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NOTICE. v CLEARANCE SALE BEFORE ALTERATIONS. COLEMAN FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER, OUTFITTER, & JEWELLER Has now REDUCED the whole of his STOCK, which must be CLEARED before the EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS are commenced. J j f A Large Stock of all kinds of WORKING CLOTHES TO BE CLEARED. Also, an enormous quantity of Dresses, Frocks, Skirts, Bodices, and Boys' Clothes SILVER WATCHES, in sound condition, from 7s 9d Silver ALBERTS, Stamped every link, from 5s Gold and Silver RINGS of every descrip- tion (Government Stamped) at the very lowest prices. Any Article can be laid by on PAYMENT OF A DEPOSIT. Come Early and secure the best Bargains.—Early birds catch the fattest worms FOLLICK, PAWNBROKER, &c., CORNER OF BARRY ROAD, CADOXTON, BRANCH OF 40 AND 41, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. t*i A TRAPNELL AND GANE, 35 and 38, Queen Street, CARDIFF, The Oldest, Largest, Cheapest, and Most Reliable House Furnishers in Wales. SPECIAL SHOWROOMS, NOW COMPLETED, Are well stocked with every requisite, and, notwithstanding the recent enormous advance in raw materials, T. & G., through having placed large forward contracts, are able to offer goods in every Department AT OLD PRICES, which cannot be beaten, therefore, those requiring either to furnish a house, or to purchase a single article, should not do so before seeing our immense stock for themselves. DINING ROOM SUITES, JE4 10s to £ 25. DRAWING ROOM SUITES, zC5 10s to £32. BEDROOM SUITES, from <86 5s to zC55, in all sizes and all woods* ENDLESS VARIETY OF CHAIRS, TABLES, COUCHES, GLASSES. BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Splendid Full-sized BEADSTEAD, with Brass Rail complete, for 21S. FENDERS AND FIRE-IRONS AT ALL PRICES. Warehouse and Showrooms for CARPETS, LINOLEUMS, RUGS, (&< 38, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, AND AT BRISTOL AND NEWPORT. TRAPNELL AND GANE. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. PjHOWTOMAKEVOiJR OWN BEER l A Sixpenny Bottle will make Six Gallons. "& r c\HE OLD WELS# jiM. "&Cgmmwm"zzwaaof Bitter, Sweet and Aromatic Herbs, Malt, Hope, &r- It wiD flfcci • noat pleasant u»4 palatable drink, possessing a natural flavour, bright _cojgu £ ,_>ndCTc»mjrhc<ul eqaal to the best Bottled Bear a Saw GROCERS, STORES & PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS, BVA 9 4MM and upward* tent Carriage Paid to any Railway Station. I .J Yl jV Sample Bottle by Post on receipt of 74<f. in Stamps. jW HhOhaalaTenman npUaMoa. Bbow Ouds and HandbmutqlpHed. i A(«a*a mtid ita eTrtry orowa udTDItie throughout the —\ < IUMN" Kingdom. 80k Hma»f»<*»rrr and. Imxnlor, A MMMMM) W. JAMM, Wholesale b Manufacturing Chemist, M P>V# JFE LLAIIELLY, IOUTH WALES. Trade Mark-FINE OLD WELSH DRINK—Registered. SPECIAL CAUTION. See that you get the right article, with name of Manufac- turer, MORGAN W. JAMES, and registered name "Fine Old Welsh Drink" blown into bottle also guarantee label with design-Mug and Hand—over cork and neck of each bottle.-Sold at 6d and Is each. ESTABLISHED 1840. LOUIS PAkSETT & SON, Pawnbrokers and Outfitters, MAIN STREET, BARRY DOCK TOWN; ALSO AT 6 & 7, CAROLINE-STREET, AND 19 AND 49, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, Have always a Large Stock of MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, NEW AND SECOND HAND WATCHES, JEWELLERY, GUNS, BOOTS, BLAN- KETS, SHEETS, QUILTS, &c., at the lowest possible prices. SEAMEN'S ADVANCE NOTES CASHED. Most Money lent on all descriptions of Valuable Property, at 4d per B per month. GREAT 10-Mile Foot Race AT THE WITCHILL ATHLETIC GROUNDS CADOXTON-BARRY, On SATURDAY NEXT (TO-MORROW), BETWEEN LUDLOW. & COSSNETT, Of CARDIFF. Admission-SIXPENCE EACH. Men on the Scratch at Five p.m. Sharp. i The Barry and Cadoxton House Property and Investment Company, Limited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, chat the first GENERAL MEETING of this Company will be held at the Registered Office, 7, Barry Dock Chambers, Vere-street, Cadouton, on Friday, July 25th, 1890, at Three o'clock. The Transfer Books will be closed during the seven days preceding such Meeting. Dated this 17th day of July, 1890. LEWIS LEWIS, Secretary. The Barry District Billposting Company, Limited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first GENERAL MEETING of this Company will be held at the Registered Office, 7, Barry Dock Chambers, Vere-street, Cadoxton, on Friday, July 25th, 1890, at eleven o'clock. The Transfer Books will be closed during the seven days preceding such meeting. Dated this 17th day, of July, 1890, 4 LEWIS LEWIS, Secretary. Building Land to Let. GOOD b CJiLDING SITES to LET at Barry Dock and Barry Town. Builders Financed. For particulars apply to— CHARLES C. JONES, 2, Charles-stre^fc Cardiff. Newman'sEnglishLeverWatehes Are the Cheapest and Best Watches made. IN STRONG f>Q QS. CAPPED AND SILVER CASES O JEWELLED. WITH EXTRA f? JEWELS AND X/Q O BALANCE. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. Largest Stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, and Musical Instruments in the District. REPAIRS EXECUTED ON THE. PREMISES. A. W. NEWMAN, HIGH STREET, BARRY DOCK TOWN, CADOXTON CARDIFF HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. GRAND FLOWER AND HONEY SHOW. CHORAL COMPETITIONS AND THE FINEST DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS, AND ILLUMINATION OF GARDENS (By Pahe and Sons, London) ever seen in Cardift. AUGUST 13th NEXT, AT THE SOPHIA GARDENS And Adjoining Park.. ^tBallanwrtta (Utots. PICTURES.—If you want to frame your J. Pictures neatly give a trial to J. WELLS, Main-street, Barry Dock Town. LOST, from Cadoxton, on the 14th instant, a JU BRINDLE GREYHOUND BITCH, with scar on nose, and answers to the name of "Luce." Any person keeping same after this date will be prosecuted. Finder will please communicate with EVAN OWEN, Hillside Cottage, Cadoxton-Barry. ANTED, Respectable YOUTH (about 15), TV to learn trade.—Apply, by letter only, to Barry Dock News, Cadoxton-Barry. DEBILITY, Blood and Skin Diseases, &c., cured by PEARSON & Co., opposite Penarth Dock and Cogan Stations. PURE RUBBER APPARATUS, for Syring- -L ing and Enemata; indispensable for family use.—PEARSON & Co., Chemists, opposite Penarth Dock and Cogan Stations. iE.a get APARTMENTS.—Sitting Room and Two Bed Rooms wanted by two respectable young gentlemen vicinity of Old Village (Cadoxton- Barry) preferred.—Apply No. 2, Barry Dock News Office, Cadoxton-Barry. OMFORTABLY Furnished SITTING and BED ROOMS for one or two Young Gentle- men. Terms moderate. Home comforts.—Apply 28, Kenilworth-road, Cadoxton-Barry. TWO VILLAS to LET in Kenilworth-road, JL Cadoxton-Barry.—Apply to LEWIS LEWIS, Barry Dock Chambers, Vere-street, Cadoxton- Barry. FRENCH LESSONS, Conversation and J. Children's Classes, by Lady diplomee, re- siding at Barry. Terms moderate.—Apply, Mrs BIRT, Bridge-street, Cadoxton-Barry. BOOKS POSTED, BALANCED, SUPER- _D VISED, and AUDITED by experienced Accountant. Strictest confidence. — Address LEWIS LEWIS, Barry Dock Chambers, Vere-street, Cadoxton. MRS. HOCKING, at Mr Keey, Watch- maker, Main-street, Cadoxton. Ladies' Monthly Nurse, or otherwise can be well recom- mended. Terms moderate. SEASONABLE HINT.—Best Medicine for Summer—-Effervescing Saline Pleasant and Cooling a Mild Aperient and Liver Corrective in Is Bottles.—J. ABERNETHY, Chemist, Medical Hall, High-street, Cadoxton-Barry. INSURANCE. TO INSURE your Business Premises, Houses, J. Household Furniture, at reasonable rates, call on LEWIS LEWIS, Insurance Broker, Barry Dock Chambers, Cadoxton (opposite the Post Office. gales by JUtcttott. CADOXTON -BARRY. Important Sale of Horses, Traps, Carts, Wool, &c. MR. WM. fJIHOMAS HAS been instructed by Mr J. MC'GILL, to SELL by AUCTION at the WILLIAM IV HOTEL, CADOXTON-BARRY, on TUESDAY, July 22nd, 1890, a large quantity of LIVE and DEAD FARMING and other STOCK, comprising, 2 capital cart horses, 2 good cobs (about 14 hands high), a splendid phaeton (nearly new), 3 first-class traps (nearly new), 1 spring tip cart, 2 hauliers' tip carts (nearly new), 2 sets of trap harness, saddle and bridle, a 52-inch bicycle, a good tri- cycle, several water casks, several pit saws, a quantity of mason's and other tools, lime sieves, iron bars, large cooking range, several capital chandelier and other oil lamps, beds, bedsteads, palliasses, washstand, a pair of polished horns, a farmer's crop of wool, and 14 pigs. Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock. Auctioneer's Office, Vere-street, Cadoxton-Barry. DUKE-STREET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and CO. will SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUES- DAY and THURSDAY, July 22 and 24, 1890, an immense collection of Superior HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. Will be sold without Reserve to cover advances. The Stock comprises excellent suites in maho- gany, walnut and oak, with sideboards and cabi- nets and glasses of various sizes to match, dining and other tables, walnut bedroom suites complete, duchesse toilets with wardrobes, chests of drawers, and towel rails en suite hall and kitchen furni- ture, and numerous other sundries. Owing to the numerous lots the Sale will com- mence at Two o'clock precisely. On view morning of Sale. Barry and Cadoxton Burial Board. SALE OF GROWING GRASS. MR. W. THOMAS will OFFER FOR SALE, on behalf of the above Board, on TUESDAY NEXT, July 22nd, at 4 p.m., at the KING WILLIAM IV HOTEL; CADOXTON-BARRY, the GRASS now growing on the Cemetery near Merthyr Dovan Village. The grass may be seen on application to the Caretaker, at the Cemetery. BANK HOLIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1890. HORSE RACES AT THE Witchill Athletic Grounds. EVENTS 2-Mile Trotting Match, open handicap. First Prize, £15; Second, £3; Third, JB1. la-Mile Galloping Race, open handicap (open to all heights). First Prize, B10 Second, £2 Third, £ 1. 1-Mile Pony Race, 12'2 hands (open handicap). First Prize, JB5; Second, £1 10s Third, 10s. Those Winning their Heats, and not Prize, will save entrance money. Gates open at 12, races to commence at 1 o'clock. TRAINS will run every half-hour between Cardiff and Barry. For Entry Forms, and further particulars, apply to— B. HODDINOTT, Witchill Hotel, Cadoxton-Barry. LEWIS LEWIS, COLLECTOR OF RENTS, House, Estate, & Land Agent, Insurance, Mortgage, AND Property Broker, BARRY DOCK CHAMBERS, VERE STREET, CADOXTON. T EWIST EWIS, RECEIVER OF RENTS FOR Barry Dock Cottage Company. Barry Dock Land Company, Limited. Cadoxton Estate Syndicate. Clarke and Dovey, Accountants, Cardiff. Davies, Michael, Auctioneer and Valuer, Bridgend. Evans, Cadwgan, Pentyrch. Hughes, Edward, Cadoxton. Isaac, George Johnson, Cardiff. James, Griffith, Cardiff. Jenkins, Clarke and Company, Cardiff. Lewis, E. Protheroe, Cardiff. Lougher, John, Molton Court, Cowbridge. Merthyr and Dowlais Building Society, Merthyr. Morgan and Scott, Solicitors, Cardiff. Pool, Mrs F. A., Merthyr. Seward and Thomas, Architects, Cardiff. Sibly, Dickinson and Hunt, Bristol. Spickett and Sorts, Pontypridd. Thomas, Llewellyn, Cardiff. Treharne, Mr and Mrs, Ferndale. Treharne, A. J., Treherbert. Treharne, Dr., Cadoxton. Williams, John, Architect and Surveyor, Merthyr. TO THE ELECTORS OF A GUARDIAN OF TJJE Poor for the Parish of Cadoxton- f juxta-Barry. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I BEG to offer you my services to fill the vacancy in the representation of this Parish at the Board of Guardians of the Cardiff Union. I have resided in the Parish for three-and-a-half years, and have always taken a lively interest in its progress and welfare. I act as Agent for the Owners of about 250 Properties in the Parish, and as such I have a large interest in the Assessment of Properties to the Poor Rate, which is also the basis of the General District Rate. If eleoted, I shall deem it a pleasure to attend the weekly meetings of the Board, and otherwise give my best attention to all the work connected with the position. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, LEWIS LEWIS. Barry Dock Chambers, Vere-street, Cadoxton, July 17th, 1890. CADOXTON AGENTS :— SOUTH WALES PROVISION STORES R O GkE R S ALES AND»lM^ PORTERS, BREWERY, BRISTOL, In 4! Gallon Casks and upwards. Agent at Barry C. GREEN, BEER AND PORTER DEALER