE A BLEND OF THE FINEST COFFEES WITH BRUGES CHICORY. HAS MAINTAINED ITS SUPERIORITY FOR MORE THAN SIXTY YEARS. SOLI) BT AIXGAEOKM 342" SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. CARDIFF* SWANSEA, t NUWPOR)? Mar inlor. Ewn. Hgt. I Nor. Evn Hgt *Mor.lEvii Hgt. Mor.jEvn.jRgt, Mor.iEvn.jHRt. Mor. jErn JHGT. 12 M 10 12 3 2 3 T 2a? 7 10 ?710?3B? 7 13 T 10 3210 50 30 9 9 4310 2'n 6 10 4511 331 2 14 W 11 911 3228 010 2510 50 25 1111 2211 4528 5 15 — 0 826 Jill 221 25 2 — 02127 4 16 F 0 52 1 4425 10 0 1 0 4" 8 1 5 1 5726 3 17 S 2 40 5 26 2 1 43 2 37125 2 ? 253 3 4 9126 73 17 842 4190 4 5528 613 23 3 59,26 11 4 32 5 81\28 11 19 M 5 26! 5 5.) 31 7 4 30 4 57 æ 11 5 39 6 61U 0 Roath Basin. tPrlnce of tVales DK. tAlexandra DIc. TO ADVERTISERS. The South Wales Echo is GUARANTEED to have a Larger Circulation than that of ALL the other Evening Papers of South Wales and Monmouthshire added together. As regards Cardiff alone, it is almost un. necessary for U3 to add that the circulation of the South Wale, Echo is IMMENSELY GREATER than that of any other Evening Paper. ROGERS' AK ALES AND PORTERS IN 4% GALLON CASKS and UPWARDS FROM I OiD PER GALLON. BREWERY, BRISTOL. CARDIFF STORES, 24e 9, WORK1NG-STREET.




Wreck of a British Steamer.











The Man About Town.




Breach of Promise.




Death of Miss M. Grenfell,



